Received November 14, 2011 February 28, 2011 To: The Peace River Regional District From: The Big Bam Ski Club Re: Request for a “Resolution of Support”. The Big Bam Ski club is requesting a Resolution of Support from the Peace River Regional District (PRRD) to aid in our application for a grant from the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) to aid in the rebuilding of our ski hill just south of Taylor. The Big Bam Ski Club was registered in 1982 as a “non-profit” society in the Province of BC. We are a volunteer organization who is working to provide recreational activities for families in the Peace River area that are: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Safe Affordable Fun Self sustainable Compliant with regulatory agencies. We are currently entering our third year of operation after being closed for approximately thirteen years. Our hill was effectively destroyed by a landslide. Most of the rebuilding work and all of the ski hill operation have been accomplished by donations of labour, equipment and time by the citizens and companies of the North Peace. Our estimates suggest that we have had approximately $2 million donated “in kind” since we re-opened in 2009 and spent $400,000 in obtaining equipment and installing the infrastructure to get the hill open. The operation is still in a rebuilding stage, we currently have about 1/3 of the previous terrain open. The following items are currently operating; 1) Chalet made of 4 trailers bolted together. 2) Hill repair and contouring. 3) Indoor washrooms including handicapped. 4) Snow Board Terrain Park 5) Telephones and electronic payment systems 6) Pro and rental shop 7) Ticket and rental receipt station 8) Over 100 sets of rental equipment building. 9) First aid building, toboggans, hospital bed, first aid supplies. 10) On site 24 hour caretaker. 11) Tow operation shack. 12) Paddle tow for user transport up the hill. 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) Snow grooming machine. Snow mobile for hill patrol, transport including first aid transport. C-can secured metal storage container. Very large corporate sized barbeque and fire pit Covered storage for Snow plow. (not Complete) Steel pipe fence with two security gates. Parking lot area and staff parking area. Concession food area. Additional Paddle lift. To be installed. Lighting for night skiing Two snow making machines. Not yet in use. One aluminum ex-herring punt converted to sleigh for public rides. The PRRD has generously provided funding in each of the past two years: The first grant allowed us to purchase ski and snowboard equipment for rental in our pro-shop. The second has allowed us to proceed with the construction of a water well, install piping and purchase second hand snow making equipment. We have completed perhaps 50% of that project and will be requesting re-imbursement in the next month or so. We have a large number of projects we are currently working on. We are requesting a “Resolution of Support” as requested by the Northern Development Initiative as an addendum to our request for a grant from the NDI. Any assistance you are willing to provide would much appreciated. Sincerely; Robert Johnson Co- Chairperson Financial Officer NORTHERN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE TRUST COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION Adobe Reader 8.0+ is required to complete this application form. If you are using an earlier version, you will not be able to save any information you enter into the form. Adobe Reader is a free download available at: 1. Project Name Provide a name for the project that is proposed in this funding application: Rebuilding of Big Bam Ski Hill Facility 2. Applicant Profile Applicant Organization (Legal Name): Non‐Profit Society Registration No. (if applicable): Big Bam Ski Club S-17698 Address (street, city, postal code): PO Box 6113, Fort St John BC V1J 4H6 Telephone: Fax: 250-261-6647 Email: Website (URL): 3. Primary Contact Information Primary Contact (for this application): Position / Title: Robert Johnson Director Complete the following if different from Applicant Organization contact information: Address (street, city, postal code): Telephone: Email: Fax: Northern Development Initiative Trust 301 – 1268 Fifth Avenue, Prince George, BC V2L 3L2 Tel: 250‐561‐2525 Fax: 250‐561‐2563 Email: Website: COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 4. Select the Application Process Northern Development accepts Community Halls and Recreation Facilities funding applications to each of the following Trust Accounts. See the Application Guide for more information on the advisory review and approval process. Select one of the following accounts: Regional Development: Cariboo‐Chilcotin/Lillooet Northeast Northwest Prince George Identify the municipality or regional district that is supporting this funding application: Peace River Regional District Resolution of Support: A resolution of support from the municipality or regional district is attached. A resolution of support has not yet been secured from the municipality or regional district. The date when this funding application is scheduled for review is: For all Regional Development Account applications, applicants are responsible for securing a resolution of support from a municipality or regional district. The applicant must provide a certified copy of the resolution of support to Northern Development before a funding decision can be mad. The resolution of support must specify formal support for the funding application to Northern Development by the municipality’s Council or the regional district’s Board, the amount and terms of the funding supported, and the account and local government allocation that the Council or Board supports the funds to be drawn from. Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 2 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 5. Project Overview Provide a concise description of the project: The Big Bam Ski Club is currently in its third year of operation after being closed for 13 years. The hill was severely damaged by a a few years ago and the insurance claim was very long in coming and well below what we were insured for. The operation is landslide in a rebuilding stage and we currently have about 1/3 of the previous terrain open. Most of the rebuilding work and all of the ski hill operations have been accomplished by donations of labour, most equipment and time by the citizens and companies of the North Peace. Our estimates suggest that we we have approximately $2million donated "in-kind" since we re-opened in 2009 and spent $400,000 in obtaining equipment and installing the infrastructure to get the hill open. Our vision has a short and long term vision which is attached in a business plan. Our primary focus is on: 1. Building a chalet that can be rented out for meetings, dinners, social events. 2. Increasing the size of the skiing area. 3. Completing a well that will enable us to make snow at all locations on the hill. 4. Continuing to provide mid-week operations for our citizens including schools. 5. Providing shelters for our equipment, thus reducing operational and repair costs. 6. Extending a chair lift to the top of the hill. 7. Creating hiking trails to the top of the hill for summer use. 8. Building campsites 9. Creating an outdoor archery range. 10. Creating boat launch facilities. 11. Creating venues for ATV and Motocross use or competitions. Explain the rationale for the project: A ski hill not only increases recreational capacity for the growing population of the Peace (it is estimated the the population could the next 5-7 years) but also increases the health and stability of the region. It will also contribute to the economic double in development of the area by providing jobs and income. A ski hill provides family activities and inter-action. Our ski hill is the closest hill for the communities of Fort St John and Taylor and Areas B&C of the Peace River Regional District. At about 50% of the cost of Power King, we offer greater opportunities for lower income families and for students from School District 60 who may enjoy skiing as part of their curriculum. We have logged over more than 1000 skier visits per year in the past two years and we have given out over 800 free passes in order to reward our volunteers and to create public awareness of the hill. Our plan intends to create a ski hill area that is usable all year round for various activities that will create employment, revenues and other options for the citizens and visitors to our area. Focus on community or regional needs with regards to economic development that the proposed project will address specific to the primary investment area. Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 3 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 6. Direct Economic Benefits Outline the direct economic benefits to the local or regional economy: The ski hill provides employment and income to the region in a number of ways. We use 15 regular volunteers during the ski season and that volunteer equipment, manpower and trades during the rest of the year. Our current assets are estimated to be $1,500,000 about 75 and approximately $400,000 of that has been put directly into the ski hill development, Over $200,000 have gone into capital assets. We serve the area from Dawson Creek to Charlie Lake with an estimated population of 35,000. Our current revenue projections show an increase from $20,000 to $40,000 annually over the next five years. 7. Current Employment Nature of positions: Number of existing positions: Hours of employment per week (average): Direct permanent full‐time jobs: 0 Direct permanent part‐time jobs: 0 0 hours/week Direct seasonal jobs: 0 0 hours/week Total person months employed annually (average): 35+ hours/week 12 months/year How does the proposed funding help to sustain the existing positions? We have been operating the hill on a volunteer basis for the past 2 years. 12 months/year months/year 8. New Employment (Job Creation) The following job creation will be reported on by the applicant organization for a five (5) year period to demonstrate the direct economic benefits of the project: Nature of positions: Number of new positions to be created: Hours of employment per week (average): Total person months of employment to be created (average): Direct permanent full‐time jobs: 1 35+ hours/week 12 months/year hours/week 12 months/year Direct permanent part‐time jobs: Position(s)/Title(s): Direct seasonal jobs: 6 35 hours/week 5 months/year Direct temporary jobs (construction or consulting): 20 35 hours/week 6 months/year TOTAL PROPOSED FULL‐TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) JOB CREATION: 13.5 Full‐time equivalent (FTE) job creation is aggregated from information provided above. 1.0 FTE is equal to 1 new position working 35 hours/week for 12 months/year. Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 4 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 9. Increased Revenue Generation The following annual revenue generation will be reported on by the applicant organization for a five (5) year period to demonstrate the direct economic benefits of the project: Projected Annual Revenues Current Annual Revenues: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 $ 20,000 $ 25,000 $ 30,000 $ 35,000 $ 40,000 $ 50,000 INCREMENTAL REVENUE GENERATION OVER FIVE (5) YEARS: $ 80,000 Incremental revenue is the sum of the Projected Annual Revenues for the five (5) years of the project, minus the Current Annual Revenues maintained over the same five (5) year period. Describe how the revenue will be generated and the sources of revenue: The revenues will be generated through: in use because of snow making ability for the entire hill = 10 days of additional skiing 1. Increase 2. Increase in the number of school children attending the hill during the week- 6 days minimum per year Increase in snowboarding due to creation of more snowboarding capacity= 35 days of skiiing 3. What percent of the projected annual revenue is from outside central and northern BC? 0 % 10. Project Participation List all participants that will actively contribute to the project: Communities (population ≤ 5,000 residents): Peace River Regional District Communities (population > 5,000 residents): First Nations Communities: Private Businesses: Donations totalling $84,000 Non‐Profit Organizations: Big Bam Ski Club Governmental Organizations: Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 5 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 11. Project Milestones Stage of Project: Completion of snow making 1) wells and piping Installation of second lift 2) Storage shed for snow cat 3) Chalet deck 4) First Aid Building 5) Snow Plow building 6) Scheduled Date: 2011 December Describe the current stage of the project: We are in the process of getting more water up to the top of the hill for snow making. The plans for the installation of the second lift, storage shed for the snow cat and completion of the chalet deck are being completed. 2011 December January 2012 January 2012 January 2012 May 2012 Complete the above, however if you wish to provide a more detailed project schedule, please attach separately to this application. 12. Project Budget Expense Item: Snow making well and piping Second lift station Snow cat shed Chalet deck First Aid Building Snow plow storage building Amount ($): Verification: $ 45,000 Quote(s) attached $ 55,000 Quote(s) attached $ 80,000 Quote(s) attached $ 25,000 Quote(s) attached $ 17,500 Quote(s) attached 20,000 Quote(s) attached 242,500 $ TOTAL PROJECT BUDGET: $ Complete the above, however if you wish to provide a more detailed project budget, please attach separately to this application. Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 6 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 13. Funding Request The following funding is requested from Northern Development: Funding Type: Amount ($): Grant $ 30,000 Maximum allowable grant is $30,000 per Community Hall or Recreation Facility project. Loan $ 0 Re‐Payment Terms Requested: TOTAL REQUESTED: $ 30,000 The Community Halls and Recreation Facilities program limits funding to a maximum one‐time grant of $30,000 per facility. For projects requiring additional funding, a loan may be requested from Northern Development. 14. Other Funding Sources Funding Source: Amount ($): Identify funding terms: Identify funding confirmation: Private contractors $ 79,000 Grant Approval letter attached Other: Date approval expected: Grant Approval letter attached Other: Date approval expected: Grant Approval letter attached Other: Date approval expected: Grant Approval letter attached Other: Date approval expected: Grant Approval letter attached Other: Date approval expected: Grant Approval letter attached Other: Date approval expected: Volunteer donations Big Bam Ski Club $ 5,000 $ 79,000 $ $ $ TOTAL OTHER FUNDING: $ 163,000 Loan Loan Loan Loan Loan Loan TOTAL PROJECT FUNDING: $ 193,000 (Northern Development + Other Sources) Prior to disbursement of funds, Northern Development must receive copies of letters of approval for all other funding sources. Please attach all letters of approval received to date with this application. If there are more than six other funding sources, attach a complete list separately. Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 7 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 15. Leveraging Calculate Northern Development’s funding leverage for the project: The funding request as a percentage of total project funding is: 15.54 % Leverage % = (Northern Development funding request) ÷ (Total project funding) Northern Development provides funding up to a maximum of 33.33% of a total project budget (a leveraging ratio of $1.00 from Northern Development to $2.00 from other sources). 16. Sustainability Explain how funds will be generated to operate the facility for five (5) years: Funds will be generated through sales and donations for the next five years. from the sales of tickets and increased incentives for ticket usage such as securing school usage. We are also increasing our snow making capability, installing a chair lift to the top of sales and the hill and building a snowboard facility. Describe how the project will support population growth or help sustain population in the community or region: The current economic position of our region is very strong and economic development estimates for the region predict that the could double over the next 5-7 years. This will mean an increase from approximately 60,000 to 123,000. Much of this growth population will involve families. The current population of Fort St John alone is the second youngest population in the province with 30% being under the age of 30. The current target area is approximately 35,000 people. Describe how the project will contribute to environmental sustainability: The stabilization of the current hill will ensure that the long term environmental sustainability of the hill area will be maintained. Skiing is an environmentally friendly sport that does not require individual operation of vehicles, etc. The operation of the hill is based on the use of electricity which is a clean energy. Describe and quantify any increase to property value(s) that would directly result from the project: This rebuilding of the hill has significantly increased the value of the property from almost zero to over $1.5 million. As the hill is further the value to the area will increase incrementally. developed, Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 8 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 17. Attachments List all documents attached to this application: Document Name: 1) Business plan 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 9 COMMUNITY HALLS AND RECREATION FACILITIES FUNDING APPLICATION 18. Authorization I AFFIRM THAT the information in this application is accurate and complete, and that the project proposal, including plans and budgets, is fairly presented. I agree that once funding is approved, any change to the project proposal will require prior approval of Northern Development Initiative Trust (Northern Development). I also agree to submit report reporting materials as required by Northern Development, and where required, financial accounting for evaluation of the activity funded by Northern Development. I understand that the information provided in this application may be accessible under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act. I agree to publicly acknowledge funding and assistance by Northern Development. I authorize Northern Development to make any enquiries of such persons, firms, corporations, federal and provincial government agencies/departments and non‐profit organizations operating in my organization’s field of activities, to collect and share information with them, as Northern Development deems necessary, in order to reach a decision on this application, to administer and monitor the implementation of the project and to evaluate their results after project completion. I agree that information provided in this application form may be shared with the appropriate Regional Advisory Committee(s) and/or Northern Development staff and consultants. Name: Robert Johnson Organization Signing Authority Title: Director Date: November 8, 2011 19. Submitting Your Application Completed funding application forms (with all required attachments) should be provided electronically to Northern Development by email. Email: Published March 2010 – Ver. 2.0 10