Capacity Utilisation

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Total Possible Marks: 32
Capacity Utilisation
Complete the following questions in the time allowed by
your teacher
Write a short, accurate definition for each of the following key terms. (2 marks for each
good quality definition)
1. Define: production capacity
Answer: a measure of the total amount or quantity that can be produced in a given period. Usually
expressed in terms of units of output (e.g. a car factory might measure capacity in terms of
numbers of finished cars that can be made each week)
2. Define: capacity utilisation
Answer: the proportion of capacity that is actually used in a given period. Capacity utilisation is
expressed as a percentage which is calculated by comparing the actual production output with the
potential production capacity
3. Define: excess capacity
Answer: arises where output is less than potential capacity - i.e. where capacity utilisation is less
than 100% If a firm has excess capacity then it has the potential to increase production without
needing to add to capacity.
4. Define: unit cost
Answer: the average cost per unit for a given quantity of output produced. Calculated as total costs
divided by total units
In this section, provide an outline or list points which answer the question
5. List three different kinds of business and how they might measure capacity
A. Football club - capacity is the number of seats in the ground
B. Hotel - number of bedrooms available for sale each night
C. Retail clothing chain - area of available selling space in each store
D. Airline - number of seats available to sell per flight
E. Steel mill - volume/weight of steel that can be made each week
6. List three reasons why a business is likely to consider capacity utilisation an
important measure of performance
A. Maintaining production capacity usually involves a high level of fixed costs - so
it important to make the best use of that capacity
B. Capacity utilisation is closely linked to production efficiency - a decline in
utilisation might signal a problem with efficiency
C. Too high a level of capacity utilisation might signal that a business cannot take
full advantage of demand for its products and services
Short Answers
In this section, write a short answer (one or two sentences) for each question.
7. Explain three reasons why a business might be operating at significantly less than
full capacity
Valid points include:
Lower than expected demand:
- General reduction in overall market demand
- Loss of market share (i.e. competitors have gained a higher share of the market)
- Seasonal variation in demand
Increase in capacity not yet matched by increased demand:
- Possibly new technology introduced
- Provides some “slack”
- Products might still be at the introduction stage of their plc
Inefficiency (a problem = less competitive unit costs)
- Poor maintenance, quality, employee disruption
8. Describe three ways in which a business could respond to a situation of excess
demand / under capacity
Valid points include:
- Increase workforce hours (e.g. extra shifts; encourage overtime; employ
temporary staff)
- Sub-contract some production activities (e.g. assembly of components)
- Reduce time spent maintaining production equipment
- Reduce the amount of finished goods carried in stock to address the excess
9. Explain why a business may experience problems if it tries to operate a very high
levels of capacity utilisation
Valid points include:
Negative effect on quality (possibly)
- Production is rushed
- Less time for quality control
Employees suffer
- Added workloads & stress
- De-motivating if sustained for too long
Loss of sales & profit
- Less able to meet sudden or unexpected increases in demand
- Production equipment may require repair
Complete the capacity utilisation calculations for Jenkins Roadside Cafes Ltd
based on the table above
Cafe 1: meals capacity 1,000
Cafe 2: spare capacity 375
Cafe 3: capacity utilisation 90%
Cafe 4: meals capacity 2,000
Cafe 4: capacity utilisation 85%