The Nonradioactive Labelling of Biologically Important Molecules A Thesis Submitted Towards the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Jeffrey Gore B.Sc.(Hons) Department of Chemisury The University of Adelaide March 1996. Contents Acknowledgements 1 Statement 11 Abstract 111 Abbreviations 1V Chapter 1- Introduction 1.1. Radioisotopic Labelling 1 1.2. Nonradioisotopic Labelling of Biomolecules 2 1.3. Characteristics and Detection of Labels 3 t.4. Attachment of Nonradioactive Labels to Biomolecules 10 1.5. Palladium Catalysed Couplings of Nonradioactive Labels and Biomolecules L9 t.6 Aim of Project Chapter 2- Synthesis of Label-spacer Molecules 2.1 Synthesis of Linker-spacer Molecules 27 2.2 Synthesis of Fluorescent Label-spacer Molecule Adducts 33 2.3 Synthesis of Time Resolved Fluorescence Label-spacer Adducts 42 2.4 Synthesis of Biotin Label 51 Chapter 3- Preparation and Coupling Reactions of Biomolecules 3.1 Preparation and Coupling Reactions of Aminoacid Derivatives 52 3.2 Preparation and Coupling Reactions of Nucleoside Derivatives 66 3.3 Preparation and Coupling Reactions of Steroid Derivatives 72 22 Chapter 4- Gelation of Organic Solvents by Biotin Amides and Esters 75 Chapter 5- Summary 86 Experimental 87 References t45 1 Acknowledgements I would like to thank: my supervisor, Dr. Geoff Crisp, for his assistance and friendship throughout the years of this work; members of the Crisp research group, particularly Markus Gerbauer and Tim Bubner for new ways and means; past and present lab members for making the time pass quickly; the academic staff of the Department, who have always been approachable about any subject; Daniela Caiazzafor proof reading this thesis; and finally, the technical staff who keep the department running. Also, the (increasingly fewer) taxpayers of Austalia must be acknowledged for their contribution via a Postgraduate Research Award. It is easy to lose sight of the realities of life during such an artifrcial situation as studying for a higher degree, and so to my spouse Jane and children Antonia, Peter, Max and Madeleine, thanþou for your love, support, pationce and for remembering who I am. 11 Statement This work contains no material which has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma in any university or other tertiary institution and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference has been made in the text. I give consent to this copy of my thesis, when deposited in the University Library, being available for loan and photocopying. Signed: Date: :il.b. lE.rc. 111 Abstract Radioisotopes, due to their radiation hazard and inherent instability, are being replaced as reporters in biochemical systems by molecules which have luminescent or other properties. The reporter molecules are covalently bound to the biomolecule of interest generally via a nucleophilic/electrophilic interaction, hence the label is generally attached to a hydrophilic site. The development and application of the palladium catalysed coupling reaction between aryVvinyl halides/triflates and terminal alkynes to various biomolecule derivatives suggested the possibility of using this methodolgy for the attachment of labels to lipophilic positions in biomolecules. Hence fluorescent labels were synthesised from acridone, pyrene, fluorescein and S-aminofluorescein by attachment to one terminus of a hydrocarbon spacer arm, which had at the other terminus either an alkyne or a functional group capable of being converted to an alkyne . Also synthesised similarly were a rris-phenanthrolineruthenium(Il) complex for use as a time resolved fluorescence reporter, and a biotin label for use in the avidin/strepavidin reporting system. Suitable biomolecule derivatives of amino acids (4-iodophenylalanine, 3-iodotyrosine, 5-O-triflyltryptophan and 4-O-ttflyltyrosine, propargyl glycine), nucleosides (5-iododeoxyuridine, 8-bromoadenosine, 8-bromoguanosine) and steroids (esuone and epiandrosterone triflate derivatives) were prepared and labelling attempted with the above alkynes. It was found that palladium catalysed cross coupling was an efficient and mild method for the introduction of the labels to the biomolecules (except for uyptophan). Unexpectedly, it was found that the biotin label 107 gelled some low polarity organic solvents at low concentrations. Concentration dependent tH NMR spectroscopy of the gel in 2[H]r-toluene were CDCI3 and variable temperature studies of the gels in CDCI3 and performed. In an attempt to define the scope of gelation by biotin compounds, a series saturated alkyl biotin esters and amides with varying chain lengths from n-propyl to n-hexadecyl were synthesised and tested for gelation in many solvents. Gelation was observed in hexane and paraffin oil for some derivatives. of 1V Abbreviations 18C-6 18-Crown-6 dansyl 5 DCC dicyclohexylcarbodümide DMAP 4-dimethylaminopyridine DMF dimethylformamide DMSO dimethylsulphoxide DNA deoxyribonucleic acid FABMS fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry HRP horseradish peroxidase LAH lithium aluminium hydride LSIMS liquid secondary ion mass spectometry MEK methyl ethyl ketone mesyl, Ms methanesulphonyl NHS N-hydroxysuccinimide PCC pyridinium chlorochromate PdCC palladium catalysed coupling RNA ribonucleic acid RT room temperature TBAF tetrabutylammonium fl uoride TBDMS t-butyldimethylsilyl TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetamethyl- TI{F tetrahydrofuran TLC thin layer chromatography TRF time resolved fl uorescence triflate trifl uoromethane sulphonate triflyl trifl uoromethanesulphonyl tosyl, Ts p-toluenesulphonyl -dimethylamino- 1 -naphthalenesulphonyl 1 -piperidinyloxy free radical Chapter L. Introduction 1.1 Radioisotopic Labelling The elucidation of biochemical processes is fundamental to an understanding of the nature of lifel. With the discovery of methods in the 1930s for the a¡:tifrcial transmutation of stable atoms into non-stable isotopes, and for the collection of naturally occuring low abundance isotopes, the availability of labelled elements and compounds allowed researchers to trace the fate of vital substances ín vívo, and hence deduce facts about the mechanisms which had occurred. In 1960 Broda wrote in his monograph2: The importance of ísotopíc methods ín bíology has frequently been compared with that of the microscope. Just øs the invention of the microscope ín the l7th century advanced the science of living tíssues by tremendous strides, andmade possíble the later discovery of cells and microbes, so does the employment of isotopic methods put us in ø posítion to ínvestigate the details of metabolism ín a reliable and highly sensitíve manner. From the end of the Second V/orld War Broda had seen the use of isotopic methods increase dramatically3 and answer decisively many of the unresolved problems in biological science. For example, in classic experiments the use of differentially labelled bacteriophage (2P incorporated into the DNA and 3sS materiala, and the incorporation of into the protein coat) confirmed that DNA was the genetic t5N into E. coli bacteria showed the semiconservative nature of DNA replications, consistent with'Watson and Crick's hypothesif. The use of radioisotopicatly labelled compounds for research in biochemistry laboratories is well established?. Substrates labelled with radionuclides can be detected in very low amounts, and when the radionuclide rcplaces an atom of the same element the chemistry of the system is unchanged (assuming the radioisotope is not involved in the rate determing step and the concentration of radioisotope is low enough to ignore radiationchemical effects). Detection of the emined radiation is easy given the correct instmmentation, the literature for introducing radionuclides into compounds is extensive, and a large range of labelled compounds is commercially available. A survey of commonly used isotopes and relevant data is shown in Table 1. However, there are many disadvantages of Introduction 2 radionuclide labelling. The labelled compounds are a radiation hazard, requiring special storage, handling and disposal facilities. Compounds labelled with short half-life isotopes (".g."P, tãI¡ have a limited life before activity levels drop below useful detection limits. Laboratories and their workers which deal in radioisotopes are required to be government approved. Quantitation of radioactivity levels in experiments may require a lengthy counúng period. Although research laboratories will continue to use radioisotopes when necessary, the disadvantages have spurred development of methods for the detection of labelled molecules by nonradioactive means, especially for use in diagnostic labo¡atoriess where a longér shelf life and shorter detecúon times a¡e distinct advantages. Table 1. Commonly Used Radioisotopes in the Biological toc 3H T,, 12.3 yr decay mode p external shielding none toxicty slight (ref. 2) t.2 5730 yr B Sciencese. 35s t2P t2sI 1311 87.4 days 14.3 days 60.0 days 8.04 days p p v F+v perspex lcm perspex lcm perspex lcm lead 0.25mm lead 13mm slight moderate moderate high high Nonradioisotopic Labelling of Biomolecules A nonradioactively labelled biomolecule can be considered to consist of three main parts; the biomolecule, a spacer-Iinker arm and the label (a diagrammatic representation is shown in Figure 1). When designing a labelled biomolecule, the main criterion is that the "interaction of interest" (e.g. the ability of a labelled molecule to be recognised at the binding site on a receptor, or to be used as a substrate by an enzyme) should not be significantly affected. Most biomolecules have many potential points of attachment for the spacer or spacer-label adduct; a judicious choice allows one to minimise the disruption to the biomolecule's normal interactions. Secondary considerations, such as the type of label and detection system to be used, and the relative polarity and solubility of the labelled biomolecule compared to the unlabelled are also important, as the physicochemical properties should not be changed significantly. Introduction bbmobcub Iabel spacer Figure 3 1. The spacer arm provides the reactive groups (as detailed below) for covalently linking the label and biomolecule, and a means of preventing, or at least minimising, the steric interaction between the label and the substrate. Depending on the label and biomolecule to be joined, the reactive groups may be the same or different; in the latter case chemical compatibility is necessary. The length of the spacer may vary from zero to sixteen or moreto, the choice in some cases being a compromise between the requirements of the biomolecule and the label. For example, biotinylated nucleotides with shorter spacer arms are incorporated more readily by DNA polymerases into DNA than those with longer spacer arms, however detection of the biotin by avidin/strepavidin conjugates increases with increasing spacer arm lengthlr. Functionalities such as amide and ester linkages are commonly incorporated to modify characteristics (such as the improvement of water solubilitys) of the labelled biomolecule. The order of attachment of biomolecule and label is normally determined by synthetic considerations and the use of the labelled molecule. 1.3 Characteristics and Detection of Labels Labelled biomolecules may be detected via direct or indirect systems (Figure 2). Direct detection is used when the biomolecule is covalently bound to the reporter; the most common reporter grcups are fluorescent dyes or marker enzymes (which catalyse the formation of the detection signal) coupled with a luminescent compound. These systems have the advantage that detection occurs in a single step, however an individual labelled biomolecule must be synthesised for each application, and detection systems must be available for all reporters. Indirect detection occurs when the reporter group is not linked covalently to the biomolecule, but indirectly through a non-covalent intetaction between a modification of the probe, and a molecule which binds specifically to that modif,rcation. The most common modification group is biotin, and it is commonly detected via binding to avidin Introduction 4 or strepavidin which is covalently bound to a reporter enzyme. A disadvantage is that detection requires an extra step to allow the specific non-covalent interaction between the modification group and the specific binding partner to occur, however the reporter group and the detection system may be the same in all biomolecular systems. Hence indirect systems tend to be used in basic research, and also in applied areas such as genetic engineering where the detection of different target molecules is necessary. Direct systems Indirect systems Reporær goup Bindinggor¡p Modification goup Probe Target mobcub Figure 2.12 Generally either an enzyme (commonly alkaline phosphatase (AP) or horseradish peroxidase GIRP)) or a fluorescent repofter is covalently bound to avidin for detection purposes. The enzyme catalyses a chemical reaction (which depends on the type of enzyme) which generally involves the conversion of a colourless compound into a strongly coloured derivative, which is the detection signal. For example, 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine I in the presence of HRP and hydrogen peroxide is oxidised to coloured 2 (Scheme 1), thus allowing localisation of the labelled biomolecule. NHz HzN IlC CH¡ 1: ?r,-", NH HN -> CH¡ H3 22 Ìu = 285 nm Scheme 1. HRP,ItrOr. "*= 450 nm Introduction 5 Luminescencet', the emission of photons from electronically excited states, is the property most commonly used for direct detection, and sometimes (vlø conjugation of a luminophore to the binding group) in indirect detection. Molecules in electronically excited states may be generated either by irradiation with photons of the required energy, or as part a chemical reaction (chemílurnínescence). The absorption approximately first (S1) 10-15 second, and of of a photon occurs in gives a molecule generally in a vibrational level (v") of the or second (Sr) electronic states. Molecules in condensed phases usually relax rapidly (approximately 10-12 second) to the lowest vibrational level vo of S, (ínternøl conversion), and many processes are now available for relaxation to the ground stateSo (Figure 3, Jablonski diagram). Fluarescence occurs when emission of a photon from S, allows the molecule to regain So; the transition is spin allowed and hence occurs quickly (the average lifetime of fluorescent states are near 10-8 second). Intersystem crossíng to the triplet state T, may also occur, but now the transition toSo is spin forbidden and emission of a photon occurs slowly (triplet lifetimes generally are between 10-3 to 101 seconds); the molecule exhibits phosphorescence. Other processes, such as quenching, solvent relaxation, and reactions in the excited state are also possible, and may decrease or negate the luminescent yield. vn 52 u, Vg inæmalconversbn vn St vt Vg * crossmg absorption To ftrorescerrce phosphorescerrce vn So vr v0 Figure 3. Jablonski diagram Introductíon 6 The most important optical properties of fluorescent moleculesra for use as reporters are the wavelengths of maximum absorption and fluorescence emission, absorbance molar extinction coeffrciente, and fluorescence quantum yield Q. The matrix may exhibit background fluorescence at particular wavelengths and hence the reporter should be chosen such that its fluorescence maximum is sufficiently different. Many specialised instruments use a single fixed wavelength (usually an argon laser which emits at 488 nm), and consequently the reporter must have significant absolption at this value. A large Stokes shift (the separation of the absorbance and fluorescence wavelength maxima) is necessary to allow the fluorescence signal to be isolated from backscattered excitation radiation. The fluorescence intensity per reporter molecule, which is proportional to the product of e and Q, indicates the potential sensitivity available from a given molecule Other information apart from spatial and temporal location, and concentration, may be obtained from fluorescent molecules as fluorescence spectra and Q are affected by environmental factors including solvent polarity, local environment (i.e. position in membranes, cells, proteins etc.), proximity of quenching species and pH of aqueous media. Also, some fluorescent molecules show enhancement of Q upon binding to a biomolecular target, as quenching by the aqueous medium is diminished. Another technique used is time resolved fluorescence (TRF), which is a system of detection that has a potentially high degree of sensitivity. Certain europium (Itr) chelates (e.g. 3) have been used as reporterst5 as they have a long fluorescent lifetime of 106 to 10r second, which enables the differentiation of the reporter's fluorescence signals from any background or native fluorescence. After short pulse excitation of the system (generally by a laser) a time delay of 200 to 400ps occurs before the start of detection. This allows the background fluorescence (with an average lifetime of 1t8 second) to decay to a negligible level. As the longer lifetime fluorescent species are still emitting photons they are readily detected. Pulsing can be repeated and the signal summed. However, the thermodynamic stability of some europium complexes is low, which results in ligand dissociation at low concentrations. Bannwarth et. al.r6 have used ruthenium (tr) complexes such as 4 as reporters attached to probes; they are thermodynamically very stable, chemically inert and are strongly Introduction 7 fluorescent for a relatively long time. The detection limit for DNA probes labelled with4 is t'P-labelled probes prepared by nick translation. below 10 14 M, which is similar to Eu+3 CO"- (" T N N tr .2PFa (cHt5cooH NCS 3 4 Classes of molecules that are commonly used as fluorescent reporters and probes'o aro shown below. Xanthene dyes (e.g. fluorescein 5, rhodamine B 6) generally have high extinction coefficients and quantum yields, and are used mainly as reporter compounds. Their characteristics include good water solubility, pH sensitivity and susceptibility to photobleaching (reduction in fluorescence intensity due to chemical reaction of the electronically excited species). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbo,ns(e.g. pyrene 7, anthracene 8) have a high extinction coefficient and quantum yield. They are used as probes in lipophilc systems as the fluorescence spectrum is altered by enviromental factors, and hence information about the the probe's local environment may be obtained. Also, they may be used as indicators of complexationlT or structurett due to the formation of excimers (excited state dimers), which are formed due to proximity of probe molecules and show a significant shift in À-.* in the fluorescence spectrum. Aminosulphonyl derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (e.g. mansyl9 and dansyl 10 sulphonamide adducts) are formed by reaction of the corresponding sulphonyl chloride with an amine. Although the extinction coefficient Introduction 8 value (and hence the overall fluorescence output) is only moderate, the spectral characteristics are environmentally sensitive, hence 9 and 10 may be used to probe the local environment the label. of Dansyl chloride is commonly used for the determination of the N-terminal residue of amino acids, and to prepüe fluorescent derivatives of drugs, amino acids, oligonucleotides and proteins. Acridine 11 derivatives, in particular acridine orange 13, have been used for many years as fluorescent biological stainsle. Derivative 15 has been attached to oligonucleotides to increase the stability of the duplex formed upon binding to a complementary strand2o, as the acridine moiety inserts (intercalates) between the nucleobases. Acridone 12 is easily alkylated on the nitrogen2r, and fluorescence is maintained. Recently fluorophores based on the 4,4-difluoro-4-bora-3a,4a-diaza-s-indacene moiety (14) (BODIPYTM¡ have been inroduced, which a¡e claimed to have superior spectral characteristics to existing dyes22. H + NEtz 6 5 8 7 o -o o 9 10 Introduction M%N N 1l N F I I H H 12 13 + 9 CT N /B N F 15 L4 Labels are generally attached to spacer molecules via a nucleophilic/electrophilic interaction, hence the label molecule may require modification (either pre- or postsynthetic) to introduce a suitably reactive functionality. Common electrophilic groups included in labels are isothiocyanates (Scheme 1a), activated esters (such as N-hydroxysuccinimide and p-nitrophenol esters) (Scheme 1b) and sulphonyl chlorides (Scheme 1c), which react most readily with amines and sulphydryls. The most common nucleophilic moiety introduced is an amine, which generally is alkylated (Scheme ld) or acylated (Scheme 1e). Once the label-spacer adduct is formed, covalent bonding to a biomolecule may occur by many methods, which a¡e discussed in the next section. Introductíon 10 S a. label-N:C:S + Y-spacer Y = NHz, SH il label-N -C-Y-spacer l H --> o il b. label-C-X + Y-spacer ---------r> ¡ = p- nitropb**y, N- hydrorysrrccinimllyl o il c. label-S-Cl il o + d. Iabel-NH2 + X-spacer X=I,Br e label-NH2 ? J-spacer Y = NHz, SH ? -spacer Y = NHz, SH labet-fr-Y-sPacar o -> taUet-f H -> + X-C-spacer -spacer o il label-N-Q-spacer I ¡ = p- nitroph**y, -> N- hydrorysuccinimlty[ Cl H Scheme 1. General methods of label-spacer attachment. L.4. Attachment of Nonradioactive Labels to Biomolecules. The nonradioactive labelling of naturally occurring proteins, peptides and nucleic acids is well describeds'r1'14'1e'æ'ã. Labelling reactions occur mainly at discrete residues in the biopolymer, and the chemistry of the interaction is described in the labelling of residues section below. Natíve proteins andpeptides are generally labelled via a nucleophilic group on the hydrophilic sidechain of an amino acid residue reacting with an elecnophilic group at the terminus of the spacer in an alkylation or acylation reaction, although many other procedures are used less commonlyæ. The most reactive nucleophile is the sulphydryl group of cysteine, followed by the amino group of lysine; selectivity for the amino group of lysine in the presence of a free sulphydryl is difflrcult to achieve. Serine and threonine are rarely used for labelling as the nucleophilicity of the hydroxyl group is low compared to sulphydryl and amino groups (which react preferentially). Also, the substrates are generally in aqueous solution, and reagents of sufficient reactivity are decomposed by the solvent. By appropriate choice of functional group on the spacer and reaction conditions selectivity for most other Introduction 11 reactive functional groups in the protein may be achieved. Synthetic peptides may be labelled as previously, or may incorporate a modifîed residue which is either labelled or may easily be attached to a label. RNA and DN,F are generally labelled via enzymatic incorporation of a modified nucleotide triphosphate using nick translation or random primer labelling; photochemical reaction with an azide compound or a photoreactive intercalating compound (such as psoralen); or via chemical modification (e.9. bromide derivation with NBS and subsequent reaction with an amine). Synthetíc olígonucleotides may incorporate a modified phosphoramiditeã at the S'-terminus (or less commonly the 3'-terminus, the intemucleotidic phosphate linkage or C2' of the sugar) which is attached to a label, or a nucleotide which is either labelled or is modified so that it can be easily attached to a 1abe125. Amino acids (as mentioned above) are generally labelled via a nucleophilic group on a sidechain. A larger range of coupling reactions are available for single residues or small peptides as they may be soluble in organic solvents, hence more reactive functional groups (which are hydrolysed in aqueous solutions) are available on the spacer unit; also they may be subjected to more forcing conditions than proteins, which may be denatured. The stability of the functional group formed upon reaction with the spacer needs to be considered with respecr to the proposed use of the labelled residue. The sulphydryl moiety of. cysteine roacts fastest with common electrophilic moieties. Reaction with cr-haloacetamides (Scheme 2a) occurs via an S*2 displacement of the iodide leaving group, while reaction with N-maleimides (Scheme 2b) is via a Michael addition. The most specific groups for sulphydryl moieties are the mercurial compounds (Scheme2c), as the formation of a strong sulphur-mercury bond results. The nucleophilic e-amino moiety of lysine reacts with o-haloacetyl andN-maleimide compounds similarly to cysteine, although at a slower rate (Schemes 2d and 2e). Reaction also occurs with compounds with activated acid derivatives such as acid chlorides, N-hydroxysuccinimde esters andp-nitrophenol esters (Scheme 2f) to give acyl derivatives. Isocyanates (Scheme 2g), isothiocyanates (Scheme 2h) and sulphonyl chlorides (Scheme 2i) also react with lysine to give N-alkylurea, N-alkylthiourea and N-sulphonamide derivatives respectively. A free N-terminus of a small peptide reacts similarly. Introduction o a. il C¡t-SH + I -CH2C-Q-sPacer # b. Cfn-S c. + -spacer Cys-S ------> Cys-S + Cl- + Hg-spacer + d. Lys-NH, + I -spacer Cys-S-Hg- spacer o o il ..-_-+ Lys- N -cH2c-o -spacer I H H e. Lys-NH2 + -spacer f. Lys-NH2 + Lyr-t # X = Cl, N-hydrox5nrrccinimlty[ (t Lys-NH2 + O:C:N-spacer N-spacer o _-_> X +fÐ( Lys_N p- ninophenol -----------> o Lp- N -N-spacer I I H H S tL Lys-NH2 + S:C:N-sPacer€ LYs- N N-spacer I I H t. Lys-NH2 + Cl Scheme il o 2. 12 spacer --> H Lys- N H I Reactions of cysteine (a-c) and lysine (d-i) Introduction 13 Amino acids with an acidic side chain (glutamic andaspartic acíds) have been reacted with carbodiimide derivatives and amines to form amides $cheme 3a), and also diazoacetate ester and diazoacetamide derivatives $cheme 3b) resulting in esters. The C-terminus of a small peptide may be tabelled similarly. Serine andthreonine may be labelled via the hydroxy moiety with the more reactive acylating reagents such as acid chlorides to form esters (Scheme 3c). Similarly, tyrosine may be labelled via the phenolic hydroxyl under basic conditions (Scheme as the resulting 3d). The other hydrophilic amino acids are generally not labelled, functional groups do not have sufficient chemical stability. carbodämile + a. H2N-sPacer ------------> N-spacer R I H + + N:N:C b.R o o +R o spacer I H c. R-OH + Cl d. Ar-O + CtScheme 3. _____--> R + tu-o -spacer o Reactions of carboxylic acid (a, b), hydroxyl (c) and tyrosine (d) sidechains Nucleotide.f may have labels attached at the sugar (generally the 2'-hydroxy of ribose26), or more commonly, at the nucleobase. Moieties involved in hydrogen bonding which are used for molecular recognition should not be affected, and importantly, the modified nucleotide must be a substrate for any enzymes used in the processes in which it (the nucleotide) is involved. Attachment of the spacer or label-spacer adduct to the nucleobase may be realised by a displacement reaction of a leaving group by a nucleophile (generally an amine or sulphydryl group) of the spacer. Hence reaction of the good leaving Introductíon 14 groups triazole 2027 and2,4,6-Íimethylphenol 2128 at C4 of both cytosine 16 and thymidine derivatives 18 (Scheme 4) gave the labelled adducts l7 and 19; other leaving groups have also been used2e. Also, S-thymidine derivatives23 and 25 have been prepared by the palladium mediated allylation3o of 22in poor yield, and by the palladium catalysed coupling of protected propargylamine to 5-iodouridine derivative€' 24 (Schemes 5 and 6 respectively). Adenosine derivatives 27 and29 have been synthesised in the 8-position via nucleophilic displacement of bromide from 8-bromoadenosine26by amines32 and thiolate groups33 (Scheme 7), and 2834 in the 6-position by reaction of amines with 6-iododeoxyadenosine lScheme 8). Palladium catalysed coupling of an N-protected propargylamine to 3l and 33 (Schemes 9 and 10 7-deazadtdeoxypurines 30 and 32 gave the adductft respectively), which were then deprotected and reacted with fluorescent labsls to give compounds suitable for use as terminators in an automated Sanger dideoxynucleotide sequencing protocole. B2 p1 N € oÀ* 1 N oÅ* sugar o sugar Rr=H l8: Rr = CH3 17: Rr=H 19: Rt = CI{3 16: Scheme 4: RP = spacer; 2l 20 X=20 or2l; Y = NH or S. o HÉI HN "L N l sugaf 22 HN N N H K2PdCl4, pH 5 bttrer I sugar 23 Scheme 5. l\ H CF¡ Intoduction HN ¿ H HN N I sugar oÅ* H Pd(PPh3)4, CuI, Et N, DMF 25 24 Scheme 6. spacer-Y N ( Br -----+ N N ( -spacor N I sugar sugar 27 26 Scheme 7. H-*-sPacer N ) (* spacer-NH2 N N ( N ) 29 28 Scheme 8. 15 Introduction 16 o H N CF¡ N H Pd@P\)a, CuI, EtrN, DMF N N I sugar sugar 31 30 Scheme 9. N H N H HN H Pd(PPh3)4, CuI, Et3N, DMF HzN HzN sugar 32 33 Scheme 10. Steroid derivatives are generally monomeric and so a wider range of chemistry may be utilised in the labelling roactions, although labels ate commonly attached via interaction with either hydroxyl $oups or carbonyl groups. Attachment of hydroxyl group is common and simple (e.g. 34 )36, a fluorescent label via a however a free hydroxyl group may be necessary to maintain the physicochemical properties of the unlabelled molecule. Formation of carbon-carbon bonds via a carbonyl group, although synthetically more involved, may enable attachment of labels with minimal alteration of the physical properties. For example, addition of phenyl lithium to 35 (Scheme 11) enabled formation of organometallic derivative 36, which was suitable for studying the hormone-receptor interaction for estradiol37. Also, addition of a phosphonate ylid to 37 enabled the synthesis of a fluorescent cholesterol analogue 38 (Scheme l2), suitable for use as a probe in membrane studies3s. Introduction l1 ozN NH-CIr2-(CIJz-OCHù2-CH2-NH 34 c(co)3 € 35 36 Scheme 10. (Ð PhLi, -70'. (ii) ISiMer. (iiÐ Cr(CO)u. ------------> RO 37 Scheme 11. (Ð (E)-@IO)rP(O)CTLCH=CHPh, ¿-BuLi, 38 TI#, -7S; (ii) 37; (iii) TBAF, THF. Polysaccharides are commonly reacted with hydrazine and amine derivatives to introduce labels3e. Addition of hydrazines to an aldehyde or ketone functionality in the polysaccharide (which may be introduced by periodate oxidation of the commonly occurring Introductíon 18 vicinal diols, if not originally present) gives a stable hydrazone adduct (Scheme 13). However, addition of amines to the carbonyl groups is reversible and gives unstable Schiff bases; subsequent reduction by NaBI{o or NaCNBH, results in stable amine conjugates (Scheme 14). N -NH-sPacer H2N-NH-spacer R R' R' Scheme 13. /.spacer aBHa orNaCNBH3 H2N-sPacer R R R R H Scheme 14. As has been shown, the formation of a covalent bond between a label and a biomolecule generally requires a nucleophilic-electrophilic interaction. However, with the application of modern transition-metal mediated chemistry such as the palladium-catalysed cross coupling reaction of terminal alkynes with aryl or vinyl halides (as shown in Schemes 6,9 andlO), low polarity covalent bonds may be formed readily between suitable carbon atoms. Hence a label molecule may be attached to one terminus of a spacer which is functionalised at the alternate terminus with a terminal alkyne (or a group which is converted easily to a terminal alkyne), and then reacted under palladium catalysis with a bromo-, iodoor triflyl- arene or alkene functionality on a biomolecule (Scheme 15). The use of this type of reaction for labelling biomolecules offers the primary advantage in that lipophilic sites on biomolecules may be labelled, which is in general complementary to current methods. Thus the aromatic sidechains of aminoacids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine and typtophan, the nucleobases of adenosine, guanosine and deoxyuridine and derivatives of the steroids esffone and epiandrosterone should be able to ¡eacted with label-spacer adducts, as suitable halogenated or triflated derivatives are either commercially available or readily synthesised. Introduction 19 Another advantage is that label-spacer adducts synthesised with a terminal alkyne functionality may be coupled to any suitable biomolecule derivative in a one-step reaction; it is a general method. Also, a hydrocarbon spacer arm may be used to link the label and biomolecule, which should be more resistant to enzymatic hydrolysis if used in vivo. than the functional groups (e.g. esters and amides) which result from standard labelling rcactions. label + -------.--> spacer Pd (caÐ label spacer label X bionnlecub spacer bbmolecule Scheme 14. X = I, Br, OTf L.5. Paltadium Catalysed Couplings of Nonradioactive Labels and Biomolecules The use of palladium catalysis in the formation of carbon-carbon bonds in the synthesis of complex organic molecules is well establishedo. The reactions are generally high yielding, chemoselective, occur under mild conditions, are compatible with a wide range of functional groups, and have been shown not to cause racemisation of amino acid derivativesaT. A new bond is formed between an electrophilic s/- or sp3-hybridised carbon atom (a halo- or triflyt- derivative) and a nucleophilic (alkene or alkyne) carbon atom or derivative, the major derivaives being cuproacetylidesal, organoboraneso2 lthe "Suzuki" coupting) and organostannaneso' (the "Stille" coupling). The cross-coupling reaction between acetylenes and aryl or vinyl halides under palladium catalysis was first reported by Heck4 and Cassaras independently in 1975. A typical coupling between iodobenzene and phenylacetylene in EgN (Scheme 16, Conditions A) required elevated temperatures to Introduction 20 proceed. Sonogashira's use of a copper iodide co-catalyst6 (e.g. Scheme 16, conditions B) (which forms a nucleophilic copper acetylide) allowed this reaction to occur at room temperature. Reaction of substrates which were not soluble in the amines initially used as solvents can take place in polar aprotic solvents such as DMF andDMSO. Many complex organic molecules have been constructed using this methodology as a key synthetic stepot. I + -¡> Conditions Conditions A: Pd(OAc) (0.01 eq), PPh, (0.02 eq), Et N, 100", 1.5 hours,]3Vo. B: Pd(PPhr)rClr(0.10 eq), CuI (0.05 eq), EqNH, RT, 6 hours, 857oScheme 16. The catalytic cycle for the cross-coupling between aryVvinyl halides/triflates and cuproacetylidesar is shown in Scheme 17. The palladium species may be introduced in an oxidation state of zero (Pd(PPhr)/ or two (e.g. Pd(PPh3)2Ct). tn both cases the active catalyst is the 14 electron, coordinately unsaturated, catalytic species is formed by either the dissociation of two ligands from prll, PdI, (l- = PPh¡) which upon dissolution in the reaction solvenr, or by the reduction of PdtrLrClrviahomocoupling of the alkyne. Oxidative addition of the electrophilic carbon occurs most quickly for iodides; bromides and triflates add at a similar rate and chlorides are the slowest. Transmetallation of the alkynylcuprate (generated in catalytic quantities from the reaction between CuI, EgN and alkyne) with the catalytic species and reductive elimination of the coupled product regenerates the catalyst. Introduction 2I PdL¿ Ar:R 1I Ar-X Pdlz redwtive eliminatbn oxidative additbn Ar I Pd L I Ar X -L L tansnptalhtbn + Et N + I I R-:Cu CUX R-H Pd-L R-:-Cu CuI + + Et NH+ -I Scheme 17. A potential problem of the reaction is the production of the homocoupled alkyne in preference to the cross-coupled product. Recovery of the homocoupled alkyne in a significant amount has been reported when the oxidative addition of the aryl halide species is slowas (generally due to the use piperidineae or pyrrolidinesO at of an aryl bromide or electron rich aryl iodide). Reaction in reflux gives a higher yietd of cross coupled product, and hence less homocoupled alkyne, however this approach is limited by the stability of the substrate under the reaction conditions. Another problem is chelation of the catalytic metal ions to the substrate or product, or both; a sluggish reaction may result due to the reduced availability of the catalysfr. Treatment of a solution of with tlS a crude purine nucleoside cross-coupled product gas to precipitate the chelated metals as metal sulphides was necessary for isolation of the desired products2. These disadvantages are readily overcome by suitable choices of Introductíon 22 reaction conditions and/or substrate protection, and purification methods. Hence the palladium catalysed cross-coupling of aryl or vinyl halides or triflates with terminal alkynes should provide an efficient method of attaching a reporter compound to a suitable biomolecule derivative. t.6. Aim of Project The aim of this project is to ascertain if the palladium catalysed cross-coupling reaction is a suitable method for the introduction of label-spacer adducts, which are functionalised with a terminal alkyne group, to iodo, bromo and triflyl derivatives of biomolecules. The synthetic work consists of three main pafts; (i) synthesis of spacer molecules and label-spacer adducts, (ii) synthesis of halogenated or triflated biomolecule derivatives, and (iii) reaction of biomolecule derivatives and label-spacer adducts under PdCC conditions to give the labelled biomoleclues. Undec-lO-enoic acid was selected as a suitable stafting material for spacer molecules (which need to be cr,r¡-difunctional hydrocarbon chains) as it was inexpensive, readily available and of medium length. Interconversion of the functional groups to those suitable for attachment to both the label and the biomolecule (which requires an alkyne or a group easily converted to one) should be readily accomplished by standard chemistry. The fluorescent labels selected for use in this study were fluorescein 5, pyrene 7, dansyl sulphonamide derivative 10 and acrido ne 12. The complex tris(phenanthroline)ruthenium (II) hexafluorophosphate 39 was selected as a model tíme resolvedflu.orescencereporler in place of the bathophenanthroline ruthenium complex 27 as the ligand 40 is less expensive, bromo derivatives of 1,l0-phenanthroline40 are easily synthesised from literature procedures, and the coupling ability under palladium catalysis of both complexes should be similar. Also 1,lO-phenanthroline derivatives and complexes have many other interesting chemical and physical properties which have been intensively studied3, and the methodology developed may have applications in those areas. Finally, abiotin 41 label was tested for coupling under PdCC conditions. Introduction 23 H H H s N .2PF6 o 4l 40 39 Synthesis of the label-spacer adducts involving the aromatic moities 7 and40 should occur via P{CC of halogenated derivatives with an alþnyl spacer $cheme 18). After coupling, the internal alkyne may be either hydrogenated to the saturated analogue, or leftín sita, which offers labels with possibly different specml characteristics. Finally, functional group interconversion (FGD to the terminal alþne gives the labels42 and43 which should be suitable for coupling. hbel X+ spacer .# (Ð (ä), (uD hbel spacer (trÐ label 42 Scheme 18. X = I, spacer Iabel spacer 43 Br. (i) PdCC. (iÐ tHl. (iii) FGI Synthesis of the other labels involves elecrophilic-nucleophilic interaction between suitable functionalities of the label and spacer molecules; attack on an electrophilic alkynyl spacer for the labels (acridone, fluorescein) which may possess a suitable nucleophilic site such as an anionic heteroatom (Scheme 19) to give 44, or attack by a nucleophilic spacer on Introductíon 24 an electrophilic label (dansyl chloride, biotin NHS ester) (Scheme 20) to give 45. Iabel Y+X Y Iabel spacef -> Scheme 19. Iabel X+Y 44 Y = ArO-, N-; X = I. spacer label spacer -l> Scheme 20. spacer 45 Y = NFL; X = Cl, NHS. The biomolecules selected for labelling are halogenated or hydroxy derivatives (for conversion to triflates using standard methodologfo) of amino acids and nucleosides which are commercially available. Functional groups such as the hydroxyls of the sugars nucleosides and the carboxylate and amino gÌoups of amino acids will of be protected; although not necessary for the PdCC reaction, protection will aid purification by chromatography and cha¡acterisation of the labelled biomolecule. The halogenated amino acids selected to be trialled were 4-iodophenylalanine 46 and 3-iodotyrosine 47; tyrosine 48 and 5-hydroxytryptophan 49 were to be converted to the respective triflates before labelling was attempted. Also, reactions of protected propargyl glycine 50 (which is readily resolved into both enantiomers, and has been shown to couple with aromatic and vinyl halides and triflatesaT) with l-halopyrenes to give a labelled glycine derivative will be studied. Halogenated nucleosides are readily available, and those selected for trial were 5-iododeoxyuridine 51, 8-bromoadenosine 52 and 8-bromoguanosine 53. Finally, as steroidal triflate derivatives have been shown to couple readily to terminal alkynesa855, the estrone triflate derivative 54 and epiandrosterone triflate derivative 55 were selected for trial in labelling reactions. Introduction I H'o *HrN H H,, H,o +HrN coz- 25 *H¡N coz- Coz48 47 46 H N I H'. +HrN AcN coz- H 50 49 HN I CO2Er I OH N ll- H Br N Br N HzN HO HO HO 53 52 51 OH Ac TO MeO 55 54 If these biomolecules are successfully labelled using PdCC, the number of possible labelling sites will be increased, in a method complementary to existing protocols. There are, however, other advantages. The conformational change difference between labelled and unlabelled potypeptides may be reduced as hydrogen bonding interactions of the sidechains are not disrupted by heteroatoms being used for attachment of the label. Also, the charge Introduction 26 and,/or the pKa of the heteroatom, and hence the polypeptide, is affected by the covalent bonding of the label. Both these problems may be overcome by attachment of the label to the sidechain of a lipophilic residue. The use of a hydrocarbon spacer may offer advantages when synthesising labelled biomolecules for use in lipophilic systems. Compared tQ the labelling reactions for steroids (see chapter 1.3,[-abelling of Bíomolecules), use of this methodology does not rcqufue the presence of heteroatoms for attachment (c.f.19) and so the adduct should be less polar. Although some nucleosides have used PdCC for the introduction of spacer molecules, labelling of nucleosides via this methodology should be simpler as the spacer-label adduct is intr. oduced in one step, compared to the three steps required for coupling of the protected spacer, deprotection and coupling of the label as shown in Schemes 5, 8 and 9. Successful exploitation of palladium catalysed coupling methodology would allow the facile preparation of a large range of tabelled biomolecules, with the incorporation of a hydrocarbon spacer arm which is attached to a lipophilic portion of the biomolecule, in high yields. The chemoselectivity of the coupling process should allow different label-spacer adducts to couple to different biomolecules, hence the synthesis of novel labelled biomolecules should be possible. This methodology is, in general, complementary to existing labelling protocols. Chapt et 2. Synthesis of Label-spacer Molecules. Chapter 2.L. Synthesis of Linker'spacer Molecules. Linker-spacer molecules were required to be c,crfunctionalised alkyl chains with an alkyne occupying one of the termini, so as to be attached to a halogenated or triflated label derivative or the biomolecule. The other ærminus could be a functional group suitable for either attachment to the label, or for conversion to an alkyne which is then attached to the biomolecute. The choice depends on whether a purely hydrocarbon linker arm is required or whether some functionality is permitted. When PdCC is necessary for attachment of the label the functional group at the other terminus should be inert to the coupling reaction conditions, and if required subsequent conversion to an alkyne should be facile. When an electrophilic label is required to be attached, nucleophilic attack by the spacer with an amine functionality is preferred as the resultant functional group (e.g. an amide) generally is stable under projected reaction conditions. Conversely, attack on the spacer by a nucleophilic label requires an elecnophilic group such as an iodide. The chemisEy involved in the functional group interconversions should not depend on the length of the alkyl chain, and hence be applicable to any alkyl length chosen. Undec-lO-enoic acid 56 is an inexpensive, readily available, cr,cudifunctionalised molecule of medium length and was selected to provide the starting material for the spacer-linker molecules. Conversion of 56 to undec-10-ynoic acid 57 was via a literature method6. Bromination of 56 in CClo at 0o gave the vicinal dibromide, which was then subjected to double dehydrohalogenation. Dehydrohalogenations to give terminal alkynes have been achieved using many methodssT, most commonly with NaNI{, in liquid ammonia or with aqueous KOH. The basicity of NaNfl is strong enough to form the salt of the ærminal alkyne (which is thermodynamically more stable than the internal isomet's), and hence upon protonation in the workup the major product is the terminal alkyne. The alternative method of KOH in IIO was chosen due to its ease of workup; the low literature yield (327o) is acceptable due to the low cost of 56. Afterreaction of the vicinal dibromide with KOH for 8 hours (Scheme 2l) at 150', and isolation of the product by distillation and recrystallisation Results and Discussions 28 tH NMR analysis showed resonances f¡om hexane, the product was rocovered in 307o yieLd. at ô 1.94 (r, lH, J 2.6Hz,HC{) and 2.18 (dt, 2IJ, J 7.0, 2.6H2, CH2-C=) which were consistent with 57; also observed was an unexpected resonance at õ 1.78 (t, J 2.4IJ2). A 13C NMR spectrum of the product showed alkyne resonances at ô 68.0 (terminal) and 84.6 (internal) which were consistent with 57, and low intensity resonances at õ 74.5 andl9.I. Isomerisation of a terminal alkyne to the thermodynamically more stable internal alkyness has been shown to occur under basic conditionsse (presumably via an allene intermediate); here the unexpected resonance at õ 1.78 was consistent with the terminal methyl groupse of the 9-alkyne isomer 58, and the 13C resonances also consistent with an internal alkyneo. Integtation of the terminal methyl group resonance with reference to the methylene next to the carboxyl group (with allowance for the contribution from 58) showed the ratio of 57 to 58 to be 90:10. Repeated fractional distillations through a 150mm Vigreaux column could not increase the ratio and so modifications to the reaction conditions were made to reduce the amount of 58. o il 56 +CH ---------> 58 57 (i) Br, CCl4,0'. (ii) KOH (aq), 150', 8 hours,307o Scheme 21. Reducing the temperature and,/or time of reaction should lead to an increase in the ratio of the kinetic product 57 to thermodynamic product 58, albeit with yield. Consequently repeating the reaction at 130' for a reduction in overall 8 hours gave a ratio of 98:21or 57 to 58, with a yield of 247o, and reaction at 120' for 6 hours gave only 57 in a yield of 187o. After distillation of the product, the majority of reaction mixture remained as high boiling point residue, which was presumably a mixture of the bromoalkenes which are intermediates in the reaction. As the reaction was performed on a large (100g) scale from starting material, the poor yield was acceptable, in terms of quantity of material obtained. Results and Díscussions 29 Reduction of 57 to the alcohol 59 occured readily in very good yield using LAH in refluxing Et2O (Scheme22). Synthesis was confirmed by IR (3400-3100 cm-l, O-H str., and absence of carbonyl tH NMR (õ 3.62, t,2H, C[L-OH). absorption at 1720 cm-t¡ and :(CH2)sCO2H :-(cHteoH € 59 57 LAH, Et O, reflux overnight, 87 Vo. Scheme 22. Conversion of 59 to the iodide 62 was via the standard two step procedure; conversion of the alcohol to a good leaving group (ie the tosylate 60 or the mesylate 61) and subsequent displacement with NaI in 2-butanone6r. Reaction of 59 with TsCl in pyridine (Scheme 23) gave an excellent crude yield of the corresponding tosylate 60. Reaction of 59 with MsCl in pyridine gave the expected mesylate 61 also in excellent yield (Scheme 24' Conditions A). The method of choice however, was reaction of 59 with MsCl and EqN in CIICI, to give 61 (Scheme 24, Conditions B), then conversion to 62. Although the yield of crude mesylate was slightly lower than tosylate, (88Vo to 937o), the advantages were that no pyridine was used, and that the isolation procedure was easiest. Displacement of the tosylaæ or mesylate groups (Scheme 25) occurred readily to give the iodide 62 as a colourless oil in good yield; synthesis was conf,rmed by mass spectrometry (M. 278) and the distinctive high field chemical shift in the 13C NMR spectrum (ô 7.18) of the carbon attached to the iodide. :(CHre-oH 59 -----------> TsCl (2 eq), pyridine, ü - (CH2)s-ors 60 to RT overníght;94Vo. Scheme 23. Results and Díscussíons 30 ___________> 59 Conditions Conditions :(cH2)e_oMs 61 A: MsCl (1 eq), pyridine,0o,4 hours;937o. B: MsCl (1 eq), Et3N (1 eq), CFIC!, RT,24 hours, 887o. Scheme 24. € :-(CHte-OR 60: R =OTs;697o :(CHzb-I 61: R =OMs;757o 62 NaI (5 eq), 2-butanone, reflux 12 hours. Scheme 25. Preparation of aminoalkyne 66 was envisaged to occur by a standard Gabriel synthesis62. Reaction of 62 with the sodium anion of phthalimide 63 in DMF (Scheme 26, Conditions A) gave 64 in apoor yield of 4I7o. TLC (20/80 EtOAc/hexanes) of the reaction mixture after 3 hours stirring at 100' showed new UV active spot at & a large amount of phthalimide at \ 0.22, and a 0.54 corresponding to product; the spot corresponding to 62 was absent. Synthesis was confirmed by mass spectrometry (M.297) and IR (1772 and 1710 cm-t, imide C=O stretch). The yield was increased to78Vo by the reaction between 62,63 and ÇCO, in refluxing 2-butanone (Scheme 26, Conditions B). In an attempt to improve yield a phase transfer catalysed reaction63 was performed, however reaction of potassium phthalimide 65 and iodide 62 in toluene with PTC catalyst 18C-6 (Scheme 27) gave upon workup only a poor yield of 407o. -H 63 Conditions Conditions A: B: -(CHz)s -------> 64 (i) NaH (1.1 eq), DMF. (ii) Iodide 62, 100",3hovs,4LVo. Iodide 62 (1.2 eq), KrCOt Q.Z eq), MEK, reflux 24hours,78%o. Scheme 26. the Results and Discussions 3L _+K -(CH)n: -> 65 64 Iodide 62 (1.2 eq), 18C-6 (0.1 eq), toluene, 90", 8 hours, 407o. Scheme 27. Reaction of 64 with 3 equivalents of hydrazine hydrate in EIOH at toom temperature and standard workup (Scheme 28) gave the amine 66 in an average yield of 647o. Synthesis was confirmed by IR (3500-3100 cm-l N-H stretch) and mass spectrometry (M+H. 168). Varying the amount of hydrazine (1, 2 and 5 equivalents) did not improve the yield, neither did reaction at a higher temperature. As the amine is four synthetic steps from the acid 57 with an overall yield of 347o, the alternative path of conversion of 57 to the amide 68 and reduction to 66 with LAH was explored. -(CHts --------> 64 (Ð H2N-(CH2)e: 66 rLNI{Hr.rLO (3 eq), EIOH, RT, 48 hours. (iÐ HCI (aq). (iii) NaOH (aq). Scheme 28. Reaction of acid 57 with SOCI2 gave the acid chloride 67 (Scheme 29 (Ð) in good yield. The IR spectrum of 67 showed the absence of the O-H stretch between 3350 and 2500 cm-l, and a strong absorption at 1796 cm-l consistent with the carbonyl group of an acid chloride. The tH NMR chemical shift of the methylene next to the acyl chloride was ô 2.88, compared with ð 2.35 in 57. Addition of 67 to a cold (-15') saturated solution of ammonia Results and Discussions 32 (Scheme 29 (iÐ) precipitated the amide 68 in very good yield. The IR spectrum showed distinctive primary amide N-H stretch absorptions at 3356 and 3184 cm-r, and strong absorptions at1662 (C=O str.) and 1632 cm-t (Nf! def.). o ---_.--> 57 (i) o + 67 SOC12, reflux, 60 minutes (ii) conc. aq. NHr, -15";84Vo- 68 Scheme 29. The amide 68 was only partially soluble in EqO, hence it was placed in the thimble of a Soxhlet extraction appamtus for reduction to the amine 66 by LAH in EqO (Scheme 30). After reflux for 36 hours the amide had dissolved and the amine was recovered in very good yield; the IR spectrum showed a broad absorption between 3500 and 3100 cm-l (N-H str.) and the lH NMR a resonance at ô 2.60 (t,zIJ,I 6.6}J:2) consistent with yield for the two-step synthesis of 66 from the acid 57 was 737o, CIlrNtl. a marked The overall improvement compared with the previous four-step synthesis of 34Vo. o 68 __> :(cHreNH2 LAH (1 eq), EtrO, reflux, 36 hours, 66 857o. Scheme 30. Hence the preparation of a-alkynyl-o>functionalised linker-spacer compounds was accomplished using standard chemistry in good yields. It was envisaged that alkynyl alcohol 59 would be used in PdCC reactions (with the hydroxy function subsequently being convefted to an alþne), alkynyl acid chloride 62 and alkynyl iodide 67 in coupling to labels which inco¡porate a nucleophilic group, and alkynyl amine 66 for coupling to electrophilic groups of labels. The use of these compounds in the preparation of label-spacer molecules is described in the remaining sections of this Chapter. Results and Discussíons 33 Chapter 2.2. Synthesis of Fluorescent Label-spacer Molecules. The coupling step between label and spacer molecules for the construction of fluorescent label-spacer adducts may occur via a palladium catalysed coupling of a terminal aþne of the spacer with a halogenated derivative of the pyrene 7 moiety (Scheme,18, Introductíon), or via nucleophilic/elecrophilic interactions for the acridone 12, fluorescein 5 and dansyl 10 moieties (Schemes 19 and 20,Intoduction). Previous works had est¿blished conditions for the preparation of the acridone label69 and pyrene label78, however the yields were only moderate. Hence an improvement in yield for the preparation of 69 and78, and the development of conditions suitable for the preparation of label-spacer adducts based on the fluorescein 5 and dansyl derivative 10 molecules were the objectives of this section. The acridone label 69, as it has previously been synthesised easily in 59Vo yield (Scheme 31, Conditions A), was selected to be a test label for optimising conditions for the tabelling reactions with the halogenated and triflated biomolecule derivatives. The reaction was repeated with 1-iodoundec-10-yne 62 as the alkylating agent in an attempt to improve the yield of 69 (Scheme 31, Conditions B). TLC of the reaction mixture between 12 and NaH in DMF after stirring for 60 minutes at 50' suggested formation of the anion of 12 as shown by the disappearance of the spot coffesponding to 12 at appearance & 0.17 (EtoAc/hexanes 40160) and the of a new spot on the baseline. Also, the reaction mixture turned a fluorescent yellow-green which is consistent with formation of the anion6s. Addition of 62 dropwise over 10 minutes discharged the fluorescent colour and gave a dark green solution. TLC of the reaction mixture after 60 minutes stirring at room temperature showed a new spot at & 0.69 corresponding to product 69, alwge spot corresponding to 12 and the absence of the baseline spot. After workup and removal of traces of DMF under vacuum, 69 was recovered in237o yield; the balance of 12 appeared to be reprotonated. This ¡esult suggested that 62 was reacting via an E, process and reprotonating the anion of L2. N-Alkylacridone derivatives have also been synthesised in phase transfer catalysed reactions6, the best yields and mildest conditions reported by Nishi et. dl.6' TLC of the reaction mixture after dropwise addition of 62 to a stirred mixture of 12,507o aeueous KOH, benzylriethylammonium chloride (0.02 eq) and 2-butanaone (Scheme 31, Conditions C) at 80' showed after 6 hours a large spot for 69 Results and Discussíons 34 and the absence of 62. The product was recovered after an easy workup \n 59Vo yield high purity; the remainder of the anion of and in 12 presumably remained in the basic aqueous layer. The spectral data were identical with those obtained previously, although the melting point of 95-97" was higher (1it.64 88-90'). Although the yield of 69 was not significantly different to the previous work, these reaction conditions were preferred as isolation of the ptue compound was easiest. o _______> I H t2 Conditions Conditions Conditions 69 A: (i) NaI{, DMF, 50" (iÐ HC=C-(CH)rBt;59Vo. B: (i) NaII, DMF, 50'. (iÐ Iodide 62;237o. C: Iodide 62 (I.5 eq), BzEgNCl (0.02 eq),507o KOH, 2-butanone;59Vo Scheme 31. The pyrene label-spacer adduct 71 has been synthesised previouslye in 60Eo yietd by the palladium catalysed coupling of l-bromopyrene (70) and undec-10-yn-1-ol (59) (Scheme 32, Conditions A). The moderate yield is typical of the cross coupling reaction between aryl bromides and terminal alkynes under these conditions. Piperidine, when used as the reaction solvent and base, has been shown to enhance the slow oxidative addition step of the aryl bromide to the palladium (O) catalytic species and give an increase in yieldae. Reaction of 70 and 59 with palladium and copper catalysts in piperidine (Scheme 32, Conditions B) gave, after overnight reflux and workup, 71 in a yield of 72Vo. An alternative system for the activation of aryl bromides using pynolidine has also been reportedso. Reaction of 70 and 59 with only a palladium catalyst in pyrrolidine at 80" for 20 hours (Scheme 32, Conditions C) and workup afforded 7l in a good yield of 79Vo. The more reactive conditions best use of the alkyne; less is needed if also enable the coupling occurs quickly as the slower, competitive Results and Discussions 35 homocoupling process is not favoured. The spectral data were identical with those obtained previously. H -> 70 7t Conditions A: 59 (2.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)2CL (0.05 eq), CuI (0.1 eq), PP\ (0.1 eq), EgN, pyridine, 90", 24 hours; 607o. Conditions B: 59 (1.2 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.025 eq), CuI (0.05 eq), PPh3 (0.05 eq), piperidine, reflux ON;727o Conditons C: 59 (1.2 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.025 eq), pyrrolidine;797o. Scheme 32. The unsaturated pyrene label 74 was synthesised in good overall yield (617o) from 71. Oxidation with PCC (Scheme 33a) gave the aldehydeT2 in excellent yield. Synthesis was tH l.Ilt4R spectra of a resonance at õ confirmed by IR (v^,* 1720 cm-l) and the appearance in 9.75(t,IIH,J 1.8H2)indicativeof thealdehydicproton. Conversion olT2totheterminal alkyne 74 was via the method of Corey and Fuchs6t. Treatment of CBro with PPh, in at -15'for 30 minutes (Scheme 33b) CIIC! gave rise to an orange solution which is thought to contain the ylid BrrC=PPhr. Addition of 72 to the reaction mixture and stirring for 60 minutes at 0'allowed attack on the carbonyl group via a Wittig-type process to give 73. TLC (10/90 EtOAc/hexanes) of the dark brown reaction mixture showed the absence of 72 at about & 0.20 and a new fluorescent spot at about & 0.80 corresponding to 73. Dehydrohalogenation and halogen exchange of 73 facilitated by n-Buli in TFIF (30 minutes at -78' and room temperature for 2 hours), followed by protonation of the resultant lithium acetylide with saturated NH.CI solution (Scheme 33c) gave the alkyne 74 in good yield. Synthesis was confirmed by the disappearance in the tH NMR of the dibromoalkene proton resonance; a strong sharp absorption in the IR at 3300 cm-l and a new resonance at ô 1.95 (r, IH, J 1.8 Hz) were both indicative of a terminal alkyne. Results and Discussions 36 (CH2)s: -R arbc + 71: R = CH2OH 72: R = CHO 73: R = HC=CBrz 74 a. PCC (1.5 eq), NaOAc (2eq),CIl2Clr;96Vo. b. CBro, PPh3, CftCL, -10". c. (i) n-Buli, TTIF, -78'to RT. (iÐ NH4CI (sat),647o (overall for steps b and c) Scheme 33. cHtlo-R a -----------> (CHz)ro- brcrd -> 7l 75: R = CFI2OH 76: R = CHO 77: R = HC=CBrz a. H", 57o PdlC, F;tO Ac, 89Vo. b. PCC (1.5 eq), NaOAc (2 eq), CrtCL;89Vo. c. CBro, PPh3, CFLCL,-1O";80Vo. d. (i) n-Buli, TFIF, -78'to 78 RT. (iÐ NH4CI (sat),717o. Scheme 34. Preparation of the saturated analogue 78 required reduction of the internal alkyne of 71 to give the saturated analogue 75. This was readily achieved by stirring 7I with a 5Vo Pd/C catalyst under a hydrogen atmosphere (Scheme 34a). Filtration of the catalyst, removal of the solvent and recrystallisation gave the saturated compound in excellent yield. Conversion of 75 to the alkyne 78 via the aldehyde 76 was by the method for the unsaturated Results and Discussíons 37 analogue 74, with the yields being comparable. The spectral data for the alkyne were identical to those obtained previouslye. Attachment of a spacer molecule to fluorescein 5 to give a label-spacer adduct could theoretically be achieved via either the carboxylic acid ûo give an ester or amide, or alkylation of the phenolic hydroxyl to give an ether. However the small pKa difference between the acidic and phenolic protons (pK, = 5.05, pÇ = 7.00)ue, and lactone isomerisation to 79 in non-polar solvents or under acidic conditions makes selective alkylation of either group difficult to achieveT0. Also, the unreactivity of the carboxylic acid to carbodiimide réagents such as DCCI prevents attachment of the spacer via an amide linkage. A possible approach was then to prepare the known fluorescein methyl ester 80, which should be easily separable from other products in the reaction mixture, and to subsequently alkylate the phenolic hydroxyl with the iodide 62. H+ _.------------. - o o 80: R=H. IüSO. (cat.), MoOH, reflux T2hours;257o. Scheme 35. Results and Discussions 38 The methyl ester of fluorescein 80 was prepared by refluxing 5 in MeOH with IISO4 as catalyst lor T2hours (Scheme 35). The mono- and dimethylated byproducts which formed were removed by dissolving the crude product in lM NaOH solution, extracting the aqueous solution with EtOAc to remove the less polar dimethylated compounds, reprotonation with l07oHClto precipitate the crude product, and finally recrystallisation from MeOH. The methyl ester's identity was confirmed by mass spectrometry (M. 346) and melting point (282";lit.72 282"), and was recovered in25Vo yield. Alkylation to give the label81 was first attempted by deprotonation of 80, and reaction of the anion with the iodide 62 (Scheme 36). Addition of NaH to a suspension of 80 in DMF caused effervescence and the formation of a dark red evolution of gas had ceased and the substrate was in a dark mixture. After 15 minutes the red solution; presumably the phenolic anion had formed. Compound 62 was added dropwise and the mixture stired for 60 minutes, then TLC (EtOAc) showed large spots for starting material at Rr 0.10 and product at & 0.24. After workup and recrystallisation the product was recovered in 367o yield. A molecular ion at mlz 496, a strong sharp absorption in the IR at3296 cm-t 1H-C= stretch) and a tH NMR resonance at 4.06 (t,2IF.', J 7.0}J2, CHr-OAr) confirmed alkylation had occured. o o CO2Me CO2Me --> 80 Conditions Conditions A: B: 81 (i) NaH (1.1 eq), DMF. (ä> 62 (1.1 eq). 62 (1.5 eq), K,CO, (2 eq),2-butanone, reflux 24 hours. Scheme 36. As presumably the starting material evident by TLC in the previous reaction was reformed by the abstraction of a proton from 62, a base mild enough to exist with 62 and yet deprotonate 80 was required. With an increase in the amount of 62, a higher yield should Results and Discussioru 39 result. Reaction of 80 with 62 andÇCO, in 2-butanone at reflux overnight (Scheme 36' Conditions B), workup and recrystallisation gave compound 80 in a good yield of 79Vo. The product prepared by this method has the disadvantage that the most fluorescent form of fluorescein, in which the phenolic group is deprotonated, is not available. Even so,.the neutral form is sufficiently fluorescent such that a modified phosphoramidite 82 which included an O-alkylated fluorescein ether methyl ester has been used to label oligodeoxynucleotidesT3 successfully. MeO o o -o 82 Attachment of a spacer molecule to a functionalised fluorescein derivative, such as S-aminofluorescein 83 allows the highly fluorescent phenolic anion to be formed. Hence labe|84 was synthesised by the reaction of 83 with acid chloride 67 in pyridine (Scheme37). After dissolution of 83 to give a deep green at room temperatue for 48 hours, 0.33, a small byproduct spot at & solution, 67 was added dropwise. After stirring TLC (10/90 MeOIlCflC!) showed a trace of 83 at \ 0.87 and a large spot corresponding to product 84 at Rr 0.54. After workup the product was recovered in 657o yield as bright orange crystals. lH NMR spectroscopy in Acylation was confirmed by mass spectrometry (M.511) and I2H16-DMSO, which showed fesonances atõ2.37 (t,2H.,J 7.3, CH2-CONH) and ô 2.73 (t, 1H, ,f 2.5 Hlz, H-G). Also 8¿t was shown to exist in the lactone form 85 in DMSO. The lH spectrum for the non-symmetrical, open chain form 84 would be aromatic part of the expected to have 12 resonances, each of which integrates to lH (for the aromatic and acidic Results and protons). However only 8 resonances (4 Discussions 40 with integraúon 2H, the remainder lH) are observed, which is consistent with the plane of symmetry in 85. In addition, the 13C NMR spectrum showed 25 resonances tather than 31, which is again consistent with 85. This facile isomerisation explains the fact that a solution of 84 in a protic solvent (eg water, MeOH, EIOH) is coloured and fluorescent whereas a solution of 84 in an aprotic solvent (eg EtOAc, DMSO) is neither. H H _____> -l 84 83 85 Acid chloride 67 (1.2 eq), pyridine, 48 hours, room tempelature; 657o. Scheme 37. The dansyl label 87 was prepared by reaction of dansyl chloride 86, the aminoalkyne 66 and EqN in CÍI"Clrat room temperature (Scheme 38). After stirring for 60 minutes (although presumably the reaction was over much sooner) TLC (20180 EtOAc/hexanes) showed the absence of non-fluorescent 86 at \ 0.71 and a new fluorescent spot at & 0.42 corresponding to product. After chromatography 87 was recovered in 727o yield with MS lH NMR showing a resonance at õ 4.59 (bt, LH) showing a molecular ion at mlz400, and consistent with the proton of the sulphonamide group. With the preparation of the dansyl label-spacer adduct 87 all of the selected fluorescent moieties had been attached to spacer molecules in average to good yields. Fluorescence data of the compounds is shown in Table 2, and coupling reactions with the biomolecule derivatives are described in Chapter 3. Results and Discussions --------J> -o 86 87 (1 (1 eq), CIlCl2i727o eq), EqN Amine 66 Scheme 38. Table 2. Fluorescence Data for Label-spacer Adducts. n- À-ur nm Compound Solvent 69 EtOH 385 42L,444 74 cHC13 364 386,396,406 78 cHC13 343 377,397,416 81 EtOH 489 5t7 84 EtOH 482 516 87 EtOH 337 506 À"* 4l Results and Discussions 42 Chapter 2.3. Synthesis of Time Resolved Fluorescence Label-spacer Molecules. The synthesis of a time resolved fluorescence (TRF) reporter compound 92 required the incorporation of an alkynyl-alþl chain-modifred-1,10-phenanthroline ligand 91.into rurhenium (II) brs-l,lO-phenanthroline dichloride 90. Retrosynthetic analysis (Scheme 39) showed that palladium catalysed coupling of the alkynol59 with S-bromo-1,10-phenanthro- line 88, and subsequent functional group interconversion from a terminal alcohol to a terminal alkyne was necessary. The internal alkyne of the adduct 91 can either be reduced to give a saturated link to the 1,lO-phenanthroline moiety, or retained to modify the fluorescent behaviour of the label. Br HteoH 88 + 89 :-(CH2)eoH 59 0: l0: 9I + R(ptrcn)2C12 90 92 Scheme 39. The preparation of 5-bromo-1,10-phenanthroline 88 has been achieved via a Skraup synthesis from 8-amino-6-bromoquinoline?a andby the bromination of l,lO-phenanathroline Results and Díscussions 43 40 in fuming sulphuric acid (607o oleum¡7s lScheme 40), both methods reporting an average yield. The latter method was preferred as the substrate and reagents were readily available, and did not require the toxic arsenic pentoxide. Initial attempts under the reported conditions gave only a poor yield, with a large amount of dark red byproduct (which was not characterised). Heating anhydrous 40 at 120" at0.01 mmHg for three hours prior to reaction under the previous conditions to ensure anhydrous starting material reduced the amount of byproduct, and increased the yield to 52Vo. The product was purified by chromatography on alumina as pronounced str,eaking occurred on silica TLC; slow elution from a short column gave the best separation from unreacted starting material. Mass spectrometry confrrmed rH NMR were in accordance with the monobromination (m/22581260); melting point and literatureT5. NN € NN 40 88 Br, fuming IüSO., 125", 12 hours; 52Vo. Scheme 40. Previous palladium catalysed coupling reactions of bromo-substituted 1,lQ-phenanthrolines have used CuI as a co-catalyst76, however complexation of Cu(I) to the phenanthroline moiety reduced the yield of the reaction. The use of sonication to disrupt complexation, and treatment with aqueous KCN were necessary to allow a good yield. The use of copper iodide as a co-catalyst is not necessary (introductíon, p 20) if the substate can withstand the higher temperatures of pynolidine at reflux, hence 88 was reacted with alkyne alcohol 59 to give the adduct 89 in 66Vo yield (Scheme 41). Coupling was conf,rmed by MS (M. 346), the absence of the terminal alkyne triplet at ô 1.97 at õ 2.68 (2H,J 7.lHz) indicative of Ar-:-CÉ12. and the presence of a new triplet Results and Discussions 44 cHreoH --------_> NN NN 88 89 59 (l.zeq), Pd(PPq)4 (0.05 eq), pynolidine, 80', 6 hours; 667o. Scheme 41. Treatment of 89 with 5Vo Pd/C under an atmosphere of hydrogen overnight (Scheme 42, Conditions A) showed no reaction. Increasing the amount of palladium to lÙVo and srirring for 48 hours (Scheme 42, Conditions B) gave a mixture of starting 89 and the alkene 94 (in a ratio of approximately 1:7), as indicated by vinylic resonances at ô 6.02 (dt, J 7.5¡¿2, C¡I2-HC=) and ô 6.77 (dd, J lL5, 11.5, L.ZHz, AI-HC=). As the vinylic coupling constant was 11.5 lH2,94 was assumed to be the expected Z isome/7. Increasing the reaction temperature to 55' and stirring ovemight removed the alkene resonances, however the aromatic region was now very complex, indicating a mixture of products. Presumably complexation of the l,lO-phenanthroline moiety to the catalyst was the cause of the sluggish reaction. Increasing the temperature to decrease complexation caused overreduction. Protonation of amines is a common way of preventing complexation to the catalyst in hydrogenation reactionstt, hence reaction of 89 under acidic conditions (Scheme 42, Conditions C) gave the saturated compound 93 in787o yield. Mass spectrometry showed a molecular ion at m/2350, and lH NMR showed the absence of the resonance at õ 2.68, and a new resonance at E 299 (t,2H', J 7 .7 Hz, CHr-At) which were consistent with hydrogenation having occurred. The remainder of the starting material appeared to be converted to a red polar compound which could not be eluted from the top of the alumina column used for purification. Repeating the reaction using sulphuric acid gave a yield of 527o, and with chloroacetic acid a yield of 527o was obtained. The reduction step occasionally did not go to Results and Discussions 45 completion (even with catalyst renewal) and in such cases the partially reduced compound could not be separated by column chromatography. H HO(CHre r-oH + --------_:> NN N N N 94 93 89 Conditions A: [t, SVoPdlC, MeOH, OÆ'{. Conditions B: FIr, lÙ%oPdlC, MeOH,48 hours. Conditions C: Hr, 57o PdlC, lÙVo IJCI, l!'feOIJ; 7 ïVo. Scheme 42. Conversion of the alcohol 93 to the aldehyde 95 using PCC (Scheme 43, Conditions A) was unsuccessful. TLC analysis of the reaction mixture showed only a large amount of baseline material, suggesting that complexation of the 1,lO-phenanthroline moiety to the reagent had occurred. Recently, TEMPO (2,2,6,6-tetamethyl-l-piperidinyloxy free radical) has been used as a catalyst for the large scale oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl compoundsTe. The advantages of this method have been reported to include no moisture sensitivity, ease of workup and ease of reaction on a large scale. When 93 was reacted with NaOCl, NaBr and TEMPO (Scheme 43, Conditions B) a low yield of 95 was obtained, with TLC analysis showing a small amount of starting material remaining. Oxidation was confirmed by the absence in the IR of broad O-H stretch between 3600 and 3100 cm-r, and a new intense IR absorption at1724 cm-1 consistent with a C=O stretch. The majority of the starting material was presumably converted to the corresponding acid, which was not isolated from the biphasic reaction mixture. Reverting to the standard Swern oxidationso using DMSO, oxalyl lH chloride and EqN (Scheme 43, Conditions C) afforded the aldehyde 95 in good yield; NMR of the crude product showed conversion was effected relatively cleanly. The aldehyde Results and Discussions 46 was pattially unstable to chromatography on alumina hence the isolated yield was average, and so the crude aldehyde was used in the next synthetic step. (cH2)1r-oH NN 93 Conditions Conditions Conditions o-cHo ---> N 95 A: PCC (1.5 eq), NaOAc (2 eq), CIJ"CIr,0Vo. B: TEMPO (0.1 eq), NaOCI (1.1 eq), NaBr (1.1 eq), CIl"O,HrO;387o. C: CICOCOCI (1.1 eq), DMSO (2.2eq),EgN (5 eq), CI!C!,-78" toRl;717o Scheme 43. Conversion of 95 to the alkyne 91 was to occur via the method of Corey and Fuchs8l, which involves reaction of 95 with the Wittig-type roagent derived from CBro and PPhr to give the dibromoolefin 96, followed by dehydrohalogenation and halogen exchange with 2 equivalents of n-Buli to give the lithium acetylide and protonation to give the alkyne (Scheme 44). The dibromoolefin 96 was recovered in a poor yield of 35Vo, atd contaminated with triphenylphosphine oxide (in a ratio of 95:5), which could not be removed by repeated tH resonances at ô chromatography or recrystallisation. Formation of 96 was confirmed by 6.34 (t,lH, HC=CBrr) and ô 2.04 (q,2H, CÉ1r-CH=CBrr). -CHO (CH2hsCH=CBr2 (Ð (Ð _------> NN 95 NN 96 -----i> 9l (i) CBro, PPh3,-10o,3 hrs, 35Vo. (ä) (a) n-Buli (2.2eq), TTIF, -78o- RT,2 hrs; (b) NH.CI (sat) Scheme 44. Results and Discussions lH NMR analysis of the reaction mixture of 96 with n-Buli (2.2eq) showed 47 a different and complex aromatic region, suggesting the lithium reagent had reacæd with the 1,lg-phenanthroline moiety to give many products. Nucleophilic addition of alkyl lithium species to C2 and C4 of pyridine systems is well knownt2, and occurs readily at roor-n temperature. Repeating the reaction but quenching at -78'again gave a, complex aromatic tH l.IIvfR spectrum and many products by TLC. Given the poor yield and region in the purification problems of the previous step an alternative method for the conversion of 95 to 9l was necessary. (Ð, (Ð -CHz-Br + o H2N-CH2- [--oet OEr + (trÐ 98 97 (i) P(OEÐ3, p-xylene, A,, 48Vo. (iÐ NrHo.HrO, AcOH. (iii) NaNO r, AIOH, 63VoScheme 45. Dialkylphosphinodiazomethanes such as 98 have been shown to convert aldehydes to alkynes in average to good yields83. Compound 98 was readily prepared by the reaction of commercially availableN-(bromomethyl)phthalimide 97 with triethylphosphite, removal of the phthalimido group with hydrazine hydrate and diazotisation with NaNO2 under acidic conditions (Scheme 45)*. Although adiazo compound, 98 is relatively stable due to the elecgon withdrawing influence of the phosphino group, and purification by distillation was possible. The postulated mechanism for the reaction (Scheme 46)85 of 98 with aldehydes involves nucleophilic addition of the diazo compound anion 99 to the carbonyl gtoup, and formation of a Wittig-type intermediate 100 which loses potassium diethyl phosphate to give a diazoalkene 101. Loss of nitrogen from l0l results in a alkylidenecarbene L02, which undergoes hydrogen migration to give the alkyne 103. Results and K+ o il R-CH R _--------> -----------:> N N2 99 Díscussions R C:C: Nz + H 101 100 48 1 (EIO)2PO-+K -N2 R-C:C-H R <- H C:Cl L02 103 Scheme 46. Hence treatment of 95 with 98 was attempted (Scheme 47, Conditions A), and gave the alkyne glin 477o yield. Synthesis was confirmed by tH NMR resonances at 1.95 (r, lH, HC=C) and2.23 (dt,2IH,CH2-G{H), and IR absorptions at 3300 cm-l (s, H-C: str) and 2060 cm-l (w, GC srr). Recently the use of dimethyl-(l-diazo-2-oxopropyl)phosphonate (CH3C(O)C(Nr)P(OXOMe),) for the conversion of aldehydes to alkynes under mild conditions has been describeds6 . Using this reagent for the conversion of 95 to 91 (Scheme 47, Conditions B) gave a yield of 607o. (cHùocHo NN Conditions A: Conditions B: N 9s 9L (Ð 93 (1.1 eq), KOBu'(1.1 eq), TTIF, -78',10 mins; (iÐ RCHO, 18 hrs,T to RT. CIIC(O)C(Nr)P(OXOMe), (1.1 eq), KrCQ (1.1 eq), MeOH, 0",12 hours Scheme 47. Results and Discussíons 49 Using an analogous route the unsaturated ligand 105 was synthesised by the procedures developed for 91 (Scheme 48). Alcohol Sg was converted to the aldehyde 104 using a Swern oxidation, and subsequent reaction with 98 gave the alkyne 105. The IR spectrum of 104 showed the absence of the absorption between 3600 and 3100 cm-l-(O-H stretch), a strong absorption atl722cm-t spectrum atõ 9.72 (t, J l.6Hz). 1C{) and the aldehyde resonance in the tH l'[lr'IR Conversion to the alkyne 105 was confirmed by the characteristic absorption in the IR at 3300 cm-t çH-G sE), absence of C=O absorption at 1722 cm't and the alkyne proton resonance at ô 1.95 (t, J 2.6IJ2). H (Ð (Ð ______> -_-------> NN N N N 104 89 10s (Ð (COCI), (1.1 ee), DMSO (2.2eq),EqN (5 eq), -78" to RT,697o. (iÐ (a) HC(\)P(OXOEÐ, (1.1 eq), KOBu'(1.1 eq), TTIF, -78', 10 mins; (b) RCHO, stfu 18 hours, then warm to RT, 607o. Scheme 48. Formation of the ruthenium complex 92 was achieved by stirring 91 with Ruþhen)rCl 90 in a mixture of MeOH and tlO at 40" for 48 hours (Scheme 49). The dark purple colour of the neutral ruthenium (tr) complex in solution changed to a deep red-brown as the reaction progressed. After filtering out a black precipitate (presumably ruthenium metal), concentration of the reaction mixture and addition of aqueous NHoPFu, red-orange crysrals of the rurhenium (II) salt 92 were obtained. Both lH NMR and TLC showed impurities present however attempted recrystallisations from various solvents were unsuccessful: the compound continued to oil out of solution. Purification was effected by chromatoglaphy on alumina (silica gel caused decomposition) and the product was recovered in an average yield o1687o. LSIMS showed an intense peak at mlz95l1r02RuM2*.PFr-¡, Results and confirming incorporation of 9l into the ruthenium complex. Discussiors 50 As the parent rris-1,10- phenanthroline ruthenium (II) complex is chiral, formation of diastereomers upon addition of the non-symmetrical modified ligand was expected. The tH NMR showed two overlapping triplets atõ 3.22 and õ 3.24 (total integration two protons) instead of a single triplet.for the methylene adjacent to the aromatic moiety, confirming non-separable (by column chromatography) diastereomers. As the coupling properties of the alkyne under palladium catalysis were of interest, separation by a higher resolution method (i.e. HPLC) was not attempted. l0 Ru(phen)2Cþ 90 r/N € + N 91 zPF6 10 92 MoOIVIIO (I:2), 40o, 48 hours, 687o Scheme 49. With the incorporation of the modified 1,lO-phenanthroline ligand 91 the synthesis of the target reporter compound 92 was complete. Fluorescence spectroscopy of a solution of 92 showed a maximum at578 nm (),.* = 449 nm). The unsaturated ligand 105 was not incorporated into a ruthenium complex due to time constraints. Reaction of the reporter 92 with a phenylalanine derivative under palladium catalysis is described in Chapter 3.1 (Coupling of Labet-spacer Molecules to Aminoacid Derívatives). Results and Discussions 51 Chapter 2.4. Synthesis of Biotin'spacer Label. A common method of synthesising biotin conjugates is via reaction of an activated biotin ester (e.g. the N-hydroxysuccinimide ester 106) with an amine to give aN-substituted biotin amide derivative. Preparation of 106 by reaction of 41with NHS and DCC in DMF (Scheme 50) gave the product in average yield87. The melting point and spectral data of 106 were consistent \t/ith the literaturets. H \ H N _____> o S H H \ H H 4t Scheme 50. NHS, DCC, DlvÍF;5lVo 106 Displacement of the NHS group by the amine 66 occurred readily in DMF (Scheme 51). Filration to remove precipitated NHS, removal of the solvent and purification of the residue by flash chromatography and recrystallisation from MeOtVfLO gave the biotin undecynyl amide 107 in very good yield. Synthesis was confîrmed by MS (M. 393); the NMR data were consistent with the expected structure. Unexpectedly, when testing for a suitable recrystallisation solvent, the compound was found to gelate EtOAc and other low polarity organic solvents. An investigation into the gelling properties of 107 and other biotin analogues is reported in Chapter 4. o o € H \ o N H (9tt)o H I H 106 Amine 66 (1 eq), DMF, RT, 15 hours; 907o. Scheme 51. 107 (CH2)e: Results and Discussions 52 Chapter 3. Preparation and Coupling of Biomolecules Chapter 3.L. Coupling of Label-spacer Adducts to Aminoacid Derivatives This section describes the preparation of the halogenated and triflated amino acids 108, 109, 110 and 111, and their behaviour under PdCC conditions to a selection of the developed label-spacer adducts. Also, the reaction of propargyl glycine derivative 126 with l-bromopyrene and l-iodopyrene is reported. Protection of the amino and carboxyl functionalities of the amino acid derivatives, although not necessary during palladium catalysed couplings, was undertaken for reasons of ease of purification and characterisation. Esterification of the amino acid derivatives with MeorVSOCl, gave the methyl ester hydrochlorides (Scheme 52(i)), generally in excellent crude yields. Removal of the solvent, treatment of the crude products with benzoyl chloride under Schotten-Baumann conditions (Scheme 52(Íi)) and column chromatography on silica gel followed by recrystallisation gave the protected amino acids in avemge to good yields. + "K" H¡N COz- oil PhCN --> H CO2Me (i) MeOH, SOCI2. (iÐ PhCOCI, K2CO3, CII2C12,Í12O. Product yleldVo 4-iodophenylalanine (46) 108 73 3-iodotyrosine (47) 109 59 tyrosine (48) 110 55 S-hydroxyltryptophan (49) 111 50 Amino acid Scheme 52. Results and Discussions 53 Hydroxy amino acids 110 and 111\ryere converted to the triflates N-phenyltriflimide (PhNTf2) andEt N in Cflcl ll2 and 113 using (Scheme 53). Purification by flash chromatography and recrystallisation gave the products in high yields. Triflate 112 was a known compoundte and melting point and spectral daø were in agreement. Formatþn of 112 was confirmed by MS (M.470) and IR (absence of O-H stretch). H,o oil PhCN CO2Me Tf H,o I H CO2Me lL2: 110 997o. H H N I I -------+ PhCN I H OH CO2Me orf CO2Me ll3: 111 917o. PhNTf2 (1.1 eq), EqN (1.1 eq), Ct!C12,0o to RT, overnight. Scheme 53. The reaction of the acid derivatives with the label-spacer adducts were first attempted under standard conditions, which are shown in Scheme 54. Modifrcations to the conditions, such as changing temperature, catalyst, solvent and/or base were made if the coupled product was not obtained in an acceptable yield. Reactions of the triflate 112 with the acridone label 69 are described first. Ar-X + Ar-X (X =I, OTÐ (1.0 eq),label (1.2 eq), Pd(PPq)4 Scheme Ar---label (0.1 eq), CUI (0.2 eq), EgN, DMF' RT 54: Standard Conditions Results and Reaction of ll2 with 69 under standard conditions Discussions 54 at room temperature (Scheme 55, Conditions A) showed no coupled product (by TLC comparison of product synthesised from the iodide 108) after 60 minutes. Increasing the temperature sequentially to 35', 50'and 60" after 60 minute periods again showed no reaction. The only new fluorescent spot was due to the homocoupled alkyne dimer l-14 in increasing quantity; triflate 112 was still present. Repeated reactions with increasing amounts of catalyst (lÙVo, l5%o and3D%o), and increasing temperature again gave only the homocoupled product. -(CHr)n------:------- -(CH)s -N tl4 As 112 was still present in the reaction mixture, this showed that homocoupling of the alkyne was occurring at a faster rate than formation of the cross-coupled product. In the cross coupling reaction, the rate determining step usually is either the oxidative addition of the electrophilic carbon species to PdL, or transmetallation by the nucleophilic carbon onto the pallad.ium (II) intermediate 115. The use of Pdrdbq/AsPh, catalyst system has been shown to increase the rate of the transmetallation step as the rate of the ligand dissociation from the intermediate 115 is increasedeO, hence facilitating formation of the transmetallated intermediate llt. However TLC analysis of the reaction mixture between ll2 and69 (stined at room temperature overnight) under these conditions (Scheme 55, Conditions B) showed only alkyne dimer 1-l4 ll2 and 69 were still present. Increasing the temperature to 50" and stirring until the catalyst decomposed (about 30 hours in total) showed only an increase in the amount of 114 and the absence of ll2 and 69. A spot corresponding to the desired coupled product 118 was not observed. Removal of the solvent and separation of the residue by chromatography gave ll4 in 617o yield (from starting alkyne). Increasing the Results and Discussioru 55 amount of catalyst ¡o 707o with stirring at 50', and workup as previously gave only 114 in 67Vo y¡eld. The lack of coupled product 118 suggested that oxidative addition was probably the rate determining step in this system- L I oll Pd H,,, L I PhCN H CO2Me L -orf I Pd CO2Me H 115 + -L Lt7 L Iabel CO2Me I H 116 The rate of oxidative additon of aryl bromides in palladium catalysed cross-coupling reactions is relatively slower compared to aryl iodides, and so conditions reported to effect efficient coupling of aryl bromides were ll2 tested4e lScheme 55, Conditions C). Reaction of and69 at reflux under these conditions gave only unreacted starting alkyne (28Vo) and the dimer 1-L4 (32Vo). The triflate was consumed in the reaction but the resultant compound(s) were not identified. A large amount of baseline material was observed suggesting the decomposition of oil ll2 under the reaction conditions. H'o PhCN I H CO2Me -_______) PhCN I H CO2Me tt2 Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions Conditions 118 A: 69 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN, DMF. B: 69 (2.5 eq),PÇdbq (0.025 eq), AsPh, (0.2 eq), CuI (0.1 eq), EqN, DMF. C: 69 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), PPh, (0.2 eq), piperidine. D: (i) Pd(PP\)4 (1.0 eq), DMF. (iÐ 69 (1.5 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN; 687o. E: 69 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), Et N, DMF,90'. F: 69 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN, DMSO; 867o. Scheme 55. Results and Thus it appo¿trs that the Díscussions 56 oxidative addition step of the aryl triflate is slow, which allows the (normally) slower homocoupling process (which is catalysed by copper and palladium speciese2) to predominate. This problem may be overcome by reacting the triflate stoichiometrically with Pd(PPhr)o to form the o-bonded intermediate 115 (which is lhought to be in equilibrium with the ionic palladium species 116e3), and is then reacted with the label under standard conditions. Reaction of lL2 with a stoichiometric amount of Pd(PPhr)o in DMF (Scheme 55' Conditions D) at room temperature gave rise to a green precipitate (which decomposed upon exposure to the atmosphere). After 3.5 hours TLC analysis showed the absence of lLZ at Rr = 0.25 and a new spot at & = 0.05. As presumably the o-complex had been formed the label, CuI and EgN were added. The green precipitate was immediately consumed and the reaction mixture turned dark brown. After stirring at 50'for 30 minutes, TLC analysis (EtOAc/hexanes 50/50) showed the absence of the low unreacted 69 \ spot, and spots corresponding to (& = 0.63), dimer 114 (& = 0.37) and coupled product 118 (& = 0.22). After separation by flash chromatography 118 was recovered in 687o yield;487o of the label was converted to the dimer 114. The structurc of the product was confirmed by mass tH spectrum was a superimposition of the spectrometry (M. 626); the appearance of the spectra of ll2 and 69, apart from the absence of the resonances for the terminal adjacent methylene, and a new resonance at ô 2.40 alþrte and (t,2H,J 7.0IJ2) consistent with a methylene attached to an ethynylbenzene group. Although the stoichiometric coupling of triflate 112 was successful in average yield, conditions for catalytic couplings were still sought as palladium reagents are expensive, and isolation of the product is easier when a catalytic amount is used. Chen and Yangea reported that phenyl triflate was coupled with a variety of terminal alkynes under palladium catalysis in DMF at 90"; no CuI was used (Scheme 55, Conditions E). Howeverreaction of 112 with 69 under these conditions resulted in alþne dimer 114 in 337o yield of starting alkyne and small amounts of unreacted starting triflate and label. The remainder of the starting materials appeared to undergo decomposition. Results and Díscussions 57 DMSO has been used as a solvent in coupling reactions where the reaction temperatuÞ has been raised to facilitate reaction of an unreactive substratees (Scheme 55, Conditions F), and so reaction of lLZ with 69 at 70' gave the coupled product in 86Vo yield. A smatl amount of alkyne dimer lL4 (3Vo) was also recovered. Repeating the reactlon in DMF under standard conditions (Scheme 55, Conditions A) with the temperature at 70'from the start of the reaction resulted in a yield of 807o of the desired coupled product 118, showing that the temperature of reaction is critical to the coupling. Presumably as the temperature rises the rate of oxidative addition of the aryl uiflate to the palladium catalyst becomes significant and hence can react further in the catalytic cycle to give the coupled product. This approach is, however, limited by the thermal stabilities of the substate, coupling compound and catalyst. H H I N I N CO2Me H OTf -> PhCN I H CO2Me 119 113 Scheme 56. A: Acridone B: Acridone label (1.5 eq), Pd(PPq)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2), EtrN, DMF. label (1.5 eq), Pd(PP\)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), PPh, (0.2 eq), piperidine; 87o. Conditions C: (i) Pd(PPh3)4 (1 eq), DMF, 50'. (iÐ acridone label (1.5 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N. Conditions Conditions As 112 has been successfully coupled to the acridone label69, the reaction of tryptophan triflate derivative 113 with 69 was explored by reaction under standard conditions (Scheme 56, Conditions A) at 50". After 60 minutes TLC analysis @tOAc/hexanes 40160) showed alkyne at & 0.57, triflate 113 at Rr 0.16, and alkyne dimer ll4 at& 0.30. After stirring overnight the amount of alkyne dimer had increased; other stafüng materials were Results and Discussions 58 still present. The reaction mixture developed a large amount of black precipitate (presumably palladium metal) after 24 hours indicating the catalyst had decomposed. Separation of the reaction mixture by flash chromatography gave the alkyne dimer in25Vo yield, atd757o of the starting triflate was recovered. The balance of starting materials appeared to have decomposed, as suggested by the large amount of low Rf material left on the silica column. As the majority of triflate 113 was recovered in the previous reaction, 113 was reacted with 69 in pynolidine at reflux (Scheme 56, Conditions B) in an attempt to increase the rate of oxidative addition of the triflate to the active catalytic palladium species. After 5 hours at reflux, TLC (40160 EtOAc/hexanes) showed the absence of 113 at &0.18, unreacted 69 at \ 0.60, dimer 1-l4 at Rr 0.33 and a new fluorescent spot at Rr 0.11. Separation by flash chromatography gave the coupled product 119 in a poor yield of 87o andthe alkyne dimer in 397o yield(calculated from sta¡ting alkyne). Mass spectrometry (M. 689) and lH NMR confirmed the synthesis of 119. Again, the balance of starting materials appeared to have decomposed. The reaction was repeated at room temperature in an attempt to lessen decomposition, however after overnight stirring 113 was completely consumed, and the only fluorescent spots were due to 69 and 114. Evidently 113 was not stable under the reaction conditions. Given the success of the stoichiometric couplin g of 112,113 was stirred with an equivalent of Pd@Phr)o in DMF (Scheme 56, Conditions C) at room temperaturc. TLC after 90 minutes showed no reaction, so the temperature was raised to 50". A green precipitate slowly formed as the initial dark brown colour was discharged. After 4 hours, TLC showed the absence of 113 at Rr 0.81 and a large spot at \ 0.14; a small amount of baseline material was also observed. As the o-bonded intermediate had presumably formed, 69, CuI andEgN were added, the green compound was consumed and the reaction mixture stirred for 60 minutes. TLC analysis of the reaction mixture showed the absence of the intermediate, a large amount of 114, and no trace of product. As reaction of f-1.2 with the label occurred under standard conditions at higher temperature in DMF and DMSO, 113 was reacted with 69 in DMF at70" (Scheme 56, Conditions A). TLC after 90 minutes showed starting materials, and a small spot possibly for Results and Discussíons 59 product. After overnight stirring TLC showed the absence of 113, a large spot for the dimer 114 and a small fluorescent spot at low Rf. The desired product 119 was recovered in a poor yield of 2l7o after workup and chromatography (two passages through a silica column were required due to the large amount of decomposition). The label dimer 114 was not is.olated. It appeared unlikely that the desired product could be obtained in good yield without modification of 113 (possibly protection of the indole nitrogen) or the label (functionalisation of the alkyne to a morc reactive group, such as a borane or stannane derivative). These were not considered, as it was desired to develop general reaction conditions which facilitated labelling of all selected biomolecules and labels. Hence attempted coupling reactions of 113 were discontinued, and reaction of the 4-iodophenylalanine derivative 108 with labels commenced. Reaction of 108 with the acridone label69 proceeded at room temperature under standard conditions (Scheme 57). The reaction was left overnight for convenience; TLC @tOAc/hexanes 50/50) the next morning showed the absence of 108 at fluorescent spots at & 0.51 and 0.37 and a small fluorescent spot at unreacted 69. Separation by flash chromatogaphy and compound with \ & & 0.65, major 0.77 corresponding to lH NMR analysis showed the 0.51. was the alkyne dimer 114; the compound with \ 0.37 was the product 118. Although the sizes of the spots on the chromatogram were similar, 118 was recovered in an excellent yield of 96Vo whereas 114 was recovered in only 3Vo (ftom conversion of starting alkyne). I PhCN I H CO2Me ____-------:> PhCN H CO2Me 108 118 69 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPq)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2), Et N,DlvlF:967o. Scheme 57. Results and Discussions 60 o il I H c(cH2)4 H .H H- L20 3 H,, PhCNI H CO2Me NMø l2l OH H,o CO2Me 122 oil H'" Phc\r H I CO2Me lo 2PF6 123 Reaction of 108 with the biotin 107, dansyl87, aminofluorescein 84 and ris-1,l0-phen- anthrolineruthenium Ss labels all proceeded under standard conditions at room tempetature in less than four hours to give the coupled products 120 (in 84Vo), LZl (82Vo),122 (757o) andl23 (65Vo yield) respectively. Analytical TLC showed the absence of 108 and new spots for the coupled products; the alkyne dimer was not observed in all cases. Results and Discussions 6l purification by flash chromatography gave the labelled products in good to excellent yields, and mass spectrometry and spectral data were consistent with the expected structures. As 108 proved to be a suitable substrate for coupling a wide range of labels with different functionalities, testing of the iodotyrosine derivative 109 was commenced. Reaction of 109 with the fluorescein tabel Sl proceeded at room temperature under standard conditions (Scheme 58). The reaction was completed within 4 houn, as indicated bytheabsenceofstartingmaterialbyTLC(Rf0.71,10/90MeoIVCrlC|)andanewmajor fluorescent (1, = 365 nm) spot at &0.33. A small fluorescent spot presumably corredponding to the alkyne dimer was also observed at Rr 0.21 but not isolated. Purification by flash chromatography gave the labelted compound l24in9l%o yield. The identity of the product was confirmed by MS (M.793) and the spectral data were consistent with the expected rH spectra of a triplet at ô 2.48 (2H, J 7.0Hz) structures, in particular the appearance in the indicative of oI a methylene group next to an alkyne attached to a benzene ring- H, PhCN I H _------_> CO2Me oil OH H,n PItCN I H CO2Me 124 109 31 (1.2 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N, DlvlF:9lVoScheme 58. Reaction of 109 with the biotin label 107 under standard conditions (Scheme 59) again proceeded at room temperature. The reaction was complete within 2 hours, TLC (10/90 MeOIVCIIC!) showing the absence of 109 at Rr 0.84, a major new spot at Rr 0.38 corresponding to product and a minor spot at & 0.15 presumably corresponding to the alkyne dimer. Purification by flash chromatography gave the labelled compound 125 in 76Vo yield. Coupling was conf,rrmed by mass spectrometry (M. 690), and the spectral data were consistent with the expected structure. Results and Discussions 62 o il (cHreryc(cIJùq H: H H H- _______> H CO2Me I H 109 L07 L25 (I.2eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N,DlvlF:767o. Scheme 59. Wittr the successful labelling of 109, all of the aromatic amino acids selected had been tested for labelling suitability under PdCC. With the exception of the uryptophan derivative 113 conditions were found where the substrates reacted readily with the labels, to give the adducts in good to excellent yields and under mild conditions. The remaining amino acid derivative to label was the propargyl glycine derivative L26, and these reactions are described next. Reaction of L26 with L-bromopyrene 70 at 55' overnight under standard conditions (Scheme 60, Conditions A) gave the labelted compound 127 in 497o yield. TLC (60/40 EtOAclhexanes) showed the absence of 126 at Rr 0.36, unreacted 70 at \ 0.89, a new fluorescent spot at Rr 0.29 (corresponding to product) and a large non-UV active spot at & 0.08 (presumably the alkyne dimer 128). Mass spectrometry (M* 383) confirmed the coupling and NMR spectra were consistent with the structure. As the yield was average, the reacrion was repeated in refluxing piperidine (Scheme 60, Conditions B). TLC of the reaction mixture after 60 minutes at reflux showed the absence of 70 and a fluorescent spot for l2l. After chromatography 127 was recovered in 5LVo yield. As the yield was not significantly better, coupling of 126 to l-iodopyrene was attempted under standard conditions (Scheme 60, Conditions A). The coupled product was obtained in a good yield of 72Vo after stirring at room temperature overnight. Repeating the coupling of l-iodopyrene in refluxing Results and piperidine (Scheme 60, Conditions B) gave a yieldof -----:> corEt AcN I H AcN 63 70Vo. CO2Et I H 127 126 Conditions Conditions Discussions A: 70 (0.66 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN, DIvIF1'499o B: 70 (0.66 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), PP\ (0.2 eq)' piperidine; 517o Scheme 60. H AcN I H corEt AcN I H corEt Í28 Catalytic hydrogenation of 127 proceeded in EtOAc overnight in94Vo yield (Scheme 61). Reduction to the saturated compoundl2g was confirmed by MS (M. 387), the tH NMR of 127 of the resonance at õ 3.25 (d,zIJ, J 4.7 Hz) disappearance in the correspondingto 1.7 CH'-G{ and the appearance in the lH spectrum of 129 of resonances at 5-2.05 (m, 4H) and 3.26-3.42 (m, 2}I). -----> H AcN I H corEt H AcN I H L27 corEt 129 Í1", 5Vo Pd/C, EtOAc;94Vo Scheme 61. Results and Discussions 64 As homocoupled alkyne dimers may be formed to a significant extent in PdCC reactions, the couplin g of 126 to 69 was attempted in order to synthesise the cross-coupled producte6 130 (Scheme 62). Subsequent hydrogenation of 130 would then give a labelled glycine derivative which incorporates a longer spacer unit. However TLC of the mixture after reaction under standard conditions at room temperature overnight showed spots for unreacted 69, alkyne dimer 114 and (presumably) acid dimer 128; no other fluorescent spot for 130 was found. This suggested that the kinetic acidityeT of the alkyne proton on 127 was probably much grcater than for 69 and that for successful cross-couplinges of the alkynes activation of one of the alkynes as a halogen or stannaneee derivative would be necessary. As it appeared unlikely that other labels would give a different result, experimentation wlthl2T was concluded. corEt AcN I H 127 -> AcN I CO2Et H 130 69 (1 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EtrN, DMF. Scheme 62. It has been shown that the palladium catalysed cross-coupling reaction of terminal alkynes and aryl iodides/triflates is an efficient method for the prepalation of labelled aromatic amino acid derivatives (except for the tryptophan derivative 113). Also, the pyrene-glycine derivative 127 was prepared in good yield using this methodology. Fluorescence was not quenced upon coupling of the labels to the amino acids; a comparison of the fluorescein label 84 and the corresponding phenylalanine adduct 122 is shown in Figure 4. Such labelled amino acids (suitably protected) should be able to be used in the construction of modified small synthetic peptides (using both automated and manual methods) which display the advantages previously mentioned (InÛoduction, p 18). Results and Discussions 65 9û t, i1 f 'Ìtr 1 I I 60 I I 50 oá relative 1 1 40 intensity 30 1'. I ti 20 i¿ l0 0 500 nm 600 (a) Compound 84 (c = 5.7 x 10-6 mol dm3) (:\ .r:a .: ì ::i atl: 80 ?0 t 60 I o/o relative intensity t I f .t 1 1 1 I 0 nrn 600 (b) Compound,l22 (c = 6.9 x 10-6 mol dm-3) Fluorescence Spectra of Compounds 84 andL22 (ethanol solutions, f,", = 483 nm). Figure 4. Results and Discussions 66 Chapter 3.2. Coupling of Label-spacer Molecules to Nucleoside Derivatives The palladium catalysed cross coupling reaction between 5-halo or S-triflyluridine derivatives and terminal alkynes has been used to prepare S-alkynyl substituted compounds, which may have antiviral or anticancer activityst'ez *¿ in the preparation of 5-propargylamine adducts, which were reacted with fluorescent labels". Also, 8-alkynyl substituted adenosine and guanosine derivatives have been synthesised from the respective 8-bromo derivatives, which has allowed the preparation of compounds which have been æsted for cytokinin activityes and A, adenosine receptor activity52. The reactions generally occured in high yields and under mild conditions; protection of the sugar hydroxyl groups, although not necessary for the coupling reaction, was generally used for chromatographic and characterisation purposes. Hence the nucleoside derivatives 51, 52 and 53 selected for coupling reactions were protected as the di- or triacetate by reacrion with acetic anhydride in pyridine (Scheme 63) to give the protected compounds 131, 132 and133 respectively. The melting points of the products were comparable with the literature, and FABMS, rH and t3C spectroscopy were consistent with the proposed structures. AcO HO ---> R 2eq&crO 131: R=H 51: R=H 132: R = OAc 3 eq Acp Base = 8-Bromoadenine 52: R = OH 133: R = OAc 3 eq AcrO Base = 8-Bromoguanosine 53: R = OH Scheme 63. AcrO (2 ot 3 eq), pyridine, 0o to RT overnight. Base=S-Iodouracil The reaction of protected 5-iododeoxyuridine 131 with the biotin label 107 was considered first. The production of cyclised isomer 135 (which previous reports have indicated is catalysed by copper saltssto) is a potential problem, however reaction in DMF has been shown to reduce the amount of cyclised isomer formedlm. A mole ratio of 2:1 copper to Results and Discussions 67 pallad.ium has been shown to offer best coupling conditions with the minimal production of sideproducts3l". IIence the initial rcaction conditions used for the couping of the biotin label 107 are shown in Scheme 64 (Conditions A). TLC (10/90 MeOIVCff"Or) of the da¡k brown reaction mixture after stirring at room temperture for 3 hours showed the absence of 131 at \ 0.64, and a new fluorescent spot (î'". =365 nm) at & 0'20' After workup and chromatography, tH NMR showed the expected resonances for the productl34; also, an unexpected low intensity resonance at ô 8.19 was observed. The resonance was assigned to the vinylic proton in the furan ring of the cyclised isomer 135, and integration relative to C4 showed a ratio of 134 to 135 of approximately 4:1. Repeated column chromatog¡aphy was unable to effect separation, and as reducing the amount of base from 2.5 to 1.2 eq has been shown to reduced the amount of cyclisation producte2 , the reaction was repeated under these modified conditions (Scheme 64, Conditions B). Interestingly, the reaction mixture turned a light yellow colour after the addition of the Pd(PPh3)4, and remained a light colour throughout the reaction. The adduct 134 was recovered in86Vo yield, and no trace of fluorescent 135 was observed; by TLC, the spot corresponding to 134 was no longer fluorescent. Synthesis lH and t'C spectra were consistent with the was confirmed by FABMS (M+H.704); the proposed structure. Similarly, reaction of 131 with the fluorescein label SL (Scheme 65) gave the adduct 136 in 767o yield, and there was no evidence for the formation of any tH and r3C cyclised byproduct. Coupling was confirmed by FABMS (M+H. 807), and the NMR spectra were consistent with the proposed structure. Results and I HN Díscussíons 68 H HN N AcO --+ ^ AcO o 131 Conditions Conditions A: B: L34 107 1.5 eq, Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN (2.5 eq),DMF, RT; 567o' 107 1.2 eq,Pd(PPq)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EgN (I.2 eq), DMF, 40": 86Vo. Scheme 64. o il c(cHt4 ¿ H H N H-N N Yo N -H AcO AcO 135 o I HN HN ________> 131 SL (l.zeq), o 136 Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EtrN (1.2 eq), DMF, 40'; 76Vo. Scheme 65. Results and Discussions 69 Coupting of protected 8-bromoadenosine 132 with the acridone label69 (Scheme 66) was attempted next. TLC (EtOAc) of the reaction mixture afær 24 hours stirring at room temperature showed the absence of 132 at Rr 0.42, a small amount of label at new spot corresponding to product at in 897o & 0.38. After workup the product & 0.78 and a 137 was recovered tH and t'C NMR spectra yield; coupling was confirmed by LSIMS (M+H. 737), and were consistent with the expected structure. Simitarly, reaction of 132 with the biotin label 107 under the same conditions (Scheme 67) gave the biotin adduct 138 in 887o yield. lH and t'C NMR spectra wereSynthesis was conf,rmed by LSIMS (M+H.785), and consistent with the expected structttres. Br € AcO AcO AcO OAc OAc I37 132 (2.5 RT,z4ht:897o(0.2 DMF, eq), EqN (0.1 eq), eq), CuI 69 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 Scheme 66. o N Br lt ---------:> H AcO AcO AcO OAc AcO N-H H-N OAc 132 107 (1.2 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN (eq), Scheme 67. o 138 DMF, 50", ON: 887o. Results and Discussions 70 Guanosine derivative 133 was reacted with the fluorescein label Sl under standard conditions (Scheme 68). After 5 hours stiring, TLC (10/90 MeOfVCtlC!) showed yellow fluorescent spots at Rr 0.68, O.27 and0.17 corresponding to the label, homocoupled label dimer and product respectively, and the absence of a spot atRy0.22 corresponding to 133. After removal of solvent, chromatographic separation of the residue gave the fluorescein dimer 140 in I2Vo yield (based on starting label), followed by the coupled product 139, which was impure. A large amount of low \ material was observed on the column, which failed to elute with a higher polarity solvent mixture. Upon repeating the chromatography, 139 was obtained in 5l7o yietd as a bright orange glass. The low yield may be due to the partial complexation of the metal catalysts. Any such complex formed would be charged and hence presumably would bind strongly to silica; this may account for the majority of the mass lH and r3C balance of starting materials. Synthesis was confirmed by LSIMS (M+H.904); spectra were consistent with the coupled product 139. Similarly, reaction of 133 with the biotin label 107 under the previous conditions (Scheme 69) and workup gave the labelled tH and compound 141 in 587o yie\d. Synthesis was confirmed by LSIMS (M+H. 801) and t'c NMR. Br HzN HN HzN N -=--J> AcO OAc AcO Ac 139 133 S1 (1.5 eq), Pd(PP\)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), EqN (eq), DMF, 50', 5 hours: Scheme 68. 517o. Results and Díscussiorls 7l 140 HN Br HN (CHz)¿ HzN HzN -------:> H H H Yo H l4l 133 107 (1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N (eq), DMF,50", 4 hours: 587o. Scheme 69. The results of these coupling reactions show that large label-spacer adducts may be coupled easily and in very good yields for the 5-iododeoxyuridine derivative 131 and 8-bromoadenosine derivative 132; however the 8-bromoguanosine derivative 133 couples in only average yields. The preparation of labelled deoxynucleosides for incorporation into oligonucleotides via standard solid phase methodology should easily be achieved. This methodology may also be applicable to preparation of oligonucleotides which are functionalised with intercalating moities from a nucleobase2o. Results and Discussions 72 Chapter 3.3. Coupling of Label-spacer Molecules to Steroid Derivatives Steroids with carbonyl groups such as 142 and143 are easily converted to triflate derivativeslot and have been shown to undergo a variety of palladium catalysed processesto2; the cross coupling with terminal alkynes has been well investigatedas'ss. As labelled steroidal derivatives have been used as probes in biological systems3t'to' (particularly in the study of membrane structures"'"¡, the possibility of coupling estrone triflate derivative 54 and epiandrosterone triflate derivative 55 with the developed pyrene labels 74 and 78, and biotin label 107 was investigated. cH3o t42 L43 Reaction of 54 with pyrene label74 under standard conditions (Scheme 70) proceeded readily. TLC (20lS0 CHrcl/hexanes) of the reaction mixture after 3 hours stirring at room temperature showed a now fluorescent spot at & 0.31 corresponding to product, and the absence of the triflate at Rr 0.10. After workup and chromato$aphy, the product 144 was recovered in927o yield. MS showed a molecular ion atmlz6l6 and tH and t'C NMR spectra were consistent with the expected structure. _-______> MeO 54 L44 Conditions:74 (1.2 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N,DMF,3 hours RT;927o. Scheme 70. Results and Discussiots 73 Similarly, reaction of 54 with biotin label 107 under standard conditions (Scheme 71) gave the labelled product 145 in 897o yield. The reaction occurred in less than three hours, as tH, t'C NMR) indicated by the absence of starting triflate by TLC, and the spectral data (MS, were in agreemont with the expected structure. o il € H H-N -H MeO 54 145 Conditions: L07 (L.Zeq), Pd(PPhJ4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N,DMF,4 hours RT; 897o. Scheme 71. Reaction of androsterone derivative 55 with pyrene label 78 under standard conditions (Scheme 72) to give 146 occurred in857o yield, and the spectral data were consistent with the proposed structure. Repeating the reaction with the biotin label 107 (Scheme 73) gave the adduct in 887o yield; again the spectral data were consistent with the expected product. Ac _______> Tfc 55 146 Conditions:78 (1.2 eq), Pd(PPq)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N, DMF, 4 hours RT; 857o. Scheme 72. Results and Discussions 74 ---------> 1 TflC (cHt4cN H =H N H H 147 55 Conditions:107 (1.2 eq), Pd(PP\)4 (0.1 eq), CuI (0.2 eq), Et N, DMF, 4 hours RT; 887o. Scheme 73. These results showed that the selected steroidal triflates may be labelled readily and in high yield using PdCC methodology. Other steroidal triflates have been shown to have similar reactivityas55'lo2, and so this may be a general method for the labelling of steroids which are functionalised with a carbonyl group. As a hydrocarbon spacer unit can be incorporated with the label, the lipophilicity of adducts may be enhanced, which could prove advantageous in some systems. Results and Discussions 15 Chapter 4. Gelation of Organic Solvents by Biotin Amides and Esters. Gelation is a well known phenomenont*. It occurs when a liquid displays "solid-like" behaviour due to the presence of a smalt amount of solid forming a network which incorporates and retains the liquid (which is the major component). Defining a gel is difficult due to the diverse nature of systems which display gel-like behaviour, however the following criteria include almost all systems which a¡e currently catagorised as gelsl6: (i) A gel consists of a three-dimensional network composed of basic elements connected in some way and swollen by a solvent; (ü) Gel formaúon or gel melting should proceed via a fust order transition (which implies there exists a well-defined temperature (the gelation temperature, \) below which the solute-solvent mixture has solid behaviour; (iü) A gel immersed in an excess of preparation solvent should be unaffected or swell but not dissolve or disaggregate; (iv) A gel is a system which can be removed from the vessel in which it has been prepared without losing its shape or integrity. The molecules of the network which entrap the solvent may be connected by covalent bonds (chemical gels) or by hydrogen bonding and van der'Waals interactions (physícal gels). When chemical gels are heated to the point that the covalent bonds break, irreversible degredation impedes the reformation of a similar system. In conEast, heating a physical gel disrupts the secondary bonds which can reform upon cooling, thus physical gels are also called thermoreversíble gels. Physical gels of gelatin or other biopolymers in aqueous solution have been known for a long time, and it was believed that gelation occurred only for such systems. However the fust thermoreversible gels formed in the organic solvents 2-butanone and cyclohexanone by poly(vinylchloride) polymers rvere reported in 194716. Recently the gelation of organic solvents by low molecular weight compounds has been an active a¡ea of investigation. The rccovery of spilled solvents, disposal of used cooking oil and use in drug delivery systemslørot have been suggested as possible applications. About 12 groups of compounds (not including biotin derivatives) are known to gelate organic solventslffi. They can be divided into two classes; compounds which associate via hydrogen bonding and van der Results and Discussions 76 Waal interactions to form gelsl@Jto'ttt (e.g. 149), and compounds which form gels via van der tz't tr't ta V/aal interactions onlyl (e. g. 107). CHMe (cH2)ecH3 -H (cHrecH3 149 148 o H N H S H 107 The observation that the attempted recrystallisation of biotin-N-(l1-undec-1-yn)-amide (107) from EtOAc gave rise to a gel was unexpected. Formation of the gel was achieved by heating 107 (about 150mg) in boiling EtOAc (about 35 ml). As the compound dissolved, the solution thickened markedly and upon being allowed to cool to room temperature gelled. The gel was transparent, stable to mechanical inversion and retained shape upon lifting with a spatula, although vigorous treatment caused degradation of the gel to solvent and crystals of 107. Reheating the mixture reformed the gel, i.e. it was thermoreversible. Storage in a sealed vial prolonged the life of the gel; upon removal of the seal solvent was slowly lost, the gel shrank and a xerogel was formed. The gel did not show any structure when viewed under an optical microscope, and both the gel and xerogel did not transmit light when placed between crossed polarising filters (i.e. were not birefringenÐ. Numerous other solvents were tested for gelation, and the results are summarized in Table 3. Toluene formed the most mechanically stable gel, and at the lowest concentration. The gel was unchanged even after it was left Results and Discussions 77 uncovered in a fume cupboard for 30 days. Subsequent mechanical agitation of the gel resulted in the solvent being lost overnight. Table 3. Concentration and Molar gelation ratios of 107 with several solvents. Concentration (gdm") Molar ratio 4.2 960 Benzene 3 1,470 Ioluene 3.2 1,040 Chloroform L2 410 Solvent Ethyl acetate tH NMR spectroscopic analysis of a series of increasing concentrations of 107 in CDCI3 showed the chemical shifts of the amide protons moved markedly downfield, consistent with aggregation which may lead to formation of a hydrogen bonded network (Iable 4). The spectra were relatively well resolved (Figure 5a) although as the concentration increased resonances were broadened slightly, and smaller poorly resolved resonances became apparcnt (Figure 5b), presumably due to the network . As the solvent was gelled at these concentrations, it was anticipated that a loss of resolution would have occurredrrs. The apparent resolution may be explained by considering that 107 exists in two distinct statesttt. The first is as monomeric or intermolecularly hydrogen bonded species in solution which rotate quickly enough to exhibit well resolved resonances, and the second is in the hydrogen bonded network whose resonances are broadened due to their restricted rotation. The specEa at higher concentrations are superpositions of the two states. Molecular modelling studies suggest that the energy minimised structure of a possible dimeric species, which is shown in Figure 6, has strong intermolecular and inramolecular hydrogen bonds, with an oxygen-hydrogen distance of about 2.1 Angstroms. The relatively well resolved spectra in CDCI, is in contrast to the spectrum of a [2Hr]-toluene gel which was poorly resolved at room temperature (Figure 7a). Increasing the tempemture of the sample in 20" steps showed the resolution improved betweeen 80' and 100", presumably when the gelation temperature (\",) was exceeded (Figure 7b). Increasing the Results and Discussions 78 temperature of a 10mg/0.6m1 gel in CDCI, showed large upfield changes in the chemical shifts (Table 5) and broadening of the resonances for the amide protons, consistent with disruption in the hydrogen bonding which exists between the presumed dimeric, trimeric etc. associations of molecules. Table 4 Chemical shift of amide protons of 107 vs concentration. Concentration" N1'-H N3'-H cHrN¡/CO 0.5mg 4.56 5.t2 5.45 2.0mg 4.85 5.57 5.59 5.0mgb 5.13 5.95 5.73 10.0mgb 5.31 6.16 5.82 25.Omgb 5.3s 6.r9 5.84 (notes: þer 0.6m1 CDCI.; bgel formed) Tabte 5 Chemical shift of amide protons of 107 (ô ppm) vs Temperature (K) T (K) Nl.'-H N3'.H cH"NrlCO 293 5.62 6.23 5.91 303 5.23 6.01 5.82 3t3 5.09 5.79 5.71 323 4.97 5.61 5.61 Figure 6. Possible Dimer formed by Biotin Amide derivatives. lSide chain hydrogens (apart from amide proton) removed for clarity.] Results and 6.5 6,0 5.t 5.0 a.5 3.0 3.5 a-0 PPI ?.6 Discussíons 79 2.0 t.õ 1.0 (b) 25mg / 0.6 ml 5.0 4.5 ,a.0 3.5 PPX 3,0 2.5 2.0 !.5 (a) 0.5mg/0.6m1 Figure 5. lH NMR spectrum of compound 107 in CDCI, gel at 293K Results and 6.5 6.0 ¡.6 5-5 PPX 1.O 3.5 3.0 2.5 Discussions 80 t.5 2-O (b) 373 K 7.0 6.5 6.0 õ-l 1.0 il.6 4.0 PPII (a) 5 3.0 2.é 2.O 1.5 t.0 293K 2¡H1r-toluene (10 mg 0.6 ml) / Figure 7. lH NMR of compound 107 in t.0 Results and Discussions 81 Urea derivatives a¡e well known hydrogen bond donor and acceptor moietieslrT, and have ofæn been used for molecular recognition purposestt*. The self assembly of five-membered cyclic urea derivatives, in which the amide protons are constrained syz to the carbonyl group is not surprising given their symmeuical nature. Possibly an extendeS linear network ( a "ribbon") composed of ttre 2-oxoimidazole rings intermolecularly hydrogen bonded is formed. A model on the molecular scale is shown in Figure 8, and energy minimised molecular modelling suggests the hydrogen bonding distance to be about 2.1 Angstroms. As gelation has been proposed to be a form of incomplete crystallisationlle, iregularity in the network wilt help stabilise the gel state. This is achieved as the tetrahydrothiophene ring may be incorporated above or below the plane of the hydrogen bonded network. The long alkyl chain solubilises the molecule in organic solvents, and enhances the gelation process by its conformational flexibility. Figure 8. Possible hydrogen bonding network formed by the bicyclic rings of biotin. The possible uses of compounds which gelate organic solvents may necessitate the inclusion of low polarity solvents such as aliphatic hydrocarbons. The amide 107 was not soluble in hexane, howeve¡ it was realised that a more lipophilic analogue may be and could possibly form gels. The most obvious modifications would be to either lengthen the alkyl chain of the amide, connect the alkyl moiety via an ester, or both. Hence a series of biotin amides and biotin esters with varying alkyl chain lengths (n-propyl, n-hexyl, n-octyl, z-undecyl, Results and Discussions 82 n-dodecyl, n-hexadecyl) were synthesised in order to determine the scope of gelation of solvenrs by biotin derivatives. Reaction of biotin NHS ester 106 witlt the amine in DMF (Scheme 74) gave the amides in good yields. The reactions were generally over (as indicated by absence of 106 by TLC) within 2 hours. Removal of the precipitated NHS by filtration, removal of the solvent in vacua, chromatography and recrystallisation gave the amides as colourless amorphous solids. Biotin esters were synthesised by reaction of biotin (41) with 5 equivalents of alcohol in refluxing toluene, catalysed byp-toluenesulphonic acid (Scheme 75). Heating at reflux for 48 hours, removal of the solvent in vacuo, filfation to lemove uireacted biotin, and chromatography gave the esters in poor to excellent yields. The propyl ester 161 was prepared in a similar manner, however the reaction solvent was propan-1-ol and the period of reflux was 6 hours (Scheme 76). The undec-10-yn-1-ol ester 162 was prepÍLred by reaction of 106 with the alcohol 59 in DMF, catalysed by DMAP (Scheme 77). The products were recovered after chromatography generally as colourless amorphous solids. Gelation tests were performed by placing a weighed amount of compound (15-20mg) in a preweighed vial and heating with the solvent to be tested. After dissolution (if not insoluble) and cooling at room temperature for 60 minutes the outcome of the experiment was noted. A gel was considered to have formed if a transparent mass which did not flow upon inversion of the vial resulted. The total mass of the vial and solvent was determined and the concentration of gelator calculated. Gelation was generally complete by the time room temperature was reached; more vigorous attempts to achieve gelation such as cooling the gel in cold water or a refrigeratorll3b were not attempted. If the compound was soluble at room temperature, the amount of solvent was reduced by evaporation and the concentrated solution studied for gelation as above. The results of the gelation tests are shown in Table 6 for the amides and Table 7 for the esters. Results and Discussions OH \{(cH)ncHr H _______* N N H H 83 H (Ð l,[HS (1 eq), DCC (1.1 eq), DMF, 80" to RT, 2 hours. (iÐ CH3(CF!)'M!. Scheme 74. n fuJdVo 150 151 152 153 154 155 15 11 10 7 5 2 83 7l 56 67 66 73 o H \ H H s S ----------> H H C4(CFL)"OH (5 eq),p-TsOH (0.1 eq), toluene, reflux 48 hours' Scheme 75. n 11 38 80 79 98 158 159 160 10 7 5 81 H H CH¡ o< N -------:) 4l fuld7o 156 157 15 N H CH3(CH)pH, p-TsOH H 161 (0. 1 eq), Scheme 76. reflux 6 hoats, 627o. Results and Discussions NHS 84 o(cH2)e S N H H N -> H L62 4L Compound 59, DMAP (1 eq), DlvlF,467o. Scheme 77. The results of the gelation tests showed (i) the optimal length of the alkyl substituent is between 8 and 12 carbons (n-octyl to n-dodecyl), i.e. an overall (including pentanoic chain of biotin and heteroatom) length of 14 to 18 atoms; (ii) esters a¡e less polar than amides, and the n-dodecyl, n-undecyl and n-octyl esters (157, 158 and 159 respectively) gel hexane when predissolved in CHrCt; (iii) the octyl ester 158 gelled light paraffin oil when predissolved in CÍlrcl,however crystallisation occurred after 14 days; (iv) a terminal alkyne is important in enhancing the gelation process. Terminal alkynes are known to undergo weak hydrogen bond.ingl2o, however the chemical shift of the acetylenic proton showed no significant change in either the variable concentration or variable temperature experiments. How the alkyne enhances the gelation process is unclear. As the undecylamide is not such an efficient gelator this shows how a smalt difference in structure leads to a large difference in gelator behaviour. Further work is required to determine the structure of the hydrogen bonded network on both the molecular and macroscopic scales for this new class of thermoreversible gelator compounds. The compounds a¡e readily synthesised, gel at low concentrations, may form very stable gels and can be designed to gel hexane. Analogues incorporating branched alkyl chains, dialkylamines, terminal alkynes and/or various alkyl lengths or other features which may give rise to enhanced gelation should be easily synthesised. Results and Table 6: Gelation of Solvents by Biotin Discussíons 85 Amide Derivatives Solvent (16) (r2) (1 1) (8) (6) cc14 s c c c 1 cHc13 s 18 2l 22 c c ürrcl" I c c c I I I ETOAC I c c c c 4.2 hexanes I i c I I 1 1 I toluene s c c c c I 3.2 acetonitrile c c c c c c c ether S 1 L 1 I I 1 MeOH c c c s s c c aceton0 I c c c c c c (undecyn) (3) i I '12 3 benzene (i insoluble, c crystallise, s soluble, number = conc (gdm') of gel) Table 7: Gelation of Organic Solvents by Biotin Esters Solvents (16) (t2) (1 1) (8) (6) (3) undecyn cc14 c s s 43 9 L7 s cHC13 s s s s S s s s s s S s s s EtOAc c s s s S s S hexanes 1 c c 1 1 1 1 toluene c s S s s s s acetoniüile c c s s s s s ether I c 1 I 1 I 1 MeOH s s s S s s s acetone c s s s s s s c ,k gl2c\ cFI,Cl,lhex c 5.3 paraffin *formed c 9.9 c 2.4 a transparent polymeric mass (i insoluble, c crystallise, s soluble, number = conc (gdm') of gel) 86 Chapter 5. Summary The synthesis of novel label-spacer molecules in which a hydrocarbon chain is attached to a reporter moiety (acridone, biotin, dansyl, fluorescein, pyrene, and tris(l,10-phenanthroline)ruthenium) at one terminus, and is functionalised at the other terminus with an alkyne, has been achieved. The palladium catalysed cross coupling reaction between aryVvinyl halides/triflates and terminal alþnes has proved to be an efficient method for the introduction of the label-spacer molecules to halogenated and triflated derivaúves of biomolecules (amino acids (apart from ûyptophan), nucleosides and steroids). The biotin label 107 was found to gelate benzene, chloroform, ethyl acetate and toluene. Variable temperature tH NMR spectroscopy of gels in CDCI, and 2¡H1r-toluene suggested the formation of a polymeric hydrogen bonded network, presumably formed by the cyclic urea moiety of 107, which entraps solvent. Some n-alkyl biotin ester and amide derivatives were found to form gels in hexane and paraff,rn oil at low concenEations. Experímental 87 Experimental All reactions were routinely performed in oven dried glassware under a nitrogen aünosphere (unless in aqeuous solution), and palladium catalysed cross coupling reactions were performed in Schlenk glassware. Melting points were recorded on a Reichhert hot stage apparatus and are uncorrected. Proton and Carbon NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker ACP-300 or a Va¡ian Gemini 200 spectrometer. CDCL was used as a solvent unless otherwise stated, with tetramethylsilane used as an internal standard. Mass spectra were recorded on VG ZAB 2Iß mass spectrometer with either electron impact (EI) or fast atom bombardment (FAB) ionisation, or on an AEI-GEC MS 3074 instrument with EI ionisation. Accurate mass determinations using EI or Liquid Secondary Ion MS (LSIMS) were made by the Organic Mass Specrometry Facility at the University of Tasmania, or using EI at the Department of Chemistry, University of Melbourne. Ultraviolet spectra were recorded on a Pye Unicam SP8-100 spectrometer. Fluorescence spectra were recorded on a Perkin Elmer 3000 spectrometer. IR spectra were recorded on a Hitachi 270-30 spectrometer and data processor. Triethylamine, pyrrolidine, piperidine and nitrogen and stored over 4,Ä, Cflcl were distilled from CaI! under molecular sieves. DMF was distilled from CaII, (ca. 80'at 2gmmHg) and stored over 4Å molecular sieves. EgO and TTIF were freshly distilled from sodium and benzphenone under nitrogen. Methanol was fractionally distilled under nitrogen and stored over 3Å molecular sieves. Other regents were purified according to according to literature procedurest2t. Analytical thin layer chromatography was carried out using Merck aluminium sheets precoated with kieselgel 60 Fzs¿ or (when stated) with alumina 150 Frro, and visualised using either a254nm or 365 nm lamp, or with a4Vo solution of phosphomolybdic acid in ethanol. Flash chromatography"'was caried using Merck kieselgel 60 (230-400 mesh) or (when stated) on alumina UG, and solvents used were distilled before use. Compounds synthesised according to literature procedures: 1-bromopyrenet", 1-iodopyrenetu, N-phenyltriflimidelã, åis-1,10-phenanthrolineruthenium(tr)dichloridel26, Experímental 88 tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)palladiumr2t, estrone triflatelOà, androsterone triflatel0h. A sample of dimethyl-(1-diazo-2-oxopropyl)phosphonates6 was a gift from Mr. C. de Savi. The following abbreviations have been used in defining peak shape for the various spectra: tH and ttc NMR; b =broad, d= doublet,m= multiplet, q = quartet, s = Singlet, triplet. IR: å = broad, rn = mediurr, s = strong, w= weak; UV andfluorescence t= spectra; s/r rH NMR. The numbering on structures is for = shoulder. Unless otherwise stated J =3J for NMR resonance assignment only. Mass spectral data are rcported: mlzratio (Vo relative abundance). UV data are reported: î,-", (e). Fluorescence data are reported: À-"* (7o relatle intensity). Due to the lack of reproducibility with microanalytical data the labelled biomolecules were characterised by tH and r3C NMR, with high resolution mass spectroscopy @I and LSIMS) confirming the molecular formulae. Experimental Described in Chapter 2.1. Undec-l0-ynoic acid (57) Redistilled lQ-undecenoic acid (1089, 0.59 mol) was dissolved in dry CClo (300m1) and cooled in an ice/methanol bath to approximately -10". Bromine (969, 31m1, 0.60 mol) was added dropwise over 90 minutes, the cooling bath removed, the reaction mixture allowed to come to room temperature and the solvent removed. A solution of KOH (2729,4.85 mol) in water (160m1) was added and the mixture stired at 125" (oil bath temperature) for t hours. After cooling to room temperature, the mixture was poured into water (1500m1), acidified to pH 1 with IOToH"SOo(approximately 500m1) and extracted with CÍlrcl, (4 x 250m1). The organic extracts were combined, washed with saturated brine (500m1), dried (NarSO.) and the solvent removed. The residue was distilled through a 150mm Vigreaux column, the fraction boiling between I2E-136" at 0.02mmHg being collected. Recrystallisation from hexanes gave the title compound as colourless crystals mp 43" 0it56. 43) in 18.1g (I7Vo) yield. Experimental 89 IR (film): 3350-2500br (O-H),3300s (=C-H), 2L40w (C=C), l72}s (C=O). 'H NMR: 1.33-1.67 , m, l6IH, methylene protons; IJz, CH"-G);2.35 (t,2]H, J 7 .3 lgrz, I.94 (t,lH, uf 2.6H2, =C-H); 2.1.8 (dt,2H, J 7 .O,2.6 l'C NMR: 18.8, CI{r-COrH); 9.95 (ås, lH, COOH). 25.1,29.1,29.2,29.3,29.4,29.6,34.6 (alkyl),68.6, 85.2 (alkynyl)' 180.7 (CO2H). Undec-10-yn-1-ol (59) A solution of undec-lO-ynoic acid (57) (12.09,66 mmol) in EqO (100m1) was added dropwise to a stirred suspension of LiAlHo (2.509, 66 mmol) in EqO (150m1). The mixture was heated to reflux overnight. After cooling to room temperature, the reaction mixture was hydrolysed by the dropwise addition of water (2.7m1),157o NaOH (2.7m1) and water (2.7m1). Afte¡ filtration to remove the lithium salts, the solvent was romoved and the residue distilled, bp 75-76" ar 0.02mmHg (1it128. 111-112" at 4mmHg) to give the title compound as a colourless oil in 9.609 (87Vo) yield. IR (film): 3400-3100år (O-H), 3304s 2852s,2L10w 1.93 (t, lld, (H-G), 2924s, (GC), 1466m,1058s. tH NMR: I.29-1.59, (m,l4IJ, methylene f 2.6}jr2,{-H); protons); 2.L7 (dt,2IJ, J 7.0,2.6H2, CH"-G);3.62 (t,2IJ, J 6-6H2, cHr-oH). t'c NMR: 20.4,27.7,30.4,30.7,31.0,31.3, 3r.4,3L.5,34.7 (akyl);70.r,86-7 (alkynyl). Undec- 10- yn-L-O - p -toluenesulphonate (60) To a stined solution ofp-toluenesulphonyl chloride (11.339, 59.4mmo1,2 eq) in pyridine (75 ml) at 0' (icebath), was added dropwise a solution of the alcohol 59 (5.009, 29.7 mmol) in pyridine (25 ml) over 60 minutes. Stirring was continued as the ice bath warmed to room temperature overnight, then the reaction mixture was poured into water (100m1) and extracted with EqO (4 x 50ml). The organic extracts were combined, washed with LÙVoHCl (50m1), water (50m1), dried (NqSO) and the solvent removed to give the crude product in9.02g (94Vo) yield. The crude product was converted immediately to the iodide Undec-10-yn-1-O-methanesulphonate (61): Method A. as described below. Experimental 90 Alcohol5g (5.009, 29.7 mmol) was dissolved in pyridine (20m1) and cooled in an ice bath. Methanesutphonyt chloride (3.4Og,29.7 mmol) was added dropwise over 30 mins and the mixture stired for 4 hours. The mixture was poured into water (100m1), the organic layer separared, diluted with CtlCl, (50m1), and washed successively with l07o aQueous HCI (3 x 50ml), water (50m1), brine (50m1), dried over NqSOo and the solvent was Íemoved to give thecrudetitlecompoundin 6.829(937o)yield. IR(frlm): 3292s (H-C=)' 2928s,2852s, 2Il6w(GC), I468m,I354s,ll76s. tHNMR: (quintet, 2IH, 1.30-1.41 (m,l{H,methyleneprotons);1.75 J 7 .2Hz,CH2-CH2-OMs); 1.95 (r' LH' J 2.6 Hz':C-H); 2.19 (dt, 2H, J 6.9, 2.6 IJz, CH"-É); 3.01 (s, 3H, CHr-SOr); 4.22 (t,2H, J 6.6 }Jz, CF!-OMs.) Undec-10-yn-1-O-methanesulphonate (61): Method B. To a stirred mixture of 59 (5.009, 30 mmol) and EgN (3.019, 30 mmol, (50m1) was added dropwise methanesulphonyl chloride (3.4tg,3Ommol, 1 eq) in Cflcl I eq). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 24 hours, filtered to remove precipitated triethylammonium chloride, washed with water (50m1), dried over MgSOo and the solvent removed. The crude product was recovered as a pale yellow oIIin 6.429 (88Vo) yield, with tH and IR spectral data as before. 1 1-Iodoundec-1-ynel'e (62). The crude tosylate (7.709,24 mmol) or mesylate (6.009, 24 mmol) was dissolved in dry MEK (100m1), anhydrous NaI (30.09, 200 mmol) was added, the mixture refluxed for 24 hours, filtered to remove inorganic salts and the solvent removed. The dark yellow residue was purified by squat chromatography (eluant hexane) to give the title compound as a colourless oil in 5.069 (757o) yield. HRMS Calculated for C,,H,rI: 278.O532. Found: 278.0539. MS: 278 (M*, 100), 151 (M.- I,30). IR (thin film): 2116 (C=C),1464,1432,1220,1178, 720. 3300s (H-C=)' 2924,2852, tH NMR: 1.25-1.61 (m,l2H, methylene protons); 1.82 (quíntet, J 7.0Hl2,2}J.', CH2-CII2-I); 1.95 (t, J 2.6 Hz, H-C=); 2.I9 (dt, J 6.9, 2.6Id2, CrL-C=); 3.19 (t, J',\.0rI2,2Ig', 28.40, 28.59, 29.19, 29 CÍ\-D. "C NMR: 7.18 (CI{2-I), 18.32,28.37, .22, 30.39, 33.46 (alkyl), 68.06, 84.5 0 (alkyne). Experimental 91 N-(Undec-10-yn-1-yl)phthalimide (64): Method A. 4 ) 5 -(CHie: 6 7 To a srirred solution of phthalimide (265mg, 1.80 mmol) in DMF (10m1) was added NaII (60mg, 807o suspension in oil, 1.98 mmol, 1.leq). The mixture was stirred for 15 minutes then l-iodoundec-10-yne (62) (500mg, 1.80 mmol) was added and stirring continued for 3 hours at 100'. After cooling to room temperature the mixture was poured into water (100m1), the aqueous mixture extracted with CF!C\(3 x 30ml), the extracts combined, washed with water (50m1), dried (NqSO) and solvent removed. Residual DMF was removed under vacuum (oil pump). The residue was separated by flash chromatography, eluant 15/85 EtOAclhexanes to give the product as a colourless oil which slowly solidified to white crystals mp 45-48" in22lmg (4LVo) yield. HRMS Calculated for C,rIlrNOr: 297.1729. Found: 297.1724. MS: 297 (M*,42),149 (100). IR: 3284s (H-C=),3056w (tu-H),2I20w (c=c), L772s and 1710s (imide methylene protons); I.5l (quintet, 2}J, J CfL-Cft-phthalimide); 1.95 (r, 3.68 (r, 2IJ, J 7 .3 IHlz, c=o), I6l6m (Ar C=C). 'H NMR: LH, f 7 .l H:z, 1.30-1.35 (m,l0H, CHr-CIL-C=C); 1.67 (quintet, 2}J, J 7 .3 H:z, 2.6 IJz, H-C=); 2.17 (dt, zIJ, J 7 -I, 2.6 }tz, Cfl"-C=); CF!-phthalimide); 7 .68-7 .7 4 (m, 2}J, C3-H and C4-H) ; 7 .82-7 .87 (m, 2IJ, C2-Hand C5-H). "C NMR: 18.38, 26.81,28.44,28.57,28.67,28.98,29-10,29.30, 38.05 (alkyl),68.06, 84.14 (alkynyt), 1.23.14,132.20,133.82 (aryl), 168.45 (carbonyl). N-(Undec-10-yn-1-yl)phthalimide (64): Method B. A mixture of potassium phthalimide (1.649, 8.85 mmol , I.2 eq),1-iodoundec-10-yne (62) (2.059, 8.02 mmol), 18C-6 (O.21g,0.8 mmol, 0.1 eq) and toluene (13 ml) was stirred for24 hours at 90". After cooling to toom temperature the reaction mixture was poured into water (25 ml), extracted with CFlClr(25mI), the organic extract washed with brine (25m1), dried (NqSO) and solvent removed. The residue was separated by squat chromatography eluant EtOAclhexanes 20180 to give the product in 0.959 (40Vo) yield. The spectral data were identical to those in the previous method. Experímental 92 N-(Undec-10-yn-1-yl)phthalimide (64): Method CA mixture of phthalimide (400mg,2.72 mmol), 1-iodoundec-10-yne (62) (0.907mg,3.26 mmol, l.2eq),anhydrous &CO, (564mg,4.14 mmol, 1.5 eq) and 2-butanone (20m1) was stirred at reflux for 48 hours. After cooling to room temperature the rection mixture was poured into water (50m1), the aqueous mixture extacted with CFICL (3 * 25ml), the organic extracts combined, dried (NarSO) and solvent removed. The method of purification and the specgal data were identical with those in Method A. The product was recovered in 614mg (78Vo) yield. Undec-10-ynyl-1-amine (66): Method A. A Soxhlet apparatus charged with undec-lO-ynamide (68) (5.00g, 28 mmol) and fitted to a flask containing a suspension of LiAlHo (1.229,33 mmol) in EqO (200m1). The suspension was refluxed and the amide extracted until dissolved (approximately 30 hours), then lithium complexes decomposed by the sequential addition of water (1.2m1), 157o NaOH solution (1.2m1) and water (3.6m1). The grey precipitate was removed by filtration, the solvent removed and the residue distilled bp70-72" at 0.10 mmHg to give the title compound as a colourless oil in 3 .92g (85Vo) yield. The oil slowly solidified to give a colourles s solid mp 53-55'. HRMS Calculated for C,,f!rN (M+H.): 168.1752. Found: 168.1756. MS: 168 (M+H*, 26),138 (48), 110 (39), 96 (43),86 (100). IR (film): 3500-3100rn (N-H str), 3304s (H-G), 2It6w (GC srr). tH NMR: I.2I-1.48 (m,14 H, methylene protons); 1.86 (r, lH,.I t3C 2.7 Hz,H-C=); 2.09 (dt,2]F^,f 6.9,2.7 lFrz,CÍtt-C=i);2.60 (t,2H,J 6.6H2, CI{r-NIIr). NMR: 20.33,28.81, 30.4t,30.66,30.98,31.38, 35.81, 44.20 (alkyl); 70.02,86.64 (alkynyl) Undec-10-ynyl-1-amine (66): Method B. A mixture of N-(undec-10-yn-1-yl)phthalimide (64) (1.219,4.07 mmol), hydrazine hydrate (0.519, 0.50m1, 10.1 mmol) and EIOH (30m1) was strirred at room temperatue fot 24 hours. The thick white precipitate was dissolved by the addition of l07o HCI to pH<l, the mixture srfured for 15 minutes and precipitated phthalhydrazide filtered to pH>12 with lM NaOH, the aqueous layer extracted with off. The frltrant was adjusted CtlC\(z * 25ml), the extracts Experimental 93 combined, dried (NqSO), solvent removed and the residue distilled to give the product in 0.439 (64Vo) yield. The physical data (tH, IR') were identical with those in the previous method. Undec-l0-ynoyl chloride (67) A mixture of undec-l0-ynoic acid (57) (5.0g,27 mmol) and SOCI, (4.09' 2.5m1,34 mmol) was refluxed for 60 minutes, allowed to cool to room temperature and excess SOCI2 removed invacuo. The residue was fractionally distilled bp 67-68' at 0.015 mmHg to give the title compound as a colourless oil in 4.309 Q67o) yield. 79 (100). IR (thin film): MS: 165 (M-Cl*,0.5)' 135 (4)'94 (31), lH 3300s (H-C=), 2928s,2852s,2140w (C=C), I796s (C=O). NMR: I.32-L.55 (m, LOIH^, methylene protons); I.70 (quintet,2H',I 7 .zlfz, CHr-CF!-COC1); 1.93 (t,lH, .f 2.6H2, HC=); 2.tB (dt,2IJ, f 6.9,2.6IJ2, CH"-GC); 2'88 (t,2H, CrL-COCI). "C NMR: 18.33,25.00,28.33,28.54,28.74,28.89,29.04,47.06 84.58 (alkynyl); 17 J 7 -2H2, (alkyl); 68.14, 3.77 (carbonyl). Undec-l0-ynamide (68) Thionyl chloride (7.30g,4.5mI,61 mmol) was added dropwise to stired undec-lO-ynoic acid (57) (9.33g, 51 mmol) at 40'. The mixture was refluxed for 60 minutes, cooled to room temperature and added dropwise to concentrated NH, solution held at -15" (ice-MeOH bath). The precipitated white product was collected, washed with water (20m1), air d¡ied and recrystallised from CffrCL (charcoal). The product was recovered as colourless crystals mp 94-95" in7.84g (in two crops) (84Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for C,,H,,NO: 181.1467. Found: 181.1459. MS: 182 (M+H*, 2l), (nujol): 3356 and 3184 s L}l (M*, 2), 122 (21),72 (19),59 (100). IR (N-H), 3280 s (H-C=), 2150 w (GC), 1662 and 1632 s (C{ amide). tH NMR: 1.31-1.65 (m,l2H, methylene protons); 1.93 (t,lH,.r 2.6H2, H-e); t'C NMR: 2.12-2.24 (m,4H, Ctq-C: and CHr-CONII,); 5.56 and 5.89 (2 x bs, 1H, CONIå). 20.36,27.48,30.41,30.64,30.79,31.00, 31.15, 37.92 (alkyl), 70.10, 86.71 (alkynyl), L77.83 (carbonyl). Experimental 94 Experimental Described in Chaptet 2.2. 10- (Undec- 10-ynyl)-9-(10F)-acridone (69) : Method A. 1 2 3 4 To a stirred suspension of acridone (12) (1.00g, 5.1 mmol) in DMF (25m1) was added NaFI (807o suspension in oil, 169 mg, 5.6 mmol, 1.1 eq). The reaction mixture turned a fluorescenr yellow-green as stirring was continued at 50" for 60 minutes. The iodide (62) (1.579,5.6 mmol, 1.1 eq) was added dropwise, and stirring continued at room temperature for 60 minutes. TLC (40160 EtOAc/hexanes) of the dark green reaction mixture showed spots for product (& 0.55) and acridone (& 0.18); a fluorescent spot on the baseline was assumed to be the acridone salt. After 3 hours stirring the baseline spot was absent. The reaction mixture was poured into water (100m1), the aqueous mixture extracted with CHCI, (2x25 ml), organic extracts combined, washed with water (50m1), dried (NqSO), the solvent removed and the residue recrystallised from EIOH to give the title compound as green needle crystals in 0.409 (23Vo) yield mp 94-95". HRMS Calculated for CroFlrNO: 345.2095. Found 345.2t01. MS: 345 (M*, 32), 208 (100), 195 (37),81 (35). IR (nujol): 3280s (H-C=), 1638s (C=O), 7602s,1496s,1264s,1180s, 754s. UV (EIOH): 208 (46 500), 253 (66 300), 385 (S 900), 404 (9 800). Fluorescence (EIOH, À". = 385 nm): 421(100), 444 (75) s/¿. tH NMR: 1.29-1.52 (m, l2IJ, methylene protons); I.76 (quintet,2}I, J 7.5 H:z, N-CIü-CH ,); 7.97 (r, lH, J 2.1Hz, C=C-H); 2.16 (dt,zH, 2}J, J f 6.6, 2.3 IJz, CH"-GC); 4.1 1 (r' 7.8Ijr2, N-CIlr); 7.I7 (t,2IJ,J 7.5Hl2, C2-H); 7.33 (d,zH,18.4IJ2, C4-H); 7.60 (t, t'C NMR: 18.1,26.5,26.7,28."1.,28.3, zIJ,r 8.1H2, C3-H);8.48 (d, 2Ig,J7.9Hz,C1-H). 28.7 ,28.9,29.1,45.7 (alkyl); 68.0, 84.3 (alkyne); 114.2,120.7,121.9,127.4,133.4, 141.2 (aromatic); 177 .4 (carbonyl). Experimental 95 10-(Undec-10-ynyt)-9-(10l1)-acridone (69): Method B. Acridone (12) (1.00g, 5.1 mmol), benzyltriethylammonium chloride (50mg,0.2 mmol), 507o aqueous KOH (10m1) and 2-butanone (10m1) were stirred at 60'fo¡ 30 minutes, then 1l-iodoundec-l-yne (62) (2.00g,7.1. mmol) was addeddropwise over 10 minutes. The temperattlle was raised to 80" and the mixture stirred for 5 hours until analytical TLC indicated the absence of starting material. The reaction mixture was poured into hot water (100m1), allowed to cool to room temperature and then placed in an ice bath. The solid which formed was collected and recrystallised from EIOH to give the title compound green needle crystals mp95-97" in 1.069 (59Vo) yield, with specral as light data identical with those reported in the previous procedure. 11-(1-Pyrenyl)-undec-10-yn'1-ol (70) To a stired mixture of l-bromopyrene (1.00g, 3.6 mmol) in pyrrolidine (10m1) was added undec-10-yn-1-o1 (59) (0.72g, 4.3mmol, 1.2eq), and Pd(PPhr)o (0.209, mmol, 0.05eq). The reaction mixture was stirred at 80'for six hours, cooled to room temperature, poured into saturated NH4CI solution (50m1), the mixture extracted with CtlClr(2x 25ml), the combined organic exrracrs washed with L07o citric acid (25m1), brine (25m1), dried (MgSO) and solvent removed. The residue was separated by flash chromatography with 30n0 EtOAc/hexanes as the eluant and recrystallised from hexane to give the product as colourless crystals mp 46-48" in 0.859 (65Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for Crr[rO: 368-2140. Found: 36g.ZtZ6. MS: 368 (M*, 100), 239 (50). 'H NMR: 1.48-I.52 (m,llFI, methylene and hydroxyl protons); I.56 (quintet,2P', f 6.5 IJz, fu-C=C-CfL-CHr-); 1.77 (quintet,2H, J 'l .2 Hz, -CH,-CF!-OH); 2.64.(t,zlir,17.0Il2, CH2-GC-At);3.62(t,2IJ,J 6.5Id2, CH,-OH); 7.97-8.20(m,ïH,Ar-H);8.56(d,LH,J9.}Hz,tu-H). t'CNMR: 19.9,25.7,28.9,29.0, Experimental 96 29.t,29.4,29.5,32.6,63.0 (alkyl);79.6,96.4 (alkyne); 118.8, 124.3,124.4,125.3,125.7 126.1,127 .2, L27 .7 , 127 , .9,130.6, 131.2,131.8 (aromatic). 11-(1-Pyrenyl)-undec- l0-ynal (72) Pyridinium chlorochromate (1.749, 8.00 mmol) and anhydrous NaOAc (0.669, 8.0 mmol) werc suspended in CIrCl2(15m1) and a solution of the alcohol 70 (1.499,4.0 mmol) in CÍJ2C12(10m1) was added with stirring. Stirring was continued for 4 hours, at which time analytical TLC of the da¡k brown mixture showed the absence of the alcohol. The reaction mixture was filtered, the solvent removed and the residue purified by flash chromatography, eluant z}tS}EtQAc/hexanes. The aldehyde was recovered as a viscous oil which slowly solidified to a colourless solid mp 58-59" in 7.429 (96Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for crrg"uo: 366.1984. Found: 366.1989. MS: 366 (M*, 100), 253 (75),239 (48). IR (nujol): 3100w (Ar-H), 2750w (C-H aldehyde),224}w (C=C), I720s (C=O), 846s. 'H NMR: 1.36-1.69 (m, l2H,methylene protons); 1J7 (quintet,2}J, J 7.2H2, CHr-C[L-C=);2.42 (dt, CI!-CHO);2.65 (t,2IJ, J 6.9 IJz, CH2-GC-Ar); 7.98-8 .21 (m,8H' Ar-H); t'C NMR: 19.9, 22-1, 28-3, 28.9, 8.56 (d, lH, .,r 9.2Hz,Ar-H); 9.7 5 (t, llg, J 1.8 Hz, CHO). 2IJ, J 7.3, 1.8 Hz, 29.!,29.3,43.9 (alkyl),79.1,96.3 (alkynyl), 118.9, 124.4,124.4,124.5, L25.3,125.7 , L26.1, 127 1- .2, I27 .7, 127 .9, I29.6, 1 30.6, 1 3 1. 1, 131.3, 1 3 1. 8 (aryl), 202.8 (C=O). (1-Pyrenyl)-dodeca- 1'11-diyn e (7 4) Triphenylphosphine (6.029,22.9 mmol) was dissolved in CH2CI, (20m1) and cooled to -15" in an iceMeOH bath. A solution of CBro (3.809, 11.5 mmol) in CF!C! (20m1) was added, the cooling bath replaced by an ice bath and the mixture stirred at 0'for 30 minutes. A solution of the aldehyde 72 (1.40g,3.8 mmol) in CHrCl, (10m1) was added, and the mixture stirred for Experimental t hour. 97 The solvent was removed and the residue purified by flash chromatography with EtOAc/hexanes 5/95 as the eluant. The productT3, which was recovered in 1.969 (98Vo) yield, was dissolved in THF (30m1), cooled to -78o in a dry ice/acetone bath and n-butyllithium (3.0m1,2.5Min hexanes, 7.5mmo1) added dropwise via syringe. The red mixture was stirred for 2 hours at -78o, t hour at room temperature and the reaction quenched by the addition of saturated aqueous NH4CI (7ml). The mixture was separated, dried (NqSO) and the solvent removed. The residue was purified by flash chromatograPhy, eluant EtOAc/hexanes 1/99, to give the title compound as an oil which slowly solidified to a colourless solid mp 40-41" in 0.869 (64Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for CrrHru: 362.2034. Found: 362.2032. MS: 362 (M*, 15), 255 (38), 198 (62), 181 (100), 153 (58). IR (thin film): 3300s (H-G), 3040m (tu-H), 2928s,2852s,2245w CGC-), 2140w (H-GC), 1600m, 1582w, !506w,1490w,1466m,1436m,1t86m,846s, 718s. UV (CHClt): 249 (47 000),264 (13 900), 274 (29 400),285 (54 900), 329 (17 200),345 (39 600),364 (56 000). Fluorescence (CHCI' L.*= 364 nm): 386 (100), 396 (63),406 (68). lH NMR: L.37-1.60 (m, L}H,methylene protons); I.76 (quintet,2H., J 7.2H2, CHrCÉl-=-Ar); 1.95 (t, IIJ, J 2.6 Hz, GC-H);2.L9 (dt,2IH,f 6.9,2.6H2, CIt-=); 2.64(t,2}ì,J7.2H2, CHr-:Ar);7'96-8'L9 (|n, 8H, Ar-H); 8.55 (d, lH,,r 9.2H2, Ar-H). ttc NMR: 18.4, 19.9, 28.7,28-9,29.00,29.r (alkyl),68.1,79.6,84.7,96.3 (alkyne);118.8, 124.3,724.4,125.7,126.1,127.2,I27.7, 127 1 .9, 129.6,130.6, 131.1, 131.2,131.8 (aromatic). 1-(1-Pyrenyl)-undecan-1-ol (75) A mixture of 11-(1-pyrenyl)undec-10-yn-1-ol (70) (1.009, 2.7 mmol), 5VoPdlC (300mg) and EtOAc (100m1) was stirred overnight under an atmosphere of hydrogen. The reaction mixture was filtered through celite, the solvent removed and the residue recrystallised from hexanes to give the product as colourless crystals mp 48'in 0.899 (897o) yield. HRMS Experimental 98 CalculatedforÇrHrrO: 372.2453. Found 372.2465. MS: 372 (M*, L00),2L5 (24). IR lH NMR: (nujol mull): 34I6brs (O-H), 3050w (tu-H), 1610s, 1520s, 1054s, 836s. 1.25-1.52 (m,IfiIJ,methylene protons); 1.66 (ås, (quintet,2IJ, f CH2-OH); 7.82 'l .5 IJrz, lH (exchanges with Dp), -OH); 1.81 CH2-CI{2-Ar);3.28 (t,2}J, J 7 .7 H:z, Ar-CHr); 3.57 (t,2IJ, (d,lH,.r 7.8fI2, At-fÐ; 7.91-8.13 (m,'lH, At-ff); 8.23 f 6.6H:2, (d,lH,,f 93rI2, Ar-H). t'CNMR:25.7,29.4,29.5,29.7,29.8,3L.9,32.7,33.6,63.0(alkyl);123-5,124.5, 124.7,125.0,725.7,126.4,I27 .0, 127.2, 127.5, t28.5,129.6,130.8, 131.4,137.3 (aromatic) 11-(1-Pyrenyl)-undecanal (76) The alcohol T5 was converted to the title compound by the method used for compound 72. The title compound was isolated in 0.899 (897o) yield as colourless crystals mp 43'. HRMS Calculated for rH CrrIloO: 370.2297. Found: 370.2290. MS: 370 (M*, 79), 215 (100). NMR: 1.26-1.48 (m,l4H, methylene protons); 1.83 (quíntet,2H, J 7.7 }Jz, CHr-CF!-Ar); 2.36(dt,2IJ,J7.3,L.9Ijrz,CH"-CHO);3.31 (t,2}J,J7-6H2, CI!-Ar);7.83-8.28 (m,9}f, l',C NMR: 22.1,29.1,29.3,29.4,29.5,29.8,31.9,33.6 Ar-H); 9.72(t,1H,.I L.9Hz,CHO). (alkyl), 123.5, L24.6,124.8,125.1,125.8,126.5,127 .L,127.2,127.5,128.6,129.7 ,130.9, 131.4, 137 .3 (aryl), 203.0 (carbonyl). 1-(l-Pyrenyl)-dodeca-ll-yne (78) The aldehydeTí was converted to the title compound by the method used for compound 74. The intermediate 1,1-dibromo-12-(l-pyrenyl)-dodec-l-ene (77) was isolated as colourless tH crystals mp 4L-43" in 0.879 (80Vo) yield. ll/rS: 524/526/528 (l:2:1,100, M*), 2I5 (2Ð. NMR: L28-I.48 (m, l4H, methylene protons); 1.87 (quintet,zIJ, J 7 .4H2, CHr-Ct!-Ar); 2.O8(q,zIH',J'l.OHz, CH2-CH=);3.35 (t,2IJ, CF!-Ar);6.38 (r, 1H,.I7.3Hl2, H-C=); t'C NMR: 27.8,29.0,29.3,29.5,29.5,3r.9,33.0,33.6 (alkyl), 7.86-8.32 (m,9If{,., Ar-H). Experímental 88.4 99 (BrrC-), 123.5,124.6,124.8,125.7,126.5,127.1,127 .2,127.5, L28.6,129.1,130.9, 131.5, I37.3 (aryl), 138.9 (HC=). The title compound was isolated in 430mg (717o) yield as colourless crystals mp 50-51'. HRMS Calculated for CrrHro: 366.2348. Found 366.2334. MS: 366 (M*, 49), 215 (100). IR (nujol): 3308s (H-G), 3040w (AI-H)' 1600s, 1180s, 842s UV(EIOH):205(107000),234(143000),243(191 000),256(48300),266(96700),277 (160 000), 313 (40 C[r}),327 (86 700), 343 (117 000). Fluorescence @tOH, X". = 343 nm): 377 (100), 397 (59),416 (20). 'H NMR: I.25-I.53 (m,l{H,methylene protons); 1.81 (quintet,2]fl^,J7.6Hz,tu-CfL-CHr);1.93 (r, lH, J2.7Hz,C=C-H);2.15(dt,2II,17.0,2.7 Idz, -CIJr-C=C); 3.31 (r, lH, 7H, Ar-H) ; 8.24 (d, llfi,., r 7.8llJ2, Ar-CHr); J 9.3 Hlz, Af-H). t3C 7.82 NMR: (d,lH,,r 7.8 Hz, Ar-H); 7.92-8.13 (m, 18.4, 28.4, 28.7, 29.I, 29.5, 29.8, 31.9, 33.6 (alkyl); 68.1, 84.8 (alkyne); 123.4,124.6,124.7,I25.O,125.7,126.3,126.4,127.0, !27 .2, 127 .5, 128.5, 129.6,130.9, 131.4, L37 .3,138.3 (aromatic). Fluorescein methyl ester (80) Fluorescein (5) (5.009, 15 mmol), concentrated FISO. (3ml) and MoOH (100m1) were refluxed for 30 hours, and left at room temperature for 2 days. The orange crystals which precipitated were collected, dissolved in 1.5N NaOH (50m1), extracted with EtOAc (50m1) to remove the dimethyl derivatives, acidified to pH 1 with l}Vo}J:Cl, the red precipitate collected and recrystallised from MeOH to give 1.329 (25Vo) of the title compound as red microcrystals mp 282" (lit.t3o 282"). MS: 346 (M., 100),258 (46). 6-O-(1-Undec-10-ynyl)fluorescein methyl ester (81) t0 4 ,| 7 3 6' 5 A mixture of fluorescein methyl ester (80) (1.009,2.89 mmol), 11-iodoundec-1-yne (62) (I.20g,4.33mmo1, 1.5 eq.), K2CO3 (0.809, 5.78 mmol,2eq.) and 2-butanone (100m1) was refluxed for 8 hours. The mixture was filtered, the solvent removed and the residue dissolved Experimental 100 in CHCI, (50m1). The organic solution was washed with 1.5N NaOH (50m1), water (50m1), brine (50m1), ùied (NarSO.) and the solvent removed. The residue was recrystallised from CflClhexanes to give 1.19g (797o) of the title compound as bright orange crystals mp 83-84". HRMS Calculated for CrrHrpr: 496.2250. Found: 496.2234. MS: 496 (M.,97); 446(79);360(1@);25S(48). IR(nujolmull):3296s(H-G),3180w(tu-H),2145w(C={), 1730s (C=O), l&4s,1590s, 1260s,852s. UV (EIOH): 234(135 000),256 (62700),277 (60 500),311(29400),364(29500),437 (74000),459(94400),489(80600). Fluorescence tH (ErOH, ?r", = 489 nm): 517 nm. (quintet,zIJ, f NMR: I.34-1.56 (m, L2H, methylene protons); 1.83 6.6H2, CH2-CI{2-O); 1.94 (t, 1 2J Hz, H-G);2.19 (dt,2IJ,1 6.9,2.7 C[L-C{):3.64 (s, 3H, CHr-O); 4.06 }lz, (t,2]l, J'1.0Ill2, Ct!-O-Ar); 6.a6 (d, J 1.9 }Jlz, C4-H); 6.54 (dd,.I 9.7, 1.9 IJz, C2-H);6.73 (dd,"f 8.6, 2.4H2, C7-g); 6.85 (d, f 9.7 H:z, Cl-H); 6.88 (d, J 8.6 Hz, C8-H); 6.94 (d, J 2.4 Hz, C5-H);7 .31 (dd, J 7 .4, 1.4 Hz, C3'-H);7 .67 (dt, J 7 .4, t'C NMR: '1,.3H2,C5'-H); 7.74 (dt, J 7.4,1.3lf{r2, C4'-H); 8.25 (dd, J 7 -4,1.3Fir2, C6'-H). 18.4,25.9,28.4,28.7,28.9,29.0,29.2,29.9,52.4 (akyl), 68.1 (HC=C), 68.9,87 .7 (C=CH), 100.5, 105J,113.9, 11,4.6,Lr7.4,128.8, 129.6,129.8,130.2,130.3, 131.1, 132.7,134-7, 150.4, 154.3,159.0, 163.7 (alkene and aromatic), 165.7 (ester), 185.7 (carbonyl). N- (l-Oxoundec- l0-ynyl) -S-aminofl uorescein (8a) 10 4 7 3', I' 4' 6' a I 5 84 85 To a stirred solution of S-aminofluorescein (83) (0.50g,1,.44 mmol) in pyridine (5ml) was added dropwise undec-lO-ynoyl chloride (67) (0.589, 2.88 mmol,2"q). The reaction mixture was stirred for 48 hours, poured into water (50m1), acidified with l07o HCI until pH<2, the bright orange precipitate collected, washed with water (5ml), air dried, dissolved in a small quantity of EtOAc and precipitated by the additio bright orange crystals mp 138-140'in 0.639 (657o) yield. Slow recrystallisation from EtOAc/hexanes gave crystals composed of a mixture of lactone (colourless) and acid (orange) forms. HRMS (LSIMS) Calculated for C'ItoNOu (M+H.): 512.2073. Found: 5t2.7987. MS: 512 (M+H*, 100), 347 (16),207 (19). IR (nujol): 3500-2500m (O-H)' 3296s (H-G), 2140w (e{), 1738s, 1666s (C=O), 1610s. UV (EIOH): 231(48 500),255 (24900),455 (6 840),483 (6 670). Fluorescence @tOH, L". = 483 nm): 516 nm. The NMR data are for the lactone structure (8Ð. lH NMR (d6-DMSO): 1.30-1.44 (m,IDIJ, methylene protons); 1.63 (quintet,2If,J 6.6H2, CHr-CII2-C(O)N); 2.14 (dt,2IJ,I 6.8,2.5}J2, C[L-C=); 2.37 (t,2H, J 7 .3 IHz, CH2C(O)N); 2.73 (r, lH, J 2.5 IJz, H-GC); 6.54 (dd,zIJ,I 8.6,2.L}J2, C2-H);6.59 (d,2}j^, J 8.6H2, Cl-H); 6.66 (d,2}l, f 2JHz, C4-H); 7 .I9 (d' J 8.3}j2,C5'-H); 7.82(dd,lH,,f 8.3, 1.8H2, C6'-H);8.33 (d,I}J,J I.$}jlz, C5'-H); l}f' 10.11 (bs,2H,Ar-OH); 10.35 (bs, lH, C(O)NH). t'C NMR (d6-DMSO): 19.5' 26.8'29.7'29.9' 3O.2,30.4,30.5, 38.3 (alkyl), 72.8 (H;C=C), 84.8, 86.3 (HGC), 104.0, 111.6, L14.3,115.1, 126.1,128.0, 728.7,130.9, 742.6,148.4,t53.7,161.2 (aryl), 170.4, L73.7 (carbonyl). 5-Dimethylamino-N-(1l-undec-1-ynyl)-1-naphthalenesulphonamide (87) 6 54 3 2 7 8 1åu¡r------: To a stirred mixture of dansyl chloride (S6) (200m9,0.74 mmol) andEgN (75mg, 100p1' 0.74 mmol, leq) in 1 "q). CtlCl, (5ml) was added undec-10-yn-1-amine (66) Q2amg,0.74 mmol, The reaction mixture was stirred for 60 minutes, the solvent removed and the residue separated by flash chromatoglaphy eluant 15:85 EtOAc/hexanes to give the title compound as a fluorescenr green oil in 215m g Q27o) yield. V/hen stored at -18" the oil solidified to give a fluorescent grcen solid mp 58'. HRMS Calculated for CrHrrNrOrS: 400.2184. Found: 400.2200. MS (EI, Vorelative abundance): 400 (M*,77), 171 (100). IR (thinfilm): 3300br Experimental L02 s (H-G and N-H), 3052w (Ar-H), 2lI6w (G{), 1586s, 1574s,1464s,1322s and 1144s (O=S=O), 790s. UV (EIOH): 220 (29 900), 253 (12 400),337 (4 000). Fluorescence (EIOH,7r,"*= 337 nm): 506nm. lHNMR: l.O9-L.26(m,l2E,methyleneprotons);1.48 (quintet, J 7.5IFr2, CH2-CH2-NH); CHr-e{X l9a Q' J 2.7 Hz' H-C=);2.16 (dt,2H,J 7.0,2.7 2.88 (q,2iH,J 6.8HL2, CFL-¡fg); 2.89 (s, 6H (Cq)2-N); 4.59 SOrNH); 7.lg (d,IlH, J 7.7 IJz, C6-H); 7 .53 (dd, 8.6,7 .7 lFrz, CI -H);8.25 (dd, lll, lIJ,I H4 (bt,lIJ,I5'2H2, 8-4,7.4 Hz, C3-H);7 '57 (dd,lIJ, J J 7 .3, L-3 }Jz, C4-H); 8.29 (d, lH, ,f 8.6}12, C8-H); 8'54 (dd,L}d,18.4,1.0H2,C2-H). t'CNMR:18.3,26.3,28.4,28.6,28.8,29.2,29.4,43.3,45.4 (alkyl), 68.1,84.7 (alkynyl), 115.1, 118.6, 123.2,128.4,129.7 ,129.8,130.4,134.7,152.0 (aryl). Experimental 103 Experimental Described in Chapter 2.3. 5-Bromo-1,10-phenanthroline (88). 65 4 7 3 8 910 1 2 Anhydrous l,l0-phenanthroline (6.209,34 mmol) was dried at 120" at 0.01mmHg for 3 hours, and cooled in a iceÂVIeOH bath. Fuming IITSO. (607o oleum) (30m1) was added slowly, and the mixture allowed to come to room temperature with stirring. When the phenanthroline had dissolved, Brr(2.75g,0.89m1, 17 mmol) was added and the mixture heated at 120" in an oil bath for 19 hours. After cooling to room temperature the reaction mixture was poured onto ice (250g) and neutralised with concentrated ammonium hydroxide solution. The aqueous mixture was extracted with CHCL (2 x 100m1), the organic extracts combined, dried (MgSO) and the solvent removed. The residue was separated by flash chromatography on alumina, eluant CHClr/hexanes 50/50, and recrystallised from dry CHC13. The title compound was recovered as colourless crystals mp 117-118" (lit7s. 118') in 4.629 (52Vo) yietd. MIS 258/260 (M*, 100), 179 (M*-Br, 99),152 (40),125 (28). 'H NMR: (dd, lE,.f 8.1, 4.3H2, C3-H); 7 .74 (dd,lH,.f 83,4.4H2, C8-H); 8.14 (s, 7.65 lH' C6-H); 8'18 (dd, l}J, J 8.2,1.8 Hz, CY-ff); 8.66 (dd, lIJ, J 8.3, 1.6 IJz, C4-H);9.20 (dd (panially obscured.), l]f., J 4.4,1.8 Hz, C9-H);9.21 (dd (panially obscured), lH, J trc NMR: 120.6,123.4,123.6,124.2,127 .7 4.3,l.6Hz, C2-H). ,728.6, 129.4, 134.9, 135.7,136.9,150.5, 150.7, 5-(1f -Hydroxyundec-l-ynyl)-1,10-phenanthroline (89) N A mixture of 5-bromo-1,l0-phenanthroline 88 (2.599, 10.0 mmol), undec-10-yn-1-o159 (2.O1g,12.0 mmol,l.2 eq.) and Pd(PPhr)o (0.589, 0.50 mmol, 0.05eq) was stired at 70'in Experimental 104 pyrrolidine (40m1) for 7 hours, at which time analytical TLC showed the absence of starting material at t{ì- 0.80 (alumina plates, MeOIVCH2Cl2I0l90). The rÞaction mixture was poured inro saturated NH.CI solution (100m1), extracted with CI!C\(2x 100m1), the extracts combined, washed with satumted NH4CI solution (3 x 50ml), brine (25m1), dried (MgSQ) and solvent removed. The residue was purif,red by flash chromatography on alumina, using CHCl/hexanes 50/50 as eluant. The product was recovered as a colourless oil which solidified when stored at -18' to give colourless crystals mp 52-54" in2.3lg (66Vo) yield. HRMS: calculated for CrI!.NrO: 346.2045. Found: 346.2032. MS: 346 (M., 8), 260 (13),232 (33),219 (62),194 (21), 83 (100). IR (thin film): 3600-3100s (o-H), 3050w (Ar-H), 2220w (C=C). tH NMR: 1.34-1.72 (m,l4IJ, methylene protons); 2.58 (t,2}J,r CFL-G); 3.63 (t,2H, CH2-OH);1 .60 (dd,llt,"f 8.1, 4-4H2, C3-H); 7.68 (dd,lH, 'f 8.3, 4.3}J2, C8-H); 7 .92 (s,lH, H6); 8.16 (dd,lH, 'f 8J, l.7Hz, C4-H); 8.72 (dd,1H, 'I 8'3, t3C l.|Hz,C7-H); g.l4 (dd,lH, 4.4,1.7lH2, C2-H);9.19 (dd,lH,,f 4.4,l.ïHz, C9-H)' 6.9ÙJ2, "f NMR:19.5,25.6,28.5,28.8,29.1,29.2,29.3,32.6,62.6(alkyl);77.0,96.8(alkyne); 120.58, 123.0,123.1,127.9,728.4, 129.8, 134.6, 135.3,145.6,145.7, t50.2,150.2 (aromatic). 5-(Dodec-11-ynyl)-1,10-phenanthroline (91): Method A. To a stirred slurry of potassium ferf-butoxide (35mg,0.32mmo1, 1.1eq) inTFIF (10m1) at -78'was added dropwise diethylmethyldiazophosponate 98 (56mg, 0.32 mmol, 1.1 eq). The mixture was stired for 10 minutes then a solution of the aldehyde 95 (100mg,0.29 mmol) in TTIF (5ml) was added dropwise. The reaction mixture was stirred overnight as the cooling bath warmed to room temperature, quenched by the addition of saturated NaHCO3 solution (2ml) and water (15m1) was added. The mixture was extracted with CfI"CLr(2 x 10ml), the combined extracts washed with brine (20m1), dried (MgSO) an¿ the solvent removed. The yellow residue was purified by flash chromatography on alumina with CHClr/hexanes 30:70 as eluant, and recrystallised from hexanes to give the title compound as colourless crystals in Experímental 47mg(487o) yield mp 73-74". Calculated for CroFlr\: 344.2252. Found: 105 34-2245-M* 3M (M*,lm),217 (15),2o7 (19), 193 (40), 145 (51), 105 (83). IR (nujol mull): 3172s lH NMR: 1.27-1.53 (m,l4H, methylene (H-C=), 2130w (C=C), 1512m,872m,740s. protons); 1.77 (quintet,2IJr,f 7.7Hz,CH2-Cft-At);1.92 (r, lH, f 2.6Hz,H-C=);2..14(dt, 2lJ,f 6.9,2.6Hl2,CÍI'-G);3.08 (t,2H,J7.5Hl2, Cft-Ar);7-57 (s,lH' C6-H);7-58(dd (obscured) , IIj,., J 8.4, 4.2H2, C8-H):7 .64 (dd, IH, J 8.4, 4.2H2, C3-H); 8.15 (dd, lH, .,f 8.1, (dd,lH, 'I 8.4, 1.6 IJz, C|-H); 9.11 (dd, l}t, J 4.3, l;7 IJz, C2-H);9.17 (dd,lIJ,J4.2,l.6Hz,C9-H). t'CNMR:18.4,28.7,29.r,29.4,29.5,29.5,29.6'29.7,30.1, 1.7 IJz, C4-H); 8.4t 32.6 (alkyl), 68.0, 84.8 (alkynyl), t22.7,123.1,124.8, t28.1,128.4 132.3,135.3,132.4, I45.5,146.5, t49.5, L49.6 (aryl). 5-(Dodec-11-ynyl)-1,10-phenanthrotine (91): Method B. To a stired mixture of the aldehyde 95 (0.58g, 1.7 mmol) and dimethyl-(1-diazo-2-oxopropyl)phosphonate (0.489, 2.5 mmol, 1.5 eq) in dry MeOH (7 ml) at 0o was added &CO, (0.469, 0.34 mmol,2 eq). The mixture was stirred for t hour at 0'then at room temperature ovemight. After quenching with saturated NH.CI solution (4ml), the organic solvent was removed, Cll2cl2(25m1) and water (25m1) added, the organic layer separated, dried (MgSO), solvent removed and the residue purified as in the previous procedure. The product was tH NMR data identical with those reported in the recovered in 0.349 (58Vo) yield with previous procedure. Büs -1,10-Phenanthroline-5-[(dodec-1l-ynyl)-1,10-phenanthroline]rutheniumGl) hexafluorophosphate (92) 5 4 3 3', 4' 2', nlN l0: 6' 7 8 2PF6 Experimental 106 A mixture of å¡s-1,10-phenanthrolineruthenium(Il)dichloride 90 (100mg,0.19 mmol, leq), 5-(dodec-l1-ynyl)-1,10-phenanthroline 91 (65mg, 0.19 mmol, leq), water (2ml) and MeOH (lml) was stirred at 50" for 48 hours. The dark red-brown mixture was filtered to rcmove a black precipitate, the filEant concentrated under reduced pressure and a solution of . ammonium hexafluorophosphate (500mg) in water (2.5m1) added. The precipitated omnge crystals were collected, air dried and purified by flash chromatography on alumina (the compound decomposes on silica), eluant CHCI3 to give the title compound as a dark red glass mp >150" in 140mg (687o) yield. Attempted recrystallisations from various solvents were unsuccessful. HRMS Calculated for CorH*FuNrPt02Ru (M-PF..): 95I.2313. Found: 951.2321. MS (LSIMS): 951 (to'Ro ìvf*.PF;, 100), 806 (to'Ro MH*, 6l), 6251'02RuM* phen, 22). IR (nujol): 3300w (H-c=), 1640m,1040m,840s (P-F),722s. UV (CHCL): 257 tH NMR (do-DMSO): (31g00), 423 (11600), 449 (12300). Fluorescence: 578 nm. 1.22-1.48 (n, methyleneprotons); 1.79 (quintet,2}J^,J'1.2H2, CfL-üIr-At);2.1I (dt,2H,J 6.8,2.6H2, CI!-G);2.70 (t, lH, J2.6Hz,H-C=);3.24(m,2H,Clr-Ar);1.70-7-78(m,6ÍI, C3-H, C3'-H, C8-H and C8'-H);7.99 (d, I}J, f 53}J2, C4'-H); 8.06 (ln, 5H, C7'-H, C4-H and C7-H); 8.19 (s, lH, C6'-H) ,8.37 (s, 4H, C5-H and C6-H); 8.66 (d, l}J, J 7 .2H2, C2'-H); 8.76 (d, 4I¡, f 8.21g,r2, ttc NMR (do-DMSO): Cz-H and C9-H); 8.84 (d, LrI, J 7 .4lgl2, C9'-H). 17.6,n.9,28.0,28.4,28.8, 28.8, 28.9,29.8,31.3 (alkyl), 70.8, 84.5 (alkynyl),125.2,126.L, 127.9,130.0, 130.1, 130.4,133.8, L34.7,t35.4,\36.6,136.9,140.0, 146.4,147.2,147.6, 151.5, 151.9, 152.3,153.0, 153.9. 5-(ll-Hydroxyundecyl)- 1'10-phenanthroline (93) r-oH A mixture of alkyne 89 (1.009, 2.89 mmol),l07o Pd/C (0.509),lÙVo HCI (5ml) and MeOH (50m1) was stirred under a hydrogen atmosphere for 24 hours. The mixture was filtered through celite, the organic solvent removed and the pH of the aqueous residue adjusted to >12 with lM NaOH. The aqueous solution was extracted with CHCL (50m1), the organic extract Experimental 107 washed with water (50m1), d¡ied (MgSOr, the solvent removed and the residue purified by flash chromatography on alumina, eluting first with 50/50 hexanes/CHCl, to rcmove impurities, then CHClr. The product was recrystallised from CClo to give the title compound as colourless crystals mp 117.5-119.0'in 0.799(787o) yield. HRMS Calculated for. QrIloNrO: 350.2358. Found: 350.2362. MS: 350 (M*,53),349 (IM-F!C=OH.1, 60), 207 (94),193 (100). IR (thin I620s,L564s,1424s. film): ([M-H]*,39),3I9 3600-3100s (o-H), 3050w (Af-H), tHNMR: l.2I-I.42(m,lfiH,methyleneprotons); 1.49 (quíntet,2H,J 6.9Hz,CH2-CH2-Ar); 1.70 (quintet'2H,J7.4IJ2, CH2-CIL-OH);2.O7 (brs' lH' R-OH); 2.99 (t,zlir,J 7.7 l, rz, Cr!-Ar); 3.58 (r, 2H, J 6.6ljr2, CFIr-OH); 7.48 (s, lH, C6-H);7.50 IIJ,.I 8.0, 4.4 Hz, C3-H);7 .56 (dd, lIJ, C4-H); 8.33 (dd, lH, ,f 8.4, 1.6 IJrz, f 8.4, 4.3}J2, C8-H); 8.O7 (dd, (dd, lII, J 8'0, t'7 }lz, Cl -H); 9.05 (dd, t}I, J 4.4, l jl IJz, C2-H); 9 'll (dd, l}l, r 43,1.6lH2, C9-H). t'C NMR: n.7,31.2,31.3,31.4,31-4,31.5,31.6,32-2,34-6,34-8, 64.9 (alkyl),124.6,124.9,126.8,130.0,130.4,134.2,137.3,139.4,147.5,148.5, 151.7, 151.8 (aromatic). 5-(11-Oxoundecyl)-1,10-Phenanthroline (95): Method A. (cHtrocHo To a vigorously stirred mixture of the alcohol 94 (573mg,1.64 mmol), NaBr (382mg, 1.64 mmol, 1.0 eq.), TEMPO (25mg,0.16 mmol,0.1 eq.), CITCI2(10m1) and water (2ml) at 0" was added dropwise over 40 minutes a mixture of 0.35M NaOCI (4.7mI,1.64 mmol, 1.0 eq.) and NaHCO, (382mg ,4.28 mmol, 3.0 eq.). The mixture was stirred fot 20 minutes, the layers separated, the aqueous layer exracted with combined, washed succesively with aqueous CIlCl, (10m1), the organic layers KI solution (0.25gin 10ml), 107o NaSrO, solution (10m1), brine (10m1) and dried (MgSOJ. fne solvent was removed and the residue purified by flash chromatography on alumina using CHCI3 as eluant, to give the title compound as crcam crystals mp 52-54" in2lTmg (387o) yield. HRMS (LSIMS) Calculated for ÇIlnNrO (M+H.): 349.2280. Found: 349.2263. MS: 349 (M+H*, 72),321(53),207 Experimental 108 (82),194 (100). IR (thin film): 3030w (tu-H), 2716w (aldehyde C-H), 1724s (C=O), 1424s, 744s. tH NMR: l.2l-L.49 (m,lZId, methylene protons); l.6I (quintet,2H, r 7.l}lz, CH2-CI{2-CHO); 1.79 (quintet,2H,f 7.2Hz, CH2-C[I2-Ar);2-41(dt,2H,J7-3,1.9IJ2, CI{r-CHO); 3.11 (t,2H, J 7.5Hl2, CHr-Ar); 7.60 (s, lH, C6-H);7 .61 (dd, tIJ, J 8.1, 4.4H2, C3-H); 7.67 (dd,lH', f 8.4,4.3 Hz, C8-H); 8.18 (dd, J 8.4,l.5lHz, C7-H); 9.13 (dd, 9.75 LPr, f t}l,J 8.1, l-4}J2, C4-H); 8.44 (dd, l}J, 43,1.5 Hz, C9-H);9.19 (dd,l}J,J 4.4,1.4H2, C2-H); (t,lH, J !.7 rfz,CHo). t'C NlvlR: 21.8,24.8,28.8,29.1,29.2,29.4,29.9,32.3,43.6 (alkyl), 122.5,122.9, L24.6,127.8, !28.2,132.0,135.1, I37 .2,I45.2, 146.2,149.2,149.3 (aryl), 202.7 (carbonyl). 5-(11-Oxoundecyl)-1,10-Phenanthroline (95): Method B. Oxalyl chloride (0.22m1,2.6 mmol. 1.1 eq) was dissolved in Ct!C! (25m1) and cooled in a dry icelacetone bath. DMSO (0.36m1, 5.1 mmol, 2.2 eq) was added and the reaction mixture was stired for 5 minutes. A solution of the alcohol 94 (815mg, 2.3 mmol) in CIICI, (10m1) was added, the mixture stir:red for 15 minutes, EgN (1.62m1, 11.6 mmol, 5 eq) added and stirring continued. for 5 minutes. The cooling bath was removed and the reaction mixture allowed to come to room temperature. W'ater (25m1) was added, the organic layer was separated, washed with brine (25m1), dried (MgSOJ an¿ solvent removed. The residue was separated by flash chromatography on alumina, eluant CHC13 to give the title compound in 559mg (69Vo) yield. The physical data were identical with those in the previous method. Diethylmethyldiazophosphonate (98) ( a) Phthalimidodiethylphosphonomethane 4 5 6 '1 3 {Hz- o ll Pi-oFr -OFJ 1 To a stirred solution of bromomethylphthalimide (6.009,25 mmol) in xylene (mixture of isomers,20ml) at 130" was added dropwise triethylphosphite (4.159,25 mmol). The byproduct ethyl bromide was distilled from the reaction mixture over 60 minutes, the Experímental 109 temperatue raised to 150' and stirring continued overnight. After cooling to room temperature hexane (20m1) was added and the reaction mixture stored at -20". The precipitated crude product was collected, washed with hexane, air dried and recrystallised from ether. The title compound was recovered as colourless crystals mp 63-65" (litttt. tH 64-65") in 3.839 (in two crops, 48Vo) yield. (d,2njrnl!.5Hz,P-Cfl"-$; NMR: 1.32 (t,6}I, J 7.l}lz, CHr-CF!); 4.10 a.20 (m,4H,o-cH2-cH3);7.73 (d"d'2H'15.6'3.0IJ2' C5-H and C6-H);7.87 (dd,2]H,J 5.6,3.0lfir2,C4-H and C5-H). 33.2(I*t56Hz,p-CII2-N), 62.8 t'C NMR: 16.3 ff* e.: Hz, CI[), (Ie5.4Hz,O-CrL-CH3),123.5,131.9, 134.2 (aromatic), 166.9 (carbonyl). (b) Diethylrnethyldiazophosphonate (98) A mixture of phthalimidodiethylphosphonomethane (2.59,8.4 mmol), hydrazine hydrate (0.429,8.4 mmol), acetic acid (1.01g, 16.8 mmol) and MeOH (10m1) was refluxedlot 2 hours. After cooling to 0o, the precipitated phthalhydrazide was filtered off and the solvent removed. The residue was dissolved in a mixture of acetic acid (1.0m1) and water (8.5m1). Dichloromethane (6mt) was added, the mixture cooled to -10' (ice-MeOH bath) and a solurion of NaNO, (0.58g, 8.4 mmol) in water (1.5m1) added dropwise. The cooling bath was replaced by an ice bath and the reaction mixture stired for 90 minutes. The organic layer was separated, the aquoous layer extracted with CH2CL (3 x 10ml), the combined extracts washed wirh saturated NaHCO, solution (20m1), brine (20m1), dried (tvtgSOJ and solvent removed. The residue was distilled behind a safety shield, bp 64'at 0.012mmHg (Kugelrohr; air temperature; lit.r3r 51o at 0.lmmHg) to give the title compound as a yellow oil in 0.949 (637o) yield. IR (thin 6IJ, film): r 7 J Hz,CHr-Ct!); lH 2984s,2712s (Nr), 1300s and 1250s (P=O). NMR: t.34 3.77 (d, !H,2Jw 1 1.0 Hz, HC=Nz)i 4.L3 (m,4H, O-CH2-CH3). 5-(11-Oxoundec-1-ynyl)-1'l0-phenanthroline (104) (t, Experimental 110 The titte compound was preparcd by Method B used for compound 95. Reaction of alcohol 91 (1.509,4.33 mmol) gave the product as colourless crystals mp 50-5f in 1.119 (69Vo) yield. HRMS CalculatedforÇHrNp: 3M.1889. Found: 344.1886. MS: 344(M*,8), 315 (7), 259 (52),23I (69),219 (70),91 (100). IR (nujol): 2720w (C-H aldehyde),2212w (C=C), 1722s (C=O), 1504m, 1420m,7$m. protons); 2.38 (dt, (dd,IIJ,J 2IH^, tH NMR: 1.33-1.73 (m,l2H, methylene J 7 .3, 1.7 IJrz, CIL"-CHO); 2.55 (t, 2IJ, J 7 .0 Hlz, CIL-C=C-Ar) ; 7 .56 8.1, 4.3II2, C3-H); 7.65 (dd,lH,,f 8.2H2,4.3II2, C8-H); 7.88 (s, lH' C6-H); 8.L2(dd,lIFr,J 8.1, 1.7H2,C4-H);8.67 (dd,I}J,I8-2,1-7}Jz,C7-gX9.ll(dd'lH,J 4'3, t'CNMR: 1.7 }Jz,C2-H);g.16(dd,lH,,r 43,1.7 Hz, C9-H);9.72(r, 1H, f 7.6Hz,CHO). 19.2,21.3,28.2,28.3,28.4,28.5,28.6,28.8, a3.a (akyl),67.7,96.4 (alkynyl), 120.3, 122.8, 122.9,128.8, L29.2,129.6,134.4,135.1, t45.4,145.5,150.0, 150.1 (aryl),202.3 (carbonyl). 5-(Dodec-1,11-diynyl)-1'10-phenanthroline (105) Prepared by the method used for compound 95 from aldehyde 104 to give the title compound as colourless crystals mp 86-88'in 300mg (60Vo) yield. HRMS: Calculated for CroHrNr: 340.1939. Found: 340.1937. MS: 340 (M*, 88), 245 (38),219 (87)'231 (48),217 (75),190 (24),l4g (19),41 (100). IR (thin film): 33Nm (H-G), 302tw (Ar-H), 2928s,2852s,2220w THNMR: 1.26-L.68 (m,10Il, CC=C-), 2l2tw (H-GC), 1606m,!590m,1506s, 1424s,742s. methylene protons); I.75 (quintet,zIJ, J 7 .2H2, CHr-CF!-=-Ar); 1.95 (r, lH, H-G); 2.2O (dt, 2IJ, f 6.9, 2.6 Hz, CF!-È{H); 2.61 (t 2IJ, I 7 .0 IJz, I 2.6}12, CIt-=-Ar) ; 7 .63 (dd, lH,,f 8.L,4.4 Hz, C3-H);7.71(dd,IIl,.f 8.3, 4.4H2, C8-H); 7.95 (s, lH, C6-H); 8.\9 f (dd, (dd,lIJ,J 8.3,1.8 Hz, CY-H); 9.17 (dd,lH,,r 4.4,l-8}l2, t'CNMR: 18.4,19.7,28.4,28.7,28.7,28.9,29.0 c2-H); g.2O(dd,lH,J 4.4,1.8H2,C9-H). lIJ, 8.3, 1.8 Hz, C4-H);8.74 (alkyl), 68.1,77 .2,84.7,96.9 (alkynyl), 120.2,123.2,123.3,128-I,128.6,130.0, 1.35.5, 145.8, 145.9, 150.4, 150.5 (aryl). 134.8, Experimental 111 Experimental Described in Chapter 2.4. Biotin N-hydroxysuccinimide ester (106) 3 I 4 I 5 H Biotin 4l (0.979,4.0 mmol) was dissolved in DMF (12m1) at 80" and the solution removed from heating. NHS (0.47g,4.1 mmol) and DCC (0.939, 4.5 mmol, 1.1 eq) were added and the reaction mixture stired at room temperature for 2 hours, filtered to removed precipitated DCU and the solvent removed under vacuum (oil pump). The residue was recrystallised from isopropanol to give the title compound as cream crystals mp207-209" (lit.88 210") in 0.719 (Stvo) yield. MS: 341 (M*, 31), 227 (32),166 (11),97 (49),55 (100). IR (nujol): 3232m lH NMR (d6-DMSO): 1.41-1.68 (2, (N-H), 1750s, 1730s, t704s (3 x C=O), L2l6s,1072s. 6H, methylene protons);2.56 (d, l}J, Js I2.4 Hz, CS-Hb);2.65 (t,2IJ,I7 -3IJ2, CI!-CO,); 2.8I (dd, f s 12.4,4.6Pr2, C5-Ha); 3.10 (dt,l}J, J 7.3,4.6}J2, C2-}l);4.13 (dd,lH, J 7.0, 4.7 ldz, C4-H); 4.29 (dd,lH, J 7.0,4.7 Hz, C3-H);6.36 (ås, lH, Nl'-H); 6.42 (bs, lFI, N3'-H). t'C NMR (d6-DMSO): 24.2'25.3'27.4'27.7 '29.8,39.8, 55.0, 59.0, 60.8 (alkyl), 162.5, 168.8, B 17 0.2 (carbonyl). iotin-N-(undec-l0-ynyl)ami de (107) 3 1 H t!-(cH)r H 3 5 To a stirred solution of biotin-NHs ester (106) (300mg,0.29 mmol) in DMF (6ml) was added the amine 66 (147mg,0.29 mmol, 1eq). A white precipitate formed within 10 minutes. The mixture was stirred overnight, the solvent removed invacuo (oil pump), the residue purified by flash chromatography using SlgZMleOHlCII"Cl"as eluant, rccrystallised from MeOIIÆIO and dried under vacuum to give the title compound as a colourless solid mp 176-178" in Experimental 1,12 3l2mg(9o7o)yield. HRMS: CalculatedforÇ,[rNrOrS: 393.2450. Found: 393-2458. MS: 393 (M*, 3), 333 (28),160 (100). IR (nujol): 3700-3200n (N-H), 3292s (H-C=), tH NMR: 1.18-1.67 (m, ZÛH,methylene 21.4Ow(GC), 1692s, 1648s (C=O), 1548s. protons); 1.87 (r, LH, J 2.6HL2, H-C=); 2.08-2.15 (m,4IJ, CIL-CON and lH,,rs* l2.9Hz,CS-Hb); 2.86(dd,lH,,rs* Crt-G); ?.66 (d, 12.9,4.9 Hz, C5-Ha);3.10 (dt,t}J,J7.1,4.6 }Jz,C2-H);3.L6(q,2lFr,J6.9Hz,CH2-NHCO):4.26(dd,IH,I7.7,4.9Hz,Ca-p;4'45(dd, lH,J7|llfrz,4.6Hz,C3-H);4.56(bs,1H,Nl'-H);5.12(bs, lH,N3'-H);5.45(bt,lH,J5'2 trc NMR: 16.5,24.0,25.1,26.5,26.6,26.7,26.8,27.2,27.4,27.6,27.8,34.0, Hz, -NHCO). 37 .3, 38.6, 54. 1, 5 8.0, 59. 8 (alkyl), 67 .9, 1 0 1.0 (alkynyl), 1 6 1.6, t7 0.9 (carbonyl). Experimental 113 Experimental Described in Chapter 3.LProtection of Amino Acids: General Procedure The crude amino acid was suspended in dry MeOH (10mVg) and SOCI (leq) added dropwise with stirring. After stirring f.or 24hours, the solvent was removedinvacuo, and the crude amino acid methyl ester hydrochloride suspended in a mixture of CtlCl, (25mVg) and benzoyl chloride (leq). A solution of NarCO, (leq) in water (SmVg) was added dropwise and the reaction mixture stired for 48 hours. The organic layer was separated, washed with saturated NaHCO3 solution, brine, dried (MgSO), the solvent removed and the residue purified by recrystallisation or chromatography. N-Benzoyl-3-iodo-L-tyrosine methyl ester (108) The crude product was tecrystallised from EtOAc/hexanes to give the útle compound as a colourless glass in 0.569 (597o) yield. Calculated for C,rH,uINOo: 425.0L24. Found: 425.0t35. MS: 425 (M*,0.1),305 (M.-PhCONH, 100),233 (58). IR (nujol): 3500-3000n tHNMR: 3.06and3.14(2xdd,lIJ, (O-H), 1732s(C=Oester), 1640s(C=Oamide), l532s. J l4.g,5.4Hz,Cf!-Ar); 3.71 (s, 3H, CO2CI!); 4.96 (dt,LIJ,.17.4,5.4IJz,, crC-H); 5.4I (bs, lH, AI-OH); 6.54 (d, lH, J 7 .4Hz,NH); 6.81-7 -69 (m,8H, Ar-H). t3C NMR: 36-6,52'6, 53.6 (alkyl); 85.a (Ar-I), 115.1, 127.1,128.7,129.7,130.9, L32.0,I33.6,I39.1,154.4 (aromatic); 167 .t, 17 1.9 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyt-4-iodo-r.-phenylalanine methyl ester (109) The crude compound was recrystallised from CFlC{hexanes to give the title compound as colourless crystals mp 147-148" ln}.22g(73Vo) yield. Calculated for C,rHtuINOr: 409.0175. Found409.0160. MS: 409 (M*,7),349 (M.-COrMe, 10),289 (M.-PhCONH, 34),287 rH (100), 257 (31),217 (21). IR (nujol): 3308m (N-H), 1746s and 1640s (C=O), 1528s. NMR: 3.18 and 3.26 (2 x dd, !H, J L3.9,5.6Hl2, Crl-Ar); 3.78 (s, 3H, CtL-OrC); 5.08 (dr, lH, J 5.6,7.3 Hz, ctC-H); 6.15 (d,lIJ,J 7.3}ll2, PhCONH); 6.88 (d,2H,I 8.2H2, C3-H, c5-H); 7.42-7.55 (m,3H, PhCON); 7.61 (d,zV, J 8.2H2, C2-H, C6-H); 7.12-7.75 (m,2H, Experimental lL4 phCON). ',C NMR: 37.3,52.5,53.3 (alkyl);92.7 (Ar-I), L26.9,t28.3,128.6,130.0, 131.3' 131.6, 131.9, 133.3,133.6,135.5, 137.6 (aromatic); 166.8, L7I.7 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyl-r.-tyrosine methyl ester (110) The crude compound was recrystallised from EtOAc/hexanes to give the title compound as colourless crysrals mp 149-152" (1it.t32151-153') inl2.9g(55Vo) yield. Ms: 299 (M*, 13), 282(20),240(33),178 (63), 122(29),105 (100). IR(nujol): 3340bs (O-H) 3284s (N-H)' THNMR: 3.l2and3.22Qx 3070w,3050w, 17l2s(C=Oester), 1640(C=Oamide), 1598s. dd, 1H,13.8, 5.6 lFrz, CHr-Ar);3.77 (s, 3H, CO'CE); 5.06 (dt,1H, "I 7 '7, 5'6 Hz, aC-H); 6.20 (bs,lH, AI-OH); 6.66 (bd,IIjr, J 7.7 IJrz, CONH-); 6.70-6.77 (m,2IJ, C3-H and C5-H); 6.94-7 .01 (m,2H, C2-Hand C6-H);7.37- 7 J5 (m,5H, PhCON). "C NMR (d.-DMSO): 37.3,53.6,56.5(alkyl), 116.8, 129.2,129.5,130.0, 131.8, 133.2,135.5, t57.7 (aryl), 168.2, 174.I (carbonyl). N-Benzoyl-5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan methyl ester (111) The crude compound was purified by flash chromatography eluant EtOAc/hexanes 50/50 to give the title compound as a colourless glass in0.77g(50Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for c,#,,Nroo: 338.1267. Found: 338.1267. MS: 337 (M*, 32), n8 6),216 (58), 145 (100). tH NMR: IR (nujol): 3600-3200n (Ar-OH str), 1732s (C=O ester), 1642s (C=O amide). 3.30 and 3.38 (2 x dd, lIH^,I lI.7 , 5.3ljr2, CI!-Ar); 3.70 (s, 3H, CH3O2C); 5.1 | (dt, J 7.7 , 5.3 Hz, aC-H); 5.86 (ås, lH, Ar-OH); 6.75 (d, LH' J 7.6IJ2, C(O)NH); 6.78 (dd,lH, .I 8.7,2.4 Hz, C6-H) ; 6.97 (m,2H, C2-H and C4-H);7 .2\ (d, l}J, J 8.7 }Jz, O-ff)t 7 '36 (m,3H and t'C NMR: 27 -8,52.5,53.6 (alkyl), 103.0, 7.69, m,2H, PhCON); 8.14 (bs, lH, Nl-H). 109.3, t!2.0,112.3,123.8, !27.!,128.3,128.6,137.2,131.8, 133.6,150.2 (aryl), 167.3, 172.6 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyl-(4-O-triftuoromethanesulphonyl)-L-phenylalanine methyl ester (112) To a cold (0") stirred solution of N-benzoyltyrosine methyl ester (110) (1.00g, 3.7 mmol) and EqN (0.34g,O.47m1,3.3 mmol) in dry CryCl2(15m1) was added N-phenyltriflimide (I.43g, Experimental 115 4.0 mmol). The reaction mixture was stired overnight as the ice bath melted and came to room temperature. The solvent was removed and the residue separated by flash chromatography with 30:70 EtoAc/hexanes as eluant to give the title compound as colourless crystals mp 114-115' (lit.8e 112') in 1.44e Q97o) yield. MS: 431 (M*, 0.1), 372 (M.-COrMe, 7), 310 (M.-CESOr, 100), 225 (55),192 (14),177 (35). IR (nujol): 3320m (N-H str), 3050w lH NMR: 3.26 and3.34 (2x dd, (Ar-H str), 1736s (C=O ester), 1638s (C=O amide), 1534s. lH, ,f 13.9, 5.6 IFrz, CH"-Ãr);3.77 (s, 3H, COTCHT); 5.09 (dt, I}J, f 7 '2,1 5'6}J2, crC-H); r'CNMR: 37.3,52.6,53.4(alkyl), 6.65(d,lH,.f 7.2H2,N-fÐ;7.L7-7.75(m,9H,Ar-H). 115.5, l2l.4,lzt.g and 128.6 (central peaks of 4, 132.0, 133.6, 1 36.8, 148.6 (aryl), 166.9, 17 CF' IcF334Hz),126.9,128.7,131.1, 1.7 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyl-5-O-trifluoromethanesulphonyl'L-tryptophan methyl ester (113) H I 7 2 3 H CO2Me 6 , + OTT The title compound was prepared as described for compound 112. The crude product was separated by flash chromatognphy eluant 40160 EtOAc/hexanes and recrystallised from C1"Cl"lhexanes to give the title compound as colourless needle crystals in 0.639 (9IVo) yield mp 109-110'. CalculatedforÇË,JrNrOuS: 470.0759. Found: 470.07M. MS: 470(M*, g),4I1 (M*-CO2Me' 5)' 349 (M.-PhCONH2' 100)'278 (90)'225 (60). IR (nujol): 3403s tH NMR: 3.38 and (Ar-N-H), 3350n(N-H), 3050w, 1734s (C=O ester), 1636s (C=O amide). 3.46 (2 x dd, lIH, J 14J , 5.3IFr2, CFI-Ar); 3.73 (s,3H, CI{3O2C); 5.13 (dt' I}J'.1 7 .3' 5.3H2' aC-H); 6.78 (d,lH, J 7 .3lHt2, PhCONH);7 .03 (dd, J 8.8,2-4 Hz, C6-H); 7'08 (d, l}J, J 2'4 1¡z,C-4H);7.26-732 (m,71ti^, At-IÐ; 8.68 (bs, lH, Nl-H). "C NMR: 27.5,52.7,53.3 (alkyl), 110.8, 111.1, 112.5,I75.4,123.3and127.1,(centralpeaksof q,CFp Jo283IJz), 125.6, L27.0, 127 .9, 128.7, 129.5,I32.O,133.5, L43.5 (aromatic), 167.2,172.3 (carbonyl). Experímental 116 methyl ester N-Benzoyt-4-{t11-(10-(10H)-9-acridonyl)lundec-1-ynyl}-L-phenylalanine (118): Method A. 32 2' corMJ H 1 3' s' To a stired solution of triflate 112 (50mg, 0.16 mmol) in DMF (1.5m1) was added Pd(PPq)4 (134mg, 0.16 mmol). A green/brown suspension slowly formed. TLC analysis after 3.5 hours showed a minor amount of starting material at Rf = 0.32 Q0n0 EtOAc/hexanes) and a major spot on baseline. Alkyne 69 (60mg, 0.l7mmol, 1.5eq), CuI (4.4 mg, 0.023mmo1, 0.2eq) and EgN (0.5m1) were added and stirring continued at 50'for 30 minutes. The solvent was removedínvacuo and the residue separated by flash chromatography eluant 50/50 EtOAc/hexanes, to give the title compound as light green crystals in 5lmg (68Vo) yield mp 66-67". HRMS Calculated for Co,HorNrOo: 626.3145. Found: 626.3148. MS: 626 (M.,5), 208 (9), 195 (100), 167 (25). IR (nujol): 3272w (N-H), 1732s (C=O ester), I642s (C=O amide), 1606s, 1538s. UV (EIOH): 257 (87 700), 387 (10 400),405 (12 400). Fluorescence (EIOH, \"*=387 nm): 420 (100), 440 (70). tH NMR: I.l7-1.65 (m,l2H, methylene protons); 1.92 (quíntet, 3.19 and 3.27 (2x 2I1r, f 7 .6 Hz, CHr-CFl-acridone); 2.40 (t, 2H, .I 7 .0 }Jz, CHr-=-Ar); dd,lIJ, ,f 13.8, 5.6ljr2, CHr-Ar); 3.75 (s, 3H, CH3O2C); 4'31 (m,2H, CH,-N); 5.07 (dt,lH,J 7.4,5.6H2, aC-H);6.67 (d'l}J,J7-4Hz,N-ff);7.04(d,2H,J8'2 IJz, C3'-Hand C5'-H);7.25-7.33 (m,4IJ, C2-H, Cz'-H and C6'-H);7 .38-7.52 (m,5H, C4-H and PhcoN); 7.69-7.75 (m,4H, C3-H and PhCoN); 8.57 (dd,2H,,r 8.0, l.6Hz, Cl-H). NMR: 19.3,26.8,27 .1,28.6,28.8,29.0,29.2,29.4,37 .6,46.1,52.4,53.4 (alkyl), t3C 80.2, 90.6 (alkynyl), 114.5,72!.1,122.4,122.8,126.9,I27.9,128.6,129.2,131.6,131.8, 133.7,133.8, 135.3,141,.7 (aryl), 166.7, L71.8, L77.9 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyt-4-{tl1-(10-(10If)-9-acridonyl)lundec-l-ynyl}-L-phenylalanine (118): Method B. methyl ester Experimental ll7 To a stirred mixture of DMF (1.0 ml) and EgN (0.2 ml) was added sequentia[y the iodide 109 (50mg,O.lzmmol), alkyne 69 (63mg,0.18 mmol, 1.5 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (14mg' 0.012mmo1, 0.1eq), and CuI (4.5mg, 0.024mmo1, 0.2eq). After stiring overnight at room temperarure TLC @tOAc/hexanes 50/50) showed the absence of of 109 at Rf 0.65 and new compounds at Rf 0.51 and Rf 0.37. The mixture was separated by flash chromatography using ETOAC/hexanes 40160 as eluant. First to elute was the alþne dimer 114 in 2.0mg yield. [lH NMR (300 MHz, õ ppm): 1.23-1.54 (m,6IJ, methylene protons); 1.95 (quintet, ly¡,.I7.8Hz,CHrCI{r-N);2.24(r, lH, J6.7Hz,CH2-=);4.33(m' lH'CFI2-N);1.29(t,2H,J 7.lHz,c2-H); 7.49 (d,zlfl^, J 8.7 IJz, C4-H); 7.74 (ddd,zH, J 8.7,7.1,I.7 }Jz, C3-H); 8.59 (dd,2H,,f 8.1, 1.7 Hz,Cl-H.)l Next to elute was the title compound, which after lH NMR data were recrystallisarion from CllClrlhexanes in 74mg(96Vo) yield. The identical with those reported in the previous method. 2 1 4 tl4 Compounds 119 (Method A), 120, l2l, \22, 123, 124 and 125 were prepared in a similar manner, except for the difference stated. Attempted formation of 118 by reaction of triflate tL2 with alkyne 69 using PÇdbar/AsPh, catalyst. A mixture of PÇdbq (24mg,0.026 mmol), AsPh, (52mg,0.I7 6 mmol) and DMF (3ml) was stirred at room temperature until a yellow-brown solution was formed, then triflate ll2 (100mg, 0.23 mmol), alkyne 69 (200mg, 0.579mmol), CuI (18mg, 0.095mmol) and EqN (100p1, 0.69mmol) were added and the reaction mixture stirred at room temperature for 60 minutes. TLC analysis showed the absence of product, so the temperature was increased to Experimental 118 50" and stiring continued overnight. TLC analysis then showed the absence of triflate, no spot for coupled product 118 and a large spot coresponding to the coupled alkyne 114. Attempted formation of 118 by reaction of triflateLl2with alkyne 69 using piperidine. A mixture of triflate 112 (100mg,0.23mmo1), aþne 69 (96 mg,0.28 mmol, l.2eq), pd(pph3)4 (20mg' 0.017 mmol)' cul (20mg,0.11 mmol), PPL (20 mg, 0.08 mmol) and piperidine (aml) was refluxed for 4 hours, at which time TLC showed the absence of triflate. The reaction mixture was diluted with CIlCl, (25m1), the organic layer washed with l07o HCI (2 x 20ml), warer (20m1), dried (Na"SO) an¿ solvent removed. TLC analysis showed the presence of starting atþne 69 and alkyne dimer 114, and the absence of the coupled product 118. N-benzoyl-5-{11-t10-(10ä)-9-acridonyllundec-1-ynyl}tryptophan methyl ester (119): Method A H I 7' 6' 4' I 4 32 Reaction of triflate Ll3 (23mg, 49 pmol) with alkyne 69 (32mg, 92pmol) under the conditions described for compound 118 (Method B) at 70' overnight, removal of solvents in vactto, and separation by flash chromatography, gradient eluant 40160 to 60140 EtOAc/hexanes gave the title compound in 7.3mg (2l%o) yield. MS: 689 (lvl+H., 35),453 (100). tH NMR: 1.40-1.62 (m, L2H, methylene protons); 1.92 (quintet,2H,J 7 -6H2, cH2cII2-N);2.39 (t'2H'r 6.9IJ2, CrL-=); 3.38 (2xdd,lIJ, .,r 15.0, 5.2Hz,CHr-Ar);3.72 (s,3H, CI!O,C); 4.30(m,2H, C[L-N);5.t2(dt,l}J,J7.6,5.2Hz,crC-H); 6.70(bd,lH,.r 7.6Hz,PhCONH);6.97 (d, lH, I2.3Hz, C4'-H);7.18(d,zH''JO.9Hz,Ar-H);7.27 (t,2H,J 7.5lJ2,Cz-}l|);7.35-7.47 (m,4}l, Ar-H);7.48(d,2}J,J 8.1H2, C4-H);7.62(s,lH' C4-H); Experimental ILg 7 .69-7 .75 (m, 4]H, tu-g); 8.50 (bs, lH, N1'-H);8,57 (dd,zlH,-f 8.1, 1.8 Hz, C1-H). t'C NMR: 19.4,26.8,27.1,27.5,28.8,28.8,289,29.2,29.3,46.2,52-4,53.4 (alkynyl), 109.9, 111.3, 114.6,115.1, 121.2, 122.3, 122.4, 123.7 , (alkyl)' 81.5,87.5 125.7 , I27 .1, 127 .4, L27 .9, 128.5,131.6, 133.8, 133.9,135.3,141.7 (aryl), 167.0,172.2,179.5 (carbonyl). N-benzoyl-5-{11-t10 -(L0í)-9-acridonyllundec-1-ynyt}tryptophan methyl ester (119): Method B A mixture of triflate 113 (100mg,O.2lmmol), alkyne 69 (110mg,0.32 mmol, Pd(PPh3)4 (25mg,0.021 1.5 eq), mmol,0.1 eq), CuI (8.lmg,O.O42 mmol,0.2 eq), PPh, (1lmg,0.042 mmol, 0.2 eq) and piperidine (5mI) was refluxed for 5 hours, at which time TLC showed the absence of the triflate. The solvent was removed in vacuo and the residue subjected to flash chromatography using eluant 40l60EtOAc/hexanes. First compound to elute was the acridone label dimer 114 in 45mgyield. Increasing the eluant polarity to 60/40 eluted the tH NMR data identical with those given in the title compound in 10.8mg (87o) yield, with previous procedure. Attempted formation of 119 by reaction between triflate 113 and alkyne 69 using 1 equivalent tetrakistriphenylphosphine palladium To a stirred solution of triflate 113 (50mg, 0.107 mmol) in DMF (2 ml) was added Pd(PPq)4 (123mg,0.107 mmol, 1 .q). A green suspension slowly formed. TLC analysis of the reaction mixture after 2.5 hours showed the absence of riflate at Rr = 0.24 and a new spot at & = 0.t8 (50/50 EtOAc/hexanes). Triethylamine (0.5m1), CuI (4.1mg,0.02 mmol, 0.2 eq) and alkyne 69 (37mg,0.107 mmol, leq) were added and stirring continued. TLC analysis of the dark brown reaction mixture after 30 minutes showed the absence of the green intermediate, formation of the alkyne dimer 114 (& = 0.45) and unreacted alkyne 69 (& = 0.80). No fluorescent spot at ca \ = 0.10 corresponding to coupled product 118 was observed. Experimental 120 N-Benzoyl-4-t(N-biotinyl)-11-aminoundec-1-ynyll-l-phenylalanine methyt ester (120) 23 6" 5 5" 3' .H H- 1 Eluant 5Æ5 MeOfVCflC!; recrystallisation from MeOH; light yellow crystals mp 142"; (y4Vo)yield. HRMS Calculated for C*I!o\OrS: 674.3502. Found: 674.3520- MS: (M*, 9), 615 17 (1 l),521 (14), 461 (L2),227 (12), 105 (100). IR (nujol): 3296br (N-H), tH NlvIR: 1.29 42m, 1706s and, I642s (C=O), 1538s. 2.17 674 -1.7 6 (m, 22H, methylene protons); (t,2IJ,J7.5Hz,C[!CON); 2.38(t,J 6.9Hl2, CHr-=-Ar);2.76(d,l}l,Jr l2'8IJ2, cs-Hb); 2.86 (dd, 1H, .4* I2.8, 4.9 lirz, CS-IJa); 3.09-3.31 (4H, m, CHr-At and CIINHCO); 3.75 (s, 3H, CH3O2C); 4.28 (dd, l}j,', I7 .2, 4-5 IJz, C4-H); 4.48 (dd, lH, J 7 .6, 4'9 Hz, C3-H); 5.06 (dt,LIf,.,n.4,5.8 Hz, crC-H); 5.55 (ås, lH, Nl'-H); 6.01 (r, lH, J 5.6H2, CH'-NHC=O); 6.33(bs,lH, N3'-H);6.85 (d,lIH',I7.5}Jz, C2-NHCO);7.06 (d,2H,f 8.IHz, C3-Hand C5-H); 7 .31 (d,z1, J 8.1 Hz, Cz-Hand C6-H) ;7 .39-7 .75 (m, 5]H, PhCONH). "C NMR: 19.4,25.7,26.9,28.!,28.2,28.7 ,28.8,29.1,29.3,29.4,29.6,36.0,37 .6,39.5,40.5,46.2, 52.5,53.5,55.6, 60.2,61.8 (alkyl), 80.2, 90.8 (alkynyl),122.9,127.1,128.6,129.2, L31.7 , 1 3 1. 8, L33.7, 135.4 (aryl), 1 63. 8, 166.9, 17 2.2, 17 3. 1 (carbonyl). N-benzoyl-4-t¡f-(5-dimethylamino-l-naphthalenesulphonyl)-1l-aminoundec'l'ynyll'l' phenylalanine methyl ester (l2l) 23 2"3 4 6" H CO2Me 5 NM% 8 76 Eluant 40/60 EtOAc/hexanes; fluorescent green viscous oil;82Vo yield. Calculated for c4¡Io7N3OrS: 681.3236. Found: 68I.3253. MS: 681 (M*, 68),649 (12),560 (22),203 (55), 169 (100), 105 (79). IR (thin film): 3300brrn (N-H), 1736s,1652s (C=O), 1578s, 1512s,1316s andl144s (O=S=O),910s,738s. UV (EIOH): 227 (36200),247 (39 600), 338 Experimental tH (5 700). Fluorescence @toH, 1,", = 338 nm): 503 nm. NMR: r'30-l'21 (m,l2IJ, merhylene protons); I.47 (quíntet,2IJ, J 7.3IJ2, CH2-CH2-NHSOT);2.29 (t,2IJ, J Ct!--:Ar);2.79 (q,2]H,J 6.5IJ2, CHr-NHSOT);2.80 l2l 7.IIfz, (s, 6H, (CH.)fN); 3.13 and 3.2I (2x dd,lIJ,,f 13.8,5.6H2,C3-H);3.69(s,3H,CIl-OrC);4.58(r, lH, f 6.5HZ,SOrM-CI!); (d,2H,J8'2H2, 5.01(dt,lIF,.,J7.5,5.6Hz,gC-H);6.53(d,lH.,J7.SHz,CONH);6.97 c3'-H and c5'-H); 7.10 (d, lli^, 7 .32-7 .5I (m, 5H, At-rÐ; 7 I 7 .4H2, C6-H); 7 .24 (d,2}l, r 8.2H2, .63-7 .67 (m,2}J, At-H); 8.17 (dd, lH', J 7.5, (d,lIJ,f 8.6H2,C4-H); 8.46(d,l]g.',J7.5Hz,C2-H). 28.8,28.9,29.1,29.4,37 .7 Cz',-}l and C6'-H); l.l Hz, c3-H); 8.21 t'C NMR: 19.3,26.3,28.6,28.7, ,43.2,45.4,52.4,53.4 (alkyt), 80.2, 90.7 (alkynyl), 115.1, 118.7, 122.9,123.1,127.0,128.3,128.6,129.2,129.2,129.6,129.8,130.3, 131.7,131.8, 13 4.7, 13 5.3, 152.0 (aryl), 1 66. 8, 17 1 133.7 , .9 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyt-4-t11-(N-5'-fluoresceinyl)-11-carbonylaminoundec-1-ynyll'L'phenylalanine methyt ester (122) o ï 2" 3" 4', 3' 4 H CO2Me 5' 6 1 2 Eluanr 5Æ5 M9OIVCIJ"CIT; bright orange glass; 75Vo. IfRNÍS (LSIMS) Calculated for CorI{orNP, (M+H.): 793.3125. Found: 793.3096. MS: 793 (M+H*, 100), 594 (19),402 (22),347 (18). IR (CDClr): 3500-3000br w (Ãr-oH), 3080w (tu-H), 1742s and 1644s (C=O), t602s (Ar C=C). UV @tOH): 23I (39 900), 257 (31100),457 (5 600),483 (5 900). Fluorescence @tOH, L.. = 483 nm): 518 nm. The NMR data are for the lactone structure. Experimental 122 tH NMR (d6-DMSO): l.2l-I.61 (m, L2H, methylene protons); 2.36 cr!-=-Ar); 3.08 and 3.16 (2 x dd, IH', J 13.7 , (dt, l}J, J 7 .9, 5.4H2, aC-H); 6.52 (dd,zIJ, J (t,2F{,I 6.7 rlz, 5.4IJ2, CH"-Ar); 3.63 (s, 3H, CHtOTC); 4.64 8.7 , 1.9 IJ:z, C2-H); 6'58 (d,zH, J 8'7 }lz, C1-H); 6.61 (d,2If,., J L.9 llj¡z, C4-H); 7 -17 (d,lH, -I 8.4}J2, C3'-H); 7 '26 (bs, 4}l', C2" -}l, c3"-H, C5"-H, C6".H); 7 .4t-7 .54 (m,3IH, PhCON); 7.77 (m,2H, PhCON); 7.82 (dd, l}f, J 8.4, 1.6 1Frz, C4'-lHt); 8.33 (d, llF.,I I.6Hz, C6'-H); 8.85 (d, lH, .I'7.9Hz,PhCONH); 10.20 (bs,2H,Ar-OH); 10.40 (bs, lH,5'-NH). t3C NMR (d6-DMSO): 18.6, 25.O,28.2,28.3,28.4, 28.6,28.7,29.0,36.0,36.5,54.0,51.9 (alkyl), 80.5, 83.0, 90.4, L02.1,109.8, 112.8,121.5, 126.2,127.2,127.6,128.3,l2g.l,129.5,130.9, 131.3, 131.5, 133.6,I37 .6, L40.9,152.0, 1 59.9 (aryl), 166.4, 1 68.7, 17 2.0, 17 2.1 (carbonyl). N-Benzoyt-4-(12-{5-[1,10-phenanthroline-áis-1,10-phenanthrolineruthenium(II)]dodec'1 -ynyt))phenylalanine methyl ester hexafluorophospate (123) 2" Ha. 3" 4 z', naz 6" 5" 2 6' .2PF6 7 8' 3 4 9' 5 Chromatography on alumina with eluant CHCI,; bright orange glass; 657o. MS (LSIMS): t232 (fio2RuM-PFuì*, 82), 1087 1'02RuM-2PFu, 100). UV (CHCIr): 263 (87 600)' 418 (L2 tH NMR (300 MHz, ô 000), 451 (12 S00). Fluorescence (CHClr, f,". = 451 nm): 573 nm. ppm): I.22-l.6l,m,l4[,methyleneprotons; I.86,quintet,2H,J7.2Hz,CIL-CIt-Ar;2.38, t,2}J,I6.9Hz,CHr-=-Ar; 3.L7-3.3l,m,4H,CHr-Ar 5.05, dt,lIFr, J 7.3,5.8 Hz, C-H; 6.58, and CF!-phen;3.76,,r,3H, CIIOTC; bd,lH, "I7.3H2, PhCONH; 7.O5, d,2IJ, J 8'0 Hz, C3"-H and C5"-H;7.31, d,2H,,/ 8.0 Hz, Cz"-H and C6"-H;7.40-7.86,fi4Hi 7'89, s, lH, C6-H; 8.O4, d, 4}J, L]f^, J 5.3 if1z, Cx-H; 8.10-8.13, nt,8}l; 8.35, d, lH, -f 8'2H2, CZ'-H; 8'45, d, J 8.2H2, Cz-Hand C9-H; 8.5'7, d, l}l, J 8.6 Hz, C9'-H. Experimental N-Benzoyl -3-({11-t6-O-(methyl)fluoresceiny[}undec-1-ynyl)-1,-tyrosine 123 methyl ester (L24) 7 oil H.+ PhcN H 6', CO2Me 2 8 1 3' 5', 6' 4', 5' Eluant 8Æ2 MeOfVCryClz; bright orange glass; gl%o yieLd. HRMS Calculated for corHorNOr: 793.325L Found: 793.3241. MS: 793 (M*,31),734 (100), 673 (37),601 (30), 326 (78). IR (CDCL): 3436w (N-H), L726s (C=O ester), 1644s (C=O amide), 1598s, 1516s' UV (EIOH): 225 (72 5W),253 (36200),276 (20 600), 301 (13 900), 365 (9 200),441 (23 tH NMR: 700),460 (33 000), 489 (26 100). Fluorescence @tOH, I", = 489 nm): 521 nm. 1.35-1 .5O (m,10H, methylene protons); 1.65 (quíntet,2H, J 7.2H2, CH,CF!-=); 1.86 (quintet,2IJ, J 6.8lfir2, CH2CH2-O Ar);2.48 (t,2rI, J 7.0Hi2, Cfl-=-Ar);3.13 and3.2l (2x dd, lH, J 14.0, 5.6Hz,Cr!-Ar); 4.O9 (t,2IJ, r 6.5}J2, CHr-OAr); 5.05 (dt,lH, "I7.3,5.5}J2, crH-C); 6.12(bs,1H, Ar-OH);6.49 (d,L}j,',J l.9Hz,C4-H); 6.57 c2-H); 6.65 (bd,lH, ur 7 3Hz,PhCONH); 6.75 (dd, LH,,r 8.9, 2.4H2, C7-H); 6.86-7 .00 (m, 5H, Cl-H, C5-H, C8-H, C5"-H, C6"-H); 7 .ll l.2ftz, C3'-H); 7 .42-7 .56 (m,3Ii,^, PhCON); r 5.g,7.5H2,C4'-H); (dd,I}l,f 9'7,1'9}l:2, 7 (d, l}l, I 2.l .68 (dt, lIJ,I }Jz, C2"-H); 7 '33 (dd, 7 lIl, J 7 '3, .5, 1.4 Hz, C5'-H);7 .73 (dd, 7.75-7.7g (m,2IF^,PhCON); 8.27 (dd,LlF^,r7.6,1.3 Hz, C6'-H). l}l, 13C NMR:19.6,25.9,28.4,28.9,29.0,29.1,29.2,29.3,36.9,52.4,53.7,68.9(alkyl),74.9,97.3 (alkynyl), 100.7, 105.7, llo.7 ,114.0, 114.6,114.8, ll7 .4,ln J, 127 .2,128.4, 128.6,128.8, 129.7,I29.9,130.0, 130.3, 130.3, 130.5, 131.1, 131.7,132.5,132.7,133.9,134.6,150.7, L54.4, 156. 1, 159.0, 163.8 (aryl), 1 65.6, 1669, 17 2.0, 1 85.6 (carbonyl). Experímental I24 N-Benzoyl-3-tN-(biotinyt)-11-aminoundec-1'ynyll-L'tyrosine methyl ester (125) 6" corMe 5" Eluant 8Æ2 M9OFVCH TCIT;767o; light yellow crystals mp 88-90". HRMS Calculated for (M*, 74),63L (14),569 (12),537 QrHrNoOuS: 690.3451. Found: 690.3464. MS: 690 (33),477 (50), 413 (37), 105 (100). IR (CDCI3): 3500br w (N-H), 1706s and 1656s (C=O), l470s. tHNMR: 1.26-1.73 (m,2}H,methyleneprotons); 2.17 (t,zH',J7.4H2, CI!-C=O); 2.45 (t,2.Fr,J 6.8lHL2, CF!-=-Ar);2.68 (d,l}J,JE L2.8 Hz, C5-Hb); 2.86 (dd,lH,JB t2.8, 4.8H2,C5-Ha); 3.07-3.24 (m,5H.,C2-H, CFL-NHCO and Cr!-Ar); 3.78 (s, 3H, CI{rOrC); 4.27 (dd,lH,,f 7.5,4.8H2, C4-H);4-46(dd,lIjr,I 7.5,4-9Hz' C3-H); 4'99 (dt,lIJ,I 7'5, 5.9H2,C2'-H); 5.46 (bs,lH, Nl'-H); 6.18 (r, lH, J 5.6H2, CI{r-NHCO);6'26 (bs, lH, N3'-H); 6J4 (bs,lH, Ar-OH); 6.85 (d, lIJ, J 8-4IJ2, C5"-H); 6.92 (d,lH, NHCOAT) ; 6.96 (dd, lIF^, J 8.4, J 2.1 H;z, C6"-H); 7 "I 7 '5 Hz, .70 (d, l}J, J 2.1}Jz, C2"-H); 7 .40-7 .53 t'C NMR: 19.5,25.6,26-8,28.0,28.1,28.5, (m,3H) and7.74-7.77 (m,2H, PhCONH). 28.6,28.8,29.0,29.2,29.5,35.9,36.8, 39.5, 40.5, 50.8, 52.4,53.8,55.4, 60.1, 61.8 (alkyl), 75.O,97.2(alkynyl), 110.7,114.8, 127.1,127.3,128.6,130.2,131.8, 132.5,133.8, 156.0 (aryl), L63.7, 167.1, 172.3,173.2 (carbonyl). Ethyt 2-acetamidopent-4'ynoate (126) AcN H A solution of diethyl acetamido malonate (30.19, 0.139 mol) in DMF (50m1) was added dropwise over 90 minutes to a cooled (ice bath) suspension of hexane washed NaH (807o in mineral oil, 6.909, 0.173 mol, 1.25 eq). The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30 minutes, then cooled in an ice bath and propargyl bromide (807o wt. in toluene, 24.7 9,0.166 mol, 1.2 eq) was added dropwise over 60 minutes. After stirring at 70'overnight, TLC analysis (50/50 EtOAc/hexanes) showed a trace of starting material at Rr 0.32 and a large spot Experimental 125 corresponding to product at Rr 0.56. The da¡k brown reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature, filtered to remove precipitated inorganic salts (Buchner), LiCl (5.889, 0.139 mmol, 1.0eq) and water (2.499,0.139 mmol, 1.0eq) were added and the mixture stired ovemight at 145". After cooling to room temperature, the reaction mixture was poured into water (500m1), the aqueous mixture extracted with CH,CI (250m1), the organic extract washed with water (3 x 250m1), dried (MgSOJ and solvent removed. Residual DMF was removed under vacuum (oil pump), the residue separated by squat chromatography eluant 50/50 EtOAc/hexanes and recrystallised from CFlClrlhexanes to give the title compound as colourless needle crystals mp 7l-7?) (1it.4t 73") in7 .24g (28Vo) yield. MS: 183 (M*, 5), 144 (22), tLO (66), 104 (59), 68 (100). IR (nujol): 33L2s (N-H), 3264s (H-C=), 1728s (C=O tH MVÍR: 1.30 (r, 3IJ,J7.0IJ2, cHr-cHrr;2.03 (C{ 1554s, 1232$ esrer), t634s amide), (r, lH, J 2.7 Hz,H-C=); 2.06 (s, 3H, CH3CO);2.78 (2H'd.d' I 4.5'2.6H2, C[L-G); 2IJ, f 7.2H2,-OCH2CH3); 4.72 (dt, lH., J 7.8,4.6}J2, aCH-); 6.33 4.25 (m, (d,lH, J 5.6Í1z,, N-H). lrc NMR: 14.0,22.3,22.3,50.5,61.8 (alkyl),71.4,78.4 (alkynyl),169.7,170.3 (carbonyl). Ethyl 5-(1-pyrenyl)-2-acetamidopent'4-ynoate (127)z Method A. AcN H A mixture of the alkyne 126 (100mg,0.55 mmol, 1.5 eq), l-bromopyrene (102mg,0.37 mmol, 1.0 eq), Pd(PP\)4 (63mg,0.055 mmol,0.15 eq), CuI (21mg,0.011 mmol,0.3 eq)' EqN (1ml) and DMF (2ml) was stirred overnight at 50o, at which time the catalyst had decomposed. The solvent was removed under vacuum (oil pump), the residue separated by flash chromatography eluant 60140 EtOAclhexanes andrecrystallised from CflC{hexanes to give the title compound as cream crystals mp 155-156" in 63mg (44Vo) yield. HRMS CalculatedforCrrl!,NOr: 383.1521. Found: 383.1509. MS: 383 (M*, ll)'323(71),238 (100). IR (nujol): 3320s (N-H), 1736 (C=O ester), 1644 (C=O amide). 'H NMR; 1.35 (r, J Experímental 126 7.4IJ2, CI{r-CfL); 2.12 (s,3H, CH3-CON); 3.25 (d,2H, J 4.7 }Jz, CH,-G); 4'36 (m,2}J^, OCHTC4); 4.95 (dt, 9H, Ar-H). llfl^, J 7 .5, 4.7 HLz, aC-H); 6.57 (d, lIJ, J'l .5 Hlz, N-IÐ; 7.99-8.49 (m, trc NMR: 14.3,23.3,24.1,5L.2,62.1 (alkyl),82.6,89.5 (atþnyl),124.4,125.1, 125.3,125.5,126.2, L26.8,127.2,I27.8,128.1,128.3, L29.7 ,130.3, 130.4,131.0, 131.1, 132.0 (aromatic), L69.9, 170.8 (carbonyl). 'When the reaction was repeated using l-iodopyrene the yield of product was'127o- Ethyt 5-(1-pyrenyl)-2-acetamidopent'4-ynoate (127)z Method B. A mixture of the alkyne 125 (78mg ,0.43 mmol, 7.2 eq),l-bromopyrene (100mg, 0.36 mmol, 1.0 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (41mg,0.036 mmol,0.1 eq), CuI (13mg,0.072mmo1,0.2 eq), PPh, (19mg, 0.072mmo1, 0.2 eq) and piperidine (10m1) was refluxed for 60 minutes, at which time analytical TLC showed the absence of the aryl bromide. The solvent was removed under reduced pressure and the residue separated by flash chromatography eluant 60140 EtOAc/hexanes to give the title compound as white crystals in 76mg (Sl%o) yield. After recrystallisation from CflC{hexanes the physical data were identical with that from the previous method. 'When the reaction was repeated using l-iodopyrene the yield was 707o. Ethyt 5-(1-pyrenyl)-2-acetamidopentanoate (129) AcN H CO2Et A mixture of the alkyne 126 (294mg, 0.77mmol),57o Pd/C (100mg) and EtOAc (40m1) was stirred under a hydrogen atmosphere overnight. The reaction mixture was filtered through celite, the solvent removed and the residue recrystallised from EtOAc/hexanes to give the title compound as white microneedle crystals mp 155-156' in278mg (947o) yield. HRMS CalculatedforCrrllrNOr: 387.1834. Found: 387.1824. MS: 387 (M.,68),255(27),228 (32>,215 (100), I49 (22). IR (nujol): 3316s (N-H), 1748s (C=O ester), 1650s (C=O amide), Experimental 844s. UV (EIOH): 2O5 127 (12200),234 (19 700), 256 (6 300), 266 (13 500), 278 (20200),302 (2 600), 313 (6 lCíJ,),327 (12 300), 343 (L4 800). Fluorescence (EtOH, L"'=343 nm): 375 (100), 395 (61), 415 (19). 'H NMR: 1.19 (t, 3H', J 7.rllz, cHr-cHr); 1.75-2.05 (m,4g., C4-H and C5-H)i2.N (s, 3H, CHr-CO); 3.26-3-42(m,2F{, C5-H); 4'L4(q,2H,f o-cH2-cH3); a.70 (dt' (m,9H,Ar-H). t3C llF^' 1'lrlz, r 7.7, 6.7 ljrz, C2-H); 5.98 (d, lH,,r 13 }tz, CONH); 7.82-8.26 NMR: 14.1,23.2,27.2,32.5,32.9,52.0,61.5 (alkyl),L23.3,124.7, 124.8,124.9,125.9, L26.7,127.2,127 .3,127 .5,128.6,131.4,135.9 (aryl), 169.8, 172.6 (carbonyl). Experímental 128 Experimental Described in Chapter 3.2 Acetylation of Nucleosides: General Method. To a cold (0') stirred solution of the nucleoside in pyridine (10mVg) was added acetic anhydride (2 eq,. or 3 eq. as required) dropwise over 30 minutes. The icebath was removed and the mixture stirred overnight. After removal of solvent in vacuo the residue was dissolved in CHCI' washed with wator, dried (MgSOJ and solvent removed. The residue was purified by recrystallisation to give the protected nucleoside. 5-Iodo-3',5' -di-O-acetyldeoxyuridine (131) Reaction of 51 (1.00 g,2.8 mmol) under standard protection conditions and recrystallisation from EIOH gave rhe title compound as colourless crystals mp 163'(1it.133 163-164") in 1.18g (95Vo) yield. MS (FAB) : 439 (M+H*, 7),413 (18), 207 (31), 115 (78), 93 (100). 'H NMR: 2.1,1 and,2.2l (s,3H, CI!C=O);2.15-2.22 (lø (obscured), I 4.3, 5.6, 2.O lfrz, lH, C2'-H);2.55 (ddd,lH, JE" C2'-H); 4.29 -4.45 (m, 3lH, C4'-H and C5'-H) ; 5.24 (dt, IH, J 6.5, 2.0 }l:z, c3'-H); 6.30 (dd, Lili^,I8.2Hz,5.6Hz,C1'-H); 7.98 (s, lH, C6-H); 8.44 (bs,lH, N5-H). NMR: 19.8, 20.0 (CH3C=O) ,36.6, 62.8,68.6,73.2,8I.3 (alkyl), 84'2, 142'8, 13C 149'l (aromatic), 159.4, 169.0, 169. 1 (carbonyl). 8-Bromo-2',3' $' -tri-O-acetyladenosine (132) Reaction of 52 (500mg, 1.4 mmol) under standard protection conditions and recrystallisation from TIIF gave the title compound as colourless crystals mp 186-187" (litl3a. 187-188'dec.) in 0.639 (92To)yield. MS (FAB): 472/474 (1:1, M+H*,64),389 (45),258 (100). 'H NMR: 2.05 , 2.12 and 2.16 (3 x s, 3H, CH,C=O); a.30-4 .42 (m, 2H', C4'-H, C5'-Hb); 4'53 (dd, C5'-Ha); 5.66 (ås, 2H, C5-NII2); 5.95 (r, lH, J 6.0Hl2, C3'-H); 6.ll ^Ll.2,3.OlFrz. t'C NMR J 4.3H2,C1'-H); 6.35 (dd, l1g^, J 6.0,4.31912, C2'-H);8.32 (s, lH, C4-H)' JE lH, (d,lH, (du-DMSO): 19.3,19.4,19.5 (CH3CO)' 61.6' 69.0' 70.6' 78.7,87.2 (a1ky1), 1I9.3,125.2, 149.3, 152.0, 153.9 (aryl), 168.2, 1 68.3, 1 69. 1 (carbonyl). Experimental 129 8-Bromo-2'13'15'-tri'O-acetylguanosine (133) Reaction of 53 (1.00 g,2.5 mmol) under standard protection conditions and recrystallisation from acetone/water gave the title compound as colourless crystals mp 214-217' (lit.r34 lH NMR: 216-21.8")in 1.01g (82%o)yield. MS (FAB): 4881490 (1:1, M+H. ,16),259 (100). 1.72,1.77,l.7g (3 x s, 3H, CHrCO); 3.95-4.04 (m,2}J, C4'-H and c5'-Hb); 4.18 (m,lIJ, cj'-Ha);5.58 (r, lH,,r 5.9H2,C3'-H); 5.62(d,lH,,r 43H2, Cl'-H); 5.64(bs,2H, C2-N$); 5.85 (dd,1H, .,r 5.g, 4.3:H2, C2'-H); 10.38 (ås, Ig.l,lg.2 (cllco), t54.6 (C2), 167 .8, lH, N1-H). t'C NMR (d6-DMSO): 19'0, 61.4, 68.8, 70.3,78.I,86.7 (alkyl), 116.5, 119.0, 150.5, 152.4 (aryl), 167 .9, 168.8 (carbonyl). 5-tN-(Biotinyl)-l-aminoundec-1-ynyll'3',5'-di-O'acetyl-2''deoxyuridine rI (134) TI H To a stirred mixture of DMF (1.0 ml) and EqN (14mg, 0.14 mmol,I.2 eq) at room temperarure were added sequentially 5-iodo-2',3'-di-O-acetyldeoxyuridine 131(50mg,0.11 mmol), the alkyne 107 (54mg, 0.14 mmol, 1.2 eq), Pd(PPh3)4 (13mg, 0.011 mmol, 0'1 eq) and CuI (4.3mg, O.022mmol, 0.2 eq). The mixture was stirred at room temperature until TLC indicated the absence of the nucleoside. The solvent was removedinvactn, the residue separated by flash chromatography using 10/90 MeOIVCIIC! as eluant to give the title compound as a colourless glass in 60mg Q67o) yield. HRMS Calculated for CroHroNrOnS (M+H.): 704.3329. Found: 704.3325. MS (FAB): 704 (M+H*,31),504 (24),394 (100), tH 307 (48), 227 (29). NMR: 1.09-1.61 (m,lsE,methylene protons); 1.95 and 2.01 3H, CH3CO); 1.96-2.13 (m' 3lH, CH2CONH and C2'-Hb);2.21 (t,2H, J 7 .0}J2, (2xs, C\-=);2.31 (ddd,lIJ,J".^!4.3,5.9,2.4lFr2,C2'-Ha);2.58 (d,lH.,J8 l2.8 Hz, C5"-Hb);2.74(dd,I}l, J8 12.8,5.0 Hz, C5"-Ha); 2.96-3.06 (m,3IJ, C2"-H and CIINHCO); 4.10-4.15 (m,2H, c4'-H and c4"-H); 4.19 (d,2lri^, J 3.2H2, C5'-H); 4.3I (dd, lIJ, J 7.7,5J Hz, C3"-H); 5.08 Experimental 130 (dt,L}J,16.7,3.9H2,C3'-H); 5.42(bs,lH, Nl'-H);5.56 (ås, lH, N3'-H); 6'15 (dd,I}l,J 7.g,5.gH2, cL'-H);6.39 (bt,lll,J 5.2H2, CFTNHCO);7.54 (s, 1H, C6-H); 11.20 (ås, 1H, N3-H). trc NMR: 18.8, 20.5, 20.7,25.3,26.4,28.0,28.2,28.3,28.5,28.8,28.9,29.2,35.2, 36.2,38.3,39.8,45.9,55.4,59.2,61.0,63.5,72.5,73.8,81.5,84.8 (alkyl),93.5,99.7 (alkynyl), 142.1 (el.yl), 149.3, 1 6 1.5, 162.7, 1 69. 8, 169 -9, 17 1.8 (carbonyl)' Compounds 136, 137, 138, 139 and 141 were prepared using the appropriate alkyne in a similar manner, except for the differences stated. 5-{11-t6-O-(Methyl)fluoresceinyU-l-undec'l-ynyl}'3', 5'-di-O-acetyl-2'-deoxyuridine (136) H 3 6 3' 5 4 I I at 4 6 5 Eluant 7:93 MeOH:CIlClr; bright orange glass; 767o. IfRMrS Calculated for CorH,uNrO,, (M+H.): 807.3129. Found: 807.3115. MS (FAB): 807 (M+H., 100),747 (10),607 (22), 347 (80). IR (CDCL): 3400w (N-H), 1760-1680s (C=O), t644s,1598s. UV @tOH): 232 (66 400), 27g (29900),435 (23 000), 460 (32900),489 (25 S00). Fluorescence (EIOH) tH = 4g9 nm): 521 nm. 7 NMR: 1.36-1.62 (m, L2H,methylene protons); 1.85 (quintet,2}l, J .2Hz, CHr-CFt-O -Ar); 2.14 and2.20 (2 x s, 3H, CFI3CO);2.2a (dd' l}J' C2'-Hb); 2.4I (t,2l,i{^,f 7.lrirz, Ctt-:-Ar);2.54 (ddd,IrI,Js 3.66 (s, 3H, CtL-OrC); 4.08 (t,2IFr, J 6.6H2, CIt-OAr); 4.30 L]f., rs I4.4, 6.7 }lz, 14.4,5.8 Hz, 2'4Hz,C2'-Ha); (q,lH, J 2.9IJ2, C4'-H); (d,2}J, J 3.0}í12, C5'-H); 5.26 (dt,lH, J 6-4H2,2.4}J2, C3'-H); 6.32 (dd, Cl'-H); 6.47 (d, (\. 4.38 llf, J 8'0, 5'8 Hz, J l.9ftz, C4"-H); 6.55 (dd,lH, 'I9.7,I.9}J2,C2"-H);6'73 (dd,7}l,I 8.8,2.4IF12,C|"-lFf); 6.85 (d,lIFr,J 9.3IFr2, Cl"-H); 6.88 (d, 1H,,f 8'7 }Jz, C8"-H); 6'95 (d, 1H, "f 2.4]f¡2, C5"-H); 7 .31 (dd,lH, ,f 7 .5,I.4 Hz, C3"'-H);7 .67 (dt, l}l,I 7 .5, l'4H2, C5"'-H); 7.72(s,lH, C4-H);7.74(dt,lH,J7.4,I.5Hz,C4"'-H); 8.23 (bs,lH, N3-H);8'25 Experimental l3l (dd, lIJ, J 7.7,I.2H2, C6"'-H). t'C l.IIvIR: 19.5,20.7,20.8,25.8,28.4,28.8,28.9,29.O, 29.2,29.3,38.O,52.4,63.8, 68.8, 71.0,74.O,82.4 (alkyl), 85.2, 95.4 (alkynyl), 100.6, 101.4, 105.6, 113.8, 1L4.6,117.4,128.7,L29.6,L29.7,130.1, 130.2,130.5, 131.0, 132.6,134.6. 140.5, 149.2,150.3, L54.3,158.9 (aryl), 161.4,163.6, 165.6,170.0, 170.3,185.6 (carbonyl). S-t11-(10-(1011)-g-Acridonyl)undec-l-yn Yll'2',3',5'-tri'O-acetyladenosine (137) AcO Reaction at 50' f.or24hours; Eluant 50/50 EtOAc/hexanes; pale green glass; 897o. HRMS (LSIMS) Calculated for CootlorNuO, (M+H.): 737.3299. Found: 737.3295. MS: 737 (M+H*, 54), 479 (100), 208 (23). IR (nujol): 33l2br m,3I64br m,2232w, 1748s, 1634s, 1600s, 1496s,1232s. UV (EIOH): 218 (30 700), 234 (3O lO0),257 (46 700)' 293 (17 800), 386 (7 060), 405 (7 S30). Fluorescence @tOH, f,". = 386 NMR: l.4¡-1.6t (m, 10H, methylene protons); nm): 418 (100), 439 (70). lH 1.73 (quintet,2E, J 7 -IIfz, CH2CF!-:); I.97 2.ll and 2.15 (3 x s, 3H, CHrCO); 2.58 (t, 2Il, J 'l.lIJz, CF!-=-Ar); 4.31-4.43 (m,H,); 4.54 (dd, lH,I 11.4,3.3Hl2,); 5'73 (bs,2H, (quíntet, zIF,^, r 7 .9 lFrz, CHTCH2-N); 2.06, C2-NH'); 5.99 (m,lH, C3'-H);6.24-6.27 (m,2H, Cl'-H and C2'-H);7.32(dd,zIJ,J 8.7,7.8 ]Jz, C2"-H);7 .52 (d,2H,I 8.7 lfliz, C4"-H); 7j5 (ddd,2}l, J 8.7,6.9,I.5}Ji2, C3"-H); 8.37 (s, t'CNMR: 19.54,20.46,20.54,20.70, lH, C4-H);8.61 (dd,2R,J7.8,1.5r{r2,Cl"-H). 26.91,27.20,27.86,28.88,28.98,29.32,29.40,46.75,63.12,69.70,70.43,7251,79.73, 87.32,98.91, 114.5I,L2I.19,122.46,128.01, 133.88, 134.77,141.74,149.24,153.76, 155.00, 169.28, 169.46, 170.60, r77 .98. Experimental I32 8-tN-(Biotinyl)-1l-aminoundec-l-ynyll-2'n3'. ,S'.-tri-O-acetyladenosine (138) H Eluant 10/90 MeOfVCflC!; recrystallisation from EtOAc/hexanes; pale yellow crystals mp 88-90'; 88Vo. Calculated for CrrH'NrOrS (M+H.): 785.3656. Found: 785.3680. MS (FAB): 785 (M+H. ,62),527 (100), 301 (12), 259 (13). IR (CDCL): 3500u 1740s,1708s, 1632s, 1470s. tH NMR: 1.23-1.75 (m,20H, methylene protons); 2.04,2.10 and2-13 (3 x s, 3H, CH3CO);2.I7 (t,2lH,J7.3lHL2, CrtcoNH);2.54 (t,2H.,J 6.9Id2, Ct!-=-Ar);2.74 (d, 1H, /r*, 12.7 lHz, CS"-Hb); 2.89 (dd,1H,,fs* 12.7, 4.8 Hz, C5"-Ha);3.14 (dt, lIJ, J 6'0, 4'6 IJz, C2"-Ff); 3.19 (q,2lfir, J 6.6IgL2, CHTNHCO); 4.28-4.a0 (m,3II, C4'-H, C5b'-H and C4"-H); 4.5t (m,zif',Cs'-Ha and C3"-H); 5.95 (t,lH,,f 5-5}ll2, C3'-H); 6'08 (bs' Nl"-H); 6.17 (bt,1H,./ 5.4lFr2, CHTNHCO);6.22 (m,2}J, Cl'-H and lH' C2'-H);6.33 (bs,2Il, C2-Nf!); 6.52 (bs,1H, N3"-H); 8.30 (s, 1H, C4-H). "C NMR (75lvlflz, ô ppm): 19.46, 20.43,20.51,20.67,25.60,26.80, .76,28.06, 28.19,28.74,28.85, 29.10,29.21,29.51, 27 36.02,39.40,40.56,55.62,60.16, 61.85, 63.08' 69.62,70.40,72.39,79.69 (atkyl)' 87 '28, 99.00 (alkynyl), llg.25, 134.54,149.05; t53.69,155.26 (aryl), l&'22,169'30' 169.46,17 0.60, l7 3.07 (carbonYl). S-U 1- (139) t6-O-(Methyt)fl uoresceinyll- 1-undec-1-ynyl)-tri-O-acetylguanosine '\ J 4 .} AcO 3', 3 T I 4 4 5 7 2 8 1 2 4 6 5 Reaction at 50'for 5 hours; eluant 7.5192.5 MeOFVCFICI; recrystallisation from MeOH; bright orange glass; 517o. HRMS (LSIMS) Calculated for CorHroNrO,, (M+H*): 904.3405. Experímental 133 Found: 904.3411. MS: 904 (M+H., 100), &6 (32),347 (88), 259 (27). IR (CDClr): 3t32m(N-H), 1748s,1720s,1688s (C=O), 1644s,1596s. UV (EIOH) À-"' (e): 230 (25200), 27g (t8400), 363 (3 900), 437sh(9 600),460 (13 600),489 (10 800). Fluorescence @toH, I". = 4g9 nm): 522nm. lH NMR: 2IJ, J 7.2}ã2, 1.26-1.48 (m,lDIl, methylene protons); 1.65 (quintet, CHr-Ct!-=); 1.84 (quintet,z]fl, J 7.1, CHz-Cry-OAr); 2.05,2.11 and 2.12 (3 x s,3H, CFLCO); 2.5L (t,zE,J 6.9Hz,CF!-=-Ar);3-65 (s,3H, C[-OAr); 432(m,2H,C4'-H and C5'-Hb); a.5l (m,lIF., C5'-Ha); 5.88 (br s,ZIF., C2-NI!); 5.93 (t, LIJ,J 5.8 Hz, C3'-H); 6.09 (m,2H, Cl'-H and c2'-H); 6.39 (d, LIF,', J 1.5 IJz, C4-H); 6.48 (dd, lH, J 9.8, C2-H): 6.76 (dd,lH, ,f 9.0,2.2H2, C|-IJ); 6.86 (d, IIJ, J 7.7 Hlz, Cl-H); 6'89 Hz, C8-H); 6.99 (d, lIF^, f 23H2, C5-H); 7 .34 (d, I}J, J 7.3IJ2, IIz, C5"-H);7.78 (r, 1H, f Nl-H). t3C Hz, 1.5 (d,I}l, J 7 'l C3"-H); 7 '70 (t,I}J, J 7 '0 6.9Ii,¡2, C4"-H); 8.25 (d, lIJ, J 7.8}J:2, C6"-H); 10'69 (bs, lH' NMR (dó-DMSO): 19.2,20.4,20.4,20.6,25.7,27.8,28.6,28.7,28.8,29.0,29.2, 52.2,53.7,62.9,68.8,70.0,70.2,72.1,78.!,79.2,87.0,96.3, 100.7,IO5.2,113.8, IL4.4, !17.0,117.4,128.8, 129.7,129.9,130.3, 130.4, 131.0, 132.8,134.3,150.8, 153.8, 154.1, 156.6, 158.9, 163.7,165.4,169.1, L69.3,170.4,185.1. Also recovered was the diyne 140 in tH 9.3mg (l2To) yield. NMR: 1.25-1.47 (m, l2H, methylene protons); I.45 (quíntet,2}l, J 6.8Hz,CHrCH2-O Ar);2.t7 (t,2H,J 6.8IJ2, CII2-:); 3.56 (s, 3H, CII3O2C); 3.98 (t,2H,J 6.5Hz,Cf!-OAr); 6.39 (d,lH,.I l.9Hz,C4-H); 6.47 (dd,lII,J9.6,l'9F{z,C2-H);6'65 (dd,l}i^,J8.7,2.3Hz,CY-g); 6.77 (d,!H,f 93Hz,C1-H);6.80(d, lH,'f 8'7H2, C8-H); 6.87 (d,lH, .r 23H2, C5-H); 7 .23 (dd,lH, .r 7.4, l.zHz, C3'-H);7 .60 (dt, l}J, J 6.2, C5'-H); 7 .67 (dt,1H, ,f 7 .4, !.4H2, C4'-lI); 8.17 (dd, lH., .I 7 -6, I.2Hz, C6'-H)' 4 5 1 8 2 7 3', 4 6 5' t40 l.4Hz, Experimental 134 8-tN-(Biotinyl)-1l-aminoundec-1-ynyll-2"3"5'-tri-O-acetylguanosine (141) o o H -H Reaction at 50'for 6 hours; Eluant 10/90 MeOIVCIIC!; recrystallisation from MeOH; pale yellow crystals mp 157-160";58Vo. HRMS (LSIMS) Calculated for CrrIlrNrO,oS (M+H*): 801.3605. Found: 801.3597. MS: 801 (M+H*, 65),543(29),261(100). 'HNMR (cDC\td6-DMSO): 1.20-1.58 (m,20E,methylene protons); t.99,2.05,2.09 (3 x s, 3H, cHrco); 2.03 (t, zlFr, J 7 .8 lFrz, CILCONH); 2.53 (t, 2IH, Ct!-=-Ar) ; 2.64 (d, lld, J E Hz, C5"-Hb);2.80 (dd,llH,Js l2.3,5.lHz,C5"-Ha); (q,2IJ, J 7.2H2, CH2NHCO); a.09-4.31 (m, lH,,r I1.7,3.8H2, lfi,., 2.99 12.3 (q,lH,,r 6.2H2, C2"-H);3.06 C3"-H, C4"-H, Cs'-Hb, C4'-H); 4.41 (dd' CS'-Ha); 5.58 (r, lH, J 6.0Hl2, C3'-H); 5.97 (m,2H, Cl'-H and C2'-H); 6.35 (bs,lH, Nl"-H); 6.42 (ås, lH, N3"-H); 6.73 (bs,2H, C2-NI{2);7.74 (bt' lIJ, J 5.5 Hz, CHTNHCO); 10.97 (ås, lH, 27 Nl-H). "C NMR (d6-DMSO): 8.5 18.50, 20.2,20.4,25.3,26.4, .5,28.0,28.2,28.5,28.7 ,28.9,29.2,35.2,38.4, 45.5, 55.5, 59.2,61.0, 62.8, 70.2,78.9, 96.3, rL6.4, L29.3. 150.6, L54.2, 156.0, 162.7, 169.3, 169.4, 170. 1, 17 1.8. Experimental 135 Experimental Described in Chapter 3.3. 17 -ll2-(l-Pyrenyl)dodeca- 1,1 1-diynyu-3-O-methylestr-16-ene (144) To a stfured mixture of DMF (1.0 ml) and EqN (0.2 ml) was added sequentially the riflate 54 (50mg,0.12 mmol), alkyne 74 (52mg,0.14mmo1, l.2eq),Pd(PPq)4 (14mg,0.012 mmol,0.1 eq) and CuI (4.6mg ,0.024 mmol, 0.2 eq). The reaction mixture was stilred at room temperature for 3 hours, at which time TLC Q\nO CH"Clrlhexanes) indicated the absence of the triflate. The solvent was remov ed in vacuo and the residue subjected to flash chromatography using 30n0 CHrClr/hexanes as eluant to give the title compound as a viscous oilin 69mg (9Zfto)yield. HRMS CalculatedforCorHorO: MS: 628 (M*, 100),239 (S0). IR (thin film): (c=c), 304Om 628.3705. Found: 628-3700. (tu-H),2250and2216w (GC)' 1502s, L256s,908s, 846s,734s. UV (CHClr): 25I (29 400),265 (ll9m),275 1610s (23 900), 295 (29700) 3t6sh (4 800), 33I (12 400), 348 (21 600), 365 (23 700). Fluorescence lH NMR: 0.84 (s, 3H, CHr-); (CHCI3, f,". = 365 nm): 388 (100), 396sh(75),4O7 (80). L.37-2.3I (many m, methylene and methine protons); 2.38 (t,2IJ, J 6.6H2, CF!-=-HC:); 2.65 (t,2H,J7.0Hz,CF!-=-Ar);2.85 (m,2Pr, CFL-CH=);3.74 (s,3H, CI{r-OAr);5'91 (r, IIJ, J l.2lfirz,HC=); 6.61 (d,lH, J 2.6H2, C4-H); 6-65 (dd, lFI, J 8.4,2.6H2, C2-H);7 '15 (d,lIJ, r 8.4H2,C1-H). t'C NMR: 16.2,19.7,20.0,26.6,27.8,28.8,29.0,29.0,29.r,29.1, 29.2,29.5,3L.6,34J ,37 .6, 44.3, 48.1,55.2,55.3 (alkyl),76.1,77 .6,79.7 ,93.9 (alkynyl), 96.4,11I.4,113.9,118.9,124.5,125.3,125.4,I25.7,126.1,126.1,127 .3,127 129.6, 130.7, 13 1.2, 13 1.3, 1 3 1.9, 132.9, 133.6 137 .9 l, 1 3 8.0, 157 .4 (aryl). .7 ,128.0, Experímental L36 Compounds 145, 146 and L47 wercprepared in a similar manner as that described for compound 144, apartfrom the differences stated. 17- (145) tN-(Biotinyl)-1 l-aminoundec- l-ynyu -3-O-methytestr- 16-ene o 5 2 I 3 I -H 4 Reaction of compound54 (50mg,0.12mmol) with alkynel07 (57mg,0.14mmo1, l.2eq) under standard conditions and purification by flash chromatography using 6/94 MeOIVC¡IC! as eluanr gave the title compound as colourless crystals mp 150-152" in 70mg (897o)yield. HRMS CalculatedforCootlrrNrOrs: 659.4121. Found: 659.4087. MS: 659 (M*,29),644(M.-CI1,40),459 (15),416(100). 'HNMR: 0.86(s,3H'CHr-); I.22-2-35 (many rn, methylene and methine protons); 2.20 (t,2}J, J 7 .5 IJz, CFI-CONH); 2.36 (t,2}J, 6.9IJ2, CrL-=); 2.73 (d,lH,.r L2.9IFrz, C5-Hb); 2.91(m,3H, C5-Ha and CFI-G=);3.16 (dt, (q,2IFr, J 6.5 ljrz, C[L-NH); 3.79 (s, 3H, CIü-O Ar); 4'31 (dd' 1H, ,f 7 3, 4.5 IFrz, C2-H);3.23 lH, 7 .5, "f f 4j Hz, C4-H); 4.52 (, dd, IH', J 7 .5, 4.8IJ2, C3-H); 5.21 (br s, lH, Nl'-H); 5'93 (br t, l}J, f 5.7 Hz,NHCO); 5.93 (m,lH, HC=); 6.03 (br s, lH, N3'-H); 6'64 (d,lIJ, J 2'7 t'C NMR Hz, C4"-H); 6.72 (dd, I:g^, f 8.6,2.7 Hz,C2"-H); 7 .2L (d, lI¡¡,I8.6 Hz, Cl"-H)' (d6-DMSO): 16.0' I8.7'25.2,25.3,26.0,26.4,27.2,28.0,28.1,28.2,28.3,28.4,28.7,289, 29.1,29.2,31.1,34.2,35.2,37.1,38.3,43.7, 47.6,54.8,54.8, 55.4,59.2,61.0 (alkyl), 76.0, 93.7 (alkynyl), 111.4, 113.4,125.8,132.0,133.2, 137.2, 137.3,157.0 (vinyl and aryl), 162.6, 171.7 (carbonyl). Experimental L37 pyrenyl)dodec-1'ynyll-17p'acetyloxyandrost'2'ene (146) 3- t12-(1- Reaction of triflate 55 (mixture of L-2 and Â-3 isomers, ca. 5:I ratio) (50mg, 0.1lmmol) with alkyne 78 (48mg, 0.13 mmol,l.2eq) under standard conditions and purification by flash chromatography eluant 40160 CÉlClrlhexanes gave the title compound as a fluorescent light green viscous oil in 65mg (85Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for CooHuoOr: 680.4593. Found: 680.4611. MS: 680 (M*, 76), 620 (87),326 (69),215 (100). IR (thin film): 3040m (AI-H)' 1732s (C=O), 1446m,1250s, 1030s, 844s,740s. UV (CHClr): 248 (35 000)' 258 (11 800)' 269 (22 400),279 (35 300), 317 (10 300), 330 (21300), 346 (26 600). Fluorescence (CHCI3, tH NMR: 0.73 and O.76 (2 x s, 3H, CI{r-); L"*= 346nm): 379 (100), 397 (67), 4t8sh (22). 0.56-2.19 (many m, methylene and methine protons); 2.05 (s, 3H, CI{3COr);2.30 6.9 }Jz, Crt-c=); (d,lIJ,f 3.34 (t,2lflr, J 7 .8IJ2, CHr-Ar); 4.57 (dd,lH, "r 9.I,7 .8 Hz, (t,2H,J CH-OAç); 5.91 t'CNMR: 11.8, 12.0, 12.L,19.3,20.4, 4.9Hz,HC=);7.86-8.30 (m,9H,Ar-H). 21..2,23.4,27.4,28.1,28.8,28.9,29.1,29.4,29.5,29.8,31.0, 31.3, 33.6,34.0,34.1,34.4, 35.2,36.8, 40.1, 41.2,42.4,50.5,53.5 (alkyl), 81.8, 82.8, 87.5, 119.7 (alkynyl and vinyl), 123.5,124.6,124.7,125.0, L25.7,126.4,127 .0,I27.2,127.5,128.6,129.6,130.9, 131.4, 131.8, 137 .2,137.3 (aryl), 111.2 (carbonyl). 3-tN-(Biotinyl)-11-aminoundec-1-ynytl-17p-acetyloxyandrost-2-ene 1 3' ,H ,, 5 1" 2 H 4 (147) Experimental Reaction of triflate 55 (mixture of 138 L-2 and Â-3 isomers, ca. 5:L ratio) (50mg, 0.11 mmol) with alkyne 107 (51mg, 0.13 mmol ,l.2eq) under standard conditions, purification by flash gave the title chromatography eluant 5lg5 MeOIVCIIC! and recrystallisation from MeOH for compound as colourless crysrals mp 162-164" in 76mg (887o) yield. HRMS Calculated cofl*Nroos: 707.4696. Found: 707.4696. MS: 707 (M*, 18),632(26)'354(1L00),227 (2g),147 (27). IR (nujol mull): 3296brn (N-H), 1738m and 1704s (C=O), 1642s (urea C{), 1246s. tH NMR: 0.75 and 0.75 (2x s, 3H, CHr-); 0.65-2.20 (many rn, methylene and (t,2H, methine protons; 2.04 (s,3H, CH3CO);2.18 (t,2lFr, J 7 .3 IJz, CI{TCONH);2.28 I 7 '0 (dt' lflz,CÍ1"-=);2.74 (d,l]f^,J l2.8Hz, CS-Hb);2.93 (dd, LIJ^,J 12.8,5.0 Hz, CS-Ha); 3.16 lH, .r 7 .2, 4.g Hz, C2-H);3.22 (q,2lli{^, J 6.5 Hlz, CIIr-NHCO); 4'33 (dd, c3-H); 4.52 (dd,1H, lH, Nl'-H); 5.6a "r 7.4,5.0lH2, C4-]gI); 4.58 (dd,l]H5 J 9.1,7 (s, HC= Å-3 isomer);5.73 (br lH' J 7 '4' 4'9 Hz' .8rI2, CH-OAc); 5.07 (br s, t,lPr, J 5.5H:2, NHCO); 5.84 (br s, lH, ttc NMR: 11.8, 11.9,19.2,20-4,21-L, N3'-H); 5.91 (br d,I]fI^, J 4.8Hz,HC=, Â-2 isomer). 23.4,25.6,26.9,27.4,27.7,28.0,28.1, 28.8, 28.9,29.0,29.2,29.3,29.6,31.I,34.1,34.4, (alkyl), 81.7, 82.8, 35.3,36.0,36.8, 39.5, 40.2,40.4,41..3,42.4,50.6, 53.6, 55.5, 60.1, 61.7 87.4, L31.8 (alkynyl and vinyl), 163.8, l7l.l, L73.0 (carbonyl)' Experimental 139 Experimental Described in Chapter 4. B iotin-N- (1-hexadecyl) -amide (150) H -(cHt15cH3 3'Ñ o<' 1',N H 1 5 To a stired solution of biotin-NHS ester (106) (100mg,0.29 mmol) in DMF (2ml) was added l-hexadecylamine (71mg, 0.29 mmol). A white precipitate formed within 10 minutes. The mixture was stirred overnight, the solvent removed ín vaan (oil pump), the residue purified by flash chromatography using 10/90 MeOIVCIIC! as eluant, rccrystallised from MeOH and dried under vacuum to give the title compound as a colourless solid in 115mg (837o) mp 196-198'. HRMS: Calculated for CruHorNrOrS: 467.3544. Found: 467.3536- MS: 467 (M*, 34), 450 (22), 407 (44), 166 (29),97 (37),43 (100). 'H NMR: 0.88 (¿ 3¡3, J 6.5l¡2, CHr-CFL); I.25-I.77 (ln, methylene protons); 2.2O (t,2}J,J 6-2H2, CI{r-CON):2.74 (d, 1H, JE !2.8H2, C5-Hb);293(dd,lIJ,JE 12.8,5.0Hz, CS-Ha); 3.L7 (dt,lH,.I7-3'4.7H2, cZ-H);3.23 (q,2IH, r 6.6lPr2, CHr-NHCO); 4.33 (dd, l}J, J 7.7, 5.0}{2, Ca-H); 4.52 (dd, J 7.7 IJ2,4.7 -NHCO). lFrz, t3C [}l, C3-H); 4.91 (bs, lH, Nl'-H); 5-63 (ås, lH, N3'-H); 5'65 (bt' lH, J 5'3IJ2, 1CD,OD,323K): r4.2,23.6,26.8,28.0,29.5,29.7,30-3,30.4,30.6, 30.6, 32.9, 36.9,40.5, 41.0, 56.9, 61.7,63.5 (alkyl), 175.9, 184.9. Compounds 151, 152,153,154 and 155 were prepared in a similar manner, varying only in the amine used, product yield and recrystallisation solvent. Biotin-N- (1-dodecyl)-amide (151) Recrystallised from MeOH. Recovered 86mg (7I7o) of colourless amorphous solid mp 193-196" (lir.ss194-19S). HRMS Calculated for CrrHo,NrOrS: 4II.2919. Found: 411.2904. MS: 411 (M*, 13), 351 (100), 227 (68),186 (61), 166 (77),148 (90). 'H (CDCI3/d6-DMSO): 0.89 (r, 3H, J 6.4Hi2, CHr-CFt); 0.96-1.47 (n, methylene protons); 1.89, t,2}J, J 7.4H2, Experimental L40 cI{rcoNH); z.q+ (d, LlFr, rE L2.7 Hz, C5-Hb); 2.6O (dd, LH', Js 2.82-2.gO (m,3lFr, CTLCON and C2-H); 3.97 I2.7, 4.9 Hz,C5-Ha); (dd,lH, .I 7 .8, 4.9 }Jz, C4-H); 4.45 (dd, lH, J 7.8}J2,4.8I12,C3-H); 5.53 (ås, lH, Nl'-H); 5.56 (bs, lH, N3'-H); 6.51(bt,lH, -NHCO). 13C "r 5.2Lfz, 1do-DMSO): 14.0, 22.1,25.4,26.5,28.1,28.2,28.7,28.8,29.1,29.2,31.3, 35.3, 38.6, 40.7, 55.8, 59.2, 61. 1 (alkyl), 162.7, 17 1. 8 (carbonyl)' Biotin-N-(1-undecyl)-amide (I52) Recrystallised from MeOH. Recovered 65mg (56Vo) of colourless amorphous solid mp 183-186'. HRMS Calculated for C,H.rNrOrS: 397.2763. Found: 397.2758. MS: 397 (M*, to),337 (100), 226 (49),172 (55),166 (75),97 (72). 'H NMR: 0.89 (r, 3rt,r 6.4H4 cHr-crL, ; 1.26-I.77 JE (m, methylene proton s); 2.21 (t, 2IJ, r 7 .5 Hlz, C[L-CON) ; 2.7 4 (d, tH, l2.8Hz, C5-Hb);2.93 (dd, !H,Js,"nI2.8, 4.9H:2, CS-Ha); 3.16 (dt,lH, C2-H); 3.L6 (dt, lH, "f 7 3, 4.8 Hz, CZ-H); 3.23 (q,2H, J 7 .6, 4.6lfl2, C4-H); 4.52 (dd, I}jr, lld,I I 6-3 Hlz, ,f 7 3,4.8H2, CHr-NHCO); a33 (dd, LIJ, r 7 .6H2,4.9 Hlz, C3-H); 5.16 (bs, lH, Nl'-H); 5.77 (bt, t'C NMR: 14.I,22.7 ,25.4,25.6,27.0,28.0, 5.4IJ2, -NHCO); 5.98 (Ds, lH, N3'-H). 28.1,29.3,29.6,29.1,31.9, 36.0, 39.6,40.5,55.4,60.2,61.8 (atkyl),163.7, 173.0 (carbonyl). B iotin-N-(1-octyl)-amide (153) Recrystallised from MeOWwater. Recovered 70mg (677o) of colourless amorphous solid mp lg3-tg6". HRMS CalculatedforC,rHrrNrOrs: 355.2293. Found: 355.2293. MS: 355 (M., 7),338 (5), 311 (g),295 (100), 227 (30),184 (56), 166 (55), 130 (68), 100(64). 'H NMR: 0.8S (r, 3lfi^, f 6.6H2, CI{r-CfL); 1.28-I.77 (ln, 18H, methylene protons); 2.20, t,2H, J 7 .3 }Jz, CÍL"-CON); 2.74 (d,lIF^, 3.17 (dt,lH, "r JE l2.8 Hz, C5-Hb);293 (dd, lIJ, JE l2.8, 4.9}J2, CS-Ha); 7.2,4.7 ljrz, C2-H);3.23 (q,2H, J 7.lHz, CÉIr-NHCO);4.34 (dd, LH, '17 '7, 4.9H2,C4-H); 4.53 (dd,lH, J 7 .7 Ijrz, 4.7 IJLz, C3-H); 4.92 (bs,lH, Nl'-H);5'63 (bs,ZH, t,C NMR: 14.1,22.6,25.6,26.9,28.1,29.3,29.5,29.6,31.7,31.8, N3'-H and -NHCO). 36.0, 39.6, 40.5, 55.4, 60. 1, 6 1. I (carbonyl), 163.4, 173.0 (carbonyl)' Experimental B l4I iotin-N-(1-hexyt)-amide (154) Recrystallised from MeOH. Recovered 63mg (667o) of colourless morphous solid mp 183-186'. HRMS CalculatedforC,.t!r\OrS: 327.1980. Found: 327-L971. MS: 327 (M*, 2),3L0(3),283(4),267 (40), 184(68), 166 lH (23),156(28),143(26),116(22), 100(100). NMR: 0.89 (r, 3H, J 6.7 Hz, Ctt -CfL); 1.29-1.80 (m,lfiH,methylene protons); 2.20 (t,zH, J 7.4Hz,C[L-CON) ; 2.7 4 (d, CS-Ha); 3.17 lIH', J s l2.9Hz, CS-Hb); 2.93 (dd, LId, f E l2'9, 5'0 Hz, (dt,lIH,f 7.1,4.6ljr2, CZ-H);3.23 (q,2H,J 7.OHz, CHr-NHCO);4'34 (dd, 7.6,5.0lfl2, C4-H);4.45 (dd, IIJ,J 7.6}J2,4.6HL2, C3-H); 4.85 (ås, lH, Nl'-H); 5.54 t'C NMR (dó-DMSO): 13.8, 22.0,25.2, (bs, lH, N3'-H); 5.63 (bt,lH,,r 5.2H2,-NHCO). lH, .r 26.0,27.9,28.1,29.0,30.9, 35.1, 38.2,38.4,55.3, 59.1, 60.9 (alkyl), L62.6,171.6 (carbonyl). Biotin-N-(1-propyt)-amide (155) Recrystallised from warer to give a colourless amorphous solid mp 193-194'(lit.8?b 195-200') in61mg (737o)yield. HRMS CalculatedforC,rHrNrOrS: 285.1511. Found: 285.1511. MS: 285 (M*, 4), 225 (67),166 (26),142 (45),114 (39), 100 (100). 'H NMR: CH3-CrL-); 1.41-1.83 (llr, 8H, methylene protons); 2.21 O.92 (t,3ll, (t,zIJ,f 7-4H2, C[L-CONH);2.75 (d, lIJ, Js, l2.g Hz, Cs-Hb); 2.53 (dd, lIJ, J 8 12.9,5.0 Hz, CS-HaX 3.L6 (dt, lH, .I 7 .4, 4'8 IJz, C2-H);3.21 (q,2IF,', J 7 .OHz, CHr-NHCO); 34 (dd, l}J, lH, J 7.6lFr2,4.8lflr2, C3-H); 5.L2 (bs,lH, Nl'-H);5.72 (bt, r 7 .6,5.0 Hz, C4-H); 4.45 (dd, LIJ, J 5.2IJ2, -NHCO); 5.83 (ås' lH,N3'-H). trcNMR(d6-DMSO):11.7,23.6,27.0,29.5,29.8,36.9,41.0,42.2,47.8,57.0, 61.7,63.4 (alkyl), 166.1, 176.0 (carbonyl). Biotin hexadecan-l-ol ester (156) A mixture of biotin (100mg, 0.41 mmol), hexadecan-l-ol (496mg, 2.05 rnmol, 5 eq). p-toluenesulphonic acid (8mg, 0.04 mmol, 0.1 eq.) and toluene (5ml) was stired at reflux for 48 hours. The reaction mixtue was cooled to loom temperature, uffeacted biotin removed by filration, solvent removed in vacuo and the residue purified by flash chromatography, eluanr MeOfVCflClr1:91,to give the title compound as a colourless solid in72mg (387o) yieldmp 113-118". HRMS CalculatedforCruHorNrOrS: 468.3386. Found: 468.3369. MS: Experimental 142 468 (M., 100),296 (20),227 (22),97 (2Ð. THNMR: 0.90 (r,3¡¿,J 6.4¡¡2, CHr-Gt); 1.28-1.77 (nr, methyleneprotons);2.35 (t,zIJ^,J7.2Hz,Cf!-COr); C5-HbX 2.g5 (dd,lH, Js". 12.8, 5.0 Hz, C5-Ha); 3.19 2IJ, f (dt,lE,.f 2-76(d,lH,.4* l2'8H2, 8.0, 4.7 }Iz, C2-H); 4'08 (r' 6.8Hz,Cf!-OrC); 4.34 (dd,lH,,f 7 .5,4.5IJ2, C4-H);4'54 (dd, l}J,J 7 '5' 5'0 Hz' t3C l.rüvlR: 14.1,22.7,24.8,25.9,28.2, C3-H); 4.88 (bs, lH, Nl'-H); 5.18 (ås, lH, N3'-H). 28.3,28.6,29.3,29.4,29.5,29.6,29.6,29.7,31.9,33.9,40.5,55.4,60.1, 61.9, 64.6 (aþl), 163.4, 17 3.8 (carbonYl). Biotin esters 157, 158, 159 and 160 were prepared in a similar manner, varying only in the alcohol used and yield obtained.. Biotin dodecan-l-ol ester (157) Recovered in 136mg (8O7o) yield as a colourless amorphous solid mp 117-118". HRMS Calculated for CrrHooNrOrS: 412.2760. Found: 4L2.276I. lH NIyIR: 0.89 (r, 3H,J 6.6¡12, (40), 166 (100), 143 (16). MS: 412 (M*, 4), 352 (15),227 C4-); I.27-1.76 (m, methylene protons); 2.34 (t,zlfl^, J 7 .6lH2, CIL-CONH);2.75 (d, tIJ, J 12.8 Hz, C5-Hb);2.93 (dd, lH, J I2.8,4.gH2, C5-Ha);3.17 (dt,LlFr,J7.9,4.8H2,C2-H);4.06 (r, zIJ,r 6.8lfz, cl!-Orc); 4j2 (d¿, LlH, J 7.4,5.0H2, C3-H); 4.52 (dd,l}j., J 7.4,5.0 Hz, Ca-H); 5.15 (bs, lH, Nl'-H); t,C 5.51 (ås, lH, N3'-H). NMR: 14.!,22.7,24.8,25.9,28.2,28.3,28.6,29.2,29.3,29.5, 29.6, 29.6, 31.9, 33.9, 40.6, 55.4, 60.2, 61.9, 64.6 (alkyl), 1 65.0, 17 3.8 (carbonyl). Biotin-undecan-1-ol ester (158) Recovered in 129mg QgVo) yield as a colourless amorphous solid mp 110-113'. HRMS: Calculated for (M*, 5), 338 (24),227 Ç,tI.*NrOrS: 398.2603. Found: 398.2584. MS: 398 (24),t66(100), 97 (46).'HNMR: 0.91 (3H, J 6.4Hl2, CH3-CFI2); 1'.29-1.77 protons); 2.36 (t,zlF,., J 7.3IPr2, CHr-COr); 2.76 J s (rn, methylene (d,lH, Js* I2.8Hz, C5-Hb); 2.96 (dd,lH, I2.8, 4.9 Hz,C5-Ha); 3.19 (dt, 1H, -I 7 .6, 4.9 þ¡z, C2-}l); 4'09 (t, 2}l, J 6'8 }l¡z, cr!-orc); 4.35 (dd, lIFr, J 6.6,4.6 Hz, C4-H); 4.52 (dd, l}J, J 6.6, 4.9IJ2, C3-H); 4.66 (bs, Experímental 143 LH, t'C NMR: 14.1,22.6,24.8,25.9,28.2,28.3,28.6,29.2, Nl'-H); 4.88 (bs, lH, N3'-H). 2g.3,29.5,29.5,31.8,33.9,40.5,55.4,60.1,61.9,64.5,(alkyl), 163.7,I73.8 (carbonyl). Biotin octan-l-ol ester (159) Recovered L47mg (9BVo) as a colorless amorphous solid mp 121'. HRMS Calculated for c,rIlrNPrS: 356.2134. Found: 356.2128. MS: 356 (M., 100),329 (26),287 (5I),227 (52),166 (82),97 (71). tH NMR: 0.89 (r, 3g', methylene protons); 2j5 (t, 2'Fr, J 7 f 6.5¡a;2, CHr-CÉL); 1.28-1.76 (¡7, 18H, .2IH2, Cf!-COr); 2.7 4 (d, lH, 'fs." 12.8 Hlz, C5-Hb);2'92 (dd,7JJ,Js 12.8,4.7Hz,C5-Ha); 3.16(dt,1H,,f 6.9,4.8IJ2,C2-H);4.06(t'2H,J 6.8H:2, cHr-orc); 4.32 (dd, !H, J 7.7,4.8IFr2, C4-H);4.52 (dd, lH, Nl'-H); 5.59 (bs, lH, N3'-H). r3C LIJ, J 7.7,4.8H:2, C3-H); 5.21(bs, NMR: 14.1,22.7,24.8,25.9,28.2,28.3,28.6,29.3, 29.4,2g.5,29.6,29.6,29.7,31.9,33.9,40.5,55.4,60.1,6L.9,64.6(alkyl), 163.4,L73.8 (carbonyl). Biotin hexan-l-ol ester (160) Recovered 110mg (BIVo) as a colourless amorphous solid mp ll9-120'. HRMS Calculated for c,uÌlrNrors: 328.I82I. Found: 328.1827. MS: 328 (M*, 19), 268 (I4),227 (I9),166 (39), 105 (100). lH NMR: 0.89 (1, 3lH^,J 6.3IcL2, CfL-CfL); 1.29-1.71(m, L4H, methylene protons); 2.33 (t,2]H^, J 7 .Olfrz, Cf!-COr); 2.73 J E 12.8, 4.8] cr!-orc); 12, C5-Ha); 3.15 (dt,lH, ,r 7 .4, (d,lH, ,fB* I2.8Hz, C5-Hb); 29I (dd, lIJ, 4.8Il2, C2-H); 4'05 (t,ZIJ, J 6'7 Hz' 4.30 (dd,lH, -r 7.7,4.8IFr2, C4-IH); 4.51 (dd,LIJ,17.7,4.8}J2, C3-H); 5.38 (ås, lH, Nl'-H); 5.78 (bs, lH, N3'-H). t3C NMR: 13.9,22.5,24.8,25.5,28.2,28.4,28.6,31.4, 33.9, 40.5,55.4, 60.1, 61.9, &5 (alkyl), 163.8, 173.8 (carbonyl)' Biotin propan-l-ol ester (161) A mixture of biotin (a1) (100m g,4.1mmol), propan-l-ol (3ml) andp-TsOH (7'8mg' 0'04 mmol,0.1eq) was refluxed for 6 hours, at which time a homogeneous mixture was formed. The reaction mixture was cooled to room temperature, crystallised unreacted biotin removed by filtration, the solvent removed in vacuo and the residue purified by flash chromatography Experimental 144 eluant MeOfVCf!Clr5:95 to give the title compound as colourless crystals mp 126-127" in 73mg(62Vo)yield. HRMS: CalculatedforC,rtlrNrOrS: 286.1351'. Found: 286-1362. MS: 286 (M*,7), 227 (82),166 (84),97 (100). 'HNMR: 0.95 (e 3}j,J7.5}l2, CHr-Ctl); 1.43-L.7 8 (2, 8H, methylene protons); 2.34 (t, 2IJ, I 7 .3 }Jz, CI{r-COr-) ; 2.7 4 (d, lH, J s^ l2.8Hz,C5-Hb); 2.93 (dd,lH, {s," 12.8,4.9 Hz, CS-Ha);3.17 (dt,l}I,,f 8.0, 4.7 IJz,C2-H); 4.O4 (t,2H, .I 6.8 IFrz, Ct!-OrC); 4.33 (dd, lH, "r 7 .6, 4.7 IJz, C4-H): 4.53 (dd, l}J, J 7 '6, 4'7 t'C NMR: 10.3,21.9,24.7,28.2, Hz, C3-H);5.00 (bs, lH, Nl'-H); 5.34(bs,lH, N3'-H). 28.3, 33.9, 40.5, 55.4, 60. 1, 6 1.9, 65.9 (alkyl), 1 63.9, L7 3.8 (carbonyl). Biotin-undec-1O-yn-1-ol ester (162) A mixture of biotin-NHS ester (106) (100mg,0.29 mmol), undec-10-yn-1-ol (59) (49mg' 0.29 mmol) and DMAP (3.6mg, 0.03 mmol, 0.1 eq) was stined in DMF (0.5m1) for 48 hours at 50o. Silica gel (1g) was added and the solvent removed under vacuum (oil pump). The residue was purified by flash chromatography eluant MeOIVCT!C126/94 to give the title compoundas acolourless amorphous solidmp 84-86" ln52.6mg(46Vo) yield. HRMS Calculated for C,HroNPrS: 394.2290. Found: 394.2298. MS: 394 (M*, 6), 334 (18),227 (62), t66 (37),97 (100). IR (CDCL solution): 3476br m (N-H), 3304s (H-G), 2140w (GC), lTl}brs (c=o). tH NMR: H-G); 2.18 (dt, lljr, f 6.8,2.6 Hz, I2.8Hz, C5-Hb); 2.92 (dd,lH, .f 1.25-1.77 (m, methylene protons); 1.94 (r, lH, J 2.6}12, CF!-G); 2.29 (t,2IJ, J 7 -t Hz, Ct!-COr); L2.8, 4.8 Hz, C5-Ha); 3.16 2.7 4 (d, lH, "r (dt, l}I, J 7 .4, 4.7 Hz, C2-H); 4.05 (r, 2IH, f 6.6H2, CHr-OrC); 4.31 (dd,lH, J 7 .6, 4.7 Hz, C4-H); 4.51 (dd, tH, J 7 .6, 4'8 t'C NMR: 20.4,26-8,27.9,30.3, Hz, C3-H);5.43 (bs, 1H, Nl'-H); 5.81 (ås, lH, N3'-H). 30.4, 30.5, 30.6,30.7 ,3I.0,31.2,3!.3,35.9, 42.5, (alkynyl), 165.5, 17 5.7 (carbonyl). 57 .4, 62.I, 64.0,66.6 (alkyl),70.1,86.7 References I45 References L. Bíochemistry 3 ed., W. H. Freeman, New York, 1988. 1 Stryer, 2. Broda, E. Radioactive Isotopes ín Biochemistry; Elsevier; Amsterdam; 1960; p 3. Reference 4. Hershey, A. D. and Chase, M. ,f. Gen. Physiol.,1952,36,39. 5. Meselson, M. and Stahl, F. W. Proc. Nat. Acad.,Sci., 1958, 44,67I. 6. 'Watson, J. D. and Crick, F. H. C. 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