Board of Trustees Meeting Marshall Student Center Ballroom Official

Board of Trustees Meeting
Marshall Student Center Ballroom
Official Minutes
March 18, 2010
Vice Chair John Ramil convened the regular meeting of the University Of South Florida Board Of
Trustees in the Phyllis P. Marshall Student Center, Tampa, FL at 8:00 a.m. Vice Chair Ramil announced
that because of health issues, Chair Law will participate in the meeting by phone.
Chair Law welcomed and congratulated the new Trustee members on their recent appointment to the USF
Board of Trustees: Trustee Brian Lamb, Trustee Harold Mullis, Trustee Jordan Zimmerman and Trustee
Byron Shinn. Chair Law asked each new Trustee member to introduce themselves.
Trustee Harold Mullis is an attorney and President of Trenam, Kemker et al. He has been affiliated with
the University of South Florida through Tampa General Hospital. Trustee Mullis is very excited and
appreciative to have the opportunity to serve on the USF Board of Trustees and looking forward to five
years of hard work.
Trustee Brian Lamb is with Fifth Third Bank in the Tampa Bay Region. Trustee Lamb graduated from
USF in 1998 and has been affiliated with USF for 15 years. He considers it an honor on behalf of the
students, faculty and staff as well as the stakeholders to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees.
Trustee Jordan Zimmerman graduated from USF in 1980 and has been affiliated with the USF since that
time. He considers it an honor and a dream to have to opportunity to serve on the Board of Trustees.
Trustee Zimmerman commits to being a great mentor and leader and is looking forward to having a
positive impact on the university as a Board member.
Trustee Byron Shinn is a native of Tampa, born in Bradenton Florida. Trustee Shinn graduated from USF
in 1979, his wife Jodie graduated in 1978 and his son Garrett graduated from USF in 2009. His youngest
son Stuart attends Valencia Jr. College studying videotography and editing. Trustee Shinn’s background
is auditing and tax and he owns a public accounting firm, Shinn and Company, LLC.
Chair Law a ppointed Trustee Brian Zimmerman to the Health Science and Research Workgroup
and to the Compensation Committ ee. T rustee Byron Shinn was appointed to the Academic and
Campus Environment Workgroup and to the USF Sarasota Manatee Campus Board.
Vice Chair Ramil welcomed the new Board of Trustee members and thanked them for their commitment
to the university.
President Genshaft called the roll with the following Trustees present:
Trustee Arnold – Did not attend
Trustee Laurence Branch
Trustee Margarita Cancio
Trustee Gene Engle
Trustee Brian Lamb
Trustee Rhea Law (by phone)
Trustee Harold Mullis
Trustee John Ramil
Trustee Debbie Sembler
Trustee Byron Shinn
Trustee Juan Soltero
Trustee SherrillTomasino
Trustee Jordan Zimmerman
Vice Chair Ramil asked Mr. Manual Lopez to present the USF Parking & Transportation: Bus Tracking
Mr. Lopez, Director of Parking and Transportation Services, described the new automatic location system
also known as the Bull Tracker. The Bull Runner is the USF community public transportation. It also
shows on its website in real time, a live map of the routes and stops. The Bull Tracker is accessible by
iphone or any web access phone. Mr. Lopez reported that approximately one million faculty, staff and
students ride the Bull Runner per year and that the numbers are expected to increase with the new Bull
Tracker system.
Trustee Brian Lamb asked about the security of the bus system. Mr. Lopez stated that only people with
USF identification can ride the Bull Runner. Mr. Lopez reported that USF is the only university with this
particular technology. Mr. Lopez also thanked Trustee Soltero and his administration in creating the idea
of having an automatic location system.
President’s Update
President Genshaft reported that former Coach Jim Leavitt has filed a law suit against USF, and
encouraged everyone not to publicly discuss the circumstances, due to media coverage.
The President reported that three weeks have passed in the legislative session.
Tomasino, Gene Engle and Jordan Zimmerman have attended sessions in Tallahassee.
Trustees Sherrill
The President reported that the State University System are all fighting for the same tuition initiatives and
supporting higher education. USF has special initiatives, such as the PharmD Program, which was
approved by Florida Board of Governors two years ago; however, in order to get the license for the
program, it needs the legislature’s approval.
Another initiative that USF is hoping will get approved is the medical student funding rate. At this time
there is almost a $50,000 differential rate in what some universities are paid for student funding and it
should be one standard base rate paid to all institutions.
The funds for the Johnnie B. Byrd Alzheimer’s Center are also discussed at this session. Student
insurance is a new issue that was discussed at the last Board of Governors meeting. The President
reported that in the state of Florida there are no uniformed student insurance benefits for graduate or
undergraduate students.
Trustee Gene Engle reported that there were two excellent meeting days in Tallahassee that appeared
favorable for USF.
Trustee Zimmerman commented that a group of his constitutes are planning a trip to Tallahassee on April
25, 2010. He would like to know more about the issues at hand.
President Genshaft reported on other ongoing issues:
 Student Success Task Force - The USF Community is involved system wide.
Building and Construction – There was a dedication of the Sembler Fountain, for the USF St.
Pete campus, at Bay Walk on January 25, 2010.
The Science and Technology Building is the first green certified lead gold building
There was a groundbreaking ceremony for the Les and Pam Muma Athletic Basketball
Center on March 3, 2010. USF Athletics is currently under an upgrading construction.
The Music building is underway. A new initiative called the Steinway Piano Initiative was
started to find 100 Steinway Pianos.
The Patel Center for Global Solutions is under construction. The first two floors will reflect
USF World and the top two floors will be offices for USF administration. The Honors College
and the Graduate School will move into the 2nd floor of the John and Grace Allen Administration
Ground breaking at USF Polytechnic is expected to start in June 2010
USF Sarasota/Manatee is leasing a new teaching facility within North Port near Venus.
Dr. Diane Morrison-Beedy from Rochester, NY was hired as the new Dean of College of
Nursing at USF Tampa Campus.
President Genshaft announced that after the meeting the Board members will have lunch with USF
football coach, Skip Holtz.
The President reported that the USF Basketball team had a successful season. The team lost in the NIT
Championship by 1 point to North Carolina State. She commended Coach Stan Heath for a terrific
Vice Chair John Ramil congratulated Coach Stan Heath and the USF Basketball team on their winning
Vice Chair Ramil anticipates that the Board members will enjoy meeting Coach Skip Holtz. He
commented how impressed he is with Coach Holtzs’ demand for hard work in school as well as on the
field from his student athletes. The Vice Chair also congratulated Coach Jose Fernandez and the USF
Women’s Basketball team.
New Business – Action Items
FL 101 – Approval of Minutes
January 21, 2010
December 16, 2009
December 3, 2009
Vice Chair Ramil asked for a motion, it was seconded and the minutes were approved.
Consent Agenda FL 102 – 118
In Trustee Arnold’s absence, Vice Chair Ramil asked Trustee Gene Engle for comments on the ACE
workgroup items. Trustee Engle reported that the ACE workgroup has met and reviewed all items on the
consent agenda and recommends approval.
Vice Chair Ramil reported that the Finance and Audit Workgroup has met and reviewed the items and
recommends the Board’s approval.
Vice Chair Ramil asked UFF President Dr. Sherman Dorn for comments on the Consent Agenda.
Dr. Dorn commented on the approval of separate catalogues for each of the campuses and institutions.
The chancellor, Board of Governors and the United Faculty of Florida all agree that Higher Education is
the way to lead the state out of the recession and into a healthy and more diverse economy.
Dr. Dorn commented on an article written in the St. Pete Times, as it relates to the development of the
system. The distribution of courses and majors that students take in the state university system, need to be
math and science technology majors, baccalaureate degrees and graduate programs, if we are going to
move into a more diverse economy. He commented that the state legislature said that students should
move from the Liberal Art philosophy and towards stem fields. Liberal Arts is relatively cheap in terms
of undergraduate affairs.
Dr. Dorn commented that a building that’s currently under construction will create a number of
classrooms for science. He commented that he is a trained academic historian and when he came to USF
in 1996, he received about $2000 for his research. Start up funds now days for someone in chemistry or
biology is about $500,000, not including the operational cost of running classroom laboratories, or
attracting post doctorates in stem fields. By contrast Dr. Dorn commented that he is a US historian by
working with computerized census records. Between 40 -45% of USF graduates were in non-stem
professional fields. His department cross subsidizes science. Cross subsidizing is common in the state
university system. He would like the Board to consider his bargaining unit.
Vice Chair Ramil thanked Dr. Dorn for his comments, and asked for a motion, it was seconded and the
Consent Agenda (FL 102 – FL 118) was approved.
FL 102 – Approve amendments to Regulation USF1.009, authorizing graduate catalogs at USF Tampa,
USF St. Petersburg, USF Sarasota-Manatee and USF Polytechnic (C A)
FL 103 – Approve amendments to USF Tampa 2010-2011 Graduate Catalog (C A)
FL 104 – Approve amendments to USF Polytechnic 2010-2011 Graduate Catalog (CA)
FL 105 – Approve amendments to USF Sarasota‐Manatee 2010‐2011 Graduate Catalog (CA)
FL 106 – Approve amendments to USF St. Petersburg 2010-2011 Graduate Catalog (C A)
FL 107 – Approve amendments to Regulation USF1.005, authorizing undergraduate catalogs at USF
Tampa, USF St. Petersburg, USF Sarasota-Manatee and USF Polytechnic (C A)
FL 108 - Approve amendments to USF Tampa 2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog (C A)
FL 109 – Approve publication to USF Polytechnic 2010-2011 Undergraduate Catalog (C A)
FL 110 – Approve amendments to USF Sarasota‐Manatee 2010‐2011 Undergraduate Catalog (CA)
FL 111 – Approve amended Regulation USF 1.005 and revised 2010-2011 USF St. Petersburg
Undergraduate Catalog (C A)
FL 112 – Approve Implementation of the Master of Science in Information Technology at USF
Polytechnic (C A)
FL 113 – Approve Tenure as a Condition of Employment for USF Polytechnic Faculty (C A)
FL 114 – Approve revisions to Regulation USF4.0023 “Driving and Parking on Campus” and the
referenced 2010-2011 campus parking brochures (Consent Agenda)
USF Tampa
USF St. Petersburg
USF Sarasota – Manatee
FL 115 – Approve proposed USF Tampa housing fee structures and revisions to regulation (C A)
FL 116 - Approve proposed USF St. Petersburg housing fee structures and revisions to regulation (C A)
FL 117 – Approve amended 2010-2011 Fixed Capital Outlay Projects that Require Legislative approval
FL 118– Approve amended 2010-2011 Through 2014-2015 Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP-2)
(C A)
New Business – Action Items
Vice Chair Ramil asked Dr. Alice Murray, AVP for Campus Planning and Educational Outreach at USF
Polytechnic to present FL 119 – Approve request for reappropriation of Construction Funds.
Dr. Murray reported that the campus is currently co-located with Polk State College, formally known as
Polk Community College. The most recent facility on campus was constructed with funds that were
jointly appropriated to USF and to Polk Community College. Those funds came in two separate
allocations. Funds that are allocated for construction purposes have a time limit to be utilized. For over a
year, there has been a balance of $647.000 in a contingencies fund. Dr. Murray reported that the USF
Polytechnic would like to reassign the funds towards the new Polytechnic campus site. Dr. Murray asked
that a portion of the funds are left for the LTB Building in order to accommodate the needs for recently
hired faculty.
Vice Chair Ramil asked for a motion to approve. It was seconded and FL 119 was approved.
Vice Chair Ramil asked Dr. Jan Lloyd, Director of Student Affairs at USF Polytechnic, to presented FL
120 – Approve request for reappropriation of CITF Funds.
Dr. Lloyd reported that USF Polytechnic would like to reappropriate CITF Funds towards a student
building and construction. CITF funds were allocated in the past for joint funding with the Polk State
College. USF Polytechnic and Polk State College were unable to come to a consensus on the joint child
care facility. USF Polytechnic would like to reappropriate $304,869.00 for a new student center.
Vice Chair Ramil asked for a motion to approve, it was seconded and FL 120 was approved.
Vice Chair Ramil asked Mrs. Trudie Frecker, Associate Vice President for Administrative Services, to
present FL 121 – Approve Resolution in Support of Transit Rail Systems
Mrs. Trudie Frecker offered a proposed resolution support of the transit systems which was also discussed
by the Finance and Audit workgroup in February. Trustees received hard copies of materials related to the
Master Plan and Program Planning that is part of the proposed rail systems. USF has included in the
Master Plan, three stops located on the Tampa Campus, for a light rail.
President Genshaft commented that, on January 2010, President Obama announced that there would be
federal funds available for the high speed rail, from the Orlando Airport to downtown Tampa. From
Downtown Tampa, there would be a light rail and the first line would come to USF. This is the beginning
of an important process in order to make the rail a reality.
Trustee Larry Branch commented that the Faculty Senate discussed the resolutions and made observations
as it relates to the rail. The faculty Senate recognizes that it is a political process and is in agreement with
the current proposal. However, the context of shared governance input on how they can help to facilitate
would be appropriate.
Mr. Manual Lopez stated that the plans for the rail are not official. There are five different alternatives
that are being discussed. The decisions are based on land use, population and capacity for density.
Vice Chair Ramil asked for a motion to approve, it was seconded and FL 121 was approved.
Vice Chair Ramil asked President Judy Genshaft to present FL 122 – Approve Nomination of Dr. Polly
Klass for an M.D. Honoris Causa.
President Genshaft reported that she supports the nomination of Dr. Polly Klass, who is currently a
Professor of Journalism in Pediatrics at New York University, Director of Graduate Studies at the Carter
Journalism Institute and Department of Pediatrics at Bellevue Hospital Center in New York. Dr. Klass is
highly regarded nationally as a humanist and as a medical physician. The President stated that USF
would be fortunate to have Dr. Klass addressing USF medical students at the commencement ceremony.
Vice Chair John Ramil asked for a motion to approve, it was seconded and FL122 was approved.
Round Table Discussion
Trustee Juan Soltero announced that the USF Student Elections have ended. Mr. Cesar Hernandez and
Mr. Spencer Montgomery are the new student body President and Vice President Elect. The inauguration
will be held on April 22, 2010.
Trustee Soltero reported that he and President Genshaft recently met with the leadership teams from
regional campuses to build a connection and discuss student leadership within the system.
USF Day will be held on April 9, 2010 and a reception will be held at the Lifsey House. Trustee Soltero
and Student Body Vice President Bruno Portigliatti hope that USF Day will be a traditional legacy. A
Resolution will be presented during the reception to establish USF Day.
The President reported that USF student leaders suggested that USF Day will be held in the spring, on the
2nd Friday in April. Proclamations from the Mayors of the regional campus cites, will be presented as
well as a Resolution signed by Chair Rhea Law, on behalf of the Board of Trustees in honor of USF Day.
Trustee Juan Soltero asked for a m otion to approve and formalize a resolution for USF Day, it was
seconded and approved.
Vice Chair Ramil commented that Trustee Soltero continues a long line of outstanding student Trustees.
The Vice Chair also reported that Chair Law asked him to serve on a strategic planning workgroup
represented by several people in the University System. The strategic planning group is working to
update the University’s mission, vision, values and objectives in the System.
Trustee Larry Branch commented on behalf of the faculty about the evolution into a System. It has been a
challenge for many faculty members. It had been suggested that, on the Board of Trustees, that a Faculty
representative and a Student Body President from each of the USF institutions serve of the Board of
Trustee Jordan Zimmerman complemented President Genshaft, past Board members, Dean Forsythe and
the College of Business on having by far the most educated students under the finest curriculums. The
curriculums were hand crafted based on the needs of the society.
Having no further items, Vice Chair John Ramil adjourned the USF Board of Trustees meeting.
Rhea F. Law, Chair
Judy Genshaft, Corporate Secretary