F A L L 2 0 1 3 Basic Musicianship I MUSC 101 Dr. Joni Y. Prado Music Studio 123 joni.prado@vanguard.edu 714.329.3953 MW 9:00am-9:50am HEATH 009 Textbook Life is art…… OR ……Art is life ----- explore and decide! Course Description Designed for non-majors, music minors and prospective majors with no prior experience reading music. This course explores the basic elements of reading, writing and listening to music. Students must receive a grade of “C” or higher to advance to MUSC 106. This course does not count towards the music major/minor requirements. Important Dates! September 6 September 20 October 18 Last day to add new courses to your schedule Last day to drop course without appearing on transcript Last day to drop course without academic penalty From Sound to Symbol: Fundamentals of Music (Second Edition) Authors: Mícheál Houlahan and Philip Tacka Students are required to bring the text to every class meeting as we will be actively referring back to examples and activities in the book. From time to time, students will also be asked to download documents from the music department website to bring to class as supplementary material. Together, we will explore the exciting world of music, and have FUN! THE LOREM IPSUMS SPRING 2012 Attendance Policy Consistent attendance and hands-on practice is critical to success in this class, as each new concept builds on the previous one. Students are responsible for any assignments, information or projects missed due to absences. Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes Regular and punctual attendance and class participation are expected, required and considered in the final grade. Please be advised and aware that six absences result in an automatic “F” and withdrawal from the course (University Catalog, p. 41). Be advised, absences due to athletic events, concerts and performing in chapel are included in the overall count of semester absences. In MUSC 101 students will: Activity/Assessment: RECOGNIZE and IDENTIFY pitches and enharmonic equivalents on the piano and be able to notate them using various clefs, and DETECT errors in rhythmic or melodic examples Lectures, keyboard practice, assignments, quizzes, exams DEFINE, MEMORIZE, and IDENTIFY intervals (major/minor/augmented/diminished), diatonic scales (major), chords (major/minor), and be able to construct and notate them using various clefs. CREATE, DICTATE and TRANSPOSE simple melodies on the piano and notate them in all 12 keys Music Department SLO: CCTC Standards: Music Literacy, Performance DOMAIN 1: Artistic Perception (1.1a, 1.1e; 1.2a) In-class lectures, keyboard activities, assignments, quizzes, midterm exam DOMAIN 2: Creative Expression (2.1b; 2.4d) Music Literacy DOMAIN 1: Artistic Perception (1.1b; 1.2a) In-class activities, assignments, performance tests DOMAIN 6: Music Methodology and Repertoire (1.1a, 1.1e) Music Literacy, Performance DOMAIN 1: Artistic Perception (1.1b; 1.2a) MEMORIZE, DESCRIBE and EMPLOY the concept of the Circle of Fifths; recognize and write key signatures and key relationships. Lecture, in-class activities, timed quizzes on key signatures, flash card exercises, assignments, exams DEFINE, MEMORIZE and DISCUSS terms related to pitch, time, dynamics, articulation, texture, style and form. Lectures, assignments, quizzes, midterm and final exams Explore the challenges of effectively performing art song literature within the standard performance practice. View performances live and on video; Performance of selected art song repertoire from various periods, regions and musical styles 2 DOMAIN 2: Creative Expression (2.4d) Critical Thinking DOMAIN 1: Artistic Perception (1.2a) Music Literacy DOMAIN 1: Artistic Perception (1.1c, 1.1e) DOMAIN 5: Connections, Relationships and Applications (5.1c) Critical Thinking, Performance, Faith and Learning DOMAIN 1: Artistic Perception (1.1a, c, d,e) 2 THE LOREM IPSUMS SPRING 2012 How do I get an ‘A’ in this class? Course Requirements and Policies 1.) ATTENDANCE/PARTICIPATION: Student success in this class is dependent on consistent and active attendance. Students receive a maximum of 5 attendance points per class based on punctuality and participation. This class is very hands-on and activity oriented. Be prepared to participate! Learning is FUN!!! 2.) MOODLE: Students are responsible for any and all information posted on the course website on Moodle. Attendance and grading are both recorded via Moodle. Students must log on regularly to keep on track with posts and forums. The Course Calendar is found on the course site, which can be accessed at learn.vanguard.edu. 3.) ASSIGNMENTS/HOMEWORK: Students should plan on 1-2 hours of homework each night. To receive full credit for an assignment, it must be submitted on time and completed on the assigned due date. Students are responsible for obtaining missed assignments due to absences. LATE ASSIGNMENTS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. 4.) QUIZZES/EXAMS: Plan to be present for any and all quizzes/exams. Make-ups are NOT given. 5.) ELECTRONIC DEVICES POLICY: There is no need for electronic devices in this class. Everything is hand written and hands-on. Please respect this policy and leave laptops, iPads, iPods, cell phones, etc. powered off and put away during all class meetings. You can always “update your status” later. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: The Disability Services Office offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your professor(s), and the Disability Services Office (DSO). If you have not yet established services through the DSO, but have a temporary or permanent disability that impacts your learning, attention, mental health, vision, hearing, physical health, or other disabilities that may require accommodations, you are welcome to contact the DSO, located in the Scott Academic Center, Office 244, 714-619-6483, disabilityservices@vanguard.edu Students with a documented learning disability who would like to request appropriate accommodations should contact Barbi Rouse, Director of Learning Skills, Scott Academic Center second floor, 714-619-6478, barbi.rouse@vanguard.edu 3 3 THE LOREM IPSUMS COURSE CALENDAR SPRING 2012 The course calendar provides a rough outline of the material to be covered in class each week. It is subject to change based on the pacing of the class, and at the discretion of the professor. Students are expected to check the MOODLE site daily to find the most current and updated information regarding homework assignments and due dates. WEEK 1: Introduction to course – syllabus and course expectations; Basic musical terms Chapter 1: Basic Rhythms in Simple Meter – phrasing, beat, tempo, meter, key terms H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! Online forum; Getting to Know You; Study terms WEEK 2: LABOR DAY HOLIDAY (M) Continuing in Chapter 1 – meter (conducting basic patterns, notation); In-class work (p. 35) QUIZ: MUSICAL TERMS!!! H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! pg. 36 (ex. 1.11, 1.12); pg. 38 (ex. 1.18); pg. 39 (1.19, 1.20) WEEK 3: Chapter Review and Term study – FIRST QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY!!! WEDNESDAY: Chapter 2 – Keyboard and Notation of Pitch (ID of white keys, whole-step and half-step intervals, terms-sharp/flat, enharmonic pitches) – FUN WITH BOOMWHACKERS! H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! pg. 57, 58, 59 WEEK 4: Continuing in Chapter 2: Introduction of clefs and notation (octave ID, chromatic and diatonic half-steps) MONDAY: Focus on Treble Clef (TIMED QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY – TREBLE CLEF ID) H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! pg. 61 (ALL); pg. 62 (STOP after completing ex. 2.11), pg. 67 WEDNESDAY: TIMED QUIZ – TREBLE CLEF Focus on Bass Clef and ledger lines (TIMED QUIZ ON MONDAY – BASS CLEF ID) H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! pg. 63, 64 WEEK 5: MONDAY: TIMED QUIZ – BASS CLEF ID Wrapping up Chapter 2 –REVIEW FOR CHAPTER QUIZ ON WEDNESDAY! WEDNESDAY: QUIZ AT BEGINNING OF CLASS Chapter 3: More Rhythms in Simple Meter – (division of beat, sixteenth notes, counting methods) H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! pg.100 (ex. 3.4) WEEK 6: Continuing in Chapter 3: Note combinations (eighth-sixteenth, dotted eighth-sixteenth, dotted quarter-eighth, syncopation) IN CLASS: p. 102 (ex. 3.10 – Beams and Barlines) H/W: CHECK MOODLE FOR DETAILS! pg. 101 (ex. 3.6, 3.7, 3.8) WEDNESDAY: Continuing in Chapter 3 – p. 104-105 (ex. 3.14-3.18); Syncopation p. 109 (ex. 3.28. 3.29) H/W: p. 105 (ex. 3.19); p. 106 (ex. 3.20, 3.21) WEEK 7: Chapter 4: Orientation to the Major Scale Terms (melody, scale, contour, pitch, pentachord, sequence); Pentachord scales – intervals, writing pentachord scales with accidentals MONDAY H/W: p. 134-136 (ex. 4.4 – writing pentachord scales) Hexachord scales (p. 119 – Twinkle, Twinkle & Rocky Mountain exercises); Pentatonic scales (p. 126, p. 144 ex. 4.8 – in class) WEDNESDAY H/W: p. 139-141 (writing hexachord scales) WEEK 8: Chapter 5: Major Scale Scale degree names, Interval formula, Practice writing major scales – p. 168 (ex. 5.4) MONDAY H/W: Finish p. 168-171 Key Signatures – Circle of Fifths/Linear Model; Transposition (p. 159- 5.6) WEDNESDAY H/W: p. 172-173; p. 179 (ex. 5.14 - #1 ON MANUSCRIPT PAPER) 4 4 THE LOREM IPSUMS COURSE CALENDAR SPRING 2012 WEEK 9: MIDTERM- REVIEW ON MONDAY; EXAM ON WEDNESDAY!!! WEEK 10: Chapter 6: Intervals!!! BRING IT ON!!! MONDAY: Interval ID – Size (p. 184-185 finding intervals); Quality (p. 186, p. 190 – interval exercise) H/W: p. 203-205 (STOP after #8 on p. 205) WEDNESDAY: Continue working on interval quality (p. 209-210); Interval inversion (p. 198) H/W: Finish 209-210; p. 212 (ALL) – 213. WEEK 11: Chapter 6 continued: Compound Intervals p. 200 (explanation), p. 214-215 (exercises) H/W: TBD WEEK 12: MONDAY: REVIEW INTERVALS WEDNESDAY: QUIZ - INTERVALS WEEK 13: MONDAY: Chapter 7: Compound Meter Counting with numbers 6/8, 9/8 (starting on p. 219) H/W: p. 248-249 (Meter Charts) WEDNESDAY: Continue work with Compound meter; Changing meter; Asymmetric meter WEEK 14: MONDAY: Wrapping up Chapter 7!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! WEEK 15: YOU’VE MADE IT TO THE LAST WEEK!!!! REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAM!!!! FINAL EXAM: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13TH at 8:00 AM *NOTE THE TIME CHANGE!!! 5 5