Studennt direction ns Ladybug ug Motion 2D 2 activityy 1: Vectorr controls for f circularr motion Homewoork Learningg Goals: Sttudents will be b able to drraw motion vectors v (posiition, velocitty, or acceleeration) for an objectt is moving while w turningg. Direction ns: 1. A Labybug was w crawlingg in a circle around a a flow wer like in thhe picture beelow. a. Sketcch what youu think the veelocity and acceleration a vectors would lookk like. b. If the flower f is thee “zero” posiition, what would w the poosition vectorr look like? c. Use Laadybug Mottion 2D to chheck your iddeas. Make corrections c if neceessary b crawled along conceentric circless like Figure 1. 2. Suppose the bug D what yo ou think the position vecctors would look like at the locationns shown in Figure F 2. a. Draw Figure 2 F Figure 1 Figgure 3 (correections) U Ladybug g Motion 2D D to check yoour ideas. Maake correctioons if necesssary on Figuure 3. b. Use c. D Draw what yo ou think the velocity vecctors would look like at the locationss shown in Figure F 4. d. Check C your id deas and maake corrections on Figuree 5. You mayy want to usse Ladybug Revolution R siimulation too o. Figure 4 F Figure 5 7/12/2009 Loeblein phe et.colorado.eedu Studennt direction ns Ladybug ug Motion 2D 2 activityy 1: Vectorr controls for f circularr motion Homewoork e.. Draw whaat you think the acceleraation vectorrs would lookk like at the locations in Figure 6. f. Check your ideas andd make correections on Figure 7. You may want too use Ladybug Revolutio on simulationn too. Figgure 6 Figure 7 3. A Labybug was w crawlingg in an elliptiical path arouund a flowerr like in the picture p below w. a. Skettch what youu think the position, veloocity, and accceleration vectoors would loook like on Fiigure 8-10 att the red dots. M 2D too check yourr ideas. Makee b. Usee Ladybug Motion correcctions if neceessary Figure 8 Position Figure 9 Velocity Figgure 10 Acceeleration C and d contrast whhat you saw between b circcular and elliptical motioon in terms of o vectors. 4. Compare 7/12/2009 Loeblein phe et.colorado.eedu