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(#CommentList) It's called "Brainput", and is essentially a portable fMRI scanner Exploring the uncanny valley of how brains react to humanoids (/news/archive/2011­ 07/19/uncanny­valley­ tested) combined with software. By measuring and analysing brain activity, the device KinectBot responds to gestural commands (/news/archive/2010­ 11/19/kinect­hack­3d­ mapping) switching back and forth between the two. detects when you're multitasking and can offload some of that work to a computer. In a paper, the researchers described how they set up a maze with two remote­controlled robots (http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012­ 04/10/robooctopus) that needed to be both navigated simultaneously ­­ Google announces ball­ shaped Nexus Q media streamer (/news/archive/2012­ 06/27/nexus­q) When Brainput detected that the driver was multitasking, it was able to detect one of the robots to use its own sensors to help navigate ­­ making it partially How Cynthia Breazeal is autonomous. The operator's overall performance improved, as a result, with teaching robots how to be little additional effort, and they didn't seem to notice or get frustrated by the human bot's autonomous behaviour while multitasking. (/magazine/archive/2011/04/start/best­ friendbots) However, when the researchers tried increasing the autonomy of the robot when Brainput hadn't indicated that the participant was mentally overloaded, they found that performance decreased. The autonomy only helped when the operator wasn't able to keep up (http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2011­ 04/12/multitasking­brains). "Multitasking has become integral in many aspects of our lives, so there are opportunities to explore Brainput in other tasks and domains," said the team in a paper (http://web.mit.edu/erinsol/www/papers/Solovey.CHI.2012.Final.pdf) (.pdf) detailing the project. "In any activity involving multitasking or information overload, we could expect to see improvements in the user's performance and (/news/archive/2012-06/27/nexus-q) In California at Google's I/O conference, the search giant has announced an intriguing ball­ shaped media streaming device, running Android » (/news/archive/2012­06/27/nexus­q) This rock­paper­scissors robot cheats (/news/archive/2012­06/27/rps­robot) Human­powered helicopter smashes flight record (/news/archive/2012­06/25/human­powered­ helicopter­record) experience. Some examples of other domains are complex data analytics, air traffic control and management of multiple unmanned vehicles." They added that future work could consider other cognitive states where humans could do with a helping hand from a machine. "An exploration of the system's ability to distinguish other states could lead to new enhancements at little to no cost to the operator." Tweet Like 35 16 Story Photo Written by Duncan Geere MIT (/search/author/Duncan+Geere) Edited by Nate Lanxon 4 reddit Nokia's 41­megapixel PureView cameraphone shunned by UK networks (/news/archive/2012­ 06/27/pureview­network­support) A Twitter bot so convincing that people sympathise with "her" (/news/archive/2012­ 06/26/twitter­bot­people­like) Facebook just changed your email address (/news/archive/2012­06/26/facebook­email­change) Tags Brains (/tags/Brains), Multitasking (/tags/Multitasking), Robots (/tags/Robots), Brainput (/tags/Brainput), MIT (/tags/MIT), fMRI (/tags/fMRI) Google's Build with Chrome lets you recreate the world in Lego (/news/archive/2012­06/26/build­with­ chrome­lego) In pictures: Hyper­real pencil drawings that look like photos (/news/archive/2012­03/30/best­ drawing) More News » (http://www.wired.co.uk/news) Comments Name Email Comment How to send balloons into space (/magazine/archive/2012/07/how­ to/send­balloons­into­ space) 28 June 2012 (javascript:Recaptcha.reload();) Type the two words: (javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('audio');) (/magazine/archive/2012/07/how-to/send-balloonsinto-space) Canadian teenagers Asad Muhammad and Mathew (http://www.google.com/recaptcha/help?c=03AHJ_Vus3kxeHDok02dK1WLFpnFUN-V9eAd8V1ZmItPPvVmr_lTEgoaStCrnPVHBvzbAvK-RzbGwAZXyHo sent a Lego minifig 24,384 metres up (near­ rJ8pbmE2h9R5A1rTDhvvImYReuAIojsJmOuDXCwNTxVbv8lUxZcDdDCiQ2KaAwg7cK9ialL4lMPyldkog&hl=enspace) using a balloon ­­ Ho explains how » US) (/magazine/archive/2012/07/how­to/send­ Submit » (javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$MainContent$MainContent$ctl01$CommentPost", "", true, "CommentValidation", "", false, true))) balloons­into­space) Designer develops cocktail dress that actually makes cocktails (/magazine/archive/2012/07/play/cocktail­dress) Tested: High­tech fishing tackle for the forward­ thinking angler (/magazine/archive/2012/07/fetish/fishing­for­the­ future) More from Wired.co.uk How to master rock­paper­scissors (/magazine/archive/2012/07/how­to/master­rock­ paper­scissors) Winning by numbers: how performance analysis is transforming sport (/magazine/archive/2012/07/features/winning­by­ numbers) (/news/archive/2012-06/26/twitterTE CHNO LO G Y bot-people-like) ( / NE WS / TE CHNO LO G Y ) A Twitter bot so convincing that people sympathise with "her" (/news/archive/2012­ 06/26/twitter­bot­ people­like) (/magazine/archive/2011/04/features/howMAG AZI NE (/news/archive/2012-05/24/theTE CHNO LO G Y rovio-made-angry-birds-a-winner) proxy-bay) ( / MAG AZI NE ) ( / NE WS / TE CHNO LO G Y ) In depth: How Rovio Pirate Bay launches made Angry Birds a proxy­friendly mirror winner (and what's to circumvent UK ban next) (/news/archive/2012­ (/magazine/archive/2011/04/features/how­ 05/24/the­proxy­bay) rovio­made­angry­ birds­a­winner) Magazine » (/magazine) Wired Twitter () Spotify adds social notifications for playlists: http://t.co/y4G4xdGk (http://t.co/y4G4xdGk) by @britishgaming (http://twitter.com/britishgaming) about 8 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/WiredUK/statuses/218367116561231870) Spider­Man's 50th birthday present: a sidekick: http://t.co/qgeGW99R (http://t.co/qgeGW99R) by @sebpatrick (http://twitter.com/sebpatrick) about 29 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/WiredUK/statuses/218362004992311300) Fail Tale: Co­founder of Sledge Tom Griffin on macroeconomic setbacks http://t.co/kv7sGehe (http://t.co/kv7sGehe) about 41 minutes ago (http://twitter.com/WiredUK/statuses/218358990822850560) Become a fan Follow Wired on Facebook on Twitter (http://facebook.com/wireduk) (http://twitter.com/wireduk) Promotions Conquer Greymail (http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk% 6gGCwqT1CLXuiuoCAAAAEAEgADgAW AKB0h6QA­ ADmAOMBqgDAdAEkE7gBAGgBiA%2 pub­ 4068068018687706%2526adurl%25 You may not have heard of (http://adclick.g.doubleclick.net/aclk%253Fsa%253DL%2526ai%253DBTe greymail but you are 6gGCwqT1CLXuiuoCAAAAEAEgADgAWMXv8PQtYMne7YiEpOwPggEXY guaranteed to be wasting AKB0h6QA-ADmAOMBqgDAdAEkE7gBAGgBiA%2526num%253D0%252 time and energy dealing with it. 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