ft ft VOL. m t) 1 IK W ill iini HI I I THE DAILY gnsiness Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Wm. G. Irwin. Claus SpreckeU. & CO., CLAUS SPKECKELS w VatnhllatlMl an I H at AlTOUCY the Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, tn acceDt risks against Fire In dwells, stores warehouses and merchandise, Marine risks on cargo, on favorable terms. and commissions. profits bottomry, freights, BANKERS, un-TlT- Z: ,.,,rrt WM. G. s2-d- wtf IRWIN A CO. OF Experience With tb Deceptive Machine. i. O The undersigned Less to call the attention of Planters and others who may want to move a succession of light loads for moderate distances, to the system of 1 . 2f 1710. t. Draw Kxchange on the principal parts of the world. EVERY UPON KFFECTED INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Tnt.rl um Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribm.is recognized. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav lugs Department subject to published rules and 7"oc3tf regulations. W. Macfarlane & Co., V3. Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. lOd&wtf CLACS mm. 8PBBC-B- U 318,599,316 - Insured in 1834 q. irwis. WM. Q. IRWIN & Co., ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OAK FACTORS andI. Conimlilou H. SI AGENTS. Honolulu tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., In "Wholesale Dealers rter ant Shoes, Hats, Men's rurnmn- - othlng, Boots, Ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaabumano. Street. lon-wHonolulu, it. i. u OF LIVERPOOL. UNLIMITED LIABILITY. AGENTS. EXEBAL COMMISSION Queen St., Honolulu, U.I. 11 tf P OPfKBaULT W. MAERTENI. F. BANNIN8. oi all descriptions ITUre Insurance be effected at Moderate Kates of Prrml um, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN & CO. Managers for Haw. Islands ED. HOFFSCHLAEGEB, & CO., Importers & CoeuuiUhIou Merchants. Honolulu, H 14-- tf A. S. CLEQHORN Co., auu iieian Importers sud Wholesale Sa. Corner Queen and Kaahumanu NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., & General IVIerchandise, - Assets. fCO.000,000 SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL SURANCE CO. Fibf and Marine. CO-- , AND WHOLESALE inDEALERS WIN KM and LIQUORS. No. 12 Haanumanu .Street, 19-- HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., 4,5O0,O0O Assets tf IN- ..S20.000.000 nnmblued Capital COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Grinbaum M. S. I l ! & Co., No. 124 104-Jyl-- iy M. Oat, Jr., STATIONERS & 27 Merchant St., NEWS DEALERS, 65 t 0my29 Saasazcs at a Funeral. Courier-JournA minister in one of our orthodox church ea, while on his way to preach a funeral sermon ir, tha wmntnr. called to see one of his mem bers, an old lady, who had just been making sausages, and, as she felt very proud of them, insisted on the minister taking some home to his family. After wrapping thesjuisases in a cloth, the minister careruliy Tdnrai the bundle in the pocket of his great coat. Thus equipped he started for the "While attending the solemn ceremonies of the grave some hungry dogs scented tracking the sausages, and were not long in overcoat. man' s them to the pocket of the good annoyance, and Of course this was a great necessity of the under he was several times of obsequies The away. whelps the kickinz the and minister the completed, the grave congregation repaired to the church, where to be preached. the funeral discourse wasfinished the minister After the sermon was to his congresome remarks halted to make gation, when a brother, who wished to have .n anointment eiven out, ascended the stairs of the pulpit and gave the minister's The coat a hitch to got his attention. designs on divine, thinking it a dog having a sudden his pocket, raised his foot, gave sprawling kick, and sent the good brother will excuse me, down the steps. "You minister conthe said siiters," and brethern ? looti-ithe work be at fusedly and without avoid not could itdogI I "for done, just hAd that and pocket, my have sausages in has been trying to grab them ever since he came upon the premises T Tunneling; Gibraltar. ' on a A Madrid engineer is at work uroject for tunneling from the mainland al IT. I. 22 tf Paper Ruler and Blank TO COTTAGE 2ti of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. OPKN" TOU 3 A. M. C. JOHNSON & CO., DR. M. GOTO, Confectionery, 10 P. G IX o and 18 lit uk Street, Lincoln Block. CO., i.T'ir'II. I'wiue, Etc. I KJLIiSTE & CO., tf Importers of 00. & f-- r Nos. and Homemade Have on hand New Foreign ttw Order Solicited. Whittier, Fullerof Repairing In all lt brancnea. Manufacturers & BILLIARD CO, Mi M mi Sansome Street, HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fashion Stables. Bornhold Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one docx from Bank of California, Co. lProprietor. and Mutton these Islands af- Keep , the . , best Beef No Sausages , j hpt - made. ioru. ftisu, iuc any Give us a otner uia.cr. 382decl4 discount from tf trial. ., tf &7"A fine assortment of CANDIES and CAKES always on hand. Parties a a i supplied. m-u-a-- w a f 1 H. J. NOLTE, 26-- tf FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOTEL. O. f Choice! Meats from Flneat Herd. CO WELL, IMPORTERS CLAY, Etc. 211-21- DRUMM 3 OF ENGLISH PORTLAND FIRE BRICKS, FIRK Street, bet. Clsy and Washington, P. O. Box 2,292. 62 SAN FRANCISCO. 5-- f 23-8- 7 Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Families and shipping snpplied on SHORT Ship Chandlerv 3 NOTICE and at the and 40 Market St San Fra genta for Taunton Sheathing Mela! M 5' lag Company. WM. FLA VINE, A. F. HINZ. Lowest Market Prices. YOLO MILLS, and Main Btree. NE. Corner Mission FRANCISCO, Cal. OFFICE AT allery. Telephone No. 568. FORT STREET. Illnz Hawaiian Islands. are thor All meats delivered from this marketby means ong y chined immediately after killing Refrigerator. Patent Dry Air of eatBso Seated Juicy properties. Where a large variety of specimens can be seen will frequently at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence group, when he of the visit the several Islands will be pleased to show for same. 1 X.' G. M. Josselyn & Co., CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. - COW-I- MANTFACTUBEBS OT SPENCE, INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. - HEBY E. DAVIS. Santa Cruz Lime, TABLE 102 Proprietors. DAVIS & PROPRIETOR J. WALLER, Sole A ire ii l for & European Merciaiiiise. Photosranli BROS., 350decl ISAAC Special Agent for the Honolulu SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This Hotel Is In the very center of the businacl renoyawd portion of the city, and has been one block f rona v newly furnished throughout. But Company's oftlc,Xha the Oregon Steamship traveling public will find this to be the mostcoii venient,aswellath most comfortable and re. spectable Hotel In the city. Board and Boom, 81 and $1 25 per day free. None but the most obHot and cold bathsemployed. liging white labor MONTGOMERY Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu S san rrancico. x 424-d29-- ly American Exchange Hotel, KINO STREET, J. wiii.lAM Front St., 21-2- 3 Stock, Real Estate of Furniture. Sales General Merchandise properly attended to. A SMOKE. OR A GAME OF and GLASS PAINTS. OILS, WINDOW TISTS' MATERIALS, Tk Co., & PIONEER W11ITE LEAD, PACItlC RVBBER PAINT, Sole Agent for King's Eye Preservers. General Commission Merchantf J. 27 25 AND T. W. M1LLKB. Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCO 423dec2-l- y Suitable for Presentation. JEWELRY ENGRAVING AND NATIVE A Specialty. V J. Feed and Hay, Grain STREET, SPEAR and Metropolitan Market' 191-t- 7S. Cor. of ltue, BAN i'RANCISCO. Battery Street, 8. 8 Wholesale and Commission Healers In J. LYONS, .Auctioneer iraican 28 1 C1jV-DC- ELLIS & MILLE R and Gold Plate Silver Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Co. 63 and J-- H. II. KLL19. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pius, Lockets, Clocks, Eastman's TRY IT. 26 121a22-8- And ornaments of all kinds. & ma a Jewelry. RESIDENT AGENT, GEE ALE, BILLIARDS. I mpoiters of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods, Hosiery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Goods. Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers of thecele-barte- d PATENT' RIVETED CLOTHING. 16-- 92 Fori Mree. . W. G. RICHARDSON, on the Premises. The Ptoprietnr would be plensed to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally Battery street, Ran Francisco, Cal. 479Jan28 87 Bi"lrs M who may desire a 14 WENNEH Manufacture and Supply all kinds of BILLIARDS will find an Elegant BMHSWIGK Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec ialty. Office. Maunakea street, in tue resiuenctformerly occupied by vr. men, uouuiuiu. hours, 1 to 6 p. m. Sundays. 8 to 12 a. m. N. B. Parties on the other Islands can consult by let 2CS oct20'86 ter. & Gazette Block, Honolulu. SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Michigan Portrait Co. Lovers NOTARY PUBLIC. Ktate In any iart oron the Commission No. 27 MERCHANT STltEET, LxiH. JIo.l Atuarus, 1 PROPRIETORS Office 202 aud 204 Bought, Sold and Leased Loans Negotiated and Legal Documents Drawn COMPANY, .n OF THE CAPITOL DavU street, San Francisco 1 lour, uraiuB u Manufacturers of and Dealeisln nil kinds. Oatmeal. Bran, Middlings, Cornmeal and Rolled Barley. Cracked Wheat Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, OH Cake Meal H omluy. Etc., Etc. AND f Flat auu sm.. San Francisco, Cal. Producers of the finest grades of Physician and Surgeon, LEY1 STRAUSS .St. STEEL MERCHANTS AND I HON J. M. lYIONSARRAT, Co., ATTORNEY AT LAW Demins rainier Milling MILLS AND FINISH PAPER & Co. HARDWARE, llr. Real GRAHAM Dnnliam, Carrigan , And Solicitor In Chancery.V Office, Campbell's mnil storv. rooms ana V. JLiurumn 405 tf Merchant street, Houolulu, H. I. Building. & 2l-t- Plain and fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY And- ly - O.Heen St. Tobaccos CigJii'sOFand BEST BRANDS Sole Agents for Klrby's Santa Crux Tanneries. Harness and all other kinds of leather. 159se8 -- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW- ALWAtS ON HAND. FOR SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. Co.'s TItX TEA, SODA WATER, LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, San l raucisco, Cal. 12 and 14 Pine street, iy M. THOMPSON. J. HARDEE, Proprietor. Contracting SON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, HYDNEY. PLANING MILL. C. & Commission Merchants, iNTERPRISP Alakea. near ly JylO I. HALL .A.. TELEPHONE 55 LIXCIIES, C0FFEK, FIRST-CLAS- S Ice Cream Parlor fu-ser- aL AND ATTORN CECIL BROWN. Public, Campbell's Block. Merchant street HALBES MERCHANT 8TBEET. J. 91lf Hi J. Nolte, Propr. HELLER AND ATTORNEY 108 rear. In Agents Ptoueer aud San C.eroniino l'aper Mills. STRAW TAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. San Francisco, Cal 411 and 416 Clay street, AT LAW AND NOTARY Alii with the Attorney Ueneral, f 67 olani Hale, Honolulu, 11. I. dellvere' promptly. 18S5. & Co. S. 3?.SouthTaylor Coast Paper Mills. Proprietors A. KOSA, Island Orders Mounted. STREET. fc ment monthly. Honolulu. March 2. pay- for Office will from this date be presented mr26-12-t- SALDGH. Opposite Wilder Gazette Building:, tf Goods Autillr IaclOe Commercial 267d&wtf 175. Benson, Smith XO. 7 FORT VOLS' KY V. ASHKOKD. Office. J1CAIX. Telephone No. o Manufacturer. 27 HAY AM) Sample bottle free. BERETANIA STREET. AT PRESENT occupied by A. Ehlers. Possession given May 1st. Inquire on premm-L. WAY. Kinau street. HOtf U. Rojal Perfume ALOHA RENT. Prlntlufc All accounu for Advertising and Job at the ATTORNEYS, COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adloliiing the Tost tract. fax. PAYMENTS. MONTHLY Asliford A Ash ford, therewith. E tf A w 57 . K XT AIL Dealers 22t8e30-l- y Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, 410 Front St.. Nau ft'ranclaro. Agents of Company meet all steamers, delivercity, or ing Ireight or Iwiggage to all parts of the shipped to anv part of the world. A unscrupulas agents ous persons oftrn represent themselves give of this Company, be sure the Company you your bKKKage in charge has its ottice No. 110 Sut8!'8 ter street. FJinhurgh Streets, WHOUfSAl-- G Co., & AscntM. Quern Preslden Superiutenden y Spruaucc, Stanley Importers and 205 LeldesdorfT Street. I of any WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, connecting SAN FRANCISCO. for Telephone No. 47. size, made in suitable lengths together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on to JT H.Speeial Attention krtven the ground. 58 UAw and Work Boiler l4rjfe Con HYDRAULIC RIVETING. this establishment, Water Pipe made by Riveting Machinery, Hydraulic by Riveted to that quality of work being far superior . haud work. Steam Capstans, Steam SHIP WORK, Ship andCirculating Pumps, made Winches, Air and after the most approved plans. for the SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. Irrigation or PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, forwith ! the celeCity Works purposes, built any to superior Motion, Davy Valve brated other pump. Honolulu S. WILLIAMS FOR SALE BY J. N. Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block. ( Agent for Hawaiian lsianus Parker ana forW . W. Greener. Colt.Guns, Colt anu niniiu Timible SanWstiis. N.CURRY fc BRO., H3 386-isome street, San Francisco, Cal. cn & Co., JOHN SrBrANCK. TN1Y. B. L. Vpou arrival at San Francisco give your baggage in charge of tbts Company if you desire salt AtUrOBD. SHOT-Winchesi- BOOK BINDER, Book - imder Gibraltar and dynamiting the gglish garrison out ot Snain. BROTHER, Sutter St., San FraucUco, Cal. 110 CLARKNCK W. Pa-c.t- ic HONOLULU, y ATTOBXETS-AT.LA- RS AND DEALERS IN T1 M PORTE mn. Klflea and Pistols. Colt ,ni Martin Maeazine Riaes. Remiugft- an,i unilard snortinK Kltles. Agent ko, Remington ALVIN II. RASEMAN, X and Fir BEEGEE,U.I. N. CURRY & Particular attention paid to repairing. ed 10 Honolulu. II. I. J.0.60 Snnann Street, llouolalu, Burglar Proof, Burglar Proof. Uas Futures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. O. O. Manufacturing Jeweler, rait nf on eve. iTa wfla nulled rmt of the dirt and con- proprietor of wvaA Vinm hv a say that physicians hia cart, and furniture a just as business to be will.be able to attend soon as they can get his neck twisted around tn it nrnnor nlace. and his left ear lifted AM from under his chin. Proof, Irwin Gr. 295tf Tugs STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam trade in constructed with reference to the which thev are to be employed, speed, ton nage and draft of water guaranteed. MASUOAR T.IILLS AND approved CHINERY made after the most connected plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. THOMAS LINDSAY frinnds came to his assistance. picked him off the ground and they When tarvMl him on his feet his nose was bent like . latter TC. and he tried to smile at them Win. lK I . i- T'lLDEUS OF STEAM MAC111JNSteamship 1 steamboat. nil its branches: Land Kngrines mid Boilers. HlKh Pressure or Compound. H "J?- - nilt complete VF.SSfcXS, steam with Iluna ui w oou, iron ur vuuif'iv. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when THE CELEBRATED & Co., Hawaiian Gazette Block. Turn SAF E SI Fire Locomotive Works, WT. H. TAYLOR JOS. MOORE M ACNE ALE A URBAN California street. San Francisco, Cal. J. .200,000 Capital. Ueneral Mercbaudise and Com ml. Hlon St ercbnutN, Houolnlti, II. I. & SUGAR-MAKIN- Fiee and Marine or IUPOBTEBH iuacmnes now iu succession Corner of Heale and Howard Streets, CA I.IFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO... 10,000,000 Capitol HONOLULU. Iron (LlHlTKD). COMPANY. mate are MOULDINGS The Hisdon CITY OF LONDON FIRE INSURANCE I5-t- f MACFAKLANE & Atrent for the Telpherage Company (lim ited) of London. Also agent for John Fowler & Co.'s railways and steam plows, and Mirilees, Wat 535mar25 son it Co.'s sugar machinery. ASKJfCY No. PLANTERS AND OTHERS W. L. GREEN, C. O. BERGrER, 8ENEBAL " f ICE AND REFRIGERATING VrxiX MAUCOCK ENOINES, CORLISS DEAN K AIR. VAaM AND BO ILK KS, llfcATERS, STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN Uu-dAwlETC., ETC. plantations. tionary eteel rod suspended on posts, the power being supplied at a central station by means of a steam engine or water power working an electric dynamo. This system does not profess to oompete with tramways where the ground is suitable for such a mode of conveyance, but the circumstances under which its advantages are apparent are : Where the ground is very rougt, uneven or gulchv, or where the gradients are steep, as it has no difficulty in drawing a load up an iacline of 1 in 10. Where the space for a tramway cannot well be spared, or over swamps or other ground impracticable lor tramwajs. It can be taken along the highroad with a rrmMi fAilitv. and with little more ob- atriiKiinn in the traffic than br a line of telfnlinne nosts. It has the advantage of the overhead wire rope system without its disadvantages, as there is not a long wire rope to drag, with it3 attendant friction and loss of power, whilat it can tnrn on sharp curTes. Tiift main line can be moved to different positions at a moderate expense. A line is now working at Glynde, in bus io.ooo,ooo CAPITAL HINCKLEY, SriERS & HAYES, Of San I'ranclsro. He. WWU All kind, ot Mhlnerr and uiinauuu . 8precUelsviIIe, Makee Sugar Company aud other of this For further particulars and coat apply to H. HACKFELD & CO., Jf Vnr four and live foot furnaces, complete wlta grate bars, bearers and trash carriers, 5 CENTS. qusiatss Cards. Trash Feeding TRANSFER COMPANY, Furnaces, TELPHERAGE, I OX. K8TABLISHE1) A bicycle club was recently formed here, and as soon as the Red Cross society heard of it an ambulance corps was organized and a large supply of bandages and splints purchased in order to be in readiness to follow in the wake of the club whenever it makes its appearance in public and care for the wounded. Not long ago young Hopkins, who is one of the highest ornaments of society, and whose name figures in the lumtum column of the Sunday papers, sacrificed bis entire salary of $30 a month for the purpose of becoming a member of the club. He had never mounted a bicycle in his life, but on one occasion he bad managed, with the aid of a high chair, to climb on top of a he was confident horse; consequently, to that it would be an easy matter for him overcome the difficulties of bicycle riding. He invited a few lady and gentleman friends to ha Dreaent on Sc. Charles avenue and wit- -cess him ride, and they accepted the in vitation. He came out pushing bis 'wheal," as so he called it, in front of Him, ana was dazzling in his club uniform that the ladies were forced to compliment him and insist on an exhibition of his skill. Hopkins explained to them that he was a novice, and that if his riding proved to be a little awkward they must overlook it, and they promised to do o. He then gave the bicycle a rapid start, and spreading his legs like a startled frog leaped to the saddle, and he no sooner landed in it when the bicycle raised its heels, shot him straight up in the air, and kicked him four times before he reached the The ladies screamed slightly ground. when they saw him rolling in the dust and the bicycle tramping all over him, but he jumped nimbly to his feet, and in a nervous and embarrassed way stated that the "brake was on." and he had not noticed it. Another start was made, and he for the saddle, but did not go enough and landed on thi backbone of far the bicycle, about six inches abaft the saddle. The shock made bi3 teeth rattle and his eyes lailcm out like a shrimn. and before be had tlm to collect bis thoughts the bicycle reared up in front, balanced itself on its hJnrt for a moment and then threw TTortina on his back and fell on Lim and oroiinwtti with bim on the pavement and beat bim on the head until two of his friends came to his assistance and punea it away. kind-heart- Itrt1 111 I! PACIFIC By which a nearly continuous stream of examine the sugar cane or other material may be moved Interested are requested to c all andparticulars ap above. For prices aud turther bv means of electric motors, drawing buckstaply to along a ccntaiuers, or other ets, baskets OFFICE FIRE SUN "HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONO LULU, THE BICYCLE. Times-Democra- 'fl1 Automatic payable. promptly adjusted JLosmea Pay ihle Invariably in Advance New Orleans I1 Fulton Iron Works, We have Just received, by the steamer ALA MEDA, a consignment of aiO.OOO.OOO! s CAPITAL. SUBSCRIPTIONS : Daily P. C. Advkrtiskr, one yoar.. f 3 00 00 Daily P. C. Advebtiskb, six months 1 50 Daily P. C. Aovektiskb, three months. .... 50 UiiLY P. C. AdviuRtiskr, per month 5 00 Wfc-- K ly P. C. Advertiser, one year eign Subscription, V. P. C. A. (Including .. 8 50 pailitifei Ever-Ne- r If tartisfuunts NOTICE. Of New Zealand. E?ery Morning Except Sundays. An Old Tet CI r. 1 1 PRICE TO PLASTERS. IS PUBLISHED ON IJ 3&fefrtiSfmntts. ariis. Commercial Pacific i I 1 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 18815. G8. V.-- NO. i ft ! iJ11 ipclmens and take orders 369 tf retain, all its I and Is OCARASlbti' AFTER KILLED MaA-T- . i rDi tiir v" 143-- tt A PlaKnaann, Kxtra Family, Graham, Ry Manufacturers Rye, Oat, Corn ana Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Meal; Sago. Tapioca, Farina, Hominy, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar ey, Ground Feed, etc., etc. of Orlndtaf Dealers In Grain --ad 125 au2 ly done to order. of Feed"-Cor- n Back-wheatGroa- ts, PACIFIC THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser IS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING. I Department may refuse to reort fully to it upon those scientific questions affectople committed ing the health of the to their care, and which in fact is their lawful duty. For the sake of an honorable profession we hope that this statement was male without consideration, and that it will be withdrawn upon due COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MARCH Supreme Court. AT CHAMBERS BEFORE PRESTON, J. Monday, March 22d. Jono. Austin, assignee in bankruptcy of Jose P. Amaral, of llilo, Hawaii, vs. Charles Michiels, action of trover. This case stood continued from the October term of Court last year, and was also continued from the last January term of material owing to the witnesses. Plaintiff asks judgment for the restitution of certain goods belonging to the bankrupt estate or the value of the same alleged to be the sum of $700. The Court heard testimony of witnesses and arguments of counsel, and the case was submitted. Jonathan Austin (F. M. Hatch with him) for plaintiff, L. A. Thurston for defendant. The testimony of Captain John Phillips was taken before II. F. Poor, Esq., Master, and by him filed for use in the case of sai i deponent against Freeth & Wanted n Farm and a Wile. There are queer iople in this world, but some few stand out conspicuous among their fellows as examples of ignorant credulity and cupidity. The hamlet of Charters Towers, in the Colony of Queensland, Australia, is blessed with one of these grasping originals. He modestly wants to know whether a farm, with a wife thrown in, is to be had for the asking from His Majesty the King, and upon receiving an affirmative reply he would be prepared to come hither. Considering that females are numerically scarce and proportionately valuable in this Kingdom, this inquiring colonist is doomed to disappointment unless his personal merits equal his gall. The following correspondence, which the Advertiser has been permitted to pul lish, explains the whole case : "Charters Towers, Queensland, ) "December 30, 1835.) "The American Consul, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands Sir: Is it a fact that the King some time since was offering land and wife to any one who would settle on the island ; and if so, does it still hold good? I can teach the following subjects, and should like to settle there: reflection. It is no breach of confidence to say that Dr. Arning's admittedly imperfect report and following correspondence were TER3IH or Sl'ESCnlPTIOX. in print as part of the apendix to the 8 00 Per UDiim biennial rejort of the Board of Health, 3 00 Biz month and that he had personall' corrected the 50c Per month proofs of his own report a considerable aSubtcrlptloii IaHblf AIhbjhJu time before this private publication of an Atlvauee. Communications from nil part of tbt Kingdom official document took place. This renders will always be very acceptable. his conduct wholly without excuse. Far sens reniding In any part of the United For the reft, the report of the Board of can remit the amount of subscription due by Post Health promises to be in all resects one Office money order. most of ever complete and instructive the Matter Intended for publication In the editorial of leprosy and issued on the subject rolumns should be addresvd to Jiito Pacific Coaimkrcial A&vkktiseh.' national hygiene ; and it will vindicate, Peacock, libellees. Y he deposition wa.3 Businew comiuuult'ations and advertisements in the eyes of scientists and all intelli- taken on account oi lUe departure of should be addressed slruply gent men, the wisdom of entrusting the said Captain for China this afternoon in P. C. AiVKRTiKK,' charge of the brig Allie Rowe. Chas. And not to Individuals. lowers of the Health Department of the Creighton appeared for libellant, F. M. Kingdom to "a lay Board of Health," and not to the vagaries of professional Hatch for libellees. BEFORE JUDD, C. J. empiricism and conceit. In re estate of Aliu (Ch.) of Honolulu, Piano, singing, drawing, Poonah paintMr. J. F. Hackfeld of ing, chrystolum, oil and water painting Content of Jule Tnveruier Studio deceased. Pacific Commercial Advertiser Sold at Auction. Messrs. J. F. Hackfeld & Co. and on satin and velvet and etching. "Awaiting your reply, I have the honor The entire inventory of sketches, Joseph Hyman, of Hyman Bros., Is now for Rale daily at the Following Places: to be, sir, your obedient servant, creditors, day utenriled this their petition studios, inchoate works, artists' J.M.OAT CO Merchant street sils, curios, c "Erxest W. Price." and art rubbish, praying that letters of administration CRYSTAL SODA WORKS Hotel street from Jules Ta issue to J. F. Hackfeld and 1. Ruben-stei- n "Mr. Ernest was sold Price: In answer to studio, vernier's King street 2. F. BCROE8H your upon query said whether estate, and the King is offering Co. auction yesterday in the Boyee,Toy& at that by WOLF & KDWARDS...Cor King and Kuuanu eta a. land wife meanwhile they and to immigrants, I can be C. J. MCCARTHY- appointed temporary Hotel street Thecollection was as miscellaneous as an only say that I suppose there is some unartistic mind could conceive of. There administrators until hearing of petition. Five Oiifs per Copy. was a large attendance, and bidding was The Court appointed Tuesday, April 13, land the King would give to get rid of brisk among the low figures ; studies and 1830, as the time for hearing said peti- some women, but it is not a part of the TUESDAY March 23d. sketches almost uniformly started with tion, and ordered that temporary letters Royal policy. Wives and land are got bids of subsidiary coin, and ran up from issue as prayed for under bond of $5,000, here pretty much as they are in other countries. Very respectfully, DR. ARNING AND THE BOARD OF two bits to a dollar at a time, until they which was duly filed. Letters issued accordingly. The of value 4J. II. Pctxam." the estate is reached from $4 to The finest pieces HEALTH- were still in the first stages of execution, about $6,000, consisting of goods and Proposed Widening of Fort Street. We have received a pamphlet which but the subjects were attractive. They merchandise in stores, one in Honolulu Yesterday His Honor the Chief Justice purports to be "Copies of Report of Dr. were sold more as subjects for the pur- and one in Koloa, Kauai. L. A. Thurs- received from His Excellency the MinisEdward Arning to the Board of Health, chasing artists to work upon. The high ton apieared for ietitioners. ter of Interior a, communication reand of Corre.iondence arising there est figures bid were for a small study of questing the selection of a jury to decide A Rrilliant Wedding, from. We say "purports" advisedly, three Indian heads, which started at 25 On Wednesday, February 17th, at St upon the propriety of a proposed widenbecause for Dr. Arning's take we would cents. It was on loose piece of cloth ing of Fort street, between King and gladly suggest a doubt of his responsi- about 10x10 inches in size. Nat. Brittan Hybald Church, Scawby, Lincolnshire Merchant streets. His Honor accord bility for bo gross a breach of olficial de- and G. B. Bailey of the Nevada Bank Eng., the Rev. Geoffrey B. Simeon, M. A r twenty-fouingly selected names from corum as the unauthorized publication ran it up to xii., at which hgure it Avas was united in the holv rite of matrimony among the legal voters of Honolulu, and of these papers, belonging to the Board struck off to Mr. Brittan. A handsome to Miss Janette Nina Sutton. The cere handed a list over to Marshal Soper, with of Health, unquestionably is. If the clock ot the kind usuauy known as mony was performed by the Right Rev directions that he select a jury of six Board of Health, in its biennial report to "Grandfather's Clock," in a handsome the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, who was persons from said list. Following aro the Legislature, lmd suppressed these case, was an object of lively competition fully vested in purple cassock, rochet the jurors drawn : Jqhn L. Rees, P. D papers, Dr. Arning would have been jus between II. A. rearson of the Palace white stole, cape and mitre. Sir Charles Kellett, E. C. Hobron, E. R. Hendry, H. tided in demanding their production, Hotel, and II. II. Sherwood. It was Anderson, Sir John D. Astley, Bart J. Nolle and W. E. Kealakai. which could have been accomplished struck off to the latter at $22 less than Lady Astley, the Hon. Mrs. Sutton Nel .4r through the intervention oi some mem- half its value. A tortfoIio of etchings tiiorpe and a large and fashionable com Police Court. BEFORE POLICE JUSTICE BICKERTO.V. ber of the Legislative Assembly ; and if brought $21, and another of sketches $9. pany were present at the cfmrch, which was tastefully decorated !f 1,000. for occasion the aggregated The over sale The Monday, March 22d. this resource failed he would then have evergreens with plants. and The considered generally by were bride prices Ed. Duuiond was fined $6 and $1 eosU been justified in their private publica satin for assault and battery on W. Maloy. tion ; but he is wholly without excuse in artists ridicuously low. San Francisco was attired in a rich cream-colore- d costume, with Irish point lace, tulle vei Paloka forfeited bail of $10 for disturb the course he has taken, and his action "Call." orange and blossoms. The groom's best ing quiet of night. in thi3 regard, whether he is directly re A General Smash-up- . was man Mr. his B Hugh brother, Kauhai and Maolo were each fined $5 sponsible or not, is certain to militate very On Monday morning, about 8 o'clock, seriously against him should lie again a Portuguese was driving a horse, at Simeon. The marriage had long been and $1 costs for drunkenness. Namara Irestke was charged with as seek an official appointment here or else tached to an ancient looking express, looked upon in circles privileged with the of acquaintance bridegroom the and the sault and battery on Niibura Liokeni where. No matter what personal griev down Nuuanu alley road, When just ance may exist in the case of a public below the second bridge he was not sat- bride, as being a particularly happy He was found guilty and fined $5 and officer, there are obligations of duty and isfied with the pace the animal was go- instance of matrimonial felicity. The $4 20 costs. Colonel Thompson, who discipline which no gentleman can afford ing, and, getting the whip, brought it presents were of a costly and tastefu appeared for him, noted an appeal to the to ignore, and which are morally obliga down on the horse's back with telling character, and if we had to mention Intermediary Court. tory upon all. Dr. Arning, unfortunately effect. The horse got mad at such rough them all it would occupy at least a col Complimentary Hand Coneert. for himself, has ignored these obligations treatment and commenced to buck and umn and a half of space. evening the Royal Hawaiian Last The bridegroom is well known in this ..arfl nldn viwalr In ilif wrnnfT -- nner an over Tviruf iiVoijr in iho a. complimentary concert at the city wlfo-astvo as a brother of Mr wjjko, Band without serving any personal end, or the street, driving pedestrians in every f Hawaiian to Captain W. H. Brad Hotel Honolulu. the Dioiiop oi Last year furthering any public object, that we can direction. kept kicking for about this time, the up It ley, by N., R. command of His Majesty . possibly imagine. To adopt the language in company with his quite a time and then started on a gallop brother, he spent two months in the the King. The verandas of the hotel of of the President the Board of Health, towards town. When near the corner of were tastefully illuminated Through Islands. with a pro tho season Lenten in bis reply to Messrs." Bishop, Schaefer Kukui street, the Portuguese was thrown of fusion colored lanterns, Mr. Simeon of a and delivered series there was mission and Atherton, acting as a committee of out, and the fun was concluded by the a assemblage to brilliant bear the music. interference with the Board, we are horse running the wagon into Mr. addresses in St. Andrew's Cathedral, The band was heard were at its best, the se which well He at attended. is "compelled to believe that Dr. Arning Hughes' fence, smashing it badly, also lection from present "Pinafore" and "Aloha Oe" at Assistant St. Priest Stephen's has met with unwise advisers, whose the wagon, which was turned over. The being received with applause. much Church, Bournemouth, England. course of action throughout has been horse was thrown down, but regaining dictated, not entirely for the public wel- its feet, ran a 1 ittle further along and tlieii Island Soys Abroad. Hawaiian Furniture Woods. fare nor by philanthropic interest in the stopped and turned round to see how its following The exhibit shows the standFar too little attention has been paid progress of Dr. Arning's labors on behalf muster was getting along. The Portu- to native Hawaiian timber for furniture ing of our Island boys at St. Matthias of the lepers," and we cannot but ex- guese was last seen mending the fence. manufacture. There are several varieties Hall, San Mateo, for the second month press our regret also "that even in the of native trees which cannot be excelled of the Easter term, which ended March care of the sick unworthy prejudices are (iraud Army of tiie Republic. for furniture purjoses, being beautifully 3d: Deportinent, Kawananakoa, 100; permitted to intrude, where charity as The members of this loyal organiza- mottled and shaded, close in the grain Kehiahonm, 07. Academic, Wilder, well as science should be supreme." tion at Honolulu will be interested to and susceptible of a high polish. Cap 93.9. Grammar, Cummins, 89.1 ; Kala Dr. Arning may thank his injudicious learn ilder stands at the the names of the new officers of tain Laine, Post Commander of the Geo nianaole, 88.7. friends for any unpleasant comments his of course of action may call forth; and the Department o California. The fol- W. DeLong Post, No. 43, G. A. R., Ho head his class in the fifth grade, and is second in his class in second when age ripens experience and tempers lowing were appointed at the last annual nolulu, has in hi3 possession a neat sam Cummins encampment of this Department, held ple of what may be done with Hawaiian grade. zeal with discretion, he will probably Sacramento : W. R. Sinedburg, of San native woods. It is a gavel intended to Important Land Male. be ready to admit the force of these re- at Francisco, by- - the Geo. W. DeLong Commander; Geo. E. be Gard, presented y At 12 o'clock noon Messrs. E. marks, and we doubt not also that he Los Angeles, Commander-in-Chie- f V. Sr. S. F. No. Post, Commander; to 43, the P. Adams & Co. will sell, by order of A. will re"gret that he became an easy tool Daniels, Oakland, Jr. V. Commander; of the G. A. R., at its annual national J. Cartwright, Executor of the will of f of older and more designing men. Of the wider bearings of his contro N. S. Hamlin, Marysville, Medical Di- encampment, to be held at San Fran Queen Emina, all the right, title and versy with the Board of Health we rector; R. S. Johnson, Stockton, Dept. cisco in August next. Eight varieties of interest in a number of lands situate on W. L. Stephens, St. Helena, native wood are used in the gavel, which the islands of Oahu, Hawaii, Maui and siU :Kt speak in this place. A perusal Inspector; ; W. H. L. Barnes, San Fran- is tipped with part of a whale's tooth, and Lanai. In all there are twenty lots to be . L i i lie correspondence and . Dr. Arning's Chaplain report will convince any impartial jar- cisco, Judge Advocate ; T. S. Taylor, San is a neat piece of workmanship, the offered. gon that this gentleman Is in the wrong. Francisco, Asst. A. Genl. ; R. II. Orton, credit of which is due to Quartermaster San Francisco, Asst. Q. M. Genl. ; W. A Thrifty People. The Board of Health simply asked a H. Voorhees, San Francisco, Senior A. Green, of the Geo. W. DeLong Post. A Yokohama The paper of February 9th woods composing gavel the are koa, reasonable service for the salary paid D. C. office of the Department is at kou, sandal, cocoanut, milo, kanilo and has the following : "The first two batches The and facilities afforded him as Special 419 California street, San Francisco. kamaa. It is to be 1 toped that greater of Japanese emigrants to Hawaii remit Government Physician at the Leper attention will be paid to the availability ted no less than $26,000 to their homes Hospital. Thin he declined to render rniporor William Ilirthday. of our native woods for furniture pur- - Their savings are reported to have al 5ihd fell back upon a medical reserve eighty-nint- h of the The anniversary : Trousseau, ;t e r. McKihbin and birth of Emjeror William of Germany joses in future. The Government has ready reached $110,000." i i.rxuo-M- x sustain him in his refusal to was celebrated in this city yesterday' by devoted considerable attention to the No book ever published contains so much question of forestry of late, and no more do. a plain and palpable dut', enjoined and valuable information regardreliable a salute from the shore battery at useful branch of it can be found than in alike by moral and legal considerations, ing Hawaiian Islands in such small the noon, concert, a band at and a because, forsooth, the Board was "a reception by the acting German Consul, the conservation of native forest trees. compass as the Honolulu Almanac and lay Board of Health 1" If this 11. F. Glade, Esq., at Directory, 13S(J. Price. 50 cents. A (iootl Sale. the Consulate, statement were not in print over Fort ttrect, from 12 to 1 o'clock. The There was a very large attendance at Dr. Arning's own signature we could not The "cotton" church is no more. reception was attended by His Excel- the sale of the Makee residence and conceive such moral obliquity possible ; lency Governor Domini-"- His Excellency but there it is. Dr. Arning knew, and J. M. Kajena, Minister of Finance; His furniture& yesterday, by Messrs. E. P. The Palestine Canal. Adams Co., auctioneers. The furnithe very eminent physicians, whose Excellency Paul Neumann, Attorney ture The Italian consul at Jerusalem, in an brought a little over $2,000. The names he used, likewise knew that the official report, calculates that the proGeneral; Hon. Geo. W. Merrill, United residence was knocked down to Mr. Board of Health is a Government de- -' jected Palestine would provide a Major Wode-housMinister Frank T. Hastings, United States Vice passage to the eastcanal of four hours less du nent, that all Government phy- - States II. B. Resident; M.'s Commissioner; the Consul, for $S,100, and Hon. Samuel ration than the Suez canal; would be 's are appointed by this Board and Right Rev. the Bishop of Honolulu, Parker bought the five lots at Waikiki, constructed at half the cost of the latter, ble to it, that they are lawfullj' Right Rev. the Bishop of Olba, members adjoining Mr. Win. G. Irwin's residence, and he maintained at mrch less exnense. orally bound to render the very so that in consequence the tolls levied on of the Consular Corps, and a large num at $30 each. Sessional service they are capable ships would be about half those of the ber of citizens. Suez canal. It would afford access to which te Government pays them, Civil Court. new countries and provinces among the oy virtue of their apjointment, An i:flii'iit Representative. BEFORE POUCH JCSflCE BIC'IIERTOX. most fertile in the world, and travelen Colonel W. J. IV Gress, Hawaiian i reposes confidence in them. It Monday, March 22d. to the Holy Land would arrive there J not matter whether the Board of Consul in the City of Mexico, in connecC. T. Gulick, Minister of Interior, vs. .with facility. .ealth be a lay or a professional Board. tion with his services as Secretary for Kailiki, assumpsit for water rates, $15. Importation and exportation by means .'It is simply a Government department, the new American Hospital in the City Judgment for plaintiff with $3 33 costs. of sailing vessels between the east and responsible to the Legislature and ulti of Mexico, instituted several Lodges of A similar case against Kanjakiia was dis- the Adriatic and Mediterranean would be greatly increased, so that Italy esmafcely to the people; audit certainly is Odd Fellows, also of Masons. He is a continued. pecially would gain immensely by the A novel as well as an immoral doctrine Past Grand Oilicer of both orders. He V "ilder's Steamship Company vs. seven canal. It is safe to say that as soon as to propound, that because the Board of hopes in the near future to institute a Japanese sailors, deserting contract ser- it is completed the Palestine canal will Healih is constituted of laymen, there- Post of the G. A. R. Colonel De Gress vice. They were remanded, but later in be able to reckon on a traffic of 6,000,-00- 0 tons, or 30, 000, 00f. Edinburgh fore the medical officers of the Health served in the Rebellion. the day decided to return to work. Scotsman, non-appearan- ge THE bric-a-bra- to-da- - ' lc Ka-kaak- o, i "5 i I ; ! , e, 23, 1886. FADING" LEAF AND FALLEN LEAF. .. v. 6aid Fading Leaf to Fallen LmjT: 'l t.is alone on a forsaken tree. It rocks auj cracks with every jjust that racks Its straining bulk. Say: how is it with t&ee?" Said Fallen Laf to Fading Leaf: "A heavy foot went by an hour apo; Crushed with day, I stain the way; The loud Wuul calls me and I can not go. Said Fading Leaf to Fallen Leaf: "Death lessons Life, a jrhost is eTer wise; Teach me a way to live till May Laughs fair with fragrant hps and loving eyes:' ANOTHEE Y1CT0EY. STILL AHEAD. SaTd Fallen Leaf to Fading Leaf: "Hast loved fair eyes and lips of gentle breath Fade then and fall! Thou hast had all That Life can give; ask somewhat now of Richard Garoett. r-t- h GRANT'S FIRST LITERARY WORK. Ilia Disinclination to Touch Pen and Ink The Sketch and Its Elaboration. As early as December, 1S33, the editors of The Century magazine had inquired of me whether Gen. Grant could not be induced to write about one or two of his battles for their series of papers on the war, mentioning Shiloh and the Wilderness. I laid the matter before him, but he was disinclined to attempt the unfamiliar task. The editors, however, renewed their solicitations. After the failure of Grant fc Ward they addressed me a letter, saying: "The country looks with so much regret and sympathy upon Gen. Grant's misfortune that it" would gladly welcome the announcement and especially the publication of material relating to him,' concerning a part of his honored career in which every one takes pride. It would be glad," they said, "to have its attention diverted from his present trouble, and no doubt such diversion of his own mind would be welcome to him." He was touched by the tone of the communication, but shrank at first from presenting himself to the public at this juncture, preferring absolute withdrawal and retirement. When I conveyed his reply I spoke of the complete financial ruin that had overtaken him. The editors at once inquired whether a pecuniary inducement might not have weight, and made an offer to him for two articles on any of his battles which he might select. His necessities decided him. The modern Belisa-riusdi- d not mean to beg. In June he went to Long Branch for the summer, and soon afterward sent for me and showed me a few pages he had written, and called an article. The fragment was terse and clear, of course, like almost everything he wrote, but too laconic and compact, I knew, to suit the editorial purpose; it would not have filled three pages of the magazine. I urged him to expand it. "But why write more?" he asked. "I have told the story. What more is there to say?n I begged him to go into detail, to explain his purposes and movements, to describe the commanders, to give pictures of the country; and he seized the idea, and developed the sketch into a more protracted effort. It was copied by his eldest son, who carried it to the editors, one of whom came at once to see him, and asked him to still further extend his article by including topics covered by He consented him in the interview. again, and the paper became the elaborate one elaborate for its author which appeared in The Century for February, 1885. This was Gen. Grant's first attempt at anything like literary or historical composition. Gen. Badeau in The Century. .Per Steamer .MARIPOSA th3 TEMPLE OF WU.I. KKCKIVK A FASHION M I.L LINE OF THK Latest American and English Styles of DRY GOODS. A complete and assorted invoice of DKY GOODS. romprlMii the latest leading tylM f Ladle and Muses goods; also everything of new departure In the tiOOps ilt. Ad excellent Ux k of .Ladies and JNIisses Shoes. Fine gtwds and prices. EVKKYTHINO tJVAKANTKEM TO RK Our stock is open to inspettioii. Everybody Invited. The bed-roc- k AH RF.PUESFNTKD Gents' Furnishing Department Mfist be closed before the arrival of ftKKFl'xo I the MAKIPOSA. We have a small Mock of Men's and Boy a b boUKht l ,es thAn ,aclory Prices. If you doubt, call. hu"l'KVl'xur"V,i1' S. COHN & CO., NEW Proprietors. NEW GOODS. WOODS. Now Heady for Inspection -- AT THK Popular Millinery House, 104-- . JTort Street Honolulu. N. S. SACHS, Proprietor. -- :o:- Just owned, an entire new stock, consisting of LACKS, HANDKERCHIEFS HOSIERY, WHITE and COLORED EMBROIDERY, CASHMERES, LAWNS, FANCY DRESS HOODS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, CORALL-OVE- R SETS, GLOVES. MITTS, ETC. -- of-- LADIES' MdSLIN UNDGHW12AII. -- :o:- n The Millinery Department Is the most complete in the Kingdom. Latest sty lea of LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HATS now on hand. Immense assortment of FEATHERS. FLOWERS, TirS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Native straws sewed into any hape. Mrs. Mellln' IreiuakliiK' Department on the preuilftew. 213 Jcrsey Waists, from $2 to $8. Jersey Cloths in all Shades. Indies' TJn trimmed Hats, the latest stvles. FEATHERS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, LACES, ORNAMENTS, LACE, ALL-OV-ER ARASENES, CIIEMILLES, .rid a Absolutely Pure. Thia powder neve r vanes. A. marvel oi puriiy. 6trength and vholesoincness. More economical, than the ordinary Uind3, and cannot lest,sold in torn-short petition with the multitude cf weight, alum or phosphate powder j. Sold only rs 10tJ cans. Bovau liARUiu towut t'6,. Fine Line of TRXJISTKLS, - AT - low-te- W&li-fit- CHAS. J. FISHEL'S. N. Y. 9d.wlf Administrator's Sale OF HONOLULU CARRIAGE COMPANY ATTEND TO yll.L. part of city. ALL ORDERS IN ANY Ring up Telephones Nos. the Bell Telephone Company, 237 Mutual tstand corner of King: and Nuuanu streets. We hope to share a part of the public patronage. Hours from a. in. to II p. m. 1 l Coin-pun- PAUL KAXOA, Deceased. 1,'nder and by virtue of an Order of Sale of .Seal 537mar2r HONOLULU C'AItP.IAOE CO. Kstate, duly made and entered by the Hon. A. Francis Judd, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, sitting as a Court of Probate on the 21 day of February, A. I. Is8l, the undersigned will sell at public auction on Tl'KSDAY, the 23d day of March, 1886, at the auction room of K. P. Attains & Co., Queen street, Honolulu, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described property, to wit: All that lot, piece and parcel of land situate on Kins, Ilicbard and Merchant streets in Honolulu, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the south corner of this lot on the mauka side on Church street, adjoln'ug the lot of Keikenul, and running north 47 degrees west, 112 feet along Church street, thence south 45 degrees, west 73 feet along Richard street, thence south Fort next door to Mr. SpreckelH fc GO minutes 45 seconds, eatt 115 feet along Co. 's Bank, has Jut received an Merchant street, thence north 45 degrees east, elegant assortment of 40 feet along Keikenui's lot to place of acren; being the piece of area land described in Laud Coin mission Award 184 to Kekuanaoa. In the latest style; alo a quantity ofj And also that certain lot. piece and parcel of land situate on King and Merchant streets iu said Honolulu, bounded and described as follows: beginning at north corner on the mauka sidf of this lot by Kekuanaoa's adjoining King street and In silk, Frenrb flowers and Austrian feathers, running south 444 degrees, west S3 'i links along embroideries, linen and Spanish laces, Kekuanaoa's, thence south 62 degrees, east 2 trimmed bats, chains 12 links along Merchant street, thence AND YOUTHS' SUITS, r.OVS' north 28'f degrees, east 29;V links along King street and Merchant street, thence north 4t;'a de- And a larjje assortment of other goods too nugrees west, 1 chain 93 links along King street to place of beginning; area J33 fathoms; the same merous to mention. C'all early and examine. being the piece or parcel of land described In Land Commission Award 5,106 to Ketkenui. Notice to flic Ladies. The Louvre of Brussels, 7-- 11-1- 2 y, CLEARANCE SALE. GREAT f REDUCTION Messrs. Conehee Furnishings 1 W, A ctiTi P W A N'flA . K.ihax..u:w,u, Administrators. d i Auctioneer, lfSG. 107 UNDERSIGNED office of Mr. A GOLD HAS MOVED INTO will be prepared to furnish household serv&nu, collect bills, do Interpreting, and a general business. SOYONO. Anglo-Chines- e large variety of AND IVORY JEWELRY, CHINA VASES, CREPE SHAWLS, FANS, MATTINGS, pill J. E. Wiseman, where he I, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, Goods, FINE CHINESE TEAS, Jllmplovment Office. THE E. P. ADAMS & CO., 5tJmr4-loteo- Honolu!n, March 11. Attorney, WiiiTt-So- , X, 188G, Honolulu, March GRAS-CLOTI- Clias. jVIioliieLs. The above described pieces compose the premises used as the residence of the late Paul Kanoa. Upset price, $;,0UO. Other term ; ut day of sale. Ahung In all colors, 2 Ladies' & DRESS SULKS xt;-ee- t. Gentlemen's IN PRICES. Offer their entire stock of CHINESF GOODS at their store on Fort street at very much reduced prices for the next thirty days. The stock con. sista of Chinese 2 0 I I Immense assortment A FINE LINE OF- - In the matter of the estate of ! JUST OPENED UP, EEAL ESTATE. V And a large assortment of apanese Ware. are now ready for Inspection, these and the public will it to their Interest f pay them a call. murZi T All fJOODS And 531 1 i i. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MARCH " : . iiY AUTHORITY. Kini'i'ixu .orr,". -- g. PROCLAMATION. We, KALaKAUA, by the Grace of God, of the Hawaiian Islands, King, PROCLAIM DO That it : Our pleasure, in i3 ac- cordance with the provisions of Our Constitution, that the Members of the Legislative Assembly of Our Kingdom do assemble at the Legislative Hall. AliiolanVI Hale, at Our Capital City of Honolulu, for the dispatch of public business, at 12 o'clock noon on Friday, the thirtieth day of April, A. D., eighteen hundred and eighty- uix. under Our Given Royal Sign Manual at OcR Palace of Iolani, in the City The w Latin? barks Otilo, Atlantic and Mary and .Susan leave for the Arctic Ocean, The Ohio and Atlantic have and 40 barrels sperm oil respectively n board, and mill not discharge them here. The schooner Kaulkeaouli brought 2,150 bugs sugar from Kohala, Hawaii, March 21st, also three large broken rollers from. Kohala to be repaired at the foundry. The sugar was put Into the tern W. S. Bowne. The schooner Emma brought -. bags sigar from Olowalu, Maul, March ZZtl. bags sugar The schooner Wallele brought from I'aiu, Maul, March was hauled on the Marloe The steamer Railway March d. fche will be lowered this morning and sails this afternoon. The steamer Kinau took six mules to Hawaii March 22d. w ith about The baric CVylon will sail 18,000 bags sugar for San Francisco. The steamer James Malcee took some old machinery for Colonel Spalding's plantation at Kauai March 22d The barken line Eureka, brlgantioe Consuelo and bark Elslnre have arrived at Kan Francisco. fur The brlgantlne W. U. Irwin sails San Francisco with about 10,000 bag sugirand rice. The whaling bark Atlantic only had 40 barrels sperm oil, and not 400 as published. to-da- WO 2-- Li-eli- I)., 183C, and the thirteenth year of Our reign. KALAKAUA REX. By the King : Gibson, Tho Minister of Foreign Affairs d and Premier. Walter M. T . - Tim Houorable C. P. IAUKEA has been ap pointed Acting UovMBor of Oahu during my absence. J NO, O. DOM IN IS, Governor of Oahu. .flliOic Governor of Oahu, Honolulu, March 22, i "' ' li'i-l- t that ther may b no ilWay in closing at tli Hawaiian Treasury for the rn W tbe-'accoui- persons flsol period ending March 21, 1S86, all Tlnjrmi-ysoaccount of the Government are ,,. -- ..turns and all em- oromp'ly, . jr i persons to xA or other Oovernmeiit, ployefcs the n - -- -- T- - moneys may be due, are also requested to or before the v i.iiixnii'iitDU ,UUI t U IfStl ' wbpfcjT ir 1 list Of arcn, jo;. " " - !trar Public K S03dwmar31 A.'fonuW. 3 Hay and Grain, A light brown overcoat is advertised as Al.-P.?in- Six passengers left by the Kinau yester- day for the Volcano. His Excellency Governor J. O. Dominis left for Maui yesterday by the Kinau. During his absence the Hon. C. 1. Iaukea will act as Governor. The brigantine Wm. G. Irwin sails for San Francisco All letters marked 'Ter Wm. G. Irwin," will be forwarded from the Post Office. Wing On Wo & Co., 32 Hotel street, have got a fine lot of XXX Manila cigars for sale. The book of the season. The Honolulu Almanac and Dibectohy for 18S5. Price, 50 cents. The new bridge leading from the foot of Punchbowl to Pauoa Valley is almost completed. Mr. C. K. Miller was the first to drive over it yesterday. The Rev. Sereno E. Bishop has been awarded, at Rochester, N. Y., the third prize of $50 for an essay on "Red Skies." A Hamburg professor won the first prize Monday, The above oxen are from three to five years old, broken by myself and will be delivered in Honolulu. For terms apply to O. SVLVA, care IK of S. V. Damon, of Mokulua, Waialua. To tlie Public. 3&&mismnt:s. -- ROAD FROM THE PALI ,THE LIGHT OVERCOAT, sleeves Oflice with C. K. MtKir 4i Merchant street. 24 Mutual Telephone Bell Telephone 377. guar-an.e- THE . A BROWN lined with . I ESTATE GREAT REAL " S1LVM ROCK " AND (( I- - 172 pm Ocean ' Urn whaling bark Ohio, for the Arctic for the Arctic Ocean Am whaling bark Atlantic, Am whaling bark Mary and feusan, for the Arctic Ocean Haw brig Allie Rowe, for Hongkong Botar Knama, for Uthaina Sctif Caterina, lor Maul for Kohala Htv Saiiikeaoull, fccli vCawallani. from Koolau mcor !arah and Eliza, for Koolau Sch.rileeta, for Koolau Tlie following various branches of business will enable tue public on the Islands and from abroad to gain general Information on all matter in tne following departments: Wn"a5ISr VESSELS IN rOUX. Au: D W Penhallow, Sark-'Hope, Salta Maria, TOAa!s.' from i'ort M Harloe, from San Allie Rowe, J Phillips, from Hong-kBr- li terii Lottie Fairfield, J Bingay , from HongAm Prk O O VWhltinore, T Thompson from T Port Twwnaend. from Hongkong Am tark Ceylon, R Calhoun, Am brSWe W G Irwin, II N Turner, from San Hairrig Frauclsil . rroiu Foreign I'orts, ixetei OUsgow, due March from Natuina, Brit bark :Arn blttn Nellie M Klade, from New York, 4u April Brit bark Tycoon from Sydney via Newcastle, N S W. due March Am bit Sonoma. Howes, from Newcastle, N & W, due February 3. Brit bark Lapwing, Ie Gruchy, from Liverpool, due May 1 Nor bit Cap, Christiansen, from Newcastle, N S W, due April Brit bk star of Devon, from Newcastle, NSW, du March Uerman bark Fursf Bismarck, from Bremen, doe June W K Perrlman, from San Am bktne Discovery, !, Mul.-- 14"? 0 Am bktne Malay, from Sydney, due April .Bnrk Charles B Kenny, from Newcastle, A 5 V du March ' .m bktne Jane A Falkenburg, from Newcastle, due March hktne Uuble Sam, from Newcasue, N S W , doe April 0 ; Am bktne Kate Flickluger, from Newcastle, N due April 0 :K.B M S Heroine, from Callao, S A, due April 15-- 30 of the Buys and sells Eeol KMate In all Kingdom. Values Real Kstate and Property in city and anhnrha Kents and leases nouses, voius?3, iuuu T anrll u Attends to Insurance, xaxes, itejminus rr.iirHncr of Rpntals. , c. Draws legal papers oi every nature oemvuo Titles, Kecords, Ktc. m--- ! 13-2- 20-3- 10. 15-3- 1. h 20-3- 15-2- NW, 20-3- 0 a, 15-3- jV, 15-3- 1 UB M S p BUS April Satellite, from Callao, S A, due April Triumph, Balrd, from Esquimault, due Catalogues, Blottlug Resnlt or a Fight. 25-3- 1 On the 5th of this month Richard Gerke and another' man got fighting with each other in the store of Paul IMPORTS. per baric Hope, From Port Townsend, W T,SOT.M'JO fe t lumber. March 2ist: Lewers &, Cooke, . 5 U3 pickets, 23,500 laths anU47,COJ sun Smithers, tailor, Hotel street. Considerable damage was done, and in the Civil Court yesterday Smithers brought an Colonies, per R M S S Mariposa, March For the Jenkins. C o Jack-s- action against Gerke for trespass, fixing 22d- - eJ Jeuk nsand wife. Mis in transit. passengers the damages at $50. Kinney & Peteri. R E Finlay, and 137 March 22d: J Iwalani, per steamer Kauai, For plaintiff, but there - Rubenstein, A S Wilcox, J H Smith, Geo Jlun-- i son appeared for the passengers. 80 deck for about Gerke. After Uanneberg, and appearance was no don, A Makee, March i. For Kauai, per steamer James hearing the evidence, Ilis Honor Justice Sid: Mrs Quiuo, and 25 deck passengers. For windward ports, per steamer Kinau, March Bickerton gave judgment for $40, with Drnggists' Isabels, FHvelopes, Shipping Receipts. git-s- o " For Volcano J a Emerson, J C Hluimel, A P WHson, D O Eatou and wife, and E Lycan, -- 2d- $3 43 costs. Iad, Theatre rrograinnies. And in fad everything which a First- Class Office oan do. P. 0. A. Job Printim 100 JINENS. YEARS REFUTATION. 18t and 1870; London. IsSTx., and (Gold) 1S70 ; Paris (Gold), 107; Dublin, and 1872 ; Philadelphia, 1876. Table Cloths from 2 to 7 yards In length, with napkins to match. The above are made of the BE&T IRISH anlCourtral Flax ; spun, woven and bleached In Ireland ; the patterns woven In the Table Linen are designed by IRISH ARTISTS, who have for many years excelled those of any other coun- MEDALS-Belf- ast. 1362 1865 Also, an Invoice of BELFAST MUSLINS Q. new patterns, fast colors. FLAX 8 TO. CO., Ltd., Belfast ; J. 8. BROWN A BON'S, Belfast ; T. A Aseut for THE YORK ST. ; WORKMAN, Belfast ii. is. iiuusi,!., l,vi diiuijui v, A. Employment Department 4G3-121- MANILA CIGAES General Business Matters 0 In Bond or Duty Paid. 55-10- te 9-- 10 Com-missi- MOLLIS T DEPARTMENTS. j. e. wiseman, 33-10- Tloval commission Land Patent Award 1U,Z. That certain land situate at MAKILA, T.ahaina. Maui, containing an area oi acres, and described in Royal 1'ateni x.iiz, Land Commission Award 10,47. lit. That certain land situate in MAKILA, Lahaina, Maui, containing an area of 1 rood 15. JOSHUA HENDY "Works Machine to Fremont Street. 51 No. 33 SAN FRANCISCO. rods, and described in Royal ratent a,om. Manufacturers of New and dealers in Secondhand Land Commission Award 10,427. 17. The Ahupuaa of MAUXALEI, situate no the Island of Lanai, and containing an acres, and being the Boilers. Engines and Machinery area of 3,442 Royal Patent 6,77a, in same as described Land Commission Award 8,519 B. Of Every Description. 18. That certain piece of land, with the buildings thereon, situate on Hotel street, nave constantly In stock New and Second-han- d in the City of Honolulu, Island of Oahu, MACHINERY, and known as KUOHA, containing an area of 83 fathoms and 16 feet, and described in TOOLS, MACHINISTS' Royal Tatent 146, Land Commission Award PUMPING MACHINERY, 19 38-10- 0 WOOD-WORKIN- HAMILTON JOHNSON, WHOLESALE DEALER IN IMPORTER AND Provisions, Produce and California Wines, sole Agent for Falk's celebrated MILWAUKEE PILSNER BEER. Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu. 19. That certain rJiece of land with the buildings thereon, situate on Queen street, in eaid Honolulu, containing an area of of an acre, and being Apana 1 of Royal Patent 6,778, Land Commission Award 8,515. And also 1 120. That certain piece of land with the buildings thereon, situate on said Queen of an acre, street, containing an area of and being described in Royal Patent 3.5G6, Land Commission Award 6,428 B. ETC. Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-PIPE-FITTING- canon. ,c--- For farther particulars apply to Auctioneers. Or to A. J. CARTWRIGHT, SR., Executor and Trustee. ""'- OO KIM CALLS SPECIAL ATTENTION TO llaraszlhy k Special to our Business Houses. . . . CALIFORNIA WINES Are pronounced by all connoisseurs as being the only brand of American Wines equal to the best French and German importation. i,.vur-iOO YONG, a Acnt. BEUABLis., Kopakinz fluently the Eng v u,,.!.,. and having relish, native and Chinese languages, his business removed has Infancy, from sided here agency to the oflice of J. E. WISEMAN, Camp- bell s Block, Alercnanv suevi,, ia iuuj the Chinese, having attend to all business among Bseen-nmm in bacK to influence the .. . i - v m.r Af- tha PhinPM DnD co a, standing ana uuuir timalation on these Islanus. uusmc charged. promptly. Moderate commissions Bell Telephone Mutual Telephone 372. Post Oflice Box 315. Air- - Kn Yone.care of J. E. Wiseman.40Tlonoap3 lulu, H. I. FORT WINE, , SHERRY, ZINFANDEL CLARET, mi TABLE CLARET, BURGUNDY, HOCK, GERKE, SWEET MUSCATEL, NEW YORK LINE. ANGELICA, MALAGA, TOKAY, W. H. Crossman & MA DERI A, Bro RIESLING, WHITE WINE, 77 Broad Street, Jiew York, Will dispatch an iht G GOOZJS. - 615-100- 0 TO AFFORDS US GREAT PLEASURE TT I tocHfv we are highly satisfied with the route to Interisland Steam Navigation Company's be the best and the Volcano. We believe it to most convenient, ana nave juucuintending tour notice of ,r.Hir,r u m theover the pamphlet written ists We have looked everything stated In the about this road, and same fully corresponds with the reality, without being overdrawn. 18SC. Punaluu. February 21, MEDOREM CRAWFORD, Oregon. ABE BROWN, San Francisco. ABE L. BROWN, an Francisco. 543tt NEW Special to Housewives. ,j A CARD. & CO. A SELECT STOCK OF GOODS G PIPING, 11 Recelved by him on t'ae last steamer, among which are a splendid assortment (all colors, of ' LADIES' LISLE THREAD HOSE, Which will be sold at 75 cents per pair, former price, fl 50. Has also on hand a large stock ot GENTLE. . r a rr- c nrer. v. n.r.Ajta' ' YONG, A 'lHUltU-W- U MEN'S FURNISHED GOODS, which will he agency In the sold very cheap. An examination of his large and SO ness Agent, has located his office of J. E. WISEMAN, where ne wm o- - iuu.j- - select stock is solicited. No finer assortment of 109mar20 io iut """ goods can be found In this Kingdom. hereafter He will lumisn to select good Chinese labor, taking special pains and boys China reliable servants, cooks, gardeners under contract or otherwise. Bell Telephone 172. Mutual Telephone 372. Post Oflice Box 315 Co.'s Arpad IRRIGATING AND 113 B. 111 74 on first-clas- The best in the market. A very CHOICE LOT just received. Custom House Broker. E. P. ADAMS & CO., Office T ABLE - C Ball JPrograniuies. r A Co , Any Length Cut. 5 Am ura W S Bowne, A II Paul, from San FrantlAm hV'ne Amelia, W Newhall, from Port 1 Am ijfcr Caibarien, W II Hubbard, from San - l Printed and Plain D'Oylies, Toilet Covers, Glass and Tea Cloths, Pillow Linens. Sheetings, Drills, Cambric and wnl Damask, Unbleached Towelling, Huck Towels. nd Fmct iiiimMk. Hnrk La use. gentlemen's and ladies for Handkerchiefs, suitable Hemstitched Real Estate Department parw will be paid on returning the teatner uasr nave uetu iuuim, uuu mc awaiting owners at the Station House. ' Mr. Julius II. Smith, Superintendent of rublic Works, left by the Iwalani yesterday for Kauai, to make a general tour of inspection as to the present state of the roads and bridges. Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday after noon a horse attached to a wagon owned Job Types aud Ornaments by Mr. Charles Hustace, grocer, ran- - away from near Brewer's wharf, up Nuuanu on to King street, and was stopped near the King street bridge, without doing the slightest damage. w Mrs. Josephine Fisher, of 203 South Morgan street, Chicago, who claims to be an heir to the estate of the late Queen Emma, has written to Consul General Put-nai- u for information respecting the heirs and the estate. The whaler Mary and Susan left for the Arctic yesterday morning. Her six sailors, who missed her last week while off Kailua, Hawaii, and who came to Honolulu by the ; Mortgage Blauks, steamer W. G. Hall, left by her. Leases, One day last week the residence of Mx Kliippiug Contracts, August Drier, Eleele Plantation, Kauai, (In Hawaiian A F.nsllihj was broken into and a small safe carried off. It was found later on some distance Calendar. from the house, in an empty condition. Ill n nk Chocks, The friends of John Dumand have writ- Ootids. ten to the American Consul General for Stock CertiOcates. information of his whereabouts. "When Business Cards. they last heard from him he was emMeal Cliecks, ployed as engineer on a plantation at Kobe will information Any hala, Hawaii. Milk Tickets, received at the Consulate. Hit uk Cliecks, Mr. Lewis J. Ievey wilfsell at noon to- Orders, day the lease of a store situated in Waia-luReceipts. and formerly occupied by L. Ahuna, Marriage Certificates. deceased; also the whole of the stock in Diplomas. the store.1 -- l Monograms and Crests inserted in Damask to order for very low rales. - A ladiy's imitation seal capeand a small n try. PRINTING OFFICE 5 " . TELEPHONE fw ais EstablUlKHl 1879.) P. o. At 12 o'clock noon, all the right, title and interest of the said Emma Kaleleonalani, or, in and to the following described lands : Commercial Advertiser at )) TRADE PACIFIC Ivlnsr tmr Likelike, Lorenzen. for Kahului, THAN iiTV Cn Itt V TII1T I 7. v.." Unsurpassed for nurftt'l! ,M Wear, Unsurpassed for Beauty ofi"1"""' Obtained Highest AwardsjVi" J. E. WISEMAN, I'. IEISH - T- rusnrpaTed j!rExcellence ofQnaUly OF IIOXOLl'Ll'i OT.ri-- 5fVfi3E Oliices Business General rrr, . i BEG TO INFORM THE LAUIUS ur HUAULUiit a.-have opened an office In the Beaver BlocK, Queen street, or and invite their Inspection or my large siock oi irisu i.mru. ""Fvur A LARGE INVOICE OF J. 8. 1. The Ahupuaa of WAIA1IA 1. situate in Kona, Island of Hawaii, and containing an area of 273 4 acres, and beins more par ticularly described m Koyal Fatent i,yiu. 2. The land known as KOLOAKIU, sit uate in Waipio, msmci oi uamaaua. area of Island of Hawaii, containing an a itoyai oi being Apana acres, and CO 100 SG Patent 1.C65, Land Commission Awaru Finds Employment in all branches of industry 8,515 B. with the Islands. connected 3. The land situate at KULAIIUIIU, L.aarea an oi haina, Maui, containing acres, and aescriDeu in iioyai 4 Keep Books and Accounts, collect Bills, loans Patent Grant4S2. or invest Moneys. Penmanship, tngrossiUK ana kinds of Copying done. 4. The Ahupuaa of ULAINO, situate in allPmpi.rps Fire and Lite insurance. tho District of Koolau, Island of Maui, and Advertisements and Correspondence attended to. Itoyai Patent by appears as same being the Information of every description connected 2,237, Land Commission Award 8,518 B. with the Islands coming irom aoroau ijny answered. Area unknown. 5. That certain piece of land situate at PUIWA. Honolulu, Oahu, and containing of an acre, and being more an area of 0 Mrhanu will find this Department a special goous in L,oyai described particularly benefit to them, as I attend to entering thrnueh rtower of Attorney and delivering the Grant 2.4UU. a. That certain laud situate at KAHULUI, same at a small commission. "MUTUAL LIFE for Soliciting Agent Kona, Hawaii, containing an area of 1 OJf J PA COM i m IKSUKANCfc aescnuou more particularly acres, and ha larirpst. trrandest aud sounaest insurance Roval Patent 6,277 A, Land Commission Company In the world. Award 7,496 B. for the AGENT 7. Those certain pieces of land Bituate at an containing and Maui, Lahaina, FUAKO, 4reat Barlinsrtou Railway Koute," area together of 1H acres, ana Deing Apanas Tn Americs. Travelers journeying by rail In 4 and 5 of Koyal Patent 6,777, Land America will find this route the most comfortable and most delightful. The scenery is the grandest Award 5,483. nine- Ka.it. and with the PULLMAN PALACE s. Th&t certain land situate at PUEHU- - SLEEPING CAES and good meals along the trip, an QgmTer;cial & LegaU Work EHU, Lahaina, Maui, and containing attention from employees ana reason roiit area of 23 perches, and being described in able fare no route can excel this. Pnvfll Patent 1.707. Land Commission AGENT for the 6,875. CORRECTLY AND WITH DISPATCH. Award O Tim Alinrmaa of KAHULUI, Bituate in II aw nil n Opera House. Kona, Island of Hawaii, and being Apana 2 s companies abroad will Managers ot onimissiou f Rnvn Patent l.UtiSJ, lanu address me for terms, etc. Award'8,516 B. Area unknown. Having just Received a Complete and New m Tim Ahntmaa of Kalama, situate in Assortment of Kona, Island of Hawaii, and being Apana 2 rf ttr.vl Patent 1.C69. Land Commission Award 8,516 B. Area unknown. 11. The Ahupuaa of PAHOEHOE, situate Real Estate Broker. Custom House Broker. in Kona, Island of Hawaii, and beins tne umn as described in Land Commission Money Broker. Of the Latest Stvlee. from the most Cele Award 8,519 B. Area unknown. Fire and il"e Insnrance Agent. Foundries of the United States, hrated 19.. Tho Ahunuaa of WAIAKA 1, situate at " Experienced only employing and Employment A sent, Waimea, District of South Kohala, Island of A and Tasty Workmen, vre are being Apana 1 of Royal Patent and nawaii, Ita 1 Iron l Agent and prepared to turn ont 1,666, Land Commission Award 0,010 i tteueral Business Agent Area unknown. a. Letter Head 13. That certain piece of land situate in PAKALA, Lahaina, Maui, and containing ADDRESS : Bill Mentis. an nrPJL of 1 acre 22 perches, and being , Circular. described in Royal Patent l,so, juanu com Xote Uemls. mission Award 8,519 ii. HONOLULU,! 11. I. Maten.eiittf, 14. That certain piece of land situate in an containing Maui, PAKALA, Lahaina, Kill ol' LmliHST, area of 0 of an acre, and described in Co u tracts, 1.196, e. tf 391. I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, e hauling or moving work, ail of widen. I will to execute faithfully. S. F. ORAHAM, Proprietor. 36 ly Tuesday, March 23, 1886, n Macneale & Urban safes. Intending pur- same to the Hotel. chasers would do well to call on Mr. Berger and inspect these fine safes. A large fruit dealer in Boston, Mass., NEW ZEALAND OATS. has written to Consul General Putnam, asking for information respecting the cultivation of bananas in the Islands. ;...r ABOVE NEW CROP Mr. William Noble, the temperance J. i SUPPLY OF THE A choice article for Beed or received. Just evangelist, will give an address this even- feed, in lota to suit. LAINE fe CO. 473 Jy23 ing at 7:30 o'clock in the Y. M. C. A. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Z. K. Myers, who were L'bllT OF HONOLULU. H. 1. married on Sunday, held a reception last evening at their residence, Naone Place, ARIlIVALt. Pauoa. Quite a number of their friends Monday, March 22. attended to extend their congratulations. iSchr Kaul.eaoull, from Kohala Hans Peterson, the old Norwegian who was fined a few weeks ago for selling liquor DEIAKTLTRK?. Monday, March 22. without a license, was arrested again yesterday, and now awaits trial on a similar stinr James Makee, Weir, for apaa Htmr Kiuau, King, for Hawaii and Maui, at charge. P.m r w c.oomnn. for Kauai, at 5 p ni aimr Lehua, i .Davits, In reference to our article on "steamer STEAM BOOK AND JOB iot iiui""i- - wil.' at frsunr yesterday's Advertiser, in movements" U U9UD m himr Mokolil, for Molokal. at 5 pPal and Kuau, it is proper to modify one statement, Ktmr Jas I Dowsett, Dudoit, for rn namely, that the Elder will be the next at 6 p Kulamanu, for Hamakua Hchf regular intermediate boat. If theZealandia for Walalua ctJ can be got ready in time she will take the H prepared to do all kinds of To-y- . Elder's place. But this is not quite defini-nit- Vessel -- :o:- NO CHINESE EMPLOYED. The Pacific Transfer Co., and Trustee of Emma Kaleleonalaui, deceased, and un der license t.f the Supreme Court, we are authorized t sell at public auction, at our salesroom, on Queen street, in the city of Honolulu, on LOST. given thut clala.s against the Notice is Department of the IntTijr for moneys due must on or be present.! on properly approved vouchers J2 o'clock pr..x.. or April in day 3d befere the noon, as after iimt date no dr.ifw v. 1.1 be drawn upon the Treasury against appropriations for the present biennial fiscal period. t'HA8. T, GL'LICK, Minister of the Interior. 9iapr3 9, IhsC March Office, Interior .prdl Stb.. ?Vii royal personages with whom His Majesty became personally acquainted during his Calcutta "Englishvisit to Europe. 20th. Jan. man," $5 Will Open on AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. h, LATODBY STEAM Five pairs superior tongue or lead oxen Twenty pairs suierior chain oxen. HEAL ESTATE red. A reward of llitf rpHF. UNDERSIGNED OFFERS - of 200. Mr. C. O. Berger has just received, ex. Geo. W. Elder, a new lot of the celebrated d Oxen ibr Sale. Japanese "Ware lost. proiuf'tly. Mutual telephone 3S7 Jeliv-rr- jfcS-Goo- ds Ivory Jewelry, GENERAL. HONOLULU Corner Kins and Munakea Streets. 24 and 25, Oras-Clot- d. h-r- -- Jui porter and IVfcler in Chinese Goods? ke LOCAL AND Our Privy Council . March. 9- of Honolulu, by and with the advice of of State, this ninth day of March, A. y 1,-5- John F. Colburn, XJCTIOT. AT d. 3MtfrUstmtms. tartisciiunts. jUIwiisruunts. The Chevalier Paul retrofit. Chevof the The presence in CVcutta alier retrovits, Ii. A., affords perhaps the rarest instance on record of India or any Eastern country revisited after a long lapse o:i years. Forty years ago M. Petrovits was well known as an eminent painter in various parts of India, and he accompanied Lord (then Sir Henry) llardinge to the Punjab.' At Lahore he painted the portrait of Sir John Littler, A AHVXO, Bv order of MESS US. CONC HEE we the Deputy Governor of Dengal; also w ho will, on are about closicg tbelr business, that of the Maharaja Dhuleep Sing, then nine years of age. He left Calcutta in Wednesday and Thursday, 1845; he returned in December, 1SS5. His former sojourn in this city brought him into constant intercourse with a circle of society, distinguished alike in art at 10 a. m. each day, at their store and literature, which included the names Comnienclus on Fort street, offer at public auction their entire stock of of Henry Torrens, Meredith Parker, Sir Drs. Palmer, Edward Kyan, W. Popham Jackson and Wallich, D. L. Richardson, Longueville Clark and others, Sir FredDress silks, in all colors ; erick Halliday and Dr. Mouat being Consisting of Silk Handkerchiefs, a larse variety of among the few survivors. some for M. Petrovits has been staying time at the capital of the Sandwich Gold.aiul Islands, whence he has been commisChina Vases, Crepe Shawls, Fans. Mattings, Fine Chinese Teas, aud a large asof portr aits to paint sioned by the King sortment of several illustrious jersonages in different parts of the globe. His Majesty's ago is well remembered visit a few All these Goods are now ready for inspection, in India, and his cultured taste and ovorvthinsr will be sold without reserve. genial disposition are known in all the the ladies and the public generally will find it to countries visited by him during his tour their interest to attend the sale. du monde. He has proved himself a wise ruler, and has won golden opinions E. P ADAMS & CO., from all sorts of people in the Western Auctioneers. 111 eod hemisphere. One of his latest acts was the introduction of his own currency, and his silver dollar is one of the most han dsome specimens of modern coinage. He is fortunate in having secured the Executor's and Trustees Sale services of such an artist has already panted portraits of their Excellencies the Viceroy and Countess OFof Dufferin, and the likenesses are very pleasing, especially the portrait of Ladj' Dufferin. Mr. Petrovits is about to proceed, further East, with letters for the Maharaja of Johore and King of Siam. He lias been further commissioned by King Kalakaua to proceed to Egypt, and thence to Europe, in order that the royal palace at Hawaii may be decorated hereNotice is hereby given that, by order of after with portraits of the Khedive, the tior.n.inr .T. fiartwrisrht. Sr.. the Executor King and Queen of Italy, and other of tlie last will and testament Great Clearance Sale The sloop Khlhllanl brought S.OOT oranges from Makua, Oaliu , March The sailing of the brig Allie Rowe, J. Phillips, for Hongkong Uh Chinese and Japan ne steerage passengers ha been postponed till this mors-lu2-- i It. A. Way porta Ilia Excellency Gov J O Doniinls, 2 chilJohn Ktupplebeeu, R A Lyman, wife and Ounn dren, Kev Father Leonore and servant, H and wife, B II hcboltzy. Theo H Davies and won, V bwuzy, M C Ross. 31 rt L Severance. D H Hitchcock, Kia Nauaolelua, Mr Jones anl wife, Mr Cuuimings, and abeut Ht deck passengers. 1886. 23, Al vessel lo this line on or And the celebrated about May 15. 1886- - ECLIPSE Champagne, are kept In stock in cases and S and 10 gallon kegs. These Wines are noted for their absolute purity and being thoroughly maMarch of steamer forward bv an .hnniii oo tured. The sales being more than double that of or opportunity, this by 13th to Insure shipment all other brands of California Wine combined, Is a April 6th. not later than guarantee of their popularity. Try them once and yon will never buy any other. Bold exclusively by CASTLE & COOKE, 544 mar26 Agents. HAMILTON JOHNSON, Qrteen Ntreet. llonolnln, PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, MARCH. 23, 1880. aaaasaaa rerftcemffe TO A BOSTON SHRINE. BIU Vyo VUlta the Old Soath Church. Trial of the Pilgrim Father. A PILGRIMAGE IBM Nva in The Eoston Globe. Th OM'Soutb meeting house in Boston is the most remarkable structure in many respects to be found ia that reniarkabljucity. AJwaya eager wherever I go to search out at ones the gospel privileges, it ii not to be wondered at that I should have gone to the Old South the first day after I landed in Boston. It is hardly neoessaxy to go over the history of the Old South except perhapu to refresh the memory of those who live outside of Eoaton. The Old South society was organized in 1669, and the ground on which the old meeting house now stands was given by Mrs. Norton, the widow of Rev. John Norton, since deceased. The first structure was of wood, and in 1729 the present brick building succeeded it. King's "Handbook of Boston" says: 'Itisoneof the few historic buildings that have been allowed to remain in thia iconoclastic age." So it seems that they are troubled with Iconoclasts in Boston, too. I thought I saw one hanging around the Old South on the day I was there, and had a good notion to point him out to the authorities, but thought it was none of my business, I went into the building and registered, hiii Win. G. & Co H. E. Mclntyre HAWAIIAN FERNS OFFER FOR SALE -- AND DEALERS IMPORTERS lr JBro., fc IN Groceries Provisions and Feed- AND- KAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Goods received by every packet from the Eastern States and Europe, Calif oru hi Produce or every steamer. All ordars faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part the CItT charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pcstoflice Box No of Ha Telephone No. 92. 76 api7 Land Shells. DRY GRANULATED May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages May ITalf Barrels. And SALE, HAWAIIAN FERNS, MOUNTED EEADY. or unmouDted, as may be desired, at per NOW F complete set of species, or at cents per Boxes. NOW READY. OR cube-- id $10 115 Half Barrels And specimen for any number required. Tbe ferns are named and put In neat cases scfflclently secure for mailing to any part of tbe world. Also, Hawaiian land shells for sale at from 10 to 20 cents per species. Each species named and represented by from one to five pairs of shells. Fern Seeds a specialty, at 10 cents a spe ! s Please address D. D. BALDWIN, 522 tf Lahaina. Maul. pound Boxes. 25 POWDERED lu Boxes. GOLDEN C. (COFFEE; la Hit If Barrels Aud 10 1886. Per Consuelo, Contractor and Builder. S6 IIoI-- OOLONG. roWCHONG l Street, Honolulu. IX I., P. O. IBOX BELL TELEPHONE 315. Sold McCliesney & Son, "W. jVT. s; Salmon. CASES 43 nml 41 Queeu TINS b HALF BARRELS. mw" INTER-ISIJ1N- "iVftllV tbdn associations tbat cluster around centuries hover about the ancient weather vane and look down upon the visitor when the weather is favorable. Benjamin Franklin was baptized and attended worship here, prior to hi3 wonderful invention cf lightning. Here on each succeeding Sabbath sat the man who afterwards snared the forked lightning with a string and put it in a jug for future generations. Here Whitefield preached and the rebels discussed the tyranny of the British king. Warren delivered his famous speech here upon the anniversary of the Boston massacre, and the ''tea party" organized in this same building. Two hundred years ago exactly the British used the Old South as a military riding school, although a majority of the people of Boston were not in favor of it. It would be well to pause here and consider the trying situation in which our ancestors were placed at that time. Coming to Massachusetts as they did, at a time when the country was new and prices extremely high, they had hoped to escape from oppression 'and establish themselves so far away from the tyrant that he could not come over here and disturb them without suffering from the extreme nausea incident to a long sea voyage. Alas I however, when the y landed at Plymouth rock there was not a decent hotel in the place. The same stern d coast which may be discovand was ered along the Atlantic seaboard y there, and a cruel, relentless sky frowned upon their endeavors. Where prosperous cities now flaunt to the &lIos their proud domes and floating debts, the rank jimson weed nodded in the wind still slumand the pumpkin pie of y bered in the bosom of the future. What glorious facts have, under the benign influence of fostering centuries, been born of What giant cerapparent impossibility. tainties have grown through these years from the seeds of doubt and discouragement and uncertainty! (Big firecrackers and ap- iTST?' iffi) RELATING TO THE (LIMITED.) quarter sacks),, '.: HATER'S EXTRA (!: halt sacks), BATES Commander Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, aud Kona and Kau, Hawaii. FREEMAN ....Commander Will run regularly to Hamoa, Maul, and Kukul-liaelHonokaa and Paauhau. Hawaii. JAMES "EUREKA," "PAKAUON" AND "RED CROSS FIRE HOSE, IIS W. T. Y. SCIIENCK, 36 Commander California street. Telephone 240. J. Ena, four-butto- A Organic Matter Silicious Matter Lime Phosphoric Oxide of Iron Acid 85 1.89 Carbonic Acid Alka Baits 52 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. PACIFIC STEAMSHIP CO., CO., & Co., 85 tf J. HERBERT REEVE, M. H. S., Jfyilropntlnc l'tij'slclaii, Heals all dlsea.se by PURIFICATION (without medicine). Chronic diseases a specialty. Persona weary of using physic without avail would do well to adopt this system. CONSULTATION HOURS: 2 till 4 p. m. luvalids on the adjoining Island visited by special arrangement. Residence, HOTEL. ST., opposite V. M C. A. O. Box 297. Llnii(el). (King, Commanaer), Leaves Honolulu as per following schedule,, touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena, KawaihaeLaupahoehoe. Hiio and Keaubou: Commencing on MONDAY. October 12th, and thence on the first Monday following the arrival ot the Alameda" and "Mariposa," on the 8th and 22d of each month: The steamer Kinau will make the VOLCANO TRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morning, giving tourists two days and two nights at the VOLCANO HOUSE. When the 8th and 22d of the month fall on Monday, the Kinau will leave that day. TICKETS FOR THE ROUND TRIP TO THE VOLCANO, FIFTY DOLLARS, WHICH PAYS ALL CHARGES. The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sunday mornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, will leave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturday morning. PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with the Kinau at Mahukotia. The Kinau WILL TOUCH at Honokala and Paauhau on down trips from HUo for Passengers tf a signal Is made from the shere. So full of Indian arrows get through a common door without great COOKED LINSEED MEAL. Such was the early history of the country and v.here now cultivation and education It Is the greatest Flesh former, Milk and refinement run rampant and people sit u Butter producer In use. all night to print newspapers so that we can have them in the morning. Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per rent, of mi The land on which the Old South stands this nearly 39 per cent. is very valuable for business purposes, and rl tive matter; to 100 ft.s. ol this mrai is equal to 200 5s. of oats f400,000 will have to be raised in order generato future landmark old or preserve the 318 B9. of corn, or to 767 lbs. of wheat brati. tions. I earnestly hope that it will be seFor Sale in Lots to Suit. cured, and that the old meeting house, dear to the Also, not alone to the people of Boston, but out Unrivalled MlXKD FEED, as w l aa millions of Americans scattered from sea to our raunl supply of the brst kinds of swa, who cannot forget where first universal wing. its plumed freedom Etc.. V.t-Hay. Oat, Wlieal, A Queer Sex Red Bluff News. Call a girl a chick and she smiles; call a woman a hen and she howls. Call a young woman a witch and she is pleased; call an old woman a witch and she is indignant. Call a girl a kitten and she rather likes it; call a woman a cat and she'll bate you. Queer sex, isn't it? v v.. - - Just Received jt Vigj' SALE BY THE Pacific Hardware JlireadetI Mali." Prices low 75 Company, apl5 Have completed and 1 ofTer CO. A large luvolce of Kerosene Oil lor kale the lollowfus: Boilers, viz: In quantities to suit. All kinds and latest patterns of PAIR COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS 1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in. 1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also 1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft. Apply to LAMP The Honolulu Iron Works Co. Goods upon most Favorable For Sydney and Auckland. Terms. Australian Mail Service. WILDER & . STEAMER KILAUEA IIOU, Commander), Will leave regularly for Paauhau, Konolalele, Ookala, Knkaiau, Honohlna, Laupahoehoe, Haka- lau and Onomea ( Weiabarth, STEAMER LEHUA, due at Honolulu from fcau or or about March v. 99 Franciw o QOtli, Irwin & Co., AGENTS (Daies, C'ommanden Will leave regularly for same ports as Kilauea Uou. LIGHT! LIGHT ! No More Darkness. Company will net be responsible for any freight or packages unless receipted for, nor for personal bagirage unless plainly marked. Not responsible for money or jewelry unless placed In charge of the Purser. All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, but the Company will not assume any risk of accident. SAM L. o. WILDER, President, a. B. ROSE, Secretary. OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets. esg-T- be Mar Of 99 tha Union Steamship Company, will be due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about .A.pril IStli. Wm. (x. Irwin 80 Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston, Downer's Kerosene Oil. Standard Kerosene Oil. Water Wliite Kerosene Oil. FOR SALE BY J. T. WATERH0USE. 338 El'ILDKES' HAHDWAltE, I'ainln, Oils, Glass, Matting Corrugated Iron, Portland Cement; HTEKL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and cost but littls DoorR.J Sash and All kinds of Blinds. more. JOHN NOT T, & Co., AGENTS. FRANK CERTZ, Imiicrter and Maaiifactiirer Of all Descriptions cf Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. for Kaunakakai. Kamalo. Pukoo.Lahalna. Lanal, Pelekunu and Kalaupapa. Returning, leaves Pukoo Friday 6 a.m. for Honolulu, arriving Saturday morning. 69-- 17 ALAMEDA, illjbe . Lumber and. Coal, The new and splendid Al steamship And will have prompt dispatch wllh malls and passengers for the above ports. Antl will leave for the abave port with mails and For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC- passengers on or about that date. COMMODATIONS, apply to; For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. (t. (McGregor, Commander"). Dealers In Commission Merchants and Whole.-ialForeign and Domestic Frui.s, green aud clriea; matiulacturersof Desiccated Cocoanut. l!imanis. Limes. Pine Apple. Sicily Leiuons, Tahiti Oranges and Cocounuts, Nuts of all kinds. Dates and Smyrna Figs, Ptcklug Fruit for export a specialty, l.or g experience in shipping to China, Australia. Mexico, Central America. Eastern States, etc. TropUal Fruits imported direct by every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco. I. O. box 1338. Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 1J0. 413, 415 and 417 Washington itreet, opposite Post Office; 412, 414 and 416 Merchant street. SAN FRANCIbCO. 479 feb26 87 MAEIPOSA, Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, STEAMS M0K0LI1, CO., The new and line Al steel steamship CO., IMPOBTEItS AND DEALERS IN FOR SAN FRANCISCO, ports, arriving back Saturday mornings. For mails and passengers only. GOODS. Full Lines of Desirable sate . & ft ITOPfc THE HONOLULU IRON WORKS STEAMER LIKELIKE. Leaves Honolclu every Monday at 5 p. u. "Kaanakakal, Kahulul, every week; Huelo, Hana and Kipanulu. Keanae, Motuiau and Nuu every other week. Returning, will stop at the above ! We have received a consignment o the mo.it Economical at.J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz.: L. G. SKES0YICII .,f -- fc JUST RECEIVED, (Lorenzen, Commander;, Editor In almost any paper, if you go at U right. Poet How ought I to go at it? Editor Buy a controlling interest in the oaper; then you will have no trouble. .......... AND apC-d&- New York Sun: Poet So you don't want Do the poem? Editor - No, sir. Poet you know where I can get it published? Hoiiolnlu :o:- New Gooas continually on the wav. Tbe very best of Island Butter alwaya on baud, and plenty for everybody. GUARANTEED. AND SATISFACTION Mahu-kona- 100.00 'or. rAINKIS tf fe CO, -- nutl NhuimcI IVoU. full and complete line of FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES. . WILUEPiS STEAMER KINAU, Agsnta or the Hawaiian Islands. IS' '. . (LIMITKD), " " " " ' " EUEEKA (LIMITED), lo IilliiiliRin A F'oi't Street ..... COMPANY, HARDWARE " Orders Received will have Promp Irwin Hecretary and Treasurer. cent and Careful Attention. W. G. JAMKH O. SPENCER, rsouiethliig: New for Breakfast. T 8.10 per 29.18 " 4.65 " 31.70 ' 23.11 & 67 aud 09 Hotel Street, ly BONE MEAL !! Water p- - Importer and Dealers in Staple and Fancy Groceries. The undersigned are now prepared to re ceive order for thin Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlandt San Francisco: The following ia a report of the compo nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analy-si- s Honolulu H. I. San Francisco, Cat. I526feb23 87 LEWIS T. R. FOSTER, President. J DRY GOODS IH'sPORTERS, Successor Rubber Hose, Hose Carts, H. and L. Trucks and Fire Department supplies generally. Square Flax Packing, Rubber Packing, etc., etc. Seud for circulars and prices. Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai. "A TENTH, (suitable lor camp-lu- g and surveying parties.) CO., & 99 Cotton Rubber Uuetl MAKEE, WEIR B. F. EHLERS ii. F. DILLINGHAM, President and Manager. Commander every Friday at 8 a. m. for Waianae, Leaves Oahu, and Hanalel and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-nleaves Hanalel every Tuesday at 4 p. m., and twitching at Waialua and Waianae Wednesdays, and arriving at Honolulu same day. STEAMER .: S g, and Boiler Covering. j. All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods deceived, by Every Steamer. e, MACAU LEV Felt Steam Pipe ,. lates corrected to the Elegantly Illustrated.. STEAMER C. R. BISHOP, SISAL COR DAG K. f ST., SAfijFnAIVCIJ, Articles of special value to the Islands have oeen prepared by expert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest in their condition and prospect abroad. to-da- At that time our ancestors had but timidly embarked in the forefather business. They did not,know that future generations cutaways would rise up aud n cell them blessed and pass resolutions of respect on their untimely death. If they stayed at home the king taxed them all out of shape, and if they went out of Boston a few rods to got enough huckleberries for breakfast they would frequently come home so full of Indian arrows that they could not AWN ISLANDS. Ali(! to-da- plause.) 2!3I MAIN moment. STEAMER rVVALANI, MANILA BE Great pain3 and expense have been gone to by the Publishers to make this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehensive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. It will be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists, and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun- , 25 Q MSf L$H 7) Its Court and Official Calendar carefully (MALULANI.) Lime and Cement. rock-boun- PHQTO-ENGRAVIN- GLOSSED AN tries. STEAMER W. G. HALL, Cases Medium Bread. Heed's Leal r. 1-- Official and Business Directory of Honolulu i D Steam Navigation Co. Flour. FAMILY FOR TIIK YEAR BARRELS. mi' housQ fa chiefly remark-i- t llonolati Full Statistical and General Information ,n absent-mindednes- The old able or Mrt, TINS. b CASKS I went into the building and registered. s and then from force of habit or handed my umbrella over the counter and asked how soon supper would be ready. Everybody reg'sters, but very trw . ill Iam told, ask bow soon supper wiii,t. ready. The Old South is now ruQf 1ne European Lowest Market Rates. Astronomical, Civil fcEcclesiastic'l Calend'r 53. All work in my line faithfully done. Plans and specifications uiftlf. Jobbing in all details doiie at short notice. Ouod work and low charges is my motto. LAUNDRY KAM I LY GBOCEBIES, at-tli- ' BLUE MOTTLED. 332 Packages, For the Year of Our Lord 18SG, Containing an (Opposite Fashion Stables). Soap. "Will bo (ILLUSTRATED.) JA PA N. ; WHICH km E. E. MAYHEW, ENGLISH BREAKFAST; iSSOETED 1886. THE HONOLULU ALMANAC DIRECTORY! Boxes. Teas. Third Year of Publication. ; Alameda, 1,922 Packages 22d-F- er To Arrive Id Barrels, QiYXf CV IIAVK P.1XEIVKP - est Sugars. mil?Q?Y M J f f K-W- .... I' -- 4! 9 BOOTS & SHOES XT Orders from tbe other Islands solicited. No. 114 Fort St.. llonoliiln. WM. McCANDLESS, o.O Qneeu Mtrect, Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF", VEAL MUTTON, FI3H, etc. Family and whipping Orders carefully attended at short to. Live Stock furnished to vesselssupplied to nH voeptahlea of all kinds nntira 2 tf order. Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work 71