Video List Pennsville Memorial High School VIDEO 004.67 INT Internet searching skills VIDEO 004.67 Sup Super Searching the Web VIDEO 010 HOW How to use the reader's guide VIDEO 020 INF The information power video guidelines for school library VIDEO 028.7 HOW How to use the library an introduction. VIDEO 028.7 HOW. How to survive in school using library resources and reference materials VIDEO 126 DIS Discovering who you are theories of personality. VIDEO 133.4 SAL The Salem Witch Trials VIDEO 133.4 SAL The Salem witch trials VIDEO 133.4 SAL The History Channel-In Search Salem witch trials VIDEO 133.4 SEC Secrets of the unknown. vol. 2 Host Edward Mulhare VIDEO 133.4 WIT The Witches of Salem the horror and the hope VIDEO 133.4 WIT The Witches of Salem the horror and the hope VIDEO 150 PSY Psychology VIDEO 154.6 THE Theater of the night the science of sleep and dreams VIDEO 155.4 EIG The Eight stages of human life prenatal to late childhood VIDEO 158 SEL Self awareness succeeding in the world of work VIDEO 170.20223 NAT Natural highs and how to get them VIDEO 261.5 IN In the beginning the creationist controversy VIDEO 261.5 IN In the beginning the creationist controversy VIDEO 289.7 AMI The Amish a people of preservation VIDEO 292 GRE Greek and Roman legends VIDEO 301 SOC What is sociology? VIDEO 301.41 MAN Man and woman myths and stereotypes. VIDEO 303.385 SHA The shadow of hate a history of intolerance in America VIDEO 303.85 BEY Beyond hate VIDEO EYE 303.85 EYE The Eye of the storm VIDEO 306.44 MUL Multicultural understanding VIDEO 306.7 BRE Breaking silence VIDEO 306.7 EVE Everyone's doing it--not! VIDEO 306.7 PAR The party's over sex, alcohol & pregnancy VIDEO 306.73 DAT Dating VIDEO 306.8 AND And they lived happily ever after?—understanding teenage marriage VIDEO 306.8 CHI Children of divorce VIDEO 306.84 FOU Four families Parts 1 & 2 VIDEO 306.87 CUL Culture and personality VIDEO 320.9 McC McCarthy reconsidered VIDEO 323.6 PAT Patriotism and You-VIDEO 325.73 AME American dream, American nightmare VIDEO 328.73 HIS History & Functions of the Senate VIDEO 331.1 FRE Freedom to choose Skills; work related themes VIDEO 331.7 CAR Career planning : putting your skills to work, Pts. I & II VIDEO 331.7 CAR Career planning : putting your skills to work, Pts. I & II VIDEO 331.7 CAR Careers in the technical fields VIDEO 331.7 TEN The ten fastest growing careers Jobs for the future VIDEO 331.7 TEN The ten fastest growing careers Jobs for the future VIDEO 331.7 TEN The ten fastest growing careers Jobs for the future VIDEO 331.7 TEN The ten fastest growing careers Jobs for the future VIDEO 331.702 JOB Jobs for the 21st century VIDEO 331.702 JOB Jobs for the 21st century VIDEO 331.702 JOB Jobs for the 21st century VIDEO 331.8 GRO The Growth of the Labor Movement VIDEO 332.024 PEN A penny saved how to grow money. VIDEO 332.024 PER Personal finance VIDEO 332.024 UND Understanding investments VIDEO 334.01CAR Careers in public and personal services VIDEO 335 CAP Capitalism and communism comparisons and contrasts VIDEO 335.4 FAL The fall of Communism VIDEO 336.24TAX Taxes VIDEO 341.13 HIS The History and functions of the United Nations Parts 1 & 2 VIDEO 341.13 HIS The History and functions of the United Nations Parts 1 & 2 VIDEO 341.7 HUN Hunting bin Laden VIDEO 342.73 CON The Constitution of the United States of America Parts 1 & 2 VIDEO 342.73 CON The Constitution of the United States of America Parts 1 & 2 VIDEO 342.73 We "We the People...the U.S. Constitution and You"--VIDEO 344.7 SUP Supreme court decisions that changed the nation. Part 4 VIDEO 344.7 SUP Supreme court decisions that changed the nation. Part 5 VIDEO 344.73 CRI Crisis at Central High VIDEO 344.73 MON The Monkey trial VIDEO 345 CRI A crime of insanity VIDEO 345.73 INS The Insanity pleas legal loophole or legitimate defense? VIDEO 345.73 ROS The Rosenbergs VIDEO 345.73 ROS The Rosenbergs VIDEO 346.013 SUP Supreme Court decisions that changed the nation. Dred Scott vs. Sandford : the Dred Scott decision VIDEO 350.74 DUE Due process of law VIDEO 350.833 EQU Equal opportunity VIDEO 353 YOU Your executive branch and you VIDEO 353.04 U.S.The U.S. Congress and you VIDEO 353.04 U.S.The U.S. Congress and you VIDEO 353.04 U.S.The U.S. Congress and you VIDEO 353.62 McC McCarthy, death of a witch hunter VIDEO 355 AME America's Five-Star Heroes documentary about heroes in the highest rank of U.S. Armed Forces VIDEO 362.2 COC Cocaine kids VIDEO 362.2 SOM Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it VIDEO 362.293 REA Reach out VIDEO 362.7 CHI Child abuse and neglect the hidden hurt VIDEO 362.8 CHI Children of denial about youngsters, adolescents and adults as children of alcoholic VIDEO 362.8 DAT Date rape VIDEO 362.8 FAM Family violence the battering syndrome. VIDEO 363.12 DUI DUI--Dead in 5 Seconds VIDEO 363.2 POL Police officer exams review VIDEO 363.2 ROD The Rodney King Incident VIDEO 363.7 HOL Hole in the sky VIDEO 364.1 BAS The Basement & Trunk Murderers Gary Heidnik (1986-87), Body in the trunk murders (1927) VIDEO 364.1 DEA Deadly Doctors Dr. John Bodkin Adams. VIDEO 364.1 FAM Family Killers: Butch Defeo, Graham Young VIDEO 364.1 FAM Famous Assassinations VIDEO 364.1 FOU Four days in November VIDEO 364.1 GRE Great Forensic Cases. VIDEO 364.1 HIG Highway Killers Gaston Dominici & The Drummond Murders; Henry Lee Lucas VIDEO 364.1 JAC Jack the Ripper VIDEO 364.1 LIN Lindbergh kidnapping. VIDEO 364.1 Pub Public Enemies Ma Barker and Other Public Enemies VIDEO 364.1 QUE Questions of Doubt VIDEO 364.1 THR Thrill Killers Leopold and Loeb (1924); Leonard Lake and Charles NG (1985) VIDEO 364.1 WAT Watergate VIDEO 364.173 DRI Drinking and driving the toll, the tears VIDEO 370.154 REA Reaching in, reaching out VIDEO 370.9749 PEN Pennsville Memorial High School Memories 1986-87 VIDEO 370.9749 SAL Salem County 2000 VIDEO 371.26 BET Better Grades in Fewer Days Test Taking Techniques. VIDEO 371.3 HOW How to use an almanac VIDEO 371.3 PUT Putting ideas in order outlining skills VIDEO 371.3 SAT SAT-PSAT math review VIDEO 371.3 SAT SAT-PSAT math review VIDEO 371.3 STU Student super planners VIDEO 371.3 WHE Where there's a will there's an... A how to get better grades in high school VIDEO 371.3 WHE Where there's a will there's an... A how to get better grades in high school VIDEO 371.42 CAR Career awareness VIDEO 371.42 CAR Careers 2000 video for high school students. VIDEO 372.3 DRO Dropping out road to nowhere VIDEO 373.42/12 TO To Sir, with love VIDEO 374 BLU Don Bluffing it an ABC and Nabisco Showcase special VIDEO 380 COM Communication skills succeeding in the world of work VIDEO 384.55 IMP The Impact of television VIDEO 385 TRA Transcontinental railroad VIDEO 387.1 LIG Lighthouse Illumination VIDEO 398.2 LEG The Legend of Arthur VIDEO 398.2 QUE The Quest for Olwen VIDEO 420 LIG A light history of the English language VIDEO 420 STORY The Story of English with Robert MacNeil. VIDEO 500 SEC Secrets of science; Video 6--Earth's Extremes. Video 6. VIDEO 500 SEC Secrets of science; Video 7-- Our Sea and Sky. Video 7. VIDEO 510 COM Computation skills succeeding in the world of work VIDEO 510 CON A Consumer math a comprehensive review VIDEO 510 DEC Decimals, a comprehensive review VIDEO 510 LAN Lanzer, Peter. Video review of arithmetic VIDEO 510 PER Percents a comprehensive review of percents. VIDEO 510 PRO Probability VIDEO 510 PRO Probability VIDEO 512 ALG Algebra 1. Volume 1 VIDEO 513 DON Donald in mathmagic land VIDEO 515 CAL Calculus 1 a comprehensive review VIDEO 515 CAL Calculus 1 a comprehensive review VIDEO 515 CAL Calculus 2 a comprehensive review VIDEO 515 CAL Calculus 2 a comprehensive review VIDEO 516 BAS Basic Geometry A mathematics series for grades 5 - 9 VIDEO 520 REA The really big world of astronomy. Part 2 VIDEO 520 REA The really big world of astronomy. Part 2 VIDEO 523.1 OUT Outer space way out there! VIDEO 523.4 PLA Planets & the solar system VIDEO 523.8 EXP Experiments in space. VIDEO 523.8 STA Star recognition a graphic guide to the heavens VIDEO 526.8 CAR Cartography. Fashion VIDEO 530 GRA The gravity-packed world of physics. Pt.1 VIDEO 531 MYS The mysteries of motion and power VIDEO 531 POW Powerful forces VIDEO 539.7 NUC Nuclear fusion energy for the 21st century. VIDEO 540 pt.1 The super-charged world of chemistry. Part 1 VIDEO 540 SUP The super-charged world of chemistry. Part 2 VIDEO 540 SUP The super-charged world chemistry. Part 3, Elements VIDEO 546 PER The periodic table VIDEO 547 DEE The deep-fried world of organic chemistry. Part. 2 VIDEO 547 DEE The deep-fried world of organic chemistry. Part 3 VIDEO 547 DEE The deep-fried world of organic chemistry. Part 1 VIDEO 550 ROC The rockin' world of geology. Part 1. Principles, materials, and processes VIDEO 550 ROC The rockin' world of geology. Part 2 VIDEO 551.4 In the Estuary In the Estuary VIDEO 551.5 WHA What's up with the weather? a Nova/Frontline special VIDEO 551.59 UND Understanding weather and climate VIDEO 567.9 DIN Dinosaurs those big boneheads VIDEO 574 DIS The dissected world of biology VIDEO 574.024 CAR Careers in the physical and life sciences VIDEO 575 MAK The Making of mankind parts 1, 2, 3 VIDEO 575 MAK The Making of mankind parts 1, 2, 3 VIDEO 575 MAK The Making of mankind parts 1, 2, 3 VIDEO 575.1 GEN Genetics observing patterns of inheritance. VIDEO 576.64 VIR Viruses, the mysterious enemy VIDEO 576.8 EXT Extinction! VIDEO 576.8 HOW How life survives: adaptation and evolution VIDEO 579.3 UND Understanding bacteria VIDEO 597.9 REP Reptiles and insects VIDEO 608 AME American inventors the fabulous story of how inventors VIDEO 610.69 CAR Careers in health services opportunities for you VIDEO 610.69 CAR Careers in health services opportunities for you VIDEO 612 ANA The anatomically correct world of anatomy-Part 1. VIDEO 612 ANA The anatomically correct world of anatomy-Part 2. VIDEO 612 HUM The human body the inside scoop! VIDEO 612 Inc The Incredible human machine National Geographic VIDEO 612.1 BLO Blood river of life, mirror of health. VIDEO 612.6 STR Straight talk about sexual health choices and consequences VIDEO 613.7 CAR Careers in health care VIDEO 613.7 JAN Jane Fonda's prime time workout exercise program VIDEO 613.7 SWE Sweatin' to the oldies 2 with Richard Simmons. VIDEO 613.8 COC Cocaine, the emerging facts VIDEO 613.8 SUR Surviving lifestyle drugs VIDEO 614.8 SAF Safety in the science laboratory VIDEO 616.02 FIR First aid, the video kit VIDEO 616.079 OUR Our Immune System VIDEO 616.85 ADO Adolescent depression VIDEO 616.85 ANO Anorexia and bulimia VIDEO 616.85 DYI Dying to be thin VIDEO 616.85 MY My friend wants to die understanding teenage suicide VIDEO 616.86 MIN The Mind Addictions VIDEO 616.89 MIN The Mind and the brain Madness VIDEO 616.97 AID AIDS, what are the risks? VIDEO 616.99 CAN Cancer, the genetic connection VIDEO 621 CAR Careers in mechanical fields VIDEO 621 MEC Mechanical Engineering VIDEO 621.384 EMP Empire of the air the men who made radio VIDEO 623 CAS Castle VIDEO 623.4 RAC Race for the superbomb VIDEO 629.133 HIN The Hindenburg VIDEO 629.22 CAR Car smart VIDEO 629.22 DRI Driving passion America's love affair with the car. VIDEO 629.222 BUY Buying a new car VIDEO 629.28 REP Replacing shocks and struts VIDEO 629.4 AME America in space the 1st 25 years. VIDEO 629.4 PUT Putting man in space Sound engineering VIDEO 629.4 SPA Space exploration VIDEO 629.43 MAR Mars dead or alive VIDEO 641.5 FOO The Food service industry, career opportunities for you VIDEO 641.5 MEA Measure up in the kitchen VIDEO 650.1 JOB Job interview skills VIDEO 650.1 WOR Working VIDEO 650.14 HOW How to write a resume Competency skills VIDEO 650.14 INT Interviewing VIDEO 650.14 RES Resumes & cover letters VIDEO 651.3 AVO Avoiding the 10 most commonly made business etiquette VIDEO 651.3 BAS The Basics of handling incoming calls VIDEO 651.3 HUB The Hub of the wheel projecting a professional image. VIDEO 651.3 IMP Improving your outgoing calls VIDEO 658,4 CAR Careers in administration & management VIDEO 658.45 COM Communication skills at work dealing with supervisors VIDEO 658.8 CAR Careers in marketing & sales VIDEO 658.812 COM Communication skills at work dealing with customers VIDEO 659.1 SEL Sell and Spin a history of advertising VIDEO 690 CAR Careers in construction VIDEO 690 PYR Pyramid the award winning Public Television program VIDEO 700.414 CLA Classicism and romanticism the sober and the sublime VIDEO 708.4 TOU A Tour of the Louvre VIDEO 709 REA Reason and enlightenment VIDEO 720 ARC Architecture and structural engineering VIDEO 726 CAT Cathedral VIDEO 746.95 CAR Careers in production VIDEO 759.05 IMP The impressionists VIDEO 778.59 SUC Successful Camera Work for video VIDEO 778.59 SUC Successful Editing for Video VIDEO 778.59 SUC Successful Lighting for Video VIDEO 778.59 SUC Successful Sound for Video VIDEO 781.65 JAZ Jazz VIDEO 782.8 CATS Cats VIDEO 784.8 BLA Blast! VIDEO 791.43 ACT Acting in film an actor's take on movie making VIDEO 791.43 AME American Cinema One Hundred Years of Filmmaking. VIDEO 791.43 CHA Charly VIDEO 791.4372 MEM The Member of the wedding VIDEO 791.45 CRE Creating critical viewers VIDEO 791.457 ROO Roots VIDEO 791.4572 Roots, the next generations VIDEO 792 BLO Blocking A Scene Basic Staging With Actors VIDEO 792 EXP Exploring a character VIDEO 792 LIF Life and death in Britain's ancient theaters VIDEO 792 NEG The Negro Ensemble Company VIDEO 792 PLA The Players costumes and makeup. VIDEO 792 STA The Stage set design and construction. VIDEO 792 VIS A visit to the theatre VIDEO 792.02 TEN Tennessee Williams theater in process VIDEO 792.025 SHE Shedding some light VIDEO 792.027 MAK The make up workshop VIDEO 792.028 AUD Audition techniques VIDEO 792.028 BUI Building a character VIDEO 792.09 SHA Shakespeare and the Globe VIDEO 792.095 KAB Kabuki Classics Onoe baiko VII in "The Salt Gatherer". VIDEO 792.095 THI This is Noh VIDEO 792.7 VAU Vaudeville VIDEO 792.702 LEG Legends of comedy, The Golden age of comedy; The 20’s and 30’s VIDEO 793.3 PEN Pennsville Memorial High School homecoming -1983 VIDEO 796.4 ONE One hundred years of Olympic glory VIDEO 808 BEF Before the first word VIDEO 808 ENG English file telling tales. VIDEO 808 MOO Moochin' & beggin VIDEO 808 MRS Mrs. Tyger VIDEO 808 PIE Pieces of a puzzle VIDEO 808 PLA Plagiarism it's a crime VIDEO 808 SIM Simile and metaphor the mark of genius VIDEO 808 STR Stranded VIDEO 808.02 WHE Where to go for what you want special problems in library VIDEO 808.066 COM Communication skills: expository writing VIDEO 808.5 I HA I have a dream the electrifying speech that changed the hearts and minds of a bitterly divided nation. VIDEO 808.5 KEN John Fitzgerald Kennedy inaugural address. VIDEO 808.5 RICHARD Richard M. Nixon statement of resignation, Aug.8, 1974. VIDEO 808.5 SPE Franklin D. Roosevelt VIDEO 808.5 SPE Speech to inform VIDEO 808.5 SPE Speeches collection: John F. Kennedy VIDEO 808.5 SPE Speeches to persuade VIDEO 808.8 CHI Chinua Achebe VIDEO 808.8 CHI Chinua Achebe Africa's voice. VIDEO 808.8 TEL Telling an old story VIDEO 808.81FOO Fooling with words VIDEO 808.82 WES West side story VIDEO 808.83 NOV The Novel th VIDEO 809 GAW Gawain and the green Knight dramatized version of the late 14 century poem VIDEO 809.2 MED Medieval drama from sanctuary to stage. VIDEO 810 AUD An Audio visual history of American literature Part 1 and 2 VIDEO 810 AUD An Audio visual history of American literature Part 1 and 2 VIDEO 810 EDG Edgar Allan Poe. Video on the works of Edgar Allan Poe VIDEO 810 WRI Writings of Benjamin Franklin VIDEO 810 WRI Writings of Jefferson and Madison VIDEO 810 WRI Writings of Thomas Paine VIDEO 810 WRI Writings of William Bradford VIDEO 810.9 CHOPIN Kate Chopin Five Stories of an Hour VIDEO 811 ALF An introduction to poetry writing VIDEO 811 AME American in portrait VIDEO 811 BLA Black American literature VIDEO 811EECummings E.E. Cummings An American Original. VIDEO 811 ENG English file the picture is the poem. VIDEO 811 RAV The Raven VIDEO 811 WIT With a feminine touch VIDEO 812 ART Arthur Miller and the Crucible interweaves rarely-seen excerpts from the BBC production of the play with a dramatization of congressional hearing testimony VIDEO 812 ART Arthur Miller an interview VIDEO 812 CRU The crucible VIDEO 812 DAY Days of wine & roses VIDEO 812 HAN A raisin in the sun VIDEO 812 LOT The lottery VIDEO 812 MIL Death of a salesman VIDEO 812 MIL Death of a salesman VIDEO 812 ONE Beyond the Horizon VIDEO 812 PRI Private conversations on the set of Death of a salesman VIDEO 812 ROS Twelve (12) angry men VIDEO 812 WIN Winterset VIDEO 812.5082 MIR The miracle worker, story of Helen Keller VIDEO 813 BRU Understanding F. Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby VIDEO 813 GRA The grapes of wrath VIDEO 813.54 JAC Jack Kerouac's Road VIDEO 813.54 RAP Rappaccini's daughter VIDEO 814 CON Concord, a nation's conscience the voices of Emerson and Thoreau VIDEO 818 THO Walden great books. VIDEO 820 A-V HISTORY An A-V History of English Literature VIDEO 820 JOY Joyce, Yeats and Wilde VIDEO 821 PRO A Prologue to Chaucer VIDEO 821 PRO Prologue to the Canterbury tales VIDEO 821 ROB Robert Burns Love and liberty. VIDEO 821 WIL William Wordsworth and the English Lakes VIDEO 821.7 RIM The Rime of the ancient mariner video VIDEO 822 EAR Early English drama The second shepherd's play VIDEO 822 LAW The Rocking Horse Winner VIDEO 822 LIO The Lion in winter VIDEO 822 MAN A Man for all seasons VIDEO 822.2 EVE Everyman VIDEO 822.3 AS As You Like It VIDEO 822.3 AS As you like it VIDEO 822.3 HAM Hamlet Prince of Denmark Understanding Shakespeare VIDEO 822.3 LOO Looking for Richard VIDEO 822.3 OTH Othello the Moor of Venice. VIDEO 822.3 ROM Romeo and Juliet VIDEO 822.3 ROM Romeo and Juliet VIDEO 822.3 SHA Shakespearean tragedy VIDEO 822.3 SHA Shakespeare's soliloquies VIDEO 822.3 TM The Taming of the shrew VIDEO 822.33 HAM Hamlet, Prince of Denmark VIDEO 822.33 HEN Henry V VIDEO 822.33 INT In the steps of William Shakespeare Stratford. VIDEO 822.33 JUL Julius Caesar VIDEO 822.33 JUL Julius Caesar VIDEO 822.33 MAC Macbeth--Understanding Shakespeare VIDEO 822.33 MAC Macbeth VIDEO 822.33 MID A Midsummer night's dream VIDEO 822.33 OTH Othello VIDEO 822.33 OTH Othello VIDEO 822.33 OTH Othello VIDEO 822.33 PLA Playing Shakespeare rehearsing the text VIDEO 822.33 ROM Romeo and Juliet VIDEO 822.33 ROM Romeo and Juliet VIDEO 822.33 SHA Shakespeare and his theater the globe. VIDEO 822.33 SHA Shakespeare: Drama's DNA Changing Stages; 100 Years VIDEO 822.33 SHA Macbeth VIDEO 822.33 SHA Shakespeare, soul of an age VIDEO 822.33 SHA Shakespeare and his theatre. the gentle Shakespeare VIDEO 822.33 SPE Speaking Shakespearean verse VIDEO 822.33 TRA The tragedy of Macbeth VIDEO 822.33 TWE Twelfth Night 2 Part video; The acclaimed Kenneth Branagh production VIDEO 822.33 TWE Twelfth Night 2 Part video; The acclaimed Kenneth Branagh production VIDEO 823 WIL William Golding VIDEO 823 WOOLF Virginia Woolf's Criticism of the 19th Century Novel Life VIDEO 823.2 LE MORTE Le Morte d'Arthur VIDEO 829.3 BEO Beowulf VIDEO 829.3 BEO Beowulf VIDEO 829.3 OLD Old English Poetry VIDEO 833 NAB Nabokov on Kafka VIDEO 839.8 IMM Immortal Ibsen VIDEO 851.1 DAN Dante the divine comedy VIDEO 860 ALL Isabel Allende The woman's voice in Latin-American VIDEO 863.32 CER Don Quixote VIDEO 882 DRA Greek Drama from ritual to theater VIDEO 882 MED Medea VIDEO 882 OED Oedipus Rex VIDEO 882 OED Oedipus Rex VIDEO 883 HOM The Odyssey VIDEO 883 HOM The Odyssey great books VIDEO 895.6 THE Theater in Japan VIDEO 909.07 MED The Medieval mind VIDEO 909.8 COL The Cold War The Cold War VIDEO 909.82 190 The 1900s seeds of progress VIDEO 909.82 191 The 1910s the modern age begins VIDEO 909.82 192 The 1920s a decade of contradictions VIDEO 909.82 193 The 1930s the great depression VIDEO 909.82 194 The 1940s war, recovery and rebirth VIDEO 909.82 195 The 1950s promoting the American dream VIDEO 909.82 196 The 1960s a global revolution VIDEO 909.82 197 The 1970s power plays VIDEO 909.82 198 The 1980s a decade of decadence VIDEO 909.82 199 The 1990s America's hard drive VIDEO 909.82 FAB The Fabulous 60's: an overview VIDEO 909.82 WIT Witness to history--1900-1909 days that shook the world VIDEO 910.4 TIT The Titanic Secrets of the unknown VIDEO 910.9 AGE The Age of exploration how did it change the world? VIDEO 914.2 BAT Bath, a video portrait VIDEO 914.2 DES Destination Britain VIDEO 914.2 SHA Shakespeare's Stratford VIDEO 914.22 CHA The Charm of London a 2 day tour of London; historic landmarks and ceremonies VIDEO 914.6 SPA Spain The Moorish Influence. VIDEO 917.47 NEW New York the way it was VIDEO 920 BIO Biography of the millennium 100 people - 1000 years VIDEO 920 BIO Biography of the millennium 100 people - 1000 years VIDEO 920 BIO Biography of the millennium 100 people - 1000 years VIDEO 920 BIO Biography of the millennium 100 people - 1000 years VIDEO 920 GLORIOUS The Glorious romantics VIDEO 920 KENNEDYS The Kennedys VIDEO 920 KIN Kings & Queens of England. Vol. 2 VIDEO 920 KIN Kings & Queens of England. Vol. 1 VIDEO 920 MAS The Master poets' collection Wordsworth and Coleridge. VIDEO 920 ROC The Rockefellers VIDEO 920 VANDERBILTS The Vanderbilts an American dynasty VIDEO 932 EGY Egypt, gift of the Nile VIDEO 932 SEC Secrets of the Pharaohs VIDEO 932 TUT Tut, the boy king VIDEO 936.2 STO Stonehenge VIDEO 937 FAL The Fall of the Roman Empire VIDEO 937 FAL The Fall of the Roman Empire VIDEO 940.1 FEU Feudalism, lords, and vassals VIDEO 940.1 KNI Knights and armor VIDEO 940.1 LIF Life in a medieval town VIDEO 940.3 CAU Causes of World War I VIDEO 940.3 LAW Lawrence of Arabia VIDEO 940.3 LAW Lawrence of Arabia VIDEO 940.3 WOR World War I, 1914-1918 VIDEO 940.4 GAL Gallipoli VIDEO 940.52 SPA The Spanish civil war VIDEO 940.52 SPA The Spanish civil war VIDEO 940.53 HOL Holocaust The story of man's inhumanity to man VIDEO 940.53 HOL Holocaust The story of man's inhumanity to man VIDEO 940.53 HOL Holocaust The story of man's inhumanity to man VIDEO 940.53 WE We must never forget the story of the Holocaust VIDEO 940.54 ASS Assignment rescue; the story of Varian Fry and the Emergency Rescue Committee VIDEO 940.54 CAU Causes of World War II VIDEO 940.54 ENO Enola Gay and the bombing of Japan VIDEO 940.54 HIT Hitler's master plan the third Reich. VIDEO 940.54 INF Infamous Massacres The Massacre at Malmedy (1944) VIDEO 940.54 MEM Memory of the camps VIDEO 940.54 NAT A Nation falls Part 3. VIDEO 940.54 NEW The New Regime part I. VIDEO 940.54 NEW A Newsreel library of World War II VIDEO 940.54 NIG Night and fog stark portrait of the Nazi death camps VIDEO 940.54 SCH Schindler's List VIDEO 940.54 TRI Triumph of the will VIDEO 940.54 VID The Video Encyclopedia of World War II VIDEO 941 ENG England in the Middle Ages VIDEO 941 TOU Touring Scotland VIDEO 941.5 EXP Exploring the Celtic lands home in the Celtic lands. VIDEO 941.5 TOU Touring Ireland VIDEO 941.5 TUR The Turn of time VIDEO 942 TOU Touring England VIDEO 942.01 KIN King Arthur his life and legends VIDEO 942.05 HEN Henry VIII scandals of a king. VIDEO 943.1 WAL The Wall the making and breaking of the Berlin Wall. VIDEO 948.02 VIK The Vikings life and conquests. VIDEO 951 JAP Japan children and their dreams. VIDEO 951 JAP Japan's Corporate System VIDEO 951.9 KOR Korea the forgotten war VIDEO 951.904 KOR Korean War stories VIDEO 952 CUS Customs and manners VIDEO 954 PAS A Passage to India VIDEO 956.04 SEA The search for peace in the Middle East VIDEO 956.9 JOU A Journey through the Bible lands VIDEO 959.704 VIE Vietnam, the ten thousand day war VIDEO 959.704 VIE Vietnam, the ten thousand day war VIDEO 959.704 VIE Vietnam, the ten thousand day war VIDEO 959.704 VIE Vietnam, the ten thousand day war VIDEO 959.704 VIE Vietnam, the ten thousand day war VIDEO 959.704 VIE Vietnam, the ten thousand day war VIDEO 960 ANC The Ancient Africans VIDEO 968 GOR On being a Liberal in white South Africa VIDEO 970.1 BRO The broken cord VIDEO 970.1 DEA The Death of the bison VIDEO 970.1 SEA The Search of the first Americans VIDEO 970.1 SEA Searching for Native American identity Louise Erdrich VIDEO 970.1 SEA Searching for Native American identity Louise Erdrich VIDEO 971 Eskimo Eskimo VIDEO 972.91CUB The Cuban missile crisis VIDEO 973 BEC Becoming a modern nation (Kept in SS Department) VIDEO 973 PRO The Progressive era reform works in America VIDEO 973 TRA The Transformation of American society VIDEO 973 TWE Twentieth century America VIDEO 973.7 GET Gettysburg the boys in blue & gray VIDEO 973.7 GLO Glory the heart-stopping story of the first black regiment VIDEO 973.7 ROO Roots of resistance; a story of the underground railroad VIDEO 973.9 AME America 1900 VIDEO 973.9 GRE 1929-1941 The Great Depression. VIDEO 973.9 MIS Missiles of October VIDEO 973.91AME American ideals in the twentieth century VIDEO 973.91CRA A The crash of 1929 VIDEO 973.91WOR World War II-- breadlines to boomtimes. Part III, The problems of peace VIDEO 973.913 TWE The twenties VIDEO 973.918 PIC Picture This. VIDEO 974.45 THR Three sovereigns for Sarah VIDEO 974.9 DEL The New Jersey State The Delaware River a question of balance VIDEO 974.9 RIV Riverview memories historical footage of Riverview Park VIDEO 978 DON The Donner party VIDEO 92 ALEXANDER Alexander the Great VIDEO 92 ANN Anne of the thousand days VIDEO 92 AUSTEN Jane Austen VIDEO 92 CARNEGIE Andrew Carnegie prince of steel VIDEO 92 CHURCHILL The Finest hours--Winston Churchill VIDEO 92 DICKENS Famous authors Charles Dickens VIDEO 92 DICKINSON The Belle of Amherst VIDEO 92 DICKINSON Emily Dickinson VIDEO 92 EISENHOWER The Story of Dwight D. Eisenhower VIDEO 92 EL CID El Cid VIDEO 92 FORD The Story of Henry Ford VIDEO 92 FRANK The diary of Anne Frank VIDEO 92 FROST Robert Frost A first acquaintance. VIDEO 92 GARCIA MARQUEZ García Márquez un viaje al corzón de la memoria VIDEO 92 HELEN Helen of Troy VIDEO 92 HEMINGWAY Hemingway VIDEO 92 HIROHITO Hirohito VIDEO 92 HUGHES Langston Hughes VIDEO 92 KENNEDY John F. Kennedy the commemorative video album. VIDEO 92 KING Martin Luther King commemorative collection. VIDEO 92 LEONARDO The life of Leonardo da Vinci VIDEO 92 LINDBERGH Lindbergh VIDEO 92 LONDON My Jack London a daughter remembers. VIDEO 92 MARY STUART Mary of Scotland VIDEO 92 Morrison Toni Morrison VIDEO 92 PICCOLO Brian's song VIDEO 92 Pittman The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman VIDEO 92 POE Edgar Allan Poe terror of the soul VIDEO 92 POTTER Beatrix Potter a private world VIDEO 92 ROBESON Speak of me as I am a documentary on the life and times VIDEO 92 TRUMAN Bill Sargent's Theatro Vision Give 'em Hell, Harry! VIDEO 92 TWAIN Mark Twain his amazing adventures. VIDEO 92 VONNEGUT Kurt Vonnegut So it goes VIDEO 92 WHITMAN Walt Whitman poet for a new age VIDEO FIC ADV The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn VIDEO FIC ADV The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn VIDEO FIC ADV The adventures of Huckleberry Finn VIDEO FIC ALL All quiet on the western front VIDEO FIC ANI John Animal farm VIDEO FIC BAR Bartleby VIDEO FIC BILLY Billy Budd Herman Melville's classic story of the personal VIDEO FIC BLA The Black Cat VIDEO FIC BLA. Black like me VIDEO FIC BRA Fahrenheit 451 VIDEO FIC BRA Braveheart VIDEO FIC BRA Braveheart VIDEO FIC BRONTE Wuthering Heights The classic collection VIDEO FIC BUC The buccaneers Parts, I, II, III VIDEO FIC BUC The buccaneers Parts, I, II, III VIDEO FIC BUC The buccaneers Parts, I, II, III VIDEO FIC CAL The Call of the wild VIDEO FIC CIT Citizen Kane VIDEO FIC CLE The Adventures of Tom Sawyer VIDEO FIC DAV David Copperfield VIDEO FIC DEA Dead Poets Society VIDEO FIC DEA Dead Poets Society VIDEO FIC DeM The Necklace VIDEO FIC DIC Charles Dickens' A tale of two cities VIDEO FIC DOL A doll's house VIDEO FIC DRE A Place in the Sun VIDEO FIC ELI Silas Marner the weaver of Raveloe VIDEO FIC ELI Elizabeth VIDEO FIC ESC The fantastic world of M.C. Escher VIDEO FIC FAI Fail safe VIDEO FIC FLO A review of the novel Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes VIDEO FIC FOR Forrest Gump VIDEO FIC FRA Frankenstein VIDEO FIC FRA Frankenstein VIDEO FIC GLA The Glass menagerie VIDEO FIC GOL Lord of the flies VIDEO FIC GOO The Good Earth VIDEO FIC GRE Great Expectations Part I and Part II VIDEO FIC GRE The Great Gatsby VIDEO FIC GRE The Great Gatsby VIDEO FIC GUE Ordinary people VIDEO FIC HAW The Scarlet letter VIDEO FIC HAW The Scarlet letter VIDEO FIC HAW The Scarlet letter. VIDEO FIC HEL Catch 22 VIDEO FIC HER A Hero ain't nothin' but a sandwich VIDEO FIC HIN The Outsiders VIDEO FIC HOB The Hobbit VIDEO FIC HUN The Hunt VIDEO FIC I AM I am the cheese VIDEO FIC INH Inherit the wind VIDEO FIC INH Inherit the wind VIDEO FIC JAC The Monkey's paw VIDEO FIC JAC The Monkey's paw VIDEO FIC JAN Jane Eyre VIDEO FIC JON John Steinbeck's Cannery Row VIDEO FIC LAS The Last of the Mohicans VIDEO FIC LES A Lesson Before Dying VIDEO FIC LIT Little women VIDEO FIC LIT Little women VIDEO FIC LON Jack London's White fang VIDEO FIC LOR Lord of the flies Synopsis. VIDEO FIC LOR Lord Jim VIDEO FIC LOR Lord of the flies VIDEO FIC LUC The luck of the Roaring Camp VIDEO FIC MAN The Man without a country VIDEO FIC MAN The Man who would be king VIDEO FIC MAR Ray Bradbury's The Martian chronicles. VIDEO FIC MAR Ray Bradbury's The Martian chronicles. VIDEO FIC MAR Ray Bradbury's The Martian chronicles. VIDEO FIC MAR Mark Twain tonight! VIDEO FIC MEL Moby Dick VIDEO FIC MEL Herman Melville's Moby Dick VIDEO FIC MUT Mutiny on the bounty VIDEO FIC NAT The Natural VIDEO FIC OLD Ernest Hemingway's The old man and the sea VIDEO FIC ONE One flew over the cuckoo's nest VIDEO FIC OUR Our town by Thornton Wilder VIDEO FIC POE The cask of Amontillado VIDEO FIC PRI Pride and prejudice VIDEO FIC RED The Red badge of courage VIDEO FIC REQ Requiem for a heavyweight VIDEO FIC ROW Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (in Spanish) VIDEO FIC RUM Rumble fish VIDEO FIC SAN The Great Santini VIDEO FIC SEP Separate but equal VIDEO FIC SEP Separate but equal VIDEO FIC SEP A separate peace VIDEO FIC SHA Shane VIDEO FIC SLA Slaughterhouse-five VIDEO FIC SOU Sounder VIDEO FIC SPA Space Jam Version en Espanol. VIDEO FIC STA Stand and deliver VIDEO FIC STE Of mice and men VIDEO FIC STE Kidnapped VIDEO FIC STE John Steinbeck's The red pony VIDEO FIC STE. The pearl VIDEO FIC STE The pearl VIDEO FIC STE The grapes of wrath VIDEO FIC STO Uncle Tom's cabin VIDEO FIC TAL A Tale of two cities (synopsis) synopsis and review of the novel VIDEO FIC TAY Roll of thunder, hear my cry VIDEO FIC TES Tess VIDEO FIC THA That was then-- this is now VIDEO FIC THU The Secret life of Walter Mitty VIDEO FIC TIM Galaxy The Time machine VIDEO FIC TO To dance with the white dog VIDEO FIC TO To kill a mocking bird VIDEO FIC TO To build a fire VIDEO FIC TOK To kill a mockingbird VIDEO FIC TOK To kill a mockingbird (synopsis) synopsis and review of the novel VIDEO FIC TOY Toy Story version doblada al espanol de Toy Story. VIDEO FIC TRE Treasure island (1934) VIDEO FIC WAL. Alice Walker and The color purple (a 60-minute documentary for language arts, American history, women’s studies, black studies and contemporary culture) VIDEO FIC WAR The war of the worlds VIDEO FIC WIL A streetcar named Desire original director's version VIDEO SC AME Paul's case VIDEO SC CLA Classic Literary Stories. Vol. 3 VIDEO SC EDG Edgar Allen Poe's the gold bug VIDEO SC EDG Edgar Allen Poe's the gold bug VIDEO SC FIT Bernice bobs her hair VIDEO SC GIFT The Gift of love VIDEO SC JIMMY O. Henry's Jimmy Valentine. VIDEO SC LAD The lady, or the tiger? VIDEO SC MUS John Updike's the Music school & Ambrose Bierce's Parker Adderson, Philosopher