PHI BETA SIGMA IOTA PHI SIGMA CHAPTER FUTURE SCHOLARS SCHOLARSHIP Phi Beta Sigma, Incorporated, Iota Phi Sigma chapter is pleased to announce the “Future Scholars” Scholarship. The Future Scholars Scholarship will be presented to eligible graduating African –American male high school seniors. Phi Beta Sigma, Inc. was founded on January 9, 1914 at Howard University in Washington, D.C. The Founding Fathers A. Langston Taylor, Leonard F. Morse and Charles I. Brown adopted three principles to guide Sigma: Brotherhood, Service and Scholarship. The fraternity now consists of men who are undergraduate and graduate students, seeking to positively impact the community and improve the lives of others. The fraternity members continue to live by its motto, “Culture for Service and Service for Humanity”. All application material should be submitted together and mailed directly to: Scholarship Committee, Iota Phi Sigma, PO Box 43058 Chicago Il. 60643. Applications must be received by Monday, March 24th, 2014. SCHOLARSHIP REQUIREMENTS 1. African American Male Student 2. Graduating High School Senior 3. Must Be Pursuing A Full-Time Undergraduate Degree 4. Enrolled College Freshman as of Fall, 2014 5. Cumulative, Unweighted Grade Point Average of 2.75 or Higher 6. Most Current Transcript 7. Completed Scholarship Application 8. Two (2) Official Letters of Recommendation 9. Typed Essay (Two-page Maximum) 10. ACT/SAT Scores Changing Lives Through Service Page 1 INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS 1. Review Application and Requirements 2. Neatly Submit All Application Information Together 3. Meet Established Criteria and Deadlines 4. Proofread Essay, As It Will Be Judged on Content and Grammar 5. Make Early Request for Application Material 6. Submit Recommendation Letters From Teachers, Counselors, etc. 7. Keep a Copy of Submitted Materials for Your Records 8. Contact Levorn Black at with questions Phi Beta Sigma Iota Phi Sigma Chapter PO Box 43058 Chicago, IL. 60643 Levorn Black, Education Chairperson Maze Jackson, President Changing Lives Through Service Page 2 PHI BETA SIGMA IOTA PHI SIGMA CHAPTER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Applicant’s Name ______________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) Are you an African American male? ___ Yes ___ No Are you a graduating high school senior? ___ Yes Are you a resident of Illinois? ___ No ___ Yes ___ No Do you have a cumulative, unweighted G.P.A. of 2.75 or higher? ___ Yes ___ No Permanent Address _________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: (Home) _____________ (Cell) ____________ (Other) _____________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________ Place of Birth: ____________________ Date of Birth: _______________________________ School Presently Attending: ___________________________________________________ School Address/Telephone Number: ____________________________________________ Are you starting your first year to pursue your bachelor’s degree at an accredited college/university in the Fall, 2014 ___ Yes ___ No If yes, please provide the name and location of the institution _______________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Activities, Community Service, Honors and Awards (Attach Additional Pages as Needed) Current School Activities/Organizations: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Community Service Activities: __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Changing Lives Through Service Page 3 Other Activities/Organizations: _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Other Scholarships: Name of Award Date of Application Amount Awarded $ Pending 1. _____________________ _________________ ________________ ___________ 2. _____________________ _________________ ________________ ___________ 3. _____________________ _________________ ________________ ___________ Changing Lives Through Service Page 4 PHI BETA SIGMA IOTA PHI SIGMA CHAPTER FUTURE SCHOLAR SCHOLARSHIP Applicant’s Name: ____________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) Personal Background: Name Occupa>on Annual Income Father: _________________________ ________________________ _______________ Mother: _________________________ ________________________ _______________ Self: ____________________________ ________________________ _______________ Number of Siblings: _______________ Ages of Siblings: ____________________________ Number of Children: ______________ Ages of Children: ____________________________ Essay 1. Nelson Mandela once said, “It is beLer to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.” Describe an instance in your life when you led from behind and when you stood up in the face of danger? 2. Nelson Mandela once said, “We can’t afford to be killing one another.” Imagine that you were mee>ng President Obama to convince him to assist with the gun violence in Chicago. What ideas might you give him to stop the violence and why? Choose One Changing Lives Through Service Page 5 Applicant’s Statement of Agreement If I receive this award, I agree to submit proof of full that-­‐Bme enrollment and aCendance at an accredited college or university for Fall, 2014. I also agree to use the scholarship funds in accordance with guidelines set forth by the scholarship commiCee that. VerificaBon of enrollment must be forwarded directly to __________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ when requested and prior to disbursement of the scholarship award. Applicant’s Signature: _________________________________ Date: __________________________ COUNSELOR OR ACADEMIC ADVISOR: PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION REGARDING THE APPLICANT: Applicant’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________ High School: _________________________________________________________________________ AnBcipated GraduaBon Date: _____________________________ Unweighted, CumulaBve G.P.A. _______________ Class Rank: ________ of ________ ACT Composite Score_________ OR SAT (Verbal) _________ SAT (MathemaBcs) _________________ Counselor/Advisor’s Email Address: ______________________ Telephone Number: ______________ Counselor/Advisor’s Signature:_______________________________ Date: _____________________ Changing Lives Through Service Page 6 PHI BETA SIGMA IOTA PHI SIGMA CHAPTER FUTURE SCHOLARS SCHOLARSHIP RECOMMENDATION FORM I Dear Applicant: Please give Recommenda>on Form I and Recommenda>on Form II to the two people you have asked to provide a recommenda>on for you. Both leLers of recommenda>on should be returned with your applica>on. RECOMMENDATION LETTER I for ____________________________________________________ (Applicant’s Name) (To be completed by applicant’s high school counselor/academic advisor, social worker, teacher or administrator, etc.) Recommender’s Name: (Last) ____________________________ (First) __________________________ Rela>onship to Applicant: (Check all that apply) ____ Counselor/Advisor ____ Social Worker _____ Teacher ____ Administrator ____Other (Please specify) _________________________________ On a separate sheet of paper, please provide a typed, signed leLer of recommenda>on for the applicant. Comments should include responses to the following ques>ons: How has the applicant demonstrated resiliency through academic and personal challenges? What leadership skills does the applicant possess? What are the applicant’s future academic and career goals? How will this award help the applicant? Changing Lives Through Service Page 7 PHI BETA SIGMA IOTA PHI SIGMA CHAPTER FUTURE SCHOLARS SCHOLARSHIP RECOMMENDATION FORM II Dear Applicant: Please give Recommenda>on Form I and Recommenda>on Form II to the two people you have asked to provide a recommenda>on for you. Both leLers of recommenda>on should be returned with your applica>on. RECOMMENDATION LETTER II for ____________________________________________________ (Applicant’s Name) (To be completed by applicant’s high school counselor/academic advisor, social worker, teacher or administrator, etc.) Recommender’s Name: (Last) ____________________________ (First) __________________________ Rela>onship to Applicant: (Check all that apply) ____ Counselor/Advisor ____ Social Worker ____ Teacher ____ Administrator ____Other (Please specify) _________________________________ On a separate sheet of paper, please provide a typed, signed leLer of recommenda>on for the applicant. Comments should include responses to the following ques>ons: How has the applicant demonstrated resiliency through academic and personal challenges? What leadership skills does the applicant possess? What are the applicant’s future academic and career goals? How will this award help the applicant? Changing Lives Through Service Page 8