I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FREEDOM OF INFORMATION/PRIVACY ACTS SECTION COVER SHEET SUBJECT: CHARLES MANSON I &#39; ~-»/! &#39;1 02nRev. 7-21-av! I, / son l?.4 ~oac - 92/ hr " YO _____~t_ asper __._____. Callahan _.____ /T ggonrad ~ Felt _ " P" Sullivan n ._...i_ &#39; ITavel - "&#39;@ ..____.__._. I_ &#39; l &#39; . /&#39; Trotter _______ Tele. Room ____._ Holmes _..____. _Gandy »Y ~11 .2?-r&# ; ,-92.>-/1 , I I 0&#39; ,- _ *0 ~~ --.-1 <-4 w92 _92 6 92.-. MURDERS! &#39; LOS ANCELES-A SIX-MAN TEAM OF POLICE DETECTIVES TODAY PROBED Q TWO MACABRE MURDER CASES WHICH BORE STARTLINC SIMILARITIES -&#39; E SENSELESS, SAVAGE STABBINGS WITH ALMOST RITUALISTIC OVERTONES., Q POLICE MAINTAINEDTHEREWAS NO DIRECT PHYSICALEVIDENCE TO _ IF ONNECT THE STABBING DEATHS OF AMIDDLEACED COUPLE SUNDAY AND * E MASSMURDER SATURDAY OF ACTRESS SHARON TATE AND HER FOUR GUESTS.if T ASECLUDED ESTATE. BUT AN OFFICER SAID IT IS UNUSUALTO HAVETHE SAME TEAM ON TWO -} ASES UNLESS THERE&#39;S INDICATION CASES AN THE LINKED. ARE THE SOLE SUSPECT THE IN TATE MURDERS WILLIAM GARR5%SON, 19 A/// A CARETAKER THEAT BENEDICT CANYON LEASED HOME THE BY AESS, WAS RELEASED YESTERDAY. ; 1 AFTER HISONLY SUSPECT WALKED OUT OE POLICEHEADQUARTERS INSPECTOR HAROLD YARNELL SAID THERE IS NOT SUEFUCIENT EVIDENCE TO HOLD GARRETSON. THEREIS NO REASON TO SUSPECT HIM. DETECTIVES TODAY LEANED TOWARD THE THEORY THE STA BINGS SUNDAY OF MARKET OWNER LEON LABIANCA AND HIS WIFEROSEMARY EIR HOMMIGHT H-I COPY A A BY NEW ASSAILANT THEor EARLIER MUR11301;? ~ E4 _ .U 92 8/12--ctsoea " ,»4101,0/~"n .Yb /DI/la, .ta LE »J%4¢Q¢; IT?! Q_ REC-69*&#39; l AUG 14 * &#39;3 /0 - ./ p 4&#39;64-f-4:. ¢a ;_i* ,~&#39; ~ ag WASHINGTON 92 I;;Jt:"&#39; 1-. -.£/Q, h_ ._ -TN 4X LA éj/ CAPITAL NEWS SERVICE L .. _ .5 Tolson ..__-____._- " 19IN-_92&#39;. T-l7-68! _ 7" BeL°oCh Mohr Bishop___._._.____. Casper -_-.---Ccllcih on .._____.__ Conrad Felt _____ Gale __________ Flosen .__.._.____. Sullivan _____._ Tovel .________. Trotter ii. Tele. Room .______ ,._.._ 1 -><- Ho&#39;hnes ____i_. Gondy _______ * ~ II 2Newl;__1;;_lers_ to Linlg_e__ SlayinE;ff Prom NewsDispatches LOS ANGELES, Aug. 11Ho icide out a. todly eh I ,lell03--Bil-Miss Tate.and her detectives fanned this sprawling city &#39;ng similarities be- man Polanski, was re eased because of insufficient evidence against him, police said. He underwent alie detector test and extensive question r he was ar- tween e m rders of actress Shar Iate and tour others and the Biziire deaths of a rested rday. married coufle adozenmiles away.- -. 92 4_Q_g___&#39; H 1 .w1 Mi At the same time, the only person found alive at the estate where Miss Tate and the others were slain was released tron: custody. The five bodies found at the blonde actress home in Bene.~_ did Canyon SatRfd!yWVereI mutilated by multiple knife" wounds, as were the bodies of imarket owner Leno La Bianca, 44, and his wife, Rosemary, 38. Their bodies were discovered Sunday night in their Silverlake home, which was once owned by Walt Disy. ne | The word "pig" .scrawled inblood was on the door eand ~ &#39; - &#39; h {lst Jay Sc " heiress writer Voand Stev I to death T &#39; _e hairstyl- 85; cotiee olger, 26; crykowski,37; rent, 18, who po- lice said was atriend retson and had visited l the estate the night I I slayings. , Sebring was found with of Garhim at of the _ a. black hoodover hishead. He and Miss Tate werejoined by aknotted white cord around their necks. Police said both La Biancas had been knifed repeatedly and had makeshift ttheir heads. hoods over §of Miss Tates home, and the l In addition, aseries of x words death to pigs" was daubed on the refrigerator idoor in the La Bianca home. Bianca along with the word "war." Afork protruded from marks had been carved on La his body.The LaBiancas werei &#39; William E. tGarretson, 19, not known to have anyconnec-_ it th h e 1ii!!-¢_H1&#39;___&#39;______¢__ Pm tion with the show business ICL -i_-_ : } /» The WashingtonPost ,_~ 1 Times Herald _____l;.__2...._._ The Washington Daily News ___.__.. The Evening Star Washington!T.._ The SundayStar Washington!____g_ Daily News New York! __...______. Sunday News New York! __._.____.._ New York Post The New The Sun York Times _.___.___Baltimore! ______.__._- The Daily World The New Leader The Wall Street Joumal ..___...__-_ The National Observer __,._.__--People&#39;s World Examiner Washington! I Date I" . 4:1 ..~___ :< &#39;i&#39;I~"!TT Al" 1&#39;5 15:9 lENCLOQLvl;..&#39; _11;:-,,.=_,-3 ,/ Q u s, &#39; %9», Q, ¢&#39; I &#39; is . __ ~~ &#39;2 -I; . é 4. i F . !f~~ ..-:-=~ _--. _ . ~ ._ | W 3 &#39;§ T- oge 0!L; Biancas, whowere slain insomewhat similar fashion toactress Sharon Tateandfourothers. §-3-41¢ ~ >92 is ti-i. P &#39; ., _.~*" . Del_.oach IMohr 92Pl92&#39;I&#39;ll!-IL!» 92]9292&#39;92n » - _- _Bishop____________ &#39; Tavel " . A7Tele. pun an-1| ..______ ___.______. Casper ___%____ Callahan __i__ Conrad _______ Felt _____________ Gale _._.___._. Rosen ______.___ Sullivan _______ _.;_____.._. Trotter ____ Room ..___ Holmes ________ Gandy ,________ 1-1 92 . &#39;.-&#39; T The Washington Post Times Herald .__ The Washington Daily News .._.___. L. V The Evening Star Washington!____ The SundayStar Washington! Daily News New York! L Sunday News New Nev./YorkPost ll The New York Times _______..__..._. I The Sun Baltimore! The Daily World The New Leader ,______....._._-- "i The Wall Street Journal i" ~- &#39; 92. __/ A. York! TheNational . Observer ___.__.._.._- Q L22? XI&#39;-HogPeople&#39;s __________ World . 71 /-» EN0Los OI %x3miDer -gshinglonl s 1. 3 &#39;4-cl "" Date AUG 13 1:0! ings 0 Fiée Houselm Tate us;-zl her l.ie rm Qkg; K I 3% 1 J!._. Es I ngeles police were investigating the striking similarities between mass murder of actress Sharon Tate [ -1 andfourothersSaturday, and the murder of awealthycouple Sun&#39; day.Leno La Bianca, 44, and wife, &#39;1 Rosemary, 38, werefound stabbed to death in their home-about 12miles from Sharon&#39;s rambling estate. .r-@-1 &#39; __, _ "1 *__ _&#39;__ &#39; Xw; ¬ La k _ i? __> _>______ _ 1" 4 Q O-I9 Rev. 7- l7-68! I3IilIlI5lliiI3llT&#39;-it-&#39;lil?i.l!7l"!t&#39;TlIl&#39;!I!ir1iill6l&#39;.i:lWlI=Ioil"&#39;w.".mcruanlu:mumm-.,i--n-~~»~.»-e--mm. .........s. ,...&#39;-lai: &#39; Terror Tale HQ 1&#39; Tolson ____i_ Z Del..o:ich Mohr Bishop H&#39;s Movieiand Hotel ByANTHONY BURTON 5 Staff Correspondent of Tiis NEWS Los Angeles,Aug. 11-Fantasy rulednot so Casper _________ i long Ccllohon of buildingscalledCentury City now stands.Here, fake cowboysstrutted along false-frontedwestern streetsandphonyexplorersstruggledthroughbogus African jungles. Gale Rosen Sullivan - Then it was the back lot of 20th Century-For studios and thousands of men and women spent their days spinning fairy talesfortheworldfs screens. Nowtheminiature cityof the future is here, dominated by the ultra-modernhotel, the Cen- Q4 iithe hotel to considera situationso extraordinarythat derisive E tury Plaza. Today,SecretServicemenandhigh police /c officialsmetin eyebrows mighthavebeenraisedif it hadbeenofferedat a story conference in the olddays. A Fete for Asfros e 92 v ~=&#39; It wasnot enoughthat in two days s statedinnerwould -be heldin the banquetroomof the hotelfor the threemoon 1 astronauts. It wasnot enough that President Nixonwouldbe &#39;arriving from the summerWhite Housedownthe coastat i i . Conrad Felt on the land where the gigantic $500 million complex é __i____ Tovel ._____i_ Trotter _______ Tele. Room Holmes _________ San Clemente. It was notenough that antiwar protest groups wereplanning a showdown wi police outside theliote. Ontopof all thesesecurity problems, local lawenforce- ment officials were strugglingwith bizarre masskillings, an effort that was usingtheir resourcesto the utmost. " Gondy ____._. As the huntwentintoits thirdday,policealsohadto deal withrepeated demands from residents in isolated areasfor additionalpolicepatrols. _ Looks Through Binoculars Nobody wasusingthe wordpanic,butit wasnot far away early this morning as neighbors gathered in thesultydarknessoutside3301WaverlyDr. in the LosFeliz sectionof the city.Fromtheroadway,.they couldjustmakeout smears oi bloodon the wallsof the livingroom.Oneyoungster hada pair of binoculars to bringthe sceneintocloserfocus. The bodiesof Leno and Rosemarie La Bianca were still insideand detectives were startingwork on the inevitable question: wastherea link between thisandthe killingof actressSharonTate and four othersFriday night? Was a madkillerat large,able_to strikeagainandagain? As High Cop Sees If Onewomanpulledher robe closeraroundher, hugging herself as if chilled, althoughthe night was warm. I don&#39;t know what to do she said. I can&#39;t sleep knowingwhoever I did this is stiLlfree. How cananyone_ go to sleep! I&#39;ll have to standhereall night.I feel betterseeing that policeman at the gate." _ _ - Later a gray-haired policeinspector cameout and saidhe gm 5 did not think there was any connection betweenthe two cases. i If it was meant as a reassurance for the neighborsit was 2% not helpful. _ The WashingtonDaily News The Evening Star Washington! ______ gat-asand nobodywas safe. ,_._¢-1 &#39; *_.____ The Sunday Star Washington! ._.__._ =-&#39;"&#39;-"""""&#39; &#39;"""v-~-~&#39;"M"-1-"-H-urn----Iv-»~:==~:1mI-I:-&#39;<-~11-I--~&#39;:&#39; 1"&#39;i:"&#39;"&#39;i:i:::&#39;;iiI&#39;!;1t|:mil::.ZI;:mn&#39;!i!&#39;:I!:i:||!"it:&#39;:=::2::.&#3 1.1;. Q-I-;L;zI}a .. Daily News New York! Sunday News New York! ___i____ New York Post The New York Times The Sun Baltimore! The Daily World The New Leader All it meant was that there was a surfeit of madness, enoughfor two separatehorrors.The enemywaswithinthe 92~92 ,,,. E ¬ 5 The WashingtonPost Times Herald E E 5 I -H -0 Oi 0-19 Rev. 7-17-ea! _ Q ; ,92.."_!; Tolson _______._. Dc-Loach _.___.__ Mohr ___.__.___.__ 3ishop______ Casper ___.____ Callahan _______ Conrad _________ Felt _________ Gale i_______ Rosen _________ Sullivan ___.___ Tavel _.____._.__.. Trotter .i_.____._ Tele. Room _______. Holmes __.___.__ iIib1zY1UlN0£! Gandy _________ Ilbrwtmr.1; l.$bnut The similarities between the murders of Sharon Tate four other persons, and the and slayings of Leno and Rosemary La Bianca gripped movieland with terror yesterday. The new victims were discov- ered by Mrs. La Bianca&#39;s daughter photo far left! and son, by an earlier marriage. He was comforted by his father [!]. Cops The Washington Post Times Herald The Washington Daily News .-.___-- called murders carbon copies. Tate home In map left, is A! Bianca home and La B!. Story p. 3; other photo "T "-""-"&#39; p. 1 Dad leadsFrank from UPI Teleohoto murder house. The Evening Star Washington!__.. , I1 _ , The Sunday Star Washington! .____. 5d">&#39; "°Ml°&#39;ll Daily News New York! New York Post &#39; The New York Times ________._..___ The Sun Baltimore! The Daily World The New Leader . I The Wall Street Journal The National Observer _____..___People&#39;s World Examiner Washington! Date .",.,» v_,,. -- e AUG 1,; -t. e »z &#39; p_&#39;.J=E &#39;5-Q 15 E @»~*~»Y 11531 &#39;y C 1§£ ! / 92 1 uea Is Ge Associated Press Wironhoio Theneat, tree-lined home of Leno andRosemary LaBianca rises ongently sloping hilltop. .. 5 I I ~ I -./=.. Z Ix -2&#39; a-. £.., L- < 92 J. .. 92&#39;_ 3 4 4 Wearing eye-catching outfit, Sharon partiedLondon Aearlier inyea; _ pl--_< F 1-. ,,-1. 92 0 . Susan Struthers, 21,daughter ofslain woman, leaves home withboyfmd&#39;3do:D&#39;:r§:1 . , O-l9 ii W = "L Rm l &#39;. -l"-68! Tolson .__.._______ DcLo:cl&#39;i _._i____ "1. .., ::*&#39;7"" "Q 1: Mohr Bishop at Adilismfic Ki eron @:;i~ Casper i Fe &#39; ;: s Gcile Fiosen Sullivci !&#39;0W"l_:." ._. ts- t = "r*"*"-&#39;&#39;*"&#39;"""""*_&#39; h I _ -~ By MICHAELMcGOVERl92&#39; j Staff &#39; Correspondent of Tn}: News LosAngeles, Aug.11Fears that a sadisticmaniacwas on the prowlballooned todayfollowinga reportfrom thecoronersofficethat a Tcivel Trotter Tele. Room Holmes Gcindy marriedcouplefoundbrutallymurderedin their secluded Hollywoodhome ---ii i-A w¬F&#39;e&#39;lEilled in a &#39;&#39; manner closely related tothesavage murders ofittress &#39; &#39;Tl! LEFT . Shawn Tate aiu1_£o.ur .3..i..ti&#39;.I-°...¬.".ii.;.. 6;&#39;Il.&#39;Z°.1;;&#39;; [her PBPSOIIS. o ii blood by It&#39;s a carboncopyof the earlier murders,"said a po- the word"pig." La Bianca&#39;s bodywas sprawled on the floor. A big heavysetman, lice investigator of the death of grocery-chain heir Leno La Bianca and his wife, Rosemary, who were found dead last night, 36 hours after the discovery of the i 2 he was wearing trousers but his white shirt had been ripped open and a meat-carving 5 stuck in his chest. war fork was The word was carvedinto his chest, apparently with the fork. Underneath the word, the killer had cut bodies of Miss Tate and the v0 several Xs into his body. ¢A-wlte pillow csseuiaiursd his head and a lam};-nerd-had others. A coroner&#39;s office spokesman disclosed hisfindingsafter view- b!en*&#39;tl&#39;!Il"around his neck. His wife lay face down in the bedroom next to her bed. She was wearing a negligee which had been pulled over her head. Her back had been so badly mutilated that police could not at ing the bodies of the La Bianca couple.Full autopsiesare still to be performed. Working Around Clock _ &#39;1&#39;he_lat_est murdersthrew the ! s homesmeare d in t he the heel of a hand-was investigationof Sharon&#39;s slaying I Tfirstdetermine whethershehad clues in the_death of Sharon, the wifeof Polish lm director Ro- been stabbed or beaten with a whip. Later, it was theorized that she had been stabbed with a ba onet-like weapon. into chaos. Police, almost without man Polanski, working around theclockwhentheyhadto halt The WashingtonDaily News .._.__... hington! .__._ ingto_n!__ !_..Z_..___ TheEvening Star lies The Sunday Star Wash Daily News New York Sunday News New York! New York Post Through thelong night. fright- that investigation andturn their ened residents of Los Feliz stood on their lush lawns or came to attentionto the new killings. At _lesst_ onesuspect in theTate caseis still at large. A secondsuspect,William E. Garretson,a 19-year-oldcaretaker at the BenedictCanyonestate, was releasedtoday without any The WashingtonPost Times Herald I the sceneto watch police go in and out of the isolated singlestory white stuccohome. _ The New York Times _.__._____ The Sun Baltimore! codltrget-sio III&#39;nQk011l00ll¬1S chargenowpending againsthim. _&#39;I&#39;he latest victims were La The Daily World The New Leader nassaathan the foot of the 100toot driveway leading-bId92e house, they watched detectives who stood silhouetted against a Bianca, 4f,aninsurance aglent, Isingle house lightastheydusted andhis wife Rosemary, 88. wo teemge children from a previous marriage of Mrs. La Bianca, Frank and SusanStruthers,came upon the grotesque scene as they returned home at 10:30 last night. Stunned police found strong similarity between the murders of the La Biancas and those at theBenedict CanyonEstate._ In the latest murders, the killer dipped a hand in .his victims blood and smeared the words death topigs" infoot-high print across a living room wal . Police said the killer used the heel of his hand-appainntly in an ef t to leave anyngerprints. _ _ The Wall Street Journal The National Observer __.__._i.__ the front door for fingerprints. At one point, a neighbor brought out eld glasses and focused through the open front door on the living room wall. He spelled out his findings to the small crowd: d-e-a-t-ii" the Peopl e&#39; s World Examiner Washington! Date first bloodywordof the message. l:iw;i_an.d.4;,guest househghinithe niain house. ENCLOSURE 1 92?. AUG 13 law.- Inch-by-lnch Search At sunrise, eight rookie policemen in T-shirts were driven to the scene. They were handed prods and began an inch-by-inch search of the big well-manicured - 1l3U%&#39 Z a .4 a. a, , s,.Q."A3 it? "L ,Ih|:,.la;ge house is snlredby eyen-more-plush estate%&#39;Ul"ohe -~=-=-»~side lathe enormous$8.5 million estate built wounds inthe eiigltill I-i&#39;§&#39;Z.&#39;h° by a broadcasting ex- Polanski, who Iwtm-pad 1,, Ill HEMfromlondom, whara he azutive, Earle C. Anthony. When_Sharon&#39;s bodywas found at her $200,000red barn-style 8Q:-n the-l-aat_ho months,was inter- neck of her former boy friend, hairdresserJay Sebring,35, who atanuzknown location. Polansld ped like I-lrisud-and lawyer. around her neck 3 58¢been working on.g_]m_;¢;- home,a nyloncordwas looped and around the hada_ piece of black cloth wrap- a bandage around his head. -. Red Auto Located A police investigator said about fi Cl YO! J.O£7-;1h."°¢Z2su&#39;" was accompanied by Walter Wolf, --"*""- the two sets of killings: There is a similarity,but whether it is the same person, orjust someone copying te Tate murders, we don&#39;t know. it&#39;s possible that someone read about the other killings and decided on the same kind of thing. One of the strongest leads in -thehunt for Sharon&#39;s killer evap- ogtedigg lastnight. iv---.,_ Her ire-engine red Ferrari -was fesnrnn Los Angelss-garage It apparentlyhad been taken there for repairs last week. Police tfnought the ear might have been used for a getaway by the killerSharon arnd he four com- panionswere killed_I-ridsynight or Saturday morning, savag_ely ending a partySharon wasgiving for her friends. Garretson took a 90-minute he _ detector testat Folice head- ! quarters yeserdsy. oliee said it was a favorable test and he was returned to his cell as detectives sought to ll in some minor details. Later today, he was uncon9 ditionally released. Garretsons attorney, Barry -in _!arlow, saidthat the Tate killer was more likely someone connected with the murder vcitims themselves. I "Therewasa partyat tbehouse the night of the killings, he said. From theinvestigation madeby mgoffice our best fuess isthat w oevei; did itwas zihvolved inla persona way wi ese peop e t who were killed. Resultsof Autopsiea CoronerThomas Nogucbl re- i which determined the causes of Y death tor Sharon and the other four victims at her home: s / I 92 l I leasedthe resultsof autopsies Sharon,who was eight months l 8truthdahtthllloae&#39;LaBla _h n: pregnant, was killed by multiple stab wounds in the chest and havebeena boy. Sebrlng died from stab wounds l Abigail theupger part ofthebody. olger, 26, heiress to the Folger coffee fortune, died of stab wounds in thechest. Voityck Frokowski, 87, a Polish film producer, writer and director, died of stab wounds and a nshotwoundin the back. , <1 -1=l"n &#39;3» t:&#39;ear at-tg,disouveri.::&#39; - back. The autopsy showedthat the baby would um Telseboto &#39; E8wv!nParent, 18,of&#39;llih&#39;92&#39;1lI!i - ,1 Q %Q» Q, "&#39; _,_Hgqo ofMr. and Mrs. Leno L::_Bi&#39;anca,.whevro couple were found shin, InLon Angcles. Qdaughter sits »1?&#39;§Tl}& ,. 4 __ .. ._. 1 r &#39; _&#39; &#39; e . Gm; Gutownki, bnlineu partner ofAfil;lirector talks torepo non lrnnl atLou > .." 0 &#39; " . -_ &#39; -~ 92 3 "1 4,. I - . A 1 1 92 i ¢ I / 92 | 92 a---"SharonTate-police have almost noclues inherdepth--_§, Ha Freedom of Information and t Privacy Acts Subject: Ka}Y¢,=+!92&#39;c5_Pl>92&#39;E~.& 92927"mwt>zr§~, FileNo.: @;l i 92&#39;?v0»i 3 - Section: .an D" r ._ 007.Q5 ~k J "4v §,$¥ "~?¢{@ 31&#39; 4 IQ ,5! $1 74" 0- 0 "qr" Federal Bureau of Investigation 4-750 Rev. 9-29-93! . Q XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF lt92&#39;92ESTlGATlOl92&#39; ,FOXPA " &#39; DELETED PAGE INFORMATlOl92&#39; SHEET XXXXXX XXXXXX J3 Pag¢ withheld s! at location this entirely the One le. more in thelfollowing or of where s El Deletions were pursuant madethe to exemptions indicated with below segregable no available materialfor explain this deletion. release toyou. Section 552 U b!l! El b!! Al D b!! Cl El b!! El _D Section 552a b!! B! D tdt! b!! C! U tittzi El b!! D! U kntt D b!! E! D tk!| b!! F! C] k!! U b!! U b!! U kit-ti Cl b!! D b! 9! D k!1 U bits! D knot Elrequest lnlormation pertained toathird only panyno with reference to the subject yourofrequest or the subject your of is listed inthe titleonly. U 00! ElforDocuments originated another with Government agencytiesl. documents These referred were thattoagency review anddirect response to you. information contain by furnished another Govemment You agcncytiesl. be will advised by theFBl as . to Pages the releasability of this infomtation our following consultation with other the agencyties!. _.__ Pagetst withheld inasmuch analrelease as determination has been not made. You be willadvised as the to disposition at alater date. Pages not were considered for release as they are duplicative of 5% l I50 7* I -t Pagetst withheld for the following reason 92>&#39;92&#39;*P[ s!: 92 l4~ll92¬-3- Afollowing number toused beis reference for these regarding pages: 3<&#39;1l 5C>ei>-ef" XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X Deleted Pagets! X X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &#39;-1: NEH ORLEANS 92 . SUBJECT MURDER, SHARON,&#39;l1&#39;I&#39;E, E&#39;1!lI-4,7 INFORMATION RECEIVED BY TWO SHIPMENTSHOUSEHOLD GOODS ROMAN ND -» =2 VOYTECK FRYKOWSKY ON BOARD S.S. SHIRLEY LYKESIHICH DEPQRTED souamngpron AUGUST TEN, LAST, nunmo ARRIVEmar onnmus L % _.. .&#39;r_ AUGUST-om; &#39;nr1s:x-rr on_ &#39;rw1a:r;&#39;1&#39;Y,-I-_ TIO, _., ,,.. ACCORDINGLONDON; LEGA&#39;1,&#39; mass n1§Pon*1*S""Ii:n1¢_A§T1a:& Y .&#39;, 4&#39; ;~-A1&#39; &#39; 4 .. <;-.&#39;»=,.--:~*~-~= ..&#39;.._&#39;__, ."&#39;.. +*r-41w.-:1. .*." or NARCOTICS IS INVOLVED IN THISCASE.BUREAU or cusrmas, wasnmcwron, n, c._, ms BEEN ADVISED. Anvrsn APPROPRIATE. 1 .~ y-_:.,~ AUTHORITIES. .92 . V-v ._; .,&#39; . ._ _ Y.-J ..V. 3.. s; . wpn :pdr/dgo &#39; < A V".--F&#39;7&#39; .! -..! --. 1: v&#39; LI - 5 -7 " ii.17-; -..&#39;=&#39;§j__&#39;? I ,*:1".>T&#39;i".-""I»§J&#39; 92~.£;§z&#39;.s.f;5~-~&#39;_§_3"T-&#39;§§-_»&#39;¢_-.--~_t _ Foreglafhg iizfdrnation received cable byfrom Leg: ,, or authorities, Los_,&An8e1B8 9-1151 Ne! whorequested that 1oca.1 gnd Bureauof Narcotics and Dangerous__~Dr;ugspe adyiseglu, Bureauof Customs, where jurisd1ct1oii;1i§eii Tolson _ T U75? Bureau of Narcotics a::=.-:1_ Dangerous Drugs I88 5 advised rathe >4 _.., .-_ ,. ,, I ..», _~_,. DeLou¢h g on 8-19-69&#39;: o-. .- Y; 1 -;;&#39;:~.;-.,<~&#39;?<~ = ~ _..@--5-|ohr&#39;_.____._ 1» id-Q &#39; &#39; Bishop ._._.__ ..._>-n~o-- . x., -- &#39; =.*&#39; 4"=- ~-&#39; .ma--&#39;7§_P~ _-¢-_ _}> &#39; 7;» 92 &#39; ;.1. . &#39; .77 .W ~.371~&#39;."3. "5-zr ¢:§§1~. ~&#39; -ér~&#39;}¬ , -1; a&I&#39;»&#39; &#39;1~E» gé "&#39;=s~* M an 1522*» I 5-?5§&#39;7"Q3{¢3 .>w.1 _._,,_., . , _;.. ,92._.,v._.»;3,¢.>_>_,.,{_,,m__, _,l_,._ .,_.___-_._¢H__; Yax.J.A _ Casper __i_ -92j&#39; Callahan -___. &#39; 3! Conrad ___&#39;_._ .:&#39;>,92 .5 _ Felt | Gale --_-__&#39;_ V . . . _ Rosen __?_.. Sullivan __._ Tuve! -; _,,_,..,-.?--Q ---_,. ._. Trotter . Y_ _, .=- ;92.f.92= 92~.~ Tele. Room ,_ .-., .<>4 _»" 11/ 1 ix»,~ Hol:nes&#39; 4,-+ A &#39;f;:_&#39;:.._-. -¢.L --11+ 1."; &#39;,&#39; &#39;. QGIIOY 1-1*-Q §1&#39;:.5 92 _=-.,____ . -_»_< . I .,. u- &#39;~ M151.»__v I ,~ , 1.» .__ Fe__.- ._,V-&#39;7 _&#39;= -I.=;. ___ ,_.-1; - >_~ F Y-4, v, -_-._. _-_1 42. .1 -_~v ~"5 -34..-,92 F &#39; 1-___g__§.&#39;:*92,;; -~ ~_, v ._,>.»->-,_~ ~- >_§;.~. -» wt FROM T 1 . NKNOWN SHARONTATE, ETAL .;} _.,SUBJECT,MURDER, .5. VICTI 10 - - 1ur-cam: REPORTS TWO _-_,-&#39; 3H0-ISEHOLD soooscousxsusn to ROMAN POLANSKI AND on sumo ss sumuzv LYKES,LEFT sounmnrrou AUGUST nan, LAST, nus NEW ORLEANS AUGUST M-zrmons onIviiznrnwo, mm" POLANSK Y. 1suussann or rats. FRYKOWSKY IS ANOTHER v1cI_m2;! 92 . f V BECAUSE OF - PRESS REPORTS THAT SHIPMENT OF NARCOTICS INVOLVED THIS CASESUGGEST BUREAU FURNISHABOVE INFO TO ,3 NARCOTICS I _ ANDDANGEROUS DRUGS FORAPPROPRIATE ACTION NEH AND TU L95 AUGELE5FUR DISSEHIUATIUN LOCAL é RUCO _,¢ *5"I AA r" , A ~&#39; y -&#39; . A!, m " *** AUIHURITIESQEW *~ __ ~~; &#39;i§ ,- / t &#39; . 4 < -F . .-._.. :..- &#39;~ ~. *-. .- RECEIVED: ~- .>.. : &#39;1 ll 1&#39;1. 34 AM i ;. _cmss. Z REASON-FC mmor. I 9 " ;;;§..:.:gE»}_,~M¢;*1»%;;.,-=-* a§;-31;; GUN " Q - . M 92 1&#39; .-u.~ N Q- M, -_nsnsm IS u ASSIFIED *~vi:":-5?? ¢;.&#39;Assu~mnnYantb £24 -w. mi AUG20196 nu. mronm I &#39; norm [ALI wnens su orusm-ass $__,_ <- " in a FD-365-22-64! Rev. Q.» ;&#39;-&#39; -&#39; .Y:.1 31 -l :2» u F BI _Date: 8/20/6 9 Transmit the following in {Type inplaintexl I via or code! AIRTEL AIRMAIL I _P .~1 vu riority! . Director FROM: ,FBI SAC, New Orleans I 64! RUC! ,I UNSUB; O I MURDER, SHARON TATE,ET AL FOREIGN POLICE COOPERATION VICTIMS I__ &#39; |_1___ __l__ _v _____ :5 ____ _ &#39; __ _ __ > __ J I _ _;___ ____ 1" __ ___ 5 _ I_ _Y _;__V __ at _ Z Q_ _> _ V __ _! ___ __H _J_ __&#39;___ _ _" v&#39; " " Wvmu wwi 92&#39; MN; x~*dI..="=:92!§-"W: r .--»->-,4-v-1 on @$7Q&#39;7c ,5?D FBI Office. contacted or nnvcr_becn Office &#39;§%A 1 .__ §F0?§ Lug? > STATE s1 MW 1;. &#39;2! saw; PARAPHBASE ~l92 "=.-A ~ 92 -~ @ h» UNSUB, MURDER OF ACTRESS SHARON TATE AND OTHERS,s ANGELES, cA1.1FoRN1A,AususI EIGHT LAST.FPO. cuss "&#39; =A=¢*?;»»*v»w>~J*""?? nAnnoF B1-242,2 _zQ¢Zz2____ CAME T0 THIS OFFICE AUGUST TWOSIX INSTANT AT SUGGESTIONOF TOP OFFICIAL OF SECRET SERVICE DETECTIVE BUREAU! OF LOCAL METRO ~.. r.__ POLITAN POLICE WANTEDOFFER TO SERVICES TO US AUTHORI TIES INCAPTIONED MATTER > S CLAIMS CONSIDERABLE SUCCESS IN PAST CASES IN DRAWING SKETCHES WITH AID OFWITNESSES AND, AT TIMS, WITHOUT WITNESSES HEICLAIMS KNOWLEDGE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS PHYSICALIEVIDENCE AND OF cams ENABLE um T0 RECONSTRUCT FEATURES orCRIMINAL EVEN AND WE" 9°EYE """E5§_E$.A_VA1&#39;-FE-F "5 §T.5I5.$...5? POLICE LABORATORYHAVE PREPAREDAsxsrcu RESEIBLESUBJECT IN THIS CASE, AND ASSOC wnxcn THEY BELIEVE ARE WILLING TO W MAKE IT ABLE TO INTERESTED AUTHORITIES gm; ONE 129$ I,A ;*. _ 4,A &?z2,i;/A0 A» 7I IEP8 5/7a, I" laI &#39;--=2": I 1-AUG 28 1m~ 928¢92t§S::2° 7&#39;, 1 J 92 21 A ¢"" "&#39;-&#39; &#39; &#39; ~< -&#39; &#39;,-- -A .;- ~ ..:-»,~- ... -r-92&#39; LY»_. _. -. -A,wt. . , 7_ _&#39;_ f "&#39; 7 ""~ ; I ,MM i_. .9 WW 1P_ K 72 ,- k~,,,~ 1-,<92h§zi»:,m; 92 ». at p "&#39; """ &#39; &#39; "" " &#39;~ " *~i~ii--~~-_ _ 92~ _, &#39; - ;>{» 9 _>4< ____. .i_i_a-a;-_ pp ..___ _ 1 - L92 . &#39; viilik. 4 1,~_ &#39; . ; V _ 9K.-.;/_?&#39;-.92_--._.1,-;"> * I- .. t, .9 &#39; I" &#39; *-»=;~ =?;-;1§.-$§+;$,_ 92 *>3 * ~695%.; 4% - 9,9 ..- .I92=*...92-, """§&#39;-6!-".&#39;»»-i., . *1»,-e 19~ ~~92~;. &#39; ~1!&#39;4-.&#39;»&#39;¢-Iv;-3., l&#39; .:;,_.3_,: -- _~,_~ .~=_ _ ..1 1 12, ;-, 9» "-r; ,9.-z 9; > v;3~1s."T§E».&#39;-&#39;1 *1-*,&#39;>,>t ¢» 92;&#39;;_-sit .- &#39; - , f&#39;3ll*-,3; . 4 " _ i >____ . ._._.______,_i.t._.__. .._.». = ..-&#39; f 1 _ &#39; .,,&._ _ ».»&#39; .9 _&#39;.:&#39;1}l:&#39;- ,_,_ .9» .-< It . 5:11 <1,:JJ/Z;:&#39;92 ._>~;~_,;,}-_". 9 fr ~_ .»,,,fk~-9 4;»; "u 1» -*: 9-.. 9,_ _ , _ -.- ._ _ 9 l" ." &#39; . &#39;92-; :92 . , _____ ; &#39; p -~ -&#39; _9 August 29$1999. V .0 &#39; . I___, p . .p, GENERAL mvEs&#39;r1c.A&#39;1 &#39; &#39; &#39; " The bodies of Sharon Tate, who was -1&#39;"_ _<: _ ?_&#39; - &#39; &#39;,»;._ -;aQn92A -:*.~ ~~&#39;-slam;-~ ~-~ ..,_ married to a. Hollywood movie producer, and four others were residence following ",9-. 0__p _--. I. I_,-. ~-T- . ,.., .. ~|4 -$_»3§.éw&#39; &#39;"_&#39;_;" »-. "T"; 9* » in which ,1.-=~.»;;2_ H 92.7M the victims found at the Tate abizarre killing _ were shot &#39;.~z&#3 :~..I. - and S1- ~ 4- repeatedly stabbed. Attached advises Los AngelesPolice Department LAPD! has requested . I :.¬&#39;92 &#39; &#39;1-. ,. 1-I ,3;-92> 92< V., ~ 92&#39; _ . ._»..~~;. &#39; ~ _.&#39;» &#39; V >"¢Z1,:&#39;v &#39; 1,~."< i Kl" &#39;. .5 !_92v_".l. J , , .5?-.r~-; .> rt». . ._;4~"&#39;5 a I _,, identity oi the person ILAPD 1 feels solution or crime rests in identification of that person. 9 -__. 9_ 92_ ___ - F Bureau assistance in determining the _ Upon approval, _pwill be advised to conduct requested investigation. .&#39; I _ _-. -p.I. .A;=;"- 1 0 _ .92c 1 @?.__&#39;i . Ifl. v_5&#39; ,_ . E &#39; 1 FJH:m.fd "" 929 4% .";<%73v&#39;_e"?"_:"¢ -._ ».->jr;5~;.~".» &#39; 92 ._NN i§@92»:¥ .5_$%3_.1._ , , 5 ti.,;_,_.,_,? -. .&#39;,;;. 5-.1 }~&#39;1; &#39;"-_ - >&#39;:;&#39;., 1.1- _,»". &#39;_t = :5 rt. E - 532* _4 _.>&#39;- ».. 5 . 1&#39; &#39; .-. ;;&#39;,.&#39;... -,. -. ..- -I-_..__v...,.,_ .~5?£9~ ,3.. s"3;;;§¢_&#39;,a ,.~:.-; >9{;&#39;,_-~n.»:..&#39; -.9 1 =~¬ti§~=i»&#39; ~-»&#39;&#39; 1 1:-5 {F"&#39;,T~". : 2,. &#39;*§;?~&#39;i&#39;§~&#39; 1" 92,. _§T. _ . - &#39;.92__ , ~, .. , ~-= l I. ---_A, - §_ s I 92 / ,_, ___,_ ~.~ »»f &#39; _ -_-&#39;=. _" ~- 5; -... - 1" :9-;?i,, 3152* &#39; -&#39;1..1__~- . _;» 92_, &#39; -1q.$_ .1: -;» -,5 93... » ,» 92 &#39; Y" F ~1-»? &#39; ~ / / / k ~, Q-, . . .:.~;;>_&#39; . v . .. &#39; _:§._ &#39; . m ~ ._ _- ,&#39;_. _ 1; V Y »~~_», _ ~ . &#39;_4;»-_--Q < ,5 4_ AC ION BY MEXICO C . » - -.,~ 4 :_ *&#39;92-.»< ~ _u l RECEIVED9845 PM WLM .u=_<~ H - ~ ;L~;_1 u,__~-»N_J - :r»,~< ..__ _3 &#39; .~~..~."&#39; ~, . &#39; ,_ I I >-~ jf - &#39; - __ , »-»~ +._. __ 1"-=._r _ ..v .*~&#39; &#39; &#39;. _a ken .. v .. .-,p 1 ..». Mai _ pi.»,_ ____LN;{ I. w ~ ~~ ~~~_~ <~__K*P_1-v-&#39; .&#39; .-_&#39;P ,____ &#39; . __.-{._ ._ ~:~.,~ -§__ 92=_92 92 . &#39;~ _.£-. = -.. 5,. -&#39;.~ II I g; ;___» 92.. y5""~¢ &#39;-$9 &#39;~; . ¥&#39;1-. 92 .~.-q, .. &#39; .-,L. =.*,. <&#39;. - "1 " :1 ~ . 1" ;&#39;=_&#39;>..2.c . 1.. ~&#39;<» 1-w. w .. I ~» I&#39; . .~ rv . H __ by , }f_, 1. J- -. 92 »&#39;n .. *92&#39;~ . ._ -1, Q1 ." -1 ..~»"K "&#39;- ¢92..<"-. »,§92*_,5&#39;4-. ._ -&#39; z - - .- .j. <- .. r _-3 ;:&#39;;_t1~;, v , 4., 92__ -K ~ 1:4 L: " » e. w~ -.~.ez» 1 ~- &#39; .3 92 *1I * &#39; **" -&#39;* >_ . ,,.-&#39;4 &#39; _ -&#39; .,1. &#39; """" "N 4 x *4: &#39;¢l;i*§.2! big-éwd -ai}5<v-SW1!-ya -. ~;, . &#39;1 -"" ~. /1 &,. 8,, §_&#39;, ~&#39; . , -k 9* .,_,u.,,_&#39; 924_q;»&#39; _ _;~ ~ =2fa :4 ." 3&#39; 92 _¢.~ _ _ - f;~-3%. -,.. I, X . . . . s,»;.;_;. v_ - .1&#39; ..-1..4~ L /7&#39; -_ -~ _~~».~,;.-.92 .2». . *4 &#39; .»;»-_w _-- ». "T ,2, ~94?&#39; &#39;3 -2:1,; .., _. _H . _ Q-5&#39;: Q... ____ 7. 11» :.&#39;>,,~ - 1", .. z.£,__ _ cc» t/ ¢>- Q CC: .l - 0<___ 4l . -_,-=1,-.»{ _ -. . "-.. 151* . ".~f "7." p - - ~ > I 31&#39;» #71. _&#39;.J . 921,, ._ _ 2.1.. .&#39;..:"z., .. _,.-»_ L V ,,""_§""-. v .- _ _ _I¥~~-&#39;-<--1;j-_~;--~~---~-~-- _--- --. &#39; &#39;, Y.1.; ,-.._. .x.&#39;9:] -mi . -3 _;X&#39;.., £.,;,,1 I. Ii-. .4.- &#39; e». -"1-~= A-. __ H .,, I v 4* g*1, -." _~4.?~&#39;r :~»a!-uni;~-.~92 . _. M ~¢.... _ 1 @ , - &#39; {E " s.&#39;-.: .- -/_ FB I .-".. . xI;~ 92/ _,.5 92 I :1; &#39; E I 4 ! I » I 1 Mr. 1-.,; MrT0152: 5 M1 u ._&#39; 1 , DeLc-nch I Mr. I/7+ r. B cé92 L-E . -__ T. J92J.1. :r~~»~92 RT-. 1,. ~-s ,1}. .1 >--&#39;~_~r~ . _____ L ,. I Mr. &#39;1..r"c&#39;1 .~ 1: .~ 1. I"-I1. WASH DC FBI LOS ANG. 642 PM UR GE NT I 8-28-59 TO: DIRECTOR AND / - FROM: L s ANGELES C F 92 10;-". _u 92» -u._- <s2-sen?! ~ J _ jUnkno92-/H Subjegfg _ ,_ ~_;:_;dy_ _ u§s4as,; SHARON£A&#39;l&#39;E; E11 AL -VICTIMS, POLICE COOPERATI EL >4 -/&#39; IS »REBU TELECALL AUGUST THE ABOVE THIRTEEN LAST. CAPTIONED CASE [r1;u-;¢5=&#39;."&#39; LA AREA. THE LOS ANGELES RECEIVES MAXIMUM PUBLICITY IN THE I POLICE DEPT. > I. HAS PREVIOUSLYREQUESTED 1WE ENTER THE CASE T0 LOCATE SUSPECTSIN THIS I92 . CASE WHICH REQUEST " was REFUSED. BEEN bl! E. 3 0/ 7- 6 Ni Q5: FLAPD FEARS PUBLICITY AN IF AGENCY OTHER THAN FBI HANDLES THIS LEAD ,4}, LJ 9/ a," 7 92 .&#39; .= . 7&#39; u I; »&#39; I %-= "1 5 -I PAGE TWO Y. _.,:, .~a_,» __. AND SUCH PUBLICITY WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT IDENTIFICATION, LOCATING, THE SUCCESSFUL AND ARREST OF THE SUBJECT OR SUBJECTS INVOLVED. IT &#39; IS RECOMMENDED THE BUREAU APPROVE THE COVERING OF THIS OUT-OF-STATE on AN LEAD EXPEDITE BASIS. WILL uolfp .4 . _92 &#39; .1 1* 1115 /" IN ABEYANCE THE COVERAGE OF THE LEAD AWAITING BUREAU AUTHORIZATION END DCW FBIDC vmsu é .». n. nu. -31. 5 35 _ .I 15;14:, .3 bu "3 &#39;2. ie ;"- v! &#39; cg» aptioned Dissemination copi es of the L Lo An les information concerning files contains no addi subject _Inasmuch as the purpose of subject&#39;s _ Angeles has been established, no further inve being conducted at Los Angeles, UACB 4 8,, -F4 »92_~4>,_/Q &#39;.,v&#39;/ CEASSIFIFID DECISIONS nmuzso av ozmmmz-zm REVIEWmmrc co mac! ILL INFORIM ON HEREIN IS UNCLA bAr --. 92M%&#39;9i CLASSIFIED sv§rs:n|ue. CHE Q ., e- H0 DECLASS[FY on 2sx_|,, ,L_ SR92§§92v"5,FK92n921§ S-&#39;92*"&#39;°ZP?T§¬§i &#39;";*1¥%1§k &#39;l~ -5,. REASON FCII I1 , __q:_;,.1} 92-".,,._~<1 &#39;"**v?T*é5¢§¥rt-@::¢ _~. bl .1.- A Q &#39;1 .2 Q- % joy W i-Ir; -&#39;-&#39;92~ _ Q] gUs95§Q Ia we? - 7&#39;7 .--__...,...<» :..,_|&#39;,"&#39;fu4L_-; ~-_ O, &#39;. .- --¢. Ky. "awn ,.V. ~¢5<_ -i . 92 .1 J i Iv &#39; - . r 1 - -,1Y.-~ 1.;gr;v., é 6 .1». &#39; ENITEDsums DEPARTMENT OFJUSTICE &#39; -, _ Nb reign _D minatior FEDERALBUREAUOF INVESTIGATION - Les Angeles, ahuwvw _ California September-9, 1969 uni §._ /5/ & 92e3 -_-bi. < ~ The"LosAngeles Times:of August £2, 1969,on Page l, earriedan article captio§ed nFqgxows§g on DrugTrip when :§r$§¬e:1?gn,"F§ig?d: blhSlgrtlC%¬ . r :r__1< 1-s1 Reportt. were o e e on .u° s stited 22 fungral 19 at F0est Lawn Memorial Park,Glendale, Cali;grnia., Hisgsother Toéz/érokowsky and brother, Jerzy, came frem Poland forthe rites. ggcgaggogogasdto followtherites and hisashes were to taken ! ,./&#39; &#39;/ _T_-92&#39;~92Kf<-&#39;=-,1 ["92*_}-&#39;:_/" &#39; SI ign &#39 &#39; No an . _ e Di &#39; ._ se; ation sacs? 1 3 Jude!fromautcznntis ~:ng:z-.&#39;-Eng an-.1 2% ._ -1 &#39;,_92~v /-;j~?H*_F .:Ia§sE:&#39;ic.-&#39;.!|-an H U.,d</ -_ $1-Q;-nll ,,,.,¢-ma»-I-""" Y ..... -A92"&#39;92&#39;>v~vwm ~., W" &#39;" -F ,- ..;.>-v¢ "9 7 -No F eign -Dis nation carried an The Los Angeles "Herald Examiner of August 29, 1969, article entitled "The Tate Case; Friends of Mama Cass Quizzed". This article stated Frykowski&#39;s mother and brother departed on August 28, 1969, enroute to Poland; and that the ashes of Frykowski were to be flown via aseparate Scandinavian Air Service flight to they will Lodz, Poland, on August 29, 1969, where be placed at St. This document conclusions of the FBI. Josef Cemetery. contains neither It is recommendations nor the property loaned to your agency; it and its contents distributed outside your agency. of the are not FBI and is to be < uyi i eSit. - No - 9* 92 _ Dis an eign enation