Walla Walla-Columbia SRA Winter Retiree News in the Blues 2015 -‘16 President’s Corner The Prez Sez: Greetings to you all. I sincerely hope that you have had a healthy, happy, and safe holiday season. This time of year reminds us to remember the reason for the season, and to take time from our busy lives and to spend quality time with family and friends. We should also remember at this time of year to be extra cautious to not be taken in by those “scammers” out there. If it sounds too good to be true, it most likely is. Please take the time to think about and investigate that “good deal” that may come along. Talk it over with family and friends before you make any commitments. We need to remember that our legislature will be meeting soon. We need to be aware of any legislation that may affect us. And be prepared to contact our legislators as needed. We are fortunate that we have Jim Davison as our “watchdog” on these issues. Jim goes above and beyond to keep us updated and to advise us when we need to get involved on an issue. THANK YOU, JIM! I am enjoying my time as your president. I truly am fortunate to work and associate with such a wonderful group of people. I am very happy that Niels’ surgery was successful and that he is home recuperating. Come see us, Niels. We miss you. In keeping with the recent rage over “Star Wars”, live long and prosper. Okay, that was from “Star Trek”, but the wish remains. Inside This Issue Page 2 - WSSRA News Luncheon Schedule Retirement Seminar Page 3 - Mini-Grant Winners WWCSRA Website Teddy Bear Tea Page 4 - Legislative Report Silent Auction Request Scholarship Information Page 5 - Hospitality Report Facebook Address/Phone # Changes Officers President - Walt Gobel President-Elect Past President - Niels Peterson Secretary - Mary Jo Fontenot Treasurer - Jim Briggs Past State President - Irene Gleason Committee Chairs Communications - Ellen Wolf Community Services - Barbara Daniel Health Services - Joyce Oakley Hospitality - Kay Barga Luncheon- Judy Jackley Verna Reesman Membership - Joan Helm Mini-Grants - Pam Conover Retirement Planning - Leslie Stockton Scholarship - Mardel Bierwagen Legislation - Jim Davison Program - Walt Gobel Activity Directors Directory - Steve Heimbigner Historian - Allen Kopf Volunteer Coordinator - Kris Takamura Newsletter - Kathi Goodwin Elissa Stites Teddy Bear Tea - Jackie Ormsby State Committees Outreach - Mary Jo Geidl Health - Joyce Oakley Membership - Linda Thorne Retirement - Kathi Goodwin, Co-Chair State President Elect - Rick Nebeker Words from the State Rick Nebeker, State President -Elect I have recently returned from a great trip to Austin, Texas, where we worked with our partners, AMBA to learn strategies to increase membership. This is a good time for each of us to think about, and talk to, people we know who may not be members. If you need membership materials, contact Joan Helm, Linda Thorne, or Bob Fox to get you what you need. I also want to remind you that you are eligible for AMBA benefits as a member of WSSRA. One benefit I like is the Medical Air Services Association. For a reasonable cost you can purchase a membership that will provide you air ambulance service to wherever you need to go. If necessary, they will also transport your car, camper, or motorhome if you are on vacation. There are more travel benefits, as well as discounts for many things you may purchase, and insurance offers, that may, or, may not be advantageous due to the insurance you may have through PEBB. I have also been thinking about one of my favorite topics, Leadership! I believe that everyone who works in a school system does it to make our community a better place. We know it isn’t for the money! If you work to make something better, you are a leader in that area. I encourage you to see what areas of our local or state organization need your leadership skills. Everyone is capable of making WSSRA stronger! Please share the skills you used in your career to help in our local unit. President Walt Gobel, and the rest of the board, will be excited to hear from you. Meeting/Luncheon Dates The Walla Walla –Columbia School Retirees Association luncheon meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month from September through May. Unless announced otherwise, the luncheon meetings will be held at our new location, the SEATech Center at Walla Walla Community College, just off Isaacs Ave. The luncheons begin at noon. The cost of the meals this year will be $8.50. The December luncheon will be December 14. at St. Patrick’s. Our program will be the Chamber Singers from WaHi. The January luncheon will be January 11. The program will be a visit from area School Superintendents, giving us updates on their districts. The February luncheon will be February 8. The program will be Mira Gobel sharing the A.V.I.D. program. You will be getting a call to make reservations the week before each luncheon. If you say you are coming and don’t show, expect to pay for the meal the next meeting. Our organization contracts for so many meals and has to pay for them even if you don’t show up. If something comes up and you must cancel, call Judy Jackley at 522-0071 or Verna Reesman at 525- 7036. 2016 Retirement Planning Seminar The 2016 Retirement Planning Seminar will be held on February 4, 2016, at the Walla Walla School District Board Room, from 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. Watch your e-mail for more information. Fall Mini-Grant Winners The following Active members were given $200 mini-grants this fall: Carol Clarke - Waitsburg SD, Jeff Barlow - Waitsburg, Kathy Somers-Schirm - Waitsburg, Roseann Groom - Waitsburg, Rob Moore - Dayton, Linda Seibold - Sharpstein Elementary, Lori Dohe WaHi, Marie Spalding - Garrison MS, Ron Higgins - Pioneer MS, and Cindy Nass - Walla Walla SD. Congratulations to all of our winners. The next drawing will be in the spring. If you haven’t already submitted your application, be sure to get them in. If you didn't get selected in the fall, your application is still in the batch from which we draw. Walla Walla-Columbia County School Retirees Association has a website with lots of informative articles and information. Log on to: wallawalla-columbiasra.org How are Teddy Bears and Scholarships Related? In 1982, the Walla Walla-Columbia School Retirees Association established a memorial scholarship fund. Using the investment revenue from the fund, a scholarship grant was awarded to a selected college student who was enrolled in student teaching. Initially, the source of revenue for the fund was from member contributions during the monthly meetings. Members were encouraged to acknowledge an anniversary, birthday or other significant event with a corresponding dollar donation. Recently a change was made to broaden the field of applicants reflecting the current needs of college students and school districts. Now two scholarship grants are awarded each year to selected college students who are enrolled in student teaching or a school-based internship. The Scholarship Committee coordinates the application and award process. Mardel Bierwagen does a great job heading this effort. So, you ask, how are scholarships and teddy bears related? In 2005, Jackie Ormsby and some retiree friends, seeing the need to generate more funds for the scholarship fund, suggested, holding a Teddy Bear Tea for the public. The Executive Board approved the idea and planning began. The first Teddy Bear Tea was held in 2006. Today, Jackie is not only the coordinator and one of the inventors, but also the heart of the event. The Tenth Annual Teddy Bear Show and Tea will be held on Saturday, February 27, 2016. Celebrating ten years of any event is a huge accomplishment! The Annual Show and Tea is coordinated by a large committee of members aided by many other volunteers. Over the years new exhibits have been added and attendance and revenue have increased. The proceeds of the event go to the scholarship fund and now provide two scholarships annually. We still encourage members to continue the tradition of personal contributions at our monthly meetings, even with the success of The Show and Tea. And now you know how Teddy Bears and Scholarships are related...and that’s the end of the Story. By Ellen Wolf Legislative ReporT by Jim Davison, Legislative Committee The latest information from Peter Diedrick, Legislative Coordinator for WSSRA, predicts another legislative session due to limited funds, existing demands, and the effects of Initiative 1366. Legislation is already being introduced for the session, which starts January 11, 2016. Please be ready to contact legislators to fight to maintain/restore what has been lost. Stay tuned. Your contacts make a big difference in retaining our benefits. It’s the squeaky wheel that gets their attention. We mean to be that squeaky wheel, with your help. District 16 Legislators Contact Information Sen. Mike Hewitt (R) (306) 786-7830 mike.hewitt@leg.wa.gov Rep. Maureen Walsh (R) (360) 786-7836 maureen.walsh@leg.wa.gov Rep. Terry Nealey (R) (360) 786-7828 terry.nealey@leg.wa.gov Teddy Bear Tea Silent Auction The committee for the silent auction at our annual Teddy Bear Show and Tea need your donations of high quality items to auction off to raise money for the scholarship fund. We must have the donations by the end of January. Please bring them to the January luncheon, or call Connie Bosley (509-525-943) to make arrangements to have the item(s) picked up. We are looking for items that go with our theme “Old Fashioned Tea Party”. The Silent Auction committee will meet in late January to select the items to include in the auction. Those items not selected for the auction will be returned to the owner, or sold at the Teddy Bear Tea Store. Let us know your wishes when donating the item. Thank you for your continued support of this fun event. Scholarships Two $1,200 scholarship grants are available to prospective teachers and/or candidates in other school related fields that will student teach or do internship experience in an educational setting to meet requirements for initial certification. These will be given to graduates of high schools in Walla Walla or Columbia County. The student teaching/internship must take place between September 2016 and June 2017. Applications will be available November 1 and will be due March 1, 2016. Contact Mardel Bierwagen at 525-6117 0r gbierwagen6117@charter.net Hospitality October Get Well - Chuck Clark,, Mardel Bierwagen, & Kit Chryst Sympathy Bob & Pat Johnson, Betty Schubert, & Joan Stevens November Thinking of you - Barbara Daniel & Jackie Ormsby Get Well - Niels Peterson Sympathy - Bill Bieloh, Sharon Ford, Gordon Scribner, Jackie Ormsby, and the families of Wilton Pooler & Marilyn Clizer Like us on Facebook Enter “Walla Walla-Columbia…” in the search bar. Change of Address Please share any address changes with Kathi Goodwin or Elissa Stites (kathi.goodwin16@gmail.com) (estites@charter.net). We’d like to ensure you get the newsletter and each piece of returned mail costs the unit $1. So, if we get a returned newsletter for you and don’t have a correct address, we won’t continue to send them to you.