conference2013 insert

Becoming Human and Christian Together
Nothing that is genuinely human fails to find an echo in our hearts.
Guadium et Spes
CORPUS National Conference
May 31-June 2, 2013
Ramapo College
Mahwah, NJ
Conference Presenters
Dear CORPUS Members and Supporters:
We celebrate this year the fiftieth anniversary of
the convening of the Second Vatican Council, with
all its hope for aggiornimento, a “bringing up to
today” of the significance of being a Christ-follower. Let us bring this year to a close with a new
aggiornimento. The Pastoral Constitution on the
Church in the Modern World - Guadium et Spes taught us that “Nothing that is genuinely human
fails to find an echo in our hearts.” In all these
years of CORPUS conferences, have our hearts
not been echoing the hope and joy of “opening the
windows” to Christ’s message? Once again, in
this conference, we embrace this lofty goal.
In Bishop Spong and Sr. Campbell and Dr. Padavano, we find mentors who live authentically
human lives of justice. We enthusiastically invite
you to reconvene with us and to celebrate aggiornimento anew at our 2013 CORPUS conference.
Mary Jane and Joe McCool
John Shelby Spong was the
Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of
Newark for 24 years before his retirement. He is known as a teaching bishop who makes
contemporary theology accessible
to the ordinary lay person. He is
considered a champion of an inclusive faith by many both inside
and outside the Christian church.
His new book, “A New Christianity for a New World”, is a
statement of Christian faith and love for the church. Calling himself “a joyful, passionate, convinced believer in the
reality of God,” he seeks not to create a new religion, but
to reform the church he loves.
Since his retirement, he has taught at Harvard University, where he delivered the William Belden Noble lectures.
He is the author of several bestselling books which have
sold more than 650,000 copies combined, including “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism”, “Why Christianity
Must Change or Die”, and “Here I Stand”, a memoir of his
journey to the reasoned, loving Christianity he has
preached for decades.
Sr. Simone Campbell, an
attorney and Sister of Social Service, is the Executive
Director of NETWORK, a
Catholic leader in the global
movement for justice and
peace that educates, organizes and lobbies for economic and social
She formerly served as Executive Director of JERICHO, an interfaith public policy and advocacy organization in
California. As an attorney, she represented lowincome people for 18 years in California, where
she founded a community-based law center. She
also led her international community of women
religious for five years, is fluent in Spanish, and
is an accomplished poet.
Her presentation is entitled: Hunger for EnSpirited Faith: Vatican II in the Post Modern
Anthony T. Padovano holds
doctorates and professorships in
theology and literature. He is the
author of twenty-nine books including three award-winning
plays, translated into nine languages. He has been visiting professor at twenty-five American
colleges and universities, lectures
world-wide and appears regularly in the media on both sides
of the Atlantic.
Dr. Padovano presents occasionally at United Nations
Conferences in New York City, Geneva and The Hague.
He has been invited to the White House and Congressional staff meetings as a consultant for pending programs and legislation.
He was the first elected president of CORPUS and served
in that capacity for ten years. He currently serves as
CORPUS Ambassador. He is a founding member and a
distinguished professor of literature and philosophy at
Ramapo College of New Jersey, a four-year New Jersey
State college, and has served, since 1986, as pastor of The
Inclusive Community where Catholics and Protestants
worship together.
Conference Highlights
6:45 PM:
7:30 PM:
10:00 AM:
2:00 PM:
4:30 PM:
Coffee Reception
A Conversation with Sr. Simone Campbell
Hunger for En-Spirited Faith: Vatican II in the Post
Modern World
A Day with Bishop John Spong
Why is There a Need to Reform Christianity?
An Anglican Bishop Looks at the Catholic Church
Fifty Years After Vatican II
A Conversation among Sr. Simone Campbell,
Bishop John Spong and Dr. Anthony T. Padovano
Wine Reception
Post Dinner Entertainment
Closing Liturgy at the Padovano Peace Pavilion,
Salameno Spiritual Center Ramapo College
Good fellowship and scholarship shared with an international representation of people
who are striving together to understand our role in a post denominational religious world.
Conference Information
Lodging: Doubletree Hotel , 180 Route 17 South, Mahwah, NJ, at a discounted rate
(May 31-June 2). Hotel is located less than two miles from Ramapo College
where all conference events will take place.
Pre-Post Conference Lodging: Doubletree will honor CORPUS’s discounted rate
for two days prior to and two days post conference. The rate is $79.95 a
night plus tax. Arrangements must be made with the hotel. Reservation
deadline is April 2, 2013. Call: 201.529.5880.
For our information, please indicate your reservation:
___Wednesday, May 29 ___Thursday, May 30 ___Sunday, June 2 ___ Monday, June 3
Driving directions will be sent out in the Registration Confirmation packet. To help us plan for your
transportation needs, please complete the following:
Date of Arrival:____________Time:______ Airline:_______________ Flight #:________
___I would like to arrange for a round trip shuttle service between Newark Airport and the Doubletree
in Mahwah, NJ, if possible: (self pay/cost to be determined).
___I will arrive at the hotel by car: Date:___________ Time:_______
___I am driving and would be willing to assist with transportation between the Doubletree Hotel and
Ramapo College (less than 2 miles)
Car rental is available through Enterprise Car Rental at Newark Airport and Mahwah, NJ ( 973.792.0312)
Free parking is available at the hotel and college and a free shutle service will be provided
between the Doubletree Hotel and Ramapo College.
I will______ or will not __________ attend the closing liturgy on Sunday morning, 10 AM.
All are welcome, free admission
~ B ec om in g H u m a n a n d Ch r i st i a n T og et h er ~
Nothing that is genuinely human fails to find an echo in our hearts.
Guadium et Spes
R eg i st r a t i on F or m
NAME(S) 1)____________________________________ 2)________________________________________
STREET ________________________________________________________________________________
CITY___________________________ STATE _______ ZIP________ COUNTRY____________________
PHONE : (Home):_______________ (Cell):__________________ E-MAIL ___________________________
All Inclusive conference, One person, Single Room, Five Meals :……………..... ……………...... $465.00____
All Inclusive conference, Two people, Double Room, Five Meals: ……….…….... ………..…......... $675.00____
All Inclusive Conference, One person, Single Room, Five Meals: ........................................................... $485.00____
All Inclusive Conference, Two people, Double Room, Five Meals: ....................................................... $725.00____
Free parking is available at Ramapo College.
Friday May 31: 6:45 PM – 9:30 PM: Sr. Simone Campbell Presentation, coffee reception..…........... $30.00 ____
Saturday June 1: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM: A Day with Bishop John Spong: Presentations, Luncheon.......... $70.00 ____
Sunday June 2: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM: Closing Liturgy, Padovano Peace Pavilion at the Salameno Spiritual Center,
Ramapo College. No charge. All are welcome.
Total Cost per Person $_____________ X
Number of Persons_______ = Total $ ____________________
PAYMENT (please check one)
Please make check out to “CORPUS”: Amount: $______________ Check #:_____________
Charge my credit card:
Name on card: ______________________________ Card Number:____________________________
Expiration Date: _____________________________ Security Code (from back of card) ________
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Please describe any dietary and/or mobility needs:
Please mail this completed form and payment to: CORPUS, P.O. Box 170830, Whitefish Bay, WI 53217-0829