Analogue Sites for Mars Missions (2011) 6009.pdf THE GYPSUMVILLE – LAKE ST. MARTIN IMPACT STRUCTURE: SHOCKED CARBONATES, INTRACRATER EVAPORITES, AND CRYPTOENDOLITHS. E. A. Cloutis1, G. Berard1, P. Mann1, and J. Stromberg1. 1Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Ave., Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3B 2E9, Introduction: The Lake St. Martin (LSM) impact structure is an ~40 km impact structure approximately 200 Ma in age located in central Manitoba, Canada [1-4]. The impact occurred in ~200-400 m of Ordovician and Devonian sandstones, shales, and carbonates overlying Archaean-aged granite [1]. Outcrops are sparse in the area, but include uplifted, unshocked granites, shocked granites and pseudotachylites of the central uplift, and intracrater red beds and gypsum/anhydrite deposits exposed by open pit mining operations. The red beds include a wide variety of poorly sorted clasts including impact melts and shocked granites, and shock-melted carbonates. An open pit gypsum mine in the area (Gypsumville) has exposed a continuous ~5 km long section of gypsum/anhydrite deposits, of up to 15 m vertical exposure (Fig. 1). Exploratory drilling in the area indicates that these beds range in thickness up to at least 30 m [3, 5]. The Ca-sulfates in the area consist largely of gypsum and anhydrite, with minor glauberite [3, 5], and occasional interbedded clays. Grain sizes and bed morphologies are highly variable, ranging from multi-cm selenite crystals to cryptocrystalline, saccharoid-textured dense layers. The gypsum beds grade laterally and abruptly into poorly sorted red beds that contain a variety of clasts, including gypsum, impact melt, shocked granite, and impact-melted carbonates (Fig. 2). This site provides an accessible example of intracrater evaporites. Exposed gypsum faces exhibit a variety of weathering textures (Fig. 3), drag folds due to the movement of glacial ice [6], and cryptoendoliths located at depth (>1-2 cm) in gypsum boulders (Fig. 4) [7]. This site has some similarities to Columbus crater on Mars, which exhibits interbedded gypsum-phyllosilicates with complex folding [8]. Mission Description: Gypsum-bearing terrains are not included in the four candidate MSL landing sites. However, Eberswalde, Gale, and Holden craters will all sample presumed intracrater sediments. Gypsum-bearing terrains may be targets for future (Mars 2018) campaigns. The LSM site can be used to: 1. determine how well mineralogically-unique clasts in red bed (poorly sorted clastic sediments) deposits can be distinguished; 2. determine whether shocked and unshocked carbonates are spectrally distinguishable; 3. determine how and whether cryptoendoliths can be detected in sulfate-rich environments. Science Merit Related to Mission Objectives: The LSM site provides access to intracrater sediments and evaporites, impact melts, different shocked and unshocked Analogue Sites for Mars Missions (2011) 6009.pdf lithologies (carbonates, granites), and gypsum-hosted cryptoendoliths. Exposures of these materials are all located within 20 km of each other at LSM. The age of the impact is ~200 Ma; the age of the intracrater deposits is less well known, but likely immediately post-dates the impact [1-5]. Results from previous and ongoing work are helping to better define its various Mars-relevant characteristics. Available imagery for the site is limited to Landsat and aerial photographs. Given the presence of microbial activity at the site and the diversity of rock types and terrains, it is relevant to the exploration goals of determining if life ever arose on Mars (MEPAG Goal I; Objectives A and B), the history of climate on Mars (Goal II; Objectives B and C), and evolution of the surface (Goal III, Objective A) []. Most Important Question Answered by Site: This analogue site can help us address the conditions necessary for cryptoendoliths survival in Ca-sulfate deposits and how their detection can best be undertaken. Logistic and Environmental Constraints: The LSM site is located ~2 hours by road from Winnipeg, MB by paved road. Access to various sites within the area is largely by an all-weather gravel road. The majority of the sites are located on Crown land and no permits are required for site access. Mined areas and bedrock exposures are free of vegetation. Standard Information Required for Analogue Sites: A regional map, and images from the gypsum and red bed quarries, and cryptoendolith-bearing gypsum boulders are shown below. Table 1: Table of characteristics of Lake St. Martin analogue site. Site Name Lake St. Martin Impact Structure Center Coordinates 51° 46’ 13”N 98° 38’ 06” W Elevation 258 m Areal Extent ~40 km by 40 km Prime Science Questions Detection of cryptoendoliths Characteristics of intracrater evaporite deposits, shocked/unshocked carbonates Distance from nearest road 0 – 2 km Environmental Max temp: 18°C. Min temp: -18°C. characteristics Precipitation: 53 cm. Vegetation coverage: None in areas of interest Previous studies at site References 1-7 (see below) Primary Landing Site Target Columbus crater References: [1] Grieve R.A.F. (2006) In: Impact Structures in Canada; Geo. Assoc. Canada. [2] Currie K.L. (1970) Nature, 226, 839-841. [3] Bannatyne B.B. (1959) Gypsum-Anhydrite Deposits of Manitoba. MB Dept. Mines Natur. Res. Publ. 58-2. [4] Simonds C.H. and McGee P.E. (1979) Proc. 10th LPSC, 2493-2518. [5] McCabe H.R. and Bannatyne B.B. (1970) Lake St. Martin Crypto-Explosion Crater and Geology of the Analogue Sites for Mars Missions (2011) 6009.pdf Surrounding Area. MB Dept. Mines Natur. Res. Geol. Pap 3/70. [6] Wardlaw N.C. et al. (1969) Cdn. J. Earth Sci., 6, 577-593. [7] Stromberg J. et al. (2011) LPSC, 42, abstract #2170. [8] Wray J.J et al. (2009) LPSC, 40, abstract #1896. Figure 1. Upper left: geological map of Lake St. Martin impact structure (from ref. 5). Upper right: slab of red bed deposit. Lower left: wall of gypsum quarry with minor iron oxide staining. Lower right: broken surface of gypsum boulder showing cryptodendolith layers (blue-green). Rock is ~20 cm across and original exposed surface is to the upper right (arrows).