Our mission is to assist students and alumni in their career development and decision-­‐making and aid in their acquisition of internships and positions of employment. Majors from the College of Education and Human Services These sites are only meant to start researching the link between majors and careers. They are not meant to be the only resources available, and the content on the sites is not meant to show all the career options associated with a program of study! Interdisciplinary and interdepartmental majors, associated with this College, are also included on this document. Apparel Merchandising and Design Career threads (On-line Page to a Career in the Sewn Products Industry): http://www.careerthreads.com/ Design Council-Fashion and Textiles: http://www.yourcreativefuture.org/fashion/fashion01.htm Fashion Careers: http://www.fashioncareerstips.com/ Fashion Campus NYC-Career Paths: http://fashioncampusnyc.com/career-paths/ WeConnectFashion-Careers: http://weconnectfashion.com/career/index.html Apparel Merchandising Careers in Fashion-Fashion Merchandising: http://www.careersinfashion.net/cat/fashion/career-link/fashion-merchandising Fashion Modeling Careers-Fashion Merchandise: http://www.fashion-modeling-careers.com/occupations/fashion-merchandising-careers.html Merchandise Marketing (information from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising): http://fidm.edu/en/Majors/Merchandise+Marketing/Careers/ Where can a degree in Apparel, Merchandising, Design and Textiles take you? (information from Washington State University): http://amdt.wsu.edu/overview/careers/ Apparel Design Campus Explorer-Career Information (Fashion Designers): http://www.campusexplorer.com/careers/F5B5DC34/fashion-designers/ FabJob-Become a Fashion Designer: http://www.fabjob.com/fashiondesigner.asp Fashion Designers (information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics): http://www.bls.gov/ooh/arts-and-design/fashion-designers.htm Child Development Child-Related Careers (information from The Florida State University): http://www.career.fsu.edu/img/pdf/mm/child-related.pdf Early Childcare and Education Career Guide: http://www.khake.com/page15.html National Association for the Education of Young Children-Career Forum: http://www.naeyc.org/about/careerforum Dietetics Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics-Student Center: http://www.eatright.org/BecomeanRDorDTR/ Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics-FAQs about Careers in Dietetics: http://www.eatright.org/ACEND/content.aspx?id=146 Career Opportunities for Majors in Nutritional Sciences (information from Rutgers University): http://careerservices.rutgers.edu/nutritional_sciences.shtml Nutrition (information from Oregon State University): http://oregonstate.edu/career/nutrition Early Childhood Development and Learning Major Before You Consider a Career in Child Care (information from About.com): http://childcare.about.com/od/childcareprovider/bb/childcarecareer.htm Care.com-The Child Care Job Guide (Child Care Job Options): http://www.care.com/child-care-child-care-job-options-p1145-q1134.html Careers in Early Childhood (from Child Care Services Association): http://www.childcareservices.org/_downloads/CareersInEarlyChildhoodGuide_NC.pdf Early Childcare and Education Career Guide: http://www.khake.com/page15.html National Head Start Association-Job Board: http://www.nhsa.org/services/job_board Family Studies Careers in Family Studies: What can I do with this degree?: http://www.sph.umd.edu/fmsc/_docsContribute/CareerHandoutWhatCanIDoWithThisDegree9.22.05.pdf Career opportunities for graduates with a Bachelor’s degree in Family Studies (information from the University of New Hampshire): http://www.chhs.unh.edu/fs/careers_bs.html Links to professional association in Human Development and Family Studies (from the University of Rhode Island): http://www.uri.edu/hss/hdf/data/linksindex.htm National Council on Family Relations-Career Center: http://employment.ncfr.org/jobs Central Michigan University | Career Services | Ronan 240 | 989.774.3068 | careers@cmich.edu Our mission is to assist students and alumni in their career development and decision-­‐making and aid in their acquisition of internships and positions of employment. Gerontology (this is a minor at CMU) Association for Gerontology in Higher Education-Resources for Development Your Career in Aging: http://www.aghe.org/templates/System/details.asp?id=40634&PID=500215 Association for Gerontology in Higher Education-Careers in Aging: http://www.careersinaging.com/careersinaging/what.html Exploring Careers in Aging: http://exploringcareersinaging.com/ Social Work Today-Is a Gerontology Career in Your Future?: http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/070708p38.shtml Interior Design American Society of Interior Designers-Careers: http://www.asid.org/careers Interior Designers (information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics): http://www.bls.gov/ooh/arts-and-design/interior-designers.htm International Interior Design Association-Career Center: http://www.iida.org/content.cfm/careers Careers in Interior Design: http://www.careersininteriordesign.com Recreation Major Research internship opportunities held by CMU students for all three recreation majors at: http://www.cmich.edu/academics/educ_humanservices/rec_parks_leisure/Pages/Internship_Database.aspx. This give information about different employers and types of experiences for future careers. Commercial Recreation and Event Management See also the resources for the Hospitality major under the College of Business Administration Connected International Meeting Professionals Association-Career Center: http://www.jobtarget.com/home/index.cfm?site_id=106 Entertainment Jobs, Travel Jobs, Hospitality Jobs: http://www.nationjob.com/hotel Meeting Professionals International-Career Development: http://www.mpiweb.org/Portal/Career International Festivals and Events Association-Career Network and Industry Employment: http://www.ifea.com/joomla1_5/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=242&Itemid=67 International Special Events Society-Career Center: http://careers.ises.com/home/index.cfm?site_id=553 Community Recreation American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance-Careers: http://www.aahperd.org/careers/ Bluefishjobs.com: http://www.bluefishjobs.com/ National Recreation and Park Association-Career Center: http://www.nrpa.org/careers/ Recreation and Park Jobs: http://www.recreationandparkjobs.com State Park and Recreation Associations List: http://www.prm.nau.edu/prm200/state-associations.htm Outdoor and Environmental Recreation Concentration (Recreation Major) Association for Experiential Education-Jobs Clearinghouse: http://jobsclearinghouse.aee.org/home/index.cfm?site_id=619 Association of Outdoor and Recreation Education-Career: http://www.aore.org/careers/default.aspx Outdoor Adventures Network-National Organizations: http://www.myoan.net/assoc/index.html Outdoor Ed-Jobs and Careers in Outdoor, Experiential, Environmental & Adventure Education: http://www.outdoored.com/jobs/oe/Default.aspx Therapeutic Recreation Therapeutic Recreation Directory: http://www.recreationtherapy.com/ National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification: http://www.nctrc.org/ Teacher Education See the Teacher Education Job Search page, on the Career Services’ website, for information and resources Career Field-Education (from UC-Berkeley’s Career Center): https://career.berkeley.edu/Education/Education.stm Center for Education Data & Research: http://www.cedr.us/ National Center for Education Statistics-Fast Facts (Teacher Trends): http://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=28 Teacher Certification Degrees (Your Guide to Teacher Certification): http://www.teachercertificationdegrees.com/careers/ The National Center to Improve the Recruitment and Retention of Qualified Personnel for Children with DisabilitiesWhat Career are Available in Special Education, Early Intervention and the Related Services?: http://www.personnelcenter.org/choose.cfm Last Updated: 6/6/13 Central Michigan University | Career Services | Ronan 240 | 989.774.3068 | careers@cmich.edu Our mission is to assist students and alumni in their career development and decision-­‐making and aid in their acquisition of internships and positions of employment. Central Michigan University | Career Services | Ronan 240 | 989.774.3068 | careers@cmich.edu