Volume XXXX Fall 2006 - Phi Beta Kappa Alumni of Southern

Key Notes
Volume XXXX • Fall 2006
Phi Beta Kappa Alumni in Southern California
Alpha Association
President Sue Rokaw with Jin Tang, guest at dinner honoring
international scholarship winners.
President’s Message
I recently read an article about a wellknown and highly regarded judge. The
biographical portion of the article started with: “Initiated into Phi Beta Kappa
at Yale University in 1954….” I was
struck by the fact that given all this jurist’s achievements including numerous
accolades and awards for his work as a
lawyer, jurist and a community leader,
that the recognition as a Phi Bete, albeit
earned several decades before, stood
in such a prominent place. The lasting
recognition that comes with becoming
a Phi Bete during one’s college days remains a strong bridge between our past
– our academic achievements, the time
in our lives when our worlds revolved
around learning, and the hard work
associated with getting good grades
and the promise of making something
of ourselves – and our lives now, the
promise fulfilled. Could this jurist have
known when he was a newly initiated
Phi Beta Kappa welcomes renowned
music scholar and UCLA professor
Robert Winter for an evening at the
UCLA Faculty Center on Saturday,
January 27. Dr. Winter will provide
insight into how the methods we use
to teach music impacts our lifelong
learning and appreciation for the great
classics of Beethoven and Mozart. Dr.
Winter’s appearances are always freewheeling, memorable occasions and
our event will include his trademark use
of audience interaction to guide our
musical evening. Our event will also
include a cocktail hour with a live string
quartet and a three-course dinner.
Scholar/pianist Robert Winter is known
for his pioneering work in interactive
multimedia applied to music, including
CD-ROM titles on Beethoven’s Ninth
Symphony, Stravinsky’s “The Rite of
Spring,” Mozart’s “Dissonant” Quartet,
and Dvorak’s “New World” Symphony.
He has become an international
spokesperson for the role of content
and the arts in a digital world, and has
been a featured
speaker at many
and meetings
the world.
Winter is also
the author, coauthor, or editor of four major books
on Beethoven and the author of several
articles on performance practice,
compositional process, and Franz
Schubert. Professor Winter is widely
known to the general music public for
his national broadcasts on American
Public Radio, appearances at the Aspen
Music Festival, and his work with many
of the country’s prominent performing
arts centers including Disney and
Carnegie Halls.
President’s Message Continued on Page 5
Phi Betes on Air Force One? (Story Inside)
Alpha Association Officers 2006-07
Anna Stockton Blount
Cecilia Conrad, Ph.D.
Bette Napoli Harris
James J. Herr
Virginia L. Hornak
Evelyn T. Kieffer, Ph.D.
C. Scott Littleton, Ph.D.
Sonia J. Luna
Alexei A. Maradudin, Ph.D.
Sharon McNalley
Hermann Muennichow, C.P.A.
Shari Dennis Nelson, Esq.
Jean Paule
John B. Power, Esq.
Matthew S. Rae, Jr. Esq.
B. Loraine Reed, Ph.D.
Sue Carol Rokaw, Esq.
Dean Joan M. Schaefer
Verna Pace Steinmetz
John D. Taylor, Esq.
Billie Youngblood-Knolle
Sue Carol Rokaw, Esq.
Earned a BA from the University of Rochester, an MLS from
Southern Connecticut State College, and a JD from the University
of San Francisco. After years of private practice, she now works
at Farmers Insurance Corporate Legal Department and teaches at
University of West Los Angeles, School of Law, Woodland Hills
Vice President
Cecilia A. Conrad, Ph.D.
Earned a BA from Wellesley College, an M.A. and Ph.D from
Stanford University. She is Associate Dean and StedmanSumner Professor of Economics at Pomona College.
Recording Secretary
B. Loraine Reed
Earned an A.B. from Hollins College,and an M.A. and Ph.D
from Indiana University. She is Senior Lecturer Emerita at
University of California, Irvine where she was a founding
member of the PBK Chapter.
Hermann Muennichow, C.P.A.
Earned a BBA at the University of Wisconsin. He is a CPA
and principal of Muennichow & Associates., Certified Public
Accountants, with offices in North Hollywood.
Corresponding Secretary and Archivist
Key Notes
Published annually by
Phi Beta Kappa Alumni
in Southern California,
Alpha Association
Cecilia A. Conrad, Editor
Jean Paule, Contributor
C. Scott Littleton, Contributor
and Event Photography
Jean Paule
Previously served as Second Vice President and Secretary.
With her BA in History from UC Berkeley and her MA in
History from USC, she is the College Archivist at Occidental
Immediate Past President
Shari Nelson, Esq.
Received her BA and JD from USC and her Masters of Laws
in Taxation from the University of San Diego. A retired attorney, she serves as a board member and volunteer for a number
of civic and charitable organizations.
Visit Alpha Association’s website at: www.pbk-socal.org
Fall 2005
On Tuesday evening, November 8,
2005, 78 members and guests of Alpha
Association gathered in Caltech’s Athenaeum for a talk by JPL Project Scientist Trina Ray on “Cassini: Highlights
from Our First Year in Tour.” Ms. Ray,
who is an expert on Saturn’s largest
moon, Titan, described the CassiniHuygens mission
to Saturn as “the
most ambitious effort in
planetary space
exploration ever
mounted.” Our
speaker brought
us up to date on the latest findings,
especially in regard to Titan, which she
characterized as the most likely object in the solar system to harbor life.
She also discussed recent information
about Saturn’s famous rings and about
its moon Hyperion.We now know that
Hyperion has a strange, spongy surface
unlike that of any other moon in the
solar system. The Cassini-Huygens
web site, http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/
Members Enjoyed Lunch in Shadow of Air Force One
home/index.cfm, offers the latest pictures and news from the mission.
Winter 2006
On Sunday, April 30, almost 200
Alpha Association members and their
guests visited the RONALD REAGAN LIBRARY in Simi Valley. Led
by knowledgeable docents, we toured
the Library and its fascinating exhibits, including the recently installed Air
Force One used by President Reagan
and several of his predecessors. Afterwards, we enjoyed an excellent buffet
lunch in the shadow--literally!--of the
Event at Reagan Library, April 30, 2006
famous plane.
Spring 2006
The Annual Meeting and final
event of the 2005-06 year was held
on Saturday, June 10, at the Orange
County Museum of Art Education
Center. The program featured John
Schneiderman, a renowned virtuoso
of plucked instruments and especially the seven-string Russian guitar.
At the annual meeting, the membership re-elected Anna Blount, James
Herr, C. Scott Littleton, Hermann
Muennichow, Matthew S. Rae, Jr., B.
Loraine Reed, and Billie YoungbloodKnolle as members of council.
2005 International Scholarship Winners Eunyoung Ha and Jing
Zhou with Councilors Rae and Powers
Graduate Study Awards
Thanks to your generous donations, Alpha Association has awarded $3,200 to one Phi Beta Kappa initiate at each
of the ten member colleges and universities in Southern California. Criteria for selection include academic merit, financial need, community service and plans to attend graduate school during the coming academic year.
California State University, Long Beach
Claremont McKenna College
Occidental College
Pomona College
Scripps College
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Riverside
University of Redlands
University of Southern California
Janna Stansell
Jessica M. Fagerstrom
Nareen A. Hindoyan
Jessica Dell’Era
Lisa Hin
Esteban Rodriguez
Erik Winegar
Holly Summers
Kavitha Sivaraman
International Scholarship Awards
Each year, the International Scholarship Committee reviews applications from foreign graduate students, usually in
their last year of PhD work, at Southern California colleges and universities. Typically, we find ourselves faced with
a candidate pool of brilliant scholars who are impressive not only for their intellect but also for their determination to
study in a foreign country and write complex theses in a language not their own. This year was no exception.
University of Southern
Yu-Ren Su, Taiwan
Xiaofei Wang, China
Chunchi Wang, Taiwan
Cristian Pliscoff, Chile
Xudong An, China
Murtaza Bulut, Turkey
Seda Unsar, Turkey
University of California
Los Angeles
University of California
Yingqui Pan, China
Sucharita Sinha, India
U. Lai Lao, China
Claremont Graduate
Ran Tao, China
Mustafa Ruzgar, Turkey
Suat Yen Lai, Malaysia
University of California
Andrea Silvestri, Italy
Catherine Corrigal-Brown,
Helen Cullington, United
Lingfang Li, China
Li Bai, China
Koel Das, India
Han-Kuan Tsai, Taiwan
Neha Gowadia, India
Tatiana Petrova Rigova,
High School Alpha Awards
To help leading students defray the expenses of college application, Alpha Association awarded a total of
$4,000 this year to high school students in underprivileged areas of Los Angeles. Following are the names of
this year’s recipients.
Theodore Roosevelt
High School
Nancy Cervantes
Magda Fernandez
Melissa Gonzalez
Leticia Marquez
Fatima Dominguez
Hollywood High Camille King
Hermine Manavchyan
Ngoc Luong
From the Archives...
The Phi Beta Kappa Membership Directory issued in 2000, the first since the 1941 Directory, contains a wealth of historical
information about our organization. We all know of the 1776 founding, but possibly have not paid much attention to subsequent developments as are documented in detail in volume one of the Directory.
For example, it is interesting to note how the Morrill Act of 1862 that created land-grant colleges had a part in the admission
of women to Phi Beta Kappa. As it happened, in Congressman Justin Morrill’s own state, Vermont, as a result of the Act it
was decided to expand the existing state university and permit the enrollment of women students. In 1875 two women in that
university met the requirements and became the first female undergraduates admitted to the Society’s ranks.
It was not until 1899 that Phi Beta Kappa would issue a charter to its first women’s college, Vassar. To quote the history
as presented in the 2000 Directory, “by 1916 the Society’s secretary was expressing concern that men were no longer being
elected in sufficient numbers.”
Phi Bete that his life would come to
exemplify the promise fulfilled? Perhaps
he had made a commitment to himself
that his life would be about seizing
opportunities for learning and about
contribution as demonstrated by his
community leadership and chosen field
of work.
It is such opportunities for learning and
contribution that drive your Southern
California Alpha Association in its
mission to offer quality programs for
all Phi Betes living in Southern California, no matter where initiated, and to
assist through Alpha Association’s three
scholarship programs those who, like
each of us, made a promise to make
something of themselves: high-achiev-
ing high school students to defray college application costs, graduate students
initiated into Phi Beta Kappa at a
Southern California college or university who are pursuing advanced degrees,
or students from other countries who
are studying at local Southern California
universities to earn advanced degrees.
Over the past year I have had the
opportunity to meet and speak with
many of you about how Alpha Association can achieve its mission. I look to
each of you during this coming year
through your attendance at programs
and through your donations, to help
your Association fulfill the promise that
came with each of our initiations into
Phi Beta Kappa, whether last year, or in
years’ past, as with the esteemed jurist.
Adeyemi A. Adesokan, 2005 International Scholarship
Winner, Spoke About His Research at Annual Council
Dinner on October 23, 2005
Thank you
Your generous donations enable Alpha Association to assist deserving young scholars
in Southern California. Run entirely by volunteers, Alpha Association depends on the
talents and enthusiasm of our members. We welcome your help.
The following members have contributed the amounts indicated to the Phi Beta Kappa Scholarship funds for 2005-2006:
Life Member
Elizabeth J. Van Hunnick
500 and Over
John Bruce Power
100 - 499
Dr. Rami Nizar Alshihabi
Nancy Y. Bekavac
Joseph C. Boltinghouse
Dr. Courtney S. Coleman
Barry M. Connell
Cecilia Conrad
Charles E. Dunn
Dr. Richard C. Gilman
Dr. Marshall P. Goldberg
Jefferey C. Hazeltine
Michael Lee Hittleman
Hoesli, DDS
E. Eric Johnson
Kevin Koster
Dr. Martha Krebs
Wolfgang H. Kummer
Sally A. Lapiduss
Nora M. Manella
Dr. Alexei A. Maradudin
Dr. David G. McMenamin
Sharon Cook McNalley
Steven Alan Meiers
Cynthia L Mercer
Hermann Muennichow
Shari Nelson
Roger C. Olson
William Henry Parker
Jean Paule
Mary E. Peel
Dr. Simon. Ramo
Dr. Barbara Loraine Reed
Sue Rokaw, Esq.
Dr. Kelley Lee Ross, II
Professor Ellen Rothenberg
Kathleen P. Rudolph
Kenneth R. Schild
John D. Taylor, Esq.
Leonard Weil
Dr. John Kino Williams, M.D.
Dr. Stanley H. Wishner, M.D.
Marie Diane Wood
50 -99
Gary Angelo Baffa, Ph.D.
Gurgen Peter Bagdasarian
Dr. Kevin Hays Baines
Lynne A. Bauer
Francis J. Baum
Brendan Bickley
Anna Stockton Blount
Jean S. Brazelton
Cathy Braun Coloff
Dr. Robert Leonard Earle
David W. Fleming
Henry C. Franklin, Jr.
Dr. Ezekiel Freed, M.D.
Dr. David H. Friedman, M.D.
Dr. Daniel N. Galaif, DDS
Dr. Nancy E. Godfrey, M.D.
Kathryn Koyama Godshalk
Raymond H. Goldstone
Dr. Joan M. Greenway, Ph.D.
David L. Grimmett
Michael P. Hanson
Bette Napoli Harris
Kathy A. Henkel
James Joseph Herr
Dr. Jo-Anne Higa-Ebba, M.D.
Mabel Wong Hogle
Virginia L Hornak
June Carol Horton
Mark Jason Huebsch
Dr. Joseph K, Indenbaum
Kathleen M. Jacobson
Michael Andrew James
Alan Jacob Kornfeld
Dr. Jan Korringa
Joel Ernest Krisher
David Kummer MD
Dr. Debra Jo Kuracina, M.D.
Dr. Mark L Labowe, M.D.
Dr. David A. Lewis, M.D.
C Scott Littleton, Ph.D.
Duncan R Luce
Luppe Ridgway Luppen
Madeleine Victoria Mamaux
Peggy Benson Maradudin
Richard Marmaro
Dr. William H, Marmion
Janet Barrow Marott
Kermit Marsh
Karen Lynne Matteson
Edward H. Mayer
Gerald H. Meaker
Marjorie J. Melin
Dr. Patrick J. Merrill
Prof. M. Susan Montgomery
Dr. John Carmel Norton, M.D.
Dr. Ynez Viole O’Neill
Cynthia Eliza Parenti
Joan Shaffran Prince
Matthew S. Rae, Jr.
Eric Roberts
Ronald S. Rosen
Dr. Marshall Rowen M.D.
Carol L Ruiz
Lois K. Schery
Dr. Jean B. Schroeder, Ph.D.
Howard Jay Seller
Alice A. Short
Roy Lewis Shults
Alan Sieroty
Patricia M. Smith
Mrs. T. Burton Smith
Stephen R. Smith
Dr. James M. Smith, Ph.D.
Conway Wilson Snyder
Dr. Peter Starr
James M. Stern
Barbara Alexander Stiles
Dr. Jerry Stulberg, M.D.
Roslyn Holt Swartz
Kathleen Denise Swaydan
Robert W. Templeton
David F. Thurber
David Tien
Phyllis Ungerer
Pat Lebensart Walter
Gary Lee Wheeler
John K. Williams
Margaret Eckert Wills
Patricia Henry Yeomans
Billie Youngblood-Knolle
George H, Zwerdling
25 - 49
Kenneth Alpern
James E. Bauer
Sylvia M. Bartlett
June Laurie Behar
John E, Bellotti
Scott Alexander Bishop
Dr. Kwok-Leung Chung, M.D.
Leon M. Cooper
Rev. Fred H. Coots
Joe D, Corless, M.D.
Maureen C. Costello
Dr. Samuel G. Councilman
Julian Clark Cummings
Barbara Ann Dettmer
Maxine K. Dilliard
Allison Edith Elder
Dr. Howard D. Epstein, M.D.
J Patrick Faulstich
Howard A. Fine
Dr. James D. Fondren, M.D.
Merrill Wesley Francis
Mrs. Helen W. Fraser
Mary Lee Friesz
Beatrice A. Gersh
Marcella A. Gilmore
Dr. Eve H. Gordon, M.D.
Peter Grant
Feris M. Greenberger
Mary Variel Grimes
Dr. Eugene Charles Gritton
Theodore J. Hahn
Gary Norman Holland
Dr. Gloria Buchanan Houston
Sally Lee Howd
Raymond Itaya
Anastasia Kerry Jones
Dr. Patricia A. Kapur
Ruth F. Kawamoto
Thomas Joseph Keville
Evelyn Kieffer
Richard Won Kim
Lora Janeece Lockwood
Kathleen McElhinney
Karen Marie Molinder
Nancy B. Munger
Lindy Larson Murrell
Jack Needleman
Dr. Julian S. Neistadt
Michael Keith O’Rell
Mrs Kay McKenna Paietta
Stanley Clark Phillips
Zelda A. Rice
Dr. Deborah Lynne Rosenbaum
Dr. Fred P. Rosenfelt
Gerda Bosch Roy
Jules I Schwartz
Dr. Darren Katsura Shimabukuro
Dr. Alfred M. Sils, M.D.
Doris Newell Soriano
Martin Taller
Janis H. Terada
Bonnie Louise Thompson
Yvonne L. Tressel
Dr. Virginia Trimble
Dr. Charles H. Wilcox
Joseph L. Wyatt, Jr.
Henry C. Yang
James O. York
Donations may be made payable to PBK Alumni in Southern California and sent to: PBK Alumni in Southern California 12814 Riverside Drive North Hollywood, CA 91607