DOCUMENT INFORMATI ON FILE NAME VO LUME CHAPTER TITLE Ch XXII 2 VO L-2 Chapter XX II . Commercial Arbitration 2. European Convention on International Commercial Arbitration. Geneva , 21 Apr il 1961 SPECIAL MEETING OF PLENIPOTENTIARIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF NEGOTIATING AND SIGNING A EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON I TERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION FINAL ACT 11)61 PlNlL ACT OP TIlE SPECIlL IlEETING or PLDIIPOHllTURlES lOR THE PURPOSE OP HBlOTU.UNG AIm SIGNING /.. EUROPElN COHVDiTION ON IllTERNATIONAL At it. ..... eth .... iOD i b ~J!!.!. 1. CO~U.L 'anin. •• 1. up Wldor tho au.pie . . ot tbo C~ 'u .. OQ ARBITRA'tlOH Group OD ArbitraUoa ~. D.... ot Trad. ot 'Uto £CODoate Co_halo tor Europe dr... up tb. '-xi. ot • dralt Europou. eoaY.DUOIl OD ID'knaatloaal C. . . . ro1aJ. Arbi iraUoD &ad ••• ot tho OpiDioD that tho dratt iaxi abou14 b••u~itted to • Special ..... tt,.. qt Ple.a.ipohGiiarl" Do,otiatiac aDd .iealac .OD"'O" tor tho purpo •• ot tho JUroreAD COAwwDtloa all latera.tiODal C_arcial Arb! iratioa (dOC.ODt TaAD&/96, pa,. . rapb ). aDd. .laDex I). Aftar thai ••••toa thoro aro •• oo.e dittaro.o •• • t opiDlOD OD Articl. IV (orCaDi ••tioD .t tho arbitratioa) .1 tao draft 2. COA ... t.1oa. !'b. C~ ..1oD tor .Europe ,. • H ..luU .. 1 (rr), 5 Ma7 1960, roqua.'b el lIl. b.out-h'. OD ~eial b7 .... U ... t.o prepare aD . . t Seor.t.a~ to OOll....a • . . . tnt of Artioh IT ia ord.or '\bat a .i.Ach tnt of the whole draft Coa.eatiOil ai.b'" bo _ . i UN. to a Sp.cial W..tiac of Pl •• 1po"' •• ilari ••• .a. 4. Tb. Spocial 1f••ti.D& to preparo AD .,ro. . b:d of Article IY b.ld. tro. 8 to 12 Aqua'" 1960 aD. froll 5 to 10 April 1961 IID4 dr •• up aD .,r... iOKi. 5. In acCONADCO witb ib. i.r.a ot th. abo•• r ••oluiio. tbo Eucuti .... Socre'kIY a Spacial Mooti ... of PloDipot._t.iarhe wbicb wa. h.ld at t.b. Europ.aD Offic. of ib. DDit. . Uat.!oal ia Go.o.a fro. 10 April t.o 21 April 1961. 6. fbI GOT.n.... t. or tb. tollowill, "'. . .t.7-t." stat •• wora ropr •• oD"'04 at tbo Woot.1,,1 Auat-ria, Bel,iua. Iul,arla. Byoloru.du Soytot S00l&lht Republic, Cao.boaloYakia, DODaaril, Padual J.opubUc of Ooraaay, liDl .... PraDoOO, . . . .~, 1t&l.7. Lux . .bour" N.t.b.rl .... , PolaDd, .....1., spaiD, s....., SwibulUld, Turk.7, UkrUDlaD 50Tht S00lalht. RepubUo, Uaioa of SoTt.i So01.l1 ... RepublicI, 1qoll•• i&. - 1 - 7. ft. tollori.., fob. ".i.iAl' I DOD-IO"'.~l1tal ora..u.z..tlou bad ob"l"Y.r• .t 'lb. IDt.m..'tion&1 Ch..,u ot C_.roe aDd ;.be lDt.naUoD&1 8&r ,l.. .OCi ..UOD. Alao F".Dt, at; ;.b. illdt ..tioll 01 the Secretariat, •• re ...bu. of 1.he Seoretariat ot Ut. COUllClU ot th. Europe_ Bconoaic 8. rh~ Co~lty. M. .t.iDa ... opeDed by Yr. Vladillir V.lebit., ExeouU"'e Secretuy of the Va.i ted N..'tioa.. Eccmollic Co-.1 •• 10n tor Europe. 9. Mr~ J. TroU. ot DeIUI&Z'k . . . .1eeted Ch&i.raan uul Mr. V. No",_ ot C••ohodo"'lkia 10. 0.. til. b.. h Vic~hailW&ll. ht 'lb. c1ratt COI1"'.:\1on draw up by ihe M .!!!! '1orldac Group 011 Arbitratioll (dOCu..eDt t'RADE/96, Annes 1) ..... U .. t"~-: t.est pr.pared by the Speci&! .... t.iaa OD Article IV (4oo,..o.i. ft.ADE/Il'.l/Collf.aoo. Doc.No.2T) ud of th. dratt .et ot tiDal clau ••••ubait"hd by the Secret.arid (dOCUMent. TRADE/WP .1/38), tb•' prepar.d. aIld open.a tor dga.atur. on 21 April 1961 t.h. lur0p.aIl COD"'ction on Int..national Coaa.rcia1 Arbitrat.ion. 11. Th' decid.d t.hat .. nport .hould be pr.par.d whioh would •• t. out. so•• ot th. ob •• n-.t.ions OD c.rtain ot th. Articl •• of the Con"'.Dtion in t.he cour •• ot diacu•• ioD. report in which th ••• observat.ioDs are .et. out (docu..Dt Th. E/iCE/ TRAJ)E/4T) . . . adopted by the W. . t.ln, OD 20 April 1961. 12. Th. Go"'erDllellt. ot the USSR consider. t.hat t.he pre ••Di. COIa"'.nt.ioa is 0p.D to the sipat.ure or ad.h_don ot u:t Europe_ St..t.•• 1). The OO"'anulellts ot Bel,h•• t.use.boura, aDel tha Nathaduds OOllsider th.t the pr.sent COI1",el1tlOIl Ie..",•• reapectl",. oOWlt.rhs fre. not to apply th. COD",u.tioD ln whole or iD part in .utual rel.tioDs. 14. Subjeci. to Article II, paraaraph 2 ot tbe COIl"'ell~iol1 aDd to paraerapb 13 ot this Final .Act, the d.ele,at.ions taki.., part in th. n ..ot.i.tion of the Bu.rOp8Ul Con....ntioll OD Int.era..t.ional Co... rcial Arbi t.ratioD declare that their r ..pect.h. countries do Dot intend to aake 15. ~ res.~.tion. Th. Special Meeting to th. Conv.ntion. or Plenlpot.n1.hrie., COl1sidering that the prodsioDs ot paraerapbe 2 to 7 ot Article IV are oDly ot subsidiary charachr : - 2 - AeD_snu. 1. 'l'bat. the p.n.i .. CODc.ned iJa 'th. arbit.ration ahould at l ...~ i •••rt iR ibeir arbitration ..r ....n~ an indication ot the pl.c. or ••'\hod. ot arbitration (arbi1.raUon by a arbitral iAdi tuUon, or 2. .!!!.h!!. That the arbi traUon) I workial part! •• entru.t.d with the ,lahoration ot a.a.ral CoDdi tiona ot Sal. under the auapic .. ot the Econoaie C...t •• ion tor Europe .hould not proTide tor a blank arbitration olaa•• (arbitration .. ree. .Dt .iUl no indication ot th. plac. or . .thod ot arbitration - wh.ther by a penan.nt arbitral iuti tution or . . .!!!!. arbi trdion) • The ....tiDe, in addition, to ChlMbera ot Co_ere. aDd oth.r iJaatitutio.a r.terred to in Articl. X, paragraph 6 ot the Coay.. tioa . . . .11 .. to the Sp.cial C..-dtt •• r.t.rr.d to in Article IV to holel con.ultation. with a Tin to takiac all neceaaary . ...ur •• tor the application ot th. pr •••nt Cony.ation &Ad tor the ct.T.lopaeat ot arbitration. 16. Tb. orieinal ot thh Pinal Act will be d.pod t.d with the Secretary-General ot th. Un! ted Hation. Oreaniaatioa who _ill 8ead cert.itied oopie. to .!IoCh ot "tb.. cOUII:trie. referred to in paragraphs 1 aD4 2 ot Artic1. X ot the European Con~.ntioD on lntenational Ca..ercial Arbitration. DONE AT GENEVA, this ~.enty-tir.t ~ at April, one tbou.and nina hua4r.d aDd aixty-on., in a 8ingl. copy, in the EDeli.b, Prench and Rud .. lUlCU.... , ..lOb t.xt. bein, equally autbentic. - }- REUNION SPECIALE DE PLENIPOTENTIAIRES CHARGES DE NEGOCIER ET DE SIGNER UNE CONVENTION EUROPEENNE SUR L'ARBITRAGE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL ACTE FINAL N,jTlONS IHI UNI~ AcrE PINAL DE LA REUNION SPECIALE DE PLENIPOrENTIAl1ES Cll4RGES DE MEGOCIER ET DE SIGNER UNE COHVENTION 1. EUROPE~NE SUR L' ~BITJU.GE CClfyERCUL INTEbATIONAL A ••••·. . . . . . ioll, le Group. d. t.ra~ail .p4cial aur I'arbit.ra,., cOllat.iiue .oua 1 •• au.pic.a du pour 1. p. . . .t. du co... rca d. 1. CO..d •• iOD 4cono.dqu. pour I'Suropo a ai. au poiDt. 1. t..xt.. d ' UD proj.t. d. COD~.Ilt.ioll t.rae. co ... rcial iDt..raat.ioaal .t. • 4t.4 t..xt.. d4~.lop- .urop4. . . . . .1' 1'.rbi- d'a~ia qua 10 proj.t. d. at.r • • ou.d. & un. R4uIlioll ap4eial. d. P14Dipot..a- tiaira. char,4. d. 1l4,oci.r ai d • • i,llar ua. CODT.lliioD .urop4aDDO aur I'arbitra,. co ... rci.l int.raatioaal (dOCU.. Dt TaADE/96, para,raph. 34 .1. 4aIlax. I). 2. Apr~. ••••• iOIl , l'ariiel. IV du Projat d. COIl~.lliioD (or,&DiaaiioD d. l'arbiir ..a) • dOllll4 li.u & e.rt&ill•• 3. di~.rl••c.a Au. t.r.. a d • •a re.olut.ioD 1 (XV), adoptee 1. , . .i 1960, la Co.-da.ioD ecoDo.iqu. pour l'Europ. a pri4 10 Secr4t.&ira .x4cuiit d. COD~oquar una ReupioD apecial. char,4a d'4t.&blir un t...t.. d ' art.icla IV atill qu'uo .0.1 taxia do proja" d. CoDY••t.t •••• it aouai. & Ull. R4uoioll .p4cial. d. P14Ilipot.Dttair••• 4. La R4unioD .p4cial. cbar,4. d'etab1ir un t.xta CO..uA d'ar- Ucla IV • ' .. 1. du 8 au 12 aoat 1960 at. du , au 10 1961 .1. .11. a .i. au point 5. UIl taxt. CO-.MD. Conior.... lli aux di8,oaition. d. la r4.01ut.ioo ci-4••• u. "Dtionnea, 1. S.cr4iair. a co••oqul ua• •IUDio• •ploial. d. P14Dip01.ontiair•• qui a .u li.u & l'Ottic• • uropl.n d•• Nationa Uni •• , & Gon~•• , du 10 au 21 a~ri1 1961. 6. Etai ant rapre •• llt4. & 1. R4uaion 1•• ,0••• rn... Dt. d••• i.,td.ux Etat. ci-apr~. * Autrich., Bol,iqu., Bu1,aria, Daaaaark, Pinluad.,, HOlllrio, I"-U., Luu"'ur., P",.-ka, Polo ••• , a4publiqu. t4deral. d·All ...... , R4publiqu• • ociali.t. Elipp., .o~i4tiqu. d. Billoru •• i., B4publlqu • •ocla11.t.. .0.tlt14•• d'Ukrain., RouaaDi., Su~da, Sui •• ~ , Tcbeco.10.aquio, fUrquio, Union do. Republiqu •• aocialiat.••• 0~i4t.iqu•• , 10.... 1•• 1•• - I _ 7. Le. or,ani ••tionB non gouTerneaentales ci-aprea etaient repre.entee. par de. ob.erYateur. : Chambre de Commerce intern&tioO&le et l'"Interoatiooal Bar A•• ociation" . gtaient 'gale_ent pr'.ents, .ur l'invitation du Secretariat, des cembre. du Secretariat du Consail de la Communaute e conomique europeenna. B. La Reunion a dte ouverta par W. Vladimir Velebit, Secretaire executit de la Commission economique pour l'Europe des Nations Unies. 9. W. J. Trolle, du Dane . . rk, a et4 elu Pre.ident et W~ V. Novak, de Tcbecoelovaquie, Vice_pre.ident . 10. En preaant pour ba.e I e projet de Convention elabo r e par Ie Groupe de travail epecial .ur l'arbitrage (Document TRADE/96, ADnex. I), ainsi que Ie texte 4tabli par la Reunion epeciale ebar,ee d'arr.t.r un text. co.-un d'article IV (TRADE/WP.l/Docu..nt d• • 4ance No 27) et Ie projet de claua •• tioa l •• pree.nt4 par Ie Secretariat (Docu .. nt TRADE/lP.l/38), la Reunion a pr4pare et ouvert a la aignature, Ie 21 avril 1961, la Convention europeenne sur l'arbitrage com.ercial interaatioaal . 11. La Reunion a decid4 qu'il serait etabli un rapport, ou .eraient con.i,ne •• quelques-une. de. ob.erYation. auxqu.lles ont doane lieu, .u cours de la diacu.sion, certain. d •• articl •• de 1. CODvention. Le rapport ou sont consign ••• ce. obeerTationa (Docuaent E/ECE/TRADE/ 47) a 't4 adopte par Ia Reunion Ie 20 avril 1961. 12. La Gouverne .. nt de I'URSS considers que la pre.ente CODvention e.t ouvert. 13. a la .igaature ou a I'.dbeaion de tout Etat europeen. Le. Gouverne.ent. de la Bel,ique, du Luxeabour, et de. Pay __ Ba. deelarent que la pre.ente Convention l.i •• e leure p~. libre. de ne paa l'appliquer en tout ou en partie dane leure relations entre eux. 14. San. prejudice de I'ariicle II, paragraphe 2, da la Convention et du paraerapbe 13 du pre.ent Acta tiaal, lea del4gation. particip' a ~&Dt la ne,ociation de la CODvention europeenne aur l'arbi_ tra,e co ... rcial international declarent que leur. pays re.pectir. n'ont pa. l'intention de taire de re.ervee _ 2 _ ~ la Convention. 15. La R4union .p4eial. d. PI'nipot.ntiair•• , Con.id4r&nt que lea di.po.ition. d •• paraaraph •• 2 l'artiel. IV n'ont qu'un a.eo 1. I.ur 7 d. earaet~r • • ub.idiair., I aus parti •• intere •• ' •• eon~.ntion ~ d'arbitra.e a ~ l'arbitrag., d'in.'r.r dan. tout Ie .oin. I'indieation du li.u d. I'&rbitra,. ou du .ode d'arbitrag. (arbitrage par un. in.titution d'arbitrage per. .nente ou arbitrag. !!~) ; 2. aux Groupe. de travail ebar,'. d"labor.r de. CoDdition. leneral •• d. ~ent. au .ein de la Co. . i •• ion eeono.tque pour l'Europ., de ne pas y pre~oir 1. elau •• blanch. d'arbitra,. (eonyention d'arbitrage .an. aueune indication du lieu de l'.rbitra•• ou du .ode d'arbitrage _ arbitrage par uo. institution d'arbitra.e per . . nente ou arbitrage ~~). La R4unioD reeo ...ade, en outre, aux Cbaabr.s de Co ... rce et autr •• institution. vi sees a I 'article X, paragraphe 6 de la Convention ainsi qu'au Co.ite .peeial Co~ention, I ' artiel. IV d. Ia d. s. eoneerter pour toute ... ure utile d. la pr' •• nt. ConventioD et au 16. ~is' ~ prolr~s ~ I'applieation d. l'arbitrag•• L'ori,inal du pr'.ent let. tinal s.ra d4pos4 aupr~s du S.eretair. ,4neral de l'Organi.ation d •• Nations Unie. qui en tran... ttra des eopie. eertiti4e. ~ eheeun d •• pay. Yi.'. aux paragrapb.s let 2 de l ' eriiel. X d. Ie CODY.DtioD .urop'eDn. sur l ' arbitrage co ... rci.l international. P41T 1 GENEVE, 1. vingt et un avril .il n.ut cent soixante at un, .n un s.ul exe.plaire, en langues tren~ai •• t eb&qu. text. taiBant ... nt toi. _ J _ anglai •• et ru ••• , cnEItMAnbHOE COBEUI,AHME nPEACTABMTEnEPI, YnOnHOMO"lEHHbIX PA3PASOTATb M nOAnMCATb EBPOnE~CKY~ KOHBEHItM~ o BHEWHETOprOBOM APSMTPAIKE 3Aln.~HTEnbHbIH AlT oprAHH3A~HR 06DEaHHEHH~X HA~HR J96J 3AKUD<l1TE.1lbl1W! AKT ClIEUlWIbBOrO COBEIIIAlIlII! nP&ACt'AB~TE.JlE9.. YllOJIHOMC4EHHl:U PA3PA60 UTb H nOJi.Ili1CA'l'b EBPOlIEkKYD KOHBEHmlIl G BHlliIBE'I'OPl'OBOK APEIITPUE 1. CD.q.~~"8A paOOQ8A rpyuna DO .On~OC.M apOMTp ... , ~p.~.aM" DOA pyaoaoAcTaOM KoMMTeT8 DO paSaMTHm .M ••••• TOpee ••• [apOD.JcICol 3&O.ONM~.CKOa Na caA.MOA caeCMH apea.T Eapo- KoMHCCKH. awpaOOT8A8 aHeaMeTopeO.OM apOIlTp. . . , a.tellO. ICO ••• I:CQMM 0 ONa ClUlT..... ",.0 apoa.T AO... H OWT. ap_ACTa •• SH Ca.OH .....OMy CO ......» 0p.ACT ••• Te•••• YOOA.OMOqaHRWZ DpKHATb ~aCTH • • pa.pa60TIC& " • DOAANca"K EapooaAclCOA KO ••• KQHH 0 aHeaNeTopeo.oM .p6.Tp ••• (TRADI/96. oy. ., 34 • apHAO . . KNe 1). 2. noc.le :tToA CaCCKH a03HHK.l.H • • I(OTOP". p.C:lO~.H.UI 80 ,.• • JUUlX DO DO.OAY CTaT •• lY (OCY •• CTB.eHHe apOHTpaaHOrO apoQacca) apO.XTa Kolla.HIlMa . 3, £apOaeAC&8A 3.oHOKHQeCIC4A KoKHCC.~ • pe.OADa•• 7 (XY). Dp.a.- TO' 5 .... 1960 r • • ape.J .lOu". )tcno.lIlHTUItllOM1 CnpeuPG cOl8an ca.a.&.I~lIoe LY. C TeM CO .... MM. ~~ awpa60TKH ~T O OW ap.~CT&.HTb CaeaHaAbHoMY CO ..... kD TeaCTe CTa" •• TD0.l.a.o~ ap• .IcT •• MT .... 1 .JI,HKMI TeXCT apO.K"& Ko •••• IU••• 4. Ca.aH&.IbHOe CO •••8I1Me CT.T~H JI,~~ ••.wa . awpaooTKH cor... co ••.woro ?eKe". LY COCTO"'OCb 8-12 a.rycTa 1960 r. II 5-10 anp.... 1961 r • • • wp.OOT&.IO cor".coaaKKWA T••CT. 5. 8 COOT •• TCTS •• C ~.yaoMA.YToA••1 Y.cao.... ?e ...HMI C.ap.Tapb coa.... Ca.UHaAbHO. CO.... H.. yaO".OMO~ ••XWZ ap8.1c"•••KOTOpO. COCTOA.lOCb • E.pOD.'CKOM OT.I.... MK. OpraMaaaux. T...... aap.~. O&.e.lIl ••• KWZ H.aHA a leH •• e 10-21 6, s. .I~ • Co •••a •• H apHH"'~ y~aCTH. .I.aAaaTH .. ay. CTpaa: 1961 r. Up.ACT••• T.... ap ••• "."~T. CAe- AaCTp"H. S.AOPYCCKOI Coa.TeKOI COQ_a- ....CT.~.CKOJt P.CllyO... KIII, S... brlI.H, Eo.. rapH., Bellrp••.• .4...... KCD .... . ~mKc.MOypr., )1T..... , HKA.p .. 8MJ1,Oa, no ...... PyxwKH., Com.a CO •• TC ... COIlH.... CT.~.CItIlX Pacay6.aHk, ~ac.o. YKp ....C.O. CO •• TC.O' COIlll....CTJI- PacDyO... KM, t.... paTH ••oJt P.cay6... KM Ipaana •• 1. TyPlllIH, ~azOC"O."'M. W•• AuapMM, W•• a •• _ C".A~ • •aap •• HT... bCT •• HHWe . . . . . . CO •• UIIK. : M.a..w.y...p0.lRU ~oc ...... . opraH_'8It •• ap.c...... TOpro .... _ r.p..... , ......... . 1 _ "~.?e- a .... T• • lleQ7aapo.l'" H& CeCC"K OpKCyTCTBOBaAH 3KOHOMK~eCKoro 8. ~~eH~ C e~peT&pHaTa EBpoDe.c~oro COBeTa coo6~ecTBa. Coae~8KHe 6~o OTXpYTO HcnoAHHTe~hHYN CeKpeTapeM EBpone.c~oA 3 kOHOMH~eCKOA KOMKCCKK O praHK38~HH O ~e~KHeHHYX RauH • . BA~HXHPOM Ba~B6HToN. 9. npeA c TasH~e~b ~aHKK 6~ r-H TpoAA e K36paH npe~c8~aTe~eM, a npeACT8BHTeAb 4eXOCAOB 8kHK r-H B. HOBak - 3aMeCTHTeABM npeAceAa- 10. COC T8SA8HHoro C De~R8AhHoA pa6o- Ba OCHoae npoeXT8 KOHBeHQHK, ~eA rpynno J DO aonpOCaM Sp6HTPa.& ~e (TRADE/96, TekCTa, Bypa6o T8HH o r o CUe UHBAhHYN npKAo.eHHe C08e~aHHeM I), a T8X- n o p83pa6o Txe Tak- CTa CTaTbH IV (TRADE/WP.l/Cont.Room Doc. No.2?), H npoeXT& 3&KAD- ~HTenhHWX n OAox8HHA, (TRADE/WP.l/38), n peAcT8sAReMwx CexpeTspKsTOH COBe_AMRe pa3pa6oT8Ao H OTXPYAO AAR n OAnK c aHKR 21 anpeAR 1961 r. EBponeAcKYm 11. X O HBeHQK~ 0 BHemHeToprOBOM ap6HTpaae. CneQH8AhKOe COBe.SHHe nOCTSHOSKAO, AOKA~, cOAepx~A no DOBOAY pR~S Keko To pwe 38Me~8HKR, ~TO COCTaB~eH CA eAaHKWe B IOAe AMCxyCCKK ~OKnaA. CTSTeA KOKseHuKK. AOAK8H 6WTh cOAepxa.xA 3TH 3&Me~&HK~ (!/KC!/TRAD!/4?), 6wn npKKRT Co se.aHKeM AS~aSToro anpeA~ TYCRqa A8BRThCOT 12. mecTb~e c RT nepa o ro rOAS. npSBKTenh c TBo CCCP HCXOAKT K3 Toro, qTO HaCTOR.aR KOHB8KQHR OTkPWT8 AnR nOADH CaHHR HAH npH co eAKHeKHR k HeA AnR nm6oro eBpoo8JCkoro roCyA8pCTB8. 13 . ~ener8nKK EenhrHH, ~~Kc eH6ypr8 H HH~epnSHAOB 3&RBn~mT. qTO H8CTOR.&R KOHBeHQKR OC T8snReT KX CTPSH8H B03MOKHOCTh He npHMeKRTh ee, B neAOM ana Q8CTHQHO, B OTHo meHKRX MaKAY 14. C yqeTOH Donox eHKA DyHKTS 3 aKA~qHTeAhHo ro 2 CT8TbH II akTS, AeAereUKK, npHHRsmKe ~TKMK KOHBeHQKK H DyHKT8 13 y~8cTKe EsponeA cKo J KOHBeHUKH 0 BHemHeToprosoH Sp6HTpa.e, CTp8KN He 15. H8MepeB~TCR TpeMR CTPSHBMH. B Bwps60Txe 3aRBAR~T. QTO ax BHOCKTb o r osopxK k KOKBeKUMK. CaeUHaAbHOe cOBeS8HHe npeA c TasHTeneJ, CQKTaR, ~TO n ono.eHHR nyHxTOB 2- 7 CT8TbK IV HMe~T To nhXO Bcno- Mor8TenhKWI xap8kTep, pexOMeHAyeT 1. CTOPOHBM, 38KHT8pe COS 8HHNH B ap6KTpa.e, B~mqST~ s KX ap- 6KTpazxwe co rnameHKR no H8HbmeA Mepe YX83SHK8 0 MeCTOHSIOaAeHKK - 2 - ap6MTpa¥& M.M cnoc06e ap6MTpa.a (ap6KTpa.Hoe paCCMOTp8SKe a n OCTOAKHON apOMTp&KHON opraHe K~K B apOHTp8*a ad hoc), 2. pa60QKM rpyaoaH 00 BwpaOo TKe TMD08YX E8poQeAcKO~ yC~OBMA Ky~H-npoAaaM 3KOHOMKQeCKOA KOHHCCHH He DpeAYCM8TpMaaTb O~aaKOBYO CT8Tbm DO ap6HTpaay (ap6KTpaaHoe cor~ . . eHMe 6e3 BCAKMX YKa38HHA Me CTOKaXOaAeHRA ap6MTpaza K~M c ao coOa ap6HTpaaa - ap6MTp8SHoe pac- CMOTpeSMe a aOCTOAHHOM ap6HTpaaHOH opraHe "~" a ap6HTpaae ad hoc). CpegMBAbHOe COBBgaHKe Ta~e peKOHeHJyeT ToprOBWM DBAaTaM H APYrRM OpraHaM, YK83&HHWM a CTaTbe X, ayRKT 6, H CaeQR&AbHoMY kONKTeTy. yDOH~HyTOMy B CT8Tbe rv, KOHcy~bTKpoaaTb c A DOAY Mep. KOTopwe HoryT 6WTb nOAe3MWMK ~A 16. A~A MeZAY c060h DO ao- apMMeHeHHA KOMBeRUHK H pa3aMTMR ap6MTp8Xa. nOA~HHHHK Ha C TOR~ero 38KAmQHTenbHoro aXTS 6YAeT aepeAaH He xps- .eHMe reHepBAbHOMY CeKpeTapD OpraHH38UMH 06~eAKHeHHwx KauRA, KOTOpwR npenpoaoAMT HaA~e2~HM o6pa30H 3a8epeHHwe ROUMH K~oA H3 CTp&H, yK&3&HHWX 8 ayHKTax 1 K 2 CTBTbH X EBpeneAcKoA KOHaeHDRR 0 aHemHeToproBoH ap6HTpaze. COCTABnEHO B ~eHe8e ABaAUaTb aepao r o aupeAA TWCAqa AeaATbCOT .eCTbAeCAT aepaoro r OAa Ha pyccKOH, aHr~Hl c KoH H ~paHQY3cKoM A3WXax, npMqeH Bc e TpK TeKCTa RaBRmTCR paaHo ayTeHTMQKWMM. - 3 - ap6MTpa¥& M.M cnoc06e ap6MTpa.a (ap6KTpa.Hoe paCCMOTp8SKe a n OCTOAKHON apOMTp&KHON opraHe K~K B apOHTp8*a ad hoc), 2. pa60QKM rpyaoaH 00 BwpaOo TKe TMD08YX E8poQeAcKO~ yC~OBMA Ky~H-npoAaaM 3KOHOMKQeCKOA KOHHCCHH He DpeAYCM8TpMaaTb O~aaKOBYO CT8Tbm DO ap6HTpaay (ap6KTpaaHoe cor~ . . eHMe 6e3 BCAKMX YKa38HHA Me CTOKaXOaAeHRA ap6MTpaza K~M c ao coOa ap6HTpaaa - ap6MTp8SHoe pac- CMOTpeSMe a aOCTOAHHOM ap6HTpaaHOH opraHe "~" a ap6HTpaae ad hoc). CpegMBAbHOe COBBgaHKe Ta~e peKOHeHJyeT ToprOBWM DBAaTaM H APYrRM OpraHaM, YK83&HHWM a CTaTbe X, ayRKT 6, H CaeQR&AbHoMY kONKTeTy. yDOH~HyTOMy B CT8Tbe rv, KOHcy~bTKpoaaTb c A DOAY Mep. KOTopwe HoryT 6WTb nOAe3MWMK ~A 16. A~A MeZAY c060h DO ao- apMMeHeHHA KOMBeRUHK H pa3aMTMR ap6MTp8Xa. nOA~HHHHK Ha C TOR~ero 38KAmQHTenbHoro aXTS 6YAeT aepeAaH He xps- .eHMe reHepBAbHOMY CeKpeTapD OpraHH38UMH 06~eAKHeHHwx KauRA, KOTOpwR npenpoaoAMT HaA~e2~HM o6pa30H 3a8epeHHwe ROUMH K~oA H3 CTp&H, yK&3&HHWX 8 ayHKTax 1 K 2 CTBTbH X EBpeneAcKoA KOHaeHDRR 0 aHemHeToproBoH ap6HTpaze. COCTABnEHO B ~eHe8e ABaAUaTb aepao r o aupeAA TWCAqa AeaATbCOT .eCTbAeCAT aepaoro r OAa Ha pyccKOH, aHr~Hl c KoH H ~paHQY3cKoM A3WXax, npMqeH Bc e TpK TeKCTa RaBRmTCR paaHo ayTeHTMQKWMM. - 3 - ,- EUROPEAN CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL COWWERCIAL ARBITRATION THE UNDERSI GNED, DULY authorized, CONVENED under the auspices of the Econo.ic Commission tor Europe of tbe United NatioDS, HAVING NOTED that on 10th June 1958 at the United Nations Conference on International Comaereial Arbitration bas been 'signed in New lork & CODventi on on the Recognition and Enforcement of Po reign Arbi iraL A•• rds, DESIROUS of promoting the developlllent at European trade by, .a tar as possible, removing certain difficulties that a&y impede tbe organization and operation of international commerc i aL arbitration in rel.tiona bet•••n physical or legal persons at ditterent European countries, HAVE AGREED on the pro vision s: Article I Scope of the Coovention 1. Thi. CODventiOD sha.ll apply: Ca) to arbitration agree.enta concluded tor tbe purpose ot .ettling disputes arising f rom international trade between pbysical or legal persons baving , wbeD conc luding tbe agree.ent, their babitual place ot residence or t.heir seat in difterent Contr&eting Statea, (b) to arbi tra.l procedures and .wards baaed on agree_ent. reterred to in paragraph 1 (a) above. 2. Par t.he purpose ot this ' Convention, Ca) tbe tem "arbitrati on agreement" aball mean eitber an arbitral clause in a contract or an arb itration agreement, the contr&et or arbitration agree.ent being signed by the parties, or contained in an exchange ot letters , t elegrams, or i n a co.-unication by teleprinter and , in relations between state. - 1 - who.e law. do not require that aD arbitratioD ...nt b• ..d. in writing, any arbitration agreement concluded in tbe authorized (b) ~ to~ these laws; the term "arbi tratioo,lI shall mean nQt only ••ttl .... i by arbitrators appointed for each case (ad hoc arbitratio.) but alao by permanent arbitral institutions; (c) the term II seat" shall mean the place of the 8ftyat.loa ot the •• tablishment that has made the arbitration .. r ••••nt. Article II Right at persons of public law to r.sort to arbit.ration In th. cases r.ferred to in Article I, paragraph 1, ot t.hi. 1. ConY.otion, legal persons considered by the law whicb i. applicable to them as "legal persons of public la.... baye tbe ri,ht. to conclud. Yalid arbitration agreements. 2. On signing, ratifying or acceding to this Cony.ntion any Std.• shall b. entitled to declare that it li.its the aboy. faculty to such conditions as .ay be stat.d in its declaratioa. Article III Right of foreign nationals to be designated a. arbitrators In arbitration coyered by this ConY.ntion, foreiln ~ be d •• ignated as arbitrators . Article IV Organization of the arbitration 1. Tbe parties to an arbitration agre •• ent aball b. free to .ubmit their disputes ! (a) to a permanent arbitral institution; in thi. ca•• , tbe arbitration proceedings shall be held in conformity with the rul •• ot tb • •aid institutioo; (b) to an ad boc arbitral procedure; in thh ca .. , tbe7 .hall be tree inter alia (1) to appoint arbitrators or to e.tablish •• ana tor their appo'i.ntment in the eyent of &D actual dispute; (ii) to determine the place of arbitration; - 2 - and (iii) to l ay down the procedure to be followed by the arbitrators. 2. Where the parties have agreed to s ubmit any disputes to an ad hoc arbitration, and where within thirty days of the notification of the request for arbitration to the respondent one of th e parties fa i ls to appoint his arbitrator, the latter shall, unless otherwise provided, be appointed at the request of the other party by the President of the competent Chamber of Commerc e of the country of the det~ulting party ' s habitual place of residence or seat at the This time of the introduction of the request for arbitration. , paragraph shall also apply to the repl acement of the arbitrator(s ) appointed by one of the parties or by the President of th e Chamber of Commerce above J. ret~rred to. Where the parties have agreed to submit any disputes to an ad hoc arbitration by one or more arbitrators and the arbitration agreement contains no indication regarding the organizat ion of the arbitration, as mentioned in paragraph 1 of this article, the necessary steps ahall be taken by the arbitrator(s) already appointed, unless the parties are able to agree thereon and without prejudice to the e a se referred to in paragraph 2 above . Ibere the parties cannot agree on the appointment of the sole arbitrator or where the arbitrators appointed cannot agree OD the measures to be takeD, the claimant shall apply tor the necessary action, where the place of arbitration has been agreed upon by the parties, at his option to the President ot the Chamber ot Commerce ot the place of arbitration ag reed upon or to the Freeident of the co.petent Chambe r of Commerce of the respondent's habitual place of residence or seat at the time of the introduction of the request tor a rbitration. Where such & place has not been agreed upon, tbe claimant shall be en titled at his opt ion to apply for the necessary action either to the President of the competent Chamber of Commerce o! the country of the respondent's habitual place of residence or seat at the time of the introduction of tbe request for arbitration, or to tbe Special Committee whose composition and procedure are specified in the Annex to t bis Conyention. Where the claimant fails to exercise the rights giTeD t o him under this -) - paragraph the re.pondent or the arbitrator(.) shall b. entitled to ~-. 4. Wh.n •• iz.d at a reque.t the Pr •• ident or the Special Co.aitt.e .ball be .ntitl.d a. need b.: (a) ~o appoint the sol. arbitrator, presiding arbitrator, u.pir., or r.t.r•• ; (b) to the arbitrator(.) appointed und.r any procedure other than that r.terred to in paragraph 2 (c) abo~.j to d.ter-ine the plac. at arbitration, provided that the arhitrator(.) .ay tix another plac. ot arbitration; (d) to •• tabli.h directly or by reterence to the rule. and .tatute. at a per.anent arbitral in.titution the rule. at procedure to be tollowed by the arbitrator(.) , proTided that tbe arbitrators ha~e Dot e.tablisbed tbese rules themselTe. in the absence at any .,ree.ent thereon between the partie •• 5. there the parties haTe agreed to submit their disputes to a perm&Dent arbitral institution without determining the institution in que.tion and CanQot agree tbereon, the clai.ant .ay reque.t the determination of auch institution in contor-ity with the procedure reterred to in paragraph ) aboye. 6. Where the arbitration agre .. ent doe. not apecify the aode ot arbitration (arbitration ~ a permanent arbitral inatitution or an ad hoc arbitration) to which the parti •• baTe .,reed to .u~it tbeir di.pute, and where the partie. cannot acr.e thereon, the ~lai.ant .hall be entitled to ha~e recour.e in this ca.e to the procedure r.ferred to in paragraph ) aboYe to deter.ine the que.tion. Th. Pre.ident of the comp.t.nt Chamb.r of Co. .erce or the Speci.l Coa.dttee ahall be entitled eitber to ref.r tb. partie. to • p.ra&D.nt arbitral in.titution or to request tb. parti •• to appoint a~bitrator. witbin .ucb ti•• a. tbe Pr •• id.nt ot the co.petent Ch ..ber at Co . . erce or the Special Coa.ittee may h.~e tixed and to agree within .uch on tbe n.ce •• ary ••••ures for the functioning of the arbitration. In the latter ca.e, the proYision. at paragraph. 2, 3 and • ot this Article shall apply. - . - 7. Ih.r • • ithin a period of sixty days fro. the mo••nt .hen h • • as requested to fulfil on. of the functions s.t out in paragraph. 2, l, 4, 5 and 6 of this Article, the Pre.ident of the Ch ..ber of Co. . erc. d •• ignated by virtu. of thes. p.r.,r.phs h•• not fulfilled one of th ••• functions, the party requ.sting shall be entitled to a.k the Special Comadttee to do .0. Article V PleL .s to arbitral juri.diction 1. The p.rty .bich intend. to r.i.e a pie ••• to the arbitrator·. jurisdiction b.s.d on the fact th.t the .rbitr.tion agr .... nt ••• eith.r non-existent or null and .oid or had lapsed sh.ll do so during the arbitr.tion proceedinga, not l.t.r than th. deli.e~ ot ita atate.ent ot claim or def.nce relating to the sub.tance ot the dispute; those ba.ed on the tact that an arbitr.tor h•• exce.ded hie terms ot reterence .hall be rai.ed d.uring tb ... rbitra:tion proceedings as soon •• the que.tion on ..hich the .rbitrator i. alleged to h••e no jurisdiction is rai.ed during the arbitr.l proc~ure • Where the del ..y in ra.ising the pie .. is due to .. c ..use ..hich the arbitrator d ••• s justified, the arbitrator .hall the pIe. ad.ia.ible . 2. Pte as to the jurisdiction referred to i n p.r.,raph I abo.e th.t ha.e not been raised during the time-li.ita there referred to, ••y not be .ntered either during a sub •• quent at.,. of th. arbitr.l proc.edings wher. th.y are pie •• l.ft to the 801e ot the p.rtie. under th. la. by th • • rbitrator, or during sub.equent court proceeding. concerning the substanc. or the entorce.ent ot the ....rd .her. such pie ••• r. lett to the discretioQ ot the partie. under the rule of conflict ot the court .eized ot the aubstance ot the di.put. or the enforce.ent ot the .....rd. The .rbitrator·s deci.ion on tbe delay in rai.inl the pie., will, ho ..eyer, b. subj.ct to judicial control. l. Subject to any subsequ.nt judicial control proYided tor und.r the lex tori. the arbitr.tor .ho.e jurisdiction i . c.lled in que.tion .b.all be entitled to proceed with the .rbitr.tion, to rule on hi. own jurisdiction and to decide upon the exi.tence or the - 5 - Talidity ot the arbitration agr ••••nt or ot the contract 01 .bich the agr ••~.nt torms part. Article VI Jurisdiction ot courts 01 law 1. A plea as to the jUrisdiction of th. court _ade betore the court seized by either party to the arbitration agreement, on the basis ot the tact that an a:bitration agreement exists sball, under penalty ot estoppel, be presented by the respondent belore or at the .aae time as the presentation of bis substantial defence, d.pending upon wbether th. law of the court s.ized regards tbis pl.a a. on. of procedure or 01 substanc •• 2. ot In taking a decision concerning the existence or the Talidity aD arbitration agreement, courts ot Contracting States shalL ex . .ine tbe Talidity 01 such agreement with reference to the capacity ot the parties, under tbe law applicable to them, and with r.t.rence to oth.r questions (a) under the lay to whi c h the parties haTe subjected their arbitration agreement ; (b) tailing any indication thereon, under the la. ot the country in wbich the award is to be _&dej (c) tailing any indication as to the law to whicb the parties baTe subjected the agreement, and where at the time wben the question is raised in court the count~ in whicb the a.ard is to b • cannot be determined , under the competent la. by Tirtue ot tbe rules ot conflict ot the court seized ot tbe dispute. The courts cay also retuse recognition of the arbitration &gre . . ent if under tbe l.w of their country the dispute is not capable ot settle.ent by arbitration. ). Where eitber party to an arbitration agreement has initiated arbitration proceedings betore any resort is bad to a court, court. ot Contracting State. sUbsequ.ntly ask.d to deal with the .... subject-matt.r between the ... e parti •• or with the question wbether the arbitration agreement was non-exi.tent or null and Toid or had lap •• d, shall stay their ruling on the arbitrator'. juri_diction until the arbitral a.ard is _ade , unle._ tbey baTe Rood and aubatantial re&aon. to tbe contrary. - 6 - paragraph the re.pondent or the arbitrator(.) shall b. entitled to ~-. 4. Wh.n •• iz.d at a reque.t the Pr •• ident or the Special Co.aitt.e .ball be .ntitl.d a. need b.: (a) ~o appoint the sol. arbitrator, presiding arbitrator, u.pir., or r.t.r•• ; (b) to the arbitrator(.) appointed und.r any procedure other than that r.terred to in paragraph 2 (c) abo~.j to d.ter-ine the plac. at arbitration, provided that the arhitrator(.) .ay tix another plac. ot arbitration; (d) to •• tabli.h directly or by reterence to the rule. and .tatute. at a per.anent arbitral in.titution the rule. at procedure to be tollowed by the arbitrator(.) , proTided that tbe arbitrators ha~e Dot e.tablisbed tbese rules themselTe. in the absence at any .,ree.ent thereon between the partie •• 5. there the parties haTe agreed to submit their disputes to a perm&Dent arbitral institution without determining the institution in que.tion and CanQot agree tbereon, the clai.ant .ay reque.t the determination of auch institution in contor-ity with the procedure reterred to in paragraph ) aboye. 6. Where the arbitration agre .. ent doe. not apecify the aode ot arbitration (arbitration ~ a permanent arbitral inatitution or an ad hoc arbitration) to which the parti •• baTe .,reed to .u~it tbeir di.pute, and where the partie. cannot acr.e thereon, the ~lai.ant .hall be entitled to ha~e recour.e in this ca.e to the procedure r.ferred to in paragraph ) aboYe to deter.ine the que.tion. Th. Pre.ident of the comp.t.nt Chamb.r of Co. .erce or the Speci.l Coa.dttee ahall be entitled eitber to ref.r tb. partie. to • p.ra&D.nt arbitral in.titution or to request tb. parti •• to appoint a~bitrator. witbin .ucb ti•• a. tbe Pr •• id.nt ot the co.petent Ch ..ber at Co . . erce or the Special Coa.ittee may h.~e tixed and to agree within .uch on tbe n.ce •• ary ••••ures for the functioning of the arbitration. In the latter ca.e, the proYision. at paragraph. 2, 3 and • ot this Article shall apply. - . - Ca) the parti •• to the arbitration agr ....nt •• r. und.r the la. applioabl. to th.. , und.r ao•• incapacity or the aaid agr••••nt i. not yalid und.r the la. to .hich the parties hay. subj.cted it or, tailing any indication th.reon, under the la. at th. country .h.r. the award .as made , or Cb) the party reque .ting the setting aside of the a.ard .a. Dot eiY.n prop.r notice ot th. appoint••nt at the arbitrator or ot the arbitration proceedings or wa. otherwise anable to pr •• ent hi. ca•• ; or (c) th. a.ard • •ith a ditt.rence not conte.plated by or not talling .ithin the terms at the submi •• ion to arbitration, or it containa decisions on matters beyond the acope ot the submi.eion to arbitration, provided that, it the decisions on matters aub.itted to arbitration can be separat.d tram those not so subaitted, that part at the a.ard .hich contains dec i sion. on ••tters eubmitted to arbitration need Dot be set a.ide, (d) the composition at the arbitral authority or the arbitral procedure was not in accordance with the agreement at the partie., or tailing such agreement, with tbe provisions at Article IV of this Conyention . 2. In r.lations bet.een Contracting Stat •• that are .leo parti •• to the H•• York ConYention aD th. Recognition and Enforc .. ent of Foreign Arbitral Awards of lOth JUDe 1958, paragraph 1 of this Article the application of Article V (1 ) (e) of the H• • lark Cony.ntion solely to the ca.e. at .etting aside .et out under paragraph 1 aboYe. Article X Pinal Claus •• 1. This Conyention i. op.n for signature or &cc.ssion by oountrie • •e.ber. of the Econo.ic Coami •• i OD tor Europe and countries admitted to the Co __ i.sion in a consultatiYe capacity under paragraph 8 of the Co. . is.ion'. terms at reference . 2. Such countries a. -.y participate in certain actiyitie. of th. Econoadc Co. . i •• ioD for Europe in accordance .ith paragraph 11 of the Co. .i •• ion'. terms of reterenee may become Contracting - 8 - Partie. to this Conyention ~ accediDl thereto atter it. entr,y lAto force. l. The ConTention shall b. open tor aignatur. until 31 Dece.ber 1961 iDclUsiTe. •• 5. aD 6. Therearter, it aball be open tor acce.sion. Tbia Conyention ahall be ratitied. Ratification or ace ••• ion .hall be eftected by tbe depoeit ot instruaent with the Secretar,y-General 01 tbe United Natione. When si,nina, ratityina or acceding to tbis ConYention, tbe ContracttDa Parties &ball eo..uaie.te to tbe Secretary-Gener.l ot tbe United Nations a li.t ot tbe Ch. .ber. of Co. .erc. or otber institutions in their COUDt~ who will exercise tbe lunction. conferred b,y Tirtue ot Artiel. IV ot tbi. ·ConT.ntion on Pr.eident. ot the ca-p.tent 7. C~b.ra ot Co... rc •• Tb. proTi.ions ot the pre ••nt ConTention .ball not altect the Talidity ot .ultilat.ral or bilat.ral .. r ....nt. concerning arbitr.tioD .ntered into by Contracting St.t.a. 8. This CooTention aball co•• into torce on the ninetieth day &tt.r fiTe ot the countriee r.t.rr.d to in 1 .boTe haye d.po.ited their in.tru.ent. at ratification or acc •• sion. COUDt~ Par any ratitying or acceding to it later tbis ConTention .hall enter into tore. on the day alt.r the .aid count~ ba. depo.ited it. in.trument ot ratification or &Cce •• ion. 9. Any Contracting Party.ay denounce tbis ConYeDtion by . eo Dotityina tbe Seer.tary-General ot tbe United Nation •• D.DUDei&- tion sball take etlect twelve .oatb. alt.r tbe date 01 r.ceipt by tb. Secret.r,y-General ot tbe notification of denUDciation. 10. It, att.r tb. entry into torce ot this ConTention, the nuaber ot Contracting Partie. i. redue.d, a. a re.ult ot d.nUDciations, to 1 ••• thaD tive, the Convention shall c •••• to be in torce tro. tbe date on whicb the la.t ot such d.nunci.tions tak.s 11. .t~.ct. the Secretar,y-G.neral ot the Un ited Nation. ah.ll notity tbe countries ret erred to in paragraph 1, and tbe countri •• wbicb ha.e beeo•• Contractin, Partie. under 2 aboye, ot (a) declaration • .ade under Articl. II, par.,raph 2; (b) r.titication. and .cce •• ions under paracr.pb. 1 and 2 .hoYei - 9 - (cl co"uoic&tions received i n pursuance ot par&grapb 6 above; Cd) the dates of entry into force ot this Conventi on in accordance with par&graph 8 above; <el denunciati ons under paragraph 9 above; (t) t he termination ot tbis Convention i n ac co rdanc e with paragraph 10 above. 12 . Alter 31 December 1961, the original of this Convention shall be deposited with the Secretary-General ot the United Nations, who ahall transmit certified true copies to each of the countries .antioned in paragraphs I and 2 above . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Convention. DONE at Geneva, this twenty-first day of April , one thousand DiDe and sixty-one, in a single copy in the English, Prench , and Russian languages, each text beiDg equally authentic . - 10 - •• A request for interia .ea.ure. or •• asures of conserTation addr •••• d to a judicial authority sball not b. d ••••d inco.patibl. with t.he arbitr.tion agr •••• nt., or r.g.rrhd aa a aubeiasion of the .ubstance of the case to the court . Article VII Applicable law 1. The parti •• shall b. fr •• to det.rmine, by agr ••m.nt, the la. to be applied by tb. arbitrators to th. subatanc. of tbe dispute. F.iling any indic.tion by the p.rties .s to the .pplic.ble la., the .rbitrators aball .pply tb. prop.r la. under the rule of conflict that the arbitrators deem applicable. In both cases the arbitrators ahall take account of the terms of the contract and trade 2. Th. arbitrators sball act as amiabl.a compositeurs if tb. parti •• so decide and if they may do so under the 1 •• applicabl. to the arbitration. Article VIII Reason. for the a.ard Th. parti •••hall b. preaumed to ba....... r.ed that reaaona aball b. ,i .... o for tb. a ..ard unle •• tb.y li~,ol C.) .itb.r .xpr.ssly declare tbat r.aaons .h.ll not b. Cb) b .........nt.d to an arbitr.l proc.dur. und.r which it is or not cuato•• ~ to 8i .... re ••ODS for .... rd., proTided th.t in this cas. neither party reque.t. b.fore the end of th. he.ring, or if there bas not been a hearing then b.fore th. making of the .... rd, th.t r •• son. be giv.n. Article IX S.tting aside of the arbitral 1. .wa~ The setting in a Contracting St.te of an arbitral .... rd eo .... r.d by this Convention shall only constitut. a ground for ~h. of recognition or enforce.ent in anoth.r Contracting Stat. W'ber. such .etting aside tock plac. in a Stat. in ..hieh, or und.r tb. 1 ... of W'bich, the .n.rd b •• b.en _ade and for on. of the tolloring r •• sona: - 1 - CONVENT ION EUROPEENNE SUR L'ARBITRAGE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL ta SOUSSIGNES, DUWENT autorises, REUNIS sou. les auspices de la Co.-i •• ion 'cono.ique pour l'Europe de l'Organisaiion de . Naiion. Unies, AlANT CONS TATE que Ie 10 juin 1958, ~ l'i ••ue de la Cont'rence de. Nations Unf •••ur l'Arbiira .. co... rcial interoational, a eie .ignee ~ Ne. fork une ConTeniion pour la Reconnais.anc • • t l'Execuiion des Sentence. arbitrale. 'traDger •• , DES IREUX , pour coniribuer au d'Teloppe .. nt du co... rce europ'en, d"earier, dan. 1. . . .ure du po •• ible, eertaine. difficult' • •u.ceptible. d'entraTar l'orgaai.aiion et Ie fonct i onne.. nt de l'arbitra.. co... rcial iniernaiional dan. Ie. relation. entre personne. p~.ique. ou .orale. de ~. ditterent. de l' Europe, SOHT COHVENUS de. diapoJlitiona aui ..anh. I Ariiele pre.ier Cha-p d'applieaiion de la ConTention 1. t. pre.enh ConTeniion .'applique : a) aux conTentions d'arbitrase conelue., pour 1. r.,le- .. nt de litige. ne. ou & nattre dloperaiion. de co... rce iniernational, enir. personne. p~.iqu •• ou .orale. '1ant, au .o.. nt de la conclusion de la conTention, leur re.idence babituelle ou leur .iege dan. de. Etat. contractants ditt'rent.1 b) aux proc'dure. et aux· aenhnce. arbi trale. tond'e • •ur Ie. CODTentiona Ti.' •• au paragraphe 1, a) da cei artlcle. 2. Aux tiDS de la preaente ConTention, on entend par .) · conTention dlarbitrage", .oit une clau.e loa'r'e dana un contrai, aoit un, contra' ou oa-proai. siene. par Ie. parties ou conte nus dana an 'chan,e da lattres, - 1 - d. t41egra.... ou de communi cations par t414ecripteur, et, dans les rapport. entre pay. dont les lois n'impo •• ot pa. la tor. . 4crite a 1. conveDtioo d'.rbitrag., toute convention cODclu. dans le s formes p.r.ia •• par ce. lois; ~arbitrage" , b) Ie reglement de litiS.s non s.ule.ent par des arbitr .. no_4s pour des cas dHermin4s (arbitrage .!! ~), _ia 'gale •• ot par de 5 institutions d 'arbibrage permanent •• ; c) "aieSe", Ie lieu ou eat situ' l'tHablis •••• ot qui a conclu la CODV.DtioD d'arbitrage. Art icle II Capacit4 des personnea aorales de droit public de se soumettre a l'arbitrase 1. Dans les cae Viae5 a l'article 1, paragraphe 1, de 1. preeente ConTention, Ie. personne. lDoralea qualitiees, par la loi qui leur e.t applicable, de "personnes morales de droit public" ont la taculte d e cODclure valablemeDt de8 cODventiOD8 d'arbitrage. 2. Au -ameot de .igner ou de ratifier 1. presente ConTentioa ou d'y adh4rer, tout Etat pourr. declarer quIll li.iie cette taculte dan. Ie. conditions precisee5 daDS 8a d4elaratioD. Article III Capacite de8 atraDgers d'.tre arbitrea Dana Ie. arbitrages soumia & la preseDte Convention, lea 4trang.r. peuTent 'tre de8ignee comme arbitrea. Article IV Organisation de I'arbitrage 1. Le. parti •• & une co nvention d'arbitrase 8001. libre. de preToir a) que leur8 litiges aeront a une i nstitut ion per. .- nente d'arbitrase; dans ce cas, l'arbitrage .e deroulera conlorme.. 01. au RegleMeat de I 'instituti on designee; ou b) qua l.ura litiges aeront soulDia a une procedure arbitral e ad hoc; dana ce ca., 1.8 parties auront not&Mment la faculte i) de d4sigoer lea arbitrea ou d'etahiir 1•• -adalit4. auiTant l ••qu.ll.s les arbitres .ero nt d4aigne. eo ca. de litige; ii) ii1) do detorainor 1. li,u do l'orbitro.o, de tixer les regles de procedure arbitr ••• _ 2 _ ~ suiTre p&r lea 2. Si les pArtie. oot ent.endu sou.ettre le rilgle •• nt de leurs lit.i ges a un arbitrage ad hoc et que dan. un delai de )0 jour. k de III. notitication de III. demande d'arbitrage au det.ndeur, l'une des parties n'a paa designe son arbitre, celui-ci aera de s i gne, saut conventio n cont raire , aur demande de l'autre partie, par Ie President de la Chambre de Commerce competente du pays dans Iequel Ia part ie en defaut a, au moment de l' i ntroduction de III. demanda d 'arbitrage, .a residence h.bitu.lle ou son si~ge. Le present paragraphe s'applique egal emeot au remplacement d'arbitres designee par une partie ou par Ie President de la Cbambre de Comme rc e ci-dessus vi see. J. Si Ie s pa r ties ont entendu SQumettre Ie r ~gleme nt de leurs litiges a u n a rbitrage ad hoc par un ou pIu.ieur s arbitres sans que 1& co nvent.ion d'ar bitrage con tienne d' ind i cation sur lea mesure. necessaires 8. l' organisation de l'arbi trage telles que celies qui sont vi sees au paragraph a 1 du present. article, ce. m.aure. aeront prises, si les part. ie s ne s'ent.ndent paa ~ ce sujet et aoua reaerve du cas v i ae au paragraphe 2 ci-d.aaus, par Ie au Ie. arbitr •• dej a deai gn es . A detaut d'accord entre Ie. parti •• sur la designation de l'arbitre uD i que ou & detaut d'accord ent re les arb itre s sur Ie. mesures & prendr., Ie demaD- deur pourrA .· adr •••• r. pour que c.s masures so i ent pri •• a, .i Ie. parties sont CODvenu es du lieu de I'arbitrage, & .on choix, aoit au President de 1& Cbambre' de Commerce competente du pays ou se trouTe Ie lieu choi si par les parties, soit au Preaident de III. Chambre de Commerce competente du pays dans lequel Ie d4tendeur A. au moment de l'introduction de la demande d'arbitrage, s& re!li_ dence habit.uelle au son siege; s i Ies parties De sont pa s conveDuee du lieu de I'&rbitrage, Ie de mandeur pourra e'adre!lser & SOD choix aoit. au President de 1& Chambre de Commerce competent.e du pays daDS Iequel Ie detendeur a, au moment de ltint.roduction de 1a de~ Dde d'arbit.ra ge, sa re!lidence habitue ll. ou SOD si'se, soit au Comite special dont la composi ti on et Ies modal it •• de tonctionnement soo t det.e rmineea par l ' Annexe a 1& presente Convention. Si Ie demandeur n'exerce pas l es droits qui lu i soot accord •• par Ie present paragraphe, ces dr oits pourroot itre exerc'. par Ie d l' fendeur ou par Ies a r bitr es . - J - CONVENT ION EUROPEENNE SUR L'ARBITRAGE COMMERCIAL INTERNATIONAL ta SOUSSIGNES, DUWENT autorises, REUNIS sou. les auspices de la Co.-i •• ion 'cono.ique pour l'Europe de l'Organisaiion de . Naiion. Unies, AlANT CONS TATE que Ie 10 juin 1958, ~ l'i ••ue de la Cont'rence de. Nations Unf •••ur l'Arbiira .. co... rcial interoational, a eie .ignee ~ Ne. fork une ConTeniion pour la Reconnais.anc • • t l'Execuiion des Sentence. arbitrale. 'traDger •• , DES IREUX , pour coniribuer au d'Teloppe .. nt du co... rce europ'en, d"earier, dan. 1. . . .ure du po •• ible, eertaine. difficult' • •u.ceptible. d'entraTar l'orgaai.aiion et Ie fonct i onne.. nt de l'arbitra.. co... rcial iniernaiional dan. Ie. relation. entre personne. p~.ique. ou .orale. de ~. ditterent. de l' Europe, SOHT COHVENUS de. diapoJlitiona aui ..anh. I Ariiele pre.ier Cha-p d'applieaiion de la ConTention 1. t. pre.enh ConTeniion .'applique : a) aux conTentions d'arbitrase conelue., pour 1. r.,le- .. nt de litige. ne. ou & nattre dloperaiion. de co... rce iniernational, enir. personne. p~.iqu •• ou .orale. '1ant, au .o.. nt de la conclusion de la conTention, leur re.idence babituelle ou leur .iege dan. de. Etat. contractants ditt'rent.1 b) aux proc'dure. et aux· aenhnce. arbi trale. tond'e • •ur Ie. CODTentiona Ti.' •• au paragraphe 1, a) da cei artlcle. 2. Aux tiDS de la preaente ConTention, on entend par .) · conTention dlarbitrage", .oit une clau.e loa'r'e dana un contrai, aoit un, contra' ou oa-proai. siene. par Ie. parties ou conte nus dana an 'chan,e da lattres, - 1 - d. t41egra.... ou de communi cations par t414ecripteur, et, dans les rapport. entre pay. dont les lois n'impo •• ot pa. la tor. . 4crite a 1. conveDtioo d'.rbitrag., toute convention cODclu. dans le s formes p.r.ia •• par ce. lois; ~arbitrage" , b) Ie reglement de litiS.s non s.ule.ent par des arbitr .. no_4s pour des cas dHermin4s (arbitrage .!! ~), _ia 'gale •• ot par de 5 institutions d 'arbibrage permanent •• ; c) "aieSe", Ie lieu ou eat situ' l'tHablis •••• ot qui a conclu la CODV.DtioD d'arbitrage. Art icle II Capacit4 des personnea aorales de droit public de se soumettre a l'arbitrase 1. Dans les cae Viae5 a l'article 1, paragraphe 1, de 1. preeente ConTention, Ie. personne. lDoralea qualitiees, par la loi qui leur e.t applicable, de "personnes morales de droit public" ont la taculte d e cODclure valablemeDt de8 cODventiOD8 d'arbitrage. 2. Au -ameot de .igner ou de ratifier 1. presente ConTentioa ou d'y adh4rer, tout Etat pourr. declarer quIll li.iie cette taculte dan. Ie. conditions precisee5 daDS 8a d4elaratioD. Article III Capacite de8 atraDgers d'.tre arbitrea Dana Ie. arbitrages soumia & la preseDte Convention, lea 4trang.r. peuTent 'tre de8ignee comme arbitrea. Article IV Organisation de I'arbitrage 1. Le. parti •• & une co nvention d'arbitrase 8001. libre. de preToir a) que leur8 litiges aeront a une i nstitut ion per. .- nente d'arbitrase; dans ce cas, l'arbitrage .e deroulera conlorme.. 01. au RegleMeat de I 'instituti on designee; ou b) qua l.ura litiges aeront soulDia a une procedure arbitral e ad hoc; dana ce ca., 1.8 parties auront not&Mment la faculte i) de d4sigoer lea arbitrea ou d'etahiir 1•• -adalit4. auiTant l ••qu.ll.s les arbitres .ero nt d4aigne. eo ca. de litige; ii) ii1) do detorainor 1. li,u do l'orbitro.o, de tixer les regles de procedure arbitr ••• _ 2 _ ~ suiTre p&r lea Article VII Droit applicable I. t.s partias sont libres de determiner le: dTOit que les a rbitrea daTTont appliquer au tond du litige. A detaut d'indicat ioo par Ie. parti •• du droit applicable, l e s arbitres appliqueroot III. loi designee par III. r~g le de contl i t qu e les arbitres juge r on t appropriee en I'espece . Dans 1es deux cas, lea arbitr es tiendront compte de • • t i pulations du contrat et des usages du commerce. 2. Les arbitres statueront en "amiables cornpositeu rs" s i t elle est III. volonte des parties et si la loi regissant I'arbitrage Ie permet. Article VIII ~otits de la sentence Les parties sont presumees avo i r entendu que la sentence arbitral. soit motivee, saul a) s i Ie. partie. 001. de clar e expressement qu e la seDtence ne doi t pas l'etre, ou b) Ie si elles se sont soumises k uoe procedure arbitrale dans cadre de Iaquelh il n'est pas d'usege de .otiver Ie. sentenc". et pour autant, dans ce cas, qu e 1.s parti ea ou Pune d lelles De demandent pas expresse.ent aTant la tin de l'audience. ou .'il n'y a pas eu d'audience, avant la T@daction de la sente nce , que Ia sentence soit rnotiTee. Art icle IX L'annulation de la sentence arbitrale 1. L'annulation dans un Etat contractant d'une se ntence arbi- trale regie par Ia presente Convention ne constituera une cause de retus de reconnaissance ou d 'e xe cuti on dans un autre Etat cont ractant que si catte annulatio n a ete prononcee dans l'Etat dana lequel ou d'apres la 10i duquel Ia sentence a .te rendue et ce pour une des raisons auivantes : a) les parties e. Ia cODvention d'arbitrage e ta ient, an Tertu de 1& 10i qui leur eat applicable, trappees d'une incapacite, ou ladite CODTention n'est pas Talable en Tertu da III. Ioi &. Iaquelle - 7 - ~ 1•• parti •• llont .oumi •• ou, d'taut dlindi cation ~ cet 'gard, .n Y.rtu de la loi du pays au la s.ntence a et' r eadue ; au b) la partie qui de . .ode l l annulatioD pia pas et. dG . . nt ll~rbitre intorm'. d. la deaignation de ou d. 1& proc edure d'arbi- trag., au il lui a et. impossible, pour une autre raison, de taire yaloir ••••oy.ns; au c) la aent.nce porte sur un ditterend nOD yi s e dana Ie pre~isi o n. compro.ia au n'.ntrant pas dans lea de la clause compro- missoir.; au des decisions qui depassent l e s termes du co.promia au d. la olause compr omis s oire ; toute t oi s , si les dispo.itions d. la •• ntence qui ant t rait l'arbitrage peu~ent a des qu esti ons s oumises itre disso c i ee s de celle s qu i ont t rait que.tions non aoumiaes a a a de. l'arbitrage , le s premie r e s pourront ne pas etr. anDulees1 au d) 1. constituti on du tr i bunal arbitral ou l a procedure a d larbitrage n'a pas 'te conforme a d'taut de con~eDtion, 1& conyeoti on de s parties au, aux d i sposit i ons de I ' arti c l e IV de la pre.ent. ConYention . 2. ~ Dans I •• rapport. entre Etat . contractants 'gal e ment Parti •• la CODY.ntion d. Ne. fork du 10 juin 1958 sur la Reconnaissanc • • t l'Ex'cution des Sentences arbitrale. 'trangeres, 1. paragraph. I du pr ••• nt article a pour .ttet de limi t.r auX seules caus •• d'annulation qu'il 'nu~re erapb. 1, .) d. la Con~ent i on I'appl i cation d. I'art ic le V, parade Ne. f ork. Articl e X Di.positions tinales I. La pre •• nte COD~ention .s t ouve rte a 1. signature ou a I'adb'.ion des pays membres de l a Commiss i on ec onomique pour I'Europe et des pays admis a la Commi s sion a ti t re consulta tit contor_'.. nt au paragraphe 8 du mandat d. cette Commission. 2. Le. pays .usceptible s de partic i per a certa i ns t ravaux de la Commission economique pour l' Europe en app1 i cat i oD du paragraphe 11 du . . ndat d. cette Commiss i on peuvent deve n ir a ). Par ti e ~ contractante. la pr4.ente Conyention en y adherant apres Bon entree en viSU.ur. La Convention sera ouvert . 1961 inclu •• Apr~. a 1. Signature jus qu'au 31 decembre cette date , e11e .era ouvert e - 8 - a l ' adhesion. •• L& presente Conyention sera ratitiee. 5. Les instruments de ratification ou d'adb4.ion seront d4po.4. aupr~. 6. du Secretaire g4neral de l'Organi.atioD de. NatioD' Unies. En .ignant la presente ConTention, en 1. ratitiant ou en y adb4rant, Ie. Fartie. contract.nte. cOmabniqueront au Secreta ire leneral de I'Organi.ation des Nations Unie. Ia Iiste de. Chambre. de Commerce ou autre. institution. de leur pay. dont Ie. Pr 4.ide nt. a •• u.. ront Ie. tonction. contiee. par l'article IV de Ia pre.ent. ConTention aux President. d••, d. Co.marce competente •• 7. Le. di.po.itions d. la pre.ente ConT.ntion ne portent pas att.inte ~ conclu. ou la Talidite d.s accord. multilateraux ou bil.teraux ~ conclure par d •• Etata contract.nt • • n mati~r. d'.rbi- tra,•• 8. La present. Convention entrera .n Tigueur I e quatre-y i ngt- dixi~ .. jour apr~. que cinq des pay . . . ntiona4s au para,raphe 1 du pr4.ent article auront depose leur in.trument de ratitication ou d'adhe.ion. Pour chaque pay. qUi Ia ratifiera ou y adh4rera ult4rieurement, Ia pre.ente ConTention entrera en vigueur Ie quatre-Tingt-dixi~.e jour qui .uiTra 1. depOt d. l'in.trument de ratitication ou d'adb4.ion dudit pays. 9. Chaque Parti. contractante pourra denoncer la pr4.ente ConTention par notitication adressee au Secretai r. general de l'Oraaniaation de. N.tion. Uni ••• La d'nonciation prendra .ft.t douze moi. apr~s Ia date a Iaquelle Ie Secr4taire a4neral en aura recu notif icati on. 10. S1, apr~. I'.ntr4e .n Tigueur de la pre •• nte ConY.ntion, Ie de Parti •• contractaate. s. trou •• , par .uit. d. denonciation., ra •• n4 a .oin. de cinq, la pre.ente Cony.ntion c •••• r. d'itr. en Tigu.ur a partir d. la date • laqu.Il. la derni~re de c •• denoac iation. prendra ettet. Le Secr4taire g4n4ral d. I'Oraani •• tion d•• Nation. Unie. notitier. aux pay. yi.4. au paragraphe I, aia.i qu'.ux pay. 11. de.enu. Partie. c ontractant ••• n application du paragraphe 2 du pre •• nt artie 1., - 9 - a) Ie. declarations taites en Y~rtu du paragrapbe 2 d~ l'article II; b) et 2 do c) 1•• ratif1catioo8 at adh4sioDs en Yertu dea paragraphes 1 pr'.~nt article; les communications re~ue. CODror~'ment au paragraph. 6 du pr4.eot article; d) 1•• dates auxquelles la preaente Conyention entrera en Yisueur confor_'.ent au paragrapbe 8 du present article; e) Ie. denODciations en Tertu du paragraphe 9 du pr'.ent articl., f) I'abrogation d~ la pr4sente Conyeotion conform'ment au paralTapbe 10 du ' pr'.ent article. 12. Apr •• Ie )1 decembre 1961, l'original de 1& pre.ente Convention .era depo.' aupr •• du Secretaire Seneral de l'Orsani.ation des Nation. Unie., qui en tranamettra dea copies certifieea conformes ~ cbacun des pays vises aux paragraphe. 1 at 2 du present article. EN POI DE QUal, Ie. soussignes, a ce dGment, ont .ign4 la pr'.ente ConTention, FAIT & Gen ••• , Ie vingt et un avril mil neut cent soix&nte et un, en un .eul axemplaire, en langues fran~aise, Lroi. texte. faiaant egalement foi. - 10 - aDglaise et rus.e, Ie. CnEll,~AnbHOE COBEW.AH~E npEACTAB~TEnHl , ynOnHOM04EHHbiX PA3PA60TATb ~ EBPOnE~CHY~ nOAn~CATb HOHBEHll,~~ o BHEWHETOprOBOM AP6~TPAlHE EBPOnERGKAR KOHBEH~MR o BHEUlHETOprOBOM AP6KTPAJKE opr ANH3ALJ.Hfl OnDEilHHEHHNX HAUMR 1961 ~ 1•• parti •• llont .oumi •• ou, d'taut dlindi cation ~ cet 'gard, .n Y.rtu de la loi du pays au la s.ntence a et' r eadue ; au b) la partie qui de . .ode l l annulatioD pia pas et. dG . . nt ll~rbitre intorm'. d. la deaignation de ou d. 1& proc edure d'arbi- trag., au il lui a et. impossible, pour une autre raison, de taire yaloir ••••oy.ns; au c) la aent.nce porte sur un ditterend nOD yi s e dana Ie pre~isi o n. compro.ia au n'.ntrant pas dans lea de la clause compro- missoir.; au des decisions qui depassent l e s termes du co.promia au d. la olause compr omis s oire ; toute t oi s , si les dispo.itions d. la •• ntence qui ant t rait l'arbitrage peu~ent a des qu esti ons s oumises itre disso c i ee s de celle s qu i ont t rait que.tions non aoumiaes a a a de. l'arbitrage , le s premie r e s pourront ne pas etr. anDulees1 au d) 1. constituti on du tr i bunal arbitral ou l a procedure a d larbitrage n'a pas 'te conforme a d'taut de con~eDtion, 1& conyeoti on de s parties au, aux d i sposit i ons de I ' arti c l e IV de la pre.ent. ConYention . 2. ~ Dans I •• rapport. entre Etat . contractants 'gal e ment Parti •• la CODY.ntion d. Ne. fork du 10 juin 1958 sur la Reconnaissanc • • t l'Ex'cution des Sentences arbitrale. 'trangeres, 1. paragraph. I du pr ••• nt article a pour .ttet de limi t.r auX seules caus •• d'annulation qu'il 'nu~re erapb. 1, .) d. la Con~ent i on I'appl i cation d. I'art ic le V, parade Ne. f ork. Articl e X Di.positions tinales I. La pre •• nte COD~ention .s t ouve rte a 1. signature ou a I'adb'.ion des pays membres de l a Commiss i on ec onomique pour I'Europe et des pays admis a la Commi s sion a ti t re consulta tit contor_'.. nt au paragraphe 8 du mandat d. cette Commission. 2. Le. pays .usceptible s de partic i per a certa i ns t ravaux de la Commission economique pour l' Europe en app1 i cat i oD du paragraphe 11 du . . ndat d. cette Commiss i on peuvent deve n ir a ). Par ti e ~ contractante. la pr4.ente Conyention en y adherant apres Bon entree en viSU.ur. La Convention sera ouvert . 1961 inclu •• Apr~. a 1. Signature jus qu'au 31 decembre cette date , e11e .era ouvert e - 8 - a l ' adhesion. TepHKK "Sp15KTPBJ[" o(503Hs~8eT pS3(5f1paTelll>CTBO CIIOPOB J(SJ( b) Sp6KTP8HK, Ha3H8~eHHWMK n o J(~oHY oT~e~bHoMy ~elly (ap6HTpBJ[ ad hoc), TaK H nO CTORHHWHK ap6HTpBJ[HWHK OprSM8HK' TepMHH "Me c TOH8 XOSJl,eHKe JJpK~K~eCKoro ~MU8" 0603H8~8eT c) MeCTO , r~e 6HTpSIHoe Ha.x O ~J.l1' C R KOHT OP8 IlpK~H~ecKoro ~K~a, 3SIUI1l4HBilero ap- cor~ ameHHe. B03MOtMOCTb A~R gy6nH~Ko-gp8B09WX IlD~~K~eCKHX ~"a 06PamSTb CB x SpOKTPB¥v 1. B ClIY4SRX , npe~y cM0 1'peHMWX nYMKT OH 1 CTaTbH 1 H8 C 1'o~e~ KOH- BeHQHK, IlpHJlH4e CKHe lIHQa, KOT opwe no npKHeHKMoMy K HKM H~KOH~b­ HOHy 3aKOHY paCCJ04aTpHBSIl1'CJI KaK "llpMAH~e c xfle ~Kaa Dy6J1:H~Horo npsB8". (5y~yT 2. npK nO.llnK CaHKH KHeTb B03HOIliOCTb 3SKJlIlQaTb Sp6MTpBJ[HWe COr,llUeHMJI. KliK pSTK$KKBUHK HscTo~e~ KOSeeHQHK HAM npH- COe.llHHeHHH K HeR K~oe ~o ro BapHB~eeCJI fOCYA8PCTBO HOteT C~eJl:8Tb 3SRBJl:eHHe 06 Orp 8HH48HHH ynoHRHY1'oA B03HOtHOCTH YCJl:OLHRMH. YX83SHHWHH B ero 3aRBJl:eHKK. Cuua III o ~R pya Be HHOCTp8HKWX rpA.g8H 6W1'b Sp6 HTp8MH p83 6 Hpa1'eJl:b CTB8 c n o poB, upe~ycMoTpeHHWX H8cTo~eA KOH- B9HuHeA, Sp6 H1'P8HH MoryT 6 WTb HS3H8Q9KW HHOcTpSHHWe rp8Z.ll8He. Craull IY Ocyme C1'BlIeHHe ap6K1'patROrO nponecc8 1. C1'OPOKW ap6HTp8J[HOrO co rllam9HMJI HOryT no cBoeMY yCH01'peHHIl: a) apeAy c H8TPHB8Th nepe.llsqy CIIOpO B H8 p83pe.eKH9 nOCTOJlH- Horo ap6HTpaxHo r o o pra H8; B 3T OM c lIY4ae paccHoTpeHfle CIIOPOB 6y- AeT npOH3B O.llHTbCA B COO TBe1' CTBKH C b) perll8MsH~oH T8Koro op rsHs. rrpeAy c M81'pKBa~b nepe.lla~y c nopoB HA p83pe.sHKe Sp6HTpa::a:S no A8HHOHY )l.e11.Y ( ap6MTpa::a: ad b oc) K B 3TOM CJlY4ae. B qSCTKOCTK. i) H.a3H8~81'b ap6HTpoB KliH yC1'aflsa.aHBa~b, B C11.Y48e B03HHKHOBeHHR KSKorO-AH60 CCOP8, M81'OAW HI H83HSqeHHR' i1 ) 1i i) YC1'8H8BJ1.HB8Tb HeC1'OH8XOZAeHHe ap6HTpa.Horo c yAS. y C 1'aH8B~HBaTb npS8HJ1.8 IIpo~e.llYpw, KOTOPw.x AOJ1.~ npH)S.eptHBSThCR Sp6HTpW. 2. ECliH C1'OPOKW rrpeAycHoTpeJ1.K IIepe)S.81'b HorYWH8 B03HHKHYTb HeZAY HHHK cnopw HS PSccHoTpeHHe B ap6KTpa. ad boc H eCliK B Te~SHHe - 2 - 30 ABeft CARTY H3Be.eKMR Ha3 Haq H~a OAHa H3 CTOP OH He upeAYCHOTpe~H HW B ape HTpaxH OH Ha3Ha~aeT C R, 0 UepeAaqe CBo ero 0 UepeAaqe ap ~ HTpa, co r~aueHHH n8AST~ Ae~ 8 B apOHT p ax eC~H TO, CTOp OHY He apeAce~sTe. e H XOHne- c TpaHW, B KOTOPOft Ha MOHeHT UOAa qH apOC b- B Sp6 HTPaz apoZMB8eT HAH HMeeT c eoe Me CTOHa- Xo~eRHe He Ra 3HSQHBm aR Sp6 HTP S CTOp OHO. 30M apHMeHReTCR x Ae~a HH o ro, ap6 HTp 3TOA CTOpO- n o upoc b6e APy ro A CTOPOKY, TeHTHoA ToprOBo A e~ OTBeTq~Xa 3 &Me~eHHD 3TOT nyHKT paB ~ 06pa- ap 6 HT pO B, HS3HSqeHKYX OAHOA 8 3 CTOPOH HAH apeAc eA8TeneH B~ ey Ka 3 8HH o A To pro Bo ft UanaTY. 3. ECAH CTOP OKY apeAYCMOTpeAH uepeAaTb Ho rr-He e 0 3HHK HYTb HeZAr HKMK c n o pw Ha paccMoTpeHHe B ap6 HTpas ad hoc. COC T O ~Kft AwqHoro ap6 KTpa HAH H3 HeC KOAbKH X ap6 HTpo B, HO cor~ameHHH He COAe p1MTCR He o6 x OAH~ X eC ~H H3 eAHHO- B ap6HTpBIH OM AAR oc y.e CT B~e HHR ap6 HTpSZHoro upouecc a A8HRW X, y n oHRHy Twx B UYHKTe CTOpoRW He np Hm~H K co rnameHH D H8 3T OT Cq8T H C o rO Bop Koft OTHOCH - TeAhHO c AyqaR, YK838HHo r o B UYKKTe 2, C OOTBaT C TB~H a DpHHRTW yxe HS3H8QaHHWMH a p 6 HTp oH HAH ap6 MTpaMH. Hepw 6YAYT EC.H CTOPOHW He AorOBopHAH Cb 0 H8 3Ha qeHHH e AHH OAHQHOr O ap6HTpa HAH e CAH HS3HSQeH KYe ap6 HTpw He Mo rnH AOCTHrHyTh Ao r OBopeHHO CTH 0 Hapax , KOTopwe AOAIHW 6 WTb cpHHRTY, HCTe n Ao n_eH 6 YAeT 06PSTHTb CR C apocb60ft 0 DpKHRTHH 3THX Mep. B TOH c ~yq a e, e CAK CTOpORW Ao r OBo pHAH Ch 0 MeCTe ap6HTpBIa , UO c Bo eMy Bw60py AH6 0 K upeAc eA8Te.D KOMDeTeHTHo A Top r oBOft nBA8TW MeCTa a p6 HT p a.8 , co rA8CO B8HHoro CTOPOHaHH, AH60 K upeAceA8Te~D KOHueTeHTKo ft To p rO Bo A CanaTY ~oro MeCTS CTp8HW OTBe TQHK8 , B KOTOPOM H8 MOMeHT n OA8QH upocb 6 w 0 U8peAaQe Aen8 B ap6 HTP aK OH npO~BaeT HAH KMeeT CBoe MeCTOHax OSA8HHe; e CRH CTOPOHW 0 MeCTe ap6HTPaK8 He Ao r OBo pHAH Cb, TO HCTeu Mo _eT 06PSTHTbCR c o CBoe HY BW60py ~H 60 K apeAc eA8Te nm KOHneTeHTHoR Topro Bo ft DaAaTW To r o MeC Ta CTp8HW OTB8TQHK8, B KOTOp OM K8 MOMeHT UOA8QH npoc b6 w 0 nepeAaQe Ae~8 B 8p6 HTPa. OK npOZM8aeT HAH HMeeT CBo e M~CT O H8x o ~eHH e , AH60 x Cce~H8AhH O MY KOMHTeTy , COC ~8B H x apSKTep AeRTeAbHOCTH KOToporo oupeAeneHW B upeno _eHMH K HaCTOHmeR KOHBeHUHR . UORb3 0 88A CR up8e8H K, upeA OC TSBA eH~K eHY Ec nK HCTen Ke BOC- HaCT O ~KH nyHKTOM, 3THHH upaBaMH MOryT BOCUOA b 30 88TbCR OTBeTQHK HAH. ap6 HTpu. 4. npeAc eAaTeAb HAH C nenH8Ab~ft KOMHTeT. K KOTOp OHY R8Dp aBAeH8 npo c b6 8, Mo _eT, B 38BH CHHOC TH OT xap8KTep8 - 3 - np oc ~ 6 W, R.3HaqR~b eAKHOAHQHOrO 8p6H~p8, eCAR 3~0 6WAO COrAaCOSaHO .) C~OpOR&MM, 8p6H~pa-upeACeAa~eA3, ap6H~a. opoM3BecTH 3&Me.eXMe 8p6M~pa (MAR ap6 H~pOB ) , Ha3HaQeHHYX b) aop~xe, B HHOM Tpe~hero cynepapOHTP& HAM qeM 3~0 ttpeAYCNo ~peHO yC~&RaaARSaTh HeCTOHSXOXAeHMe ap6MTp8ZHOrO cYAa, ttpHQeH c) pe.eHHeN ap6HTpoS Mo.eT 6WTh H36pSHO ~pyroe ReCTO ap6HTpaza; YCTaH8BAHBaTb AH60 HenocpeA cT8eHHo, AH60 ayTeN CC~KH HS d) per~aHeHT KSKorO-AH60 KO~OpWX qeAypw, Ha c ~o~eR c~a~hH. • ayHKTe 2 aO C~ORHHOro ap6HTpaaxoro op raHa apS8HA. apo- AOAKHW ttpHAep.xBaThcR ap6H Tpw , eCAR aocneAHHe, 3a OTCYTCTBHeN AorOBopeHHOCTM HeKAY CTOpOHaMH . CaMR He yCTaR08RAH up.aHA caoeR npOQeAYPw. 5. EeAK CTOPOHW npeAY CHOTpeAH a epeAaTh HO~He B0 3HHKHYTh He~ .aNM cno pw H8 P8CCNOTpeHHe a OCTORHHoro ap6HTpaKHoro oprSHa, HO He RaSH&qHAH 3Toro opraHa 101 He AOCTH rA H CO rAaaeJUlR HS. 3TOT Cq eT, TO NCTen MoaeT xsupaBNTh npoch6y 0 Ta XON aa3HaqeHRH B COOTBeTCTBRH C DOAozeHHRMM ttyHKTa 3 6. Ha c T o ~eR ECAH B ap6HTp&ZHOM CTaTbK . co r~ . . eHRM He COAepSXT CR yxa3&HHR OTHOC H- TeAbHo Toro, xaXHH H3 BHAoa 8p6HTpaza - aO CTORRHO RAM .d hoc - Ao~eM 6WTb pe.eH caop Me~ Ae~ c T.~RM CTOPOH&HM, M e CAM CTO- pOHW He npH.AH K corAameHHm a o 3TOXY n oaoAY , TO KCTeQ CNozeT HSUPSBNTb upoch6y 0 pemeHHK 3Toro 80apo ca • COOT BeT CTBKM C HH~ Ha c ~ o~.e R ttyHKTa 3 KONHTeT HOryT ~M60 O'OCAaT~ opraxy, A.60 HN saHKWA CT8TbH. upe~DHcaTb apeAceAa~eAeM 7. CTOPOKW K H~H CneaHanbHw~ no c To~HH oNy A~ft ocy.eCT8~eHHR CA~ae upHMaH~TCR nyHKT~ UPHHR~h 8 3TOT ap6MTpaaHoro npouecca. 2, 3 H 4 HacTo~eR CT8TbH. ECAH 8 TeqeHHe 60 AHea C MOMeHT8 nOAyqeNHft 101M apocb6w 0 BW- DOA.eRBH OAROa K3 ~YK KaHa. a8peqH C~e HHWX 8 ttyHKTax 6 ap6HTpaaHOHY Ha3HaqHTb CBOHX ap6HTpoB a CPOK , yxa- H.K CaeUHBAhHKM KOMHTeTOM , H ze cpox Hepu. Heo 6xOAHMWe B aOC••AHeM npeAc eAaTeAh no~o.e­ 2, 3, 4 , 5 H H.eTo~eR CTaT~ •• apeAceA8TeAb ToproBoR USAaTW, x XOT O p O ~ Cw- A8 _aDpSBAeHa apoch6 s 8 ayRKTOB, He DpHNeT C H~Y no~o.eHMR C OOTDeT C 'B~HX OANo r o K3 aw.eHa388HHWX Mep , AMao, 06paTHB.eec~ C DP~Cb60R t XOTOPBM se 6WA8 BwaoAHe N8 , MozeT 06paTHTbCR x CaeQHaAb- HOMY KOMHTeTY C apo c b6oA 0 TON. QT06w OK ~kQ • • , KOTOpye He 6~H BWttOAHeHW. - 4 - 83AA H8 c eCR awnoAHeHHe CnEll,~AnbHOE COBEW.AH~E npEACTAB~TEnHl , ynOnHOM04EHHbiX PA3PA60TATb ~ EBPOnE~CHY~ nOAn~CATb HOHBEHll,~~ o BHEWHETOprOBOM AP6~TPAlHE EBPOnERGKAR KOHBEH~MR o BHEUlHETOprOBOM AP6KTPAJKE opr ANH3ALJ.Hfl OnDEilHHEHHNX HAUMR 1961 cy~., B KOTOpOM a03~Y*AeHO Ae~o OAHOA H3 CTOpOH a sp6HTPa&HOK cor~ aaeHRH, AO~.H UYCKOK CpOK8 AO 6 WTb H~H 3aRa~eH B MOMeHT DOA yrp030A yTpSTW Dpsaa 38 DpO- npeAcT8a~eHHR B03paaeHRft DO cyae- CTBY HCK8, B 38BHCHKOCTK OT Toro, P8CCM8TpHB8eT AM 38K08 CTp8HW CYAB TaKoR OT80A KaK aonpoc upoue ccyanbHo r o HAH M8TepH8AbHoro up8B8. 2. TIPM 8WHeCeNHH pe.eUMR DO BODPOCY 0 H8AHqHK HAH AeAcTBHTeAb- NOCTH yxa38HHoro 8p6HTp&aHOrO corAameHHR, rocYA8pcTBeHHWe ~oroa.pHB~ICR rOCYA8pCTB, cY~ B KOTOPWX DOAHRT 3TOT BOUPOC, AO~­ HW 6YAYT PYXOBOAcTBo BaTbcR, ecnK Bonpoc K8C8eTCR np8BOCDoc06HOCTK CTOpOH. 3aKONOH, KOTOpwR x HKM opKHeKReTc R, a DO APYrHM BOnpOCaH: . ) 3aXOHOK . KOTOpOMY CTOPOHW nOAqHHHnH 8p6HTp&aHOe corA8- .eHHe. b) UPH OTcyTCTBHH YX838HKft H8 3TOT CqeT - 38KOHOH CTpaKW. B xOTopoR AonaHO 6WTb BWH£ceHO pemeHHe. c) UPH OTcyTCTBHK YX838H8ft H8 38kOH , KOTOPOKJ CTOPOHW nOA- qHHMAH 8p6HTp&aHOe cornameHHe, H ecnK B TOT HOMeHT, KOTAS 3TOT .oupoc opeACT8 BneH H8 p83pemeHKe r OCYA8pCTBeHHoro c YAa. HeB03HOKHO yCT8HOBKTb, B KaKoR CTpaHe AOAaHO 6WTb awHe ceHo ap6HTp&aHoe peaeHHe, - 38KOHOH, npKMeHHMWM B CHAY KOnnK3H OHHoft CTaeNHOrO CYAB, B KOT OPOH eYA. rOCYA8p- AenO. B KOTOPOH B03 6 YKAeHO Ae~o. MOIeT He npH3HaTb ap6HTpaKBOe cor~a.eHMe, e CAK DO 38KOHY ero CTp8HW coop He MoaeT ap6HTpa&KOrO 3. B03~y.AeHO HOp~ EC~H ~ WTb upeAMeTOM pa36Hp8Te~bcTB8. OAHS H3 CTOPOH 8 ap6HTp&ZHOH cor~ ameHHM DOABA8 3aR8~eHHe c npocb6oA 06 ap6HTpaze , TO rOCYASPCTBe~KWn CYA, B KOTOpW~ MOKaT • DOCAeAY~eK 06paTHTbC~ ~pyr8R T1 H~H ~ sp~ HTpaaHWM DO Bonpocy 06 OTCyT CTBHH, .oapocy 0 cor~ameHHeM . XOMDeTeH~KK awR CYA He BWHeceT 4. HeAeR c TBHTe~bHoc TH AonaeH O T~ O~T b B~He ceH He pe meHH~ DO c~ecTBy ~e~s , c~ecTBeHHWI nocKo~ bKy pemeHKR DO y rOCYA8p- A~R OCHosaHKA o TcTya~e­ npSBH~S. Hc npamKBaHHe OAHOR K3 CTOpOH BpeHeHHWI Mep Te~bHoro HAH YTp8Te CH- ap6KTpazHo ro CYAS AO TeI DOp , Doxa ap6HTpaz- CT BeSHoro cYAa HeT AOCT8TOQHO HKR OT 3Toro CTOPOH8 C HCKOM DO TOKY sa np8AMe- o~ecneqeHKR s r ocYAspcTseHHoH eYAe He BaTbeR HH X8K HeCO BMe CTHMoe C ap 6 KTp&ZH~M K~H Mep ttpeAsspK- AO~ZHO co r~ameHHeH . pacCMSTpKHH X8K nepe- AaQa Ae.a B rOCYAap CTBeHHwR CYA AAA pa3pemeHHR ero DO Cr-eCTBY - 6 - ~eAa . CTITltl( YIl npKMII"HOe IIP"O I. CTOPOHW MOryT DO e aoeMY yCMOTp8HH» y C T8N8aaNB8T~ C o6•• ro CO- r~aCH~ UPSBO, EC~H DO cr-'CTSY. He upHMeHeHKm ap6HTpaMH DpH p ••• HHH cnops HHe'TC~ YK83aHHR CTOPOH 0 nOAA,"-.M DpHM'- HIYK» upas., ap6HTpw 6YAYT upHMeH~Tb 3SkON, yCT8NO.~'HKWA • COOTS.TCTSHH C KOAAH3HOHHOR HOpHOn , XOTOPY» ap6HTpw COqTYT 8 AaHNOM c.l.yqae npHH.HHMOR. C~ nO.l.OSeHH~MH B 060RX c~~a~x ap6HTpw 6YAYT PYK080ACTsosaTb- KOHTpakT& H ToprOBWMR 06WN~. 2. Ap6KTPW 8YHOCRT pe.eNHe 8 K&qeCTB' "APYS'C~KX UOCP'AHHK08". 'C~H H8*AY CTopOHaHH He 3T01 CqeT HH.eTCR Aor080peHKOCTb H ' CAH DpHM.HHHWR 3aKOH 3TO pa3pe.seT. CTana YIlI "OUIM pellUM CqHTa.TCR, qTO CTOpOHW 8 ep6HTpazHOM co rAa.eHHH ° ae06XOAHMOCTH MOTHBHp088HHOrO ap6U1paaMOrO pe.eHHR, Aor080pHAH ~b 'C~H TO.l.bkO OHH e) He orosop UAH oc060. qTO p •• eHK. H' AOAZHO 6WTb HOTH8HPO- 118KO, M.l.H b) UPKN~10 H' K36p8AH ap6HTpaaHoR npOU'AYPW. B paMKaX kOTOpoA He HOTHSHp08a1b ap6HTpaKHOe pe.eHK., H .C.J.K apR 310M HK 0.1.- HS K3 e TopOH H. DOTpe60 88Aa oe060, AO O kOHq&HH~ yeTHoro pa36Hpa- T,.bCTBa U.H, llpH OTCYTCT8HH YCTHoro pa36Mp&T.AbCT8a, AO COCTa8~'HKR ap6HTpaKHOrO P",HHR. QT06w pe•• HH, 6w.0 MOTH8Kp08&HO. CTaUIl IX OOlR,,'"H' ap6HTPA!HOrO p ••• UU3 H'A.Bct'HT',bHNM 1. OTH'Na ap6H1pazHoro pe.eNMR. aOAD8Aaa.lro DOA A.AcTSH' ua- cTo~.A KoHS'~HH 8 OAHOM K3 fOCYAapcT8-yq&CTHHk08 KOH81~HH. 6y- A,T R.aRThCR DpHquuoR OTX&38 8 npH3KaH"H H.J." HCnO.J.HIRRR 3T o ro PI"HH~ • ApyrHx fOCYASPC18ax-yq8cT HHKax KaCTo~eR KaHa'RnRM T O~bkO UpH YCA08MH. ~TO oTHIHa ap6MTpaaHOrO p •• ,HMR 6w.aa npOM3.'A.Ha • foey~ap c T.', 8 KOTOpOM MAR n o 3&KOuy kOToporo 310 p ••• HKe 6w.a0 BU- H'CIHO, M A'-b no OAUOHY K3 a ) c.J.e~.Mx oCHosaMKA : CTOPOKW 8 apOH1paaHOH corAaaeHHH OWAH. no npRM,NHMOMY K KKM 3akoNy. 8 kaKoA-JlM60 Mepe He,ll,eICDOC06uw. H.J.M 3TO CO r.l."'HlI. - 7 - 6w.o N.~eAcT8HTe.bHO ao 3811:0HY, KOTOPOHY CTOPOHW ero DOAqHHKAK, a apH OTCyTCTBHH Taxoro 6w.o BWueceHo; yBe~OHAeHa M.H 0 H83HaqeHHH ap6HTpa HAH 06 Te.bCTBe HAH no ApyrHM HeHRA ; ao 3axoHy cTpaKW, rAe pe.eHHe CTOPOH8. Tpe6~aR OTHeHW pemeHHR. He 6YA8 AO~KHWH 06pa- b) 30M yxa3aHH~, np~HH8M ap6KTpa~oH pa36Hpa- He MorAa upeACTa8HTb CBOH 06~RC­ H.H c) YX838HHoe pa.eHHe 6~0 awHeceRo no CDOPY, He DpeAycHOT- peHHOMY HAH He DOAD8A~eMy DOA yC~OBHR ap6HTpaaHOrO H.H 8p6HTPaaHoA orOBopXH B AorOBope, HAH cOAepZKT DO aoapOC8M, aWXOA~M cor~ . . eHHR nOCT8Ho~eHHJII 38 apeAaAW 8p6HTpaaaoro corAameHHR HAH ap- 6HTPaaRoR orOBopKH B AorOBope, C TeM, OARaxo. qTO eCAK nOCTaHOBAeHIIA DO BOapOCaH, OXB8TWBaeMYM ap6HTpszHWM co rAameKHeK HAH orosopKOA, MOryT 6WTb OTAeAeRW OT Tex, kOTopwe He OXB8TWBaDTCR T8KHM co rA . . eHHeH HAH oroBopxoA, TO Ta qaCTb 8p6HTp&KHOrO pe_aNHR, kOTOpaR COAepKRT DOCT8HOBAeHHR DO BODpocaK, oxe.TWBaaMWH 8p6HTPSZHWM corA . . aHHeH HAH 8p6HTpazHOA oroBopxoA B AQrOBope, Ho.eT He 6WTb liAR OTMeHeH8; d) COCTaB ap6HTpaaMoA kOAAerHH HAH ap6HTpazH8R npOneAypa Be COOTBeTCTBOB8AH corA8.eHH~ CTOPOH HAH, upH OTC~CTBHH TaXOBO- roo He COOT8eTCT80B&AH DOAo.eHH~ CT8TbH rY HaCTo~eA KOBB.KUHH. 2. B OTKo.eHHRX He~ rocy~apcTBaHH-yqacTHHxaMH BeNUMK. KOTopwe oAR08peMeHHo kORaeanRK 10 KDHJII 1958 rOAa RBA~CR H8CTo.eA KoH- yqacTHHx8HH Hbl)-nOpKCKOA 0 DPH3H8HHH H DpK8e~eHHH 8 HCDOAHeHH' IIHOC't'paHIDolX ap6HTpUHloll: poemdt, DyHkT 1 HaCTORllleA CT8TbH OrpaHH- Y. 1ft e ft Hbm-~OPXCKOA kOHaexnHH C.yq~~H, nyHx~e 1 CTaTbK IX HacTo~,Q KOH.eHDHH. qH.aeT DpHMeHeHHe CTaT.H Dp'AYCMOTP'HSWMH B CTaTbIl X 3axaFYHT'AbHHe DODO·'RK8 H.c~o~8JII KoHB'~HR 1. ~JII & Hel AO~'HRWX ~OM 2. B OTXPWT8 ~A~ aOADHC&KH~ H~H DpHcoe~HHeKHR cTpax-q.eHoB EaponeAckoR 3XOHOMHq'CKOA KOMHCCHR R cTpaH, C upa80H coa,.aT,AbHoro rOAoca 8 COOTB'TCTBR" C DyaX- KPyra aeAeBHR ~ToA KOMHCCHH. CTpasw, Ho~e yqacTBo8aTb B HeXOTOpwx pa60T8x E8pon.RcKoA 3.0HOMKQ.CkOI KOKHCCHM cor.aCHO CT8Tbe " no.oa'HHR 0 e. kpyre .,- A.KWR. MOryT CTaT. ~or9B8pK8aDaHHHCR CTOPOH8HH HacTo~.A KOR8eHUHK ayT'M UPIICO'AKH,KHR k Hen no ee BCTyaAeHKH B CHAy. - 8 - 3. KOHseHQHR O y~eT soro .a.eKa6 pR TI>ICJNa ~~R oTKpNTa ~ellp.TbcoT ee nO~DMcaHHR me C Tb~eCRT ~o TPH~U8Tb nep- nepeoro ro.lls BKJlINHTeJlb- HO. n Ocne 3TOR .Il8TI>I OHa 6 Y.lleT OTKpI>lT& AnR apH co eAHHeHHR K HeA. 4. H8 C T O ~8R 5. PaTH¢lHKauMR KO HseHUMH HJlM npH Coe.llHHeHMR K Helt )IP OH 380 ARTCR KOHBeHUH R nO.llneKHT paTH$HK8UHH. nYTeH nepe.lla~H HSAne_a mero a KTS HS xpSHeHMe reHepa~bHoHy CeKpeTSpD OprSHH38UMM 6. O O ~e.llMHeHHI>I X HauMA. npM nOAnH CSHH M HJlM paTH¢lMKauHM HSCTORmeA KOHBeHuHM, MJlM npH- COe.llHHeHHH K HeA, KaxA8R ~oros8pM8aDmaRcR CTOPOH& npenpOSOZ.llSeT feHepaAbHoHY CeKpeTspD CpraHH3sUHH O O ~eAHHeHHWx HaUHA CDHCOK TOPr OBNX OaJIa T M Jl.pyrHx o prSHOB ee CTp8.KbI. apeJl.CeJl.8.TeJlM XOTOPblX 1 y.IlYT BWnOJlHRTb ¢lYHK UHH, S03J10_eHKble CTaTbeA npe.ll C eA8Te~eR UHH H8 7. IY H8.CTO~eA KOHseH- KOH neTeHTKblX TOprOBl>lX n8AaT. nOcT8Ho BneHHR H8 CTORIQeR KOH BellUMH He 3aTparHS81>'I" JteRCTSH- TeJlbHOCTH HHo r OCTo p OHHH X H Jl.ByCTOpOHHHX co rJl8lleHHA S OTHOlleHHH ap6MTpaxa. 3aKnD~eHKblX n o r OSSpM SSDlQHHH CR f OCYASP CTBBMH. 8. HSCTOHIQ8R Ko HseHuHR BCTynseT B c Mny H8 JteBRHocTI>IA AeHb 00- CAe To r o , K8K nRTb YKa38HKblX B nyHKTe 1 HscTo~eA nepe.llSAyT aKTI>I 0 paTH¢lHK8UHH HJlH npM co eAHHBHHH. CT8TbH cTpaH B OTHomBHHH K8I- .IloA c TpaHw . KOTOpSR PSTH$HuHpyeT H8CTO~ KoHseHUHm HJlM upM c oeAMHHT CR x HeA SDOcn e .llCTSHH. HaCTOHIQSR KOHaBHUHR BCTynaeT S CHAy HB AeBRHOCTWR AeHb no c Jle nepe.lla~H c Tp8HoA paTM$HXBUMOHHOA rpaHOTW HJlH aXT S 0 npH coeAHHeHHH. 9. H8CTORIQ8R KOH BeHUMR Ho_eT 6 NTb AeHOHCHpOB8H8 JI~6o ft noroBapH- Bam.eftc R CTOPOHOR nyTe" H O TH~HXauHH reHepaJlbHo HY CexpeTapD OpraHH38UHH v 6 ~e~KHeHHW X HauKA. ~eHHH ~eHOH C 8qHA BCTynaeT B CH~y DO HCTe- ASeH8.IlUaTHMeCH4HOrO cpoxa oo cn e ao~yqeHHR reHepaJlbKWM CeK- peTapeH yno MRHYTo ft BYme HOTH$HKSUHH. '0. ECJlH no c ~e BCTynnBHHR 8 c Hny H&CTOgaeft KOHSBHUMM ~H cno ~o ro- BapHBaDmHXCR CTOPOH oxaaeTCR, B c ~eJt C TBMe A8HOHC8UHM, MeHee n~TH, HSCTORIQaR KOHBeHUHR TepReT C H~y co AHR, xorAS CTSHeT AeRcTBHT.~b­ BoA nOCJleJtHRR H3 AeHoHc8Uaft. '1 . feHepanbKWA CexpeTspb Opr8HH38UHH OO~eARHeHKWX HanKA co06- . a eT CTpaH8H, YKa38HHWH B nyHKTe " a TaKa. CTpaHBM, CTa •• HM ~O­ r o a8pHB8nmHMHCR CTopOHaHH Ha OCHOB8HHH nyHXT& 2 HaCTo~eA CTBTbH. a) 0 38RBAeHHRX, CAenaHHWX B COOTBeTCTBHH C DyHXTOH 2 CT&- TbH II, - 9 - 30 ABeft CARTY H3Be.eKMR Ha3 Haq H~a OAHa H3 CTOP OH He upeAYCHOTpe~H HW B ape HTpaxH OH Ha3Ha~aeT C R, 0 UepeAaqe CBo ero 0 UepeAaqe ap ~ HTpa, co r~aueHHH n8AST~ Ae~ 8 B apOHT p ax eC~H TO, CTOp OHY He apeAce~sTe. e H XOHne- c TpaHW, B KOTOPOft Ha MOHeHT UOAa qH apOC b- B Sp6 HTPaz apoZMB8eT HAH HMeeT c eoe Me CTOHa- Xo~eRHe He Ra 3HSQHBm aR Sp6 HTP S CTOp OHO. 30M apHMeHReTCR x Ae~a HH o ro, ap6 HTp 3TOA CTOpO- n o upoc b6e APy ro A CTOPOKY, TeHTHoA ToprOBo A e~ OTBeTq~Xa 3 &Me~eHHD 3TOT nyHKT paB ~ 06pa- ap 6 HT pO B, HS3HSqeHKYX OAHOA 8 3 CTOPOH HAH apeAc eA8TeneH B~ ey Ka 3 8HH o A To pro Bo ft UanaTY. 3. ECAH CTOP OKY apeAYCMOTpeAH uepeAaTb Ho rr-He e 0 3HHK HYTb HeZAr HKMK c n o pw Ha paccMoTpeHHe B ap6 HTpas ad hoc. COC T O ~Kft AwqHoro ap6 KTpa HAH H3 HeC KOAbKH X ap6 HTpo B, HO cor~ameHHH He COAe p1MTCR He o6 x OAH~ X eC ~H H3 eAHHO- B ap6HTpBIH OM AAR oc y.e CT B~e HHR ap6 HTpSZHoro upouecc a A8HRW X, y n oHRHy Twx B UYHKTe CTOpoRW He np Hm~H K co rnameHH D H8 3T OT Cq8T H C o rO Bop Koft OTHOCH - TeAhHO c AyqaR, YK838HHo r o B UYKKTe 2, C OOTBaT C TB~H a DpHHRTW yxe HS3H8QaHHWMH a p 6 HTp oH HAH ap6 MTpaMH. Hepw 6YAYT EC.H CTOPOHW He AorOBopHAH Cb 0 H8 3Ha qeHHH e AHH OAHQHOr O ap6HTpa HAH e CAH HS3HSQeH KYe ap6 HTpw He Mo rnH AOCTHrHyTh Ao r OBopeHHO CTH 0 Hapax , KOTopwe AOAIHW 6 WTb cpHHRTY, HCTe n Ao n_eH 6 YAeT 06PSTHTb CR C apocb60ft 0 DpKHRTHH 3THX Mep. B TOH c ~yq a e, e CAK CTOpORW Ao r OBo pHAH Ch 0 MeCTe ap6HTpBIa , UO c Bo eMy Bw60py AH6 0 K upeAc eA8Te.D KOMDeTeHTHo A Top r oBOft nBA8TW MeCTa a p6 HT p a.8 , co rA8CO B8HHoro CTOPOHaHH, AH60 K upeAceA8Te~D KOHueTeHTKo ft To p rO Bo A CanaTY ~oro MeCTS CTp8HW OTBe TQHK8 , B KOTOPOM H8 MOMeHT n OA8QH upocb 6 w 0 U8peAaQe Aen8 B ap6 HTP aK OH npO~BaeT HAH KMeeT CBoe MeCTOHax OSA8HHe; e CRH CTOPOHW 0 MeCTe ap6HTPaK8 He Ao r OBo pHAH Cb, TO HCTeu Mo _eT 06PSTHTbCR c o CBoe HY BW60py ~H 60 K apeAc eA8Te nm KOHneTeHTHoR Topro Bo ft DaAaTW To r o MeC Ta CTp8HW OTB8TQHK8, B KOTOp OM K8 MOMeHT UOA8QH npoc b6 w 0 nepeAaQe Ae~8 B 8p6 HTPa. OK npOZM8aeT HAH HMeeT CBo e M~CT O H8x o ~eHH e , AH60 x Cce~H8AhH O MY KOMHTeTy , COC ~8B H x apSKTep AeRTeAbHOCTH KOToporo oupeAeneHW B upeno _eHMH K HaCTOHmeR KOHBeHUHR . UORb3 0 88A CR up8e8H K, upeA OC TSBA eH~K eHY Ec nK HCTen Ke BOC- HaCT O ~KH nyHKTOM, 3THHH upaBaMH MOryT BOCUOA b 30 88TbCR OTBeTQHK HAH. ap6 HTpu. 4. npeAc eAaTeAb HAH C nenH8Ab~ft KOMHTeT. K KOTOp OHY R8Dp aBAeH8 npo c b6 8, Mo _eT, B 38BH CHHOC TH OT xap8KTep8 - 3 - np oc ~ 6 W, Co.poaition .ad procedure ot the Special Co. .ittee referred to in Article IV of the Conyention 1. The Speeial Co.-dttee referred to in Article IV ot the ConYention .ball consist of two recu1u .e.ber • .ad a Chairaaa . ODe ot tbe reculu .e.bers sball be elected by tbe Cb.-bers of Ca..eree or otber institutions desiraated, Udder Article X, parearaph 6, of tbe ConYention, by State. in wbicb at th. ti .. .beD the Convention is open to .iinature National Co. .itt••• of the lnt.rnational Ch .. ber ot Co ... rce exi.t, and which at the ti .. of the election are puties to the Convention. The other ..... r .hall be .lected by the Ch ..bers of Co... rce or otb.r institutions d•• ieaated, und.r Article X, paracraph 6, ot the ConYention, by State. in which at is open to Ch.-ber ot ~e tt .. when tbe Cony.ntion signature no National C.m.itte.s of tbe lnternationa! Co~rce .xist &Dd whicb at the ti .. of the election are puti •• to tb. Conv.ntion. 2. Th. person. wbo ue t.o act a. Chairaa.a ot \.b. Special C..aitt.. PVSU&Dt to puearaph 1 of tbis Annex .hlLll al.o be elKt" in like aaAD.r by th. Ch ..ber. of Co_rca or other institution. r.f.rred to in paracraph I of thia Anaex. ,. Th. Cb ..bera ot Co... ree or otb.r inatitution. r.f.rr.d to in paracrapb 1 of this Annex ahall elect alternat •• at the .... ti_ and in the .... aanner a. tbey .lect tb. Chai~an and other r.,ular ...b.r., in ca.e of tbe te-POrary inability of the Cbairaan or r.,ular •• ..b.r. to act. inability to act or of the r.dpatho of a or of a r.aular ••.b.r, th.n the alt.rnat• • l.ct.d to r.plac. hi • • ball , .. the c .....ay b., the Chairaan or ....,.r, and \.be ,roup of Ch of Co_rca or oth.r bati tutioa. which b&d elect.d the alt.rnate who bas Cbai~ or r.l'llu ..... r .ball .l.ct anotber alternat •• 4. The firat electioos to the Co-.dtt•• sball b. b.ld nin.ty days fr~ .i~D th. date of the deposit of the fIfth inatru.ent - 1 - at r&titic&tion or accession. institution. designated by Sign&to~ St.te. who are not yet partie. to the ConTention shall also be entitled to take part in these elections. It bowever it should not be pos.ible to bold elections within the prescribsd peri od, ths ent~ into torcs ot paragraphs ) to 7 at Article IV at the Conyention shall be postponed until elections are beld a. provided tor aboye . 5. Subject to the provisions ot paragrapb 7 below, the .e.bera ot the Special Committee shall be elected tor a te~ ot tour years. New elections shall be held within the tirst six months at the tourth year tollowing the previous elections . Ne...erthele •• , it a ne. procedure tor tbe election ot the members at the Special Committee has not produc ed result. , the .e.bers elected shall continue to exercise their tunctions until the el.ction ot ne. . . .bers. 6. The results at the el ections ot the membe rs ot the Special Comadtt.e shall b. communicated to the Secretary-General ot the United Nations .ho .hall notity tbe States ret erred to in Article X, paragraph 1, at tbis CODvention and the States which haTe becom. ContracUng Parties under Article X, paragraph 2. General .hall likewise notity the said States ot The Secretary~ postpone. .nt aDd ot the entry into torce ot paragraphs J to 7 ot Article IV ot the ConTention in pursuance ot paragrapb 4 ot this Annex. 7. The persons elected to the office ot Chai~&D shall exerehe their tunctions in rot.tion, each during a period ot two year •• The question which ot these two persons s hall act .. Ch&i~ during the first two-year period atter the entry into torce of the ConTention shall be decided by tbe drawing at lots. The ottice ot Chairman shall thereafter be Tested, tor each succe.sive twoyear period, in the person elected Chairman by the aroup of countrie. other than th.t by .hich the Chairman exerciaina his tUDctions during the iDlllediately preceding two-ye&r period ... elected. 8. The reterence to the Special Coamittee of one of the reque.t. referred to in paragr&phs J to 1 ot the ator .. aid Article IV shall b. &ddre.sed to the Executive S ecret~ - 2 _ ot the Scono_ie Coaais.ion for Burope. l~ The Execu'tin Secretary aball iD the tirst iD.tance the b.tor. th ••• ab.r of th. Special Co.-dtt••• lect.d by the ,roup of countries oth.r than that by which the Chai~an boldiac ottic. at th. time ot the introduction ot the requ •• t ... elect.d. Th. proposal ot the •••ber applied to in the tirst inst ..c •• hall be co..u.aicated by the Executi .... Secretary to the other .eab.r ot the Co.-itt•• and, it that oth.r •• aber aaree. to this proposal, it sball b. d••••d to b. th. Co-t tt•• 's ruling and shall b. co..unicat.d .. such by the Executl .... to the parsoD .bo 9. _ad. the request. It the two ".bers ot the Sp.cial Co_itt •• applied to by the hecuti .... Secretary are unable to acr •• on a ruliol by corr.spond.Dce, the Executi .... Secr.tary ot the Econo_ic Co.aission tor Ellropa shall con....n ••••• ting ot tbe .aid Co . .i tte. at G.n ..... in an .tt.llpt to .ecur. a unaniltOu. d.cision on the In the abs.nce of unanimity, the Co. .ittee'. d.cision shall b. giv.n by . . .jority ...ote and sball b. co..uaicat.d by the Executive Secretary to the person .ho 10. _ad. the requ •• t. Th. exp.n•• s connected with the Special Co.-itt•• '. action shall be ad... anc.d by th. p.rsoD requ •• tine such action but .hall be COD.ider.a a. cost. in the cau ••• - ) cy~., B KOTOpOM a03~Y*AeHO Ae~o OAHOA H3 CTOpOH a sp6HTPa&HOK cor~ aaeHRH, AO~.H UYCKOK CpOK8 AO 6 WTb H~H 3aRa~eH B MOMeHT DOA yrp030A yTpSTW Dpsaa 38 DpO- npeAcT8a~eHHR B03paaeHRft DO cyae- CTBY HCK8, B 38BHCHKOCTK OT Toro, P8CCM8TpHB8eT AM 38K08 CTp8HW CYAB TaKoR OT80A KaK aonpoc upoue ccyanbHo r o HAH M8TepH8AbHoro up8B8. 2. TIPM 8WHeCeNHH pe.eUMR DO BODPOCY 0 H8AHqHK HAH AeAcTBHTeAb- NOCTH yxa38HHoro 8p6HTp&aHOrO corAameHHR, rocYA8pcTBeHHWe ~oroa.pHB~ICR rOCYA8pCTB, cY~ B KOTOPWX DOAHRT 3TOT BOUPOC, AO~­ HW 6YAYT PYXOBOAcTBo BaTbcR, ecnK Bonpoc K8C8eTCR np8BOCDoc06HOCTK CTOpOH. 3aKONOH, KOTOpwR x HKM opKHeKReTc R, a DO APYrHM BOnpOCaH: . ) 3aXOHOK . KOTOpOMY CTOPOHW nOAqHHHnH 8p6HTp&aHOe corA8- .eHHe. b) UPH OTcyTCTBHH YX838HKft H8 3TOT CqeT - 38KOHOH CTpaKW. B xOTopoR AonaHO 6WTb BWH£ceHO pemeHHe. c) UPH OTcyTCTBHK YX838H8ft H8 38kOH , KOTOPOKJ CTOPOHW nOA- qHHMAH 8p6HTp&aHOe cornameHHe, H ecnK B TOT HOMeHT, KOTAS 3TOT .oupoc opeACT8 BneH H8 p83pemeHKe r OCYA8pCTBeHHoro c YAa. HeB03HOKHO yCT8HOBKTb, B KaKoR CTpaHe AOAaHO 6WTb awHe ceHo ap6HTp&aHoe peaeHHe, - 38KOHOH, npKMeHHMWM B CHAY KOnnK3H OHHoft CTaeNHOrO CYAB, B KOT OPOH eYA. rOCYA8p- AenO. B KOTOPOH B03 6 YKAeHO Ae~o. MOIeT He npH3HaTb ap6HTpaKBOe cor~a.eHMe, e CAK DO 38KOHY ero CTp8HW coop He MoaeT ap6HTpa&KOrO 3. B03~y.AeHO HOp~ EC~H ~ WTb upeAMeTOM pa36Hp8Te~bcTB8. OAHS H3 CTOPOH 8 ap6HTp&ZHOH cor~ ameHHM DOABA8 3aR8~eHHe c npocb6oA 06 ap6HTpaze , TO rOCYASPCTBe~KWn CYA, B KOTOpW~ MOKaT • DOCAeAY~eK 06paTHTbC~ ~pyr8R T1 H~H ~ sp~ HTpaaHWM DO Bonpocy 06 OTCyT CTBHH, .oapocy 0 cor~ameHHeM . XOMDeTeH~KK awR CYA He BWHeceT 4. HeAeR c TBHTe~bHoc TH AonaeH O T~ O~T b B~He ceH He pe meHH~ DO c~ecTBy ~e~s , c~ecTBeHHWI nocKo~ bKy pemeHKR DO y rOCYA8p- A~R OCHosaHKA o TcTya~e­ npSBH~S. Hc npamKBaHHe OAHOR K3 CTOpOH BpeHeHHWI Mep Te~bHoro HAH YTp8Te CH- ap6KTpazHo ro CYAS AO TeI DOp , Doxa ap6HTpaz- CT BeSHoro cYAa HeT AOCT8TOQHO HKR OT 3Toro CTOPOH8 C HCKOM DO TOKY sa np8AMe- o~ecneqeHKR s r ocYAspcTseHHoH eYAe He BaTbeR HH X8K HeCO BMe CTHMoe C ap 6 KTp&ZH~M K~H Mep ttpeAsspK- AO~ZHO co r~ameHHeH . pacCMSTpKHH X8K nepe- AaQa Ae.a B rOCYAap CTBeHHwR CYA AAA pa3pemeHHR ero DO Cr-eCTBY - 6 - ~eAa . elections Ies Chambres de Commerce ou aut res institutions de.ian'es par les Etats qui 'tant signataires ne sont pas encore Parties & la Con~ention. S'il n'est pas possible de proc'der & des elections dans Ie delai indiqu' l I'application des paragraphes ) • 7 de l'article IV de la Convention sera suspendue jusqu'a ce qu'il so it procede & des elections dans lea conditions prevues ci-de •• us. 5. Sous reserve des disposition. du paragraphe 1 ci-dessous, les membres du Comite special seront elus pour une periode de quatre ans. De nou~elles elections deTront avoir lieu dans les premiers six mois de la quatrieme annee & partir des election. precedenteso Si une nouvelle procedure d'electioQ des membres du Comite special n'a pu donner de resultats, les membres precedemment elus continueront de nouveaux 6. a exercer leurs tonctions jusqu'a l'election me~bres . Les resultats des elections des membres uu Comite special seront communique. au Secretaire general de l'Organisation des Nations Unies qui les notifiera aux Etats vises au paragraphe 1 de l'artic1e X de 1a presente Convention ainsi qu'aux Etats de.enus Parties contractantes en application du paragraphe 2 de l'article X. Le Secretaire general notitiera egalement aux m'mes Etat. 1. suspension eventuelle et la .i.e en application des paragraphe. ) a 7 de l'article IV de la Convention en Tertu du paragraphe • de la presente innexe. 1. Le. personnes elues ronctions, a tour de a r~l., titre de President exerceront leurs chacune pendant deux ans . L'attributioa de. toactions de . I. presidence a l'une de ces deux personnes pendant la premiere periode de deux ans apres l'entree en vigueur de 1. Convention, sera determinee par tirage au sort. La pr'sidence sera ensuite attribuee chaque fois, pour une periode de deux ans, a ncu~elle la personne elue a titre de President par Ie groupe de pays autre que celui par Iequel aura ete elu Ie President ayaat exerce ses toactions pendant la periode rle deux aas immediatement precedente. - 2 - LI. rlqu't •• au Co.it4 .p4cial pr4yu •• aux para8Tapb •• J 8. &7 d. l'articl. IV d. Ie ConT.ntion •• ront adr ••• 4•• au S.cretair• • s4cutit de la Co. . i3.ioo 4cono.iqu. pour I'Europ •• L. • ••ecutit .a .ei.ira d'ebord 1 • • e.bre du' apeciel elu par Ie croupe d. pay. autre qua cIIui par lequII aura 4te 41u 1. Pre. idiot eo I.erciee au ~o.eDt de 1 'introduction de 1a requIte. La aolution proposee par Ie ... bre .ai.i en preaier lieu •• ra tran..i •• par II Seeretaire e.ecutit ~ l'autr ••••br. du Co.it4 .t a1 celui-ci l'eccepte, cette .olution .era conaider41 co ... decl.ion du Co.ite .t comauniqu'e en tant que telle par 1. Secretaire e.eeutit ' au requerant. 9. 51 1 •• d.ux aembres du' special .ai.i. par Ie Secr4teir •••ecutit n'arriY.nt pa. ~ .'ent.ndre aur une .0Iution par Toie d. corrl.pondance, Ie Seer4taire e.4eutit cooyoquera .0. r4uoioD du Co.it4 .p4cial ~ ¥D. ~ Geneye atia d'.aa~er d'aboutir d4ci.ioD UDaoi ••• ur la reqult •• A de taut d'uDAnt.it4, la d4ci.ioD du Co.it4 •• ra pri •• ~ Ie . . jorit' d •• yoix .t co. .u- niqu4. par II S.cr4taire •• 'eutit au r.qu'rant. 10. L.I trail 114. 11tl,• • o~i. ~ ~ l'ioterYention du' Ip4cial dana un Ie pr'.ent. COnyention •• ront aTanc'. par Ie r.,u'rant at -.ploy•• par lui ID trail de proe'dure. - ) - IIPY..IIOACEHHE COCT •• K zapaXTep AeATe~bMOCTH Ca8gH&A~MOrO .0HKTaTa, yxasaHHoro • CTaTbe LY KaHaeHgHM OAKH M3 DOC~AMKWZ q~8HOa H36Hp&eTC~ ToprOBWMH aaAaTaNK HAN ApyrHHH op- raHaMY, yaSHaqaeMWkK B COOTaeTCTaHM C aYMkTOM 6 CT&TbM X KaHBeH- aHM rocYABpCTB8MH, B kOTOp~ He NONeNT OTkPWTN~ KaHaeHUHN .itA. DOADKcaKHA cy_eCTaymT H&QMOHaAbKWe XOHKTeTW M.~yHapoAHoA ToprOBoA aaA8TW H XOTOpW• • MOMeNTY Bw60poa .BAADTCA yqaCTHHK&MH HoNaBHUKH. ~pyro. Hs6HpB.TC~ qA.W ToprOBWNK DBAaTaNH HAN .ltpyrNMK OpraHaMH, 6 KaSKaqa.MWNN a COOTBeTCTBKH C aYHKToN CTaTbH X KOHaa~HK rocy- A_pCT.aMN, a kOTOp~, HB NONeHT OTKPWTH~ KoNaaKn"K AAA DOAnNcaHKR, HaQHOHBA~HW% x H XOTopwe 2. XOKMTeTOB Me~YHapoAHoA ToproaoA OaA&TW He cym8cTayeT MONeHTY Bw6opOB RaA~mTCA yQaCTKH.8MN HoNa.HUHN. AHaa , xOTopwe 6YAYT a COOTaeTCTaMN C ap.JtycNoTpeHNWMK HHKe a oyHkTe 7 yCAOBKAMK HCDO~KRTb 06~3BNHOCTK apaJtceA&TeAR CoeUHaAb- Horo XOMKTeTa J COOTeeTCTaeHHO Hs6HpamTcA ToproaWNH DBA&TAMK HAH ApyrHMM Opr&HaNH, xax 3TO npeAYcMoTpeHo a 0YHxTe I HaCTOACero apWAO •••UUI. 3. Toproaw. aaAaTW HAH ApyrHe opraKY , yxa3&HHWe 8 ayXXTe 1 aaCTOR_ero npH"o KeHH~, K36HpBDT a TO Ke CaMoe speMA N e COOTS.T- CTaNM C npeJtYCHOTpeNKWMH aw.e YCAOSHAMK SaMeCTHT.Ae. DP8JtC.AB- Te~e. H S.... CTHT.~eA nOCTOltMKWI q~eHOS CneUHLI~Horo XOHHT8TB Ha TOT cAyqaA, 8C~H EC~H oCSa:aaHHOCTM. KWZ q~eHoa OHM apeMeHHO AMmeHW 80SMOaHOCTH a&M.CTHTe~~, HaCSapaeT Hoaoro •• H~ DaAaT H~H ApyrH% opraHoa, B M~H aWZOJtMT KO~P" CTaa.ero npeAceAaTeAeM HAH DOCTOAMKWM q.aeHOM, aaM8CTMTe~~. AeaOHHpoaaHHA nATO' • Toproa~ nepew. awCSopw KoMHT8TB DpOHCXOA~T a Te~.KH. coeANa.aKH • caOH OAH M H3 apeACeA&TeAeA KAM OAMM HI nOCTORH- 8006.e H8 Mo.eT MCaOAHATb caOM 06R3BHHOCTH MWM q.a • •OM H rpynaa HaCSp ... a MCDO~HATb ~TKZ pBTM~kaaMOHHoA rpaMOTW KAN 90 AHeA DOCA. n~Toro 8kTa 0 DpH- Bwbopax MoryT TaKE8 yqaCTBOaaTb Toproawe e • • • • yqaCTHNXBMK. - I _ 3. KOHseHQHR O y~eT soro .a.eKa6 pR TI>ICJNa ~~R oTKpNTa ~ellp.TbcoT ee nO~DMcaHHR me C Tb~eCRT ~o TPH~U8Tb nep- nepeoro ro.lls BKJlINHTeJlb- HO. n Ocne 3TOR .Il8TI>I OHa 6 Y.lleT OTKpI>lT& AnR apH co eAHHeHHR K HeA. 4. H8 C T O ~8R 5. PaTH¢lHKauMR KO HseHUMH HJlM npH Coe.llHHeHMR K Helt )IP OH 380 ARTCR KOHBeHUH R nO.llneKHT paTH$HK8UHH. nYTeH nepe.lla~H HSAne_a mero a KTS HS xpSHeHMe reHepa~bHoHy CeKpeTSpD OprSHH38UMM 6. O O ~e.llMHeHHI>I X HauMA. npM nOAnH CSHH M HJlM paTH¢lMKauHM HSCTORmeA KOHBeHuHM, MJlM npH- COe.llHHeHHH K HeA, KaxA8R ~oros8pM8aDmaRcR CTOPOH& npenpOSOZ.llSeT feHepaAbHoHY CeKpeTspD CpraHH3sUHH O O ~eAHHeHHWx HaUHA CDHCOK TOPr OBNX OaJIa T M Jl.pyrHx o prSHOB ee CTp8.KbI. apeJl.CeJl.8.TeJlM XOTOPblX 1 y.IlYT BWnOJlHRTb ¢lYHK UHH, S03J10_eHKble CTaTbeA npe.ll C eA8Te~eR UHH H8 7. IY H8.CTO~eA KOHseH- KOH neTeHTKblX TOprOBl>lX n8AaT. nOcT8Ho BneHHR H8 CTORIQeR KOH BellUMH He 3aTparHS81>'I" JteRCTSH- TeJlbHOCTH HHo r OCTo p OHHH X H Jl.ByCTOpOHHHX co rJl8lleHHA S OTHOlleHHH ap6MTpaxa. 3aKnD~eHKblX n o r OSSpM SSDlQHHH CR f OCYASP CTBBMH. 8. HSCTOHIQ8R Ko HseHuHR BCTynseT B c Mny H8 JteBRHocTI>IA AeHb 00- CAe To r o , K8K nRTb YKa38HKblX B nyHKTe 1 HscTo~eA nepe.llSAyT aKTI>I 0 paTH¢lHK8UHH HJlH npM co eAHHBHHH. CT8TbH cTpaH B OTHomBHHH K8I- .IloA c TpaHw . KOTOpSR PSTH$HuHpyeT H8CTO~ KoHseHUHm HJlM upM c oeAMHHT CR x HeA SDOcn e .llCTSHH. HaCTOHIQSR KOHaBHUHR BCTynaeT S CHAy HB AeBRHOCTWR AeHb no c Jle nepe.lla~H c Tp8HoA paTM$HXBUMOHHOA rpaHOTW HJlH aXT S 0 npH coeAHHeHHH. 9. H8CTORIQ8R KOH BeHUMR Ho_eT 6 NTb AeHOHCHpOB8H8 JI~6o ft noroBapH- Bam.eftc R CTOPOHOR nyTe" H O TH~HXauHH reHepaJlbHo HY CexpeTapD OpraHH38UHH v 6 ~e~KHeHHW X HauKA. ~eHHH ~eHOH C 8qHA BCTynaeT B CH~y DO HCTe- ASeH8.IlUaTHMeCH4HOrO cpoxa oo cn e ao~yqeHHR reHepaJlbKWM CeK- peTapeH yno MRHYTo ft BYme HOTH$HKSUHH. '0. ECJlH no c ~e BCTynnBHHR 8 c Hny H&CTOgaeft KOHSBHUMM ~H cno ~o ro- BapHBaDmHXCR CTOPOH oxaaeTCR, B c ~eJt C TBMe A8HOHC8UHM, MeHee n~TH, HSCTORIQaR KOHBeHUHR TepReT C H~y co AHR, xorAS CTSHeT AeRcTBHT.~b­ BoA nOCJleJtHRR H3 AeHoHc8Uaft. '1 . feHepanbKWA CexpeTspb Opr8HH38UHH OO~eARHeHKWX HanKA co06- . a eT CTpaH8H, YKa38HHWH B nyHKTe " a TaKa. CTpaHBM, CTa •• HM ~O­ r o a8pHB8nmHMHCR CTopOHaHH Ha OCHOB8HHH nyHXT& 2 HaCTo~eA CTBTbH. a) 0 38RBAeHHRX, CAenaHHWX B COOTBeTCTBHH C DyHXTOH 2 CT&- TbH II, - 9 - 11) 0 paTK41KK8.IlHJU KoHa.K~MH II 0 zrp.. CO ........ HJI,u • • • • a COOTaeTCTaNIl C OyHKTBMH 1 II c) 2 H.CTOAa•• CT.T~H, 0 coo6~eKIIAX, oo.a,.,..eIUQU a COOTHTCTaHM C 0J1UCT0I1 6 H.c ToA.en CTaTbH, d) 0 ....T.X aCTYILIeHl4A • CH.ay H.cTo~e. KoKH.Q." • COOT- HTCTeHII C ayRETOM e) CTaT~K 8 HaC T o ~e. C TaT~K. 0 AeHOHC&UHAX a COOTaeTCTaRII C DYN.TO" 9 K&CTO ~•• , t) 06 yTP&T. K&CTo~eft KoHaeHqHe. CHAW a COOTHTCT.HM C uyMXTOM 10 Hac TOA.eA CTaTbH. 12 . noc ... TpH ..nSTb oepsoro ..e ..s OpA Tw c ~a ..eBATbCOT •• CTbA.CAT aepaoro rcA. a OA.aHHHRX HaCTO~•• KoHa.KQHH OY".T CA&H Ha Xp&HeHH. reHepaAbHOHY CexpeTap~ GpraHH3auHH 06 ~.AHHeHKWz RauHA, KOTopWA lIpeopo aoAMT "BAAeI•• IIM 01 p.3 0H 3aa.p_HMWe KODHH K~O. HS cTpaH, yx&3&HiCWX a nyHKT&X 1 H 2 RacTo ..... c 'raTbli . B Y~OCTOBEPEBHE ~ro HH•• aO"DM c .a.H.CA, H&A.&.~M OOp.30M •• TO yao.aHOHo ",eHKWe. n OAJnl CLlH Ha C T O ~ f<OMaaHIUCI). CCCTABnEHO 81'.- a I eHeae A.8AQ&Tb Dep.oro aop.~ TWC~. " •• COT .eCTbAe CAT aepaoro r o,Jta a r.aHAcKO" H $paHUy3CXOH O,JtHO~1 A3W~.X. DpH"I.H a c e TpM T. kCTa p.aHO aYTeHTH"IHWMH. - 31C3.MD,urp • •& P1CCJtOM. 10 - &H- A"'~CA I hereby certify that the foregoing text is a true copy of the Final Act and European Convention on International Commercial Arb~tration adopted by the Special Meeting of Plenipotentiaries for the Purpose of Negotiating and Signing a European Convention on Internation al Commercial Arbitration. held at the European Office of the United Nations at Geneva from 10 April to 21 April 1961, the original of whi ch is deposited with the Secretary·Ceneral of the United Nations. Je certi fie que Ie texte qui precede est la copie co nf orme de l' Acte final et de la Convention europeenne sur l' arbitrage commercial interna tional adoptes par la Reuni.on speciale de plenipotentiaires charges de negocier et de signer une Convention europeenne sur l'arbitrage commercial international. qui s ' est tenue a l ' Office europeen des Nations Unies, a Ceneve. du 10 avril au 21 avril 1961. dont l'original est depose aupres du Secretaire general de 1 'Organi sation des Na tLons UnLes. Pour le Secretaire general Le Consei1ler juridique (Secretaire general adjoint aux affaires juridiques) For the Secretary-General. The Legal Counsel (Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs) b?J (tLC~ Hans Corell United Nations, New York 18 May 1994 ( Organisation des Nations VnLes New York. Ie 18 mai 1994 , ,-".,,<J "", '1',., \U ',-1''''''-'''''« , .on"'"'' .'1 \'11' \t •• I· ...