ceramics; intermetallics; magnetism and superconductivity. TEL: (225) 578-2695 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/Faculty.php?
Email: jchan@lsu.edu
232 Choppin Hall
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
TEL: (225) 578-3465
FAX: (225) 578-3463
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu
Email: maverick@lsu.edu
Department of Chemistry
Robin T. Macaluso, Satoru Nakatsuji, Kentaro Kuga, Evan
Lyle Thomas, Yo Machida, Yoshiteru Maeno, Zachary Fisk
and Julia Y. Chan, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties
of Polymorphs of LnAlB4 (Ln = Yb, Lu), Chem. Mater, 19,
1918-1922 (2007).
Evan Lyle Thomas, Dixie P. Gautreaux, Han-Oh Lee, Zachary Fisk and Julia Y. Chan, Discovery of ␤-LnNiSb3 (Ln =
La, Ce): Crystal Growth, Structure, and Magnetic and Transport Behavior, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46,
3010-3016 (2007).
Jung Young Cho, Monica Moldovan, David P. Young and
Julia Y. Chan, Crystal growth and magnetic properties of
Ln4MGa12 (Ln = Dy-Er; M = Pd, Pt), J. Phys.: Condens.
Matter, 19, 266224/1-266224/11 (2007).
Evan Lyle Thomas, Moo Sung Kim, D. A. Sokolov, Marcus C. Bennett, M. C. Aronson and Julia Y. Chan, Structure,
and magnetic and transport behavior of twinned
Ce2Rh3(Pb,Bi)5, J. Solid State Chem, 180, 2356-2362 (2007).
E. L. Thomas, M. S. Kim, D. A. Sokolov, M. C. Bennett,
M. C. Aronson and J. Y. Chan, Structure, and magnetic, and
transport behavior of twinned Ce2Rh3(PbBi)5, J. Solid State
Chem, 180, 2356-2362 (2007).
Jasmine N. Millican, Robin T. Macaluso, Satoru Nakatsuji,
Yo Machida, Yoshiteru Maeno and Julia Y. Chan, Crystal
growth and structure of R2Ir2O7 (R = Pr, Eu) using molten
KF, Mater. Res. Bull, 42, 928-934 (2007).
S. Nakatsuji, H. Tonomura, K. Onuma, Y. Nambu, O. Sakai, Y. Maeno, R. T. Macaluso and Julia Y. Chan, Spin Disorder and Order in Quasi-2D Triangular Heisenberg Antiferromagnets: Comparative Study of FeGa2S4, Fe2Ga2S5, and
NiGa2S4, Phys. Rev. Lett, 99, 157203/1-157203/4 (2007).
Jung Young Cho, Jasmine N. Millican, Cigdem Capan,
Dmitry A. Sokolov, Monica Moldovan, Amar B. Karki, David P. Young, Meigan C. Aronson and Julia Y. Chan, Crystal
Growth, Structure, and Physical Properties of Ln2MGa12 (Ln
= La, Ce; M = Ni, Cu), Chem. Mater, 20, 6116-6123 (2008).
Jung Young Cho, Cigdem Capan, D. P. Young and Julia Y.
Chan, Crystal Growth, Structure, and Physical Properties of
SmCu4Ga8, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 47, 24722476 (2008).
Dixie P. Gautreaux, Cigdem Capan, John F. DiTusa, David
P. Young and Julia Y. Chan, Synthesis, structure and physical properties of LnNi(Sn,Sb)3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb), J.
Solid State Chem, 181, 1977-1982 (2008).
Edem K. Okudzeto, Evan L. Thomas, Monica Moldovan,
David P. Young and Julia Y. Chan, Magnetic properties of
the single crystal stannides Ln7Co6Sn23 (Ln = Dy, Ho) and
Ln5Co6Sn18 (Ln = Er, Tm), Phys. B (Amsterdam, Neth.), 403,
1628-1629 (2008).
Jung Young Cho, Monica Moldovan, David P. Young, Nathan D. Lowhorn and Julia Y. Chan, Physical properties of
LnAgyX4-y (Ln = La, Ce; X = Al, Ga; y@0.72), Phys. B (Amsterdam, Neth.), 403, 795-796 (2008).
A. B. Karki, D. P. Young, P. W. Adams, E. K. Okudzeto
and Julia Y. Chan, Critical current behavior of superconducting MoN and Mo3Sb7 microfibers, Phys. Rev. B: Condens.
Matter Mater. Phys, 77, 212503/1-212503/4 (2008).
S. Guo, D. P. Young, R. T. Macaluso, D. A. Browne, N. L.
Henderson, J. Y. Chan, L. Henry and J. F. DiTusa, Discovery
of Griffths phase in itinerant magnetic semiconductor Fe1xCoxS2, Phys. Rev. Lett, 100, 017209 (2008).
Y. Nambu, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Maeno, E. K. Okudzeto and J.
Y. Chan, Spin size dependence in the appearance of 2D coherent behavior in the frozen spin disordered state of the triangular antiferromagnetic NiGa2S4, Phys. Rev. Lett, 101,
207204 (2008).
D. P. Gautreaux, M. Parent, M. Moldovan, D. P. Young
and J. Y. Chan, Magnetization and transport properties of aCeNi0.78Co0.22Sb3, Physica B, 403, 1005 (2008).
Andrew W. Maverick, Chair.
Degrees Offered: B.S, M.S, Ph.D.
Fields of Specialization: Analytical, Inorganic, Macromolecular, Organic and Physical Chemistry.
BUTLER, LESLIE G. (b.1955) Professor. B.S, 1977,
University of Arkansas; Ph.D, 1981, University of Illinois. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1981-1983, California Institute of Technology. Inorganic Chemistry; Materials
Chemistry. Chemical analysis with 3D imaging methods,
especially synchrotron X-ray and neutron tomography.
Applications to polymers, catalysts, environmental
chemistry, and biological materials. Development of new
imaging methods through collaborations with mathematicians and computer science visualization specialists.
TEL: (225) 578-3361 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/butler
Email: lbutler@lsu.edu
Kyungmin Ham, Heath A. Barnett, Leslie G. Butler, Clinton S. Willson, Kevin J. Morris, Roland C. Tittsworth and
John D. Scott, A new tomography beamline at a wiggler port
at the Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices
(CAMD) storage ring, AIP Conf. Proc, 879, 1317-1320
Feng-Jung Wu, Larry S. Simeral, Anthony A. Mrse, Jan L.
Eilertsen, Lacramioara Negureanu, Zhehong Gan, Frank R.
Fronczek, Randall W. Hall and Leslie G. Butler, Structural
Characterization of Al10O6iBu16(␮-H)2, a High Aluminum
Content Cluster: Further Studies of Methylaluminoxane
(MAO) and Related Aluminum Complexes, Inorg. Chem, 46,
44-47 (2007).
Hermann H. Bragulla, Heath A. Barnett, Tolulope Okunbakin, Michelle Osborn, Kyungmin Ham, Kenneth L. Matthews
II, Leslie G. Butler and Dominique Homberger, The development and vascularization of the bony core (third phalanx) of
the cat claw, J. Morphology, 268, 1086 (2007).
Kyungmin Ham and Leslie G. Butler, Algorithms for
three-dimensional chemical analysis via multi-energy synchrotron X-ray tomography, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys.
Res., Sect. B, 262, 117-127 (2007).
Heath A. Barnett, Kyungmin Ham and Leslie G. Butler,
Synchrotron X-ray tomography for 3D chemical diffusion
measurement of a flame retardant in polystyrene, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res., Sect. B, 582, 2002-2004 (2007).
Kyungmin Ham, Heath A. Barnett and Leslie G. Butler,
Synchrotron X-ray tomography of flame retardants in polymers, Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.),
48, 519 (2007).
Kyungmin Ham, Heath A. Barnett and Leslie G. Butler,
Burning issues in tomography, Computing in Science & Engineering, 78-81 (2008).
H. A. Barnett, Chemical analysis of polymer blends via
synchrotron X-ray tomography. (D)
CARTLEDGE, FRANK K. (b.1938) Emeritus Professor. B.A, 1960, King College; Ph.D, 1964, Iowa State
University. NSF Fellowship, 1964-1965, University of
Sussex; Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1965-1966, University
of Gottingen. Environmental Chemistry; Organometallic
Chemistry. Treatment of hazardous waste, particularly
using cement-based solidification/stabilization; physicochemical characterization of wastes and treated wastes.
TEL: (225) 279-0809 FAX: (225) 578-5980
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/
Email: fcartledge@lsu.edu
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Carolina A. Pinto, John J. Sansalone, Frank K. Cartledge,
Jo Dweck, Francisco R. V. Diaz and Pedro M. Buechler, Cement Stabilization of Runoff Residuals: A Study of Stabilization/Solidification of Urban Rainfall-Runoff Residuals in
Type 1 Portland Cement by XRD and 29Si NMR Analysis,
Water, Air, Soil Pollut, 188, 261-270 (2008).
CHAN, JULIA Y. Professor. B.S, 1993, Baylor University; Ph.D, 1998, University of California at Davis.
National Research Council Postdoctoral Associate, 19982000, National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Chemistry. Solid state
and materials chemistry; single crystal growth; electronic
D. P. Gautreaux, Investigation of ternary antimonide structure types and the structural studies of molybdates. (D)
J. Y. Cho, Exploration of new ternary gallides and investigation of their structure-property relationships. (D)
Jasmine Millican, Highly correlated lanthanide intermetallic and oxide phases: Crystal growth and structure-property
relationships. (D)
CHEN, BIN (b.1975) Assistant Professor. B.S, 1996,
Peking University; Ph.D, 2001, University of Minnesota.
Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2001-2003, University
of Pennsylvania. Computational Chemistry; Theoretical
Chemistry. Statistical mechanics; structure and dynamics
of chemical systems by atomistic simulations; development of novel simulation methods for sampling long
time-scale events; development of polarizable force
fields; prediction of thermophysical properties; nucleation; protein crystallization; ab initio study of reactive
chemical systems in condensed phases; de novo design
of biomimetic antimicrobial material. TEL: (225) 5784094 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chen
Email: binchen@lsu.edu
Ricky B. Nellas, Bin Chen and J. Ilja Siepmann, Dumb-
bells and onions in ternary nucleation, Phys. Chem. Chem.
Phys, 9, 2779-2781 (2007).
Ricky B. Nellas, Samuel J. Keasler and Bin Chen, Molecular Content and Structure of Aqueous Organic Nanodroplets
from the Vapor-Liquid Nucleation Study of the Water/n-Nonane/1-Alcohol Series, J. Phys. Chem. A, 112, 2930-2939
Bin Chen, Hyunmi Kim, Samuel J. Keasler and Ricky B.
Nellas, An Aggregation-Volume-Bias Monte Carlo Investigation on the Condensation of a Lennard-Jones Vapor below
the Triple Point and Crystal Nucleation in Cluster Systems:
An In-Depth Evaluation of the Classical Nucleation Theory,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 4067-4078 (2008).
Bin Chen, Ricky B. Nellas and Samuel J. Keasler, Fractal
Aggregates in Protein Crystal Nucleation, J. Phys. Chem. B,
112, 4725-4730 (2008).
Ricky B. Nellas and Bin Chen, Towards understanding the
nucleation mechanism for multi-component systems: an atomistic simulation of the ternary nucleation of water/n-nonane/1-butanol, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 10, 506-514
COOK, ROBERT L. (b.1967) Associate Professor.
B.Sc, 1992, Concordia University; Ph.D, 1997, University of Calgary. Industrial Post-doctoral Fellow Nova Research and Technology Corporation, 1998-2000, Nova
Research and Technology Corporation; Post-doctoral
Fellow, 2000-2001, University of Calgary. Analytical
Chemistry; Environmental Chemistry. Areas of study are
natural organic matter especially humic materials from
soils, aquatic, and sediment sources; the fate and transport including bioavailablity of organic and inorganic
pollutants in soils, fresh water and estuaries; as well as
membrane permeability. Studies are carried out with
multi-nuclear and multi-dimensional liquid and solid
state nuclear magnetic resonance, a variety of fluorescence methods, and other analytical methods including
mass spectroscopy, chromatography, etc. TEL: (225)
578-2980 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/faculty/pages/
Email: rlcook@lsu.edu
Elzbieta Cook and Robert L. Cook, Lecture templates:
Convenient partial lecture delivery system, Journal of Chemical Education, 83, 1176-1177 (2006).
Hadi M. Marwani, Mark Lowry, Patrick Keating, Isiah M.
Warner and Robert L. Cook, Segmented frequency-domain
fluorescence lifetime measurements: Minimizing the effects
of photobleaching within a multi-component system, Journal
of Fluorescence, 17, 687-699 (2007).
Naser M. Elayan, W. Dale Treleaven and Robert L. Cook,
Monitoring the effect of three humic acids on a model membrane system using 31P NMR, Environmental Science and
Technology, 42, 1531-1536 (2008).
Charisma Lattao, Justin Birdwell, Jim. J. Wang and Robert
L. Cook, Exploring molecular assemblage in a whole soil by
2D solid state NMR, Journal of Environmental Quality, 37,
1501-1509 (2008).
CROWE, WILLIAM E. (b.1960) Associate Professor. B.S, 1982, California Institute of Technology; Ph.D,
1988, Yale University. NIH Postdoctoral Fellow, 19881990, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Organic
Chemistry; Organometallic Chemistry. Organic and organometallic synthesis; homogeneous catalysis; asymmetric catalysis. TEL: (225) 578-2060 FAX: (225) 5783458
Email: wcrowe1@lsu.edu
Anne M. Sauer, William E. Crowe, Gregg Henderson and
Roger A. Laine, Conformational control of selectivity in the
dienone-phenol rearrangement, Tetrahedron Lett, 48, 65906593 (2007).
Steve O. Lawrence, The syntheses of methyl jasmonate
and analogs of alpha–methylene–gamma–butyrolactone utilizing titanium mediated cyclocarbonylation. (D)
DALY, WILLIAM H. (b.1939) Alumni Professor
Emeritus. B.S, 1960, Baldwin-Wallace College; Ph.D,
1964, Polytech. Inst. Brooklyn. Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1965-1966, University of Mainz; Research Fellow, 1974,
University College, London. Biomaterials; Polymer Science. Grafting to polysaccharides including guar gum;
synthesis of chitin derived biocides; recycling of polymer modified asphalts; side chain dendritic celluloses,
application of graft copolymers in oil recovery. TEL:
(225) 578-3237 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Email: chdaly@lsu.edu
Eduard A. Stefanescu, William H. Daly, Ioan I. Negulescu,
Jayne Garno and Gudrun Schmidt, Influence of ionic strength
on the structure and properties of PEO-Laponite films, PMSE
Prepr, 97, 697-698 (2007).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu, William H. Daly
and Gudrun Schmidt, Effect of humidity on the thermal properties and morphology of laponite/PEO multilayered films,
PMSE Prepr, 97, 869-870 (2007).
Ahmad Bahamdan and William H. Daly, Hydrophobic
guar gum derivatives prepared by controlled grafting processes, Polym. Adv. Technol, 18, 652-659 (2007).
Ahmad Bahamdan and William H. Daly, Hydrophobic
guar gum derivatives prepared by controlled grafting processes-Part II: rheological and degradation properties toward
fracturing fluids applications, Polym. Adv. Technol, 18, 660672 (2007).
Warayuth Sajomsang, Supawan Tantayanon, Varawut
Tangpasuthadol, Mrunal Thatte and William H. Daly, Synthesis and characterization of N-aryl chitosan derivatives, Biological Macromolecules, 43, 79-87 (2008).
Warayuth Sajomsang, Supawan Tantayanon, Varawut
Tangpasuthadol and William H. Daly, Synthesis of methylated chitosan containing aromatic moieties: Chemoselectivity
and reduction in molecular weight, Carbohydrate Polymers,
74, 740-750 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Simioan Petrovan, William H. Daly
and Ioan I. Negulescu, Elongational rheology of polymer/
clay dispersions: determination of orientational extent in elongational flow processes, Macromol. Mater. Eng, 293, 303309 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, William H. Daly and Ioan I. Negulescu, Hybrid polymer/clay nanocomposites: effect of clay
size on the structure of multilayered films, Macromol. Mater.
Eng, 293, 651-656 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Cristina Stefanescu, Bogdan C. Donose, Jayne C. Garno, William H. Daly, Gudrun Schmidt and
Ioan I. Negulescu, Polymer/clay nanocomposites: influence
of ionic strength on the structure and adhesion characteristics
in multilayered films, Macromol. Mater. Eng, 293, 771-780
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Cristina Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu and William H. Daly, Effect of ionic species on the
structures and properties of salt-containing PEO/montmorillonite nanocomposites, Macromolecular Chemistry and
Physics, 209, 2320-2330 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu, William H. Daly
and Gudrun Schmidt, Polymer-clay nanocomposites: Effect
of salt addition on the texture of multilayered films, PMSE
Prepr, 99, 558-559 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu, William H. Daly
and Simioan Petrovan, Elongational rheology of salt containing montmorillonite-PEO aqueous dispersions, PMSE Prepr,
98, 742-743 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu, William H. Daly
and Gudrun Schmidt, Thermal and mechanical properties of
poly(ethylene oxide) nanocomposites containing laponite,
montmorillonite, PMSE Prepr, 98, 799-800 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Cristina Stefanescu, William H.
Daly, Gudrun Schmidt and Ioan I. Negulescu, Hybrid polymer-clay nanocomposites: A mechanical study on gels and
multilayered films, Polymer, 49, 3785-3794 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu, William H. Daly
and Gudrun Schmidt, Rheological behavior of laponite-montmorillonite hybrid dispersions containing poly(ethylene oxide), Polymer Prepr, 49-1, 273-274 (2008).
Cristina Martinas, Ioan Negulescu and William H. Daly,
Evidence of an anisotropic phase developed in cellulose and
chitosan ionic liquid solutions, Polymer Prepr, 49-1, 479-480
Cristina Martinas, William H. Daly and Ioan Negulescu,
Reaction of chitosan with benzoyl chloride and phthalic anhydride in homogeneous ionic liquid solutions, Polymer
Prepr, 49-1, 572-573 (2008).
Ioan Negulescu, Roger Laine, Paul Russo, William H.
Daly and Cornelia Rosu, Glylons: Generic name for hydroxylated polyamides, Polymer Prepr, 49-2, 715-716 (2008).
Cristina Stefanescu, William H. Daly and Ioan Negulescu,
Reaction of chitosan with trityl chloride and phthalic anhydride in homogeneous ionic liquid solutions, Polymer Prepr,
49-2, 793-794 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Ioan I. Negulescu, William H. Daly
and Gudrun Schmidt, X-ray diffraction characterization of
solid nanocomposites containing laponite and montmorillonite, Polymer Prepr, 49-2, 849-850 (2008).
Changde Zhang, Synthesis of quaternary ammonium dendronized cellulose derivatives and their potential biological
applications. (D)
Eduard Stefanescu, A study of rheological and thermodynamic properties of polymer-clay gels and multilayered
films. (D)
Ionela Chiparus Glover, Wet and dry aging of polymer asphalt blends: Chemistry and performance. (D)
Lakia Champaign, Synthesis of water-soluble N-acyl derivatives of chitosan for characterization as bactericidal
agents. (D)
Veronica Holmes, The application of controlled radical
polymerization processes on the graft copolymerization of
hydrophobic substituents onto guar gum and guar gum derivatives. (D)
DELLINGER, BARRY (b.1949) Taylor Chair. B.S,
1971, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ph.D,
1975, Florida State University. Postdoctoral Research
Associate, 1976-1978, University of Pennsylvania. Combustion; Environmental Chemistry. The role of transition
metals in the formation and pollutant-forming reactions
of combustion-generated nanoparticles. Formation, stabilization and toxicity of combustion-generated persistent
free radicals. Mechanisms of fromation of dioxins and
other toxic air pollutant. Development of methodologies
for control of pollutant emissions. Development of techniques for the study of elementary gas-phase and gas-solid reactions. The nature and genesis or radicals in cigarette smoke. TEL: (225) 578-6759 FAX: (225) 578-0276
Email: barryd@lsu.edu
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Lavrent Khachatryan, Slawo Lomnicki and Barry Dellinger, An expanded reaction kinetic model of the CuO surfacemediated formation of PCDD/F from pyrolysis of 2-chlorophenol, Chemosphere, 68, 1741-1750 (2007).
Mikhail G. Bryukov, Rebecca G. Vidrine and Barry Dellinger, Temperature-Dependent Kinetics Study of the GasPhase Reactions of OH with n- and i-Propyl Bromide, J.
Phys. Chem. A, 111, 6197-6203 (2007).
Barry Dellinger, Slawomir Lomnicki, Lavrent Khachatryan, Zofia Maskos, Randall W. Hall, Julien Adounkpe,
Cheri McFerrin and Hieu Truong, Formation and stabilization of persistent free radicals, Proc. Combust. Inst, 31, 521528 (2007).
Hieu Truong, Slawo Lomnicki and Barry Dellinger, Mechanisms of molecular product and persistent radical formation
from the pyrolysis of hydroquinone, Chemosphere, 71, 107113 (2008).
Zofia Maskos, Lavrent Khachatryan and Barry Dellinger,
Formation of the Persistent Primary Radicals from the Pyrolysis of Tobacco, Energy Fuels, 22, 1027-1033 (2008).
Zofia Maskos and Barry Dellinger, Radicals from the Oxidative Pyrolysis of Tobacco, Energy Fuels, 22, 1675-1679
Julien Adounkpe, Lavrent Khachatryan and Barry Dellinger, Radicals from the Gas-Phase Pyrolysis of Hydroquinone:
1. Temperature Dependence of the Total Radical Yield, Energy Fuels, 22, 2986-2990 (2008).
Zofia Maskos and Barry Dellinger, Formation of the Secondary Radicals from the Aging of Tobacco Smoke, Energy
Fuels, 22, 382-388 (2008).
Slawo Lomnicki, Hieu Truong, Eric Vejerano and Barry
Dellinger, Copper Oxide-Based Model of Persistent Free
Radical Formation on Combustion-Derived Particulate Matter, Environ. Sci. Technol, 42, 4982-4988 (2008).
Lavrent Khachatryan, Julien Adounkpe and Barry Dellinger, Formation of Phenoxy and Cyclopentadienyl Radicals
from the Gas-Phase Pyrolysis of Phenol, J. Phys. Chem. A,
112, 481-487 (2008).
Cheri A. McFerrin, Randall W. Hall and Barry Dellinger,
Ab initio study of the formation and degradation reactions of
semiquinone and phenoxyl radicals, THEOCHEM, 848, 1623 (2008).
DURAN, RANDOLPH S. —See Chemistry Section,
University of Florida, Department of Chemistry.
GARNO, JAYNE C. (b.1959) Assistant Professor.
B.S, 1977, University of Michigan; B.S, 1992, Saginaw
Valley State University; Ph.D, 2002, Wayne State University. Research Associate, 2002-2003, City University
of New York, Hunter College; Research Fellow, 20032004, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg. Analytical Chemistry; Bioanalytical
Chemistry. Application of scanning probe microscopy by
combining surface characterization and nanoscale lithography. Development of nanolithography methods (automated nanografting and latex particle lithography). Scanning probe measurements of surface properties including
conductive probes, magnetic force microscopy, and force
modulation imaging modes. Design of surface chemistry
(self-assembled monolayers) for surfaces of biosensors
and biochips using nanoscale protein assays. TEL: (225)
578-8942 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/
Email: jgarno@lsu.edu
Jie-Ren Li, Gretchen C. Henry and Jayne C. Garno, Fabrication of nanopatterned films of bovine serum albumin and
staphylococcal protein A using latex particle lithography, Analyst, 131, 244–250 (2006).
C. M. Drain, G. Smeureanu, S. Patel, X. Gong, J. C. Garno
and J. Arijeloye, Colloidal porphyrin nanoparticles as supramolecular systems, New Journal of Chemistry, 30, 18341843 (2006).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Avinash Dundigalla, Vincent Ferreiro, Elena Loizou, Lionel Porcar, Ioan Negulescu, Jayne
Garno and Gudrun Schmidt, Supramolecular structures in nanocomposite multilayered films, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 8,
1739-1746 (2006).
Erhong Hao, Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Wilson Serem,
Jayne C. Garno, Frank R. Fronczek and M. Graca H. Vicente, Synthesis, aggregation and cellular investigations of
porphyrin-cobaltacarborane conjugates, Chem.—Eur. J, 13,
9035-9042 (2007).
Mridula Kadalbajoo, Juhee Park, Aric Opdahl, Hiromi
Suda, Carolyn A. Kitchens, Jayne C. Garno, James D. Batteas, Michael J. Tarlov and Philip DeShong, Synthesis and
Structural Characterization of Glucopyranosylamide Films
on Gold, Langmuir, 23, 700-707 (2007).
Jayne C. Garno, Christopher D. Zangmeister and James D.
Batteas, Directed Electroless Growth of Metal Nanostructures on Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayers, Langmuir,
23, 7874-7879 (2007).
Johnpeter Ngunjiri and Jayne C. Garno, Applying AFMBased Lithography for nanoscale Protein Assays, Anal.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 1361-1369 (2008).
D. P. Young, A. B. Karki, P. W. Adams, Johnpeter N.
Ngunjiri, Jayne C. Garno, Hongwei Zhu, Bingqing Wei and
D. Moldovan, Self-assembly of multiwalled carbon nanotubes from quench-condensed CNi3 films, J. Appl. Phys, 103,
053503/1-053503/4 (2008).
Jing-Jiang Yu, Johnpeter N. Ngunjiri, Algernon T. Kelley
and Jayne C. Garno, Nanografting versus Solution Self-Assembly of ␣,␻-Alkanedithiols on Au(111) Investigated by
AFM, Langmuir, 24, 11661-11668 (2008).
Euiyong Hwang, K. M. Nalin de Silva, Chad B. Seevers,
Jie-Ren Li, Jayne C. Garno and Evgueni E. Nesterov, SelfAssembled Monolayer Initiated Electropolymerization: A
Route to Thin-Film Materials with Enhanced Photovoltaic
Performance, Langmuir, 24, 9700-9706 (2008).
Eduard A. Stefanescu, Cristina Stefanescu, Bogdan C. Donose, Jayne C. Garno, William H. Daly, Gudrun Schmidt and
Ioan I. Negulescu, Polymer/clay nanocomposites: influence
of ionic strength on the structure and adhesion characteristics
in multilayered films, Macromol. Mater. Eng, 293, 771-780
Jie-Ren Li and Jayne C. Garno, Elucidating the Role of
Surface Hydrolysis in Preparing Organosilane Nanostructures via Particle Lithography, Nano Lett, 8, 1916-1922
Johnpeter N. Ngunjiri, Stephanie L. Daniels, Jie-Ren Li,
Wilson K. Serem and Jayne C. Garno, Controlling the arrangement of proteins on surfaces using particle lithography,
Nanomedicine, 3, 529-541 (2008).
Johnpeter N. Ngunjiri, Algernon T. Kelley, Zorabel M. LeJeune, Jie-Ren Li, Brian R. Lewandowski, Wilson K. Serem,
Stephanie L. Daniels, Kathie L. Lusker and Jayne C. Garno,
Achieving precision and reproducibility for writing patterns
of n-alkanethiol SAMs with automated nanografting, Scanning, 30, 123-136 (2008).
Johnpeter Ngunjiri, Designing surface chemistries for in
situ AFM investigations of biomolecular reactions with proteins at the nanoscale. (D)
GILMAN, S. DOUGLASS (b.1966) Associate Professor. B.S, 1989, Harvey Mudd College; Ph.D, 1994, The
Pennsylvania State University. NIEHS Postdoctoral Fellow, 1994-1997, University of California, Davis. Bioanalytical Chemistry; Separation Science. Capillary and microchip electrophoretic techniques for measuring enzyme
inhibition, analytical methods to study protein aggregation, experimental studies of electroosmotic flow dynamics in microfluidic devices. TEL: (225) 578-3010 FAX:
(225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/site/People/Faculty/Doug%
Email: sdgilman@lsu.edu
Yohannes H. Rezenom, Amber D. Wellman, Luanne Tilstra, Colin D. Medley and S. Douglass Gilman, Separation
and detection of individual submicron particles by capillary
electrophoresis with laser-light-scattering detection, Analyst
(Cambridge, U. K.), 132, 1215-1222 (2007).
Rattikan Chantiwas, Xiaoyan Yan and S. Douglass Gilman, Microfluidics for studying enzyme inhibition, Biol.
Appl. Microfluid, 135-170 (2008).
HALES, BRIAN J. (b.1944) Professor. B.S, 1966,
Carnegie Institute of Technology; Ph.D, 1970, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Postdoctoral Research,
1970-1971, Royal Institution of Great Britain; NIH Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1971-1973, Northwestern University. Bioinorganic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry. EPR
spectroscopy of biological paramagnetic species; MCD
spectroscopy of metalloproteins; nitrogen fixation. TEL:
(225) 578-4694 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/
Email: bhales@lsu.edu
Brian J. Hales, Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
spectroscopy, Appl. Phys. Methods Inorg. Bioinorg. Chem,
39-54 (2007).
HALL, RANDALL W. (b.1956) Professor. B.S, 1978,
Unversity of California, Berkeley; M.A, 1980, Columbia
University; Ph.D, 1984, Columbia University. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1984-1986, University of Illinois. Theoretical Chemistry. Quantum and statistical mechanics of
clusters, glasses, polymers and proteins. TEL: (225) 5783472 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/hall/
Email: rhall@lsu.edu
Feng-Jung Wu, Larry S. Simeral, Anthony A. Mrse, Jan L.
Eilertsen, Lacramioara Negureanu, Zhehong Gan, Frank R.
Fronczek, Randall W. Hall and Leslie G. Butler, Structural
Characterization of Al10O6iBu16(␮-H)2, a High Aluminum
Content Cluster: Further Studies of Methylaluminoxane
(MAO) and Related Aluminum Complexes, Inorg. Chem, 46,
44-47 (2007).
Randall W. Hall and Peter G. Wolynes, Intermolecular
forces and the glass transition, Los Alamos Natl. Lab., Prepr.
Arch., Condens. Matter, 1-44 (2007).
Barry Dellinger, Slawomir Lomnicki, Lavrent Khachatryan, Zofia Maskos, Randall W. Hall, Julien Adounkpe,
Cheri McFerrin and Hieu Truong, Formation and stabilization of persistent free radicals, Proc. Combust. Inst, 31, 521528 (2007).
Jacob D. Stevenson, Aleksandra M. Walczak, Randall W.
Hall and Peter G. Wolynes, Constructing explicit magnetic
analogies for the dynamics of glass forming liquids, arXiv.org, e-Print Arch., Condens. Matter, 1-8 (2008).
Randall W. Hall and Peter G. Wolynes, Intermolecular
Forces and the Glass Transition, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 301312 (2008).
Cheri A. McFerrin, Randall W. Hall and Barry Dellinger,
Ab initio study of the formation and degradation reactions of
semiquinone and phenoxyl radicals, THEOCHEM, 848, 1623 (2008).
Cheri A. McFerrin, Kinetics and thermodynamics of freeradical reactions. (D)
Marzilli and Luigi G. Marzilli, fac-Re(CO)3L Complexes
Containing Tridentate Monoanionic Ligands (L-) with a Seldom-Studied Sulfonamido Group As One Terminal Ligating
Group, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 69426949 (2007).
Kristie M. Adams, Patricia A. Marzilli and Luigi G. Marzilli, Reactions of fac-[Re(CO)3(H2O)3]+ with Nucleoside Diphosphates and Thiamine Diphosphate in Aqueous Solution
Investigated by Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy, Inorg.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 9172-9181 (2007).
Haiyang He, Malgorzata Lipowska, Anna Maria Christoforou, Luigi G. Marzilli and Andrew T. Taylor, Initial evaluation of new 99mTc(CO)3 renal imaging agents having carboxyl-rich thioether ligands and chemical characterization of Re
(CO)3 analogues, Nucl. Med. Biol, 34, 709-716 (2007).
Vidhi Maheshwari, Patricia A. Marzilli and Luigi G. Marzilli, Neglected Bidentate sp2 N-Donor Carrier Ligands with
Triazine Nitrogen Lone Pairs: Platinum Complexes Retromodeling Cisplatin Guanine Nucleobase Adducts, Inorg.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 47, 9303-9313 (2008).
Anna Maria Christoforou, Patricia A. Marzilli, Frank R.
Fronczek and Luigi G. Marzilli, Fac-[Re(CO)3L] complexes
containing tridentate monoanionic ligands (L ) having a terminal amido and two amine ligating groups, J. Chem. Crystallogr, 38, 115-121 (2008).
MACNAUGHTAN, MEGAN A. Assistant Professor.
B.S, 1998, Ohio University; Ph.D, 2003, Purdue University. Research Associate, 2003-2008, University of Georgia. Analytical Chemistry; Biophysics/Biophysical Chemistry. TEL: (225) 578-7975 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu
Email: macnau@lsu.edu
M. A. Macnaughtan, A. Kane and J. H. Prestegard, Mass
spectrometry assisted assignment of NMR resonances in
13C-reductively methylated proteins, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 127,
17626-17627 (2005).
Megan A. Macnaughtan, Maria Kamar, Gerardo AlvarezManilla, Andre Venot, John Glushka, J. Michael Pierce and
James H. Prestegard, NMR Structural Characterization of
Substrates Bound to N-Acetylglucosaminyltransferase V, J.
Mol. Biol, 366, 1266-1281 (2007).
Megan A. Macnaughtan, Fang Tian, Shan Liu, Lu Meng,
Seongha Park, Parastoo Azadi, Kelley W. Moremen and
James H. Prestegard, 13C-Sialic Acid Labeling of Glycans on
Glycoproteins Using ST6Gal-I, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130,
11864-11865 (2008).
S. Zheng, G. Kaur, H. Wang, M. Li, M. Macnaughtan, X.
Yang, S. Reid, J. Prestegard, B. Wang and H. Ke, Design,
synthesis, and structure-activity relationship, molecular modeling and NMR studies of a series of phenylalkyl ketones as
highly potent and selective phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors, J.
Med. Chem, 51, 7673-7688 (2008).
MARZILLI, LUIGI G. (b.1943) William White Tison
Professor. B.Sc, 1965, Brown University; Ph.D, 1969,
Australian National University. Research Associate,
1969, University of Chicago. Bioinorganic Chemistry;
Metallobiochemistry: medicinal inorganic chemistry (anticancer, antiviral, technetium radiopharmaceuticals),
metal interactions with biomolecules (adducts of nucleic
acids, nucleotides, proteins and peptides). Spectroscopic
(2D multinuclear NMR & Raman), synthetic, molecular
modelling & mechanistic studies. TEL: (225) 578-0933
FAX: (225) 578-3463
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/marzilli
Email: lmarzil@lsu.edu
Vidhi Maheshwari, Maria Carlone, Frank R. Fronczek and
Luigi G. Marzilli, Ligand and coordination-plane distortions
in platinum(II) complexes of isomers of dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridine, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Sci, B63, 603-611
Andrei N. Vzorov, Jadranka Bozja, Dabney W. Dixon,
Luigi G. Marzilli and Richard W. Compans, Parameters of
inhibition of HIV-1 infection by small anionic microbicides,
Antiviral Res, 73, 60-68 (2007).
Michele Benedetti, Gabriella Tamasi, Renzo Cini, Luigi G.
Marzilli and Giovanni Natile, The first pure ⌳HT rotamer of
a complex with a cis-[metal(nucleotide)2] unit: a cis-[Pt
(amine)2(nucleotide)2] ⌳HT rotamer with unique molecular
structural features, Chem.—Eur. J, 13, 3131-3142 (2007).
Anna Maria Christoforou, Patricia A. Marzilli, Frank R.
Fronczek and Luigi G. Marzilli, fac-[Re(CO)3L]+ Complexes
with N-CH2-CH2-X-CH2-CH2-N Tridentate Ligands. Synthetic, X-ray Crystallographic, and NMR Spectroscopic Investigations, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46,
11173-11182 (2007).
Haiyang He, Malgorzata Lipowska, Xiaolong Xu, Andrew
T. Taylor and Luigi G. Marzilli, Rhenium Analogues of
Promising Renal Imaging Agents with a {99mTc(CO)3}+ Core
Bound to Cysteine-Derived Dipeptides, Including Lanthionine, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 3385-3394
Kristie M. Adams and Luigi G. Marzilli, fac-[Re
(CO)3(H2O)3]+ Nucleoside Monophosphate Adducts Investigated in Aqueous Solution by Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 4926-4936
Anna Maria Christoforou, Frank R. Fronczek, Patricia A.
MAVERICK, ANDREW W. (b.1955) Professor and
Chair. B.A, 1975, Carleton College; Ph.D, 1981, California Institute of Technology. Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Chemistry. Transition-metal complexes: supramolecular chemistry; host-guest interactions and catalysis;
chemical vapor deposition; multielectron redox and photoredox reactions. TEL: (225) 578-3465 FAX: (225)
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/maverick/
Email: maverick@lsu.edu
Daniel P. Martone, Andrew W. Maverick and Frank R.
Fronczek, trans-Dichloridotetrakis(3,5-dimethylpyridine)copper(II), Acta Crystallogr., Sect. C: Cryst. Struct. Commun,
C63, m238-m239 (2007).
James Kakoullis, Jr., Andrew W. Maverick and Frank R.
Fronczek, A molecular corner: fac-tricarbonylchloridobis[3(4-pyridyl)pentane-2,4-dione-␬N]rhenium(I) chloroform solvate, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63,
m1360-m1361 (2007).
Sylvester Burton, Frank R. Fronczek and Andrew W. Maverick, A cofacial binuclear copper(II) complex with a bridging 1,4-dithiane ligand, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct.
Rep. Online, E63, m1977-m1978 (2007).
Sylvester Burton, Frank R. Fronczek and Andrew W. Maverick,
1,1’,1’’-[(5RS,6RS)-6-Hydroxy-6-methyl-3,4,5,6tetrahydro-2H-pyran-3,3,5-triyl]triethanone, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o2661-o2662 (2007).
Sylvester Burton, Frank R. Fronczek and Andrew W. Maverick, 3,5-Diacetylheptane-2,6-dione, Acta Crystallogr., Sect.
E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o3108 (2007).
Chandi Pariya, Christopher R. Sparrow, Chang-Keun
Back, Giselle Sandí, Frank R. Fronczek and Andrew W.
Maverick, Copper ␤-diketonate molecular squares and their
host-guest reactions, Angew. Chem., Int. Ed, 46, 6305-6308
Yixun Zhang, Banglin Chen, Frank R. Fronczek and Andrew W. Maverick, A Nanoporous Ag-Fe Mixed-Metal-Organic Framework Exhibiting Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Transformations upon Guest Exchange, Inorg. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 47, 4433-4435 (2008).
Chandi Pariya, Yoseph S. Marcos, Yixun Zhang, Frank R.
Fronczek and Andrew W. Maverick, Organosilicon-Based
Multifunctional ␤-Diketones and their Rhodium and Iridium
Complexes, Organometallics, 27, 4318-4324 (2008).
J. Kakoullis Jr, Multifunctional ligands for supramolecular
chemistry. (M)
MCCARLEY, ROBIN L. (b.1964) Alumni Professor.
B.A, 1986, Lake Forest College; Ph.D, 1990, University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, Chemistry, 1990-1992, University of Texas,
Austin. Analytical Chemistry; Materials Science. Molecule trapping/release; liposomes; dendrimers; surfactants; redox triggers; polymeric monolayers; metal nucleation/growth; conducting polymers; electrochemistry;
scanning probe microscopy; infrared spectroscopy; mass
spectrometry of polymers; X-ray analysis with synchrotron radiation; micromachining; microanalytical devices;
NMR of complex systems; responsive polymers; protein
capture; antibody and oligonucloeotide arrays; enzymatic
machines. TEL: (225) 578-3239 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: mccarley.chemistry.lsu.edu
Email: tunnel@lsu.edu
Feng Xu, Proyag Datta, Hong Wang, Sitanshu Gurung,
Masahiko Hashimoto, Suying Wei, Jost Goettert, Robin L.
McCarley and Steven A. Soper, Polymer microfluidic chips
with integrated waveguides for reading microarrays, Anal.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 79, 9007-9013 (2007).
Guofang Chen, Robin L. McCarley, Steven A. Soper,
Catherine Situma and Jowell G. Bolivar, Functional Template-Derived Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanopillars for Sol-
id-Phase Biological Reactions, Chem. Mater, 19, 3855-3857
Guofang Chen, Steven A. Soper and Robin L. McCarley,
Free-standing, erect ultrahigh-aspect-ratio polymer nano pillar and nano tube ensembles, Langmuir, 23, 11777-11781
Marcus A. Etienne, Nadia J. Edwin, Jed P. Aucoin, Paul S.
Russo, Robin L. McCarley and Robert P. Hammer, ␤-Amyloid protein aggregation, Methods Mol. Biol. (Totowa, NJ, U.
S.), 386, 203-225 (2007).
J. G. Bolivar, S. A. Soper and R. L. McCarley, Nitroavidin
as a ligand for the surface capture and release of biotinylated
proteins, Anal. Chem, 80, 9336-9342 (2008).
S. Balamurugan, A. Obubuafo, S. A. Soper, R. L. McCarley and D. A. Spivak, Effect of linker structure on surface
density of aptamer monolayers and their corresponding protein binding efficiency, Anal. Chem, 80, 9630–9634 (2008).
Anne Obubuafo, Subramanian Balamurugan, Hamed
Shadpour, David Spivak, Robin L. McCarley and Steven A.
Soper, Poly(methyl methacrylate) microchip affinity capillary gel electrophoresis of aptamer-protein complexes for the
analysis of thrombin in plasma, Electrophoresis, 29, 34363445 (2008).
Winston Ong, Yuming Yang, Angela C. Cruciano and
Robin L. McCarley, Redox-Triggered Contents Release from
Liposomes, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 14739-14744 (2008).
Andre A. Adams, Paul I. Okagbare, Juan Feng, Matuesz L.
Hupert, Don Patterson, Jost Gottert, Robin L. McCarley,
Dimitris Nikitopoulos, Michael C. Murphy and Steven A.
Soper, Highly Efficient Circulating Tumor Cell Isolation
from Whole Blood and Label-Free Enumeration Using Polymer-Based Microfluidics with an Integrated Conductivity
Sensor, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 8633-8641 (2008).
H. P. Wiggins, Structural manipulation of pyrrole-terminated dendrimers to create a more efficient encapsulation/release system. (D)
J. G. Bolivar, Concentration of phosphorylated proteins using modified PMMA microanalytical devices. (D)
Y. Yang, Development of new stimuli-responsive vesicles
using a novel surfactant. (D)
No publication information submitted for this edition.
MURRAY, KERMIT K. (b.1960) Professor. B.S,
1982, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D, 1988,
University of Colorado, Boulder. Research Associate,
1989-1991, Rice University; Research Associate, 19911994, Texas A & M University. Analytical Chemistry;
Mass Spectrometry. Biological and environmental mass
spectrometry; instrumentation for matrix-assisted laser
desorption/ionization; infrared MALDI; infrared matrixassisted laser desorption electrospray ionization (IRMALDESI); proteomics; microfluidic chips with MALDI detection; aerosol mass spectrometry; internet resource development. TEL: (225) 578-3417 FAX: (225)
Web: mass-spec.lsu.edu
Email: kkmurray@lsu.edu
Mark W. Little and Kermit K. Murray, Two-laser mid-infrared and ultraviolet matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization, Int. J. Mass Spectrom, 261, 140-145 (2007).
Kermit K. Murray, Mass spectrometry and Web 2.0, J.
Mass Spectrom, 42, 1263-1271 (2007).
Mark W. Little, Jorge Laboy and Kermit K. Murray,
Wavelength Dependence of Soft Infrared Laser Desorption
and Ionization, J. Phys. Chem. C, 111, 1412-1416 (2007).
Jianan Dong, Yohannes H. Rezenom and Kermit K. Murray, Desorption electrospray ionization of aerosol particles,
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom, 21, 3995-4000 (2007).
Alton J. Dugas, Jr. and Kermit K. Murray, On-target digestion of collected bacteria for MALDI mass spectrometry,
Anal. Chim. Acta, 627, 154-161 (2008).
Yohannes H. Rezenom, Jianan Dong and Kermit K. Murray, Infrared laser-assisted desorption electrospray ionization
mass spectrometry, Analyst (Cambridge, U. K.), 133, 226232 (2008).
Xing Fan, Mark W. Little and Kermit K. Murray, Infrared
laser wavelength dependence of particles ablated from glycerol, Appl. Surf. Sci, 255, 1699-1704 (2008).
Fan Huang, Xing Fan and Kermit K. Murray, Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization of infrared laser ablated particles, Int. J. Mass Spectrom, 274, 21-24 (2008).
Jeonghoon Lee, Harrison K. Musyimi, Steven A. Soper
and Kermit K. Murray, Development of an Automated Digestion and Droplet Deposition Microfluidic Chip for MALDI-TOF MS, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 19, 964-972
Alton John Dugas, Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry for the analysis of collected bioaerosols. (D)
Jae-Kuk Kim, Off-line maldi mass spectrometry of bioaerosols. (D)
NESTEROV, EVGUENI E. (b.1970) Assistant Professor. B.S, 1992, Moscow State University; Ph.D, 1996,
Moscow State University. Research Associate, 1998-
2002, University of Wisconsin—Madison; Postdoctoral
Associate, 2002-2004, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Materials Chemistry; Physical Organic Chemistry. Functional organic materials and conjugated polymers. Design of fluorescent sensors. Excitation energy
transfer – theory and practical applications. Organic solar
cells. Design of fluorescent markers for medical and biological imaging and diagnostics. Molecular photochemistry – novel photochemical reactions, photochemistry in
organized and constrained media, computational treatment. Synthetic organic chemistry – development of new
reagents and methods for organic synthesis. TEL: (225)
578-3236 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/
Email: een@lsu.edu
Jiahui Li, Claire E. Kendig and Evgueni E. Nesterov, Chemosensory performance of molecularly imprinted fluorescent
conjugated polymer materials, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129,
15911-15918 (2007).
Aimee Rose, John D. Tovar, Shigehiro Yamaguchi, Evgueni E. Nesterov, Zhengguo Zhu and Timothy M. Swager, Energy migration in conjugated polymers: the role of molecular
structure, Philos. Trans. R. Soc., A, 365, 1589-1606 (2007).
Evgueni E. Nesterov and Euiyong Hwang, Complex organic photovoltaic architectures through self-assembly and
electropolymerization, Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div.
Polym. Chem.), 48, 66-68 (2007).
Scott B. Raymond, Jesse Skoch, Ivory D. Hills, Evgueni E.
Nesterov, Timothy M. Swager and Brian J. Bacskai, Smart
optical probes for near-infrared fluorescence imaging of Alzheimer’s disease pathology, J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging, 35,
1032 (2008).
Euiyong Hwang, K. M. Nalin de Silva, Chad B. Seevers,
Jie-Ren Li, Jayne C. Garno and Evgueni E. Nesterov, SelfAssembled Monolayer Initiated Electropolymerization: A
Route to Thin-Film Materials with Enhanced Photovoltaic
Performance, Langmuir, 24, 9700-9706 (2008).
Scott T. Meek, Evgueni E. Nesterov and Timothy M.
Swager, Near-infrared fluorophores containing benzo[c]heterocycle subunits, Org. Lett, 10, 2991-2993 (2008).
Huating Zhang, Development of fluorescent chemosensors
based on energy transfer in end-capped ␲-conjugated systems. (M)
POJMAN, JOHN A. (b.1962) Professor. B.S, 1984,
Georgetown University; Ph.D, 1988, The University of
Texas at Austin. Research Associate, 1988-1990, Brandeis University. Physical Chemistry; Polymer Science.
We study the application of nonlinear dynamics to polymer systems, especially with frontal polymerization. We
investigate cure-on-demand polymerization, novel methods of microencapsulation and polymerization-induced
phase separation in reverse microemulsions. We also
study the effective interfacial tension between miscible
fluids. TEL: (225) 578-7202 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.pojman.com
Email: john@pojman.com
Marty Ward, Bing Yu, Victor Wyatt, Jelani Griffith, Tara
Craft, A. Robert Neurath, Nathan Strick, Yun-Yao Li, David
L. Wertz, John A. Pojman and Andrew B. Lowe, Anti-HIV-1
Activity of Poly(mandelic acid) Derivatives, Biomacromolecules, 8, 3308-3316 (2007).
Jolanta E. Marszalek, John A. Pojman, Kayce Leard Aultman, Charles E. Hoyle and Joe B. Whitehead, Humidity-responsive polymeric films based on AOT-water reverse microemulsions, J. Appl. Polym. Sci, 106, 1957-1963 (2007).
Zulma Jimenez and John A. Pojman, Frontal polymerization with monofunctional and difunctional ionic liquid
monomers, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem, 45, 27452754 (2007).
Zulma Jimenez, Christopher Bounds, Charles E. Hoyle,
Andrew B. Lowe, Hui Zhou and John A. Pojman, Photopolymerization kinetics of ionic liquid monomers derived from
the neutralization reaction between trialkylamines and acidcontaining (meth)acrylates, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym.
Chem, 45, 3009-3021 (2007).
Li Chen, Ting Hu, Huan Yu, Su Chen and John A. Pojman,
First solvent-free synthesis of poly(N-methylolacrylamide)
via frontal free-radical polymerization, J. Polym. Sci., Part
A: Polym. Chem, 45, 4322-4330 (2007).
Alberto Mariani, Valeria Alzari, Orietta Monticelli, John
A. Pojman and Giuseppe Caria, Polymeric nanocomposites
containing polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes prepared
via frontal polymerization, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym.
Chem, 45, 4514-4521 (2007).
Su Chen, Ting Hu, Yuan Tian, Li Chen and John A.
Pojman, Facile synthesis of poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate) by
frontal free-radical polymerization, J. Polym. Sci., Part A:
Polym. Chem, 45, 873-881 (2007).
Brian Zoltowski, Yuri Chekanov, Jonathan Masere, John
A. Pojman and Vitaly Volpert, Evidence for the Existence of
an Effective Interfacial Tension between Miscible Fluids. 2.
Dodecyl Acrylate-Poly(dodecyl acrylate) in a Spinning Drop
Tensiometer, Langmuir, 23, 5522-5531 (2007).
Jolanta E. Marszalek, John A. Pojman, Charles Hoyle and
Kirt Page, Small-angle neutron scattering investigation of a
structural change in the light induced polymerization of the
dodecyl acrylate microemulsion, PMSE Prepr, 96, 105-106
Charles Nason, John A. Pojman and Charles Hoyle, The
effect of a trithiol and inorganic fillers on the photo- induced
thermal frontal polymerization of a triacrylate, J. Polym. Sci.
Part A Polym. Chem, 46, 8091-8096 (2008).
Hui Zhou, Zulma Jimenez, John A. Pojman, Mark S. Paley
and Charles E. Hoyle, Photopolymerization kinetics of
tributylmethylammonium-based (meth)acrylate ionic liquids
and the effect of water, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem,
46, 3766-3773 (2008).
Jolanta Marszalek, John A. Pojman and Kirt A. Page, Neutron Scattering Study of the Structural Change Induced by
Photopolymerization of AOT/D2O/Dodecyl Acrylate Inverse
Microemulsions, Langmuir, 24, 13694-13700 (2008).
N. Bessonov, J. Pojman, G. Viner, V. Volpert and B. Zoltwoski, Instabilities of diffuse interfaces, Math. Model. Nat.
Phenom, 3, 108-125 (2008).
Gloria Viner and John A. Pojman, Studying diffusion of
partially miscible and systems near their consolute point by
Laser Line Deflection, Optics and Laser in Engineering, 46,
893–899 (2008).
Jolanta Marszalek, The relationship between dynamic and
chemical factors on the morphology in AOT-water-polymer
systems. (D)
Professor. B.A, 1975, University of California at Santa
Barbara; Ph.D, 1979, University of California at Berkeley. NSF Fellowship, 1979-1982, Argonne National Laboratory. Chemical Physics; Nanochemistry. My research
focusses on the correlation of electronic and nuclear motion in molecular photoionization, including the decay of
highly excited states as well as shape resonant ionization.
Applications to nanoparticles in environmental science
are also investigated, as X-ray probes provide detailed
structural and electronic information. Studies include
both vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray spectroscopic methods. TEL: (225) 578-2933 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/site/People/Faculty/Erwin%
Email: epoliak@lsu.edu
Aloke Das, J. Scott Miller, E. D. Poliakoff, R. R. Lucchese
and John D. Bozek, Vibrationally resolved photoionization
dynamics of CF4 in the D 2A1 state, J. Chem. Phys, 127,
044312/1-044312/6 (2007).
Raffaele Montuoro, Robert R. Lucchese, John D. Bozek,
Aloke Das and E. D. Poliakoff, Quasibound continuum states
in SiF4 (D̃ 2A1) photoionization: Photoelectron-vibrational
coupling, J. Chem. Phys, 126, 244309/1-244309/9 (2007).
PRYOR, WILLIAM A. (b.1929) Boyd Professor,
Emeritus. Ph.D, 1948, University of Chicago; B.S, 1951,
University of Chicago; Ph.D, 1954, University of California, Berkeley. Guggenheim Fellowship, 1970, University of California, Berkeley; NIH Special Postdoctoral
Fellowship, 1971, University of California, Los Angeles
(U.C.L.A.). Environmental Chemistry; Nutrition. The organic chemistry, biochemistry, and toxicology of free
radical reactions; mechanisms of oxidations, one-electron transfer reactions; cigarette smoke chemistry; combustion and fine particles; ozone, NOx and smog chemistry; lipid oxidations; vitamin E; biomarkers of oxidative
stress. TEL: (225) 578-2124 FAX: (225) 578-4936
Web: www.chem.lsu.edu/web/faculty/bios/wap.html
Email: williampryor2@cox.net
W. A. Pryor, K. N. Houk, C. S. Foote, J. M. Fukuto, L. J.
Ignarro, G. L. Squadrito and K. J. A. Davies, Free radical
biology and medicine: It’s a gas, man, Am. J. Physiol. Regul.
Integr. Comp. Physiol, 291, R491-R511 (2006).
W. A. Pryor, A milestone—in the wrong direction, Tobacco Reporter, 18-19 (2006).
ROBINSON, JAMES W. Professor Emeritus. B.Sc,
1949, University of Birmingham, England; Ph.D, 1952,
University of Birmingham, England; D.Sc, 1978, University of Birmingham, England. Analytical Chemistry.
Analytical chemistry; spectroscopic methods for chemical analysis; atomic absorption spectroscopy; environmental analysis; composition of heart plaque. TEL: (225)
578-2829 FAX: (225) 578-3971
Email: jrobi24@tigers.lsu.edu
A. T. Gates, M. Lowry, K. A. Fletcher, A. Merugeshu, O.
Rusin, J. W. Robinson, R. M. Strongin and I. M. Warner,
Capillary electrophoretic screening for the inhibition of
homocysteine thialactone-induced protein oligomerization,
Analytical Chemistry, 79, 8249-8256 (2007).
Arther Gates, Sayo Fakayode, Mark Lowry, Gabriela Ganea, Abitha Murugeshu, James Robinson, Robert Strongin
and Isiah Warner, Gold nanoparticle biosensor for homocysteine thiolactone-induced protein modification, Langmuir,
24, 4107-4113 (2008).
RUSSO, P. S. (b.1954) Roy Paul Daniels Professor.
B.S, 1976, University of Wisconsin-River Falls; Ph.D,
1981, University of Minnesota. Postdoctoral Fellowship,
1981-1983, University of Massachusetts. Materials
Chemistry; Polymer Science. Synthesis and characterization of hierarchically structured, biosimilar, dynamically
responsive polymer-colloid composite materials; behavior of polyelectrolytes at low salt; self-assembling systems for new materials; dynamics in complex fluids;
polymer characterization methods; science education.
TEL: (225) 578-3361 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: macro.lsu.edu/russo
Email: chruss@LSU.edu
No publication information submitted for this edition.
SMITH, KEVIN M. (b.1942) Distinguished Professor
of Chemistry. B.Sc, 1964, University of Liverpool; Ph.D,
1967, University of Liverpool; D.Sc, 1977, University of
Liverpool. Fulbright Travel Award Postdoctoral Research Fellow, 1967-1969, Harvard University. Bioorganic Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. Chemistry,
biochemistry, synthesis, structure and spectroscopy of
porphyrins, chlorophylls, bile pigments and their metal
complexes. TEL: (225) 578-7442 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/site/People/Faculty/Kevin%
Email: kmsmith@lsu.edu
Celinah Mwakwari, Frank R. Fronczek and Kevin M.
Smith, b-Bilene to a,c-biladiene transformation during syntheses of isoporphyrins and porphyrins, Chem. Commun.
(Cambridge, U. K.), 2258-2260 (2007).
Sara Nardis, Federica Mandoj, Roberto Paolesse, Frank R.
Fronczek, Kevin M. Smith, Luca Prodi, Marco Montalti and
Gionata Battistini, Synthesis and functionalization of germanium triphenylcorrolate: the first example of a partially brominated corrole, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem, 2345-2352 (2007).
Tatiana Kh. Shokhireva, Kevin M. Smith, Robert E. Berry,
Nikolai V. Shokhirev, Celia A. Balfour, Hongjun Zhang and
F. Ann Walker, Assignment of the Ferriheme Resonances of
the High-Spin Forms of Nitrophorins 1 and 4 by 1H NMR
Spectroscopy: Comparison to Structural Data Obtained from
X-ray Crystallography, Inorg. Chem, 46, 170-178 (2007).
Manuela Stefanelli, Marco Mastroianni, Sara Nardis, Silvia
Licoccia, Frank R. Fronczek, Kevin M. Smith, Weihua Zhu,
Zhongping Ou, Karl M. Kadish and Roberto Paolesse, Functionalization of corroles: the nitration reaction, Inorg. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 10791-10799 (2007).
Tatiana Kh. Shokhireva, Andrzej Weichsel, Kevin M.
Smith, Robert E. Berry, Nikolai V. Shokhirev, Celia A. Balfour, Hongjun Zhang, William R. Montfort and F. Ann Walker, Assignment of the Ferriheme Resonances of the LowSpin Complexes of Nitrophorins 1 and 4 by 1H and 13C NMR
Spectroscopy: Comparison to Structural Data Obtained from
X-ray Crystallography, Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U.
S.), 46, 2041-2056 (2007).
Hong J. H. Wang, Laurent Jaquinod, Marilyn M. Olmstead, M. Graca H. Vicente, Karl M. Kadish, Zhongping Ou
and Kevin M. Smith, Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Studies of ␤,␤’-Fused Metallocenoporphyrins,
Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 2898-2913
Lijuan Jiao, Erhong Hao, M. Graca H. Vicente and Kevin
M. Smith, Improved Synthesis of Functionalized 2,2’-Bipyrroles, J. Org. Chem, 72, 8119-8122 (2007).
Jodie A. Hargus, Frank R. Fronczek, M. Graca H. Vicente
and Kevin M. Smith, Mono-(L)-aspartylchlorin-e6, Photochem. Photobiol, 83, 1006-1015 (2007).
Lijuan Jiao, Erhong Hao, Frank R. Fronczek, Kevin M.
Smith and M. Graca H. Vicente, Syntheses and properties of
functionalized oxacalix[4]arene porphyrins, Tetrahedron, 63,
4011-4017 (2007).
L. Jiao, Synthesis and functionalizations of tetrapyrrole derivatives. (D)
S. C. Mwakwari, Synthesis and properties of isoporphyrins
and related derivatives for application in photodynamic therapy. (D)
SOPER, STEVEN A. (b.1957) Senn Professor. B.S,
1980, University of Nebraska, Omaha; B.A, 1982, University of Nebraska, Omaha; Ph.D, 1989, The University
of Kansas. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1989-1991, Los Alamos National Laboratory. Analytical Chemistry; Bioengineering. Ultrasensitive fluorescence detection; time-resolved fluorescence; bioanalytical applications of fluorescence; near-infrared fluorescence detection; development of new technologies for DNA sequencing and diagnostics; microfabrication; nanofabrication and microfluidics. TEL: (225) 578-1527 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Email: chsope@lsu.edu
Publication list has not been verified by the department.
Catherine Situma, Amanda J. Moehring, Mohamed A. F.
Noor and Steven A. Soper, Immobilized molecular beacons:
A new strategy using UV-activated poly(methyl methacrylate) surfaces to provide large fluorescence sensitivities for
reporting on molecular association events, Anal. Biochem,
363, 35-45 (2007).
Hamed Shadpour, Mateusz L. Hupert, Donald Patterson,
Changgeng Liu, Michelle Galloway, Wieslaw Stryjewski,
Jost Goettert and Steven A. Soper, Multichannel Microchip
Electrophoresis Device Fabricated in Polycarbonate with an
Integrated Contact Conductivity Sensor Array, Anal. Chem,
79, 870-878 (2007).
Feng Xu, Proyag Datta, Hong Wang, Sitanshu Gurung,
Masahiko Hashimoto, Suying Wei, Jost Goettert, Robin L.
McCarley and Steven A. Soper, Polymer microfluidic chips
with integrated waveguides for reading microarrays, Anal.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 79, 9007-9013 (2007).
Masahiko Hashimoto, Francis Barany, Feng Xu and Steven
A. Soper, Serial processing of biological reactions using
flow-through microfluidic devices: Coupled PCR/LDR for
the detection of low-abundant DNA point mutations, Analyst
(Cambridge, U. K.), 132, 913-921 (2007).
Irina V. Nesterova, Vera T. Verdree, Serhii Pakhomov,
Karen L. Strickler, Michael W. Allen, Robert P. Hammer and
Steven A. Soper, Metallo-Phthalocyanine Near-IR Fluorophores: Oligonucleotide Conjugates and Their Applications
in PCR Assays, Bioconjugate Chem, 18, 2159-2168 (2007).
Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Javier Ortiz, Irina V. Nesterova,
Fernando Fernandez-Lazaro, Angela Sastre-Santos, Steven
A. Soper and M. Graca H. Vicente, Synthesis and Properties
of Cell-Targeted Zn(II)-Phthalocyanine-Peptide Conjugates,
Bioconjugate Chem, 18, 410-420 (2007).
Malgorzata A. Witek, Mateusz L. Hupert and Steven A.
Soper, Single-cell and single-molecule analyses using microfluidic devices, Bio-MEMS, 391-441 (2007).
Li Zhu and Steven A. Soper, Ultra sensitive time-resolved
near-IR fluorescence for multiplexed bioanalysis, Chem.
Anal. (Hoboken, NJ, U. S.), 172, 141-168 (2007).
Guofang Chen, Robin L. McCarley, Steven A. Soper,
Catherine Situma and Jowell G. Bolivar, Functional Template-Derived Poly(methyl methacrylate) Nanopillars for Solid-Phase Biological Reactions, Chem. Mater, 19, 3855-3857
Shawn L. Llopis, John Osiri and Steven A. Soper, Surface
modification of poly(methyl methacrylate) microfluidic devices for high-resolution separations of single-stranded DNA,
Electrophoresis, 28, 984-993 (2007).
Rondedrick Sinville and Steven A. Soper, High resolution
DNA separations using microchip electrophoresis, J. Sep.
Sci, 30, 1714-1728 (2007).
Guofang Chen, Steven A. Soper and Robin L. McCarley,
Free-standing, erect ultrahigh-aspect-ratio polymer nano pillar and nano tube ensembles, Langmuir, 23, 11777-11781
Mateusz L. Hupert, W. Jason Guy, Shawn D. Llopis,
Hamed Shadpour, Sudheer Rani, Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos
and Steven A. Soper, Evaluation of micromilled metal mold
masters for the replication of microchip electrophoresis devices, Microfluid. Nanofluid, 3, 1-11 (2007).
Ren Yang, Steven A. Soper and Wanjun Wang, A new UV
lithography photoresist based on composite of EPON resins
165 and 154 for fabrication of high-aspect-ratio microstructures, Sens. Actuators, A, A135, 625-636 (2007).
Subramanian Balamurugan, Anne Obubuafo, Steven A.
Soper and David A. Spivak, Surface immobilization methods
for aptamer diagnostic applications, Anal. Bioanal. Chem,
390, 1009-1021 (2008).
Malgorzata A. Witek, Mateusz L. Hupert, Daniel S.-W.
Park, Kirby Fears, Michael C. Murphy and Steven A. Soper,
96-Well Polycarbonate-Based Microfluidic Titer Plate for
High-Throughput Purification of DNA and RNA, Anal.
Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 3483-3491 (2008).
Jason M. Emory and Steven A. Soper, Charge-Coupled
Device Operated in a Time-Delayed Integration Mode as an
Approach to High-Throughput Flow-Based Single Molecule
Analysis, Anal. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 38973903 (2008).
Qian Mei, Zheng Xia, Feng Xu, Steven A. Soper and Z.
Hugh Fan, Fabrication of Microfluidic Reactors and Mixing
Studies for Luciferase Detection, Anal. Chem. (Washington,
DC, U. S.), 80, 6045-6050 (2008).
Yurong Wang, Hengwu Chen, Qiaohong He and Steven A.
Soper, A high-performance polycarbonate electrophoresis
microchip with integrated three-electrode system for endchannel amperometric detection, Electrophoresis, 29, 18811888 (2008).
Anne Obubuafo, Subramanian Balamurugan, Hamed
Shadpour, David Spivak, Robin L. McCarley and Steven A.
Soper, Poly(methyl methacrylate) microchip affinity capillary gel electrophoresis of aptamer-protein complexes for the
analysis of thrombin in plasma, Electrophoresis, 29, 34363445 (2008).
Andre A. Adams, Paul I. Okagbare, Juan Feng, Matuesz L.
Hupert, Don Patterson, Jost Gottert, Robin L. McCarley,
Dimitris Nikitopoulos, Michael C. Murphy and Steven A.
Soper, Highly Efficient Circulating Tumor Cell Isolation
from Whole Blood and Label-Free Enumeration Using Polymer-Based Microfluidics with an Integrated Conductivity
Sensor, J. Am. Chem. Soc, 130, 8633-8641 (2008).
Jeonghoon Lee, Harrison K. Musyimi, Steven A. Soper
and Kermit K. Murray, Development of an Automated Digestion and Droplet Deposition Microfluidic Chip for MALDI-TOF MS, J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom, 19, 964-972
S. Sibel Erdem, Irina V. Nesterova, Steven A. Soper and
Robert P. Hammer, Solid-Phase Synthesis of Asymmetrically
Substituted “AB3-Type” Phthalocyanines, J. Org. Chem, 73,
5003-5007 (2008).
SPIVAK, DAVID A. (b.1966) Associate Professor.
B.S, 1989, University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D,
1995, University of California, Irvine. NIH Fellowship,
1996-1998, The Scripps Research Institute. Organic
Chemistry; Polymer Science. Organic synthesis, molecular imprinting and responsive hydrogels with applications to bioorganic materials for biological and environmental analysis. TEL: (255) 578-2868 FAX: (225) 5783458
Web: www.chem.lsu.edu/web/faculty/bios/dsp.html
Email: dspivak@lsu.edu
Jason LeJeune and David A. Spivak, Chiral effects of alkyl-substituted derivatives of N,O-bismethacryloyl ethanolamine on the performance of one monomer molecularly imprinted polymers (OMNiMIPs), Anal. Bioanal. Chem, 389,
433-440 (2007).
Ryan Simon, Melissa E. Collins and David A. Spivak,
Shape selectivity versus functional group pre-organization in
molecularly imprinted polymers, Anal. Chim. Acta, 591, 7-16
David A. Spivak, Martha Sibrian-Vazquez and Stephen
Houck, Discovery and development of OMNiMIPs: One MoNomer Molecularly Imprinted Polymers, Mater. Res. Soc.
Symp. Proc, 1005 (2007).
Subramanian Balamurugan, Anne Obubuafo, Steven A.
Soper and David A. Spivak, Surface immobilization methods
for aptamer diagnostic applications, Anal. Bioanal. Chem,
390, 1009-1021 (2008).
Subramanian Balamurugan, Anne Obubuafo, Robin L.
McCarley, Steven A. Soper and David A. Spivak, Effect of
linker structure on surface density of aptamer monolayers
and their corresponding protein binding efficiency, Analytical Chemistry, 80, 9630-9634 (2008).
Anne Obubuafo, Subramanian Balamurugan, Hamed
Shadpour, David Spivak, Robin L. McCarley and Steven A.
Soper, Poly(methyl methacrylate) microchip affinity capillary gel electrophoresis of aptamer-protein complexes for the
analysis of thrombin in plasma, Electrophoresis, 29, 34363445 (2008).
STANLEY, GEORGE G. (b.1953) Vetter Alumni
Professor. B.S, 1975, University of Rochester; Ph.D,
1979, Texas A&M University. NATO Fellow, 1979,
Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France; CNRS Fellowship, 1980, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg,
France. Catalysis; Inorganic Chemistry. Bimetallic cooperativity effects in homogeneous catalysis; hydroformylation, hydrocarboxylation, alcohol hydration; design and synthesis of binucleating polyphosphine ligands
for the construction of homo- and hetero-bimetallic complexes. TEL: (225) 578-3471 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu
Email: gstanley@lsu.edu
No publication information submitted for this edition.
Alexander Rene Monteil, Investigation into the dirhodiumcatalyzed hydroformylation of 1-alkenes and preparation of a
novel tetraphosphine ligand. (D)
TAYLOR, CAROL M. (b.1966) Associate Professor.
B.Sc, 1987, University of Auckland; M.Sc, 1988, University of Auckland; Ph.D, 1993, University of Pennsylvania. Research Associate, 1993-1994, Princeton University. Organic Chemistry; Synthesis. Our research program is primarily engaged with the chemical synthesis
and physical characterization of novel peptide motifs that
arise from post-translational modifications or non-ribosomal peptide synthesis. A current focus of the group is
the theonellamides: A family of antifungal, bicyclic dodecapeptides characterized by a bridging histidinoalanine
residue. We also continue to investigate biologically significant examples of proline hydroxylation and glycosylation. TEL: (225) 578-4751 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/site/People/Faculty/Carol%
Email: cmtaylor@lsu.edu
Krishanthi P. Jayasundera, Samuel J. Brodie and Carol M.
Taylor, Synthesis of a transition-state analog for the hydrolysis of the zearalenone lactone, Tetrahedron, 63, 1007710082 (2007).
Carol M. Taylor and Weihua Wang, Histidinoalanine: A
crosslinking amino acid, Tetrahedron, 63, 9033-9047 (2007).
TOLOCKA, MICHAEL (b.1970) Assistant Professor. B.S, 1992, Fairleigh Dickinson University; Ph.D,
1998, George Washington University. Physical Scientist,
1998-2001, U. S. EPA; Postdoctoral Fellow, 2001-2003,
University of Delaware; Research Scientist, 2003-2005,
University of Delaware; Postdoctoral Fellow, 20052006, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Atmospheric Chemistry; Materials Science. The Tolocka
Group conducts research in the following areas: Developing gas-phase synthetic methods for novel nanoparticle materials. Interpreting reaction mechanisms. Measuring rate coefficients. Developing mass spectrometric
methods for nanoparticle analysis. Examining the
thermochemistry of reactive intermediates in the atmo-
sphere and particle nucleation. TEL: (225) 578-7375
FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.aerosol.lsu.edu
Email: mpt@lsu.edu
Di Hu, Michael Tolocka, Qianfeng Li and Richard M. Kamens, A kinetic mechanism for predicting secondary organic
aerosol formation from toluene oxidation in the presence of
NOx and natural sunlight, Atmos. Environ, 41, 6478-6496
VICENTE, M. GRAÇA H. (b.1964) Professor. B.Sc,
1986, University of Aveiro, Portugal; Ph.D, 1990, University of California, Davis. Invited Assistant Professor,
1991, University of Bourgogne, Dijon, France; Post-doctoral Associate, 1991-1992, University of Geneva, Switzerland; Post-doctoral Associate, 1993, Instituto Technologia Quimica Biologica, Oeiras, Portugal. Bioorganic
Chemistry; Organic Chemistry. Current subjects of research are: Synthesis of pyrrole-based compounds for
application in biology, medicine or in material science.
Study of their physicochemical properties. In vitro investigations, including cytotoxicity, cell uptake/retention
and intracellular localization. In vivo mice studies (toxicity, tissue distribution). Structure/activity relationships.
TEL: (225) 578-7405 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/
Email: vicente@lsu.edu
Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Timothy J. Jensen and M. Graca
H. Vicente, Porphyrin-Retinamides: Synthesis and Cellular
Studies, Bioconjugate Chem, 18, 1185-1193 (2007).
Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Javier Ortiz, Irina V. Nesterova,
Fernando Fernandez-Lazaro, Angela Sastre-Santos, Steven
A. Soper and M. Graca H. Vicente, Synthesis and Properties
of Cell-Targeted Zn(II)-Phthalocyanine-Peptide Conjugates,
Bioconjugate Chem, 18, 410-420 (2007).
Erhong Hao, Bruno Fabre, Frank R. Fronczek and M. Graca H. Vicente, Poly[di(2-thiophenyl)carborane]s: Conducting
polymers with high electrochemical and thermal resistance,
Chem. Commun. (Cambridge, U. K.), 4387-4389 (2007).
Erhong Hao, Bruno Fabre, Frank R. Fronczek and M. Graca H. Vicente, Syntheses and Electropolymerization of Carboranyl-Functionalized Pyrroles and Thiophenes, Chem. Mater, 19, 6195-6205 (2007).
Erhong Hao, Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Wilson Serem,
Jayne C. Garno, Frank R. Fronczek and M. Graca H. Vicente, Synthesis, aggregation and cellular investigations of
porphyrin-cobaltacarborane conjugates, Chem.—Eur. J, 13,
9035-9042 (2007).
Hong J. H. Wang, Laurent Jaquinod, Marilyn M. Olmstead, M. Graca H. Vicente, Karl M. Kadish, Zhongping Ou
and Kevin M. Smith, Synthesis, Characterization, and Electrochemical Studies of ␤,␤’-Fused Metallocenoporphyrins,
Inorg. Chem. (Washington, DC, U. S.), 46, 2898-2913
Lijuan Jiao, Erhong Hao, M. Graca H. Vicente and Kevin
M. Smith, Improved Synthesis of Functionalized 2,2’-Bipyrroles, J. Org. Chem, 72, 8119-8122 (2007).
Clara Fabris, M. Graca H. Vicente, Erhong Hao, Elisabetta
Friso, Lara Borsetto, Giulio Jori, Giovanni Miotto, Paolo Colautti, Davide Moro, Juan Esposito, Alice Ferretti, Carlo Riccardo Rossi, Donato Nitti, Guido Sotti and Marina Soncin,
Tumor-localizing and -photosensitizing properties of mesotetra(4-nido-carboranylphenyl)porphyrin (H2TCP), J. Photochem. Photobiol., B, 89, 131-138 (2007).
Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Timothy J. Jensen and M. Graca
H. Vicente, Synthesis and cellular studies of PEG-functionalized meso-tetraphenylporphyrins, J. Photochem. Photobiol.,
B, 86, 9-21 (2007).
Jodie A. Hargus, Frank R. Fronczek, M. Graca H. Vicente
and Kevin M. Smith, Mono-(L)-aspartylchlorin-e6, Photochem. Photobiol, 83, 1006-1015 (2007).
Lijuan Jiao, Erhong Hao, Frank R. Fronczek, Kevin M.
Smith and M. Graca H. Vicente, Syntheses and properties of
functionalized oxacalix[4]arene porphyrins, Tetrahedron, 63,
4011-4017 (2007).
S. Nardis, G. Pomarico, F. R. Fronczek, M. G. H. Vicente
and R. Paolesse, One-step synthesis of isocorroles, Tetrahedron Letters, 48, 8643-8646 (2007).
Erhong Hao, Min Zhang, Wenbo E, Karl M. Kadish, Frank
R. Fronczek, Brandy H. Courtney and M. Graca H. Vicente,
Synthesis and Spectroelectrochemistry of N-Cobaltacarborane Porphyrin Conjugates, Bioconjugate Chem, 19, 21712181 (2008).
Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Irina V. Nesterova, Timothy J.
Jensen and M. Graca H. Vicente, Mitochondria Targeting by
Guanidine- and Biguanidine-Porphyrin Photosensitizers, Bioconjugate Chem, 19, 705-713 (2008).
Michael W. Easson, Frank R. Fronczek, Timothy J. Jensen
and M. Graca H. Vicente, Synthesis and in vitro properties of
trimethylamine- and phosphonate-substituted carboranylporphyrins for application in BNCT, Bioorg. Med. Chem, 16,
3191-3208 (2008).
Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Timothy J. Jensen and M. Graca
H. Vicente, Synthesis, characterization, and metabolic stability of porphyrin-peptide conjugates bearing bifunctional signaling sequences, J. Med. Chem, 51, 2915-2923 (2008).
Hairong Li, Timothy J. Jensen, Frank R. Fronczek and M.
Graca H. Vicente, Syntheses and Properties of a Series of
Cationic Water-Soluble Phthalocyanines, J. Med. Chem, 51,
502-511 (2008).
Inder Sehgal, Martha Sibrian-Vazquez and M. Graca H.
Vicente, Photoinduced Cytotoxicity and Biodistribution of
Prostate Cancer Cell-Targeted Porphyrins, J. Med. Chem, 51,
6014-6020 (2008).
M. Soncin, E. Friso, G. Jori, E. Hao, M. G. H. Vicente, G.
Miotto, P. Colautti, D. Moro, J. Esposito, G. Rosi and C. Fabris, Tumor-localizing and radiosensitising properties of
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 12, 866-873
E. Hao, E. Friso, G. Miotto, G. Jori, M. Soncin, C. Fabris,
M. Sibrian-Vazquez and M. G. H. Vicente, Synthesis and biological investigations of tetrakis(p-carboranylthio-tetrafluorophenyl)chlorin (TPFC), Organic and Biomolecular
Chemistry, 6, 3732-3740 (2008).
Hairong Li, Frank R. Fronczek and M. Graca H. Vicente,
Synthesis and properties of cobaltacarborane-functionalized
Zn(II)-phthalocyanines, Tetrahedron Lett, 49, 4828-4830
J. Hargus, Naturally-derived porphyrin and chlorin photosensitizers for photodynamic therapy. (M)
C. O. Ongayi, Syntheses of symmetric and asymmetric water-soluble porphyrin derivatives. (D)
E. Hao, Syntheses and evaluation of porphyrin derivatives
for applications in medicine and in material science. (D)
H. Li, Syntheses and evaluation of phthalocyanine derivatives for application in photodynamic and boron neutron capture therapies. (D)
J. C. Clark, Syntheses and application of novel compounds
with biological relevance. (D)
M. Easson, Syntheses of trimethylamine- and phosphonate-substituted carboranylporphyrins for application in boron neutron capture therapy. (D)
Vijay Gottumukkala, Syntheses and biological evaluation
of water soluble carboranylporphyrins for application in boron neutron capture therapy. (D)
WARNER, ISIAH M. (b.1946) Boyd Professor and
Philip W. West Professor of Analytical and Environmental Chemistry. B.S, 1968, Southern University; Ph.D,
1977, University of Washington. Analytical Chemistry.
Flourescence spectroscopy, separation science, nanomaterials, automated methods of analysis, chemistry in organized media and environmental chemistry. TEL: (225)
578-2829 FAX: (225) 578-3971
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu
Email: iwarner@lsu.edu
Mary W. Kamande, David Ross, Laurie E. Locascio, Mark
Lowry and Isiah M. Warner, Simultaneous concentration and
separation of coumarins using a molecular micelle in micellar affinity gradient focusing, Anal. Chem, 79, 1791-1796
Arther T. Gates, Mark Lowry, Kristin A. Fletcher, Abitha
Murugeshu, Oleksandr Rusin, James W. Robinson, Robert
M. Strongin and Isiah M. Warner, Capillary Electrophoretic
Screening for the Inhibition of Homocysteine ThiolactoneInduced Protein Oligomerization, Anal. Chem. (Washington,
DC, U. S.), 79, 8249-8256 (2007).
Sayo O. Fakayode, Mark Lowry, Kristin A. Fletcher, Xiaodong Huang, Aleeta M. Powe and Isiah M. Warner, Cyclodextrins host- guest chemistry in analytical and environmental chemistry, Curr. Anal. Chem, 3, 171-181 (2007).
Cevdet Akbay, Nicole L. Gill and Isiah M. Warner, Thermodynamic studies of the interaction of molecular micelles
and copolymerized molecular micelles with benzodiazepines
and alkyl phenyl ketones using MEKC, Electrophoresis, 28,
1752-1761 (2007).
Youjun Yang, Mark Lowry, Corin M. Schowalter, Sayo O.
Fakayode, Jorge O. Escobedo, Xiangyang Xu, Huating
Zhang, Timothy J. Jensen, Frank R. Fronczek, Isiah M. Warner and Robert M. Strongin, An organic white light-emitting
fluorophore. [Erratum to document cited in CA146:007531],
J. Am. Chem. Soc, 129, 1008 (2007).
Hadi M. Marwani, Mark Lowry, Patrick Keating, Isiah M.
Warner and Robert L. Cook, Segmented Frequency-domain
Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements: Minimizing the Effects of Photobleaching Within a Multi-component System,
J. Fluoresc, 17, 687-699 (2007).
Simon M. Mwongela, Noreen Siminialayi, Kristin A.
Fletcher and Isiah M. Warner, A comparison of ionic liquids
to molecular organic solvents as additives for chiral separations in micellar electrokinetic chromatography, J. Sep. Sci,
30, 1334-1342 (2007).
Bertha C. Valle, Kevin F. Morris, Kristin A. Fletcher, Vivian Fernand, Drew M. Sword, Stacie Eldridge, Cynthia K.
Larive and Isiah M. Warner, Understanding chiral molecular
micellar separations using steady-state fluorescence anisotropy, capillary electrophoresis, and NMR, Langmuir, 23, 425435 (2007).
Mark Lowry, Sayo O. Fakayode, Maxwell L. Geng, Gary
A. Baker, Lin Wang, Matthew E. McCarroll, Gabor Patonay
and Isiah M. Warner, Molecular Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, and Chemiluminescence Spectrometry, Anal. Chem.
(Washington, DC, U. S.), 80, 4551-4574 (2008).
Gerald I. Richard, Hadi M. Marwani, Shan Jiang, Sayo O.
Fakayode, Mark Lowry, Robert M. Strongin and Isiah M.
Warner, Chiral recognition of amino acids by use of a fluor-
escent resorcinarene, Applied Spectroscopy, 62, 476-480
David K. Bwambok, Hadi M. Marwani, Vivian E. Fernand, Sayo O. Fakayode, Mark Lowry, Ioan Negulescu, Robert M. Strongin and Isiah M. Warner, Synthesis and characterization of novel chiral ionic liquids and investigation of
their enantiomeric recognition properties, Chirality, 20, 151158 (2008).
Candace A. Luces, Sayo O. Fakayode, Mark Lowry and
Isiah M. Warner, Protein separations using polyelectrolyte
multilayer coatings with molecular micelles in open tubular
capillary electrochromatography, Electrophoresis, 29, 889900 (2008).
Alicia A. Williams, Sayo O. Fakayode, Onur Alptuerk,
Christina M. Jones, Mark Lowry, Robert M. Strongin and Isiah M. Warner, Determination of enantiomeric compositions
of analytes using novel fluorescent chiral molecular micelles
and steady state fluorescence measurements, J. Fluoresc, 18,
285-296 (2008).
Eugene Billiot, Feri Billiot and Isiah M. Warner, Optimization of twelve chiral analytes with eight polymeric surfactants, Journal of Chromatographic Science, 46, 757-763
Gabriela M. Ganea, Christina M. Sabliov, Abiodun O. Ishola, Sayo O. Fakayode and Isiah M. Warner, Experimental
design and multivariate analysis for optimizing poly (D,Llactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) nanoparticle synthesis using
molecular micelles, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8, 280-292 (2008).
Arther T. Gates, Sayo O. Fakayode, Mark Lowry, Gabriela
M. Ganea, Abitha Murugeshu, James W. Robinson, Robert
M. Strongin and Isiah M. Warner, Gold Nanoparticle Sensor
for Homocysteine Thiolactone-Induced Protein Modification,
Langmuir, 24, 4107-4113 (2008).
Aaron Tesfai, Bilal El-Zahab, David K. Bwambok, Gary
A. Baker, Sayo O. Fakayode, Mark Lowry and Isiah M. Warner, Controllable Formation of Ionic Liquid Micro- and Nanoparticles via a Melt-Emulsion-Quench Approach, Nano
Lett, 8, 897-901 (2008).
Youjun Yang, Mark Lowry, Xiangyang Xu, Jorge O. Escobedo, Martha Sibrian-Vazquez, Lisa Wong, Corin M. Schowalter, Timothy J. Jensen, Frank R. Fronczek, Isiah M. Warner
and Robert M. Strongin, Seminaphthofluorones are a family
of water-soluble, low molecular weight, NIR-emitting fluorophores, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A, 105, 8829-8834
M. I. Rodriquez-Caceres, R. A. Agbaria, U. J. Luna, S.
White and I. M. Warner, Fluorescence of Zirconium-naphthalene complexes: Effect of ortho-napthalene substitution,
Spectrochinica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular
Spectroscopy, 71A, 907-914 (2008).
Vivian E. Fernand, David T. Dinh, Samuel J. Washington,
Sayo O. Fakayode, Jack N. Losso, Rick O. van Ravenswaay
and Isiah M. Warner, Determination of pharmacologically
active compounds in root extracts of Cassia alata L. by use of
high performance liquid chromatography, Talanta, 74, 896902 (2008).
Gerald Richard, The use of a chiral fluorescent resorcinarene for the enantiomeric recognition of amino acids. (M)
Alicia W. Snearl, Chiral analyses using molecular micelles
and multiple regression modeling. (D)
Arther Gates, Bioanalytical methods for studies of homocysteine and novel cardiovascular disease indicators. (D)
Hadi Marwani, Probing the association behavior of hydrophobic organic compounds with dissolved humic materials.
Samuel Washington, Chemical differences of atherosclerotic plaques in native and bypass human coronary arteries and
diseased and non-diseased human aortas. (D)
WATKINS, STEVEN F. (b.1940) Associate Professor. B.A, 1962, Pomona College; Ph.D, 1967, University
of Wisconsin. Postdoctoral Fellowship, 1967-1968, University of Bristol, England; Visiting Scientist, 1972,
Brookhaven National Laboratory; Visiting professor,
1976, University of Houston. Crystallography; Materials
Chemistry. Molecular structure of various types of compounds by diffraction techniques; chemical bonding; solid state physics; computational structural chemistry.
TEL: (225) 578-3359 FAX: (225) 578-3458
Web: www.chemistry.lsu.edu/
Email: swatkins@lsu.edu
Zakiya S. Wilson, Alfonso Davila, Mark L. McLaughlin,
Steven F. Watkins and Frank R. Fronczek, (1S,4R)1,2,3,4,7,7-Hexachloro-5,6-bis(chloromethyl)bicyclo[2.2.1]
hepta-2,5-diene, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep. Online, E63, o303-o305 (2007).
Tao Zhang, Alfonso Davila, Mark L. McLaughlin, Steven
F. Watkins and Frank R. Fronczek, 1,3,5-Trichloro-2,4,6-tripyrrol-1-ylbenzene, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. E: Struct. Rep.
Online, E63, o604-o605 (2007).
ZHANG, DONGHUI (b.1975) Assistant Professor.
B.S, 1998, Peking University; Ph.D, 2003, Dartmouth
College. Postdoctoral Associate, 2003-2005, University
of Minnesota. Catalysis; Polymer Science. Functionalization of carbon nanotubes (CNT) and fabrication and
characterization of CNT nanocomposites; electrical
transport studies of conductive materials (e.g. CNT composite, conductive polymers); metal mediated ring-opening polymerizations of cyclic esters derived from biorenewable sources; carbon-fluorine bond activation in late
transition metal complexes. TEL: (225) 578-4893 FAX:
(225) 578-3458
Web: chemistry.lsu.edu/chem/facultypages/Faculty.php?
Email: dhzhang@lsu.edu
Shaun M. Baesman, Thomas D. Bullen, James Dewald,
Donghui Zhang, Seamus Curran, Farhana S. Islam, Terry J.
Beveridge and Ronald S. Oremland, Formation of tellurium
nanocrystals during anaerobic growth of bacteria that use Te
oxyanions as respiratory electron acceptors, Appl. Environ.
Microbiol, 73, 2135-2143 (2007).