Shays Rebellion: First American Civil War Pages 30-54 Sorry for lack of pictures... hard time finding ones that fit. :) Why January 25, 1787? -Constitution Sept. 1787 -Bill of Rights 1791 -Before constitution: Articles of Confederation -Had rebellion not happened, Articles of Conf. may have never been abolished -Tipped the balance Daniel Shays -Shadowy figure -No portrait ever -Born eastern Massachusetts -Farm/laborer before American Revolution -Excellent soldier in Rev. -Rose in ranks -Pelham, Mass. home -Hoped for military to be the past post-Revolution Idea of American Revolution -Free colonists from oppressive government -Allow local communities and their elected reps govern citizens -Not so much... Treaty of Paris 1783 -Survival depended on barter of goods and services -Treaty of Paris 1783 -Ended American Revolution -Recognized U.S. as a nation -lost trading privileges as a British colony Effects of Treaty of Paris on Farmers -Farmers can't pay debts -Farmers forced into debt courts -Articles of Confederation lacked power to regulate trade or collect taxes -P. 33 how Boston chose to pay debts -Went broke paying own salary back Farmer Response -Petitioned to print more money, lower taxes, make reforms -Summer 1786 Hartford Convention -Adopted 21 articles for changes in state government -Farmers didn't want to destroy but restore moral government -Regulators- men who joined together to fight off corrupted sheriff's, lawyers, etc. Samuel Adams -Small rebellions break out -Samuel Adams famously says, "Rebellion against a king may be pardoned, or lightly punished, but the man who dares to rebel against the laws of a republic ought to suffer death" -Difference in beliefs of legacy of Revolution Violence in Massachusetts -Two different views of legacy of Revolution --Farmers --Those who opposed farmer rebellion -Mass. responds to rebellion violently causing increased anger from farmers -Sept 20 1786 Shays led successful assault on courthouse in Springfield, Mass. -Gov. Bowdoin creates Boston banker funded army -Benjamin Lincoln -William Shepard -Angers farmers more... January 25, 1787 -Shays see advantages of taking Springfield Arsenal -General Shepard finds out -Shays divides into three groups, upon deciding to attack early... not all groups hear. -Shays men break ranks -"Lost rebellion, won the peace" Strong Government Supporters "Federalists" -James Madison -Patrick Henry holds convention to resolved issues with Articles of Confederation -Alexander Hamilton -George Washington crucial in getting the Constitutional Convention going George Washington -Fought in American Revolution -Retired from public eye -Daniel Shays convinced him "not literally" -Views of the new convention (1) at first thought it would damage his reputation if he went and the session failed to draft new constitution (2) Then he was worried about how history would view his actions if he failed to attend the meeting Constitutional Convention -May 1787, six years after end of the Revolution, convention starts to amend Confederation Washington elected president of convention -Federalists suggest Virginia Resolves 1. executive 2. judiciary 3. legislature -Anti-Federalist proposal -"Fear of government had shaped the creation of the Articles of Confederation; fear of democracy defined the discussion over the new constitution." -Federalists: Washingtonians -Anti-federalists: Shayites -Passage uncertain until federalists propose "Bill of Rights" Shays' Afterlife -After rebellion Shays fled to Vermont until receiving a pardon -Died Sept. 29, 1825 -Shays as a symbol of protest 1. Civil War- southern states "states' rights" 2. 19th Century- new generation of farmers fought against "rulers" in east 3. Former President Reagan- modernday tax reforms --These people shared with Shays a faith in the "common man"