GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery INSTRUCTIONS To earn .25 credits for 12th grade Quarter 3 - English Language Arts, you need to complete: Pre-assessment Unit 1: Comprehension of Informational Text Unit 2: Writing Informational Text Unit 3: Comprehension of Literary Themes You must also: Pass the final assessment *NOTE: You must earn 80% or more on each unit and pass the end-of-unit assessment at 60% or higher. Instructions: Follow instructions of Cover Page for all units. 1. Unless otherwise specified, pages listed are from these resources. RESOURCES: Holt Elements of Language, Sixth Course, 2007; Holt Elements of Literature, Third Course, 2007, The- Holt Reader, Sixth Course, 2007, Holt Elements of Literature – Reader and Adapted Reader Sixth Course, 2007 2. Check off each assignment as you finish it. Keep the assignments – you must turn them in to receive credit. 3. You will need internet access for some of the work. a. If you are working from the module/packet as a PDF, web sites are linked directly to the web page. Move the cursor over the web address and click. If the link does not work, type in or copy and paste the web site into the address bar of your browser. b. If you are working from paper, you will need to type the web site into the address bar of your browser. c. If you are sure you have typed in or linked correctly and the web site is unavailable, see your instructor for solutions or suggestions. 1 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Pre-assessment Take the 12th grade quarter 3 pre-assessment test. If you score 80% or higher – You do not have to complete the packet. Your credit recovery teacher will verify your score and help arrange for credit. If you score 79% or lower – Complete the packet. Turn in all work. Pass the final assessment at 60% or higher. GO TO NEXT PAGE 2 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery KEY VOCABULARY As you study this unit, you will be using the following key vocabulary words: Documentary: nonfiction films or television specials that consist of analysis and carefully selected and creatively arranged information intended to both entertain and inform. Fact: pieces of information that can be proven correct Opinion: personal viewpoints or positions Valid: based on concrete evidence Criteria: the standards by which a thing is judged Bias: presenting only one side of an issue or portraying people, groups, or ideas in an unfair light Point-of-view: the writer’s opinion about his or her subject; affected by the writer’s background, interests, and values. Parody: a literary work that imitates another work of literature for amusement or instruction. Exaggeration: enlarge beyond the bounds of truth; hyperbole Verbal Irony: saying one thing but really meaning another thing Incongruity: deliberately pairing things that don’t belong together Make sure you know their definitions and how to use them correctly. Go to, another site for defining literary terms, or the “Handbook of Literary Terms” at the back of your literature book to look up and record the definitions. Even if there are no specific exercises practicing these terms, you will be responsible for knowing them. 3 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery UNIT 1: Comprehension of Informational Text Lesson 1 – Reading a Review Assignment 1 – Accessing Background Knowledge: A. Access your background knowledge about documentaries by journaling for five to ten minutes on a topic. Use one of the journal starter ideas to help you get started. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. 4 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 2 – Reading a Documentary Review A. Read pages 331-332 in Holt Elements of Language to prepare you for reading a review. B. Answer these questions as you read these pages. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. 1. When reviewing a film, reviewers do not let their personal preferences determine their opinions. Instead, they measure films against generally accepted standards, or _____________. 2. What are documentaries? 3. Why do many experts consider documentaries the highest form of filmmaking? 4. What do critical readers of documentary reviews need to be able to do? 5. Opinions are ______________________________________________________________________. 6. Facts are ________________ that can be proven _______________________. 7. Opinions are considered valid when __________________________________________________. 8. Reviewers do not base their review on their personal preferences, but on accepted _________________!—the standards by which a thing is judged. Assignment 3 – The Civil War A. Read The Civil War by Ellen Carol DuBois on pages 333-336 in Holt Elements of Language. B. Complete the active reading questions in the yellow boxes while you read. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 4 – First Thoughts on Your Reading A. Answer the questions in the yellow box at the top on page 337 in Holt Elements of Language. Answer fully and thoughtfully. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 5 – Fact and Opinion A. Read page 337-338 in Holt Elements of Language. B. Complete Your Turn 2: Distinguishing Between Fact and Opinion, using The Civil War as the text. Find the worksheet on the next page. 5 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 6 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 6 – Additional Practice A. Do the following worksheet to be sure you understand the concepts. 7 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 7. Criteria for Evaluation A. Read pages 339-340 in Holt Elements of Language. B. Do Your Turn 3: Identifying Criteria for Evaluation on the bottom of page 340 in Holt Elements of Language. Answer completely and thoughtfully. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 8 – Sight Related Words A. Read page 341 of Holt Elements of Language. B. Do the following worksheet: 8 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 9 - Rhetoric A. Read page 342 in Holt Elements of Language B. Do the following worksheet to practice recognizing rhetoric” 9 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 10 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 10 – The Education of Women A. Read The Education of Women by Daniel Defoe on pages 154-158 in the Holt Reader. B. Answer the questions in the margins as you read. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 11 - Skills Practice: from The Education of Women A. Recreate the Skills Practice organizer on page 159 in the Holt Reader. Answer the questions fully and completely. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 12 – Reading a Review of a Documentary Quiz A. Take the Reading Workshop: Review of a Documentary quiz. starting on the next page. 11 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 12 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 13 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery UNIT 2: Writing Informational Text Lesson 1 – Writing a Review of a Documentary NOTE: You will be writing a review of the PBS documentary “Merchants of Cool.” This documentary is divided into several segments. You can watch the entire documentary (54 minutes) or choose three segments and review the information in those particular segments. Assignment 1 – Overview A Watch and study the presentation at Assignment 2- Writing a Review of a Documentary A. Read pages 343-347 in Holt Elements of Language. Assignment 3 – Merchants of Cool A. Watch B. Using the information on pages 343-347 in Holt Elements of Language, take detailed notes on the documentary. You may also use the graphic on the next page as a guide. You will need more paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. 14 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 15 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 4 – Evaluating the Documentary A. Read pages 347-353 in Holt Elements of Language B. Using the information from your reading, fill in the following graphic organizer to create an outline of your paper. 16 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 5 – Draft A. Review page 354 in Holt Elements of Language. B. Referring to the writer’s and student models on pages 355-358 in Holt Elements of Language, do “Your Turn 6: Writing Your First Draft” at the bottom of Page 354. This will be a rough draft of your paper. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 6 – Evaluate and Revise for Ideas and Organization A. Use the guidelines on pages 359-360 in Holts Elements of Language and Your Turn 7 below to revise and rewrite your paper” 17 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 7 - Evaluate for Word Choice A. Read pages 360-362 in Holt Elements of Language for. B. Practice Eliminating Clutter by completing the following worksheet: 18 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 8 – Edit for Clutter A. Edit your review and eliminate any clutter. Assignment 9 – Examine for Sentence Fluency A. Read page 363 in Holt Elements of Language. B. Practice sentence structure by completing the worksheet. 19 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 10 – Edit for Sentence Fluency A. Take a close look at your review and edit for sentence structure. Assignment 11 – Final Copy A. Write a final copy of your review. You may wish to use stills from the documentary to enhance your paper. See “Designing Your Writing” on page 362 for ideas. Assignment 12 – Evaluate the Final Draft. A. Use the rubric to evaluate your final paper. You will find the rubric on the next page. B. Your teacher will use the rubric to also review your final draft. 20 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 21 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Assignment 13 – Reflection A. Answer the reflective questions thoroughly and thoughtfully. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. REFLECT ON YOUR REVIEW Use the following questions to reflect on the choices you made in the process of writing your review. Write a short response to each question, and include your responses in your portfolio, along with the final draft of your review. 1. What did you learn about the evaluative process from writing this review? 2. Did your opinion of the documentary change as you worked on your review? If so, how did you adjust your review? 3. Do you think that the process of writing this review has made you a more critical viewer of documentaries or other media? Why or why not? Assignment 14 - Section Quiz A. Do “Writing workshop: Review of a Documentary” on the next three pages to check your understanding of your reading and writing practice. 22 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 23 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 24 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery 25 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery UNIT 3: Comprehension of Literary Text Lesson 1 – Parody Assignment 1 – Don Quixote A. Read pages 146-151 in The Holt Reader. B. Answer the questions in the margins as you read adapting the instructions as you need. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 2 – Skills Practice A. Read Page 145 in The Holt Reader. B. Do a quick reread of pages 146-151 looking for and listing examples of exaggeration, verbal irony, incongruity, and humorous imitation. C. Do page 152 in The Holt Reader. You may recreate the organizer if you wish. Be sure you answer all of the sections. Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. Assignment 3 – Vocabulary A. Do page 153, “Vocabulary Development.” Use your own paper. Mark your paper clearly and keep track of your work. You will need to turn the assignment in with your packet. STOP! CHECKLIST - Gather and turn in all of the following for credit. Mark each assignment you have done and/or included. Attach this check-off sheet to the front of your work: Pre-assessment Unit 1: Comprehension of Informational Text Lesson 1 – Reading a Review _____Assignment 1: Accessing Background Knowledge _____Assignment 2: Reading a Documentary Review _____Assignment 3: The Civil War _____Assignment 4: First Thoughts on Your Reading _____Assignment 5: Fact and Opinion _____Assignment 6: Additional Practice _____Assignment 7: Criteria for Evaluation _____Assignment 8: Sight Related Wordy _____Assignment 9: Rhetoric _____Assignment 10: The Education of Women _____Assignment 11: Skills Practice from The Education of Women _____Assignment 12: Reading a Review of a Documentary Quiz 26 GRANITE SCHOOL DISTRICT English Language Arts 12 Quarter 3 Module Credit Recovery Unit 2: Writing Informational Text Lesson 1 –Writing a Review of a Documentary _____Assignment 1: Overview _____Assignment 2: Writing a Review of a Documentary _____Assignment 3: Merchants of Cool _____Assignment 4: Evaluating the Documentary _____Assignment 5: Draft _____Assignment 6: Evaluate and rEvise for Ideas and Organization _____Assignment 7: Evaluate for Word Choice _____Assignment 8: Edit for Clutter _____Assignment 9: Examine for Sentence Fluency _____Assignment 10: Edit for Sentence Fluency _____Assignment 11: Final Copy _____Assignment 12: Evaluating the Final Draft …” _____Assignment 13: Reflection _____Assignment 14: Section Quiz Unit 3 – Comprehension of Literary Text Lesson 1 – Parody _____Assignment 1: Don Quixote _____Assignment 2: Skills Practice _____Assignment 3: Vocabulary _____Assignment 4: Moustache/Fifteen Comparison Chart You must also: Pass the final assessment *NOTE: You must earn 80% or more on each unit and pass the end-of-unit assessment at 60% or higher. 27