Subject: Math 8


Subject: Math 8

Topic: Chapter 8 Integers

Time Line: March-April

Strand: Numbers

General Outcome:

Develop number sense with Integers

Specific Outcomes: (N7)

Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication and division of integers, concretely (real life examples), pictorially (pictures) and

symbolically (sign rules).

Specific Skills:

Exploring Integer Multiplication

_____ Multiply integers using pictures

Multiplying Integers

_____ Determine integer products using a number line

_____ Apply the sign rule when multiplying integers

Exploring Integer Division

_____ Divide integers using chips (pictures)

Dividing Integers

_____ Determine integer quotients using a number line

_____ Apply the sign rule when dividing integers

Applying Integer Operations

_____ Decide when to multiply or divide in problem solving

_____ Apply order of operations to solve problems.

Assessment For Learning

Show You Know


Homework Assignments


Assessment Of Learning



Chapter Test

Key Words: integer, zero pair, order of operations, sign rule, product, quotient

Key Ideas:

Exploring Multiplication of integers using pictures (chips)

Multiplying integers using a number line and sign rules

Exploring Division of integers using pictures (chips)

Dividing Integers using a number line and sign rules

Applying order of operation

Questions for Chapter


Adding, Subtracting



289 Show You Know

________ 291


________ 297


Practice; 8 – 12, 16 (6)

Show You Know

Practice; 4 – 8, 12, 14 (7)

Show You Know

________ 304


________ 310

313 -314

Practice; 3-7, 9, 10 (7)

Show You Know

Practice; 5 – 7, 12 14 (5)

Show You Know

________ 315

________ 318

Practice; 4 – 8, 18, 19, 22 (8)

Chapter Review; 2- 24 even (12)

Assessment as a Learner

_____ Mastery

_____ Proficient

_____ Acceptable

_____ Beginning

Student ________

Teacher ________

Where to from here. What can I do to improve my understanding of the outcomes in this unit?





