Temperature control guide Introduction The child and the adult can easily control the body temperature according to the thermal environment. In opposition to the above mentioned, the newborn, especially the immature one, the one with neurological sequels, the sick one especially, can not adapt to temperature change and frequently will present hypo or hyper temperature. Numerous studies show that body temperature changes (hypo or hyper temperature) are either the result of the environment; either is secondary to the newborn disease (Buczow and Klein, 1969; Stanley and Alberman, 1978; Glass, 1975). Even immature there is no reason to believe that the newborn is not feeling uncomfortable when he has high or low temperature. The body temperature changes are in this context an important factor in newborn survival and in his future normal development, being produced by the disease or producing themselves the disease. The current chapter has the following objectives: Objectives This guide must become familiar to the physicians and nurses in any maternity hospital regardless its degree and by the ambulance physicians and nurses that assist births or transport newborns, by parents and family physicians that care for a child at home. The group of newborns to which it will be applied will be identified (sick newborn, premature newborn, newborns at home etc.) The risk of hypo or hyper temperature will be identified, looking for its cause in order to decrease as much as possible its effects and in order to see which treatment protocol is required. The consequences degree will increase with the severity of the modification and with the decrease of VG. This is why these newborns with troubles should be cared for in tertiary centers and they should be transferred in these centers when needed. The temperature control protocol is one of the easiest protocols to be applied, but it has a major impact over the newborns morbidity and mortality. This is why it can be easily applied; it is safe, but compulsory. 1 Knowing the temperature neutrality zone and maintaining the newborn as close as possible to this zone. Temperature measuring technique Application protocol Identification of cases with hypo or hyper temperature and treating them I. Physiological considerations Definitions Body temperature and temperature neutrality A. Definitions Thermal regulation = Phenomena and factors that regulates the equilibrium between the productions and lost of heat; adaptive mechanism to the extra-uterine life (nutrition, adapter, respiration). Thermal genesis – production of heat. Thermal lisis – heat loss. Thermal equilibrium – equality between the production and loss of heat; there is no stored or lost heat. Thermal or neutral environment – set of thermal conditions (environment t°, air draft, relative humidity, temperature of the surrounding objects) in which the body temperature is maintained by minimal heat production at rest. There are no important physical loses. Homeotherm – organism that maintains its temperature under strict limits through physiologic adjustments. In a cold environment it responds to the heat loss by producing heat (increases the metabolism). Poichilotherm – organism that responds to heat loss by proportionately decreasing its metabolism (preterm newborn < 29 weeks in cold environment acts as a poichilotherm). B. Body Temperature and thermal neutrality Heat production Heat production by the body is a mechanism that is realized through a metabolic process in which the organism has to equal the heat that is loss through surfaces by 2 the newborn’s body and the cold air that enters the lung in a period of time when the average body temperature remains controlled. A characteristic of the homoeothermic organisms is the possibility to maintain their temperature in restricted limits through physiologic adjustments. This characteristic allows the human body to produce excess heat in case of a cold environment. In adult the heat production is realized through: volunteer muscular activity, involunteer muscular activity (rhythmic, trembling) and metabolic heat production realized through glicolysis, lipolysis and oxygen consumption. In adult heat production through trembling or frison is quantitatively the most important un-volunteer mechanism of heat production regulation. In newborn the first rank is occupied by heat production secondary to trembling. Studies on humans and animals showed that heat production by lipolysis of the brown fat contributes in the biggest degree to metabolic heat production. Metabolic heat production in newborn is realized through: a). Lipolysis of the brown fat The brown fat represents in newborn about 2-6% of the body weight and is located the nape of the neck, between the scapulae, and around the kidneys and adrenals. The brown fat is different both metabolic and morphologic from the white fat that is much more abundant. The brown fat cytoplasm is rich in mitochondria and contains numerous fat vacuoles (comparative with only one vacuole in the white fat). In case of skin temperature decrease the local norepinephrin that produces an increase of the triglicerides lipolysis that will produce un-saturated fatty acids and glycerol with a high oxygen and glucose consumption (30% oxidates). The glucose consumption is assured by glicolysis and neo-glucose-genesis. After glycolysis the glycogen is transformed in the liver in glucose, resulting in secondary hypoglycemia and reserves exhaustion. The high oxygen consumption is provided by circulation redistribution and hyperventilation. b). The use of exogenous energy substances – nutritive substances or aliments in newborn these are used initially to assure the basal metabolism and the normal body temperature. These reserves are low. In general heat production in preterm newborns is limited due to the fact that the brow fat is insufficient (10g at the ones under 1000g and under 28 gestational 3 weeks), oxygen duty (newborns with birth asphyxia or age specific respiratory diseases), low glycogen reserves, insufficient production of norepinefrin, low nutritive substances intake in the first 2 weeks of life. Conclusions The newborn responds to cold by activating its metabolism (attention: face cold by air flow activates the metabolism before lowering of the central temperature). The heat producing capacity is good at in term newborns, but lower than in the adult (the temperature control zone is up to 0°C in adult and up to 20-23°C in newborn). The heat production capacity is lower in premature newborns compared with in term newborn. Practically the production being low, the loss has to be limited. C. Heat loss The heat loss can be classified in 3 types: - from the interior of the body towards the body surface (intern gradient =GTI) - transfer of heat from the surface of the skin to the environment =GTE 4 - loss of heat through the respiratory tract in case of mechanic ventilation with cold air GTI These heat losses are realized under the influence of the physiological mechanisms that regulates the skin blood flow. These physiological control mechanisms of the newborn may be adulterated by the intern gradient (vasomotor), the skin blood flow changes. The heat loss through GTI is favored in newborn by: - high body surface compared to the body weight (S/G>) - Thin skin fat, practically inexistent in the ones with the GA less than 28 weeks and weight under 1000g. - the epiderma is thin with flat cells and with an increased blood flow with numerous vessels GTE The heat transfer from the surface of the body to the environment is realized through 4 mechanisms: conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation. The heat transfer is complex and the contribution of each mechanism may be different. a) Heat loss through convection This is realized by replacing the warm air around the newborn with cold air. It depends on the temperature difference between the two. If the environment temperature is higher than the body surface temperature then the heat will increase through convection. The heat loss through convection depends on the air speed. If the speed is high, the heat loss increase. The convection is the major cause of heat loss when the newborn is exposed in a cold room with draft. b) Radiation represents a heat loss through transfer to cold surfaces at a distance (walls, windows, incubator’s walls). It is proportional with the difference between this surface temperature and the body surface temperature, but independent of the mixed air temperature. It is an important way of loosing heat when the newborn is exposed undressed in the delivery room. 5 c) Evaporation is a heat loss realized through water evaporation on the body surface and respiratory mucous membrane. Each evaporated water mol consumes 560 heat calories. Normally, through evaporation is lost a quarter of the at rest production of heat (Hey & Katz). Approximate ¼ of this loss is realized through water evaporation at the respiratory level, the rest through passive diffusion of the water through skin. The heat loss through evaporation is not important in the in term newborn, with the exception of the birth moment when the skin is wet with amniotic liquid. In case of excessive heat, the mature child is able to increase the heat loss through evaporation as a response to environment temperature increase through perspiration. The preterm newborn has a higher loss of heat through evaporation. It increases with the degree of prematurity, being higher in the early neonatal period. This high evaporation rate is secondary to the immaturity of the newborn skin that is thin, with a cornos layer weakly keratinized, with low resistance to water diffusion. At about 2 weeks of life an epidermal barrier is developed, that can be compared with the one of an in term newborn, it limits the heat losses. The skin water loss increases in the presence of tegument lesions due to monitoring in preterm newborns. The heat loss through evaporation increases when the newborn is exposed to radiant heat. Using the radiant heat increases the heat loss through evaporation with a factor of 0,5-2,0°C. This increase might be explained partially by the increased surface temperature, increase air movements and low local humidity when the newborn is exposed to radiant energy. The heat loss through evaporation is increased in newborn less than 30 weeks of gestation age, in the first week of life so that their treatment is quite difficult. Reducing the losses through evaporation is required and it can be realized through: - Increase humidity – situation when the heat loss decreases linearly (fig. 10-3). At a very high humidity the heat loss is very low. 6 - Air draft protection, reason why the newborns with extremely low weight will be placed in special incubators with double walls and maneuvered only through the incubator’s doors. - Covering the skin with impermeable sheets realized from fine plastic sheets, blankets etc. reducing in this way the water loss by 75%. Oiling the skin with paraffin reduces the heat loss with 50%. d) Conduction: heat loss through direct contact with a cold surface (table, cold clothes, scale). The phenomena can be extremely unpleasant for the newborn that at birth is wet of amniotic liquid and placed on a cold table. The thermal shock can be avoided by placing the newborn on a therapy table with radiant warming, wiping the wet skin and replacing the wet cloths, placing a cover on the head. GTE is minimal in a neutral thermal environment and the heat loss is minimal at a humidity of 100%. The physical loses are favored in newborn by a high skin surface exposed to cool (uncovered head, deflected hypotonic, big uncovered head), thin skin with high permeability. In conclusion GTE is influenced by: - environment factors: environment temperature, relative humidity, air flows - type of child: exposed skin surface (naked, wet, big head, thin skin, damaged skin) D. Environment temperature’s influence over body temperature (Figure A) The effect of environment temperature over the oxygen consumption in case of respiration in normal air (O2 20%) and in hypoxia (O2 12%) – experimental study: If the organism breath normal air (O2 20%) and the environment temperature is of neutral temperature the oxygen consumption is minim and the rectal temperature is constant at 37°C; If the animal is cold breath normal air (O2 20%) the oxygen consumption increases a lot and the body temperature is constant 7 breath air with little O2 (O2 12%) the oxygen consumption do not increases and the rectal temperature decrease. Conclusions The cold and un-hypoxic child tries to maintain the body temperature by increasing the oxygen and calories consumption in order to produce additional heat (acts as a homoeothermic). The cold child that is warmed up must receive oxygen supplementary. The newborn homoeothermic mechanism may be abolished through numerous interventions, this is why it is better to be protected thermal. (Fig. B) If the environment temperature decreases under the critical point A – the oxygen consumption increases – the body temperature is maintained if the heat production is adequate. If the cold continues – the body temperature decreases – under point B; the temperature regulation center is paralyzed by cold – the oxygen consumption decreases 2-3 folds for each decrease with 3°C of the body temperature. If the environment temperature increases over the neutral point hyperthermia is installed. Conclusions The oxygen consumption and the heat production are minim in two areas: the severe cold zone and in the thermal neutrality zone. The physician must keep the child in a safe thermal environment (the thermal neutrality zone) or in a thermal comfort zone that will be different according to GN, VG, and age of the preterm newborn. From the clinical point of view it is important to note that the newborn may not be in a thermal neutrality zone, but the rectal temperature may be normal. The first mechanism to save heat is vasoconstriction, and the phenomenon may be easily seen by measuring the body temperature in a periphery area of the body. The most selective method to establish the vasoconstriction is to measure comparatively the rectal temperature and the foot temperature ( ). Hyperthermia is onset much quicker in newborn than in adult. 8 The newborn has a low capacity of loosing heat because his high temperature is in direct relation with the one of the environment and he has a high ratio surface/volume. In order to maintain the body temperature constant, the child thermal regulation system maintains the balance between the heat production, the blood flow at the skin level, transpiration and respiration. The thermal regulation systems are more limited in newborns due to lack of insulation. For the naked adult the inferior limit for temperature control in 0°C (32F), while for the in term newborn it is 20°C (68°F – 73,4°F). It is required here to note that the insufficient stability of the body temperature in the small pre term newborn does not indicate an immaturity of thermal regulation if the system is intact. According to Bruck, the system insufficient stability is due to the discrepancy between the effective system efficiency and the dimensions of the body. In uterus While the baby is inside the mother’s uterus, the heat production is dissipated through placenta to the mother. Normally, the fetus temperature is higher than the mother’s. This system is ideal for the fetus, excepting the period when the mother has hyperthermia. During the fetal period of the pregnancy, the fetus’s temperature will increase more than the mother’s temperature. After birth After birth the body temperature decreases quickly, mainly due to evaporation from the wet amniotic liquid skin. The low under-skin tissue of the newborn, the high ratio surface/mass compared with the adult together with the cold air and walls of the delivery room increase the newborn heat losses by 2-3°C. The passage from a moderate cold to a severe one may cause metabolic acidosis, low arterial oxygen level and hypoglycemia. A moderate coldness may be beneficial to its adaptation to extra-uterine life. Cooling the skin receptors may play a significantly role in breathing initiation and in stimulating the thyroid functions. The vasoconstriction and periphery resistance observed in case of moderate cooling alliterates the systemic vascular resistance, reducing the right-left shunt from the level of the arterial duct. 9 In case of a severe cooling severe hypoxemia may result and even death. (Fig. B) The effect of the environment temperature over the oxygen consumption and body temperature: If the environmental temperature decreases under the critic point A → the O2 consumption increases → the body temperature is maintained if the heat production is adequate If the cooling continues → the body temperature decreases → under point B the temperature regulation center is paralyzed by cold – the oxygen consumption decreases 2-3 folds for each decrease with 3°C of the body temperature. If environmental temperature increases over the neutral thermal zone the hyperthermia appears. The oxygen consumption and the heat production are minim in tow zones: the severe cold zone and the thermal ventilation zone. In conclusion (according to Hey and Katz): The rectal temperature is not a good indicator that the newborn is in a neutral thermal zone The rectal temperature decreases only when the maxim efforts of the newborn to maintain its central temperature were overcame. The skin temperature is a better indicator for environmental temperature, because in cool it does not decrease the first (through vasoconstriction). The organism’s response to cooling Light cooling (benefic) produces: stimulates respiration and thyroid glade vasoconstriction → increase arterial pressure → short decrease through the arterial duct Excessive cooling → grave effect: hypoxia acidosis. 10 The vicious circle resulted after excessive cooling of newborn E. Nutrition and temperature As a result of the relation between the metabolic ratio and the body temperature, both the liquids needed and the nutritive requirements in order to increase … directly connected with the temperature regulation mode. The fact is extremely important for the small pre term newborn that has difficulties in maintaining his temperature; his caloric intake is limited by a low adaptation capacity. He needs a high thermal environment in order to use the received calories to increase his weight. A high metabolic ratio leads to high loss of liquids. In case the newborn has a low food requirement, being in a thermal neutral point, his caloric requirement for gaining weight is low. Insensible water losses are in concordance with the metabolic ratio, but 25% of the total heat produced disappears in this way. An increased metabolic ratio leads to high water loss and secondary to a high liquid requirement. A point of thermal neutrality allows for a low alimentary intake a decrease of the caloric requirements useful for gaining weight. Glass and collaborators were able to compare the effects of a control temperature over growth, by comparing two categories of newborns weighting between 1-2 kg and having one week of gestational age. 11 These newborns were divided in 2 groups: the “warm” group (abdominal skin temperature of 36,5°C) and „standard” group (skin temperature maintained at 35°C). Both groups received 120 Kcal/kg/day. The “warm” group presented a weight and height gain significantly higher than the “standard” group. A significantly weight and height gain was obtained in the second group only after increasing the caloric intake maintaining the same skin temperature. F. Central regulation of temperature The integration of the thermal receptors messages will be done in hypothalamus under very diverse environment conditions. The skin temperature may vary between 8 and 10°C, and the hypothalamus’ with + 0,5°C. Diverse temperature variations may exist, variations produced in general by the simpatic system in case of asphyxia, hypoxemia and other disorders of the central nervous system. The newborn has usually a body temperature of about 37.5°C, while the pre term newborn’s is 36,5°C. Because important thermal regulation processes take place at small deviations of 0,5°C, any variation, even a minim one may be extremely important. II. Normal body temperature and it’s measuring • Rectal temperature - Normal values: 35,5 – 37,5°C - Measured using a mercury thermometer introduces in the rectum in a 30° angle - 3 cm for the in term newborn - 2 cm for the pre term newborn - duration: 1 minute - it is not used in EUN. Rectal temperature decreases only when all the efforts to maintain the central temperature were overcame by the newborn. Disadvantages - - danger of rectum and colon perforation; the newborn colon is changing the angle at 3 cm. this is why introducing the thermometer over 3 cm has the risk of perforating the colon. Rectum perforation is a disease with very high mortality. The risk of broking the thermometer Stimulates supplementary defecation with loss of liquids and calories. Rectal thermometer is not sterile, it bears high risk of transfer of some digestive diseases 12 - - The procedure is uncomfortable The procedure in newborn may produce a vagal stimulation resulting in cardiac rhythm disorders and bradycardia. • Temperature in axilla - Measured in axilla for 3 minutes - Normal value: 35,6 – 37,3°C Advantages: - simple and safe easy access low risk for infections Disadvantages: can not be applied when the newborn is in shock with periphery vasoconstriction abdominal skin temperature • Normal value: - NB in term: 35,5 – 36,5°C NB pre term: 36,2 – 37,2°C Measured with a skin sensor at the level of the abdomen (avoiding the liver and bones). The electrode will be glued with an adhesive • Temperature on the foot Normal value: 34,5 - 35°C. III. APPLICATION PROTOCOL • Birth room At birth, the newborn’s body temperature is 1°C bigger than the mother’s and can easily decrease under the normal values if a protocol for temperature maintenance is not respected. The temperature in the birth room must be over 25°C. The in term newborn will be taken over in warm sheets, will be wiped and the wet sheet will be discarded. The newborn will be placed skin on skin to his mother, in this way he will keep a temperature similar to the one of a newborn exposed to a radiant warming source. The pre term newborn will be putted under a radiant warmer after birth. The very small pre term will not be washed because they are not stable cardio-respiratory after 13 birth. (37.1. The “kangaroo” position skin to skin of the newborn was demonstrated to be a good method to maintain the temperature.) The first bath will be delayed till thermal stabilization. In case of resuscitation it will be done compulsory under a radiant warmer or supplementary heating under a heat source of 400 W placed at 60 cm from the newborn. • • Transport in the ward - Warm incubator with own batteries and independent oxygen source or in thermal security conditions according to the level of the hospital. Care in the ward In term newborn The bath will be done when the newborn is stable thermal and homodynamic and cardio-respirator equilibrated. The health newborn will be washed immediately. The sick newborn will wait till the above conditions are attained. The newborn is dressed and covered with a wool or cotton blanket. Attention! The head must be covered! The temperature in the ward must be over 24°C, relative humidity 40-60%, or else supplementary warming sources will be used. The pre term newborn 2.500 – 2.000 grams - Room temperature: > 25°C. dressed, covered with a wool or cotton blanket, double cap on the head Cared for, in warmed bed or incubator. The pre term newborn under 2.000 grams: - - Room temperature >25°C, dressed, covered with a wool or cotton blanket, double cap on the head Incubator with simple walls, in warmed room (20-22°C) far from cool surfaces (doors, windows). If in the room is not enough warm, the newborn will be placed dressed in the incubator or covered in a insulating sheet. The incubator temperature is according to VG, GN and post birth age. incubator with servo-control closed incubator with servo-control: temperature in incubator is regulated according to the newborn constant temperature, weight, VG and post birth age (conform to the tables) open incubator with servo-control: the newborn will be placed under a warming source activated through a servo-control 14 method placed on the abdomen skin in order to maintain a skin temperature of 36,2 – 36,8°C. Maintaining a newborn temperature in a thermal neutrality zone minimizes the heat production, the oxygen consumption and the nutritional requirements for weight gain. The standard temperature maintenance methods are difficult to obtain, this is why are always new warming methods developed. A new method is to keep the newborn naked in an incubator, while a system of warm air flow warms the incubator walls. This method is extremely expensive and was developed by Hey, who uses a double walls incubator, the interior wall being the one warmed up. The last generations of incubators have incorporated other principles and are build with double walls, their warming being controlled by a small computer that allows optimal accommodation even for the most fragile newborns. Monitor the temperature Continuous • • • • • pre term newborn under 1.500 grams in term newborn with central temperature under 34°C, till normalization severe asphyxia at birth septic shock meningo cerebral hemorrhage Discontinuous • • • • • each hour till the stabilization of the central temperature in the first 24 hours every 4 hours, from day 2-3 every 4 ore, from day 4-7 after day 8, every 12 hours weight 2 times a day. IV. Newborn HYPO AND HYPERTHERMIA A. Hypothermia a. Definition – decrease body temperature under 36°C (rectal temperature) b. Cause At birth – it will be anticipated particularly to the low weight newborn and/or to the one that required resuscitation. 15 It is due to: • • • • • • Cool room Air flow Cool sheets, scale Resuscitation kit not warmed Cold oxygen on the newborn face Newborn kept in a cool place, resuscitated without a warming source In the newborns ward • • • Bath before thermal stabilization Room temperature under 22°C Naked newborn manipulated in incubator, in a ward that is not warmed • Cool draft • Defect open or closed incubator • Alteration of the temperature regulation mechanisms (central nervous system malformations, meningo cerebral hemorrhage, severe infections etc.) c. Clinic signs of hypothermia in newborns Tegument and mucosa – the skin is usually red and cold. Mann and Eliott described an „aura” of cooling from the truncheon to the peripheries. Body temperature decreases under 32,2°C. The most evident clinical sign is the red tegument (frequently believing that the newborn „looks very good”). The red color is due to the insufficient dissociation of oxihemoglobin at low temperature. It can be associated with central cyanosis or paleness or sclerem of face and limbs. Respiration • • bradypneic, unregulated, superficial, associate cu expiratory moan recidivate apnea, especially in the pre term newborn with low weight at birth Cord – bradycardie direct proportional with temperature decrease Abdomen –abdominal distension, throw up Kidney – low urine volume of pre renal cause Behavior change 16 • • • • • alimentation refusal weak crying „pathetic” lethargic with low response to pain trembling is rarely observed in newborns CNS depression constantly appears, in case of hypothermia and will produce low response to pain; the pain stimulus (for instance, injections) will produce a minimal reaction, maybe a weak cry. Metabolic problems • • • • • • hypoglycemia metabolic acidosis hyper natremia increased urea and nitrogen changes in blood coagulation that leads to hemorrhagic generalized disease or frequently pulmonary hemorrhage, this being the main death cause. The source of hypothermia must be found. d. Treatment A lent warm up of the newborn is recommended. The newborn will be preferably placed in a closed or open incubator with servo control. The incubator’s temperature in this case will be set with up to approximate 1,5°C higher than the abdominal skin temperature of the newborn. The abdominal skin temperature must reach an interval between 36,5 and 37°C (97,7-98,6°F). Baumgart, in 1999 (fig. 33-4 Avery – The temperature variations for 10 pre term sick newborns with an average weight of 1,39kg, cared in a open incubator with servo control. Because the room temperature is 10°C, this makes the cold air to enter the incubator, which leads to a heat loss double compared with the heat production through metabolism. The evaporation helps the physic heat loss. Usually, the newborn organism produces only one third of the energy needed in order to maintain the body temperature. In case of a very small pre term child, the open incubator must increase through servo control very much the warming capacity, producing consequently high water loss through evaporation. The radiant loss is diminished by the double warmed walls, if a closed incubator is used or by padding the wall of the open incubator with aluminum foil that reflects the heat. 17 In order to reduce the evaporation and convective turbulence it is proposed to cover the newborn (placed on the warming table) with a thin transparent plastic foil that will be used as a blanket. This foil may cause in some situations the lost of the contact with the servo control and this is why a very rigorous monitoring of these cases is required. In case of absence of an incubator the newborns with low temperature will be warmed up in warm beds or with supplementary warming sources. It was observed that when the difference of temperature between the body and the environment is of 1,5°C, the oxygen consumption is minim even if the rectal temperature might be normal. This part of the transitional treatment model was discussed by Tafare and Gentz ( ). They did not found benefic effects when comparing lent warming up with lent one in 30 newborns hat suffered of thermal stress. The skin temperature, in care of warming up, will be checked every 15 minutes till normalization, setting the warming source in concordance with the body temperature (> 1,5°C abdominal temperature). To take into consideration: • Filing in the vascular system with physiologic ser 9‰ at room temperature in quantity of 10-20 ml/kg.b. Using the saline bolus (20 ml/kg.b.) early in the warming up period reduced significantly the mortality, this being more important than slow or rapid warm up (Tafare and Gentz) • metabolic acidosis correction with sodium bicarbonate according to AGS supplementary oxygen will be given in case of low PaO2 (warm and humid) • monitoring glycemia • alimentation strict intravenous or by gavaj till the body temperature is over 35°C. in case of a hypothermic newborn the oral alimentation will not be permitted • antibiotics will be indicated only in case of infection signs. B. Hyperthermia a. Definition: body temperature increase over normal values (rectal > 37,8°C) b. Cause: • excessive over heating due to: excessive dressing warm air deregulate of the incubator, warmer, warm bed, phototherapy lamp • local or systemic infection 18 • • deshidratation central temperature control mechanisms alteration associated with disease as severe neonatal asphyxia or malformations (hidranencefalie, holoprosencefalie, encefalocel and trizomia 13), drugs • hipermetabolism. c. Organism’s response to overheating • vasodilatation • tachycardia • hyperpnoea • increase of the body surface by deflectation • transpiration (when environmental temperature is over 36°C). The transpiration limits in newborn (Matsaniotis, Cross and colab., 1871) In newborns with VG under 30 weeks the soporific gland are in a small number. They have a centrifuge ontogenetic development (forehead → arms → hands → tights → legs → abdomen). This category of newborns have a high degree of transpiration that will decrease with post natal age. The low transpiration capacity of pre term child increase with the gestation age and post natal age. The pre term child transpire a little, but has high liquid loss through evaporation. d. Clinic signs in hyperthermia through overheating Hyperthermia • • • • • • red and hot tegument (especially at the level of the trunk and extremities), they might confuse the medical staff, inducing a false aspect of “good looking child” fever, agitation, moan, irritability + apnea (Perlstein, Belgaumkar) diarrhea, CID, hepatic and renal insufficiency (Bacon) convulsions → lethargy → coma death by thermal shock, with severe metabolic changes, pulmonary hemorrhage or generalized hemorrhagic disease sudden death by hyperthermia (Stanton, 1980). Clinic signs of septic fever • • • • pale skin pale- cyanotic and cold extremities central temperature higher than skin temperature foot skin temperature 3 grads lower than the abdominal skin temperature. 19 Differences between the newborn with hyperthermia by overheating and the one with septic fever overheating septic fever Rectal temperature ↑ ↑ Hand and legs Warm Cold Difference between the abdomen and hand temperature <2°C <3°C Skin color red Pale with cyanotic extremities Other signs Transpiration, low turgor Lethargy, bad general status Treatment • • • • • slow decrease of the temperature when the cause is external (environment), the heat source will be removed: - phototherapy lamp - overheated incubator - defect servo control - excess dressing the newborn will be hydrated, per os or intravenous by case protective anticonvulsive treatment will be given if infectious fever, the following will be done: - cultures will be done - treatment with antibiotics will start. ATENŢIE SPECIALĂ! Asphyxia In case of a sever asphyxiate and hypoxic newborn temperature control problem arises. When resuscitating this newborns the following should be taken into account: 20 - evaporation is reduced by immediate wiping immediate dressing (attention – the head!), warm sheets placing the child under a warming radiant source no air draft in the room the oxygen will be warmed up. - the immersion of a newborn in water equal with mother’s temperature may lead sometimes to respiratory arrest. Rapid warm up is associated with apnea episodes. In case of apnea, in pre term with birth low weight, reducing with 1°C of the servo control temperature leads to apnea episodes. For a newborn with apnea, the temperature will be maintained as close as possible to the neutral point and the temperature fluctuations will be reduced to a minim. Apnea - Weight at birth and temperature Age 1000-1200 g 1200-1500 g 1501-2500 g + 0,5°C + 0,5°C + 1,0°C > 2500gr / > 36 weeks + 1,5°C 0-12h 35 34 33,3 32,8 12-24h 34,5 33,8 32,8 32,4 24-96h 34,5 33,5 32,3 32 Age < 1500 g 1501-2500 g > 2500 g / > 36 weeks 5-14 days 33,5 32,1 32 2-3 weeks 33,1 31,7 30 3-4 weeks 32 30,9 4-5 weeks 31,4 30,4 5-6 weeks 21 REGLAREA TEMPERATURII UNUI INCUBATOR Weight at birth Day < 1.500 g 1.500-2.000 g > 36 weeks > 2.500 g 1 34,3 + 0,4°C 33,4 + 0,6°C 33,0 + 1,0°C 2 33,7 + 0,5°C 32,7 + 0,9°C 32,4 + 1,3°C 3 33,5 + 0,5°C 32,4 + 0,9°C 31,9 + 1,3°C 4 33,5 + 0,5°C 32,3 + 0,9°C 31,5 + 1,3°C 6 33,5 + 0,5°C 32,1 + 0,9°C 30,9 + 1,3°C 8 33,5 + 0,5°C 32,1 + 0,9°C 30,6 + 1,4°C 10 33,5 + 0,5°C 32,1 + 0,9°C 30,2 + 1,5°C 12 33,5 + 0,5°C 32,1 + 0,9°C 29,5 + 1,6°C 14 33,4 + 0,6°C 32,1 + 0,9°C 29,5 + 1,6°C weeks Particular cases in day 1 4 32,9 + 0,8°C 31,7 + 1,1°C 500 g. 35,5 + 0,5°C 5 32,1 + 0,7°C 31,1 + 1,1°C 1.00 g. 34,9 + 0,5°C 6 32,8 + 0,6°C 30,6 + 1,1°C 3.500 g. 32,8 + 1,2°C 7 31,1 + 0,6°C 30,1 + 1,1°C 4.00 g. 32,6 + 1,4°C 22 ABREVIERI NN = newborn EUN = neuro-necrotic enteritis VG = gestation age GN = birth weight GTI = intern gradient GTE = extern gradient S = body surface G = weight Bibliography 23