SmartCloud Control Desk Guide for Importing IdML Data


SmartCloud Control Desk

Guide for Importing IdML Data


Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 7.

This edition applies to version 7, release 5, modification 1, fix pack 2 of SmartCloud Control Desk and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

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IdML data imports . . . . . . . . . . 1

Before you import IdML data .








. 1

Supported actions and processing .






. 2

ImportIDML tool usage.










. 3

Troubleshooting IdML imports .







. 5

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Trademarks .














. 8

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014 iii


SmartCloud Control Desk Guide for Importing IdML Data

IdML data imports

You can use the ImportIDML tool to import actual CI data directly into

SmartCloud Control Desk. This tool is available after you install Integration


IdML data import tool

The ImportIDML tool provides a mechanism by which you can load information about discovered configuration items without using Tivoli ® Application

Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM). The data must be exported in IdML format. Products that can export IdML data include IBM Tivoli Network Manager,

IBM ® Tivoli Business Service Manager, and IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

The ImportIDML tool is installed with Integration Composer. It is supported on all platforms that are currently supported by Integration Composer.

The ImportIDML tool is installed at the following location:

Integration Composer Home /bin

The tool is run from the command line with the following command:

Operating System

Microsoft Windows other supported operating systems

Command importIDML.bat

You can use the ImportIDML tool whether or not you use TADDM to import data about actual CIs. If you use both processes, do not run the ImportIDML tool while the integration adapter for TADDM is running. Importing data from multiple sources at the same time can yield unpredictable results.

Do not import the same data with the ImportIDML tool that you import with the

TADDM adapter. If you import the data with both tools, duplicates are created because Integration Composer uses the TADDM guid whereas the ImportIDML tool uses the ID attribute.

What is IdML?

The Identity Markup Language (IdML) is an Extensible Markup Language (XML) dialect that is used to describe resource instances and their relationships according to the Common Data Model. The Common Data Model is used to describe actual

CIs in the product database.

Before you import IdML data

Before you import IdML data, make sure that CIs are uniquely identified and that enumerated values are processed properly.

The IdML specification says that the ID tag is optional, but this tag is required for importing CI data. The ID is used, along with an optional prefix, to create the

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2014


ACTCINUM attribute for the actual CI. Be sure that your IdML files specify this tag for each actual CI. If the tool encounters a CI record without an ID, a warning message is written to the log file and the CI record is skipped. The ID value must be unique.

The Common Data Model, which defines the language that is used to describe configuration items, uses enumerations for several CI attributes. In an enumeration, the possible values of the attribute are represented by integers. The

ImportIDML tool uses a file that translates these integers into the correct attribute values. To ensure that enumeration values are correctly processed when you import IdML data, the Common Data Model version that is used to create the files should not be more recent than the SmartCloud Control Desk Common Data

Model version.

The createIDMLMetaCache tool in the Integration Composer Home /bin directory can be used to update the Common Data Model metadata that is used by the

ImportIDML tool. It reads a CDM.xsd

file and outputs three text files in the

Integration Composer Home /data/idml/cdm_metadata directory: v cdmdatetimes.txt

: a list of Common Data Model attributes that have a datetime format that must be converted to a time stamp in order to be loaded v cdmenumerationmap.txt

: a list of enumerations that are used to convert the alphanumeric enumerations to its appropriate integer value that the product recognizes v cdmnames.txt

: a list of valid Common Data Model classifications that are used to recognize improper classifications and issue warnings

If any of these files exist, the tool renames the existing file by appending the current timestamp and creates a new file.

The createIDMLMetaCache tool accepts one parameter, which is the name of an xsd file. Specify the location of the xsd file that contains the schema that is used to generate your IdML file. If no file name is specified, the tool runs against

Integration Composer Home /data/idml/cdm_metadata/CDM.xsd


All of the classifications that are specified in the IdML files that you import must be specified in the cdmnames.txt

file and must also be defined as SmartCloud

Control Desk classifications. In addition, all the attributes that are specified in the

IdML files that you import must be defined in SmartCloud Control Desk for the classification of the actual Configuration Item to which they belong.

Supported actions and processing

You can create or modify actual CIs with the ImportIDML tool.

When you use the ImportIDML tool to import IdML data, you can either create new actual CIs or modify existing ones. You can also delete actual CIs.

How the file is processed

The tool does not filter the data by location or other criteria. It processes all records in the file.

When the tool processes an IdML file, it processes each entry in the same way, regardless of whether the entry is in a create section or a modify section. The tool uses the specified ID tag, and a prefix if one is entered on the command line, to


SmartCloud Control Desk Guide for Importing IdML Data

create an ACTCINUM for the CI. The tool then queries the database for an actual

CI with that ACTCINUM value. If one is found, then the CI entry is processed as an update; otherwise a new CI is created.

If you import an actual CI more than once, using the same prefix or no prefix, the

ACTCINUM values match and the tool treats the second import as an update. If you import the same actual CI more than once but use a different prefix, the

ACTCINUM values do not match, and the second import results in the creation of a new actual CI.

After all the entries in the file are processed, the tool uses the Naming and

Reconciliation Service to create a unique identifier for each newly created actual CI that represents a computer system. For each entry, if an existing actual CI is found with the same identifier, the existing actual CI is marked for deletion. The tool assumes that the new information should replace the old record.

Deleting actual configuration items

You can use the ImportIDML tool to delete actual CIs, even the CIs that were imported from TADDM.

To delete actual CIs, use the tool with the -c flag, and specify a string. Actual CIs whose ACTCINUM attribute begins with the specified string are deleted. The string can be a prefix that you used when the actual CIs were created, or it can be any string that appears at the beginning of ACTCINUM attributes. The actual CIs are deleted immediately, and they are deleted whether they were promoted or not.

ImportIDML tool usage

The ImportIDML tool is used to import IdML formatted data into SmartCloud

Control Desk, through Integration Composer. The tool is called from the

Integration Composer command line.

Adding the SmartCloud Control Desk database password

When you install Integration Composer, you specify the URL for the SmartCloud

Control Desk database and the user ID that is used to connect to the database. The values that are specified are maintained as the following properties in the

file: v mxe.db.url= v mxe.db.user=

The ImportIDML tool creates and updates actual CIs in the database that is specified in the


The database password must also be specified in the Integration Composer

Home \bin\

file as the TARGETPWD value.

Optionally, you can use the encryptExecuteMappingProperties command to encrypt the properties file, as shown in the following example: encryptExecuteMappingProperties.bat

IdML data imports


Command syntax

The ImportIDML tool is run from the /bin directory, under the Integration

Composer root directory.

importIDML -f <filename> -c <prefix> -p <prefix> -s <customer>



-f <filename>

-c <prefix>

-p <prefix>

-s <customer>




Required unless the -c option is specified.

The name of the IdML file to import. A full path to the IdML file can be specified. If a full path is not used, the file that is specified must exist in the Integration Composer

Home /data/Idml directory.

Optional. Delete Actual CIs whose

ACTCINUM attributes start with the prefix that is specified.

Optional. Prefix for ACTCINUMs that is used when the objects are created.

Optional. The primary customer name to set for each Actual CI that is created. This parameter is used only with IBM

SmartCloud Control Desk - Service Provider

Edition. The tool does not check to verify that you installed IBM SmartCloud Control

Desk - Service Provider Edition. Customer values are added to the database table, but they are not used unless you install IBM

SmartCloud Control Desk - Service Provider


Optional. This option deletes attributes on any actual CIs if the attribute is no longer defined for the classification that is associated with the actual CI. Deletion affects any actual CIs; it is not limited to

Actual CIs loaded by the loader. This routine can affect performance. Use it only if necessary.

Optional. This option deletes attributes from the set of Actual CIs that are being imported if the attribute is not specified for the actual

CI in the IdML file.

Syntax example

importIDML -f ITNM.xml


All error messages, debug statements, and trace records are written to the

Integration Composer Home /log/fusion.log

file. Because the log files roll over and you risk losing important information, preserve the information for analysis by piping the output to a file, for example importIDML -fITNM.xml -pITNM_ -sIBM 1>




SmartCloud Control Desk Guide for Importing IdML Data

Troubleshooting IdML imports

To facilitate troubleshooting, specify the required database properties files and configure logging. The following information describes how to configure logging and troubleshoot specific issues.

Configuring properties files

The ImportIDML tool depends on Integration Composer properties that are specified in the following location: Integration Composer Home /data/properties/

. The following properties are set when Integration Composer is installed, but you can modify them with a text editor: v Database properties that specify the database that data is imported into, including

– mxe.db.schemaowner=

– mxe.db.driver=

– mxe.db.url=

– mxe.db.user= v perfmon properties, including

– // perfmon.logfrequency=5

– // perfmon.details=FALSE // Set all thresholds in seconds

– // perfmon.threshold.sql=10

If you want to measure performance criteria, remove the slashes (//) from the perfmon properties.

The log file that is generated for perfmon properties is located here: Integration

Composer Home \log\perfmon.log

v mxe.fusion.mapping.nrs.enable=true , which enables the generation of Naming

Reconciliation Service (NRS) globally unique identifiers (guids) for Computer

System CI types during a mapping

Log properties for the ImportIDML tool log files are found in Integration

Composer Home /data/properties/

. You can set the following properties: v log4j.logger.idml=INFO v log4j.logger.idml.detail=ERROR

If you specify DEBUG for log4j.logger.idml.detail= , all entry and exit points are reported. Specifying DEBUG usually yields too much data. For DEBUG, it is recommended to begin by specifying log4j.logger.idml=DEBUG and possibly log4j.logger.maximo.sql=DEBUG if you want to view the SQL statements.

Common Data Model discrepancies

The default cdmdatetimes , cdmenumerationmap , and cdmnames text files that are installed with Integration Composer are generated against a specific version of the

Common Data Model. If your source environment contains metadata that matches a different Common Data Model version, the generated IdML file might contain classifications, attributes, or relationships unknown to SmartCloud Control Desk or the ImportIDML tool. This can cause the ImportIDML tool to log errors and skip importing actual CIs that contain the unknown metadata.

To fix this situation, use the SmartCloud Control Desk user interface to create the missing metadata and then either manually edit the appropriate cdmdatetimes ,

IdML data imports


cdmenumerationmap , and cdmnames text files or use the createIDMLMetaCache tool to generate new file versions by passing it an updated CDM.xsd


For example, if the source database contains an attribute unknown to an existing

SmartCloud Control Desk classification, you can use the SmartCloud Control Desk

Classifications application to add the new attribute to the classification. If the new attribute contains an enumeration type value, you must update the cdmenumerationmap.txt

file to specify the valid values. For a new classification, you must also update the cdmnames.txt

file after you create the new classification and its attributes in SmartCloud Control Desk.


SmartCloud Control Desk Guide for Importing IdML Data


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SmartCloud Control Desk Guide for Importing IdML Data

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