8th Grade Stem Lists

8th Grade Word Lists List 1 equivocate superfluous to hedge The equivocating politician praised both groups. unnecessary A superfluous comment is a waste of time. bilateral two­sided The two nations formed a bilateral agreement. unilateral one­sided The U.S. made a unilateral withdrawal. circumspect cautious A circumspect reply is safer. commensurate of like measure A big job needs a commensurate reward. malevolence evil intent The creature cast a malevolent glare. neophyte beginner She is a neophyte in the art world. misanthropist people­hater bellicose warlike The grouchy misanthropist wouldn’t contribute. The bellicose tribe attacked without warning. List 2 anthropomorphi
c man­shaped They believe in an anthropomorphic god. captious fault­finding The captious remarks were not sincere. neologism new word Create a neologism, like televoracious. malediction a curse incredulous The convict’s muttered malediction was inaudible. not believing Her incredulous expression showed her feelings. omniscient all knowing You can’t keep secrets from an omniscient god. monomania obsession with one thing It was a hobby that became a monomania. specious false excoriate verbally flog prototype first model You have a convincing but unfortunately specious argument. His speech excoriated the opponent. We saw an early prototype of the Mustang. List 3 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from Lists 1 and 2 xenophobia fear of foreigners benediction blessing amorphous shapeless preponderance bulk magnanimous It is a hostile, xenophobic country. The Pope’s smiling benediction was televised. A ray, amorphous mass was in the corner. The preponderance of the evidence indicates guilt. great­minded HIs magnanimous victory speech showed generosity. List 4 mollify make soft It can be difficult to mollify someone’s anger. ichthyologist fish scientist Up splashed a water­logged ichthyologist. polyglot multi­linguist She is a brilliant polyglot who speaks seven languages. diaphanous semitransparen
t somniferous bringing sleep sinecure an easy, lucrative job soliloquy speech to oneself Hamlet’s famous soliloquy is the question. adherent supporter The adherents of a militaristic foreign policy want war. abjure renounce To abjure one’s former beliefs is stessful. caustic burning Look through the diaphanous draperies. The somniferous speech put him to sleep. He has a comfortable sinecure in his uncle’s firm. The caustic comments about her clothes hurt her. List 5 confluence a flowing together depose topple from power egomania self­obsession egregious blatant analgesic painkiller The idea was formed by a confluence of other ideas. He was deposed without violence. The offensive egomaniac praised himself. It was an egregious act of vandalism. Take an extra­strength analgesic for the headache. chiromancy oligarchy palm reading Try to divine the future through chiromancy. government by a The corrupt Greek oligarchy kept control. few intractable stubborn The biot’s intractable opinions were unchangeable. intransigent not compromising The intransigent true believers wouldn’t budge. perfidious treacherous The perfidious cowardice made him infamous. List 6 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from Lists 4 and 5 perspicuous brilliantly clear Her perspicuous essay won her the scholarship. ingenuous innocent and naive circumlocutio
n talking in circles gregarious sociable He has a friendly, gregarious personality. discursive rambling It was an illogical discursive speech. The ingenuous ­ but not ingenious ­ girl believed it. He used a circumlocution to avoid answering the question. List 7 egocentric (self­centered) tangible (touchable) demagogue (corrupt politician) The demagogue played on public prejudices. preclude (foreclose) Don’t preclude that option. cryptologist (code breaker) ethnocentrism pedagogue The egocentric snob didn’t notice who he hurt. A paycheck is one of the tangible benefits of a job. British cryptologists cracked the German code. (racial or cultural We deplore his narrow ethnocentrism. prejudice) (teacher) A humorless pedant is a poor pedagogue. recant (retract) Galileo was forced to recant his heliocentric statements. revoke (cancel) Permission to travel has been revoked. pugnacious (combative) List 8 The pugnacious bully got his comeuppance. incisive diatribe (sharp) Her incisive questions cut deeply into the issue. (abusive criticism) The German leader delivered a diatribe against France. anomaly (abnormality) There is an inexplicable anomaly in the data. enumerate (to list) Please enumerate your reasons. circumscribed (limited) You must choose among certain circumscribed alternatives. intercede (mediate) disputatious (argumentative) loquacious (talkative) abrogate (annul) prescience (foreknowledge) We are forced to intercede on behalf of the orphan. The disputatious reporter irritated the official. The loquacious fellow wore their ears out. We abrogate an agreement only out of dire necessity. A prescient vision came to him in a deam. List 9 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from lists 7 and 8 sacrosanct (sacred) He would not endanger his sacrosanct bowling night. androgynous (masculine and feminine) The androgynous rock star took the stage. acronym (initials­name) The acronym NATO means N. Atlantic Treaty Organization. congenital (at birth) cacophony (bad noise) The problem is a congenital defect. The cacophonous roar of the crowd was deafening. LIst 10 advocate (speak for) It is time to advocate a new policy. ponderous (weighty) He was crushed by the ponderous burden of the decision. retribution (revenge) Expect a brutal retribution for what you have done. android (robot) infidel (unbeliever) The crusade against the infidels was unsuccessful. resurgence (rising again) The resurgence of patriotism began slowly. punctilious (precise in conduct) condescend (lower oneself) The android’s metallic eye glistened redly. She liked his punctilious formal conduct. His condescending attitude was infuriating. collateral (side by side) irrevocable (beyond recall) The two collateral issues could not be discussed separately. The past is irrevocable and answers no call. List 11 elucidate (explain) Please elucidate the matter for our less enlightened guest. epigram (witty comment) eccentricity (oddness) cognizant (aware) It is wise to be cognizant to the laws regulating investments. stringent (binding) The stringent regulations seemed excessively severe. anthropoid (manlike) The anthropoid apes have recognizable facial expressions. diffident (shy) pandemonium (demonic clamor) urbane (sophisticated) tractable (docile) Benjamin Franklin’s epigrams amuse us still. The genius’s eccentric personality began to moderate. Her diffident glance caught his eye. Sheer pandemonium erupted on the playground. The diplomat’s urbane manners set the tone. The tractable little boy was a pleasure to learn from. List 12 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from lists 10 and 11 supersede (replace) This directive supersedes all previous directives. temporize (delay) somnambulist (sleepwalker) sanguinary (bloody) We still mourn the sanguinary battles of the Civil War. inanimate (lifeless) The inanimate stones tell no tales. Begin without temporizing, if you please. Lady Macbeth’s famous somnambulism is unforgettable. List 13 introspective (inward looking) The quiet boy is an introspective loner. intervene (come between) We should not intervene in their dispute. syndrome (complex of symptoms) subordinate (lower) Down’s Syndrome has some well­known symptoms. He resented his subordinate rank in the military. dissonant (inharmonious) A dissonant clamor arose in the streets. belligerent (warring) credible (believable) impending (overhanging) “The shadow of impending doom” is a trite phrase. polyphonic (multi­melodic) Bach’s polyphonic concertos are beautiful. exculpate (free from blame) The belligerent nations refused to negotiate. It takes money to become a credible candidate. He wished to be completely exculpated. List 14 euphemism (pleasant name) “Rest Room” is a euphemism. benefactor (helper) megalomania (delusions of greatness) A Napoleon complex is a form of megalomania. magnate (powerful person) The oil magnates in Saudi Arabia control billions. vivacious (lively) heliotropic (sun­following) amour­propre (self­love) There is no lack of amour­propre in her! octagenarian (an eighty year­old) The spry octagenarian won the race. cognoscenti (those who know) surfeit (excess) Who was the anonymous benefactor to little Pip? Her vivacious personality cheered us all. The heliotropic vines clogged the window. This wine is preferred by the cognoscenti. He consumed a painful surfeit of food and drink. List 15 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from Lists 13 and 14 primate (monkeys, apes, and humans) Were the higher primates made first? pellucid (crystal clear) Pellucid waters and pellucid prose are equally beautiful. circumvent (get around) It is unwise to circumvent the rules in prison. hemiplegia (paralysis on one side) We helped the victim of hemiplegia. narcolepsy (attacks of sleep) She suffered uncontrollable attacks of narcolepsy. List 16 delineate (outline) He will quickly delineate the options. emollient (softener) retrograde (backward) melancholy (dark sadness) Some people feel a black melancholy on rainy days. intracranial (within the skull) Intracranial surgery will not exorcise her demons. cardiovascular (of the heart and vessels) You need cardiovascular exercise. epiphany (revelation) histology (study of living tissues) perihelion (orbital point nearest the sun) inherent (built­in) A bottle of creamy emollient for the skin. The planet seems to move in a retrograde motion. The epiphany was a flash, a sudden appearance of insight. The classic histology textbook was out of print. The planet reached perihelion. Americans possess an inherent right to free speech. List 17 plutocracy (government of the wealthy) sine qua non (essential element) corpulent (full­bodied) dichotomy Is the nation controlled by plutocrats? Money was the sine qua non for acceptance. His corpulence was caused by his gluttony. (two­part division) The right/wrong dichotomy seemed simplistic. pathological (diseased) The fascist dictator was a pathological liar. cryptic (having hidden meaning) We found a cryptic inscription in the stone. isosceles (having two equal He drew an isosceles trapezoid on the board. sides) pathogen (disease­causer) vociferous (loudly­voiced) rectify (correct) The team’s careful search did not locate the pathogen. His vociferous protests could be heard for blocks. Please take steps to rectify the situation and make it right. List 18 ­­ Plus 5 most missed stems from lists 16 and 17 sanctimonious (affectedly holy) His sanctimonious lectures were hypocritical. tortuous (twisting) The tortuous mountain highway would steeply up. rectilinear (right­angled) Do you like the building’s rectilinear architecture? metamorphosis (change of shape) petroglyph (rock carving) The insect’s metamorphosis was miraculous. The prehistoric petroglyph was high on the cave wall. List 19 chronic (lasting) hyperbole (overstatement) sonorous (full­sounding) germane (related) convivial (jovial, festive) cognomen (nickname) anarchist (one against government) animadversion (criticism) pusillanimous (small­minded) subterfuge List 20 His chronic illness dragged on for years. His colorful hyperbole livened his conversation. Dr. King’s sonorous voice echoed over the crowd. Her germane comments really hit the mark. His convivial friends loved to celebrate. His cognomen is “Sterno.” The anarchist passed out leaflets to passersby. Your animadversions on his behavior are superfluous. The deliberate snub was a low, pusillanimous act. (evasive dodge) The mayor ducked a question with a clever subterfuge. saturnine (gloomy and remote) Her saturnine personality won her few friends. luminary (enlightening person) We met the amiable luminary, Carl Sagan. exorbitant (unreasonable) expatriate (banish) filigree (lacy design) eulogy Their exorbitant prices are in an orbit of their own. They were forcefully expatriated from the fatherland. The delicate filigree around the diamond was beautiful. (words of praise) The reverend delivered a moving eulogy at the funeral. sedentary (sitting) euphoria (joy) bonhomie (good­natured) bona fide (good faith) Flagpole sitting is a highly sedentary occupation. Their love brought them a blissful euphoria. He was a popular fellow of appealing bonhomie. The company will make a bona fide offer. List 21 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from lists 19 and 20 bon vivant (indulger in luxury) The wealthy bon vivant lived the good life. mutable (changeable) The mutable laws of high fashion can’t be predicted. impute (attribute discredit) It is necessary to impute evil motives to opponents. status quo (the present state) paradigm (model) It can be dangerous to disrupt the status quo. The incident offers an instructive paradigm for future guidance. List 22 schism (division) The debate created a schism in the Democratic party. bootless (useless) HIs bootless effort to win acceptance was pathetic. rubicund (red) apotheosis (raising to god status) precursor (forerunner) transpose (switch) Her rubicund checks matched her rosy outlook. The media created the champ’s apotheosis. The rumblings were the precursor of what was to come. Dyslexics sometimes transpose letters in a word. invective (bitter denunciation) She endured her opponent’s scathing invective. prestidigitation (sleight of hand) Presto! The magician’s prestidigitation was fun. cosmology (study of the universe) The origin of atoms is a cosmological question. effusion (outpouring) His effusion of joyful greetings made us wince. List 23 anthology (literary collection) The anthology contains the flowers of modern poetry. posthumous (after death) euphony (beautiful sound) refractory (stubborn) platitude (flat trite remark) We need fresh ideas, not hollow platitudes. acrophobia (fear of heights) He began to feel acrophobia in elevators. agoraphobia veracity verisimilitude idiosyncrasy It was bittersweet to present a posthumous award. He loved the euphony of the wind in the trees. The refractory child broke and rebroke the rules. (fear of openness) Some visitors feel agoraphobia in Red Square. (truthfulness) Slowly, we began to question her veracity. (similarity to truth) Notice the fable’s eerie verisimilitude. (peculiarity) We even loved his many idiosyncrasies. List 24 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed words from Lists 22 and 23 alumni (graduates) The college alumni wrote to the missing alumnus. casus belli (cause for war) The government chose to regard to act as casus belli. interregnum (time between rulers) The nation enjoyed a peaceful interregnum. infraction (breaking) It was an unintentional infraction of the rules. condign (worthy) He will receive a condign punishment for his crimes. List 25 colloquy (conversation) They had a private colloquy in the corner. viable (able to live) Is the fetus mature enough to be viable? synopsis (summary) terra firma (solid ground) sanction (authorize) Russophobe (one who fears Russia) prognosis (medical forecast) polychrome (many­colored) philanthropy perspicacity Here is a brief synopsis of the course. The argonauts longed to stand on terra firma at last. We cannot sanction the use of our name. The editor was an unapologetic Russophobe. The doctor presented a prognosis of the disease. We purchased a large polychrome sculpture. (love of mankind) Her deeds of philanthropy were legendary. (insight) Everyone admired the perspicacity of her mind. List 26 mobocracy (mob rule) gerontocracy (government of the old) The text showed the mobocracy of the revolution. The Soviet gerontocracy is losing control. magniloquence (great eloquence) His magniloquent oratory was impressive. kleptomaniac (pathological thief) The police tried to arrest a kleptomaniac. joie de vivre (joy of living) Her​
joie de vivre​
was inspiring. in loco parentis (in place of parents) mundane (worldly) synthesis (combination) unequivocal (direct) nihilism The school must act in ​
loco parentis. The thinker was reluctant to deal with mundane matters. This product represents a synthesis of many ideas. He gave a refreshing, unequivocal answer. (belief in nothing) The icy nihilism of his mind could be unnerving. List 27 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from lists 25 and 26 audiophile (stereo buff) entomology (insect zoology) omnifarious (of all kinds) He reads a magazine for audiophiles. The oft­bitten entomologist finally caught the beetle. His omnifarious exploits earned him fame. invidious (causing envy) deduction (reasoning down from principles) He paid one of them an invidious complement. Deductive reasoning is idealistic. List 28 induction (factual reasoning) Science uses a process of induction. hagiocracy (government of saints) diction (word choice) The pedant confined himself to a scholarly Latin diction. disconsolate (inconsolable) The disconsolate widower missed his best friend. disingenuous (insincere) His disingenuous offers of assistance fooled the ingenue. fractious (unruly) The fractious, dissatisfied mob clamored for vengeance. nondescript (of no category) prolific (productive) chronicle (a history) primeval (of the first ages) The Iranian hagiocracy banned swimsuits. The bear wore a nondescript garment. The prolific writer wrote seven books in two years. We read the chronicle of the brave knight­errant. Coal is the remains of a primeval forest. List 29 panegyric (elaborate eulogy) HIs speech was a panegyric on her engineering talent. fidelity (faithfulness) He required the fierce fidelity of his lieutenants. magnum opus (great work) Read Dante’s magnum opus, the ​
Divina Comedia​
. antediluvian (from before the Flood!) comport (behave) Leadership requires one to comport oneself with dignity. insurgence (uprising) The insurgence was as soon defeated a it was begun. expeditiously (rapidly) We need to process a customer’s request expeditiously. renovate (restore) It would be expensive to renovate the apartments. carnage (butchery) He loved his grandfather’s antediluvian ideas. They viewed the sickening carnage on the battlefield. decadent (downfallen) The decadent, luxurious century saw little greatness in art. LIst 30 ­­ Plus the 5 most missed stems from lists 28 and 29 supercillous (scornful) inexorable (inescapable) Her inexorable fate followed her everywhere. emissary (messenger) They greeted an emissary from the Queenn. improvident moribund His arrogant, supercilious manner offended everyone. (without foresight) The improvident spendthrift went broke. (dying) The moribund corporation fired half its work force. 