Ethan Poole Department of Linguistics N408 Integrative Learning Center University of Massachusetts 650 North Pleasant Street Amherst, ma 01003 United States of America Education 2012–present University of Massachusetts Amherst Ph.D., Linguistics June 2014 North American Summer School for Logic, Language & Information University of Maryland, College Park 2008–2012 University of Minnesota B.A., Linguistics ⋅ Scandinavian Languages & Finnish Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa Thesis: Phase-based telicity Advisor: Hooi Ling Soh June 2011 Háskóli Íslands (University of Iceland) Summer course in Modern Icelandic Publications conference pro ceedings 2015 ‘Deconstructing quirky subjects’ Proceedings of NELS 45, ed. by Thuy Bui and Deniz Özyıldız, vol. 2, 247–256. Amherst, MA: GLSA. 2015 ‘A configurational account of Finnish case’ Proceedings of PLC 38, ed. by David Wilson. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania. edited volumes 2014 [with Hsin-Lun Huang & Amanda Rysling] Proceedings of NELS 43 Amherst, MA: GLSA. manuscripts submitted [with Stefan Keine] ‘Intervention in tough-constructions revisited’ Ms., University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2015 ‘Implicit arguments’ Ms., University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2015 ‘Subjecthood’ Ms., University of Massachusetts Amherst. Presentations invited presentations 9 Oct 2014 ‘Deconstructing quirky subjects’ MIT peer-reviewed presentations upcoming ‘The locality of dependent case’ GLOW 39. Göttingen. upcoming [with Stefan Keine & Jon Ander Mendia] ‘It’s tough to reconstruct’ GLOW 39. Göttingen. [poster] upcoming [with Sakshi Bhatia] ‘Deriving subject and antisubject orientation’ Formal Approaches to South Asian Languages 6. University of Massachusetts Amherst. 16 Oct 2015 [with Stefan Keine] ‘Syntactic vs. semantic intervention in tough-constructions’ NELS 46. Concordia University. [poster] 17 April 2015 [with Stefan Keine] ‘Intervention in tough-constructions’ GLOW 38. Paris. 31 Oct 2014 ‘Deconstructing quirky subjects’ NELS 45. MIT. [poster] 2 April 2014 ‘A configurational account of Finnish case’ GLOW 37. Brussels. [poster] 29 March 2014 ‘A configurational account of Finnish case’ PLC 38. University of Pennsylvania. non-refereed presentations 15 Nov 2014 ‘Puzzles of partial control’ Southern New England Workshop in Semantics (SNEWS) 2014. University of Massachusetts Amherst. 15 Nov 2014 [with Jon Ander Mendia & Megan Somerday] ‘Perfect asymmetries’ Southern New England Workshop in Semantics (SNEWS) 2014. University of Massachusetts Amherst. 6 April 2012 ‘Phase-based telicity: Evidence from the partitive in Finnish and Northern Swedish’ University of Minnesota. 16 April 2011 ‘Verb-phrase pronominalisation in Mainland Scandinavian’ 5th Annual Cornell Undergraduate Linguistics Colloquium. Cornell University. web development 16 April 2012 ‘Language and user-interface design’ MinneWebCon 2012. University of Minnesota. 11 April 2011 [with Ken Loomis & Tony Thomas] ‘Project tools in web development: A case study’ MinneWebCon 2011. University of Minnesota. 12 April 2010 [with Zachary Johnson, Kamran Ayub & Ken Loomis] ‘Improve user experience with informal user testing’ MinneWebCon 2010. University of Minnesota. Grants & Honours 2012–present National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship 2011–2012 Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship (FLAS) for Finnish 2011 Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, University of Minnesota 2010 Linguistic Service Award, Linguistic Society of America Teaching university of massachusetts amherst Winter 2015 Teaching Assistant for Linguist 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory Instructor: Kyle Johnson Spring 2014 Teaching Assistant for Linguist 201: Introduction to Linguistic Theory Instructor: Kyle Johnson Fall 2013 Teaching Assistant for Linguist 101: People and Their Language Instructor: Margaret Speas university of minnesota Spring 2012 Grader for LING 5201: Syntactic Theory I Instructor: Hooi Ling Soh Spring 2012 Grader for LING 4201: Syntax I Instructor: David Schueler Service 2016–present NELS 47 Organising Committee 2014–present Publication Manager, Graduate Linguistics Student Association University of Massachusetts Amherst 2013–present Editorial Board, Semantics-Syntax Interface 2014–2015 Colloquium Dinner Coordinator, Graduate Linguistics Student Association University of Massachusetts Amherst 2009–2013 Webmaster, Linguistic Society of America Reviewing Natural Language & Linguistic Theory Semantics-Syntax Interface Syntax Abstract ConSOLE XXIV Reviewing Workshop on Turkish, Turkic and the Languages of Turkey (Tu+ 1) Professional Skills Technical Python, LATEX, R, Haskell, Lisp (Clojure), PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, SQL, Mercurial, Linux (Debian), Mac OS X Languages English (native), Swedish Norwegian, Danish, Spanish Finnish, Icelandic, Old Icelandic German Kaqchikel, Wolof fluent advanced intermediate basic fieldwork Last updated on 25 February 2016.