Learning Styles Essay Directions

Learning Styles Essay Directions:
1. Identify each letter of your style(I/E, S/N, T/F, P/J)
2. Describe what each letter means (Notes from Packets and Books). You WILL cite page #s.
3. Describe how each of those fits your personality. –THINK about the following 4-11:
4. Describe events, experiences, environments where that fit your style or made you uncomfortable because it
did NOT fit your style.
5. Explain situations where you ARE that style, and where you are NOT that style.
6. Use examples from your life to illustrate what it means to be an ISTP, ESFJ, etc...
7. What situations do you search out because they fit you?
8. What classroom styles fit you or don’t fit you and why?
9. What careers might you seek out because they fit your styles and preferences?
10. How do you think knowing about your style can help you in a variety of situations?
11. How does the information help you understand relationships? (parent/child,friendship, how you argue, why
you get along or don’t get along, things that upset you or make you happy...)
To start your essay you must first decide:
What is the focus of your essay?
-How my Learning Style affects my...
(Affects = Action Verb, Effect = Noun)
*Schooling/life as a student: now, in past, in future
*Career choices
*Relationships with others: friends, family
*Decisions I make
*Hobbies, sports, interests I have
*Other ideas...
Choose only ONE topic for your essay.
You must next write a THESIS Statement. What is the main idea of your essay?
“Taking a Learning Styles Inventory ...”
“Being an ISFP made becoming an English teacher an obvious career choice for me.”
"Being an ISFP affects who I am as a student."
Introductory Paragraph: General statement about the survey, or the concept of Learning Styles,or a general
statement about life, or growing up, or relationships, or the future, or careers, or sports, or... must include your
Thesis Statement: "Being an ISFP affects who I am as a student."
Body Paragraph One:
Start with a TOPIC SENTENCE: “Introversion influences my interaction with other people.”
Give a description of my learning style (Introvert or Extrovert) These could each be a different paragraph.
What is it? What is it like? (This information comes from the packets and the books and must be cited:
“Packet#2, page 5". (I will give you direction for your bibliography later)
How does it fit me? An actual example of how it fits you from your life.
A statement about how it helps or hinders you, why is it good or bad, etc
A conclusion or transition sentence.
Body Paragraph Two: Description of my learning style (ST, SF, NT, or NF). This could easily be more than
one paragraph.
Body Paragraph X: Give a description of my learning style (Judger or Perceiver)
Body Paragraph X: My opinion about my learning style and why (This is an option for a topic. See other
Body Paragraph X: How the results of the inventory affect my...sports, friends, relationship with my parents,
future plans, etc This idea could also be woven into every Body Paragraph.
Body Paragraph X: My best/worst classroom learning activites- how it affects my school/ career /hobbies/
relationships...Give specific examples. This could also be woven into each paragraph.
"It was a nightmare of a class"
or "It was a dream come true"
Conclusion: Restate Thesis Statement. So What? Why is this important?
Possible Thesis Statements:
“Having a dominant preference for _ _ _ _ helps to ( shape, influence, direct, determine... ) my life as a
( student, friend, person, soccer player, future doctor... ) (more specific)”
“I have been identified as an ISTJ. This style will help me choose the paths that I will take throughout my
life.” (more general)
You will complete a graphic organizer for your body paragraphs- a minimum of 3 G.O.s