Ramis Movassagh – CV IBM T. J. Watson, Herman Goldstine Fellow in Mathematical Sciences Room. 32-244, 1101 Route 134 Kitchawan Rd, Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 q.eigenman@gmail.com ; math.mit.edu/∼ramis ; Tel: 617-792-6246 Citizenship and residency: Canadian citizen and permanent resident of the US. Research Interests Primary : Applied mathematics. Eigenvalue problems, many-body systems, quantum information theory. Secondary : Theoretical and numerical (multi) linear algebra, random matrix theory, mathematical physics, eigenanalysis and modeling of physical problems, physical mathematics, quantum chemistry. Education 2007-12 M ASSACHUSETTS I NSTITUTE OF T ECHNOLOGY (MIT) Ph.D. in Mathematics Thesis: “Eigenvalues and low energy eigenvectors of quantum many-body systems” Advisor: Peter W. Shor Committee: Alan Edelman, Peter W. Shor, Jeffrey Goldstone 2005-07 ETH AND C OLLEGIUM H ELVETICUM , Z ÜRICH , S WITZERLAND Researcher in theoretical neuroscience and mathematical physics Advisors: Professors Reinhard Nesper 2005-(mid) 2007, Jürg Fröhlich 2007 2001-04 C ORNELL U NIVERSITY B.Sc. in Applied and Engineering Physics Academic Employment 2015- IBM, T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York 2012-2015 Northeastern University and MIT, Departments of Mathematics S UM -2013 James Franck Institute, University of Chicago and the Perimeter Institute, Canada. Visiting scientist collaborating with Prof. L. P. Kadanoff, Statistical physics and Toeplitz matrices S UM -2012 MIT, Post-Doc with Prof. P. W. Shor, Entanglement entropy and criticality S UM -2007 MIT, Supervisor: Prof. P. W. Shor, Matrix product states 2007-08 MIT, Supervisor: Prof. J.W. Bush, Experimental fluid mechanics and deformable bodies 2007 ETH-Zürich Supervisor: Prof. J. Fröhlich, Mathematical physics 2005-07 ETH-Zürich and Collegium Helveticum, Supervisor: Prof. R. Nesper. Human visual system, brain categorization, first levels of visual processing and the optics of human eye 2002-04 Cornell University, Undergraduate Research: Atmospheric plasma physics (Prof. M. Kelley, 2002); Theoretical crystallography (Prof. S. Lee, 2003); Experimental micro-fluids (Prof. H. Craighead, 2004) 2002 Princeton University, Experimental particle physics (Undergraduate Research, Prof. D. Marlow) 2001 University of Calgary, Oil-sand permeability and Darcy’s law, (Undergraduate Research, Prof. R.C.K. Wong) Selected Honors and Awards 2015 AMS-Simons Travel Grant (2015-2017) 2015 IBM Watson Herman Goldstine Fellowship in Mathematical Sciences 1 Ramis Movassagh – CV 2013 NSF-DMS Grant No. 1312831, “Applied free probability theory” ($ 109,786.00) Aug. 2013- Aug. 2015 (Nominal PI: Alan Edelman). 2012 Biruni Graduate Student Research Award. Presented at the March meeting of APS (2012) 2011 Best Poster Award at Quantum Information Processing conference (QIP 2012) 2007 Akamai Presidential Fellow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2007 MIT Applied Mathematics Fellowship 2006 Selected with full grant to attend the 18th meeting of Nobel laureates in Lindau, Germany 2002 Research for Undergraduates (REU) Fellowship, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, USA 2000 NSERC fellow for summer research at University of Calgary 2000 Canadian Physics Olympiad Finalist Publications Journals and preprints 23. R. Movassagh, “Eigenvalue attraction”, arXiv:1404.4113 [math.SP], Submitted to SIAM Review (2015) 22. R. Movassagh, (with E. Cuervo-Reyes) “Non-affine geometrization can lead to nonphysical instabilities”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 075101 (2015) Featured on the Cover of issue 7, volume 48 21. Y. Tsuji, R. Movassagh , S. Datta, and R. Hoffmann “Exponential Attenuation of Through-Bond Transmission in a Polyene: Theory and Potential Realizations”, Accepted in ACS Nano (2015) 20. R. Movassagh and Peter W. Shor “Power law violation of the area laws in quantum critical spin chains”, arXiv:1408.1657 [quant-ph]), Presented at QIP 2015 (2014) 19. R. Movassagh, G. Strang, Y. Tsuji, R. Hoffmann, “The Green’s Function for the Hückel (Tight Binding) Model”, arXiv:1407.4780 [math-ph] , Submitted (2015) 18. L. Chang, M. Cheng, S. Cui, Y. Hu, W. Jin, R. Movassagh, P. Naaijkens, Z. Wang, A. Young “On Enriching the Levin-Wen Model with Symmetry”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 12, 12FT01 (2015) 17. Y. Tsuji, R. Hoffmann, R. Movassagh and S. Datta “Quantum Interference in Polyenes”, The Journal of Chem. Phys. 141, 224311 (2014) 16. R. Movassagh, S. G. Johnson, “Optical ’Bernoulli’ forces”, Phys. Rev. A 88, 023829 (2013) Editor’s suggestion. Featured in MIT Tech Review Sept. 19, 2013. 15. R. Movassagh, (with M. Coudron) “Unfrustration condition and degeneracy of qudits on trees,” arXiv:1209.4395 [quant-ph], (2013) 14. R. Movassagh, A. Edelman, “Condition numbers of indefinite rank 2 ghost wishart matrices,” arXiv:1207.3062v1 [math.ST] , Linear Algebra and Its Applications 483, 342–351 (2015) 13. R. Movassagh (with S. Bravyi, L. Caha, , D. Nagaj, P.W. Shor), “Criticality without frustration for quantum spin-1 chains”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 207202 (2012) Featured in MIT News. Nov. 27, 2012 12. R. Movassagh (with J. Chen, A. Edelman, E. Hontz, J. Moix, A. Suárez, M. Welborn, T. Van Voorhis) “Error analysis of free probability approximations to the density of states of disordered systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 036403 (2012) Featured in MIT News June 22, 2012, Space Mart, Science Daily. 11. R. Movassagh, A. Edelman, “Density of states of quantum spin systems from isotropic entanglement”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 097205 (2011) 10. 9. R. Movassagh, “A time-asymmetric process in central force scatterings”, arXiv:1008.0875 [physics.class-ph] R. Movassagh, A. Edelman, “Isotropic entanglement”, arXiv:1012.5039 Presented at QIP 2011 (2010) 2 Ramis Movassagh – CV 8. R. Movassagh, E. Farhi, J. Goldstone, D. Nagaj, T. Osborne, P.W. Shor, “Unfrustrated qudit chains and their ground states”, Phys. Rev. A 82, 012318 (2010) 7. O.E. Rössler, D. Fröhlich, R. Movassagh and A. Moore, “Hubble-expansion in static space time”, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 33, 770-775 (2007) 6. O.E. Rössler and R. Movassagh, “Bitemporal Sinai divergence: an energetic analog to Boltzmann’s entropy?” International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 6(4), 349-350 (2005) 5. R. C. K. Wong, L. G. Ko, R. Movassagh, “A study of flow tortuosity in locked oil sand”, Canadian Journal of Petroleum and Technology Volume 43, Number 1 (2004) Refereed Conference proceedings 4. R. Movassagh and P. W. Shor, “Criticality without frustration”, AQIS, Suzhou, China, (August 2012). 3. C. Richmond, R. Movassagh, A. Edelman, R. Geddes, “Performance of sample covariance based capon bearing only tracker”, IEEE 45th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Nov. 7 – 10 (2011) 2. C. Richmond, R. Movassagh, A. Edelman, R. Geddes, “Sample covariance based estimation of capon algorithm error probabilities”, IEEE 44th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, Nov. 7 – 10 (2010) 1. L. Ko, R. Movassagh, R.C. K Wong, “Study of flow tortuosity in locked oil sand”, Canadian International Petroleum conference, 53 Annual Technical Conference, June (2002) Selected Posters (not included on my website) • S. Bravyi, L. Caha, R. Movassagh, D. Nagaj, P.W. Shor, “Quantum 2−SAT in 1D with qutrits”, QIP 2012, Montreal, Canada (December 2011). Won best poster award. • E. Cuervo-Reyes, R. Movassagh, “On geometrical description of dynamical stability”, Complex Systems and Non-extensive Statistical Mechanics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July 21-Aug 8, (2006) • R. Movassagh, J. Edel, H. Craighead, “Single molecule detection using confocal microscopy”, Complex Motion in Fluids, Humlebæk, Denmark, August (2004) In preparation (drafts available upon request) • R. Movassagh and L. P. Kadanoff, “Eigenpairs of disordered Toeplitz matrices with a Fisher-Hartwig symbol” • R. Movassagh, “Frequency shift as a probe of the motion of celestial bodies” Invited Talks (selected) • Simons Center for Geometry and Physics, Statistical Mechanics and Combinatorics, Feb-Apr. (2016) • Yale, Particle Physics Seminar, (2015) • CN Yang Institute Stony Brook, Condensed Matter Seminar, Nov. (2015) • University of Virginia, Condensed Matter Seminar, Oct. (2015) • “New Directions in Numerical Linear Algebra”, Oxford University, August (2015) • Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM) seminar, Caltech July (2015) • KITP, UC Santa Barbara, June (2015) • Aspen Center For Physics, Aspen CO. June (2015) • Boston University, Condensed Matter Theory Seminar, May (2015) • “Aspects of non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum computation”, CUNY New York, April (2015) • MIT, Department of Physics, Quantum Info. Seminar, February (2015) • Northeastern University, Department of Physics, Condensed Matter Physics Seminar, February (2015) • University of Toronto, Department of Mathematics, February (2015) • Harvard University, Widely Applied Mathematics (WAM) seminar, December (2014) • The Courant Institute of Mathematics, Probability and mathematical physics seminar, December (2014) 3 Ramis Movassagh – CV • Boston University, Probability and statistics seminar, December (2014) • Dartmouth College, Department of physics, December (2014) • IICQI, Kish Island, Iran , September (2014) • UMass Boston, theoretical physics seminar April (2014) • MIT, physical mathematics seminar, November (2013) • Northwestern University, theoretical physics seminar, August (2013) • “Distributions in Free Probability Theory”, The Fields’ institute, Toronto, Canada, July (2013) • “No Time at All”, interdisciplinary conference on “time”, Cortona, Italy September (2012) • Zhejiang University, department of physics, Hangzhou, China (2012) • Harvard University, random matrix theory seminar March (2012) • C.N. Yang Institute Stony Brook, department of physics February (2012) • “Random Matrix Techniques in Quantum Information Theory”, The Perimeter Institute, Canada, July (2010) • “Density Matrix and Quantum Marginals”, The Fields’ Institute, Toronto, Canada July (2009) Teaching Northeastern Spr. 2015 Dynamical Systems, Math 3341 University Spr. 2015 Honors Calculus II, Math 1342 ( LECTURER ) Fall 2014 Mathematical Reasoning (Problem Solving in Discrete Math), Math 1365 Spr. 2014 Probability and Statistics, Math 3081 Fall 2013 Linear Algebra and Applications, Math 2331 (2 CLASSES ) Spr. 2013 Calculus 1, Math 1341 (A LSO THE COURSE COORDINATOR ) Spr. 2013 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra, Math 2341 (2 CLASSES ) MIT Fall 2011 Vector Calculus, Prof. P. Etingof, Math 18.022 (T.A.) Fall 2009 Advanced Analytical Methods, Prof. H. Cheng, Math 18.305 2008-09 Methods of Applied Mathematics, Prof. G. Strang, Math 18.085 ETH-Zurich (T.A.) Spr. 2007 Freshman Physics, Prof. G. Dissertori, Physik II Cornell Sum. 2004 Classical Mechanics, Prof. E. Kirkland, A&EP 333 Classical Electrodynamics, Prof. D. Heinekam, A&EP 351 University Applied and Eng. Mathematical Physics, Prof. T. Stiadle, A&EP 321 Physics (A&EP) Sum. 2004 (T.A.) Fall 2003 Sum. 2003 Graduate Applied Solid State Physics, Prof. C. Xu, A&EP 550 Classical Mechanics, Prof. R. V. Lovelace, A&EP 333 Classical Mechanics, Prof. H. Fleischmann, A&EP 333 Other Selected Contributed Talks • Colorado University Boulder, condensed matter seminar June (2015) • University of Maryland, joint quantum institute August (2014) • “StatPhys25”, Seoul South Korea July (2013) • University of Chicago, hard condensed matter seminar in theoretical physics, May (2013) • AQIS, Suzhou, China Aug. (2012) 4 Ramis Movassagh – CV • University of Calgary, department of physics, Canada December (2011) • The Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada December (2011) • “QIP 2011”, Singapore, January (2011) • “On The Human Eye” Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, Switzerland January (2005) Selected Workshops/Conference Invitation and Attendance 07-2014 “Quantum Information and Computation”, Princeton Summer School of Condensed Matter Physics 06-2014 Selected “Mathematics of Quantum Phases of Matter”, AMS meeting, Snowbird, Utah 04-2014 “Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity”, Simons center for theory of computing, Berkeley, CA 02-2014 Invited “Quantum Networks”, University of Oxford, Oxford UK 10-2013 Invited “Quantum Marginals”, Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK 05-2011 “Difficult Problems in Quantum Computation, xQIT, MIT 06-2010 Invited “Emergence and Entanglement”, Perimeter Institute, Canada 11-2008 “Difficult Problems in Quantum Computation”, xQIT, MIT 07-2007 “StatPhys23: XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics”, Genova, Italy 05-2007 Invited “Wolfgang Pauli’s Ideas and Contemporary Science”, Ascona, Switzerland 08-2006 “Non-linear Partial Differential Equations”, The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy 07-2006 “Complex Systems and Non-extensive Statistical Mechanics”, ICTP, Trieste, Italy 06-2006 Invited “Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates”, Lindau, Germany 09-2005 “XX International Union of Crystallography Congress”, Florence, Italy 07-2005 Invited “Psychology and Neuroscience of Emotions”, Swiss Re, Rüschlikon, Switzerland 08-2004 Invited “Complex Motion in Fluids”. Humlebæk, Denmark Languages and Coding Languages: English (fluent), Persian (fluent), German (intermediate) Coding: MatLab, C++, Maple, Mathematica, LabView, Scheme Mentoring and Services (Spr. 2013-4) Reviewing committee member for Biruni graduate research award (Sum. 2012) Research supervision MIT-wide undergraduate summer research program MSRP (Jan. 2012) Mentorship in Directed Reading Program (DRP), MIT (Sum. 2011) Research supervision UROP, MIT (2009-2010) President of Canadians’ Club at MIT (2008-2012) (2007-2008) Associate of iQuise at MIT MIT graduate officer (Ashdown housing) References P ROFESSOR A-L. B ARABÁSI (N ORTHEASTERN ), P ROFESSOR J.W.M. B USH (MIT), barabasi@gmail.com, Tel: +1 (617) 373-2355 bush@math.mit.edu, Tel: +1 (617) 253-4387 5 Ramis Movassagh – CV edelman@math.mit.edu, Tel: +1 (617) 253-7770 P ROFESSOR A. E DELMAN (MIT), P ROFESSOR J. G OLDSTONE (MIT), goldston@mit.edu, Tel: +1 (617) 253-6263 P ROFESSOR R. H OFFMANN (C ORNELL ), P ROFESSOR S. G. J OHNSON (MIT), P ROFESSOR R. N ESPER (ETH-Z), P ROFESSOR P.W. S HOR (MIT), rh34@cornell.edu, Tel: +1 (607) 255-3419 stevenj@math.mit.edu, Tel: +1 (617) 253-4073 reinhard.nesper@inorg.chem.ethz.ch, Tel: +41 (0)44-632 2854 shor@math.mit.edu, Tel: +1 (617) 253-4362 6