Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 Please contact your counselor if you have a question related specifically to your child. What is the class size of the senior class? Currently, the class size is 504. Is there paperwork needed to receive credit for Community Service Hours? Service hours must be recorded in the x2VOL system, which can be accessed through Naviance or the CSC website,, within 30 days after the completion of the project or activity in order to receive credit. On the Community Service webpage under the tab “info/documents” a student may find all information pertaining to community service, as well as community service monitoring sheet. Is there a date for admissions to National Honor Society? Application Information Meetings: FALL: Tuesday, September 15 - 7:30 am AND 3:45–4:15 pm Wednesday, September 16 - 7:30 am AND 3:45–4:15 pm THIS APPLICATION DUE BY: September 25th, 3:30pm – Room EC104 SPRING: Tuesday, January 12 - 7:30 am AND 3:45–4:15 pm Wednesday, January 13 - 7:30 am AND 3:45–4:15 pm THIS APPLICATION DUE BY: January 22nd, 3:30pm – Room EC104 Membership Requirements: In addition to maintaining a minimum of a 3.6 GPA, members are required to complete 7 credits per semester. Five of these credits must be physical community service hours earned through approved NHS location, i.e., Boys and Girls Club, Voice of Hope, Brother Bill's, and NHSsponsored service activities. The remaining two credits may be earned by donations and/or social media activities as approved by this NHS Chapter of Highland Park. Members are required to attend two of the three meetings held each semester. Members must arrive on time, stay for the entire meeting, and sign out with an ID in order to receive credit for attendance. Finally, ALL members are responsible for attending the NHS induction ceremony. Additional questions about National Honor Society may be answered by emailing the sponsors, LaManda Mallard or Justin Meidenbauer. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 Do parents and student have separate Naviance accounts? Student accounts are automatically activated when a student enrolls at HPHS. One of the first activities listed on the student’s checklist is to add parent information in his/her profile, including parent e-mail address. This allows the Counseling Office to activate a separate parent account. Parent accounts allow access to all of the same information as student accounts; however, transcript requests, college rep visit registration and other student activities can only be completed through the student account. How secure is our data on Naviance? As mentioned, only HPHS staff members have access to your information on Naviance. The site is an https site. HTTPS means that the ‘plain text’ communication of a website is encrypted to increase security. How does a student import a resume to Naviance? The directions are available on the “checklist” in Naviance. To upload a resume, select "journal" on the about me tab. Select "add new entry." Select "my plan" under the Type menu. Enter "Resume" in the subject line. Select the box to share with counselors (you can also select to share with teachers and your parents, if you choose.) Browse for your document. Click on Attach. Click on Add Journal Entry. Who uses the resume uploaded into Naviance? Naviance is accessed by HPHS students, faculty and counselors. It is used for internal purposes only. When the students upload a document, such as a resume, they are able to “share” the file with counselors, teachers and/or parents. When does the guidance office update the student’s GPA, SAT, ACT, and AP Scores on Naviance? The guidance office updates GPA on Naviance once all grades from summer school, correspondence courses, online courses (in district and out of district) are received and updated in the data management system (usually mid-September and late January.) SAT, ACT, and AP Scores are updated as those scores are received from the reporting agencies. Students must enter the HPHS CEEB code (441740) when they register for the test in order for us to receive their scores. What do Colleges want to see in essays (unique writing example or personal essay)? Colleges like to see well-written, personal college essays. The reader needs to hear the student’s voice through his or her writing. Colleges’ emphasize three points in a well-written essay. First, the essay needs to answer the essay prompt. A student’s essay may be creative or personal, as long as it addresses the topic in the essay prompt. Second, the essay needs to be well planned and written. Attention should be given to tone, transitions, varied sentence pattern, and active voice. Third, a student’s essay should follow the direction set forth by the college in regards to length, construction, and other parameters expressed in the directions. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 What is the best format for a “regular” resume? The best format for a resume would be the sample UT resume found in the document library on Naviance or on Students may follow the layout of the sample resume without expanding the resume and have a well-developed resume. Many schools accept more than one type of application – is one preferred over the others? No. If a college or university accepts multiple types of applications, they do not have a preference of one type over the other. The student should select the format that best meets his/her needs. How many college applications do you recommend? We tell students that if they do a good job researching colleges, then the “recommended number” will be the schools that emerge as a good fit for them. Although we don’t recommend a specific number of applications, we don’t encourage the “shotgun” approach. Sending out 20 applications is probably an indication that the student hasn’t done enough research. How do we request and submit payment for transcripts for college applications? At least THREE WEEKS before the application deadline, the student needs to submit a transcript request through Naviance. Instructions are listed on the “checklist” on the “about me” tab in Naviance. The transcript will be sent once the student has paid the $5 per transcript fee to Mrs. Nienhueser in the counseling office. Transcripts are ready for submission to institutions. How do we request and submit payment for a personal copy of the transcript? The following information can be found on the transcripts tab of the high school website. Current HPHS students will automatically receive updated cumulative high school transcripts at the following points: Spring semester of sophomore, junior and senior years (February) Fall semester of junior and senior years (mid-September) Upon graduation with diploma (early June) TO REQUEST A TRANSCRIPT: Print and complete the transcript request form. Bring the completed form with the $5.00 transcript fee (cash, check or money order) to the Registrar’s Office in the HPHS Counseling department or mail the form and the payment to: Registrar Highland Park High School 4220 Emerson Drive Dallas, TX 75205 PLEASE NOTE: Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 Parents may request transcripts for students who are under 18 years of age. Requests for individuals who are 18 or older, must come from the individual. If you have any questions, please call the Counseling Department at 214-780-3740. What information is included on the official transcript sent to colleges? The initial transcript will include each semester average for all courses completed for high school credit through the end of the junior year. The student’s cumulative GPA, calculated on a weighted 4.0 scale, and the student’s diploma type (Recommended or Distinguished Achievement) are also included. The student’s senior course schedule is attached, as well. A certification of rank form, including the student’s numerical rank, is sent for students who rank in the top 10% of the class. When are GPAs updated? If my student wants his first semester senior grades (mid-year reports) sent to a college, does he need to complete another transcript request? Grade Point Averages are updated at the end of each semester, not at the end of each 6-week grading period. Students will be asked to complete a survey in Naviance to let us know which colleges require mid-year reports. All summer school grades are entered prior to recalculating GPA and rank at the beginning of each school year. What is the HPHS class rank policy? A student’s class rank shall not be calculated or reported, except for the top ten percent of a given class. Class rank shall not appear on any student’s academic achievement record (transcript). The District shall provide students ranked in the top ten percent a certification of class rank containing the student’s numerical rank in class. When the District provides a top ten percent student’s academic achievement record (transcript) to a college or university, it shall also provide a copy of the certification of class rank. A student shall be notified for the first time of his or her top ten percent ranking in the fall of the senior year. Final top ten percent ranking shall be determined at the end of the student’s senior year. In case of a tie for the top ten percent, grade point averages (GPA) shall be calculated to the number of decimal places necessary to break the tie. A student’s GPA shall be calculated each semester to the third decimal place. The District shall report to the members of a class, at the end of the first semester of the sophomore year and every semester thereafter the weighted grade point average representing the tenth percentile in that class. The top 10% cut score for the class of 2016 has been updated on the home page of the student Naviance accounts. Students who rank in the top 10% will receive individual certification of rank letters during the week of September 14 th. Will the HP transcript of certification of rank form denote that a student in the top 8%? No, the class rank will not appear on the transcript. The certification of rank form will state that the student ranks # out of . The percentage can be calculated from that information. If the student took a college-level class over the summer, will you list this class on the HP transcript? Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 No, we are not able to list a college course on a high school transcript, but the student could list the college course on the college application and resume. The student may also want to send a transcript to the college he attends for possible college credit. Are AP scores and AP Scholar designations on the student’s transcript? Transcripts do not include any national test score data (AP, SAT, ACT, etc.) as colleges will not accept these tests from a high school transcript. They must be sent from the testing agencies to the colleges where the student applies. AP scholar designation would be an item for the student resume. What should I do if a course is not on my transcript? Contact Brooke Scott, registrar, as soon as possible. If a school requires an unweighted GPA, how do we submit that information? Skyward does provide an unweighted GPA that can be provided to the student upon request. My daughter transferred to HP. Will the grades from the schools that she attended previously be on her HP transcript? Yes, all courses that count for high school credit will be on her HP transcript. What are the Secondary School Report and School Profile? The Secondary School Report (SSR) is a supplement to the student’s transcript. It typically verifies information already reported in the student’s application: GPA, number in senior class, rank (if applicable), rigor of student coursework (determined by number of advanced courses), etc. The School Profile provides summary information about the school's student body, curricular offerings, and grading system. The HPHS School Profile is posted on the About section of the high school website. The SSR and the School Profile are sent with each copy of the student’s transcript. How does FERPA relate to your college application? FERPA requires that the student authorize every school that he/she has attended to release all requested records and recommendations to colleges to which he/she is applying for admission. The student also authorizes employees at these colleges to confidentially contact current and former schools should they have questions about the information submitted. The student completes the Document for Release of Student Information in his/her Common Application account. The HPHS counselors worked with each student to set up a Common Application account and complete the Release. You are asked to waive the right to view recommendations. Why would you want to do that? Waiving your right lets colleges know that you do not intend to read your recommendations, which helps reassure colleges that the letters are candid and truthful. The HPHS counseling office works to maintain professional, reciprocal relationships with the college admissions staff at each institution. In order to maintain these relationships, we do ask that students waive the right to view recommendations. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 Is there an advantage to submitting all applications at one time? Students can submit each application upon completion. However, it does simplify the process for a student to request all transcripts at one time and all test scores from ACT/College Board at one time, since payment is involved with both processes. Why is the deadline for college apps October 31 when many of the college deadlines are after this date? Our Trick or Treat deadline is intended to give our students a chance to be read by admissions staff before are covered up by a mountain of applications and before their eyes are bleary and their enthusiasm has waned. Also, if parents and counselors encourage our seniors to get at least one of two apps completed by Oct. 31 (a task made easier by the Common Application and, students may be rewarded by getting an acceptance or two in their pockets before the first semester ends. What do you mean by the “three week” rule? Students must give teachers and counselors at least three weeks to write recommendations. For example, if they have a Dec. 15 deadline, they would want to beat that college’s deadline, not just meet it. Therefore, they would want to shoot for Dec. 1 as their application completion date and would need to request letters by the end of the first week of November. What recourse does a university have when a student is accepted Early Decision, a binding agreement, and, for whatever reason, the student changes his/her mind about attending that school? As parents and counselors, we stress the importance of standing on commitment. That is one reason why applying Early Decision should never be entered into without a lot of consideration for the pros and cons. What is the consequence that a school can bring to bear? Nothing, other than potentially sharing with other schools that the student has broken his/her Early Decision agreement. What should students e-mail admissions about 2 weeks after turning in their application? If the college/university does not offer an online application status check system, we suggest that our students follow up a couple of weeks after submitting their applications to make sure that all documents have been received by the college or university. A polite e-mail inquiry to the person who will be reading their applications can be a positive way to remain on their “admissions radar.” Should my student send all of his test scores or hand-select which scores to send? As we noted in the presentation, the student needs to know how each college uses test scores in the admissions process. If a school super scores, it may be to the student’s advantage to send all scores. College representatives assure us that sending all scores will not disadvantage a student in the admissions process. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 What does “super score” mean? Some universities will take the scores from multiple testing dates and combine the highest scores from each section, i.e. critical reading, math and writing for the SAT. Students should determine if the school(s) they are applying to do “super score” and send all test results if that is to their benefit. Will fall testing scores be available for early application deadlines? If a student is applying early decision or early action and is taking the SAT or ACT this fall, it is doubtful the university will receive the scores in time to complete the application. The student should check with College Board and ACT to determine how quickly scores can and will be sent to universities. Does my child have to submit the writing scores with the ACT scores? Yes. We always tell students to sign up for the writing portion of the ACT as the majority of universities are requiring the writing score. Does my child have to submit both SAT and ACT scores to UT? No. The University of Texas accepts either SAT or ACT scores so the student should submit his/her strongest scores. What if my child’s scores arrive before the application? An application file is begun when the first piece of the application arrives whether it is test scores or the actual application. Students will be able to track the progress of their application online. What is the latest date recommended to take the SAT and ACT if the student is not applying early decision or early action? Students should allow at least six weeks from the test date to delivery of their test scores to the university. Students can verify delivery time with College Board and ACT but should build in an “oops” factor! When is the best time to take SAT subject tests and how can we find out which colleges require them? We encourage students to take the subject tests as close to the completion of the academic course as possible. However, students should check with the respective universities to determine when those scores should be submitted and meet those deadlines. Naviance does provide which colleges require SAT Subject tests on each college’s individual profile page under the “admissions” tab. However, we always recommend that students verify that information on the college’s website, as well. If a school says that it is “Test Optional”, does it look bad to not send ACT/SAT scores. The trend with test optional schools is to require the student to submit additional writing samples or other forms of “creative expression”. How can I find out which schools are Test Optional? Thanks to advocates of test-optional admissions, you can easily find out which colleges Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 currently place little or no emphasis on admissions tests. Go to, and you'll find a list maintained by The National Center for Fair and Open Testing (FairTest). You'll see a number of well-known and selective colleges and universities on this list, such as Bates, Bowdoin, George Mason, and Mount Holyoke. In fact, entire university systems have gone test optional, such as the California State University and University of Texas systems. Another resource is CollegeData's College Match search tool, which gives you detailed information about a college's admission requirements, including whether test scores are required. Of course, you should always check with the college directly to confirm its specific test-optional rules. How do Test Optional schools evaluate applications? Test-optional schools consider a student's high school academic record to be most important, as do almost all colleges. They look not only at your academic GPA, but also at your academic record—particularly whether you took the most challenging courses available at your high school. Other factors include writing samples, personal interviews, letters of recommendation, and evidence of commitments outside of school. If the admissions office asks for a "portfolio" of your most outstanding high school work, they will tell you exactly what should go into that portfolio. Contents can range from graded academic work to evidence of your extracurricular achievements. Should my child send “average” test scores now or wait until after he/she retakes the SAT/ACT to see if the scores will improve? First, the student needs to make sure that scores from the fall test dates will arrive in time to meet the deadline. If that is not a problem and the student has done additional preparation for the exams and anticipates higher scores, then sending those scores might be advantageous. Where can I find information about the SAT Subject Tests and the content of each test? What are the costs for sending scores, retake scores, and subject tests? Please refer to or for a schedule of fees. Below is an excerpt from regarding how to send scores, score choice, etc. There are two ways to send your scores to colleges, universities, or scholarship programs: 1. During Registration You receive four score reports every time you register for the SAT. These four score reports must be used at the time of registration or up to nine days after the test date. We highly recommend that you take advantage of these score reports, as additional reports are subject to a fee. 2. After Registration You can send score reports at any time from your “My SAT” account. The time frames for score delivery vary based upon each institution’s method of receiving scores. Please remember that an additional week Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 may be needed for the score recipients to process your scores once they receive them. There is a fee for sending score reports starting ten days after the test date. However, if you are a feewaiver-eligible student, you may have additional score report credits. Take Control with Score Choice™ We know that you may feel anxious about taking tests. So we've made the SAT experience a little less stressful by giving you an additional way to report your scores to colleges and scholarship programs. Score Choice gives you the option to choose which scores (by test date for the SAT and by individual test for SAT Subject Tests™) you send to colleges. Score Choice can be used for any existing scores with your four free registration score reports or any additional score reports. You can choose scores from one, several, or all test dates, as well as view the score-use practices of participating colleges and universities. Colleges and universities will only receive the scores that you send them — your scores will not be released without your specific consent. Learn more about Score Choice. How Score Choice™ Works Select which scores you want to send to your score recipients. Score Choice gives you the option to choose which scores (by test date for the SAT and by individual test for SAT Subject Tests™) you send to colleges — in accordance with an institution's stated score-use practice. If you decide not to use Score Choice, all of your scores will be sent to your recipients. You should still feel comfortable sending all scores, since most colleges consider a student’s best score. Sending scores to college and university systems For certain college and university systems, once you submit your score to one school, other schools within that system will also have access to your score. Please note, however, that if you are applying to more than one school within a college or university system, it is still important for you to send your SAT scores to each individual school. If you are not sure whether the specific school you are applying to is part of such a system, contact the school's admissions office. Score Reports and Score Sending • Sending official SAT score reports is the only way to ensure that colleges receive your scores. • Four SAT score reports are included free with your registration. • Sending scores with your registration is the fastest way to send scores to colleges and scholarship programs. • Many colleges view receiving your scores early as a demonstration of your interest. • SAT Program recommends that students send all of their scores if they are unsure of which scores to send. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 How do AP scores get to colleges? The student will need to request that College Board send AP scores to the college he or she chooses to attend. Scores can be requested at Did the state of Texas establish a minimum required score on an Advanced Placement examination for granting course credit? H.B. No. 1992 - In establishing the minimum required score on an Advanced Placement examination for granting course credit for a particular lower-division course under Subsection (c), an institution of higher education may not require a score of more than three unless the institution's chief academic officer determines, based on evidence, that a higher score on the examination is necessary to indicate a student is sufficiently prepared to be successful in a related, more advanced course for which the lower-division course is a prerequisite. What is the process for students to be excused from class to meet with college representatives during the school day? All college representative visits are listed in Naviance. Students must register for the visits through his/her Naviance account at least 24 hours in advance. Naviance sends an e-mail reminder to the student that he/she must print to provide to the teacher in order to be excused from class. We encourage students to talk with teachers in advance about missing class for college rep visits. How should a student prepare for visits with college representatives during the school day? After registering for the visit through Naviance, the student can check the number of registrants for the visit in Naviance. This will allow the student to prepare if it will be a group presentation, a small group discussion, or a one-on-on conversation. Students should have some knowledge of the institution and come prepared with questions for the representative. There are numerous benefits to attending the visits: learning more about the institution, having a chance to ask questions, demonstrating interest in the institution and, in some cases, having a face-to-face meeting with the person who may be evaluating his/her application file. Do college representatives visit campus more than once during the year? A number of colleges do return for a visit in the spring. However, the best opportunity to follow up with them will be at College Night this week. How many teacher recommendations are needed and must they come from current teachers? College applications will specify how many teacher recommendations are needed, if any. We recommend that you only send information that the college has requested. If they specify two letters of recommendation, then only send two. If the college states that letters are optional, it would be a good idea to send them, unless the student meets the requirements for automatic admission (for schools that offer automatic admission standards.) It is perfectly acceptable to use junior-year teachers because they know the student’s abilities from a year’s perspective rather than just a few weeks. Colleges prefer that students not use freshman or sophomore Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 year teachers for required recommendations. If a student is applying to multiple schools, will the teacher send the rec letter to all schools? Yes, and we told students to make a list of schools and deadlines to give to each teacher so that there is no confusion about what needs to be sent and when it needs to be sent. If the college requests that the rec letter be sent electronically, no addressed / stamped envelopes are given to teachers. If schools require mailed letters, then the student must supply these with NO RETURN address. (Students can find if the school wants mail or electronic recs by going to on “Schools I’m Applying To” on Naviance) Should students have alumni send recommendations by mail or by email? Or not at all? Many schools limit the number of recommendations that they will read and it is risky to have this type of recommendation take the place of a letter from a teacher who can speak to academic accomplishments and potential of the student. No recommendation should ever be sent by email. If a college takes the Common Application and also has a specific form for teacher evaluation, does the teacher need to submit that form or is a regular letter acceptable uploaded to Naviance? If the school provides a specific form for teachers, that form must be completed as well as the letter of recommendation required by Common App schools. The teacher can complete the Common App Teacher Form electronically through Naviance. If the school asks that both be mailed, they can be sent together by the teacher. If a school only reads two letters, should one of the letters be from the counselor? Common App schools require a counselor recommendation and the number of teacher recommendations required varies. Students need to research on the Common App site as to how many are required by their selected schools. Most non- Common App schools prefer teacher recommendations over counselor recommendations. The University of Texas and Texas A&M are good examples of this. Should rec letters have some ID or birth date on them? If the college assigns a student registration number, please use that. If not, a birth date would work. (Do not use HP identification number) My student went to a different school for the last several years. Could he get recommendations from that school? Yes, and perhaps it would be good to could get recommendations from both schools, even though the HP teachers may not know him as well. Do students receive assistance in writing essays, compiling resumes, preparing for college interviews, etc.? Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 The HPHS English teachers do assist students with college essays and resumes. The counselors are available to work with students individually, as well. The student can request an appointment with his/her counselor at any time. What additional resources are available to assist students with college interviews? The counseling office is happy to set up mock interviews for students upon request. The College Board website also contains excellent information about college interviews - What transcripts are required for the NCAA Clearinghouse? If a student attended more than one high school, or took courses from more than one program, the Eligibility Center needs an official transcript from each high school or program. We cannot accept grades from one high school/program transcribed on another high school's transcript. If your school is part of a district that has a common transcript, a student who has attended multiple schools within such a district would not need to have multiple transcripts sent. For additional information, please refer to the NCAA Eligibility Center. Should student athletes send transcripts to coaches separate from application? Many coaches request unofficial copies of transcripts from student athletes and that is appropriate for visits with the athletic department. The student must also complete all components of the application and have the official transcript sent to the admissions office, just like any other applicant. How does a student request a transcript for athletics? The student will request the transcript through Naviance. There are two distinct options: 1) Request transcripts for my college applications and 2) Request transcripts for scholarships or athletics. Why would you want to apply to an honors program? Many colleges address this inquiry on their websites. Typically they reference smaller classes with personal advisors and the opportunity for networking with professionals. Many public universities tout that they “offer the best of two worlds—the personal approach of the finest small liberal arts colleges together with the great social and academic benefits of a major research university.” (UGA) In every case, institutions provide students with great rigor and depth in their honors programs. Sometimes the honors programs include early course registration and honors housing and even study abroad programs. Typically, honors programs have clearly stated, elevated admission and retention standards. The selection process for honors programs will vary depending on the institution, but the most common kinds of selection criteria used are grade point averages and standardized test scores. These students also tend to be highly motivated graduates of honors or advanced coursework and academic experiences in high school. Honors applicants are likely to be students who have established a pattern of successfully pursuing and accepting academic risks. Some students Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 possess intellectual gifts and strengths and a desire to pursue an intimate and rigorous course of study, so they apply to honors programs. How do we verify information about University of Texas and Texas A&M University application and review process? The HPHS counselors attend an annual update presented by the UT and A&M offices of admission in order to receive firsthand information from both institutions. We regularly communicate with the offices of admission at both institutions, as well. Please verify any information that you receive from other sources with your HPHS counselor. Does it help a student's chances to be accepted at UT if they have a face to face meeting with admissions officers? Should parents attend? No, this would not impact an admissions decision. UT randomly assigns files to the admissions staff for review, so meeting with a particular admissions representative would not increase a student's chances to be admitted. However, sitting in on an admissions information session at the Dallas Admissions Center could help answer questions regarding the admissions process. When are the honors deadlines for the University of Texas? Business Honors Program Priority Deadline: October 15 | Regular Deadline: December 1 The Business Honors Program is modeled after case-based MBA programs. Small classes focus on discussion and presentation, group collaboration, and anlytical exercises. Robust programming and dedicated advisors provide students with personalized attention and unique opportunities. If you’re interested in applying to the Business Honors Program and have questions about the program, contact one of the BHP Student Recruiters. Engineering Honors Program Deadline: December 1 The Cockrell School of Engineering offers a select group of students the opportunity to participate in the Engineering Honors Program (EHP). The Engineering Honors Program is a nondegree, four-year program which enhances the undergraduate experience by offering: Engineering Honors scholarships, access to honors housing on campus, honors faculty mentors, social and cultural events, and the opportunity to complete an undergraduate honors thesis. Liberal Arts Honors Program Recommended Deadline: October 15 | Regular Deadline: December 1 The Liberal Arts Honors Program offers the community experience of a small liberal arts college while providing access to the unparalleled resources of a large research university. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 Liberal Arts Honors students choose from a variety of honors courses in preparation for advanced work in Liberal Arts majors. Program advisers emphasize honors options at UT Austin, study abroad programs and internships. Liberal Arts Honors students graduate broadly and deeply prepared for professional and civic leadership. Many go on to attain graduate degrees. Natural Sciences Honors Programs Recommended Deadline: October 15 | Regular Deadline: December 1 The College of Natural Sciences Honors Programs include both college-wide and departmental honors program opportunities that provide small honors classes, dedicated academic advising and participation in the college's nationally-recognized Freshman Research Initiative. The collegewide honors programs include the Dean's Scholars Honors Program and the Health Science Honors Program. ■Dean's Scholars Honors Program: Dean's Scholars pursue honors degrees in the Natural Sciences major of their choice. These honors degrees focus on innovative and interdisciplinary curriculum, extensive elective hours and continuous research culminating in an Honors Research Thesis. ■Health Science Honors Program: The Health Science Honors Program provides access to an extensive array of clinical and research internships, support for career exploration and a capstone health sciences presentation. The departmental honors programs include Computer Science's Turing Scholars Program and Human Ecology's Nutritional Sciences and Human Development & Family Sciences Honors Programs. ■Turing Scholars offers an intensive, accelerated path through the core Computer Science curriculum and extensive research opportunities. ■Human Ecology's honors programs offer robust internship opportunities, faculty-guided research and personalized academic support through small classes and specialized advising. Students may apply to both programs by selecting College of Natural Sciences Honors on the UT Austin Honors Application. Plan II Honors Program Recommended Deadline: October 15 | Regular Deadline: December 1 The Plan II Honors Program is recognized as one of the most respected and selective honors programs in the country. It offers a strenuous interdisciplinary curriculum in the arts and sciences and the flexibility to incorporate other majors and degrees. The program includes year-long courses, small seminar classes, independent study and flexible major concentrations. What is the Academic Admit to Texas A&M University (Top 25%) and does it apply to HPHS since we do not rank beyond the Top 10%? Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 Applicants qualify for automatic academic admission (but not necessarily to the major of choice), if they: successfully complete Texas A&M's required coursework, and rank in the top quarter of their graduating class on or before the application deadline, and achieve SAT or ACT test score minimums, and o combined SAT score of at least 1300 (Math and Critical Reading) with at least a 600 in each of these components, or o composite ACT score of at least 30 with at least a 27 in the Math and English components, satisfy the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy, and ensure all required documents are received by the application deadline. Because HPHS does not rank students outside of the Top 10%, students ranked outside of the Top 10% will fall under Review Admits: Review Admits If an applicant does not qualify for top 10% or academic admission (or if the high school does not rank beyond the top 10%), but satisfies the State of Texas Uniform Admission Policy, the complete application will be reviewed. Factors considered: academic achievements - class rank and SAT and/or ACT scores as well as completion of Texas A&M's required coursework personal achievements - involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, leadership, employment and summer activities as well as any talents, awards and honors information shared in essays - Essays A and B are required. The optional essay is recommended for applicants who fall into the holistic review. the complete applytexas application including the optional “Additional Personal Information” shoebox question Applicants who are high achieving in all areas are most competitive for admission. Students admitted through the holistic review process are expected to be successful academically at Texas A&M, as well as bring qualities and insights that will enrich the student body of the university. Do you need the Document ID sheet for Texas A&M University? Yes, Texas A&M highly recommends that a Document ID sheet be attached to any hard copies of information that is submitted to the Office of Admission. The Document ID sheet can be found at However, most documents can be uploaded into the Applicant Information System (AIS). What is the CSS Profile? The Financial Aid PROFILE application service helps colleges, universities and scholarship organizations to award private student aid, including grants and scholarships. Over 600 institutions require the PROFILE to determine who receives their education grant, need-based, and scholarship funds. Senior Parent Meeting Q&A 2015 What is FAFSA? FAFSA is the acronym for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Financial Aid offices use the information provided through this application to determine a student’s eligibility for financial aid. The website for FASFA is How can I find information about university-based scholarships? The best way to find accurate information is on the institution’s website. Many colleges do post specific criteria for scholarship qualification (GPA, test scores, etc.). There are web-based resources with scholarship searches for university-based scholarships Naviance includes a national scholarship search, along with a list of scholarships previously received by HPHS students.