PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING NURSING STUDENT MANUAL 2013-2014 SUPPLEMENT TO THE PNC STUDENT HANDBOOK “CONNECTIONS” http://www.pnc.edu/sa/connections.html 1 Dear PNC Nursing Student, The Faculty at Purdue University North Central (PNC) welcomes you to academic year 2013 – 2014. We are excited to have you in our nursing program and wish you the very best. Our objective is to help you as you travel through this first stage of your professional nursing journey. If you need anything, please take advantage of the “open door policy” of faculty, via face-to-face, email or phone. We are here for you. Good luck! Diane Voight Spoljoric, Ph.D, RNC, FNP Interim Department of Nursing Chair 2 NURSING STUDENT MANUAL Welcome to the Purdue University North Central Department of Nursing. The administration, faculty and staff look forward to working with you in your selected program of study and believe in your success! This Nursing Student Manual is intended to provide students with general information regarding programs of study, requirements, policies, procedures, and guidelines that pertain to the Department of Nursing. It is a supplement to the PNC Student Handbook “Connections” http://www.pnc.edu/sa/connections.html As a student enrolled in the LPN-BS, BS, or RN-BS program, you are responsible for the information contained in this manual. It is required that you read through this entire manual and use it as a reference as you progress through the program The Purdue North Central Department of Nursing reserves the right to make changes in the Nursing Student Manual and information/policies contained therein. The Department’s curricular and / or program policies may change once a student is enrolled. The department will make every attempt to notify students (via Blackboard Communication Board, emails, and posted announcements) of any change in policy and/or procedure or any change that will affect one’s plan of study (POS), progression, or program completion. It is therefore each student’s responsibility to routinely check his / her university email account and the Department’s on-line Communication Board on Blackboard for notice of any revision or change. The Nursing Student Manual’s Acknowledgement Signature Form (APPENDIX) must be completed and submitted by each student during the first week of classes each semester to the Nursing Department office. This signature form is kept on file in the Department of Nursing office. Failure to comply is a considered a violation of nursing standards. 3 STUDENT RESOURCES – 2013-2014 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL SCHOOL OF NURSING DIRECTORY INTERIM DEPARTMENT CHAIR: Diane Voight Spoljoric, PH.D, RNC, FNP Technology Building, Rm 365 Phone: 219-785-5388 E-mail: dspoljoric@pnc.edu PNC Website: www.pnc.edu ACADEMIC PROGRAM Coordinator: E.Jean Hayes Technology Building, Rm 367 Phone: 219-785-5324 E-mail: ejhayes@pnc.edu FULL TIME FACULTY Annette Coates Technology Building, RM 373 Phone: 219-785-5224, acoates@pnc.edu Dr. Vivian Ott Technology Building, RM 374 Phone: 219-785-5655,vott@pnc.edu Bruce Garwood Technology Building, RM 393 Phone: 219-785-5718, bgarwood@pnc.edu Rebecca Potter Technology Building, RM 376 Phone: 219-785-5311, rlpotter@pnc.edu Janet Garwood Technology Building, RM 387 Phone: 219-785-5281, jgarwo07@pnc.edu Peggy Rose Technology Building, RM 389 Phone: 219-785-5706, prose@pnc.edu Dr. Charlene Gyurko Technology Building, RM 391 Phone: 219-785-5389, gyurkoc@pnc.edu Mary Sandelski Technology Building, RM 376 Phone: 219-785-5358, msandels@pnc.edu Bob Hnida Technology Building, RM 370 Phone: 219-785-5732, rhnida@pnc.edu Angela Schooley Technology Building, RM 383 Phone: 219-785-5695, aschooley@pnc.edu Dr. Marne Juestel Technology Building, RM 379 Phone: 218-785-5615, mjuestel@pnc.edu Dr. Charlotte Strahm Technology Building, RM 377 Phone: 219-785-5387, cstrahm@pnc.edu Karen Klosinski Technology Building, RM 378 Phone: 219-785-5351, kklosinski@pnc.edu Whei Ming Su Technology Building, RM 381 Phone: 219-785-5349, wmingsu@pnc.edu Regina Loveitt Technology Building, RM 378 Phone: 219-785-5573, rloveitt@pnc.edu Gayle Voight-Block Technology Building, RM 378 Phone: 219-785-5323, gblock@pnc.edu 4 STUDENT RESOURCES – 2013-2014 STAFF Nicole Hartford Academic Advisor Technology Building, RM 368 Phone: 219-785-5439 nhartfor@pnc.edu Shelly Pass Department Secretary Technology Building, RM 357 Phone: 219-785-5226, spass@pnc.edu Kimberly Summers, RN Staff Technology Building, RM 357 Phone: 219-785-5266, ksummers@pnc.edu Cheryl Kaluzny Staff Technology Building, Rm 357, cmkaluzn@pnc.edu 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome ........................................................................................................................................... 3 Faculty / Staff Contact Information ................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... 6 Appendix ............................................................................................................................................ 7 University Mission Statement ............................................................................................................ 8 University General Education Goals.................................................................................................. 8 DEPARTMENT OF NURSING GENERAL INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES Department of Nursing General Information ..................................................................................... 10 Department of Nursing Mission Statement ........................................................................................ 10 Department of Nursing Philosophy Statement................................................................................... 11 Department of Nursing Student Learning Outcomes ......................................................................... 12 Student Learning Outcomes/Practicum Journey ................................................................................ 14 Traditional BS Plan of Study ............................................................................................................. 17 RN-BS Completion Plan of Study ..................................................................................................... 19 STAND (Student Association for Nursing Development)................................................................. 20 Department of Nursing Committees .................................................................................................. 20 Nursing Education Loan Repayment Information ............................................................................. 21 Financial AID/Award/Scholarship Information................................................................................. 21 American Nurses Association Code of Ethics……………………………………………………… 22 Indiana State Board of Nursing Administrative Code (2013 edition) ................................................ 23 Confidentiality and Patient Care (HIPAA)………………………………………………………… 25 Facebook and Social Networking Etiquette…………………………………………………… ....... 26 Essential Attributes and Abilities……………………………………………………………….….. 26/27 Students with Disabilities Policy ....................................................................................................... 28 Grief Absence Policy ......................................................................................................................... 29 Permission to Transmit Information (FERPA) .................................................................................. 30 Nursing Department Office Hours & Phone/FAX Information ......................................................... 30 Nursing Communication Board/Faculty Office hours ....................................................................... 31 Academic Advising/Registration Procedure ...................................................................................... 31 Schedules & Nursing Practicum Courses .......................................................................................... 31 Grading & Grade Calculation Policy ................................................................................................. 32/33 Examination Procedure ...................................................................................................................... 33 University Grade Appeals Policy………………………... ................................................................ 33 Class Attendance................................................................................................................................ 34 Nursing Learning Centers Guidelines ................................................................................................ 34 6 Uniform Professional Dress Code...................................................................................................... 36/37 Clinical Required Documents Policy ................................................................................................. 38 Adult Criminal History Background Check and Drug Screen .......................................................... 38/40 Medical Record/Immunizations ......................................................................................................... 38 Tuberculosis Requirements ................................................................................................................ 39 Influenza Vaccine .............................................................................................................................. 39 CPR Policy ......................................................................................................................................... 39 Liability Insurance ............................................................................................................................. 39 Progression and Registration Policy .................................................................................................. 41 Nursing Standards/ Code of Conduct Policy/Violation of Nursing Standards (VNS) ....................... 43 Academic Dismissal Policy ............................................................................................................... 44 Non-Academic Dismissal Appeal Policy ........................................................................................... 45 Exit Examination Policy .................................................................................................................... 48 Employment Recommendation Policy............................................................................................... 49 Alternative Clinical Make-Up Policy ................................................................................................ 50 Standard Precautions Policy .............................................................................................................. 51 Invasive Procedures Policy ................................................................................................................ 52 APPENDICES Acknowledgement Signature Form ................................................................................................... 54 Annual Tuberculosis Assessment Form ............................................................................................ 55 Employment Recommendation Form ................................................................................................ 56 Standard Precautions Signature Form ................................................................................................ 57 Student Legal Limitations Signature Form ........................................................................................ 58 Release of Information Signature Form ............................................................................................. 59 Nurse Pack/Tote Policy Signature Form ............................................................................................ 60 Personal disclosure Form for Students............................................................................................... 61 Performance Improvement Plan ........................................................................................................ 62 Medical Record Form ........................................................................................................................ 63 Change in Health Status Form ........................................................................................................... 64 Application for LOA, re-entry, practicum assignment/plan of study change .................................... 65 HIPAA Compliance Form …………………………………………………………………………. 66 Student Release of Information to Practicum Agency……………………………………………… 67 7 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL MISSION About PNC - Purdue North Central The mission of Purdue University North Central, a regional campus of Purdue University is based on the tradition of a land grant university (Learning, Discovery, and Engagement). Through Learning, the primary mission of this university, the campus offers all students educational programs and services that foster student success and goal attainment in a studentcentered environment. Through Discovery, the campus encourages the creation of new knowledge, products, processes and applications through research and scholarship. The cooperative efforts of students, faculty and staff are essential for success. Through Engagement, the campus partners with and assists alumni, community members, businesses and organizations. These activities involve all members of the campus, including students, through transfer of knowledge, consulting, service learning, volunteerism, economic development and related activities. Purdue University North Central gives continual and careful consideration to the unique characteristics and needs of our many constituencies, especially our students, in this region, the State of Indiana and beyond. UNDERGRADUATE GENERAL EDUCATION POLICY & GOALS Undergraduate General Education Policy - Purdue North Central General education is the component of the undergraduate curriculum devoted to those areas of knowledge, methods of inquiry, and ideas that the Purdue University North Central academic community believes are fundamental and common to all well-educated individuals. General education provides knowledge and understanding of the world, which serves as the basis for continued learning. On December 10, 2010, following the recommendation of the General Education Committee, the Faculty Senate of Purdue University North Central adopted the Essential Learning Outcomes, formulated by the Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) through their program entitled LEAP (Liberal Education and America’s Promise). 8 The Essential Learning Outcomes Beginning in school, and continuing at successively higher levels across their college studies, students should prepare for twenty-first-century challenges by gaining: Knowledge of Human Cultures and the Physical and Natural World Through study in the sciences and mathematics, social sciences, humanities, histories, languages, and the arts Focused by engagement with big questions, both contemporary and enduring Intellectual and Practical Skills, including Inquiry and analysis Critical and creative thinking Written and oral communication Quantitative literacy Information literacy Teamwork and problem solving Practiced extensively, across the curriculum, in the context of progressively more challenging problems, projects, and standards for performance Personal and Social Responsibility, including Civic knowledge and engagement—local and global Intercultural knowledge and competence Ethical reasoning and action Foundations and skills for lifelong learning Anchored through active involvement with diverse communities and real-world challenges Integrative and Applied Learning, including Synthesis and advanced accomplishment across general and specialized studies Demonstrated through the application of knowledge, skills, and responsibilities to new settings and complex problems 9 I. General Information Department of Nursing Purdue University North Central Nursing Program Mission The Purdue University North Central Department of Nursing programs provide educational opportunities for both traditional and non-traditional students leading to the granting of the Bachelor of Science degree with a major in nursing. The Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program prepares graduates, based on competencies from the National League for Nursing and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses for entry level practice, leadership roles, and graduate study. The graduate is prepared to utilize theory, research, and evidencebased knowledge in the provision of safe, quality care to individuals, families, and communities in a global environment. The nursing faculty is committed to: 1. Nursing as a discipline and profession. 2. Providing, assessing, and enhancing the elements of learning, discovery, and engagement through personal and professional growth and lifelong learning. 3. Educational programs that prepare university educated nurses who have acquired the essential elements of general education as defined by Purdue University, and the essential nursing knowledge and professional education necessary for excellence in the practice of nursing. Traditional and emerging nursing paradigms will provide inclusive, active, and creative teaching-learning processes; holistic, evidence-based nursing care of clients across the life span in a variety of settings; and insure leaders of change toward health and quality of life for diverse individuals, families, and communities. 3/2012 10 Purdue University North Central Nursing Program Philosophy The Nursing Faculty articulates a philosophy for the Nursing Program congruent with the mission statement of Purdue University North Central that defines their beliefs regarding the concepts of person, environment, health, nursing, and the teaching-learning process. Person, which includes individuals, families, and communities, is a uniquely holistic body-mind-spirit. Each person chooses and participates in health decisions. Environment is an ever changing unity of systems and processes in which a person lives. Health is the harmony of the body-mind-spirit. It is the living of optimal wellbeing and quality of life in a global environment. Nursing, as a discipline, is the holistic study of person, health, and environment. The nursing profession utilizes a unique body of knowledge to care for the person. The graduate provides person centered safe, quality care that is guided by theory, research, ethical, legal, and professional nursing standards. Graduates function autonomously and collaboratively with interdisciplinary teams. Unique nursing knowledge, attitudes, and skills, enhanced by biological, physical and social sciences, humanities, and information technology, form the foundation of nursing practice. The teaching–learning process is a mutual effort of faculty and students that fosters nursing judgment and professional identity. Teaching–learning is a process that proceeds from simple to complex. Accountability of the educational process is demonstrated by evaluation of student learning outcomes. The Baccalaureate Degree Nursing Program prepares graduates, based on competencies from the National League for Nursing and Quality and Safety Education for Nurses for entry level practice, leadership roles, and graduate study. The graduate is prepared to utilize theory, research, and evidencebased knowledge in the provision of safe, quality care to individuals, families, and communities in a global environment. 3/2012 11 BS STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES (BOLD) AND ASSOCIATED LEARNING COMPETENCIES (ITALICS) 1. Utilize a holistic approach to identify needs of individuals, families, and communities toward maximizing positive health outcomes. 1. Use a systematic and holistic approach to collect comprehensive data about the organization and/or nursing unit from multiple sources. 2. Diagnose actual and potential needs based on analysis of collected data. 3. Prioritize identified needs. 2 Incorporate evolving social, cultural, and health care delivery trends in the provision of optimal health care to individuals, families, and communities. 4. Collaborate with the client and interdisciplinary team to establish expected outcomes that are based on current research /clinical expertise, and that reflect the client’s values and culture. 3. Apply theory guided, evidence-based practice to provide quality care to individuals, families, and communities. 5. Utilize theoretical principles, evidence-based findings, and risk-benefit analysis in planning for unit and/or organizational needs. 7. Conduct a systematic, ongoing, and criterion-based evaluation of progress toward predicted outcomes. 4. Evaluate outcomes to provide quality care in collaboration with individuals, families, and communities. 6. Collaborate with the client and interdisciplinary team to implement a plan of care in a timely and safe manner. 8. Revise organizational and unit plans as needed to reflect evaluation of outcomes. 20. Utilize results from evaluation of quality and effectiveness of health care services. 5. Demonstrate effective communication in collaboration with individuals, families, communities, and the interdisciplinary team members. 11. Demonstrate effective communication in collaboration with individuals, families, communities and the interdisciplinary team members. Verbal and nonverbal Written Interpersonal 6. Integrate teaching-learning strategies in the delivery of health care to individuals, families, and communities. 10. Provide teaching utilizing strategies appropriate to the organization’s learning needs and culture. 7. Articulate personal goals for professional development. 9. Evaluate own thinking strategies in using decision-making skills in a nursing leadership role. 19. Articulate personal goals for professional development. 12 8. Demonstrate accountability for practice within the legal and ethical standards of the nursing profession. 14. Demonstrate professional responsibility and accountability. 17. Demonstrate accountability of nursing practice in relation to relevant statutes, rules, regulations, and professional standards. 18. Provide nursing care that is consistent with the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses. 9. Demonstrate leadership in coordination of health care and management of resources and technology. 12. Utilize information technology in the coordination and delivery of health care. 13. Utilize cost-benefit analysis and variance data. 15. Incorporate the effective use of resources. 16. Coordinate health care resources across settings and among care givers. 10. Utilize continuous improvement processes to promote positive health outcomes and quality of life. 21. Advocate for policy or procedure change to promote organizational effectiveness 3/13/12 13 Student Learning Outcomes / Practicum Journey Level One: Student Learning Outcomes (Semesters 3 and 4 / Sophomore): Introduction to nursing related knowledge, and concepts of the integrative process to guide care of individuals. 1. Identify a holistic approach to identify needs of individuals toward maximizing positive health outcomes. 2 Describe evolving social, cultural, and health care delivery trends in the provision of optimal health care to individuals. 3. Identify theory guided, evidence-based practice to provide quality care to individuals. 4. Select outcomes to provide quality care in collaboration with individuals. 5. Demonstrate effective communication in collaboration with individuals and the interdisciplinary team members. 6. Discuss teaching-learning processes in the delivery of health care to individuals. 7. Outline personal goals for professional development. 8. Apply accountability for practice within the legal and ethical standards of the nursing profession. 9. Identify health care resources and technology used in the delivery of care. 10. Recognize continuous improvement processes to promote positive health outcomes and quality of life. Level One Practicum Journey This year will focus on professional responsibilities and accountability as well as the health of the individual. Students are enrolled in the professional component of the nursing program beginning in the “third semester.” Practicum (clinical) experiences focus on the health assessment of the individual. Practicum hours begin with simulation on campus where physical assessment skills are taught and practiced on mannequins in the simulation lab. Nursing history taking skills are included during the third semester. The “fourth semester” practicum experiences involve patients requiring long term care. Practicum experiences are arranged first in campus in lab and then in extended care facilities. Patient care responsibilities include the administration of medications, assistance with activities of daily living and additional prescribed treatments and procedures such as Foley catheter insertion and trach care. Level Two: Student Learning Outcomes (Semesters 5 and 6 / Junior): Adaptation and application of nursing related knowledge and concepts of the integrative process to guide care of the specific population and practice areas for individuals and families. 1. Utilize a holistic approach to identify needs of individuals and families toward maximizing positive health outcomes. 2 Examine evolving social, cultural, and health care delivery trends in the provision of optimal health care to individuals and families. 3. Apply theory guided, evidence-based practice to provide quality care to individuals and families. 4. Select outcomes to provide quality care in collaboration with individuals and families. 5. Demonstrate effective communication in collaboration with individuals and families and the interdisciplinary team members. 6. Plan teaching-learning processes in the delivery of health care to individuals and families. 7. Articulate personal goals for professional development. 8. Demonstrate accountability for practice within the legal and ethical standards of the nursing profession. 9. Participate in the coordination of health care and management of resources and technology. 10. Initiate continuous improvement processes to promote positive health outcomes and quality of life. 14 Level Two Practicum Journey This year will focus on family and on the care of individuals with alterations in health. Practicum experiences are arranged in acute care facilities. The “fifth” semester introduces students to the general care of patients. Students care for patients on post-surgical and/or acute medical care units. Surgery, behavioral health and mother-baby care and labor and delivery rotations are included. The “sixth” semester continues to focus on the general care of patients in the acute care facility as well as pediatric patients in Children’s Health Nursing. Level Three: Student Learning Outcomes (Semesters 7 and 8 / Senior): Synthesis and utilization of nursing related knowledge and concepts of the integrative process to guide care of the specific population and practice areas for individuals, families, and communities. 1. Utilize a holistic approach to identify needs of individuals, families, and communities toward maximizing positive health outcomes. 2 Incorporate evolving social, cultural, and health care delivery trends in the provision of optimal health care to individuals, families, and communities. 3. Apply theory guided, evidence-based practice to provide quality care to individuals, families, and communities. 4. Evaluate outcomes to provide quality care in collaboration with individuals, families, and communities. 5. Demonstrate effective communication in collaboration with individuals, families, communities and the interdisciplinary team members. 6. Integrate teaching-learning processes in the delivery of health care to individuals, families, and communities. 7. Articulate personal goals for professional development. 8. Demonstrate accountability for practice within the legal and ethical standards of the nursing profession. 9. Demonstrate leadership in coordination of health care and management of resources and technology. 10. Utilize continuous improvement processes to promote positive health outcomes and quality of life. Level Three Practicum Journey This year will focus on population and community health and complex care in the acute care setting. Students attend an annual regional nursing research conference every Fall semester as either a Community Health or Leadership student. The date is assigned during the semester. All Leadership students (in either semester) will attend one Indiana State Board of Nursing meeting in Indianapolis.The date is assigned during the semester. The “seventh” semester includes nursing practicum experiences in a variety of community settings including local schools, home health VNA, health departments and case management. Health Fair development and implementation and as well as an in-depth community assessment are significant elements of the community health experience. Students are required to seek out and participate in community service/volunteer opportunities in the community. In the “eighth” semester, students rotate through advanced medical-surgical and critical care clinical experiences which extend beyond the basic skills learned throughout the professional nursing program. The emergency department and the intensive care unit are often used for practicum experiences with the major focus on cardiac care and multi=system care. Final NCLEX preparation and review are important in this semester and students are assisted through the licensure, graduation/job selection process. 15 Terminal Student Learning Outcomes (Program Completion): 1. Utilize a holistic approach to identify needs of individuals, families, and communities toward maximizing positive health outcomes. 2 Incorporate evolving social, cultural, and health care delivery trends in the provision of optimal health care to individuals, families, and communities. 3. Apply theory guided, evidence-based practice to provide quality care to individuals, families, and communities. 4. Evaluate outcomes to provide quality care in collaboration with individuals, families, and communities. 5. Demonstrate effective communication in collaboration with individuals, families, communities and the interdisciplinary team members. 6. Integrate teaching-learning processes in the delivery of health care to individuals, families, and communities. 7. Articulate personal goals for professional development. 8. Demonstrate accountability for practice within the legal and ethical standards of the nursing profession. 9. Demonstrate leadership in coordination of health care and management of resources and technology. 10. Utilize continuous improvement processes to promote positive health outcomes and quality of life. SIMULATION Both low-tech and high-tech patient care simulations are offered on campus throughout the program. These realistic patient scenarios are treated like actual practicum experiences. Appropriate behavior and attire are expected. Students have an opportunity to solve real life problems in a safe environment High-tech experiences are very popular with the students, enhancing learning and problem solving, especially in regard to how to deal with emergencies and complications. Approved 8/05 Revised 11/17/06 Revised 4/12 16 Plan of Study Traditional Baccalaureate Nursing Program Pre-Professional Component (Semesters 1&2) Semester 1 Course BIOL 21300 Human A&P Cr. 4 Cl. 3 Lab 2 CHEM 11900 General Chemistry 4 3 2 ENGL 10100 English Composition I 3 3 PSY 12000 Elementary Psychology 3 GS 19100 FYE 3 TOTAL CREDITS Semester 2 Course BIOL 21400 Human A&P Cr. 4 Cl. 3 Lab 2 BIOL 22100 Intro To Microbiology 4 3 2 0 ENGL 10200 English Composition II 3 3 0 3 0 F&N 30300 Essentials of Nutrition 3 3 0 3 0 Math 11100 or higher 3 3 0 TOTAL CREDITS 17 Cr. 3 Cl. 3 Lab 0 17 Professional Component (Semesters 3 – 8) Semester 3 Course NUR 27100 Pathopharmacology I Semester 4 Course NUR 27200 Pathopharmacology II Cr. 3 Cl. 3 Lab 0 NUR 22210 Foundations of Nursing 4 3 3 NUR 21800 Human Development 3 3 0 NUR 35300 Health Care Informatics 3 3 0 STATS 3 3 0 NUR 21900 Health Assessment 3 2 3 NUR 22300 Foundations of Nrsg Practice 5 3 6 COM 11400 Fundamentals of Speech 3 3 0 TOTAL CREDITS 16 TOTAL CREDITS 14 17 Semester 5 Course NUR 36710 Nrsg Theory/Rsrch Cr. 3 Cl. 3 Lab 0 NUR 33300 Adult Health I 5 3 6 NUR 33500 OB/Women’s Health 4 3 3 NUR 20400 Psychosocial Nrsg 4 3 3 TOTAL CREDITS 16 Semester 7 Course NUR 42900 Community Health Nrsg Cr. 5 Cl. 4 Lab 3 Ethics (See GE Humanities Core List) 3 3 0 NUR 43900 Leadership 3 3 NUR 34900 Contemporary Trends in Health Care Systems 3 3 TOTAL CREDITS 14 Total credit hours Gen. Ed. Core Supplemental Core Nursing Semester 6 Course NUR 44300 Adult Health II Cr. 5 Cl. 3 Lab 6 NUR 39500 Children’s Health Nrsg. 4 3 3 NUR 38900 Family Health Nursing 3 3 0 TOTAL CREDITS 12 Semester 8 Course NUR 49300 Advanced Adult Health Cr. 6 Cl. 3 Lab 9 NUR 49500 Capstone 2 2 0 0 Elective (See GE Supplemental Core) 3 3 0 0 Elective (See GE Supplemental Core) 3 3 0 TOTAL CREDITS 14 = 120 = 31 = 18 = 71 18 RN-BS COMPLETION PROGRAM SEMESTER 1 CR NUR 33100 RN Transition to Professional Nursing STATs NUR 35300 Healthcare Informatics Elective- MA 11100 or higher ENGL 10200 English Composition II 3 3 3 3 3 CREDIT HOURS 15 SEMESTER 2 CR NUR 38900 Family Health Nursing NUR 36710 Nursing Theory& Research COM 11400 Elective (GE supplemental core list) 3 3 3 3 CREDIT HOURS 12 SEMESTER 3 CR NUR 42900 Community Health Nursing NUR 34900 Contemp. Trends in Healthcare Sys. Ethics (GE Humanities core list) Elective (GE supplemental core list) CREDIT HOURS 5 3 3 3 14 SEMESTER 4 CR NUR 43900 Management & Leadership NUR 49600 RN-BS Capstone Elective (GE supplemental core list) Elective (GE supplemental core list) CREDIT HOURS 3 3 3 3 12 Total AS Credit Hours Accepted (varies) Total RN-BS Credit Hours Gen. Ed. Core Supplemental Total Required for BS Completion 67 26 15 12 120 19 ASSOCIATIONS and COMMITTEES Student Association for Nursing Development (STAND) PNC has a chapter of the National Student Nurses Association, known as the Student Association for Nursing Development (STAND). This organization is for both pre-nursing and nursing students. The mission of the organization is: to participate in community activities which promote health and wellness and the profession of nursing to provide leadership opportunities, enhance faculty and student interactions to expose students to the many and varied opportunities available in the profession of nursing. There are no dues for STAND. See the STAND bulletin board for information regarding meeting times and other announcements. The bulletin board is in the hall close to TECH 301. Department of Nursing Committees Nursing student representatives, both RN-BS and BS, are asked to serve on the following Department of Nursing Committees: Curriculum Committee Enrollment, Progression, and Advising Committee Evaluation Committee Facilities and Resources Committee Student representative attendance and participation on Department of Nursing committees is limited to maintain confidentiality. Guidelines for committee structure are established denoting membership, functions, and responsibilities of each of these four committees and are defined in the Bylaws of the Faculty of the Department of Nursing and are available upon request. 20 FINANCIAL AID/AWARD/SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION FINANCIAL AID INFORMATION The Financial Aid staff works with both prospective and current students in finding sources of financial aid for their college education and also in completing the application process. To take advantage of available options, students should contact a financial aid officer well in advance of the semester in which they plan to register. (Refer to the PNC General Catalog or http://www.pnc.edu/financialaid/ http://www.pnc.edu/scholarships for further information.) NURSING EDUCATION LOAN REPAYMENT PROGRAM (NELRP) After students have passed the NCLEX and are licensed in the state in which they intend to practice, they are eligible for a NELRP (Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program). This is a nursing education loan repayment program. Applications can be found on NELRP web page: http://www.hrsa.gov/loanscholarships/repayment/nursing Please refer to the guidelines listed at the NELRP site. PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL NURSING SCHOLARSHIPS Nursing Students have a variety of scholarship opportunities available. General scholarship information can be found on the Scholarship page http://www.pnc.edu/scholarships or the Financial Aid Office Incomplete applications will not be considered for scholarship funding. Awards and scholarships are available to qualified nursing students at PNC based on eligibility and availability of funds. When additional scholarship information is received from outside sources, the information will be posted on the Department of Nursing Blackboard Communication Board. Financial Aid Forms (FAFSA) may be required for some scholarships. The annual deadline for FAFSA applications is March 1st. Information concerning specific scholarships available to Nursing Students only can be found at http://www.pnc.edu/scholarships/nursing.html. To be considered, a nursing student must provide all the information required on the Nursing Scholarship Application Form, available online at http://www.pnc.edu/scholarships/nursing.html. The submission deadline is provided in the document. The Department of Nursing monitors the scholarship application and notification process. Students who withdraw from or are removed from the nursing program will lose eligibility for any current or future scholarship funding. Additionally, the department will provide each scholarship recipient a copy of school letterhead for the expressed purpose of the student sending a thank you letter, in a timely fashion, to the scholarship donor with copy to the Department of Nursing. PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL CODE OF STUDENT RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND CONDUCT http://www.pnc.edu/cd/Policy/conduct.html Students are expected and required to abide by the laws of the state of Indiana and of the United States and the rules and regulations of Purdue University, to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted standards of social behavior, to respect the rights of others, and to refrain from any conduct that tends to obstruct the work of the University or to be injurious to the welfare of the University. A student who violates these general standards of conduct may be subject to informal actions (as defined in Section IIIA-5). If the violation falls within one of the categories of conduct listed in Section III-B-2, the student may also be subject to disciplinary sanctions. No disciplinary sanction/decision may be imposed except for conduct covered by one of the categories listed in Section III-B-2.Every student is responsible for the correspondence sent to his/her official address on record with the University including information sent to his/her official Purdue University North Central email address. The University is not responsible for university email accounts that students set to forward to a third party client, for example Gmail or Hotmail. Every student is expected to keep up-to-date contact information through the Registrar’s Office. Once information has been disseminated through these methods of communication, the student will be considered to be notified. 21 AMERICAN NURSES’ ASSOCIATION (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses The Purdue University North Central Department of Nursing strictly adheres to the American Nurses’ Association’s Code for Nurses. Each student is expected to consistently uphold these standards. http://www.nursingworld.org/ 1. The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, growth, and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes, or the nature of health problems. 2. The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, or community. 3. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and strives to protect the health, safety, and rights of the patient. 4. The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of task consistent with the nurse’s obligation to provide optimal patient care. 5. The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to preserve integrity and safety, to maintain competence, and to continue personal and professional growth. 6. The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining, and improving healthcare environments and conditions of employment conducive to the provision of quality healthcare and consistent with the values of the profession through individual and collective action. 7. The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration, and knowledge development. 8. The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public promoting community, national, and international efforts to meet health needs. 9. The profession of nursing, as represented by associations and their members, is responsible for articulating nursing values, for maintaining the integrity of the profession and its practice, and for shaping social policy. 22 The following excerpt, with web link, directs the reader to the rationale for many of the Department policies. Indiana State Board of Nursing A compilation of the Indiana Code and Indiana Administrative Code (2013 Edition) http://www.in.gov/pla/files/ISBN_2013_Edition.pdf ARTICLE 2. STANDARDS FOR THE COMPETENT PRACTICE OF REGISTERED AND LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSING Rule 1. Definitions 848 IAC 2-1-1 Applicability Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23 Sec. 1. The definitions in this rule apply throughout this article. (Indiana State Board of Nursing; 848 IAC 2-1-1; filed Oct 25,1991, 5:00 p.m.: 15 IR 242; readopted filed Nov 6, 2001, 4:18 p.m.: 25 IR 939; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:54 p.m.: 20070808-IR-848070058RFA) 848 IAC 2-1-2 "Competence" defined Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23 Sec. 2. "Competence" means performing skillfully and proficiently the functions that are within the role of the licensee and demonstrating behavior that is consistent with the interrelationship of essential knowledge, judgment, and skill. (Indiana State Board of Nursing; 848 IAC 2-1-2; filed Oct 25, 1991, 5:00 p.m.: 15 IR 242; readopted filed Nov 6, 2001, 4:18 p.m.: 25 IR 939; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:54 p.m.: 20070808-IR-848070058RFA) 848 IAC 2-1-3 "Health team" defined Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23 Sec. 3. "Health team" means a group of health care providers which may, in addition to health care practitioners, include the patient/client, family, and any significant others. (Indiana State Board of Nursing; 848 IAC 2-1-3; filed Oct 25, 1991, 5:00 p.m.: 15 IR 243; readopted filed Nov 6, 2001, 4:18 p.m.: 25 IR 939; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:54 p.m.: 20070808-IR848070058RFA) Rule 2. Registered Nursing 848 IAC 2-2-1 Responsibility to apply the nursing process Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23 Sec. 1. The registered nurse shall do the following: (1) Assess the patient/client in a systematic, organized manner. (2) Formulate a nursing diagnosis based on accessible, communicable, and recorded data which is collected in a systematic and continuous manner. (3) Plan care which includes goals and prioritized nursing approaches or measures derived from the nursing diagnosis. (4) Implement strategies to provide for patient/client participation in health promotion, maintenance, and restoration. (5) Initiate nursing actions to assist the patient/client to maximize his or her health capabilities. (6) Evaluate with the patient/client the status of goal achievement as a basis for reassessment, reordering priorities, new goalsetting, and revision of the plan of nursing care. (7) Seek educational resources and create learning experiences to enhance and maintain current knowledge and skills for his or her continuing competence in nursing practice and individual professional growth. (Indiana State Board of Nursing; 848 IAC 2-2-1; filed Oct 25, 1991, 5:00 p.m.: 15 IR 243; readopted filed Nov 6, 2001, 4:18 p.m.:25 IR 939; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:54 p.m.: 20070808-IR-848070058RFA) 848 IAC 2-2-2 Responsibility as a member of the nursing profession Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23 Sec. 2. The registered nurse shall do the following: (1) Function within the legal boundaries of nursing practice based on the knowledge of statutes and rules governing nursing. (2) Accept responsibility for individual nursing actions and continued competence. (3) Communicate, collaborate, and function with other members of the health team to provide safe and effective care. (4) Seek education and supervision as necessary when implementing nursing practice techniques. 23 (5) Respect the dignity and rights of the patient/client regardless of socioeconomic status, personal attributes, or nature of health problem. (6) Maintain each patient/client's right to privacy by protecting confidential information unless obligated, by law, to disclose the information. (7) Provide nursing care without discrimination on the basis of diagnosis, age, sex, race, creed, or color. (8) Delegate and supervise only those nursing measures which the nurse knows, or should know, that another person is prepared, qualified, or licensed to perform. (9) Retain professional accountability for nursing care when delegating nursing intervention. (10) Respect and safeguard the property of patient/client, family, significant others, and the employer. (11) Notify, in writing, the appropriate party, which may include: (A) the office of the attorney general, consumer protection division; (B) his or her employer or contracting agency; or (C) the board; of any unprofessional conduct which may jeopardize the patient/client safety. (12) Participate in the review and evaluation of the quality and effectiveness of nursing care. (Indiana State Board of Nursing; 848 IAC 2-2-2; filed Oct 25, 1991, 5:00 p.m.: 15 IR 243; readopted filed Nov 6, 2001, 4:18 p.m.:25 IR 939; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:54 p.m.: 20070808-IR-848070058RFA) 848 IAC 2-2-3 Unprofessional conduct Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23 Sec. 3. Nursing behaviors (acts, knowledge, and practices) failing to meet the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing nursing practice, which could jeopardize the health, safety, and welfare of the public, shall constitute unprofessional conduct. These behaviors shall include, but are not limited to, the following: (1) Using unsafe judgment, technical skills, or inappropriate interpersonal behaviors in providing nursing care. (2) Performing any nursing technique or procedure for which the nurse is unprepared by education or experience. (3) Disregarding a patient/client's dignity, right to privacy, or right to confidentiality. (4) Failing to provide nursing care because of diagnosis, age, sex, race, color, or creed. (5) Abusing a patient/client verbally, physically, emotionally, or sexually. (6) Falsifying, omitting, or destroying documentation of nursing actions on the official patient/client record. (7) Abandoning or knowingly neglecting patients/clients requiring nursing care. (8) Delegating nursing care, functions, tasks, or responsibility to others when the nurse knows, or should know, that such delegation is to the detriment of patient safety. (9) Providing one's license/temporary permit to another individual for any reason. (10) Failing to practice nursing in accordance with prevailing nursing standards due to physical or psychological impairment. (11) Diverting prescription drugs for own or another person's use. (12) Misappropriating money or property from a patient/client or employee. (13) Failing to notify, in writing, the appropriate party, which may include: (A) the office of the attorney general, consumer protection division; (B) his or her employer or contracting agency; or (C) the board; of any unprofessional conduct which may jeopardize patient/client safety. (Indiana State Board of Nursing; 848 IAC 2-2-3; filed Oct 25, 1991, 5:00 p.m.: 15 IR 243; readopted filed Nov 6, 2001, 4:18 p.m.:25 IR 939; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:54 p.m.: 20070808-IR-848070058RFA) 24 CONFIDENTIALITY AND PATIENT CARE With the enactment of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), the idea that patients have the right to privacy and confidentiality became more than just an ethical obligation of health care providers, students and health care organizations, it became law. The right to privacy is essential to patients and families. Under no circumstances should any student ever release or remove confidential patient information from the practicum setting or discuss it with anyone unless it is needed for treatment of the patient. Each clinical agency has strict guidelines regarding patient information, including computer access, security, documentation, and patient confidentiality. These specific guidelines are available for each agency, and several ask students to sign a confidentiality statement. Violation of these guidelines can result in disciplinary action by the agency, the assignment of a failing grade for a nursing course, and/or dismissal from the course or nursing program. The following guidelines in general reflect expectations of all students in all agencies. 1. Patient records are not to be removed from their location. 2. Students granted record access are accountable at all times for the protection of the record and its contents while in their possession. 3. It is prohibited to share the medical record/patient information with family, friends, and staff not directly involved in the patient’s care. 4. Students are expected to keep medical records (charts) accessible for medical care purposes at all times 5. Photocopying or printing any part of the medical record for a student’s purpose is strictly prohibited. Students may not photocopy parts of the record for their learning purposes. Data cannot be saved to portable devices and PDA’s. 6. When referring to patients in written work for schoolwork purposes, initials only are to be used. All identifying information should be kept to a minimum. 7. Census records used for report should be properly destroyed before the student leaves the unit. 8. HIPAA guidelines are to be followed at all times as outlined by each practicum agency and federal regulations. 9. Professional standards expect that student nurses withhold discussing, in any format, (verbally, in writing, via social media), any patient situations and confidences outside the professional setting. Situations may only be discussed in private, for the purpose of learning, as instructed by the clinical instructor. When discussing patients in the practicum learning situation, anonymity is to be maintained. 25 FACEBOOK and Social Networking Etiquette: “The use of social media and other electronic communication is increasing exponentially with growing numbers of social media outlets, platforms and applications, including blogs, social networking sites, video sites, and online chat rooms and forums. Nurses often use electronic media both personally and professionally. Instances of inappropriate use of electronic media by nurses have been reported to boards of nursing (BONs) and, in some cases, reported in nursing literature and the media.” Please refer to the National Council of State Boards of Nursing website www.ncsbn.org/2930 .htm for professional standards related to social media. https://www.ncsbn.org/Social_Media.pdf National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media. ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES and ABILITIES The Chair of the Department of Nursing in consult with nursing faculty has specified personal attributes that are essential for student success. Students must demonstrate these essential abilities and attributes. All students are also expected to meet enrollment criteria and all matriculating students are expected to meet progression criteria with or without reasonable accommodations. Physical/neurological functions: Ability to use all five senses to make accurate judgments regarding patient conditions. Physical ability to perform physical interventions and to safely engage in the practice of nursing. Psychomotor abilities consistent with course and program expectations. Judgment Skills: Problem solve as it relates to patient conditions in the development of a plan of care. Critical Thinking Application of the nursing process. Communication Skills: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Demonstration of effective communication skills with all members of the healthcare team. Coping Skills: Demonstrate the mental health that is required to successfully function in the role as a student. Demonstrate the mental health that is required to safely practice nursing as determined by professional standards of care. Intellectual/Conceptual Skills: Ability to calculate, measure, analyze, synthesize and evaluate. Behavioral Attributes: Demonstrate accountability and responsibility for personal actions as a student. Demonstrate professional conduct consistent with standards of nursing practice. Demonstrate safe nursing practice that is not limited by behaviors of sleep deprivation, addiction, abuse and or dependence on alcohol or other drugs that impair judgment and behavior. 26 ESSENTIAL ATTRIBUTES and ABILITIES The essential attributes and abilities criteria are published in the Purdue University North Central Nursing Student Manual. Students expressing concerns about the ability to meet these essential abilities and attributes criteria will be referred to either Student Support Services or the Dean of Students. Faculty has the responsibility to determine whether a student demonstrates these essential abilities and attributes. The Department Chair has the right to request consultation from professionals regarding student capacity to meet the essential attributes and ability requirements. Students unable to meet the required essential attributes and abilities, as determined by the Department Chair in consult with department faculty, may have their progress interrupted. Students will be dismissed from their program of study if the department chair determines that they are unable to meet these essential attributes and abilities even if reasonable accommodations are made. Students failing to demonstrate these essential abilities criteria may appeal this decision in accordance with Purdue University North Central appeal procedures. 27 Students with Disabilities Policy The Department of Nursing complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The University provides accommodations for individuals with disabilities. A person with a disability is a person who has: (A) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; (B) a record of such an impairment; or (C) being regarded as having such an impairment. * * Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. 42 U.S.C., Section 12102(2). Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 29 U.S.C., 791, Section 7(8) (A). Administrative Memorandum 2-2007 Procedures for Provision of Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (July 2, 2007; Supersedes Administrative Memorandum 7-2004, November 17, 2004; Administrative Memorandum 4-99, August 16, 1999; and Administrative Memorandum No. 3-2002, July 26, 2002.) at the following links: Accommodations - EO/AA Office - Purdue North Central or http://www.pnc.edu/cd/policy/accomm.html Accommodations - Purdue University North Central is committed to providing all students equal access to learning opportunities. Students with a documented disability that either prevents them from fully participating in any aspect of this course, or that require an accommodation should contact the instructor within the first two weeks of this course. Students who have self-identified and who have appropriate documentation (from a medical professional) that has been verified through the PNC Disability Services Coordinator, (located in LSF 103 or by phone at 219-785-5374), will be given accommodations for this course . It is the student's responsibility to request an accommodation and schedule their exams with the Student Success Center, professor, or Disability Services Coordinator. Students with disabilities are eligible for service and assistance through the Dean of Students Office. Students who have a disability that will require an accommodation to participate in academic courses are encouraged to discuss their needs with the course faculty. Faculty have the option of providing accommodations for any student making such a request, but are legally required to make appropriately determined, accommodations for individuals with documented disabilities. Appropriate accommodations are determined on the basis of the student's documented disability, recommendations of a professional service provider, and in consultation with the campus disability services coordinator. Test taking accommodations may be handled directly by the course faculty, or, the Student Success Center, after approval by the disability services coordinator. Additional services that may be provided include note takers, readers, scribes, taped materials and other print alternative formats. Accommodations for students with disabilities to participate in the clinical component of the nursing program are determined by the Nursing Faculty based on the recommendations of a professional service provider and in consultation with the campus disability services coordinator on a case by case basis. If it is established by the Nursing Faculty that, even with accommodations, a student's disability or limitation presents a genuine and significant risk to the patient's or student's health or safety, participation in clinical nursing courses cannot be permitted. Students who are unable to participate in the clinical nursing courses and/or students who are unable to meet the academic and professional standards or practice competencies of the nursing program will be dismissed from the program. Students may appeal the Nursing Faculty decision regarding program dismissal through the grievance procedures established in Administrative Memorandum No. 5 – 01, November 26, 2001, Purdue University North Central Policies and Procedures for the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Student Grievance Procedures. 5-01 - EO/AA Office - Purdue North Central or http://www.pnc.edu/cd/policy/501.html 28 Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS Policy) The Grief Absence Policy can be found on the Dean of Students webpage or at: http://www.pnc.edu/cd/policy/gaps.html Policy Statement: Purdue University recognizes that a time of bereavement is very difficult for a student. The University therefore provides the following rights to students facing the loss of a family member through the Grief Absence Policy for Students (GAPS). GAPS Policy: Students will be excused for funeral leave and given the opportunity to earn equivalent credit and to demonstrate evidence of meeting the learning outcomes for missed assignments or assessments in the event of the death of a member of the student's family. Scope: This policy applies to all full-time and part-time students currently enrolled in the Purdue University System. Immediate Family: Students are eligible for up to three (3) days of excused absence over five (5) consecutive calendar days for the death of a spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild or sibling, or a corresponding in-law or step-relative. Relative living in the student's home: Students are eligible for up to three (3) days of excused absence over five (5) consecutive calendar days for the death of an uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or first cousin living in the student's home. Relative: Students are eligible for one (1) day of excused absence for the death of an uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or first cousin. In the event of the death of another family member or friend not explicitly included within this policy, a bereaved student should petition for grief absence through the Office of the Dean of Students (ODOS) by meeting individually with an ODOS staff member for case evaluation. In addition, students may be granted additional absences to account for travel considerations, to be determined by the distance of the verified funeral services from the Purdue campus, as follows: Within 150 mile radius of the Purdue campus, no additional excused absence days. Between 150-300 mile radius of the Purdue campus, one additional excused absence days. Beyond 300 mile radius of the Purdue campus, two additional excused absence days. Outside the 48 contiguous United States, four additional excused absence days. A student should contact the ODOS to request that a notice of his or her leave be sent to instructors. The student will provide documentation of the death or funeral service attended to the ODOS. Given proper documentation, the instructor will excuse the student from class and provide the opportunity to earn equivalent credit and to demonstrate evidence of meeting the learning outcomes for missed assignments or assessments. If the student is not satisfied with the implementation of this policy by a faculty member, he or she is encouraged to contact the Department Head and if necessary, the ODOS, for further review of his or her case. In a case where grades are negatively affected, the student may follow the established grade appeals process. Effective July 1, 2011 29 PERMISSION to TRANSMIT INFORMATION The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) prohibits the transmittal of any “nondirectory” information about you without the students’ written consent. Authorization granting permission to transmit information must be signed and maintained in each student’s file. This authorization is signed upon enrollment to the nursing program and will remain in effect until program completion (Appendix). PNC Proxy Access FAQ What is PNC Proxy Access? Enables students to authorize another person such as a parent, guardian, spouse/partner to view their student information. Individuals granted proxy access by a student will have the ability to view certain Self-Service Banner (SSB) pages e.g. schedule, grades, financial aid, bill, using their own Self-Service Banner credentials (PIN). Note: Only individuals with a valid email address can be granted proxy access. Enables students to provide a passphrase to a proxy for them to use when speaking with a PNC representative (Enrollment Services staff and Academic Advisors) about the student's data as contained within the student information system. This added security ensures the confidentiality of a student's information under FERPA regulations. Access to PNC Proxy Access by the Student 1. Log in to Self-Service Banner (SSB) via the MyPNC portal from http://pnc.edu 2. Click on FERPA/PNC Proxy Access and complete FERPA Authorizations as instructed. Once completed the PNC Proxy Access Management menu will be displayed. 3. Click on PNC Proxy Access Management 1. Add a third-party (proxy) e.g. parent, guardian, spouse/partner 2. Authorize Self-Service Banner (SSB) pages that may be viewed by a third-party (proxy) 3. Provide a passphrase for a third-party (proxy) to discuss your student information with a PNC representative NURSING OFFICE HOURS Check with the department each semester but usual and customary hours are: Monday-Friday 8 a – 4 p The Nursing Office (Tech 357) also follows the following guidelines: 1. Weekends (closed) 2. Official University holidays (closed) 3. Summer Session (limited hours) 4. Semester breaks (by appointment) Students are encouraged to call ahead of a trip to the nursing office as the office is closed at various times for meetings. NURSING OFFICE PHONE NUMBERS: 219-785-5226 219-785-5495 (fax) call to confirm that fax was received by the department. 30 NURSING COMMUNICATION BOARD The Department of Nursing maintains an online bulletin board on Blackboard to communicate with students. All information pertinent to students is posted on this communication board. Students are responsible for checking the communication board on a regular basis to remain current with all policies and procedures. FACULTY OFFICE HOURS Nursing Faculty post office hours on the bulletin board located outside of their office door. This information is also found in course syllabi. Faculty members are available during the posted times and also by appointment. Faculty members are not on campus over scheduled semester breaks/holidays, over the summer, or weekends. ACADEMIC ADVISING/ REGISTRATION PROCEDURE The nursing department advisor will assist you with your plan of study and progress. Advisor communication to students will occur via the individual student’s PNC email address. Students are responsible for checking their PNC email on a regular basis. The Department of Nursing advisor will complete registration each semester for all NUR courses from the approved Plan of Study for all enrolled students. Prior to dropping or adding any course students must meet with the nursing advisor. All changes to the plan of study will need to be approved and necessary adjustments made at that time. SCHEDULES & NURSING PRACTICUM COURSES Practicum nursing experiences are designed to provide students with the best possible learning experience. To achieve this, it is often necessary to make changes from the published schedule. The Department of Nursing makes every attempt to keep changes at a minimum. Students will receive notice as soon as possible. All students’ practicum experiences will be assigned by the Department of Nursing. Placement of practicums based on student preferences cannot be accommodated. Practicum courses are arranged between the times of 6:00 a.m. and 12:00 a.m. Monday Sunday. Students must be available for assignments between these hours. The ratio of clock hours to credit hours in the practicum experience used throughout the Department of Nursing at PNC is 3 clock hours = 1 credit hour. For practicum experience, a clock hour is defined as a true hour of clock time, sixty minutes. For each practicum credit hour the student is required to be in the practicum setting for three hours, with appropriate breaks. The total number of hours for a course with a two hour /practicum component is six hours each week for fifteen weeks, for a total of 90 hours. Some practicum courses are scheduled based on the total number of hours required for the semester, and therefore schedules may reflect a more concentrated presentation of hours. The times are subject to change on a week‐by‐week basis, as dictated by the learning experience. Students should be aware that they will be required to collect patient care data at the hospital or agency prior to the assigned practicum day in many nursing courses (Foundations, Med-Surg I & II). This will involve going to the hospital the day/evening before assigned lab day. The time the student collects the data may vary with practicum sites and faculty expectations. Clinical sites are located throughout La Porte, Porter, Lake, Starke, St. Joseph, Kosciusko, Marshall, Elkhart, Pulaski and Jasper counties in Indiana, and Cook County in Illinois. 31 Students should have reliable transportation, budget travel costs and plan their time to accommodate expected travel, including travel during inclement weather. Certain practicum courses require travel between agencies and homes of clients. Being familiar with a community is highly recommended. Traveling to and from practicum and community activities sites will be covered under the mandatory accident insurance that is arranged by the Department of Nursing and included in fees for classes. Such travel has inherent risks and these risks are accepted by the student. Practicum group sizes need to be as uniform as possible to provide students with the best learning and supervision possible. It is possible that students will be switched between practicum sections after registration in order to achieve this equity. EXPLANATION OF CLOCK/CREDIT HOURS The ratio of clock hours to credit hours for classroom experience used throughout PNC is 1 clock hour = 1 credit hour. For classroom experience, a clock hour is defined as fifty minutes. For each credit hour a student is registered, the class will meet fifty minutes each week for fifteen weeks during the regular academic semester. Summer sessions have a more compact schedule, and meet more often, but the total number of classroom hours will remain at 15 fifty minute sessions for each one credit hour. The ratio of clock hours to credit hours in the practicum experience used throughout the Department of Nursing at PNC is 3 clock hours = 1 credit hour. For practicum experience, a clock hour is defined as a true hour of clock time, sixty minutes. For each practicum credit hour the student is required to be in the practicum setting for three hours, with appropriate breaks. The total number of hours for a course with a two hour /practicum component is six hours each week for fifteen weeks, for a total of 90 hours. GRADING SCALE A=100-93 B=92-85 C=84-76 D=75-70 F=70 or less GRADE CALCULATION POLICY Standards for Passing A minimum grade of 75.5% is required for the didactic portion of nursing courses. For courses with a practicum component, a “Pass” in practicum is also required. The didactic grades are calculated as follows: First, all examinations and quizzes, including the HESI exam, with their appropriate weights are computed. If the cumulative grade on examinations and quizzes does not sum to at least 75.5%, further calculations cease and the grade for the course will be the letter grade equivalent to the cumulative examination and quiz grades. If the examination and quiz grades achieve 75.5% or better, then all other graded course work (e.g., papers and other assignments) will be included with the examinations and quizzes to arrive at the overall course grade. Example: A student receives the following course grades and each are worth 20% of the total grade: Term Paper = 97% History of Nursing Speech = 92% Exam 1= 72% Exam 2= 72% Exam 3= 72% 32 The average of the exams is 72%, which is a “D”, and further calculations cease. The course grade would be the letter grade equivalent to the cumulative examination and quiz grades (D). If you obtained 85% on one exam, the average of the exams would be 76.3%. All other graded course work will now be included to arrive at the overall course grade of 83.6 or “C”. Standardization of Extra Credit: No more than 2% of any course grade can be obtained from extra credit work. Note: The rationale for this method of calculation is to insure that exam and quiz grades that are cumulatively below the school’s acceptable level will not outweigh other assignments. Throughout the program of study, students must be successful in objective tests, since success on the NCLEX RN is the objective. EXAMINATION PROCEDURE Test Procedure 1. No papers, books, other study aids, food, drinks, purses, backpacks, book bags, other bags and cases, hats, hoodies, scarves, coats, weapons, photographic equipment or devices, sophisticated watches, beepers, cell phones, or other electronic devices are allowed in the student’s possession during examinations. All personal items must be deposited in an area designated by faculty. Drinks brought in may be left at the front of the room or must be discarded. 2. Pencils, scrap paper, and calculators will be provided. 3. Students should use the bathroom before coming in for the test. No extra test time will be given for bathroom breaks. 4. Students should sit as far apart from one another as possible. Faculty may assign seats. 5. Students needing to leave the test area for any reason should bring their tests to faculty to hold while they are out of the room. (Faculty may review the answers during this time, noting any changes made after the student returns.) 6. The time allotment for tests will be one minute and 15 seconds per question. Two minutes may be allotted for answers requiring calculation. (NCSBN test bulletin advises students to pace themselves to allow 1-2 minutes per question.) 7. There will be no congregating in hallways or discussion of the exam following completion. UNIVERSITY GRADE APPEALS POLICY o Information can be obtained at http://www.pnc.edu/catalog 33 CLASS ATTENDANCE (Information can be found in the PNC General Catalog at http://www.pnc.edu/catalog. Students are expected to be present for every meeting of the classes in which they are enrolled. All matters relative to attendance, including the making up of missed work should be arranged between the student and instructor involved. It is expected that all instructors will, at the beginning of the semester, make a clear statement to all students regarding their policy for handling absences. Students who fail to meet class engagements may be denied credit for activities missed. The instructor may be responsible for counseling any student whose absences endanger academic performance. “Federal regulations require that faculty maintain accurate attendance records. Faculty must report all students who miss more than three successive class sessions to the Student Success Center. Faculty teaching courses that meet only once each week should report absences for each class since each class constitutes one week of academic work.” Administrative Memorandum 42010 Instructors obtaining information concerning the absence of a student due to personal factors are requested to report such knowledge at once to the Dean of Students. If a student is absent from all the meetings of any regularly scheduled class for a period of two successive weeks, the student will be reported to the Dean of Students for appropriate action. Class attendance is mandatory for Title IV financial aid recipients. II. Practicum Information Requirements Student Release of Information to Practicum Agency Certain practicum agencies require the PNC Department of Nursing to provide copies or information regarding specific individual student information including but not limited to immunization records, TB testing dates, criminal background information, drug testing results and CPR expiration dates. The student will sign this waiver one time prior to the first practicum experience. (Appendix) NURSING LEARNING CENTERS General Information There are three Learning Centers within the Department of Nursing: Nursing Resource Center (NRC) Tech 342/394 Nursing Simulation Center (NSC) Tech 392 Nursing Media Center (NMC) Tech 355 The Nursing Learning Centers are an integral part of your nursing education and areas available to allow for review and practice of skills needed as a student and licensed practitioner. They are the sites for nursing resources including mannequins, equipment, supplies, all form of multimedia, and reference books. The NRC is available for independent practice, as a prescriptive referral by a Faculty member, or as a scheduled supervised practice session with the NRC Coordinator. For either the prescriptive or supervised practice sessions, it is the student’s responsibility to schedule an appointment with the Coordinator. When organizing your schedule to include computer/AV and skills practice it is important to plan ahead. All of the nursing courses require critical thinking in testing and skill performances. Successful 34 completion of mandatory “test-outs” requires succinct efficient return demonstrations. Therefore, preliminary practice is a must. The importance of planning practice time cannot be underestimated. First, the NRC is only open part time. Secondly, throughout the semester Faculty pre-schedule the NRC for campus labs. On these days student access to the skill practice areas (NRC and NSC) is limited. Lastly, multiple courses require the signature of the NRC Coordinator to validate a student’s independent and supervised practice sessions. Planning helps time seem less elusive. Practicing skills with a partner has many advantages. First, peers can empathize with the frustrations of learning a new skill. Secondly, peers intensely watch skill performances because they, too, desire to learn the correct way to perform the skills. Also, peer evaluations are a great way to professionally critique each other. Many hospitals use peer evaluation tools as a means of annual employee reviews. Finally, as a peer evaluates a skill performance, the peer is also learning, so it is a “win-win” situation. A list of holdings is accessible in the NRC Coordinator’s office (TECH 357), the nursing office (TECH 357), and the NRC. This listing consists of available supplies, equipment, audiovisual and computer assisted (CAI) programs. Included in this manual are copies of various policies regarding student’s use of the Learning Centers, sign out policies, faculty use of the Learning Centers, use of equipment and supplies, security policies, et al. Also, there are sample forms included in the manual for ordering supplies, signing out equipment/supplies, student remediation and evaluating audiovisual/computer software programs. Nursing Resource Center Information and Guidelines The NRC provides a setting in which students can practice psychomotor skills independently. Additionally, it offers an area for the hands on practice of physical assessment skills and provides a media area for utilization of audiovisual and computer assisted instructional programs. Throughout the semester, the practicum nursing courses use the skills and assessment areas for “on-campus labs” during which students are presented demonstrations and given the opportunity to perform hands on return demonstrations. 1. Malfunctioning equipment is to be reported (in writing) to the NRC Coordinator as soon as the problem is discovered. 2. Eating is allowed in the NRC, as long as you clean up after yourself. If a problem develops this privilege will be rescinded. 3. No open or glass drinking containers are allowed in the NRC. 4. Valuables are not to be brought to the NRC as the Nursing Department will assume no responsibility for the loss of personal items. 5. Students entering the NRC for practice or remediation will sign-in and include the date, time, course name, instructor, and activity. 6. Fluids are not to be instilled in models unless instructed to do so by Faculty or the NRC Coordinator. 7. Behavior expected of professional nursing students is to be demonstrated while in the NRC. 8. No supplies, except those belonging to the student, are to leave the NRC. Nursing Simulation Center Information and Guidelines The NSC provides a high tech simulation setting in which students can practice psychomotor skills under the supervision of a faculty member or the NRC Coordinator. The NSC must be secured or attended by the faculty or NRC Coordinator. Students are never allowed to change setting on the laptops. Student will need to schedule an appointment with the NRC Coordinator to practice simulation in the NSC. The NSC may not be available for use on all days. 1. Malfunctioning equipment is to be reported (in writing) to the NRC Coordinator as soon as the problem is discovered. 2. No eating or drinking is allowed in the NSC. 3. Valuables are not to be brought to the NSC as the Nursing Department will assume no responsibility for the loss of personal items. 35 4. Fluids are not to be instilled in models unless instructed to do so by Faculty or the NSC Coordinator. 5. Behavior expected of professional nursing students is to be demonstrated while in the NSC. 6. No supplies, except those belonging to the student, are to leave the NRC. 7. Each area within the NSC will be secured unless attended by Faculty or the NRC Coordinator. Nursing Media Center Information and Guidelines The NMC provides audio visual and computer assisted instructional programs. The NMC is for use of students enrolled in the nursing programs only and children are not allowed to use the computers. Small group study sessions are a frequent occurrence and are welcome, but the noise must be kept to a low level. 1. Malfunctioning equipment is to be reported to the Information Help Desk at extension 5511 as soon as the problem is discovered. 2. Eating or drinking is allowed at the central tables only and not on the tables that hold the computers. 3. Valuables are not to be brought to the NMC as the Nursing Department will assume no responsibility for the loss of personal items. 4. Behavior expected of professional nursing students is to be demonstrated while in the NMC. 5. No supplies, unless those belonging to the student, are to leave the NRC. 6. Students need to respect other students while they are trying to study and maintain a quiet environment. March 1997, Reviewed 2000Revised: January 2008, 8/2011 UNIFORM PROFESSIONAL DRESS CODE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The school uniform is the Dickies or Cherokee brand solid black scrubs, which may be purchased through a store/catalog of the student’s choice. Prints and colored trim on the scrubs are not allowed. Any style scrub top may be worn. Pants must be straight leg style only—no cuffed bottom or wide leg pants allowed. Any number of pockets is allowed on both the tops and bottoms. Students are to look professional and have scrubs that fit appropriately and are in good condition (ie., not faded, torn, or stained). Students with special size needs should be certain that sufficient time is allowed to order the scrubs before clinical courses begin. All students must purchase a solid white lab coat. The lab coat may be any length and any style the student prefers. No other garment may be worn over the uniform scrub top during clinical other than the lab coat. Students may wear a solid white or black short or long-sleeve turtleneck or t-shirt under the scrub top for warmth, modesty, or to cover tattoos. The bottom of the shirt must not be visible under the scrub top. The Purdue University patch must be worn on the top right sleeve of the scrub top and lab coat, sewn approximately three inches below the shoulder seam. Stitching should be neatly done and with appropriate color thread. Stapling or pinning the patch on is not allowed. Patches should be purchased through the campus bookstore. Solid white or black shoes with soft soles are to be worn. White, black, silver, or gray subtle accents are permitted. Logos that contain any color other than white, gray, silver, or black, must be no larger than 1.5 inches X 1 inch in size. Logos may not contain any florescent colors. Comfortable shoes, providing adequate foot support are recommended. Shoes with openings, cloth tennis shoes, high heeled shoes, clogs, and slingbacks are not permitted. Shoes and laces are to be kept clean and in good condition. Solid white or black hose or socks are to be worn with the uniform. Hair styles should be simple and hair must be short or pulled back so that it does not fall into the student’s face. Hair that falls below the collar should be secured in ponytail, braid, or bun. Solid, plain black or white head bands, barrettes, and ponytail holders are acceptable. Follow “Personal Appearance Requirements” as listed below. NON-UNIFORM PROFESSIONAL DRESS CODE: 1. A solid white short or long sleeved shirt with collar is required. A solid white collared shirt with a small Purdue logo is acceptable. A solid white cami or undershirt may be worn under the collared shirt. 2. A solid black or white pull-over or button down sweater without a hood may be worn over the white shirt for warmth or to cover tattoos. Sweaters with Purdue logos are allowed. No sweatshirts or fleeces are allowed. 36 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Black dress pants or a black skirt no shorter than mid-knee is required. Denim, terry cloth, sweats, overalls, spandex, shorts, and skorts are not permitted. If a skirt is worn, skin tone or black hosiery must be worn as well. Black shoes with both closed toes and heels must be worn. A maximum of a two inch heel is permitted. Absolutely no sandals are allowed. Socks or hosiery are required at all times. A white lab coat with the Purdue University patch may be worn (or required at certain times, at the discretion of the instructor). Hair styles should be simple and maintained. Follow “Personal Appearance Requirements” as listed below. PERSONAL APPEARANCE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Hair shall be naturally colored, or dyed/highlighted natural colors only. 2. Only one simple band, a watch, and small stud earrings are permitted. Two pairs of stud earrings are allowed in the ear lobes only. All other jewelry, including body piercing is unacceptable. 3. Nails must be no more than 1/8 inch. No artificial nails or colored polish can be worn. 4. Tattoos are not to be visible at all times. Any tattoos unable to be covered by clothing or shoes also need to be covered. 5. Hair must be clean. 6. Personal hygiene is expected. 7. Facial hair must either be shaved or short and groomed. 8. Strong scents, including cologne, aftershave, and perfume, shall not be worn. 9. The abdomen must remain covered and not be visible. 10. Clothing must be clean, wrinkle free, and odor free. 11. Students should maintain a professional appearance at all times when wearing either uniform. 12. Students are to look professional and have clothes that fit appropriately and are in good condition (ie., not faded, torn, or stained). 13. Students should be modestly dressed at all times which include times when students are standing, sitting, bending, and reaching. *Note: Either the Uniform or Non-Uniform Professional dress code will be in effect any time the student represents PNC off campus and during all on-campus practicums. Which dress code is in effect will be determined by the instructor depending on the nature of the course and/or experience. Dress code may vary depending on current agency, unit, course requirements, or patient care needs. IDENTIFICATION BADGE: 1. 2. 3. Students are required to have a PURDUE NORTH CENTRAL photo ID that identifies the individual as a Nursing Student. Students should have one with full name and one with first name only as both will be required during the program. These can be obtained from the Financial Aid office. A fee may be attached. The PNC photo ID is required to be worn when representing PNC off campus at practicum sites and community events. The ID should be in good condition. It is to be worn on the collar or upper chest. Revised 3/10/2010 F&R Committee Approved 3/19/2010 DON Reviewed 8/01/2011 Approved 12/12 DON 37 III. POLICIES Department of Nursing Clinical Required Documents Policy BS, LPN-BS and RN-BS A Medical Record/ evidence of immunizations, results of an Adult Criminal History, Urine Drug Screen, TB testing, CPR certification, influenza vaccine, and Accident, and Liability Insurance are required of all students enrolled in the nursing program in order to meet the contractual agreements of Purdue University North Central with the affiliating agencies utilized for clinical/practicum experiences throughout the program. The required information and certification must be on file by June 25th for Fall Semester or by November 30th for Spring Semester. On file means a hard copy of all results has been provided to the department. Any student admitted after the required submission dates (late admit) will be advised as to required information submission date, but must have all information on file in the Department of Nursing by the date given. Students are required to submit copies of all documentation to the department of nursing office. The department of nursing will not be responsible for making copied of documents for students. Any student who does not maintain the on-going currency of all required clinical documents (TB/CPR/criminal history/drug screen/RN license information, etc.) will not be eligible to continue in an enrolled practicum course and may be administratively dropped from the program, the practicum course and/or any co-requisites. The student will not be registered for those course(s) that semester and may forfeit any financial aid that was awarded. All information must be kept current and renewals must be completed prior to the semester due dates. In the event a student is not enrolled in a practicum course for one or more semesters, it is the responsibility of the student to see that the required documents are on file prior to the due date of the subsequent semester for which the student is enrolled in a practicum course. In the event TB or CPR would expire during or in-between semesters it is the responsibility of the student to renew the TB or CPR prior to the June 25th Fall Semester or November 30th Spring Semester deadline. ADULT CRIMINAL HISTORY AND DRUG SCREEN Students enrolled in any clinical/practicum are required to submit an adult criminal history and urine drug screen annually before the semester due date. See Adult Criminal History and Drug Screen Policy https://www.certifiedbackground.com/ MEDICAL RECORD/Evidence of Immunizations (APPENDIX) Must be completed, signed and on file by the required deadline during the semester of a student’s first practicum experience. o This form is required to be submitted one time only during enrollment. If there has been a change in health status such as surgery or an ER visit, or following a leave of absence, a re-entry, pregnancy, or any time deemed necessary by the Department of Nursing, a release from the student’s health care provider (MD, DO, NP, Psychologist, Therapist) must be submitted to the department. This release involves a Statement of Good Health. (Appendix) This statement of good health is required prior to the student’s return to the practicum setting. Failure to complete and submit this Statement of Good Health may result in an administrative withdrawal from the student’s current practicum course/s. 38 TUBERCULOSIS (TB) Ongoing health requirements initially include a 2-StepTB test (PPD/Mantoux). o A routine annual 1-step TB test will be required after completion of the initial 2-step provided the initial test was negative. o If the student allows the required annual 1-step TB test to lapse a repeat of the 2-step TB test must be completed and submitted. o A chest x-ray is required for any student who is not able to provide results of a TB test (PPD Mantoux or quantiFERON TB Gold) test. A completed “Annual Tuberculosis Assessment” form (APPENDIX) needs to be completed annually subsequent to an initial negative chest xray. The quantiFERON TB Gold blood test may be substituted for the initial TB testing requirements. INFLUENZA VACCINE (Required annually in Fall semester): In accordance with recommendations by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and local healthcare organizations where students will be attending, nursing students enrolled in practicum courses will be required to obtain an annual flu vaccine. Students declining the annual influenza vaccine will sign a declination form and will be required to follow the guidelines as established by the practicum agencies. The date and guidelines for receiving the flu vaccine will be announced each fall semester. CPR (Required renewal every two years): Bi-annual renewal of American Heart Association for the Health Care Provider CPR Certification is required. No other form of CPR certification (ie: Red Cross) will be accepted. LIABILITY INSURANCE Students are required to participate in the University-wide nursing student liability insurance program. Liability insurance coverage is obtained through the University and fee payment is made with the Bursar’s Office on the North Central campus. Fee statements are issued annually via the students self service Banner during the student’s enrollment in the nursing program. Payment of fees must be received by the date indicated on the fee statement. Liability insurance is required to participate in clinical/practicum agency experiences. MANDATORY ACCIDENT INSURANCE All students enrolled in a practicum course will be automatically enrolled in the “Accident Only Insurance Policy” Managed by an outside vendor. Detailed information can be found on the Department of Nursing web page. LICENSE REQUIREMENT (RN-BS only) It is the responsibility of every RN-BS student to submit a copy of a current RN license to the nursing department prior to participation in any practicum course (Community NUR 42900 and Leadership NUR 49600 practicums). Failure to comply with this regulation will result in the student being administratively dropped from the practicum course in which the student was enrolled. Reviewed 08/24/09 Revised 08/01/2011 39 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Adult Criminal History Background Check and Drug Screen Policy In order to maintain compliance with state and federal (House Bill 1633) regulations for individuals working with patients and individuals who are vulnerable or minors, an Adult Criminal History Background Check, through www.certifiedbackground.com is required for of all nursing students entering into a practicum setting. The presence of a criminal record may prevent student placement in the practicum setting and / or may inhibit the ability to test for professional licensure (NCLEX). It is required to IMMEDIATELY report to the Department of Nursing Chair (within 5 business days) a change in status (i.e. any arrest) regarding criminal history using the Personal Disclosure Form for Students. For example, OWI, DWI, theft, battery, conversion and others. (APPENDIX) Students may view and print their personal Adult Criminal History Background Check and Drug Screen reports via Certifiedbackround.com. A person or persons appointed by the Department of Nursing Chair will be granted access to the information regarding the Adult Criminal History Background Report and Urine Drug Screen. While information contained in the Adult Criminal History Background Report is public knowledge, it will only be provided to agencies as directed by state and federal guidelines and agency requirements. The Adult Criminal History Background Report is valid for a period of one year from issuance. This report and a 10 panel urine drug screen must be updated annually by the student, at the expense of the student, by yearly due date. Students may not enter the practicum setting and may be administratively dropped from all practicum nursing courses if an Adult Criminal History Report and a Urine Drug Screen are not on file with Certifiedbackground.com and the department by each student’s required due date. Progression in the Nursing Program may be interrupted if any practicum agency does not accept a student based on the results of the Adult Criminal History Background Check and/or Urine Drug Screen. Please refer to the Student Legal Limitations Signature Form (APPENDIX), which is kept in the student file in the Department of Nursing office. Reviewed 10/09, 8/10,8/11,8/12 8/10, 8/11. 8/12(revised) 40 Progression and Registration Policy Progression in the Purdue North Central Nursing Curriculum requires that: Note: the term “clinical” is used to refer to Bachelor Degree practicum experiences. Nursing students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA throughout enrollment in the Nursing Program. Indiana State Board of Nursing 848 IAC 1-2-21 Progression and graduation Authority: IC 25-23-1-7 Affected: IC 25-23-1-7 (c) Candidates for the registered nurse licensing examination shall have successfully completed the educational program with an accumulative average grade of "C" or better, and a grade of "C" or better in each course as identified in section 17 of this rule. http://www.in.gov/pla/files/ISBN_2012_Edition.doc All required courses in the Nursing Curriculum must be passed with a minimum grade of “C”. This includes: * All general education course requirements * All supplemental general education course requirements * All prerequisite nursing course requirements * All NUR courses Any grade in the Nursing Curriculum below “C” is considered unsatisfactory. Nursing students are required to meet the minimum Standards for Passing for the didactic portion of nursing courses. (See Department of Nursing Grade Calculation Policy). No more than ONE WITHDRAWAL (for any reason, administrative or otherwise) or GRADE BELOW “C” is allowed per each NUR course for the entire length of time a student is enrolled in either the LPN-BS, RN-BS or traditional BS program. A NUR course may repeated one time only. A second withdrawal or receipt of a grade below “C” in any one NUR course will result in dismissal from the nursing program. Students need to comply with a nine semester completion requirement for the BS Nursing Program. The nine semesters begin with initial enrollment in NUR 22210. RN-BS Degree students are encouraged to complete the program within eight semesters. The first time a student in the LPN-BS, BS or the RN-BS nursing program does not achieve the minimum grade of “C” in a NUR nursing course, the course must be repeated and passed. Following an unsuccessful attempt in a NUR course (grade below C), the student is required to complete and submit a Re-entry / Change in Plan of Study Request (Appendix) along with an attached copy of current transcript to the Enrollment, Progression and Advising (EPA) Committee by the date indicated on the re-entry form (Appendix). If re-entry is granted by the committee (it is not a guarantee but is dependent on current enrollment numbers) the student’s plan of study will be revised to accommodate the re-entry. This may necessitate the addition of a semester to one’s plan of study, A cumulative total of three (3) grades below “C” in any/all NUR courses will result in dismissal from the nursing program. A student who has been dismissed from the Nursing Program is eligible to reapply for enrollment during the next application cycle. If the student is readmitted, a Performance Improvement Plan (APPENDIX) will be initiated. The re-admitted student will not be allowed to withdraw from any NUR course, and the student will be dismissed from the program with a subsequent grade below a “C” in any one course required in the nursing curriculum. 41 A maximum of no more than one (1) approved clinical absence is permitted in any NUR practicum course with three clinical (lab) contact hours (45 clock hours). A maximum of no more than two (2) clinical absences are permitted for any NUR practicum course with more than six clinical (lab) contact hours (90 or > clock hours). All Practicum Required Documents (Including but not limited to CPR, TB, liability insurance, Adult Criminal History, urine drug screen, immunizations, Acknowledgement Signature Form, Standard Precautions form, and RN license [for RN-BS students] ) must be kept current. * Any student who does not maintain the on-going currency of their TB, CPR, criminal history, drug screen, immunization, RN license information will not be eligible to continue in an enrolled practicum course and may be administratively dropped from the program. Each Nursing student will have a Plan of Study (POS) developed on admission to the program and a copy will be provided to each student. All nursing (NUR) courses must be taken in the sequence indicated in that POS. The student who receives a grade below “C” or withdraws from any NUR course must schedule an appointment IMMEDIATELY with their Nursing Advisor, the Nursing Advisor, Enrollment, Progression and Advising Coordinator or Department Chair. Withdrawing from a NUR course/s may be considered as an option for any student who will not successfully pass the course as determined by the grade calculation policy. The decision to withdraw should be made by the student only after consult with the course coordinator. Once the decision is made to withdraw, the student should immediately schedule an appointment to meet with the Nursing Advisor, Academic Advisor, the Enrollment, Progression and Advising Coordinator or the Department Chair. The Application for Reentry/Change in Plan of Study form for the next semester must be completed and submitted. The Application for Re-entry or Change in Plan of Study form (Appendix) must be completed and submitted to the Department of Nursing/ EPA (Enrollment, Progression and Advising Committee) following any nursing course failure or withdrawal. All submissions must be made by the last day of finals week for every semester including summer sessions. In the event of a practicum nursing course failure, registration adjustments for the next semester will be made by the Department of Nursing Chair, Academic Advisor, and/or Enrollment, Progression, and Advising Committee (EPA). A re-entry form must be submitted to the EPA Committee by the last day of finals week for every semester including summer sessions. Students who do not submit a re-entry form by the required date will not be considered for progression. If space is limited, GPA determines placement in the practicum class. A student who cannot enroll in a practicum nursing course because of limited space, will be placed on a waiting list. Failure or withdrawal from any NUR course will affect pre / co-requisites of future semesters and application for re-entry is required. The student is responsible for providing current contact information including name, phone, and address changes to the Registrar and the Department of Nursing. If the Department is unable to contact a student, the next student on the list will be contacted until the space is filled. Any nursing student not enrolled in a practicum nursing course for one semester for any reason MUST complete the Re-entry Form /Nursing Program (APPENDIX) and submit it to the Department of Nursing Office. This does not apply to RN-BS Degree students. 12/04, 5/05, 1/06, 11/07, revised 5/08, 6/08, 4/10, 8/12 Reviewed 8/11, 8/12 42 Nursing Standards/Code of Conduct Policy The Department of Nursing adheres to the Nursing Standards of the Indiana Nurse Practice Act http://www.in.gov/pla/files/ISBN.2011_EDITION.pdf look for 2012 and the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for Nurses http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsforNurses.aspx. These Nursing Standards/Codes focus on practice and professional behavior as a Provider of Care, Manager of Care, or Member within the Discipline of Nursing, defined as but not limited to: 1. Provider of Care: A. Provides safe and effective patient care B. Responds appropriately in new and/or emergent situations C. Fulfills responsibilities promptly and completely D. Practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every individual 2. Manager of Care: A. Maintains safety of environment B. Informs faculty and/or designated staff member of client care activities 3. Member within the Discipline of Nursing: A. Demonstrates competencies from previous learning and course content B. Recognizes and reports omissions, errors and accidents involving self or others C. Maintains standards of privacy and confidentiality D. Demonstrates accountability for personal and professional actions Adherence to nursing standards is required of all nursing students. Violation of Nursing Standards/Code of Conduct (VNS) Student behavior identified by faculty as a violation of identified Nursing Standards/Code of Conduct will result in the following action/s: 1. The student will receive a referral by the faculty at the time of the incident whenever possible. Written notice/referral will be given by the faculty as soon as possible following the incident. This notice must include a description of the incident and citation of the behaviors observed. 2. The hearing will take place between the involved student, the involved faculty and an uninvolved third party from the Department of Nursing faculty. Determination of the validity of the charge will be made during the hearing. 3. Recommendation for remediation will be made at that time. If the charge is validated the incident will be recorded in the student's permanent file, and on their clinical evaluation. No record of the incident will be kept in the student’s permanent file if the charge is not validated. 4. All validated charges of violations of nursing standards are cumulative during the nursing course in progress. The student will receive an automatic clinical/practicum failure in his/her current nursing course with the validation of the third VNS, resulting in dismissal from the Nursing Program. 5. Dismissal from the Nursing Program will also result if a single incident is determined to have produced serious actual and/or potential harm to the client. 6. If a student desires to appeal it may be appealed under the University appeal process entitled Regulations Governing Student Conduct, Disciplinary Proceedings & Appeals (Student Conduct and Discipline - Purdue North Central or http://www.pnc.edu/cd/policy/conduct.html) or the Nursing Program Clinical Dismissal Appeals Policy. Revised 5/01, 5/05 Reviewed 1/08, 8/12 Updated 8/11, 8/12 43 Academic Dismissal Policy A student will be dismissed from the Nursing Program when there is lack of progress toward the degree. (The Academic Grade Appeal Policy may be found at: http://www.pnc.edu/sa/connections.html) Lack of progress will include, but not be limited to, failure to meet one or more of the following: 1. Failure to achieve and maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average on a 4.0 scale while in the nursing program. A grade of "C" or better is necessary for successful completion of all required nursing (NUR) and required non-nursing courses, including required electives, and courses transferred from other colleges and universities. 2. A NUR course in which a grade of "C" or better is not obtained may be repeated one time only. BS Program: A cumulative total of a grade below “C” in any NUR course will result in dismissal from the BS Nursing Program. 3. A student may withdraw one time only from any NUR course A second withdrawal or failure from the same NUR course will result in dismissal from the BS Nursing program. 4. Failure to comply with the semester completion requirement. BS Program: nine consecutive semesters commencing with the semester in which the student is enrolled in NUR 22210. 5. Failure to earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in any three required non-NUR courses on the second attempt. This includes: * All general education course requirements * All supplemental general education course requirements * All prerequisite nursing course requirements 6. Failure to satisfactorily meet the practicum objectives. 7. Failure to comply with the PNC Student Conduct and Discipline requirements (http://www.pnc.edu/cd/policy/conduct.html). 8. Failure to practice within the discipline of nursing as judged according to the standards of the Code of Ethics for Nurses from the American Nurses' Association (required textbook). The Code of Ethics is available for view or purchase at http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsforNurses.aspx . 9. Failure to maintain compliance with the Practicum Required Document Policy Any student who does not maintain the on-going currency of practicum requirements for their TB, CPR, criminal history, urine drug screen, immunization, insurance and RN license information will not be eligible to continue in an enrolled clinical course and may be administratively dropped from the program. 11/01 Rev 5/03, 8/04, 5/05, 8/09, 4/10, 8/11, 8/12 44 Non-Academic Dismissal Appeal Policy 1. General a. The responsibility for assessing student achievement rests with the faculty, and except for unusual circumstances, dismissal from the program is final. b. The nursing non-academic dismissal appeal system affords recourse to a student who has evidence or believes that evidence exists to show that an inappropriate dismissal has been assigned as a result of prejudice, caprice, or other improper conditions. A non-academic dismissal is any dismissal that occurs due to circumstances other than an unsatisfactory grade. This might include, but not be limited to, dismissal from the nursing program due to substance use, commission of an action placing a patient in direct harm, or violation of the standards of practice of the discipline of nursing. Dismissal from the nursing program on the basis of a grade or grades received that do not support continued success (a grade less than "C") are to be appealed through the University Grade Appeal system. c. When a student initiates a formal appeal, he/she should be prepared to state in what way his/her dismissal was arbitrary, capricious or otherwise improper. At that time, he/she may seek the assistance of his/her academic advisor, the Department Chair, the Dean of Students, or Equal Employment/Affirmative Action Officer. d. In appealing a dismissal the burden of proof is on the student. e. There may be instances where the instructor of record is unavailable, for reasons such as leave status, having left the employ of the University, or death. In such a case, the Chair of the department shall designate a member of the department to respond to the appeal; the chair may choose to designate him/her self, or may appoint another tenured member of the department because of special curricular expertise. f. All references in this document to "days" refer to calendar days unless otherwise specified. 2. Nursing Non-Academic Dismissal Appeal Committee a. A Nursing Non-Academic Dismissal Appeal Committee, hereinafter referred to as Nursing Appeal Committee, shall be established on the North Central Campus of Purdue University to hear grievances and appeals that are not resolved informally at a lower level. The committee shall consist of all full-time nursing faculty members, six (6) student members, and the Chair of the department. For the purposes of this policy, full-time faculty members will be referred to as faculty members and are defined as tenured and tenure-track faculty, continuing lecturers and clinical/professional faculty. However, no Nursing Dismissal Appeal Hearing Panel shall have more than one continuing lecturer and/or clinical/professional faculty serving as members. b. The student members shall be selected each year from the general nursing student population. The Chair of the department has the responsibility to seek student members. In the event a student member does not fulfill the year long commitment, the Department Chair will seek another student to complete the unfilled term. c. The Department of Nursing Chair shall not participate on any hearing panels. He/she shall be notified whenever a formal appeal is made. The Department Chair shall make certain that all procedures contained herein are followed. He/she shall advise both the student and the faculty member involved of procedures to be followed and of the rights and responsibilities of each. He/she shall be present at all hearing sessions and insure that all members of the panel have all the information and materials necessary for the hearing. If the Department Chair is the faculty member involved in the appeal, the alternate will be the Chair of the Enrollment, Progression, & Advising Committee. 45 3. Initiating an Appeal a. A student who wishes to appeal a dismissal decision must file notice of intention to appeal with the Department Chair. This must be done within fifteen (15) days after the dismissal was initiated. b. The student shall submit a detailed statement of appeal with supporting documentation to the Department Chair who shall promptly give written notice of the formal appeal to both the student and the involved faculty member. Written notice shall be accompanied by a copy of the student's detailed statement as well as the procedures and sequence of events to be followed in conducting the hearing. The first meeting of the hearing shall be held not less than five (5) days, and whenever practicable, not more than ten (10) days after the receipt of such notice. c. The faculty member shall promptly make available to the Department Chair all pertinent records and a written response to the student's detailed statements. In advance of the hearing, the Department Chair may, at his/her discretion, make available to the student those records (or portion thereof) which he/she judges to be relevant in light of the student's allegations. d The hearing panel will be comprised of four (4) faculty members and two (2) students from the membership of the Nursing Appeal Committee, as defined in item 2a. and 2b. above. Neither members of the same course as the involved instructor nor relatives of either party involved will be eligible to serve on the hearing panel. Determination of the composition of each hearing panel will be by partial option of both the instructor and the student involved in the appeal. At the time of notification of the formal appeal, the Department Chair will provide both the involved faculty member and the student an opportunity to strike one (1) faculty member and one (1) student member from the appeals committee. The Department Chair shall then select the hearing panel from the committee members not struck by either the instructor or the student involved in the appeal. 4. Conduct of Appeal a Prior to the formal hearing, the hearing panel will receive only the following information about the dismissal: The names of the student and the instructor involved, and the name of the course in which dismissal was issued. The student's appeal statement, evidence and documentation shall be presented to the panel by the student only during the formal hearing. b. The members of the hearing panel shall elect, by majority vote, one of the four (4) faculty members to act as chairman of the hearing. c. In its various considerations, the hearing panel must address itself primarily to the complaint(s) specified in the student's original letter of appeal to the Department Chair. The decision as to what constitutes pertinent evidence rests exclusively with the hearing panel. d. The hearing shall be closed unless both parties agree in writing that it be open. The hearing location and the number of individuals that can be conveniently accommodated shall be agreed upon by both parties and finalized by the Department Chair. The student and the instructor are both entitled to be accompanied at the hearing by advisors of their choice. The hearings are administrative and not judicial in nature. Both parties, or their advisors, have the right to present evidence and witnesses in their behalf, and to confront and question opposing witnesses. A list of the evidence and witnesses should be submitted to the Department Chair prior to the meeting. e. Under normal circumstances, if the duly notified student complainant does not appear for the hearing, the complaint shall be dismissed, the case closed, and these actions not subject to further hearing. If, however, the duly notified faculty member does not appear, the hearing will continue on the presumption that there is no desire to challenge evidence or witnesses presented by the student. 46 f. If emergency circumstances beyond the student's or the responding faculty member's control intervene to prevent attendance at the hearing, the student or faculty member must inform the Department Chair immediately to request an extension of time; such extension will be granted at the Department Chair's sole discretion. If an extension is granted, the Department Chair shall reschedule the hearing with the same panel and shall notify the student, the responding faculty member and the panel members of the new date, time and place of the hearing. g. An official audio recording shall be made of each hearing, and kept by the Department Chair for at least one year. The recording will be confidential and used only under legal compulsion. h. At the conclusion of the hearing, the hearing panel may, by majority vote of its membership, recommend changing the dismissal decision. A written report of the hearing panel's decision shall be sent to both parties no later than fifteen (15) days after the conclusion of the hearing. The hearing panel's decision is final and shall not be subject to further hearing or appeal. 5. Appeal Process in the Case of Procedural Violations a. Prior to the formal hearing, the student, instructor or member of the hearing panel may request review of the hearing process on the basis of evidence that any substantial procedural irregularity has occurred. The process shall be initiated by filing a personally signed notice of appeal to the chairperson of the hearing panel. The notice shall be accompanied by a statement of the alleged violation. b. During the formal hearing, the Student, Instructor, or member of the Hearing Panel may request that the chairperson review the conduct of the hearing on the basis of any substantial procedural irregularity. c. In the event that a review is requested, the hearing process shall be suspended and a special closed meeting of the members of the Hearing Panel shall be convened to review the allegation. If the Hearing Panel, by majority vote, finds that any substantial procedural violation has taken place, the Hearing Panel shall be disbanded and an alternate hearing panel constituted. The panel's decision to disband or to continue the hearing process shall be final. d. The Alternate Hearing Panel shall be selected by the Alternate Chair. In the event that the Alternate Chair has been serving on the hearing panel, a new Alternate Chair shall be chosen by majority vote of the members of the Nursing Clinical Dismissal Appeals Committee. The Alternate Hearing Panel shall hear the case as per procedure in the policy. The decision and conduct of the panel are final and shall not be subject to further hearing or review. (4/4/97, 5/02, 5/03, 11/03, 5/05) Approved 5/09, Reviewed 4/10 47 EXIT EXAMINATION POLICY The following policy is in effect for all students admitted to the Traditional Bachelor of Science (BS) program or LPN-BS program. RN-BS students are exempt. Students graduating from the nursing program are required to take a Department of Nursing facultyselected, standardized, exit examination to determine readiness to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). The score recommended by the agency that prepares the exit examination will be required of students for successful completion of this requirement. Authorization to take the NCLEX-RN exam will not be issued by the Chair of the Department of Nursing until the exit examination requirement is met. Recommended Score Achieved: Authorization to take the NCLEX-RN granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing Recommended Score Not Achieved: Authorization to take the NCLEX-RN exam not granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing Exit examination retaken o Recommended score achieved – authorization to take NCLEX-RN exam granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing o Recommended score not achieved – authorization to take NCLEX-RN exam not granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing Remediation with selected NCLEX-RN review Exit examination retaken Recommended score achieved – authorization to take NCLEX-RN exam granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing Recommended score not achieved – authorization to take NCLEX-RN exam not granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing o Continue cycle of remediation/testing until the recommended score is achieved and authorization to take NCLEX-RN exam can be granted by the Chair of the Department of Nursing When the recommended score is achieved with subsequent testing(s) and/or remedial work is completed to the satisfaction of the Chair of the Department of Nursing, the student will be authorized to take the NCLEX-RN examination. If the student does not achieve the required score on the second attempt to successfully complete the exit examination, an NCLEX-RN review designated by the Chair of the Department of Nursing will be required before each subsequent attempt(s) to successfully complete the exit examination will be allowed. The cost of the required testing, retesting, and remedial work to successfully complete the exit examination will be at the student’s expense. I have read and understand the above Baccalaureate Degree Program Exit Examination Policy and have received a copy. Printed Name Signature Date Orig APA 9/06, Reviewed 1/08 48 Employment Recommendation Policy A Release of Information Signature Form (APPENDIX) must be on file in the Department of Nursing office prior to release of any information, including employment recommendations. Bachelor (BS) Degree students need to provide a copy of the Performance Evaluation for Employment Recommendation form (APPENDIX) to at least two of your nursing instructors who are able to comment on your qualifications for nursing practice. RN/BS students will have individual recommendations provided upon request. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (http://www.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/fpco/ferpa/index.html), students are entitled to review their records, including letters of recommendation. However, those writing recommendations and those assessing recommendations may attach more significance to them if it is known that the recommendations will remain confidential (unseen by the student before sending to employer). It is your option to waive your right to review these recommendations or to decline to do so. Please indicate your choice of option(s) on the Release of Information Signature Form and sign your name, address, student PNC ID number, and date. If the student decides to review these recommendations, an appointment must be made with the instructor providing the recommendation before it is submitted to the Nursing Office for filing. If the student waives the right to review this document, the instructor will then place the completed recommendation in the individual student’s personal file. The original recommendation is kept in the student’s file and a copy is sent (or original is faxed) to prospective employers. The evaluation form should NEVER be in the student’s possession. It must always be delivered to the Department of Nursing Office by the instructor. Reviewed 1/08, 4/10, 8/11 49 Alternative Practicum Make-up Policy In keeping with the expectation of students as outlined in the Purdue University North Central General Catalog PNC General Catalog 2013-2014 all students are expected to be present for every meeting of the classes and practicum sections in which they are enrolled. When a student misses a practicum experience, a make-up will be determined by the instructor. Make-up assignments must be completed by the date assigned by the instructor. The topic of the assignment, guided by the instructor, must be pertinent to the focus and objectives of the session missed. The instructor may choose any or all of the following Alternative Assignments: Option 1 1. Review a total of three nursing peer-reviewed journal articles related to the assigned topic. For each article reviewed, the student must include: Reference information for the source, using correct APA format, on the front of the card A summary of the article following the reference A brief discussion on the back of the card of how the information presented in the reference source might be utilized in the clinical setting to improve practice. 2. Utilize the information gained from the three journal articles to develop a care plan, utilizing the standard care plan format for a hypothetical client. To be complete, the following information must be included: Three (3) nursing diagnoses/potential complications, listed in priority order A listing of the major defining characteristics (AEB) that must be present to provide the client database for each diagnosis Goals with outcome criteria that are specific and measurable for each diagnosis Three nursing interventions with supportive rationale for each diagnosis. Option 2 Review AV materials if assigned by your instructor. Submit outlines of all case studies presented in the program. Complete the following for one case study from the assigned AV: a. Define the major nursing diagnosis b. List the major defining characteristics that provide the client database for the diagnosis c. List the goals/outcomes criteria that are specific and measurable for the diagnosis d. Describe three nursing interventions with supportive rationale for the diagnosis Option 3 At the discretion of the instructor, a student may make up the missed experience by attending another day with an instructor at the same site. If the make-up assignment is not completed satisfactorily, or is not submitted at the time due, a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) will be issued. In the event that a PIP was already issued for the absence, a second PIP will be issued for the deficient assignment. The alternative make-up assignment must be completed satisfactorily to meet the practicum requirements of the course. Approved 4/86 Revised Approved 2/05 Revised 5/05 1/06 Reviewed and Revised 8/10, 8/11 50 Standard Precautions Policy During the clinical/practicum experience of students of the Purdue University North Central Nursing Program, students may be exposed to blood and other body fluids of patients/clients. In an effort to avoid transmission of dangerous communicable diseases, the Department of Nursing requires that all students receive instruction in the use of universal/standard precautions before the first clinical experience requiring direct patient/client contact. The Standard Precautions Signature Form (APPENDIX) must be signed initially by each student upon enrollment in the Nursing Program and submitted to the Department of Nursing office for inclusion in each student’s individual file. Indiana law requires verification of universal/standard precaution training of all students and faculty members who may be exposed to blood and other body fluids in the clinical setting. 410 IAC 1-4-6 (2001) http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/T04100/A00010.PDF . The Purdue University North Central Department of Nursing requires that all students and faculty members strictly follow universal/standard precautions at all times in the clinical setting. A student’s failure to adhere to standard precautions may result in inability to satisfy the clinical/practicum requirement of various nursing courses. Repeated failures by a student to follow universal/standard precautions will result in more serious consequences, including, but not limited to, failure of the course and dismissal from the Nursing Program. No adverse action will be taken against any student who files a complaint, in good faith, with the Indiana State Department of Health regarding the Nursing Program’s compliance with state laws and regulations pertaining to standard precautions and bloodborne pathogens. Reviewed 1/08, 8/11 51 Invasive Procedures Policy To protect nursing students from unnecessary exposure to communicable diseases that may be transmitted through blood and body fluids; and with consideration of the benefit-risk ratio for student-to-student and self administered performance of invasive procedures in learning techniques and skills related to the performance of invasive procedures, and with confidence that the basic principles, techniques, and skills in the performance of invasive procedures can be learned without involvement of human subjects, the Faculty of the Department of Nursing has established the following policy: Students will not be required nor permitted to practice invasive procedures on themselves or others in a practice situation, whether on campus or elsewhere. Invasive procedures include, but are not limited to the administration of parenteral fluids/medications, the insertion of catheters into a body orifice and the collection of blood or other body fluids. Approved: 4/25/94 Reviewed: 5/01, 5/05, 1/08 52 APPENDICES 53 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Acknowledgement Signature Form My signature confirms the following statements: I have accessed a copy of the undergraduate Nursing Student Manual 2013 - 2014 o Manual available on-line at http://www.pnc.edu/depts/nu/index.html I have read the undergraduate Nursing Student Manual 2013 - 2014 I understand the undergraduate Nursing Student Manual 2013 - 2014 I understand that policies and procedures in the undergraduate Nursing Student Manual 2013 – 2014 will be applied to me. ___________________________________________ Student Name (please PRINT clearly) ____________________ Date ___________________________________________ Student Signature ___________________________________________ Witness Signature Reviewed 1/08, 8/11 54 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Annual Tuberculosis Assessment Name: Date: Positive TB skin test (PPD) Date: ___________________________________________________ Last Chest X-ray Date: ____________________________________________________________ Please indicate if you are having any of the following problems for three to four weeks or longer: yes no 1. Chronic cough (greater than 3 weeks) yes no 2. Production of sputum yes no 3. Blood-streaked sputum yes no 4. Unexplained Weight loss yes no 5. Fever yes no 6. Fatigue / tiredness ______yes ______no 7. Night sweats ______yes ______no 8. Shortness of breath No evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or contagium. Date: ____________________________________ Student signature Date: ________________________________________Health Care Provider (MD, DO, NP) Due Dates: June 25th for Fall Semester November 30th for Spring Semester Reviewed 8/11 55 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Employment Recommendation Form NAME: ___________________________________DATE OF EVALUATION: __________________ COURSE AT TIME OF FACULTY-STUDENT CONTACT: ________________________________ This evaluation is based on student performance competency ratings within the three (3) role components of the nurse and on personal characteristics related to employment. A three (3) point rating scale is utilized as follows: 1 2 3 N/A Average Above Average Outstanding Not applicable for level ROLE COMPONENTS: Competency Rating Provider of Client Care Assesses client health status ______ Assesses client psychosocial needs ______ Assesses client learning needs ______ Establishes priority of needs ______ Establishes client-centered outcomes ______ Develops individualized care plans ______ Utilizes therapeutic communications ______ Provides safe, effective client care ______ Monitors client’s therapeutic regimen ______ Formulates sound clinical judgments ______ Implements client teaching plans ______ Evaluates care based on outcome data ______ Manager of Client Care Organizes activities logically ______ Establishes priority of client care ______ Delegates responsibility properly ______ Provides for continuity of care ______ Recognizes self limitations ______ Utilizes measures to control costs ______ Member Within the Demonstrates personal accountability ______ Discipline of Nursing Maintains legal/ethical standards ______ Works cooperatively with others ______ Takes action to meet own learning needs ______ Initiates measures to improve own practice ______ Personal Characteristics Reliability/dependability ______ Related to Employment Personal integrity/honesty ______ Initiative/leadership potential ______ Professional appearance ______ Confidence/self assurance ______ Congeniality/compatibility ______ Demonstrates cultural sensitivity ______ Comments: Evaluator’s Signature: ___________________________________________ Course: ____________ 10/96, 4/97, 1/08, Revised 8/11 56 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Standard Precautions Signature Form Standard Precautions Training Acknowledgment (indicate correct with “X”) ____ Pre-licensure Nursing student: I have been informed of the Purdue University North Central Department of Nursing policy regarding the use of standard precautions in the clinical setting. On ________________ (date), I received training in the use of standard precautions. By signing this acknowledgment, I am accepting responsibility to follow standard precautions in the clinical setting. ____ Post-licensure (RN-BS) Nursing student: I have already received training in the use of standard precautions. By signing this acknowledgement, I am accepting responsibility to follow standard precautions in the clinical/practicum setting. ___________________________________ Signature Printed Name Student PUID # VERIFICATION OF STUDENT SIGNATURE _______________________________________________________ Department of Nursing Witness Signature Date Reviewed 1/08 Revised 8/1/11 57 Student Legal Limitations Signature Form Read and complete this form prior to signing. My signature confirms the following statements: Acknowledgement of Criminal History Report and Drug Screen: Affiliating agencies may require a criminal history and urine drug screen report for practicum experiences. I understand it is my responsibility to keep on file through Criminalbackground.com and the Department of Nursing a copy of my Adult Criminal History Background Report and Urine Drug Screen Report. Acknowledgement of Misdemeanors and Felonies: I understand that upon applying to take the licensing examination to become a Registered Nurse (RN) in Indiana I will be asked personal questions regarding my criminal background. I understand that any person who applies to the board for a license to practice as a registered nurse must not have been convicted of a crime that has a direct bearing on the person's ability to practice competently; or committed an act that would constitute a ground for a disciplinary sanction under IC 25-1-9. Examples of activities that constitute grounds for disciplinary action include, but are not limited to: a) engaging in or knowingly cooperating in fraud or material deception in order to obtain a license to practice; b) advertising services in a false or misleading manner; c) conviction of a crime that has a direct bearing on the practitioner's ability to continue to practice competently; d) engaging in fraud or material deception in the course of professional services or activities; e) knowingly violating any state statute or rule, or federal statute or regulation; f) continuing to practice although the practitioner has become unfit to practice due to professional incompetence that may include undertaking professional activities that the practitioner is not qualified by training or experience to undertake, including addiction to, abuse of, or severe dependency upon alcohol or other drugs that endanger the public by impairing a practitioner's ability to practice safely; Acknowledgement of Additional Requirements for Licensing: I must be physically and mentally capable of and professionally competent to safely engage in the practice of nursing as determined by the board. The board may not require a person to have a baccalaureate degree in nursing as a prerequisite for licensure. I must pass an examination in such subjects as the board may determine and be granted a license to practice as a Registered Nurse in order to use the title “Registered Nurse” of “RN”. I have read the preceding information and understand the content of the statements. The successful completion of the pre-licensure Baccalaureate Degree nursing program at Purdue University North Central is not meant to imply that I will be allowed to take the Licensure by Examination (NCLEX-RN). The Indiana State Board of Nursing has responsibility and authority to review and respond to felony or misdemeanor convictions. Student Name: (please print clearly) Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Department of Nursing Representative Name: ______________________________________ Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Reviewed 8/09 Revised 8/11 58 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Release of Information Signature Form I, ______________________________, hereby authorize Purdue University North Central, with whom I have been associated as a student, to furnish the recommendation for employment, which will verify the data I indicated on my employment application. I have been informed that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) extends to students the right to inspect recommendations. The law also permits the student to sign a waiver relinquishing their right to inspect recommendations. PLEASE INITIAL YOUR OPTION _____ I have chosen to WAIVE the right to inspect this recommendation. _____ I have chosen to REVIEW this recommendation before submitting to my prospective employer. Copies of this release will serve as a valid document for future inquiries unless otherwise requested in writing by this student. ________________________________________________________ Student Name: (please print clearly) ____________________________________ Signature of Student ____________________________________ Address ____________________________________ Student PUID # __________________ Date Adopted 2/3/86 Rev. 10/96, 5/05 Reviewed: 1/08, 8/1 59 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Nurse Pack/Tote Policy Signature Form The Nursing Program of Purdue University North Central requires each entry level student to purchase a nurse pack and nurse tote, which are a combination of necessary learning supplies. The purpose of the nurse pack and note tote is to provide each student with their own materials so the equipment is readily available for practicing commonly performed nursing procedures. You will be expected to bring into class certain items from the pack, such as the foley catheter set, for instruction on its proper usage. Purchase of the nurse pack and tote is mandatory for each student. Sharing will not be permitted. The equipment is for practice purposes only and is not to be used on human subjects. Nurse packs and nurse totes must be purchased at the North Central Campus Shop bookstore, located on campus. They can be purchased with your textbooks. I have read and understand the above information concerning purchase/usage of the nurse pack and nurse tote. ________________________________________________________ Student Name: (please print clearly) ____________________________________ Student PUID # ____________________________________ Signature of Student Date 60 PURDUE UNIVERSITY North Central DEPARTMENT OF NURSING Personal Disclosure Form for Students Date Submitted: _________________________________________________ Student’s Name Printed: ___________________________________________ Student’s Signature: ______________________________________________ Students are required to complete an Adult Criminal History Background Check and Urine Drug Screen prior to the start of practicum experiences and annually thereafter. These reports must be submitted to the Department of Nursing by the student. Students who answer “yes” to any of the following questions are required to complete and submit this form to the Department of Nursing Chair within 5 business days of the incident or prior to next practicum day (whichever comes first). Failure to provide accurate and truthful responses will subject the student to possible removal from practicum experiences. Affirmative responses/ violations will be forwarded to the clinical agency representative for review. 1. Have you, the student since the most recently submitted Adult Criminal History Background Report been Arrested Charged with a crime, arrested or pleaded not guilty or pleaded guilty, “no contest” or been convicted of a crime or violated parole YES___ NO ___ 2. Have you (the student) Tested positive for a drug or controlled substance (other than those drugs obtained legally and legitimately). YES___ NO ___ If YES, name the crime or parole violation, the name of the court and any sentence or punishment Supportive documentation must be provided. (A “YES” answer is not an automatic administrative withdrawal from a practicum course. It will be reviewed.) EPA Created: 4/10 Approved by DON: Reviewed 8/11, 8/12 61 Purdue University North Central – Department of Nursing Student Evaluation and Performance Improvement Plans (PIP) Student Name: PUID#: A student who fails to meet the objectives of a course, is unsuccessful in a required course in the nursing program, demonstrates a pattern of inappropriate behaviors related to class/practicum practice and/ or who demonstrates difficulty with the nursing program, will be referred for a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) by any faculty within the department of nursing. The goal of a PIP is to help ensure the student’s success. It will serve as a learning contract between the student and the faculty. The PIP will include the behavior(s) which led to the contract, goals, expected outcomes, strategies and/or interventions to achieve the goals, and related consequences of meeting/not meeting the goals. The student and the nursing faculty will specify a date when they will meet to evaluate the effectiveness of the Performance Improvement Plan. Students who are unable to meet the terms of the contract will be referred to the department’s Academic Program Coordinator and if necessary the department’s chair. Students who fail a course as a result of their performance in the clinical area may be given a Performance Improvement Plan even though one was not completed earlier in the term. Date: Advisor: Plan of Study Change: Yes / No Description of Incident Performance Improvement Plan Strategies and/or interventions: Expected outcomes/ goal: Faculty Date Faculty Date Student Date Dept. Chair Date Approved 5/4/10 Faculty Revised 8/2011 Faculty 62 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL Department of Nursing Medical Record Name: ____________________________DOB: _____________Age: _______Sex: _________ To be completed by Health Care Provider (DO, MD, NP, or PA): Titers Required for Proof of Serologic Immunity Rubeola Antibody IgG (required) Rubella Antibody IgG (required) Mumps Antibody IgG (required) Varicella Antibody IgG (required) If no proof of immunity Vaccine required If no proof of immunity Vaccine required If no proof of immunity Vaccine required If no proof of immunity Vaccine required Vaccine Recommendations in Brief Hepatitis B Give 3-dose series (dose #1 now, #2 in 1 month, #3 approximately 5 months after #2). Give one dose of influenza vaccine annually. For healthcare personnel (HCP) born in 1957 or later without serologic proof of immunity, give 2 doses of MMR, 4 weeks apart. For HCP who have no serologic proof of immunity, give 2 doses of varicella vaccine, 4 weeks apart. Give a one-time dose of Tdap as soon as feasible to all HCP who have not received Tdap previously. Give Td boosters every 10 years thereafter. Influenza Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Varicella (chickenpox) Tetanus, Diptheria, Pertussis (Tdap) (required) http://www.immunize.org/catg.d/p2017.pdf (CDC). Tuberculosis (TB): Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test: Students, upon enrollment, are initially required to obtain and submit a two-step TB skin test. The quantiFERON-TB Gold blood test can be completed and submitted in place of the TB skin test. If the PPD skin test or quantiFERON-TB Gold test is positive, a negative chest x-ray is required within the 3 months prior to entrance into the nursing program. Step 2 must be done within three weeks of the place date of step 1. Step 2 test date/ Results: MUST PROVIDE COPY Statement of good health: ________________________________________________ (Student name) is in good health, free of communicable diseases, and has no limitations that would restrict the physical/psychological activity required to fulfill course/practicum requirements. Signature of Health Care Provider Date This form is to be completed by the Health Care Provider and submitted to the Department of Nursing by the following dates: th Due Dates: June 25th for Fall Semester or November 30 for Spring Semester Revised 8/11, 3/12 63 Purdue University North Central Department of Nursing Change in Health Status A change in health status such as surgery or an ER visit, leave of absence, re-entry, pregnancy, or any time deemed necessary by the Department of Nursing, will necessitate a release from the student’s health care provider (MD, DO, NP, Psychologist, Therapist). This release involves a Statement of Good Health. (see below) This statement of good health is required prior to the student’s return to the practicum setting. Failure to complete and submit this Statement of Good Health may result in an administrative withdrawal form the student’s current practicum course/s. Statement of good health: ________________________________________________ (Student name) is in good health, free of communicable diseases, and has no limitations that would restrict the physical/psychological activity required to fulfill course/practicum requirements. Signature of Health Care Provider Date 64 PURDUE UNIVERSITY NORTH CENTRAL Application for Leave of Absence, Re-Entry, Practicum assignment change and/or Plan of Study Change This form and a copy of the student’s current transcript must be submitted together to the Department of Nursing main office, TECH 357. This can be done through direct contact with the office or by utilizing the drop box in the hallway outside TECH 357. Students will be notified once the Enrollment, Progression, and Advising Committee has reached a decision. This form must be received by first business day following the posting of final grades each semester. Notification of committee decision will be sent to the student via PNC email after the final committee meeting at the conclusion of each semester. Requests received without copy of current transcript will not be considered. PRINT ALL STUDENT INFORMATION CLEARLY (All Lines must be filled in) 1. Name 2. First PUID # __________________, PNC Email: 3. Present Address 4. Phone_______________________ (cell or home) 5. Semester of Re-Entry / Change Requested: Spring 20______ Last Summer 20______ Fall 20______ 6. Semester last attended__________________, 7. 8. Clearly describe the circumstances involved with the request. (Attach separate sheet if needed) Courses requested for re-entry or change: NUR: , NUR: , NUR: , NUR: Non NUR course: ______________________________________ Student Signature Date ************************************************************************************* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Date received__________ Re-Entry decision: Approved Denied GPA Department Chair Rank Action Date Enrollment, Progression, and Advising Chair Notification of Decision sent to student on: 65 Purdue University North Central DEPARTMENT OF NURSING HIPAA Statement / Confidentiality Policy All those in healthcare must now comply with the federal regulations of The Administration Simplification Subtitle of the Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This Act requires that individually identifiable patient information be disclosed on a need to know basis only. Care must be taken to minimize incidental disclosures & must disclose only minimal amounts of information necessary to accomplish the task. The minimum disclosure standard, however, does not apply to requests for information by a healthcare provider for treatment purposes. For example, if one must administer a medication, you will have full access to the medical record. This is covered by the patient’s consent for treatment. In order to protect patient/client privacy, all personally identifying information must be removed from student papers, such as care plans & case studies. Information to be removed includes the individual’s name, address, phone number, fax number, date of birth & social security number. Student papers may not be copied for careless circulation & handling. These written documents containing private health information must be either carefully stored or shredded to prevent the circulation of confidential patient information. Confidentiality & privacy also extends to oral communications which extend beyond the need to know for treatment &/or educational purposes. Clinical agencies are also mandated to follow HIPAA regulations. Students will therefore be required to meet any & all of the clinical agency’s requirements as part of the clinical affiliation. HIPAA is a federal law. Penalties for wrongful disclosure include administrative dismissal from the course or nursing program, fines &/or imprisonment. I have read and understand the HIPAA Regulations as it applies to patient/client privacy issues. ________________________________________________________ Student Name: (please print clearly) ____________________________________ Student PUID # ____________________________________ Signature of Student Date EP&A 8/2012 66 Student Release of Information to Practicum Agency Certain practicum agencies require the PNC Department of Nursing to provide copy of specific individual student information including, but not limited to, immunization records, TB testing dates, criminal background information, drug testing results, and CPR expiration dates. By signing below, I give permission for a PNC Department of Nursing staff member to provide any of the information required to the requesting practicum agencies. I also give permission for any personal identifying information that is required to be released to the practicum agencies for identification purposes. This information includes, but is not limited to, my social security number, my student ID, birthdate, and phone number. I understand that my information will be released to the practicum agencies as needed throughout the duration of the program. This form is turned in to the Department of Nursing office. Signature___________________________________________________________ Date_______________________________________________________________ Printed First name, Middle Name, Last name First _____________________________ MI ______ Last ______________________ Date of birth ___________________________________________________________ PUID # ________________________ SSN ______________________ Address _______________________________________________________________ City ___________________________ State __________________ Zip _____________ Contact phone number ____________________________________________________ pnc email ______________________________________________________________ 67