Learning Styles Essay Directions: ! 1. Identify each letter of your style(I/E, S/N, T/F, P/J) ! 2. Describe what each letter means (Notes from Packets and Books). You WILL cite page #s. ! 3. Describe how each of those fits your personality. –THINK about the following 4-11: ! 4. Describe events, experiences, environments where that fit your style or made you uncomfortable because it did NOT fit your style. ! 5. Explain situations where you ARE that style, and where you are NOT that style. ! 6. Use examples from your life to illustrate what it means to be an ISTP, ESFJ, etc... ! 7. What situations do you search out because they fit you? ! 8. What classroom styles fit you or don’t fit you and why? ! 9. What careers might you seek out because they fit your styles and preferences? ! 10. How do you think knowing about your style can help you in a variety of situations? ! 11. How does the information help you understand relationships? (parent/child,friendship, how you argue, why you get along or don’t get along, things that upset you or make you happy...) ! ! To start your essay you must first decide: ! What is the focus of your essay? ! -How my Learning Style affects my... (Affects = Action Verb, Effect = Noun) ! *Schooling/life as a student: now, in past, in future ! *Career choices ! *Relationships with others: friends, family ! *Decisions I make ! *Hobbies, sports, interests I have ! *Other ideas... ! ! Choose only ONE topic for your essay. ! ! ! You must next write a THESIS Statement. What is the main idea of your essay? ! “Taking a Learning Styles Inventory ...” “Being an ISFP made becoming an English teacher an obvious career choice for me.” "Being an ISFP affects who I am as a student." ! Introductory Paragraph: General statement about the survey, or the concept of Learning Styles,or a general statement about life, or growing up, or relationships, or the future, or careers, or sports, or... must include your Thesis Statement: "Being an ISFP affects who I am as a student." ! ! Body Paragraph One: Start with a TOPIC SENTENCE: “Introversion influences my interaction with other people.” ! Give a description of my learning style (Introvert or Extrovert) These could each be a different paragraph. What is it? What is it like? (This information comes from the packets and the books and must be cited: “Packet#2, page 5". (I will give you direction for your bibliography later) ! How does it fit me? An actual example of how it fits you from your life. ! A statement about how it helps or hinders you, why is it good or bad, etc ! A conclusion or transition sentence. ! Body Paragraph Two: Description of my learning style (ST, SF, NT, or NF). This could easily be more than one paragraph. ! Body Paragraph X: Give a description of my learning style (Judger or Perceiver) ! Body Paragraph X: My opinion about my learning style and why (This is an option for a topic. See other options). ! Body Paragraph X: How the results of the inventory affect my...sports, friends, relationship with my parents, future plans, etc This idea could also be woven into every Body Paragraph. ! Body Paragraph X: My best/worst classroom learning activites- how it affects my school/ career /hobbies/ relationships...Give specific examples. This could also be woven into each paragraph. "It was a nightmare of a class" or "It was a dream come true" or… ! Conclusion: Restate Thesis Statement. So What? Why is this important? ! Possible Thesis Statements: ! “Having a dominant preference for _ _ _ _ helps to ( shape, influence, direct, determine... ) my life as a ( student, friend, person, soccer player, future doctor... ) (more specific)” ! “I have been identified as an ISTJ. This style will help me choose the paths that I will take throughout my life.” (more general) ! You will complete a graphic organizer for your body paragraphs- a minimum of 3 G.O.s