Hiroshima Hiroshima by John Hersey by John Hersey by John

World History
Name: _______________________
Date: ________________________
Hiroshima by John Hersey
Entry ticket
Read the first chapter of Hiroshima entitled, “A Noiseless Flash”. After you read, please answer the
following questions in preparation for a Socratic seminar discussion tomorrow. Be sure to base all of your
responses in textual references (have page numbers ready). You will not be able to participate in the
seminar if you do not have this entry ticket completed and present in class.
What was Hersey’s intent in writing this text?
John Hersey admits to having
having felt both “despair and relief” when he heard that the bomb had dropped on
Hiroshima, but we do not know how he felt after he researched and wrote the book. Based on information
in Hiroshima, make a case for Hersey's either being for or against the decisi
on to drop the bomb.
Based on the first chapter, do
do you think Hersey favors some of the six characters, or presents some of them
in a better light than others? Why or why not?
Should we have dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?