DSC Notice: 35/2003 Date of Issue: November 2003 NHS Information Standards Board Subject: Data Standards: National Joint Registry Data Set st Implementation Date: 1 April 2003 DATA SET CHANGE CONTROL PROCEDURE This paper gives notification of changes to be included in the NHS Data Dictionary and the NHS CDS Manual as appropriate. These will be consolidated into the publications in due course. Summary of Changes: Changes to data standards in the NHS Data Dictionary to support the introduction of the National Joint Registry Data Set. The NHS Information Standards Board (NHS ISB) is responsible for approving information standards. The NHS ISB is supported by the NHS Information Standards Advisory Board http://www.nhsia.nhs.uk/dscn/pages/default.asp and on the NHSnet at: http://nww.nhsia.nhs.uk/dscn/pages/default.asp DSC Notice: 35/2003 Change Request NHS Information Authority Data Standards and Information Programme Reference: Version No: Subject: Type of Change: Effective Date: Reason for Change: Change Request 323 1.73 National Joint Registry Data Set Incorporation of a Data Set into the NHS Data Dictionary 1 April 2003 Incorporation of elements from the National Joint Registry Data Set was required in the NHS Data Dictionary. Background: Hip and knee joints comprise the largest number of joint replacements used in the UK and both are subject to a high proliferation of different implant types that commonly lack data on their long-term effectiveness. The National Joint Registry is a keystone to delivering the commitment of both the Department of Health and the Welsh Assembly Government to improve the health and wellbeing of the population and is a vital tool for improving clinical standards for hip and knee replacements. At the heart of the NJR is a database of information collected from all the hip and knee replacement procedures in England and Wales. The NJR data is being used to bring direct benefits to patients by: - Improving patient awareness of the outcomes of hip and knee joint replacement - Finding out how long the different joint replacements last - Helping to identify individual patients who have received an implant if there is a need for urgent clinical review. The National Joint Registry commenced collecting the Data Set on the 1st April 2003 and this DSCN has incorporated the National Joint Registry Data Set into the NHS Data Dictionary. The National Joint Registry website is accessible at: http://www.njrcentre.org.uk/index.htm. Summary of changes: Class Definitions CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY IMPLANT JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY LANGUAGE OPERATING THEATRE PATIENT DIAGNOSIS PATIENT PROCEDURE Change to Attributes Change to Attributes New Class New Class New Class New Class New Class New Class New Class New Class Change to Attributes Change to Relationships Change to Attributes PROSTHETIC DEVICE THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME New Class New Class Attribute Definitions CARE PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT ROLE CEMENT GUN USED CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM CEMENT PRESSURISER USED GRADE OF RESPONSIBLE HCP HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE IMPLANT MANUFACTURER IMPLANT MODEL INTERPRETER REQUIRED INDICATOR JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR LANGUAGE USAGE LOCUM INDICATOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION PROSTHESIS CEMENTED PROSTHETIC DEVICE CODE PROSTHETIC DEVICE TYPE PULSATILE LAVAGE SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute Change to Description New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute New Attribute Data Elements CEMENT GUN USED CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM CEMENT PRESSURISER USED New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE IMPLANT MANUFACTURER IMPLANT MODEL JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR LANGUAGE LANGUAGE USAGE LOCUM INDICATOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER PATIENT CONSENT TO RECORDING DATA PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION PROSTHESIS CEMENTED PULSATILE LAVAGE SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element New Data Element Data Sets (CDS, CMDS, HES) NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET New Data Set (CDS, CMDS, HES) Diagrams CL010 PERSON OBSERVATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS NJR1 NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY - DATA COLLECTION NJR1 NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET 1 Change to Diagram Contents New Diagram New Diagram Supporting Information DATA SETS DIAGRAM MIDDLE PANE NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DIAGRAM NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DIAGRAM CLASS DEFINITIONS NJR DATA SET OVERVIEW Change to Supporting Information New Supporting Information New Supporting Information New Supporting Information Packages NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA COLLECTION NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET New Package New Package New Package Michelle Cambridge Name: 12 November 2003 Date: Sponsor: Data and Information Standards Programme Note: Additions shown in highlighted with a blue background. Deletions are shown using strikeout. Click here for a printer friendly view of this page. CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION Change to Class: Change to Attributes Attributes of this Class are: K CLINICAL CLASSIFICATION CODE PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION O top HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL Change to Class: Change to Attributes Attributes of this Class are: CARE PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT ROLE O O GRADE OF RESPONSIBLE HCP O GYNAECOLOGICAL ONCOLOGY ACCREDITATION LOCUM INDICATOR O OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER O for lead operating surgeon or first assistant only SPECIALIST HIV SKILLS AVAILABLE O O SPECIALIST REGISTRAR FLAG for paediatric surgery only top HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE Change to Class: New Class HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE The HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE of a HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 Attributes of this Class are: CEMENT GUN USED CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM CEMENT PRESSURISER USED HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE PROSTHESIS CEMENTED PULSATILE LAVAGE Each HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE must be used during one and only one HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY top HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY Change to Class: New Class HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY A type of JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY to fit in place a joint IMPLANT. JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY where non-default surgical techniques are used. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Context plural Alias HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERIES Attributes of this Class are: HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR Each HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY may be made up of one or more HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE top IMPLANT Change to Class: New Class IMPLANT A type of PROSTHETIC DEVICE. An artificial component used to replace a part of the human body that is no longer functioning correctly as it is worn or damaged. An example being the use of an IMPLANT in JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY, where an IMPLANT is used to replace a worn or damaged joint (the commonest joint replacements being of the hip and knee). References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Context plural Alias IMPLANTS Attributes of this Class are: IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER K IMPLANT MANUFACTURER K IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE IMPLANT MODEL This class has no relationships. top JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION Change to Class: New Class JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION A classification that identifies the reason why a revision of a joint IMPLANT is needed (indicating the requirement for further JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY on a hip or knee). The JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION identifies where the revision of a joint replacement is required on the basis of a JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Context Alias plural JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION Attributes of this Class are: JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON K Each JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION may be the classification of one or more JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION top JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION Change to Class: New Class JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION An indication that a joint replacement needs revising, perhaps because the IMPLANT used to replace a joint has become worn over time or the IMPLANT has been fitted recently and is not working correctly (perhaps as a result of the IMPLANT being faulty). The reasons behind the required revision of a joint replacement are identified through the JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATIONS Attributes of this Class are: JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR K Each JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION must be linked to one and only one JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION CLASSIFICATION K must be the indication for one and only one JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY top JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY Change to Class: New Class JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY A type of PATIENT PROCEDURE. JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY is identified by the use of a metal/plastic IMPLANT to replace a diseased or worn joint or part of a joint. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERIES Attributes of this Class are: IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER O MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION O SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR Each JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY may be indicated by one or more JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION INDICATION may be indicated for revision by one or more PATIENT DIAGNOSIS may be indicated by one or more PATIENT DIAGNOSIS may be the fitting of one or more PROSTHETIC DEVICE may be related to one or more THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME top KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY Change to Class: New Class KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY A type of JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY to fit in place a joint IMPLANT. JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY where non-default surgical techniques are used. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERIES Attributes of this Class are: KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED This class has no relationships. top LANGUAGE Change to Class: New Class LANGUAGE A type of CHARACTERISTIC. A classification of a LANGUAGE used by a PERSON, recorded during or as a result of a course of treatment. Identifies the LANGUAGE that is used by a PERSON and the LANGUAGE USAGE, i.e. their preferred LANGUAGE. National codes: 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 026 027 Akan (Ashanti) Albanian Amharic Arabic Bengali & Sylheti Brawa & Somali British Signing Language Cantonese Cantonese and Vietnamese Creole Dutch English Ethiopian Farsi (Persian) Finnish Flemish French French creole Gaelic German Greek Gujarati Hakka Hausa Hebrew Hindi Igbo (Ibo) Italian Japanese Korean Kurdish Lingala Luganda Maketon (sign language) Malayalam Mandarin Norwegian Pashto (Pushtoo) Patois Polish Portuguese Punjabi Russian Serbian/Croatian Sinhala Somali Spanish Swahili Swedish Sylhethi Tagalog (Filipino) Tamil Thai Tigrinya Turkish Urdu Vietnamese Welsh Yoruba Other 028 029 030 031 032 033 034 035 036 037 038 039 040 041 042 043 044 045 046 048 049 050 051 052 053 054 055 056 057 058 059 060 200 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Context plural Alias LANGUAGES Attributes of this Class are: INTERPRETER REQUIRED INDICATOR LANGUAGE USAGE O for JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY only This class has no relationships. top OPERATING THEATRE Change to Class: Change to Attributes Attributes of this Class are: K OPERATING THEATRE CODE ANAESTHETIC ROOM PRESENT LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR O for JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY only OPERATING THEATRE NAME OPERATING THEATRE TYPE POST OPERATIVE ROOM PRESENT top PATIENT DIAGNOSIS Change to Class: Change to Relationships Each PATIENT DIAGNOSIS may be recorded for one CONSULTANT EPISODE (ACUTE HOME-BASED) or may be related to one CONSULTANT EPISODE (HOSPITAL PROVIDER) or may be related to one OUT-PATIENT ATTENDANCE CONSULTANT may be the primary diagnosis of one or more CANCER CARE SPELL may be recorded for one CARE PROGRAMME APPROACH REVIEW may be the indication for revision of one JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY may be the indication for implantation of one JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY may be recorded for highest one NEONATAL LEVEL OF CARE PERIOD top PATIENT PROCEDURE Change to Class: Change to Attributes Attributes of this Class are: O COLONOSCOPY INCOMPLETE REASON if procedure is colonoscopy NEW LESIONS TREATED NUMBER O if procedure is for treatment of Basal Cell or Squamous Cell Carcinoma only OPERATIVE PATIENT PROCEDURE INDICATOR O PATIENT INFORMED BIOPSY RESULT DATE colposcopy only PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS O for OPERATIVE PROCEDURES only and where an anaesthetist is present to record the physical status PATIENT PROCEDURE RESULT O O O O O if procedure is colonoscopy or other for cancer detection RECURRENT LESIONS TREATED NUMBER if procedure is for treatment of Basal Cell or Squamous Cell Carcinoma only SARCOMA SURGICAL MARGIN if procedure is for treatment of sarcoma SARCOMA SURGICAL PROCEDURE TYPE if procedure is for treatment of sarcoma SURGICAL URGENCY for operative procedures only TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC top PROSTHETIC DEVICE Change to Class: New Class PROSTHETIC DEVICE An artificial IMPLANT or other device. An artificial organ, limb or joint, made of metal, plastic or ceramic. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Context plural Alias PROSTHETIC DEVICES Attributes of this Class are: K PROSTHETIC DEVICE CODE PROSTHETIC DEVICE TYPE Each PROSTHETIC DEVICE must be fitted during one and only one JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY top THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME Change to Class: New Class THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME A regime used in the reduction of platelet aggregation, which allows its prophylactic use at a low dose, as an antiplatelet treatment. An example of such a regime is the taking of aspirin tablets following surgery to prevent blood clots. Page 12 of 62 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This class is also known by these names: Context plural Alias THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME Attributes of this Class are: K THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE Each THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME must be related to one and only one JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY top CARE PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT ROLE Change to Attribute: New Attribute CARE PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT ROLE Identifies the role undertaken by a HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL during a CLINICAL INTERVENTION. Classifications: a. b. c. d. Performs the procedure General Anaesthesia Administrator Local Anaesthesia Administrator Assists the procedure References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias CARE PROFESSIONAL INVOLVEMENT ROLES top CEMENT GUN USED Change to Attribute: New Attribute CEMENT GUN USED Page 13 of 62 An indicator to show whether a cementing gun has been used for the fitting of a joint IMPLANT, during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: 1 Yes 2 No References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias CEMENT GUNS USED top CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM Change to Attribute: New Attribute CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM An indicator to identify the cement mixing system used for the fitting of a joint IMPLANT (to make the cement required to fit in place a prosthesis), during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: 01 Open bowl and spatula 02 Vacuum Mixing References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias CEMENT MIXING SYSTEMS top CEMENT PRESSURISER USED Change to Attribute: New Attribute CEMENT PRESSURISER USED Page 14 of 62 An indicator to show whether a cementing pressuriser has been used for the fitting of a joint IMPLANT, during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: 1 Yes 2 No References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias CEMENT PRESSURISERS USED top GRADE OF RESPONSIBLE HCP Change to Attribute: Change to Description The grade of the operating surgeon. National codes: 1 Consultant 2 Associate Specialist 3 Staff grade/clinical assistant 4 Specialist Registrar (SPR) 5 Senior House Officer (SHO) 6 House Officer (HO) 7 Other 7 Other Medical 8 Non medically qualified practitioner References: National Cancer Data Set Version 1.3_ISB October 2002 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias GRADES_OF_RESPONSIBLE_HCP top HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE Page 15 of 62 Change to Attribute: New Attribute HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE An identifier for the cementing technique type used during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Acetabular 01 Femoral 02 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPES top HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT Change to Attribute: New Attribute HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT An indicator to show whether a bonegraft has been used during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: 01 02 03 04 Acetabular only Femoral only Both Neither References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFTS top HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE Change to Attribute: New Attribute HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE An identifier for an incision type used in a surgical approach, during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Anterior/Antero-Lateral/Lateral 01 Posterior 02 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPES top HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION Change to Attribute: New Attribute HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION An identifier for a patient position used in a surgical approach, during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Lateral 01 Supine 02 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITIONS top HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR An identifier as to whether a trochanteric osteotomy was used in a surgical approach, during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATORS top IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR An identifier for the presence of image guided surgery during JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATORS top IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER Change to Attribute: New Attribute IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER Identifies the IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBERS top IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER Change to Attribute: New Attribute IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER Identifies the IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBERS top IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE Change to Attribute: New Attribute IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE Identifies the IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context Alias plural IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODES top IMPLANT MANUFACTURER Change to Attribute: New Attribute IMPLANT MANUFACTURER Identifies the IMPLANT MANUFACTURER of an IMPLANT. National codes: ApaTech Products 01 Avatar 02 B Braun / Aesculap 03 Biomet 04 Centerpulse 05 Corin 06 DePuy 07 Endo Plus (UK) Limited 08 Finsbury 09 Intavent - Orthofix 10 Joint Replacement Instrumentation Ltd 11 Midland Medical Technologies Ltd 12 Orthodynamics 13 Plato Health Systems 14 Schering-Plough 15 Smith & Nephew 16 Sovereign Medical 17 Stryker Howmedica Osteonics 18 Summit Medical 19 Waldemar Link 20 Wright Cremascoli Ortho 21 Zimmer 22 Zynergy Orthopaedics 23 Other 90 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural top Alias IMPLANT MANUFACTURERS IMPLANT MODEL Change to Attribute: New Attribute IMPLANT MODEL Identifies the IMPLANT MODEL of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 top INTERPRETER REQUIRED INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute INTERPRETER REQUIRED INDICATOR Identifies whether an interpreter is required for the purposes of communication between a HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL and a PATIENT, during a course of treatment. Classification: a. b. Yes No References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural INTERPRETER REQUIRED INDICATOR top JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR Identifies whether the revision of a joint IMPLANT is required, on the basis of a JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATORS top JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON Change to Attribute: New Attribute JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON Identifies the reason why a hip or knee joint IMPLANT needs revising. National Codes: Hip and Knee 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 90 Hip only 10 11 12 Knee only 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Aseptic loosening Dislocation/subluxation Incorrect sizing Infection Lysis Malalignment Pain Periprosthetic fracture Wear of polyethylene component Other Implant fracture - acetabulum Implant fracture - femoral head Implant fracture - stem Implant fracture - femoral Implant fracture - patella Implant fracture - tibial Instability Patella maltracking Wear of patella Wear of tibia References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context Alias plural JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASONS top JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE Change to Attribute: New Attribute JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE An identifier for the side of the body where a JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY took place. National Codes: Left 01 Right 02 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE top JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION Change to Attribute: New Attribute JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION An indicator that identifies whether a joint IMPLANT is a primary or revision joint replacement. National Codes: 01 Primary Joint Replacement 02 Revision Joint Replacement References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias JOINT REPLACEMENTS PRIMARY OR REVISION top JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER Change to Attribute: New Attribute JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER This is the sequential number of a JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY; where the procedure is a revision, for example, one for first revision, two for second revision and so on and so forth. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER top KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR An indicator that identifies whether cement was used to fit in place an IMPLANT during KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR top KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED Change to Attribute: New Attribute KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED An indicator that identifies whether a fat pad has been removed or has been partially removed, during KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes, fully 01 Yes, partially 02 No 03 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE SURGERIES FAT PAD REMOVED top KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD Change to Attribute: New Attribute KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD An indicator that identifies the knee to skin incision method used during KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Midline 01 Medial 02 Lateral 03 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias KNEE SURGERIES SKIN INCISION METHOD top KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH Change to Attribute: New Attribute KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH An indicator that identifies the surgical approach used during KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: 01 02 03 09 Lateral Parapatellar Medial Parapatellar Sub-vastus Other References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE SURGERIES SURGICAL APPROACH top KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED Change to Attribute: New Attribute KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED Identifies whether a tourniquet was used during KNEE REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUETS USED top LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR Identifies the presence of a laminar flow system in an OPERATING THEATRE. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR top LANGUAGE USAGE Change to Attribute: New Attribute LANGUAGE USAGE Identifies whether the usage of a LANGUAGE is 'preferred for follow-up' and also, if a LANGUAGE is identified by the PATIENT as an 'other preferred' LANGUAGE for the purposes of follow-up. Note: The PATIENT could indicate a 'preferred' LANGUAGE for a follow-up, but could also indicate an 'other' preferred LANGUAGE for the purposes of a follow-up. National Codes: preferred for follow-up 01 'other' preferred for follow-up 02 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural top Alias LANGUAGE USAGES LOCUM INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute LOCUM INDICATOR Identifies whether the lead HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL responsible for the determination of the treatment plan for the PATIENT is a locum. National Codes: Yes, a locum 1 No, not a locum 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural LOCUM INDICATORS top MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR Identifies whether minimally invasive surgery was used during JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR top OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER Change to Attribute: New Attribute OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER This identifies whether a lead operating surgeon or first assistant is part of a non-UK visiting surgical team. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBERS plural top PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION Change to Attribute: New Attribute PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION An indication that a PATIENT requires an IMPLANT as a result of a PATIENT DIAGNOSIS. Please note that other ICD-10 codes can be used only where applicable. Examples are: Hip and Knee Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis M05 M06.0 Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis Osteonecrosis M87 T84.1 Mechanical complication of internal fixation device of bones of limb Hip M16 M16.3 M16.5 S72.0 S79 Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of hip] Other dysplastic coxarthrosis Other post-traumatic coxarthrosis Fracture of neck of femur Other and unspecified injuries of hip and thigh Knee M17 M17.3 S83 Gonarthosis [arthrosis of knee] Other post-traumatic gonarthrosis Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of knee References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATIONS top PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS Change to Attribute: New Attribute PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS Identifies the physical status of the PATIENT as recorded by an anaesthetist for an operative procedure. This is an abbreviated version of the American Society of Anaesthesiologists Physical Status grading. National Codes: 01 02 03 04 05 06 Fit and healthy Mild disease; not incapacitating Incapacitating systemic disease Life threatening disease Expected to die within 24hrs with or without an operation A declared brain dead patient whose organs are being removed for donor purposes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS top PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION Change to Attribute: New Attribute PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION An indication that a PATIENT requires an IMPLANT as a result of a PATIENT PROCEDURE. Please note that other OPCS-4 codes can be used only where applicable. Examples are: Hip Primary W37.1 W38.1 W39.1 W58.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement Primary total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement Primary total prosthetic replacement hip joint not elsewhere classified (eg hybrid) Primary resurfacing arthroplasty of joint Hip revision W37.3 W38.3 W39.3 W58.2 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not elsewhere classified (eg hybrid) Revision of resurfacing arthroplasty of joint Knee primary W40.1 W41.1 W42.1 W52.1 Z84.4 Z84.6 Primary total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement Primary total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement Primary total prosthetic replacement knee joint not elsewhere classified (eg hybrid) Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement nec Patellofemoral joint Knee joint Knee revision W40.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement W41.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement W42.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not elsewhere classified (eg hybrid) References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATIONS top PROSTHESIS CEMENTED Change to Attribute: New Attribute PROSTHESIS CEMENTED An indicator to show whether a joint IMPLANT has been cemented during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias PROSTHESES CEMENTED top PROSTHETIC DEVICE CODE Change to Attribute: New Attribute PROSTHETIC DEVICE CODE A PROSTHETIC DEVICE code used to identify a PROSTHETIC DEVICE. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context plural Alias PROSTHETIC DEVICE CODES top PROSTHETIC DEVICE TYPE Change to Attribute: New Attribute PROSTHETIC DEVICE TYPE Identifies the type of PROSTHETIC DEVICE. Classifications: IMPLANT a. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context Alias plural PROSTHETIC DEVICE TYPES top PULSATILE LAVAGE Change to Attribute: New Attribute PULSATILE LAVAGE Identifies where pulsatile lavage has been used during the cementing of a joint IMPLANT, during HIP REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PULSATILE LAVAGES top SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR Change to Attribute: New Attribute SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR An indicator to identify whether a default surgical technique has been used during JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERY. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Context Alias plural SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATORS top THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE Change to Attribute: New Attribute THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE Identifies the type of THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME used as part of a PATIENT PROCEDURE. National Codes: Chemical 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Mechanical 08 09 10 11 Chemical - Aspirin Chemical - Chloroquine Chemical - Low Dose Heparin (LDH) Chemical - Low Molecular Weight Heparin (LMWH) Chemical - Pentasaccharide Chemical - Warfarin Chemical - Other (please specify) Mechanical - Foot Pump Mechanical - Intermittent calf compression Mechanical - TED Stockings Mechanical - Other References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPES top TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC Change to Attribute: New Attribute TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC Identifies the type of anaesthetic used during a PATIENT PROCEDURE. National Codes: General 01 02 03 04 Regional - epidural Regional nerve block Regional - spinal intrathecal References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This attribute is also known by these names: Alias Context plural TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC top CEMENT GUN USED Change to Data Element: New Data Element CEMENT GUN USED n1 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural CEMENT GUNS USED top CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM Change to Data Element: New Data Element CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural CEMENT MIXING SYSTEMS top CEMENT PRESSURISER USED Change to Data Element: New Data Element CEMENT PRESSURISER USED Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural CEMENT PRESSURISERS USED top HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE Change to Data Element: New Data Element HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPES top HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT Change to Data Element: New Data Element HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFT Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural HIP REPLACEMENT BONEGRAFTS top HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE Change to Data Element: New Data Element HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context Alias plural HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPES top HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION Change to Data Element: New Data Element HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITIONS top HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias HIP SURGERIES TROCHANTER INDICATOR top IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATORS top IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER Change to Data Element: New Data Element IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER Format/length: HES item: an50 Default Codes: The IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural top Alias IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBERS IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER Change to Data Element: New Data Element IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: an100 The IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBERS top IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE Change to Data Element: New Data Element IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n4 See reference below References: NJR Centre, B329, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 0QJ National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural top Alias IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODES IMPLANT MANUFACTURER Change to Data Element: New Data Element IMPLANT MANUFACTURER n2 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural IMPLANT MANUFACTURERS top IMPLANT MODEL Change to Data Element: New Data Element IMPLANT MODEL an255 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: The IMPLANT MODEL of an IMPLANT. References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias IMPLANT MODELS top JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATORS top JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON Change to Data Element: New Data Element JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASONS top JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE Change to Data Element: New Data Element JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDES top JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION Change to Data Element: New Data Element JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT REPLACEMENTS PRIMARY OR REVISION top JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER Change to Data Element: New Data Element JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER Format/length: n2 HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBERS top KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATORS top KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED Change to Data Element: New Data Element KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE SURGERIES FAT PAD REMOVED top KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD Change to Data Element: New Data Element KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE SURGERIES SKIN INCISION METHOD top KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH Change to Data Element: New Data Element KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE SURGERIES SURGICAL APPROACH top KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED Change to Data Element: New Data Element KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural KNEE SURGERIES TOURNIQUET USED top LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context Alias plural LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATORS top LANGUAGE Change to Data Element: New Data Element LANGUAGE n3 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias LANGUAGES top LANGUAGE USAGE Change to Data Element: New Data Element LANGUAGE USAGE n2 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias LANGUAGE USAGES top LOCUM INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element LOCUM INDICATOR n1 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural LOCUM INDICATORS top MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural top Alias MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATORS OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER Change to Data Element: New Data Element OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBERS top PATIENT CONSENT TO RECORDING DATA Change to Data Element: New Data Element PATIENT CONSENT TO RECORDING DATA Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 This data element is to be collected for the recording of data for the National Joint Registry only; on JOINT REPLACEMENT SURGERIES. National Codes: Yes 1 No 2 References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias PATIENT CONSENT TO RECORDING DATA top PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION Change to Data Element: New Data Element PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: an5 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATIONS top PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS Change to Data Element: New Data Element PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n2 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural top Alias PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUSES PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION Change to Data Element: New Data Element PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION an5 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATIONS top PROSTHESIS CEMENTED Change to Data Element: New Data Element PROSTHESIS CEMENTED n1 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias PROSTHESES CEMENTED top PULSATILE LAVAGE Change to Data Element: New Data Element PULSATILE LAVAGE n1 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural PULSATILE LAVAGES top SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR Change to Data Element: New Data Element SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: n1 Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATORS top THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE Change to Data Element: New Data Element THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE n2 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Alias Context plural THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPES top TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC Change to Data Element: New Data Element TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC n2 Format/length: HES item: National Codes: Default Codes: Press Definition button for the National Codes References: National Joint Registry Data Set: v.1: 24th March 2003 This data element is also known by these names: Context plural Alias TYPES OF ANAESTHETIC top NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET Change to Data Set (CDS, CMDS, HES): New Data Set (CDS, CMDS, HES) NJR MDS NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET Operations to be included in the NJR database HIPS Primary Primary Revision Revision HIPS KNEES Primary Operations to include in the NJR Total joint replacement - i.e. replacement of the femoral head with a stemmed femoral prosthesis and the insertion of an acetabular cup With cement / Without cement Hip resurfacing - Resurfacing of the femoral head with surface replacement femoral prosthesis and insertion of an acetabular cup Revision of total joint replacement With cement / Without cement Revision of hip resurfacing Operations to exclude from the NJR Hemiarthroplasty - i.e. replacement of only the femoral head following fracture of the femoral neck) Operations to include in the NJR Total knee arthroplasty - i.e. replacement of both tibial and both femoral condyles with or without resurfacing of the patella Revision With cement / Without cement Unicondylar arthroplasty - i.e. replacement of one tibial condyl and one femoral condyl with or without resurfacing of the patella Patello-femoral replacement - i.e. where the femoral condyles are replaced and the patella is resurfaced Revision of total knee arthroplasty Revision Revision With cement / Without cement Revision of unicondylar arthroplasty Revision of patello-femoral replacement Primary Primary Note: "Re-operations excluding Revisions" - e.g. for dislocation, infection - are not specifically captured in Version Live MDS_v1 of the Dataset. Relevant procedures will be included in Live MDS_v2 following consultation with the NJR Steering Committee and the Regional Clinical Co-ordinators' Network. National Joint Registry Data Set - Data Element List Data Set data element Patient Details BIRTH DATE LANGUAGE LANGUAGE USAGE LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER NHS NUMBER PATIENT CONSENT TO RECORDING DATA PATIENT FAMILY OR SURNAME PATIENT FORENAME OR PERSONAL NAME POSTCODE OF USUAL ADDRESS SEX Common Operation Details ADMINISTRATIVE CATEGORY LAMINAR FLOW SYSTEM INDICATOR ORGANISATION CODE (LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER) PATIENT PHYSICAL STATUS PROCEDURE DATE TYPE OF ANAESTHETIC Surgeon Details CONSULTANT CODE GRADE OF RESPONSIBLE HCP LOCUM INDICATOR OVERSEAS SURGICAL TEAM MEMBER Joint Specific Details IMPLANT BATCH OR LOT NUMBER IMPLANT CATALOGUE NUMBER IMPLANT CLASSIFICATION CODE IMPLANT MANUFACTURER IMPLANT MODEL JOINT IMPLANT REVISION INDICATOR JOINT IMPLANT REVISION REASON JOINT REPLACEMENT ANATOMICAL SIDE JOINT REPLACEMENT PRIMARY OR REVISION JOINT REPLACEMENT REVISION NUMBER ORGANISATION CODE (LOCAL PATIENT IDENTIFIER) PATIENT DIAGNOSIS IMPLANT INDICATION PATIENT PROCEDURE IMPLANT INDICATION PROCEDURE DATE SURGICAL DEFAULT TECHNIQUE INDICATOR Default Technique - Hips CEMENT GUN USED CEMENT MIXING SYSTEM CEMENT PRESSURISER USED HIP CEMENTING TECHNIQUE TYPE HIP SURGERY INCISION TYPE HIP SURGERY PATIENT POSITION HIP SURGERY TROCHANTER INDICATOR IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR MINIMALLY INVASIVE SURGERY INDICATOR PROSTHESIS CEMENTED PULSATILE LAVAGE THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE Default Technique - Knees IMAGE GUIDED SURGERY INDICATOR KNEE REPLACEMENT CEMENT INDICATOR KNEE SURGERY FAT PAD REMOVED KNEE SURGERY SKIN INCISION METHOD KNEE SURGERY SURGICAL APPROACH KNEE SURGERY TOURNIQUET USED THROMBO PROPHYLAXIS REGIME TYPE top CL010 PERSON OBSERVATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS Change to Diagram: Change to Diagram Contents CL010 Person Observations and Characteristics top NJR1 NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY - DATA COLLECTION Change to Diagram: New Diagram NJR1 National Joint Registry - Data Collection top NJR1 NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET 1 Change to Diagram: New Diagram NJR1 National Joint Registry Data Set 1 top DATA SETS DIAGRAM MIDDLE PANE Change to Supporting Information: Change to Supporting Information Data Set Diagrams Cancer Data Set Diagrams Mental Health Data Set Diagram No reference found for this link top NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DIAGRAM Change to Supporting Information: New Supporting Information National Joint Registry Diagram National Joint Registry Data Set Diagram top NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DIAGRAM CLASS DEFINITIONS Change to Supporting Information: New Supporting Information National Joint Registry Diagram Class Definitions The National Joint Registry Data Set is represented by diagrams which contain the class types and their relationships that are required to support the National Joint Registry Data Set. By clicking on a class box on the diagram opposite, the selected class definition will display. Any text within the displayed definition which is in blue, uppercase and underlined is the name of an class or an attribute and if clicked on will display the definition for the class or attribute. top NJR DATA SET OVERVIEW Change to Supporting Information: New Supporting Information National Joint Registry Data Set Overview National Joint Registry Data Set - Overview About the National Joint Registry: Hip and knee joints comprise the largest number of joint replacements used in the UK and both are subject to a high proliferation of different implant types that commonly lack data on their long-term effectiveness. The NJR is a keystone to delivering the commitment of both the Department of Health and the Welsh Assembly Government to improve the health and wellbeing of the population and is a vital tool for improving clinical standards for hip and knee replacements. It will benefit patients, clinicians and the orthopaedic industry. At the heart of the NJR is a database of information collected from all the hip and knee replacement procedures in England and Wales. Is the NJR Compulsory? If a hospital is in an NHS Trust, then they are expected by ministers to comply. If the hospital is Independent, then the NJR is compulsory and enforced by the National Care Standards Commission. Further Information: Further information on the background to the National Joint Registry can be found in the summary of a consultation exercise, which can be accessed on the Department of Health website. National Joint Registry website: The National Joint Registry website is available at: http://www.njrcentre.org.uk. There is also a frequently asked questions page within the NJR website, at: http://www.njrcentre.org.uk/documents/faqs/faq_index.htm top NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET Change to Package: New Package top NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA COLLECTION Change to Package: New Package Note, this package has a fully qualified name of: Change_Packages.CP323.Data_Dictionary.Diagrams.Model_View.National_Joint_Registry_Data_Collection.Nation top NATIONAL JOINT REGISTRY DATA SET Change to Package: New Package Note, this package has a fully qualified name of: Change_Packages.CP323.Data_Dictionary.Messages.National_Joint_Registry__Data_Set.National_Joint_Registry_ top Please send enquiries about this DSCN to the mailbox of the Data and Information Standards Programme:e-mail: disp@nhsia.nhs.uk or contact Alison Parsons of the Data and Information Standards Programme on: tel: 0121 333 0351