October AT PE N N Wherever these symbols appear, more images or audio/video clips are available on our website, www.upenn.edu/almanac 4 ACADEMIC CALENDAR Drop Period ends. Family Weekend. Through October 6. 10 Fall Term Break. Through October 13. 14 Classes Resume. 21 Advanced Registration for Spring Term. Through November 3. CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES Morris Arboretum Register: (215) 247-5777 ext. 125 3 Kids’ Nature Photography Workshop; ages 8-12; 4 p.m.; $100, $85/ members. Thursdays through October 24. 4 Cool Beans Band Music and Art Series; 10 a.m.-5p.m.; $150, $120/ members. 5 Garden Discovery Series: Paleobotany Play Dough; ages 2-5; 11 a.m.; free with admission. 8 Storytime at Morris Arboretum; 10:30 a.m.; free with admission. Also October 22. Penn Museum Info.: www.penn.museum 13 Owl Puppets; family workshop; 1-4 p.m.; free with admission. 18 40 Winks with the Sphinx; ages 6-12; 5:30 p.m.; through October 19, 9 a.m.; $50, $40/ members; register: www.penn.museum/40winks 26 Gallery Romp: Egypt; ages 3-6 explore the Egyptian gallery; 10:30 a.m.; register: jreif@upenn.edu World Cafe Live: PB & J Tickets: www.worldcafelive.com 5 Mister G; bilingual performance in Spanish and English; 11:30 a.m.; $10. 12 Dan Zanes & Elizabeth Mitchell; 11 a.m.; $18. 19 Lolly and Yoyo; 11:30 a.m.; $10. 26 Baby Loves Disco “Halloween”; 11 a.m.; $14. 31 Halloween with Charlie Hope; 10:30 a.m.; $10. CONFERENCES Annual Academic Career Conference; workshops, panel programs for Penn doctoral students & postdocs; register: www.vpul.upenn.edu Through November 8 (Career Services, Vice Provost for Education). 4 Healthy Aging, Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: Diagnosis, Care, Treatment and Prevention; 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; BRB II/III Auditorium; $135; info.: pbhmind@mail.med.upenn.edu or (215) 746-6463. Through October 5 (Psychiatry & Penn Behavioral Health). CASI Student Programs Symposium; interns present on experiences living & working in India; 2-5 p.m.; Silverstein Forum, Stiteler Hall (Center for the Advanced Study of India). 10 Penn Institute for Computational Science; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wu & Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall; register by October 1: www.seas.upenn.edu/research/pics/ rsvp/ (PICS). 11 Legacy and Innovation–Unlocking Value in Regional Energy Assets; 9 a.m.–4 p.m.; Fitts Auditorium, Penn Law; faculty & staff attend free, email for promotion code: info@legacyandinnovation. org; $10; register: www.legacyandinnovation.org (Legacy and Innovation). 14 8th Annual International Symposium—2013 ITMAT Harnessing the Paradox: Personalization and the Science of Scale; 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; Translational Research Center; register: www.itmat. upenn.edu Continues October 15, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. (ITMAT). 18 Ancient Drugs: Pharmacology Across the Ancient World; 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum (Center for Ancient Studies). Adult ADHD: Symptoms, Conceptualization, Assessment and Treatment; 8 a.m.; Smilow Center for Translational Research Auditorium; $135; pbhmind@ mail.med.upenn.edu or (215) 746-6463 (Psychiatry, Penn Behavioral Health). Africana Studies Future of the Field; 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Claudia Cohen Hall; register: https://africana.sas.upenn.edu (Africana Studies). A Visual Legal Advocacy Roundtable; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Penn Law; free to PennCard holders; RSVP: https://upenn.co1.qualtrics.com/ SE/?SID=SV_5zrCSD2loGr7KaV (Penn Program on Documentaries & the Law). 25 Transmission of Neurodegenerative Disease Pathologies: New Insights into the Progression of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Related Disorders; 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; BRB II/III Auditorium; register: www.med.upenn.edu/cndr/CNDR2013ResearchRetreat.shtml (PSOM). 31 2013 Women of Color at Penn Conference­—Definition of Family Among Women of Color; University Sheraton; time/cost: www.upenn.edu/aarc/wocap Through November 1 (WOCAP). 09/24/13 EXHIBITS Admission Donations and Hours Arthur Ross Gallery, Fisher Fine Arts Library: free; Tues.-Fri., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., noon-5 p.m.; www.upenn. edu/ARG/ Burrison Gallery, University Club at Penn: free; Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 7 a.m.-1 p.m.; www.upenn.edu/ universityclub/burrison.shtml Carol Ware Lobby, Fagin Hall: free; Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA): free; Wed., 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Thurs. and Fri., 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat. and Sun., 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; closed Mon. and Tues.; www. icaphila.org International House: Hours vary; info.: www.ihousephilly.org Morris Arboretum: Mon.-Fri., 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat.-Sun., 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; for prices, see www.upenn.edu/arboretum/ Penn Museum: $12/adults; $10/seniors (65+); $8/children (6-17); free/members, PennCard holders and children under 5; Tues., Thurs.-Sun, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Wed., 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; www.penn.museum Slought Foundation: free; Thurs.Sat., 1-6 p.m.; www.slought.org Van Pelt-Dietrich Library; free/ ID required; for hours see http://events. library.upenn.edu/cgi-bin/calendar.cgi Upcoming 5 Scarecrow Walk; more than 30 scarecrows along Oak Allée. Vote for your favorite and determine winners; Morris Arboretum. Through October 20. 16 Aubrie Costello: Silk Grafitti; fiber installation; International House; reception: October 16, 6 p.m.; RSVP: http:// tinyurl.com/kt49lt8. Through December 31. 25 Eat, Drink and Dance the Night Away: Song and Dance from the Penn Libraries Music Collections; recordings of songs and dances from sheet music collections in honor of the Year of Sound; 1st floor, Van PeltDietrich Library. Through January 31, 2014. Now Shirley Steele; digital prints; Burrison Gallery; reception: October 11, 5 p.m. Through November 7. Recent Acquisitions; materials from the Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, the Fisher Fine Arts Library, the Middle Eastern Collection and the Rare Book & Manuscript Library; Goldstein Family Gallery, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. Through December 13. Auguste Rodin: The Human Experience; 20 bronze sculptures from the Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Collections; Arthur Ross Gallery. Through December 22. See Films and Music. Jason Rhoades, Four Roads; navigate four interpretive paths: Jason Rhoades American Artist, Jason the Mason, systems, and taboo; ICA. Through December 29. Recent Acquisitions; Kamin Gallery, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library. Through January 24, 2014. Deep in the Weeds; photographs by Rob Cardillo; Upper Gallery, Widener Visitor Center, Morris Arboretum. Through January 31, 2014. Black Bodies in Propaganda; 33 posters targeting Africans and African American civilians in times of war; Penn Museum. Through March 2, 2014. See Fitness & Learning. Ormandy in China: The Historic 1973 Tour; Eugene Ormandy Gallery, Otto E. Albrecht Music Library, Van PeltDietrich Library. Through late 2014. Ongoing Audubon’s Birds of America; double folio set, a new page shown every Wednesday; 1st floor, Van-Pelt Dietrich Library. IHP: The First 100 Years; archival documents; International House. John Cage: How to Get Started; interactive installation of rarely heard performance; Slought Foundation. Human Evolution: The First 200 Million Years; Hover Gallery, 2nd fl., Penn Museum. The History of Nursing as Seen Through the Lens of Art; Carol Ware Lobby, Fagin Hall. Penn Museum Tours Tours begin at 1:30 p.m., Warden Garden entrance. Tour availability and topics subject to change. Free w/ admission. Info.: www.penn.museum 19 Egypt of the Pharaohs. 20 Mexico and Central America. 27 Egypt of the Pharaohs. 13 FILMS Cinema of Resistance—Maestra; Spanish; 2 p.m.; Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum; free with Museum admission (Penn Humanities Forum). 16 Camille Claudel; in conjunction with the Auguste Rodin: The Human Experience; French; 5 p.m.; free for Friends of Arthur Ross Gallery and PennCard holders (ARG). See Exhibits. 17 African Independence; 4:30 p.m.; Harrison Auditorium, Penn Museum; free with admission (GlobalPhilly 2013, Center for African Studies). 31 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; 1920 silent film featuring Peter Krasinski on the Curtis Organ; 7:15 p.m.; Irvine Auditorium (Perelman Quad). Cinema Studies Info.: http://cinemastudies.sas.upenn.edu/ 10 The Monster & The Eyes of the Mummy Ma; Andrew’s Video Vault at the Rotunda; 8 p.m. 15 Partners on Crime; screening and talk with Paromita Vohra; 5 p.m.; rm. 401, Fisher-Bennett Hall. 24 Anna May Wong: In Her Own Words; screening and talk with Yunah Hong; 1:30 p.m.; rm. 401, Fisher-Bennett Hall. International House Tickets: $9, $7/students; Info.: ihousephilly.org Showings 7 p.m. unless otherwise noted 1 The Church of Dauphine Street; free. 2 Tube Time!; curated videos; free. 4Oldboy; Korean. 5 Nëntori I Dytë; Albanian. 8 An Evening with Filmmaker Renee Tajima-Pena; discussing and viewing her work No Más Bebés por Vida; Spanish; $10, free/Penncard. 9 Archive Fever! 5.0: This is Not a Film. 10 Mekong Hotel; Thai. 11 Our Nixon. 12 The Illusionist; animated feature; 2 p.m.; $5. Revanche; German, Russian; 7 p.m. 16 An Evening with Knut Åsdam; five short films; free. 19 Directors in Focus: Peter Kubelka; 2 p.m., 3:30 p.m.; 8:30 p.m. 21 Echosystems: 16mm Films by Robert Todd. 22 An Evening with Beatriz Santiago Munoz; short films; free. 26 Exhumed Films Presents: 24 Hour Horror-thon, Part 7!; noon; $40, $30/IHP members. Through October 27, noon. 29 New Middle East Cinema; free. Through November 2. 2 MEETINGS University Council Meeting; 4-6 p.m.; Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall; RSVP: ucouncil@pobox.upenn.edu Also October 30. 7 PPSA Board Meeting; 11 a.m.; 1920 Commons, Lower Level; RSVP: ppsa@exchange.upenn.edu 15 WPPSA Monthly Meeting; 12:30 p.m.; Penn Women’s Center. 2 MUSIC Concert by Dolce Suono Ensemble; in conjunction with Auguste Rodin: The Human Experience; musical selections by Mozart, Piazzolla, Fauré and Daniel Dorff introducing his “Serenade to Eve: After Rodin”; 5 p.m.; free to Friends of Arthur Ross Gallery and PennCard holders (ARG). See Exhibits and Films. 13 Mark Hosler/Thomas Dimuzio/ Wobbly/M.C. Schmidt; quadrophonic sound; 8 p.m.; International House; $8-10. Annenberg Center Tickets: www.annenbergcenter.org 6 Gary Burton 70th Birthday Concert; 7 p.m.; Zellerbach Theatre; $20-55. 12 The Makem & Spain Brothers; traditional Irish music; 7 p.m.; Harold Prince Theatre; $20-45. Department of Music Info.: www.sas.upenn.edu/music/ performance/performance-calendar 22 Public Lives of Music Series—Andy Cavatorta; sound artist; 5:15 p.m.; Rose Recital Hall, Fisher-Bennett Hall. 23 Penn Contemporary Music—Mary Mackenzie; soprano with Eric Sedgwick, piano; 8 p.m.; Rose Recital Hall, FisherBennett Hall. 25 David Kim and the Penn Symphony Orchestra; David Kim, violin; concertmaster of the Philadelphia Orchestra; 8 p.m.; Irvine Auditorium; $5, free/ PennCard holders. World Cafe Live Performances daily. For a complete listing see www.worldcafelive.com WXPN Free at Noon Concert Series; Fridays at noon. ON STAGE Annenberg Center Tickets: www.annenbergcenter.org 1 Truth Values: One Girl’s Romp Through M.I.T.’s Male Math Maze; 7:30 p.m.; Harold Prince Theatre; $20-30. Also October 2, 3, 7:30 p.m.; October 4, 5, 8 p.m. 18 The Pearlman Sisters: Devotedly, Sincerely Yours: The Story of the USO; 8 p.m.; Harold Prince Theatre; $20-30. Also October 19, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. 24 Paul Taylor Dance Company; 7:30 p.m.; Zellerbach Theatre; $20-55. Also October 25, 8 p.m., October 26, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. READINGS & SIGNINGS Kelly Writers House Info.: writing.upenn.edu/wh/ All events located in the Arts Café unless otherwise specified. 2 “Tender Buttons” Symposium; Bob Perelman, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Ron Silliman, Al Filreis, Julia Bloch; noon. 3 The Good Girls Revolt: A Conversation with Lynn Povich; 6 p.m. 7 Edible Books Party; 6 p.m. This October, the Penn Museum is celebrating 100 years of their famous 3,200 year-old granite Sphinx in Philadelphia. October 19 is National Archaeology Day and Hijinks with the Sphinx will include storytelling, trivia contests, special artifacts on display, an ancient hairstyles demonstration and an Indian Jones-style obstacle course. Children are also invited to sleepover with the Sphinx on October 18-19 as part of the popular 40 Winks with the Sphinx program. See Children’s Activities and Special Events. 8 A Reading by A. Naomi Jackson and Iain Haley Pollock; 6 p.m. 14 A Performance by Jaap Blonk; 7 p.m. 16 A Conversation with Inga Saffron; 6 p.m. 17 A Poetry Reading by George Economou and Rochelle Owens; 6 p.m. 21 A Conversation with Marc Lapadula; 6 p.m. 22 A Reading by Ken Kalfus; 6 p.m. 23 A Reading by Herman Beavers; 6 p.m. 24 Joni Fest; song symposium; 6 p.m. 28 Live at the Writers House; 7 p.m. 30 Speakeasy Open Mic Night; 7:30 p.m. Penn Bookstore Info.: www.upenn.edu/bookstore Events at 6 p.m. unless otherwise specified. 1 The Genius Earth Day; Adam Rome. 3 Handling the Truth; Beth Kephart. 10 The Philadelphia Chromosome; Jessica Wamper. 17 The Awe and the Aweful: Poetry Collection; Rev. Charles Howard. 22 When They Were Boys; Larry Kane. 24 The Imposter Syndrome; Valerie Young; 4 p.m. Ten Steps to Relieve Anxiety; Michael Zal. 2 SPECIAL EVENTS University Square Farmers’ Market; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; 36th & Walnut Sts. Every Wednesday through December (Business Services). 3 Twenty-Five Year Club Annual Celebration; 5 p.m.; RSVP w/ invitation; Houston Hall (Twenty-Five Year Club). 4 Latino History Month: Art Auction; benefitting the non-profit, Juntos; 5 p.m.; Class of 1949 Auditorium, Houston Hall (La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda). Greenfest; a celebration of being green on campus with performing arts groups and live music; 2-5:45 p.m.; College Green (Penn Environmental Group). PWC 40th Anniversary Open House; 2-4 p.m.; Penn Women’s Center; RSVP: conta.cc/13b3grv (PWC). Cultural Center’s Café Open House; 3-5 p.m.; La Casa Latina, Black Cultural Center, and PAACH. International Students and Scholars Welcome Reception; 5-7 p.m.; Chinese Rotunda and Egypt Galleries, Penn Museum (Museum). 5 West Philly Grows Again; St. Mary’s Nursery School annual consignment sale; 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; St. Mary’s Church; info.: www.stmarysnursery.org/consignment-sale/ Fall Festival; scarecrow-making, pumpkin painting and apple-tasting; 10 a.m.; free w/ admission; Morris Arboretum. Also October 6 (Arboretum). 8 The Sound of Savings: Research Supplier Show; 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; BRB II/ III; info.: www.purchasing.upenn.edu/ news (Penn Purchasing Services). 10 Employee Resource Fair; information on campus resources and services available to employees; noon-2 p.m.; Bodek Lounge and Reading Room, Houston Hall (PPSA, WPPSA). 11 Jump ’N Funk; wander and dance though the Penn Museum’s galleries to the rhythms of spoken word artists and house afrobeats inspired by the late musical icon Fela Anikulapo Kuti. A sip & mingle garden party for young professionals opens the night; 6 p.m.-midnight; tickets: $10, www. penn.museum/events-calendar/details/1120jump-n-funk.html; Penn Museum (Museum). 15 Course and Majors Fair; 11:30 a.m.; Hall of Flags, Houston Hall. 17 The Curse of Tutankhamun; Young Friends (ages 21-45) Halloween Event; 6 p.m.; $10, $5/Museum members (Penn Museum). 18 ICA Birthday Party; includes a special ICA-themed version of Chief Curator Ingrid Schaffner’s annual lecture What is Contemporary?; 6:30 p.m.; ICA (ICA). Art Books New Looks; handling, conserving and displaying historic books and introducing exhibition history through ICA catalog, lunch and snacks provided; 1-5 p.m.; register: www.icaph- ila.org/events/index.php?id=670 (ICA, Rare Books and Manuscripts Library). 19 Hijinks with the Sphinx; National Archaeology Day Celebration; 1-4 p.m.; Penn Museum; free with admission (Museum & Archaeological Association of America). 20 Bloomfield Farm Day; music, food and vendors; noon-3 p.m.; Bloomfield Farm, Morris Arboretum (Arboretum). 23 Penn Museum Open House; gallery tours, mini-classes, music and behindthe-scenes at the Museum; 5-8 p.m.; free; Penn Museum (Museum). NanoDay@Penn; exhibits, demonstrations, lab tours; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Towne, Levine & Singh Nanotechnology Buildings (Nano/Bio Interface Center). 25 Halloween Celebration; night filled with ghoulish themed snacks and drinks and a costume competition; 10 p.m.; International House; tickets: $30, $20/IHP members, $10/IHP residents, http://tinyurl. com/m6e3fry (IHP). 26 Penn Family Day; open to Penn faculty, staff and postdocs; tickets are required for some events; 11:30 a.m.; Franklin Field, north side; tickets: hr.upenn.edu/myhr/appreciation/familyday (Human Resources). SPORTS Tickets & venues: www.pennathletics.com 2 Field Hockey vs. Lafayette; 4 p.m. (M) Soccer vs. Drexel; 7 p.m. 4 (W) Soccer vs. Cornell; 7 p.m. 5 Football vs. Dartmouth; Family Weekend; 1 p.m. (M) Soccer vs. Cornell; 7 p.m. 6 Field Hockey vs. Dartmouth; 11 a.m. (W) Soccer vs. Fairleigh Dickinson; 2 p.m. 11 Sprint Football vs. Franklin Pierce; 7 p.m. 12 (M) Lightweight Rowing; Navy Day Regatta; time TBA. 18 Volleyball vs. Harvard; 7 p.m. 19 Volleyball vs. Dartmouth; 5 p.m. (W) Soccer vs. Dartmouth; 5 p.m. (M) Soccer vs. Dartmouth; 7:30 p.m. 20 Field Hockey vs. Appalachian State; noon. 25 Volleyball vs. Princeton; 7 p.m. Sprint Football vs. Princeton; 7 p.m. 26 (M) Lightweight Rowing; head of the Schuylkill; time TBA. Field Hockey vs. Yale; 11:30 a.m. Football vs. Yale; 1 p.m. (W) Soccer vs. Yale; 5 p.m. (M) Soccer vs. Yale; 7:30 p.m. 29 (M) Soccer vs. Penn State; 7 p.m. 30 Field Hockey vs. Villanova; 4 p.m. 3910 Chestnut St., 2nd Floor Philadelphia, PA 19104-3111 (215) 898-5274 or 5275 FAX (215) 898-9137 E-mail: almanac@upenn.edu URL: www.upenn.edu/almanac Unless otherwise noted, all events are open to the general public as well as to members of the University. For building locations, call (215) 898-5000, or see www.facilities.upenn.edu or the University’s website, www.upenn.edu. A phone number normally means tickets, reservations or registration required. Almanac carries an Update with additions, changes & cancellations if received by Monday at noon for the following week’s issue. University members may send notices for the Update or November AT PENN calendar. Events on this calendar are subject to change. More information can be found on the sponsoring department’s website. Sponsors are listed in parentheses. TALKS TALKS TALKS Nanostructured 3-D Architectures: Mechanics and Physics of Deformation and Fracture in Nanomaterials for Biomimetics, Batteries and Lightweight Structured Materials; Julia Greer, California Institute of Technology; 10:45 a.m.; Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall (MEAM). Latino Labor Issues in the Context of the Impact on the US; Dolores Huerta, labor leader and civil rights activist; 6 p.m.; Hall of Flags, Houston Hall (La Casa Latina, PWC). 2 Fetal Origins of Type 2 Diabetes: Inflammation, Immunity and Epigenetics; Lane Santos, CRRWH; noon; rm. 253, BRB II/III (CRRWH). Rethinking the PMA’s Chinese Collection; Hiromi Kinoshita, Philadelphia Museum of Art; 4:30 p.m.; rm. B21, Stiteler Hall (Center for East Asian Studies). The Violence of Ghandi’s NonViolence; Ania Loomba, English; 5 p.m.; Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum; register: http://humanities.sas.upenn. edu/registration.shtml (Penn Humanities Forum). What is a Sex Museum? Bodies of Knowledge in Marginal Institutions; Katherine Sender, University of Auchland; 5 p.m.; rm. 330, FisherBennett Hall (Cinema Studies). The Voyages of the Chinese Explorer Zheng He; Adam Smith, Penn Museum; 6 p.m.; Penn Museum; $10/ door, $5/advance, $2/Museum members; tickets: www.penn.museum/college-andadults/great-voyages.html (Museum). 3 MSE Seminar Series; Andre Taylor, Yale; 10:40 a.m.; Auditorium, LRSM (Materials Science and Engineering). Three Studies on Sanitation and Health Status in India (and Some Contrasts with Curative Care); Jeffrey Hammer, Princeton; noon; suite 560, 3600 Market St.; RSVP by October 2, casi@sas.upenn.edu (CASI). Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs; Peter Cappelli, management; 3:30 p.m.; Class of ’49 Auditorium, Houston Hall (Penn Association of Senior and Emeritus Faculty). The Living City: Heroic Space in Imperial Aphrodisias, Perge and Ilium; Janet Downie, Princeton; 4:30 p.m.; rm. 402, Claudia Cohen Hall (Classical Studies). A Place that Matters Yet: South Africa’s Museum-Africa in the Postcolonial World; Sara Byala, critical writing; 4:30 p.m.; Penn Museum (Penn Cultural Heritage Center). The Hegemony of Nationalism in Afghanistan: An Examination of Curriculum and Administration of Habibya College and Erasing Slavery in the Name of Modernity During the Early Pahlavi Era; Jawan Shir, South Asia studies; Beeta Baghoolizadeh, history; 4:45 p.m.; rm. 201, Fisher-Bennett Hall (Middle East Center). Wharton Leadership Lecture; Kenneth Chenault, American Express; 4:45 p.m.; G06, Jon M. Huntsman Hall (Wharton). 4 Communication in a Politicized Policy Arena: The Case of SugarSweetened Beverage Taxes and Lessons for ACA Implementation Messaging; Sarah Gollust, University of Minnesota; noon; Colonial Penn Center Auditorium; register: http://ldi.upenn.edu/events (LDI). IRCS/GRASP Joint Talk; Gregory Gerling, University of Virginia; noon; suite 400A, 3401 Walnut St. (Institute for Research in Cognitive Science). Evidence and Arguments: Horologium and Pantheon; Lothar Haselberger, classical studies; 3:30 p.m.; rm. 113, Jaffe Bldg. (History of Art). 6 Coffee & Conversation: American Artist; panel of Penn graduate students; 2 p.m.; ICA (ICA). 7 Lauren & Bobby Turner Social Impact Executive Speaker Series; Ashton Kutcher; 4:30 p.m., doors open at 4 p.m.; Zellerbach Theatre, Annenberg Center; PennID required; RSVP: http://whr.tn/ Ashton-Kutcher-Lecture (Wharton). Signaling Lessons From Death Receptor: The Inflammasome and Beyond; Vishva Dixit, Genentech, Inc.; 10 a.m.; Grossman Auditorium, Wistar Institute (Wistar). Jeffrey Kipnis; Ohio State; 6:30 p.m.; rm. B1, Meyerson Hall (Architecture). 8 Virus-Inspired Design Principles of Nanosized Targets for Cellular Delivery; Sulin Zhang, Penn State; 10:30 a.m.; Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall (MEAM). Art, Archaeology and Advanced Technology: The Case of Alexander Mosaic at Pompeii; John Dobbins, UVA; 6:15 p.m.; Penn Museum (Architectural Institute of America). Department of Music Colloquium; Steven Stucky, Cornell; 5:15 p.m.; rm. 102, Music Bldg. (Music). 9 New Frontiers in Single Polymer Dynamics and Microfluidic Assembly of Soft Materials; 3 p.m.; Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall (CBE). Aristote et la Valeur de l’Art; Pierre Destree, Univeresite Catholique de Louvain; 4:30 p.m.; rm. 402, Claudia Cohen Hall (Classical Studies). Inaugural Paul G. Haaga, Jr. Lecture in Law, Government and Public Policy: The Importance of Presidential Leadership; Michael Beschloss, author, NBC News; 4:30 p.m.; Fitts Auditorium, Golkin Hall; register: http://tinyurl.com/mtwzgfk (Law). Beyond Architecture; Takaharu Tezuka, Tezuka Architects; 6:30 p.m.; rm. B1, Meyerson Hall (Architecture). 10 Tribological Studies of Friction and Adhesion in nanoscaled AsperityAsperity Contacts; James Batteas, Texas A&M; 10:30 a.m.; Auditorium, LRSM (Materials Science and Engineering). Race Unmasked: A 20th Century Struggle to Define Human Difference; Michael Yudell, Drexel; noon; rm. 435, Fagin Hall (Bates Center). Quality, Value-Based Purchasing and Innovation at CMS; Patrick Conway, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; noon; CPC Auditorium; register: http://ldi.upenn.edu/events (LDI). 14 George Charles Galster; Wayne State University; 6 p.m.; rm. B3, Meyerson Hall (PennDesign). A Second Modernism; Joan Ockman, architecture; Daniel Barber, architecture; Arindam Dutta, MIT; Eric Mumford, Washington University in St. Louis; Anna Vallye, Philadelphia Museum of Art; 6:30 p.m.; Lower Gallery, Meyerson Hall (PennDesign). 15 Charismatic Machines; Heather Night, Carnegie Melon University Robotics Institute; 10:45 a.m.; Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall (MEAM). Stereotypes and their Effects on Academic Performance and Evaluation; Joshua Aronson, NYU; 3 p.m.; Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall (CIS). The Power of Human Milk & Breastfeeding: Translating the Science to Clinical Practice and Policy; Diane L. Spatz, nursing; 3 p.m.; Roy Auditorium, Fagin Hall; RSVP: http://lang-spatzaward.eventbrite.com (Nursing). Towards Productive Aging: The Systemic Regulatory Network for Mammalian Aging and Longevity; Shinichiro Imai, Washington University; 3:30 p.m.; Auditorium, BRB II/III; RSVP: aging@mail.med.upenn.edu (Institute on Aging). Wharton Leadership Lecture; Gary Gensler, US Commodity Futures Trading; 4 p.m.; Jon M. Huntsman Hall (Wharton). Partners on Crime; Paromita Vohra, filmmaker; screening and talk; 5 p.m.; rm. 401, G06, Fisher-Bennett Hall (Cinema Studies). The Impact of Torah Study on Halakhic Codification; Chaim Saiman, law; 5:30 p.m.; rm. 245A, Silverman Hall (Law). 16 YouTube, Copyright and the Online Video Revolution; Peter Decherney, English; noon; Café ’58, Irvine Auditorium (SAS, Knowledge by the Slice). Not Always as Expected: Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses to Viral Infections; Ulrich von Andrian, Harvard; noon; Austrian Auditorium, CRB (CFAR, Microbiology). Indian Untouchability; Christian Davenport, University of Michigan; 5 p.m.; Rainey Auditorium, Penn Museum; register: http://humanities.sas.upenn.edu/registration. shtml (Penn Humanities Forum). 17 Browne Center for International Politics Speaker Series; James Fearon, Stanford; noon; Stiteler Hall (Browne Center). Understanding the UbiquitinProteasome System by Probing ProteinProtein Interaction; Lan Huang, 1 TALKS TALKS University of California, Irvine; noon; Austrian Auditorium, CRB (Biochemistry and Biophysics). The Language of Intra-Dramatic Spectator in the Parodos of Oedipus Tyrannus; Asya Sigelman, Bryn Mawr College; 4:30 p.m.; rm. 402, Claudia Cohen Hall (Classical Studies). Molly Zuckerman-Hartung; visiting artist; 6:30 p.m.; ICA (Fine Arts). 18 Title TBA; Franz Hover, MIT; 11 a.m.; GRASP Laboratory (GRASP). Robert Stine; statistics; noon; suite 400A, 3401 Walnut St. (Institute for Research in Cognitive Science). 19 The Millionaire and the Mummies: Theodore Davis’s Gilded Age in the Valley of the Kings; John M. Adams, American Research Center in Egypt; Penn Museum; $8, $5/members (American Research Center in Egypt). 20 Pompeii Lecture Series: Mount Vesuvius in Human History; Robert Giegengack, earth and environmental sciences; 2 p.m.; Penn Museum; tickets $10, $5/members; purchase: http://www. penn.museum/events-calendar/details/1116vesuvius.html (Penn Museum). Coffee & Conversation: Taboo; panel of graduate students; 2 p.m.; ICA (ICA). 21 Shemi Zarhin; Israeli filmmaker; 5 p.m.; Stephanie Grauman Wolf Room, McNeil Center for Early American Studies (Jewish Studies Program). Rania Ghosn; University of Michigan; 6 p.m.; rm. B3, Meyerson Hall (Landscape Architecture). 22 Inaugural Jack Keil Wolf Lecture; Andrew Viterbi, UCSD; 3 p.m.; Wu and Chen Auditorium, Levine Hall (Electrical and Systems Engineering). Hunting with the Hounds: How Dogs Lead the Way in the Search for Effective Cancer Therapies; Nicola Mason, medicine and pathobiology; 6 p.m.; World Cafe Live Upstairs (LRSM). Investing in the Property Markets; Sam Zell; Ambani Auditorium (rm. G06), Jon M. Huntsman Hall (Samuel Zell and Robert Lurie Real Estate Center). 23 Molecular Insight into Nuclear Envelope Fusion During Early Development; Elliott Abrams, cell and developmental biology; noon; rm. 251, BRB II/III (CRRWH). The Paradox of Moving Labor: Workers in the Films of Jia ZhangKe; Peter Hitchcock, CUNY; noon; rm. 330, Fisher-Bennett Hall (Cinema Studies). The Nanoscience Approach to Force and Function of Biomolecules; Hermann E. Gaub, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich; 4 p.m.; Glandt Forum, Singh Center for Nanotechnology (Nano/Bio Interface Center). Targeting Chromatin Modifiers to Overcome Resistance to Anti-Cancer Drugs; Jeffrey Settleman, Genentech, Inc.; 4 p.m.; Grossman Auditorium, Wistar Institute (Wistar). Tripping over Historical Outcrops: Steps towards Embracing the Palimpsest and Mona, Jamaica; Suzanne FrancisBrown, University of the West Indies Museum; 6 p.m.; Upper Gallery, Meyerson Hall (Historic Preservation). 24 Graphene Photonics and Electronics; Fengnian Xia, Yale; 10:40 a.m.; Auditorium, LRSM (MSE). Some Surprises in the Biophysics of Protein Dynamics; Vijay Pande, Stanford; noon; Austrian Auditorium, CRB. (Biochemistry and Biophysics). Inventing the Barbarian in Ancient Greece and China; Yang Huang, Fudan University; 4:30 p.m.; rm. 402, Claudia Cohen Hall (Classical Studies). 25 IRCS/Computational Neuroscience Speaker Series; Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; noon; suite 400A, 3401 Walnut St. (Institute for Research in Cognitive Science). Under the Elephant’s Path; Michael Meister, history of art; 3:30 p.m.; rm. 113, Jaffe Bldg. (History of Art). 26 Panel Discussion: Women in the Civil War; 2 p.m.; free w/ Museum admission; Penn Museum (Museum). 28 Black Picket Fences Revisited: Black Middle Class Neighborhoods in the 21st Century; Mary Pattillo, Northwestern University; 5 p.m.; rm. 200, College Hall (Urban Studies). The Canticle of the Birds; Michael Barry, Princeton; 5 p.m.; rm. 231, FisherBennett Hall (Middle East Center). Roots of American Architecture; Charles Dagit, Jr., FAIA; 6:30 p.m.; B4, Meyerson Hall (Architecture). 30 Environmental Exposures and Aneuploidy in Human Sperm; Melissa Perry, George Washington University; noon; rm. 251, BRB II/III (CRRWH). Ready and Waiting: OSRD Burn Research in US Hospitals, ca. 1940-1945; Amanda L. Mahoney, nursing; noon; rm. 435, Fagin Hall (Bates Center). ICA Salon: Jason the Mason; panel discussion; 6:30 p.m.; ICA (ICA). 31 Profiling Metabolites and Peptides for Biological Discovery; Alan Saghatelian, Harvard; noon; Austrian Auditorium, CRB (Biochemistry and Biophysics). Arshama to Alexander; Christopher Tuplin, University of Liverpool; 4:30 p.m.; rm. 402, Claudia Cohen Hall (Classical Studies). The Power of Eds and Meds: How Urban Universities are Leading Neighborhood Revitalization and Innovation Based Economic Development; Craig Carnaroli, Penn; Nim Chinniah, University of Chicago; Katie Lapp, Harvard; 5 p.m.; Golkin Room, Houston Hall; register: penniur@ pobox.upenn.edu (PennIUR). 2013-2014 R. Jean Brownlee Lecture in Sexuality Studies; Alison Bechdel, author and cartoonist; 7:309 p.m.; Harrison Auditorium, Penn Museum (Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies). 21 Weigle Info Commons Workshops In Class of 1968 Seminar Room, Van PeltDietrich Library unless otherwise noted. Open to faculty, staff and students. RSVP: http://wic.library.upenn.edu/wicshops 16 Google Scholar Citation Analysis; 11 a.m. Canvas Office Hours; 2 p.m.; rm. 129, WIC. Also October 21, 11 a.m.; October 24, 3:30 p.m. RefWorks; 3 p.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. 17 Working with Video in PowerPoint; 3 p.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. LinkedIn-Buying into the Hype; 5 p.m. 18 Mapping and GIS: Working with Historic Maps; 10:30 a.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. Mendeley; 11 a.m. GIS Office Hours; 2 p.m.; Moelis Research Center. Also October 25. Documentary Filmmaking for Undergrads: Shooting the Interview; 2 p.m. 19 Prezi; 2 p.m. Also October 26. 21 Introduction to eBeam; noon. Making an Online Portfolio; 3:30 p.m. Mapping and GIS: Intensity Maps/ Google Fusion Tables; 4 p.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. 22 Blackboard to Canvas; 1 p.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. Also October 29, 10 a.m. Tools, Not Toys: Research and Project Management Apps for Graduate Students; 5 p.m. 23 Canvas Basics; 11 a.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. Mapping and GIS: Map Design with ArcGIS; 5 p.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. 24 Assessment and Grading in Canvas; 1 p.m.; Goldstein Electronic Classroom. 25 Self-publishing with InDesign; 10:30 a.m. 28 Zotero; 2 p.m.; Seminar Room, Education Commons. 30 Infographics; 11 a.m. FITNESS AND LEARNING Aerobic Cardio Fitness; 5:30 p.m.; St. Agatha’s and St. James church, Parish Hall (enter at back door); first class free, $8/non-students, $5/students; info.: (267) 251-3842. Every Tuesday and Thursday. Rape Aggression Defense (RAD); session: Wednesdays, October 9-30, 5:30-8:30 p.m.; session: October 19, 26, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Public Safety; RSVP: (215) 898-4481 (Public Safety). 1 New Parents’ Discussion Group; noon; Penn Women’s Center (PWC, Parents@Penn). 2 College of Liberal and Professional Studies Walk-In Wednesday; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Suite 100, 3440 Market St. (LPS). P.M. @ Penn Museum: 1st Wednesday Quizzo; 6-8 p.m.; Penn Museum. Instructional Drum Circle 8 Week Workshop; 6:30 p.m.; $15/walk in, $10/ walk in for students; Penn Museum (Museum). 3 Penn Knitters; noon; Penn Women’s Center. Every Thursday. 5 Teachers’ Workshops: Propaganda Through Time, Across Continents; includes tour of Black Bodies in Propaganda exhibit by Tukufu Zuberi; 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; Penn Museum; tickets: www.penn.museum/educators-k-12/ professional-development.html (Museum). See Exhibits. 16 Flu Vaccine Clinic; PennCard holders; 11 a.m.-7:30 p.m.; Bodek Lounge, Houston Hall; $25. Also October 23 (Student Health Services, Human Resources). Class of 1923 Arena Info.: www.business-services.upenn.edu/icerink/ Public Skating; Sun. 1:30-3 p.m.; Mon. noon-1:30 p.m.; Wed. noon-1:30 p.m.; Fri. noon-1:30 p.m.; Sat. 5:30-7 p.m. 5 Penn Day Skate (Faculty and Staff); 5:30 p.m.; free for Penn faculty and staff with Penn ID, skates available to rent. 14 Columbus Day Skate; noon; free skate rental w/ paid admission. 26 Homecoming Skate; 5:30 p.m.; free admission with Penn ID, skates available to rent. 27 Halloween Skate; 1:30 p.m.; free admission to anyone in costume, skates available to rent. HR: Professional and Personal Development Programs Open to Penn faculty and staff. Register: http://knowledgelink.upenn.edu/ 1 Brown Bag Matinee: Time Management—A Productivity Plan; noon. 8 Buying a Home Through Penn’s Home Ownership Program; noon. 10 Enhancing Your Personal and Professional Career Development through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI); 9 a.m.-noon; $75. 18 Career Focus Brown Bag: Stress Management in Practice; 11 a.m. 24 Brown Bag Matinee: Diffusing Hostility; 1 p.m. 31 Brown Bag Matinee: Giving and Receiving Feedback; noon. Photo Credit: Tom Caravaglia The iconic Paul Taylor produces pieces consistently regarded as masterpieces. The Paul Taylor Dance Company will be performing Fibers (1961) and Profiles (1979), two Taylor classics, as well as Gossamer Gallants (2011), a humorous work based on a company of insects where females rule, and American Dreamer, a brand new work set to the music of Stephen Foster, on October 24-26 at Annenberg Center’s Zellerbach Theatre. See On Stage. Open the mobile version of the AT PENN calendar by scanning this QR code with your smartphone and scrolling to the bottom of the list. 09/24/13 HR: Quality of Worklife Workshops Open to Penn faculty and staff. Register: https://www.hr.upenn.edu/myhr/registration 15 Relaxing Ways to Manage Your Stress; noon. 23 Fielding Requests for Flexible Arrangements and Tips for Managing Flexible Work and Workers; noon. HR: Healthy Living Workshops Open to Penn faculty and staff. Register: https://www.hr.upenn.edu/myhr/registration 2 Chair Yoga; noon. 17 Grocery Shopping on a Budget; noon. Morris Arboretum Register: www.morrisarboretum.org 1 Emerald Ash Borer: Planning for 2014; 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; $50. 2 Introductory Tree Climbing for Women; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; $125. 3 Identifying Warm Season Grasses; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; $60, $54/members. 5 Native Trees at Morris Arboretum; 11 a.m. Also October 19. 8 Gardening for Wildlife; 7 p.m.; $30, $25/members. 10 Electrical Hazard Awareness, Aerial Rescue and Chain Saw Safety; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; $250. Continues October 11. Creating a Woodland Garden; 7 p.m.; $30, $25/members. 12 Compost This!; 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; $35, $30/members. Ikebana Flower Arranging; 1 p.m.; $68, $62/members. Also October 19. 13 Cordial Cocktails: Delicious Delights Straight from the Garden; 2-4 p.m.; $45, $35/members. 15 Goldenrods and Asters; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; $60, $54/members. 16 PHS-The Year-Round Flower Show; 3 p.m.; $20, $15/members. 17 New Field Techniques for Tree Evaluation; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; $135. 19 Attracting Birds to Your Backyard; 8-11 a.m.; $30, $25/members. The Lure of the Labyrinth; 10 a.m.-noon; $25, $20/members. Rain date October 26. The Secret Life of a Goldenrod Field; 10 a.m.; $30, $25/members. Canning Basics for the Home Cook; 1 p.m.; $30, $25/members. 20 Zentangle Art Workshop: The Basics and Beyond; 12:30-3:30 p.m.; $70, $65/members. Also October 27. Seeds to Sprouts, Autumn Adventures II; 10:30 a.m.; $150, $120/ members. Mondays through November 25. 22 Introductory Tree Climbing; 9 a.m.4 p.m.; $525. Through October 24. Bulb-o-licious Containers; 7-9 p.m.; $48, $42/members. 23 Pruning Decidous Trees; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; $120. Rain date October 25. Orchid Workshop; 7-9 p.m.; $48, $43/members. 24 Designing the Small Garden: Lecture and Workshop; 7-9 p.m.; $30, $25/members. Pruning for the Homeowner; 7-9 p.m.; $50, $45/members. Also October 26, 10 a.m.-noon. 26 Great Native Plants for Your Landscape; 1-3 p.m.; $30, $25/members. 30 Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Predicting the Effects; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; $125. 31 Tools and Techniques of Modern Arboriculture; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; $125. PennFit: RESULTS Tracks Sessions held in Pottruck Center Wellness Suite. Register: www.upenn. edu/recreation/index.html 28 Healthy Eating; Mondays through December 2; 5:30-6:30 p.m. 29 Fitness (Level 2); intermediate course; Tuesdays through December 3; 5:30-6:30 p.m. 30 Stress Management; Wednesdays through December 4; 12:15-1:15 p.m.; yoga, massage and relaxation. PennFit: Bonus Seminars/ Activities Register: (215) 898-6100 2 Simple Yoga; 5:15-6 p.m. 4 Body Composition Analysis; 8-9 a.m., noon-1 p.m., 5-6 p.m. Tools for Your Fuel; noon-1 p.m. 9 Weights for Women; 5:15-6 p.m. 18 Functional Synergy; 12:15-1 p.m. 25 Relax! Massage 101; 12:15-1 p.m. October AT PE N N