Transfer Course Conversion to Columbia College Equivalencies The following are the Columbia College transfer credit equivalencies for the selected institution. While most courses are listed here, newer courses can be added after the catalog is printed. These pages are kept as current as possible. Feel free to contact our office if you have questions about a course equivalency you do not see listed. LL= transfers as lower level credit UL=transfers as upper level credit *Scroll down to see course equivalencies.* Transfer Institution Name: Moberly Community College Transfer Institution Address: Moberly, MO 65270 Catalog Year: 2004-06 Accred NCA No UL Moberly Area Community College – Moberly, MO Transfer Course Course Course Title CC Equivalent Course Course Course Title ACCOUNTING (ACC) ACC 101 Elementary Accounting I ACCT 280 Accounting I (Financial) ACC 102 Elementary Accounting II ACCT 281 Accounting II (Managerial) ACC 110 Personal Finance FINC 298 Personal Financial Planning ACC 210 Federal Income Tax Accounting ACCT 381 LL Federal Income Tax – Individuals ACC 211 Managerial Accounting ACCT 386 LL Managerial and Cost Accounting ACCT 144 Accounting elective REMAINING COURSES ART (ART) ART 101 Art Survey and Appreciation I ARTS 111~ Art and Ideas I ART 102 Art Survey and Appreciation II ARTS 112 Art and Ideas II ART 105 Design I ARTS 140 2-D Design ART 110 Drawing and Composition I ARTS 120 Drawing I Page: 1 (WEC) Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. 11/17/08 Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. ART 111 Drawing and Composition II ARTS 222 Drawing II ART 130 Beginning Printmaking ARTS 262 Printmaking I ART 201 Painting I ARTS 130 Painting I ART 202 Painting II ARTS 232 Painting II ART 205 Ceramics I ARTS 271 Ceramics I ART 206 Ceramics II ARTS 373 LL Ceramics II ART 221 Creative Photography ARTS 150 Creative Photography I ART 222 Photography II ARTS 252 Creative Photography II ARTS 144 Art elective REMAINING COURSES BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE (BIO) BIO 101 Biology BIOL 110/110L Principles of Biology and Laboratory BIO 105 Introductory Conservation Biology BIOL/ENVS 115 Introduction to Environmental Science BIO 150 General Zoology BIOL 211 Zoology BIO 151 Introductory Plant Biology BIOL 212 Botany BIOL 205 Human Anatomy BIOL 323 LL/323L LL Anatomy and Laboratory BIO 206 Microbiology BIOL 312 LL/312L LL Microbiology and Laboratory BIO 209 Physiology BIOL 326 LL/326L LL Physiology and Laboratory BIOL 144 Biology elective REMAINING COURSES BUSINESS & OFFICE TECHNOLOGY (BOE) BOE 150 Business English / Communications MGMT 254 Business Communication BOE 152 Business Math / Electronic Calculators MGMT 152 Business Mathematics Page:2 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 BOE 171 Medical Terminology BOE 261, 264, 266 BOE 263 Business Software Applications REMAINING COURSES BIOL 230 Medical Terminology CISS 144 General CISS elective CISS 175 Microcomputer-Based Personal Productivity Tools ELEC 144 General elective BUSINESS (BUS) BUS 100 Introduction to Business MGMT 150 Introduction to Business BUS 112 Business Organization and Management MGMT 330 LL Principles of Management BUS 113 Human Relations in Management MGMT 144 Management elective BUS 120 Business Law I MGMT 265 Business Law I BUS 121 Business Law II MGMT 367 LL Business Law II ELEC 144 General elective CISS 170 Introduction to Computer Information Systems Early Childhood (CCE) ALL COURSES COMPUTER INFORM SYSTEMS (CIS) CIS 100, 102 CIS 105 Introduction to Programming C++ CISS 240 Introduction to Programming CIS 110 Internet Communications CISS 274 Introduction to Internet Technology & Electronic Commerce CIS 135 Visual Basic Programming CISS 234 Visual Basic CIS 205 Advanced C++ Programming CISS 245 Advanced Programming CIS 211 Cobol Programming CISS 236 COBOL Programming CIS 216 Data Structures II CISS 350 LL Advanced Algorithms & Data Structures Page:3 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 CIS 235 Networks and Teleprocessing CISS 410 LL Computer Networks & Communications CIS 251 JAVA Programming CISS 238 Java Programming CISS 144 General CISS elective ALL COURSES ELEC 144 General elective DEVELOPMNTL (DEV) Non-transferable REMAINING COURSES DRAFTING DESIGN TECH (DDT) DRAMA (DRM) DRM 120 Theater Appreciation REMAINING COURSES HUMN 144 Humanities elective ELEC 144 General elective ECONOMICS (ECN) ECN 101 Macroeconomics ECON 293~ Macroeconomics ECN 102 Microeconomics ECON 294 Microeconomics EDU 220 Foundations in Education EDUC 200 Law, Ethics and Education EDU 225 Teaching Profession w/Field Experience EDUC 251 Beginning Field Experience EDU 235 Technology for Teachers EDUC 271 Production & Utility of Education Technologies EDU 245 Educational Psychology EDUC 230 Educational Psychology EDU 295 Education Capstone EDUC 144 Education Elective EDUC 144 Education elective ELEC 144 General elective ELEC 144 General elective EDUCATION (EDU) REMAINING COURSES IND ELECTRON/ ELECTRIC TEC (EET) ALL COURSES ENGINEERING (EGN) ALL COURSES EMER MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY (EMT) Page:4 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 ALL COURSES ELEC 144 General elective FOREIGN LANG (FLN) FLN 101 Elementary Spanish SPAN 101 Beginning Conversational Spanish I FLN 102 Intermediate Spanish SPAN 102 Beginning Conversational Spanish II FLN 111 Elementary French FREN 101 Elementary French I FLN 112 Intermediate French FREN 102 Elementary French II FLN 115 Cultural Studies in Spanish HUMN 144 Humanities elective FLN 201 Spanish Readings SPAN 144 Spanish elective FREN 144 Language elective Special Studies in Languages LANG 144 Language elective GEO 101, 102 World Geography I & II GEOG 101~ Introduction to Geography GEO 299 Special Studies in Geography GEOG 144 Geography elective GRA 110 Graphic Arts I ARTS 216 Graphic Design I GRA 120 Graphic Arts II ARTS 316 LL Graphic Design II ELEC 144 General elective FLN 211 FLN 299 GEOGRAPHY (GEO) GRAPHIC ARTS TECHNOLOGY (GRA) GRA 130, 240, 250, 251, 299 GRA 210 Graphic Arts III ARTS 416 LL Graphic Design III GRA 225 Multi-Media Development ARTS 104 Introduction to ComputerAssisted Art ARTS 144 Art elective REMAINING COURSES HISTORY (HST) HST 101 Western Civilization I HIST 101 Western Civilization I HST 102 Western Civilization II HIST 102 Western Civilization II Page:5 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 HST 105/105H American History to 1865/Honors HIST 121 American History to 1877 HST 106/106H American History from 1865/Honors HIST 122 American History Since 1877 HST 215 America in Vietnam HIST 144~ History elective HIST 144 History elective IND 101, 104, 221 MGMT 144 Management elective IND 108, 202 PHYS 144 Physics elective ENGL 204 Technical Writing ELEC 144 General elective ELEC 144 General elective REMAINING COURSES INDUST TECH (IND) IND 120 Technical Report Writing REMAINING COURSES JOURNALISM (JRN) ALL COURSES LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE (LAL) LAL 101 English I ENGL 111 English Composition I LAL 102 Exposition ENGL 112 English Composition II LAL 120 American Literature Survey to 1870 ENGL 241 American Literature I ENGL 242 American Literature II LAL 121, 153 LAL 150 English Literature Survey to 1750 ENGL 231 English Literature I LAL 151 English Literature from 1750 to Present ENGL 232 English Literature II LAL 201 Creative Writing: Fiction ENGL 207 Creative Writing I – Fiction LAL 202 Creative Writing: Poetry ENGL 208 Creative Writing II – Poetry ENGL 263~ World Literature I LAL 210, 222 LAL 211 A Survey of Western Literature II ENGL 264~ World Literature II LAL 250 History and Development of the ENGL 190~ The Short Story Page:6 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 Short Story LAL 251 Science Fiction ENGL 397 LL Science Fiction & Fantasy LAL 252 Children’s Literature for the Elementary Teacher EDUC 270 Literature for Children & Adolescents LAL 275 Classical Mythology ENGL 123~ Introduction to Mythology & Folklore ENGL 144 English elective REMAINING COURSES LAW ENFORCE (LEN) LEN 130 Corrections Policies and Procedures CJAD 350 LL Corrections & Penology LEN 210 Criminal Investigation I CJAD 201 Criminal Investigation LEN 220 Criminal Investigation II CJAD 203 Crime Scene Investigation LEN 222 Criminal Justice Management CJAD 451 LL Management of Criminal Justice Agencies LEN 250 Non-Transferable REMAINING COURSES CJAD 144 Criminal Justice Administration electives MARKETING MANAGEMENT (MKT) MKT 105 Principles of Marketing MKTG 310 LL Principles of Marketing MKT 110 Advertising MKTG 335 LL Advertising & Sales Promotion MKT 205 Salesmanship MKTG 352 LL Personal Selling & Sales Management MKT 206 Retailing MKTG 327 LL Retail Management & Strategies MKTG 144 Marketing elective ELEC 144 General elective REMAINING COURSES MACHINE TOOL (MSP) ALL COURSES Page:7 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 MATHEMATICS (MTH) MTH 100 Intermediate Algebra MATH 106 Intermediate Algebra MTH 105 College Trigonometry MATH 180 Precalculus ELEC 144 General elective MATH 150 College Algebra MATH 250 Statistics I MTH 130, 135 MTH 140 College Algebra MTH 160, 215 MTH 201 Analytic Geometry & Calculus I MATH 201 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I MTH 202 Analytic Geometry & Calculus II MATH 222 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II MTH 203 Analytic Geometry & Calculus III MATH 300 LL Multivariate Calculus MTH 210 Finite Mathematics MATH 170 Finite Mathematics MTH 250 Differential Equations MATH 370 LL Differential Equations MTH 299 Special Studies MATH 144 Math elective MUS 101 Fundamentals of Music MUSI 102 Music Fundamentals MUS 102 Music Appreciation MUSI 122 Music Appreciation MUSI 144 General elective ELEC 144 General elective EDUC 105 Human Health ELEC 144 General elective PHIL 201 Introduction to Western Philosophy MUSIC (MUS) REMAINING COURSES ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN NURSING (NUR) ALL COURSES PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PED) PED 120 Health and Hygiene REMAINING COURSES PHILOSOPHY (PHI) PHI 150 Page:8 Introduction to Philosophy . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 PHI 151 Introduction to Logic PHIL 210 Logic PHI 152 Introduction to Ethics PHIL 330 LL Ethics RELI 144 Religious Studies elective RELI 101 Religion and Human Experience PHIL 144 Philosophy Elective CHEM/PHYS 108 Physical Science Survey PHI 155, 157 PHI 251 Religions of the World REMAINING COURSES PHYSICAL SCI (PHY) PHY 120/125 PHY 121 General Chemistry I CHEM 110 Chemistry I PHY 122 General Chemistry II CHEM 112 Chemistry II PHY 201 College Physics I PHYS 111 College Physics I PHY 202 College Physics II PHYS 112 College Physics II PHY 221 Quantitative Analysis CHEM 301 LL Quantitative Analysis PHY 222 Elementary Organic Chemistry CHEM 210 Organic Chemistry I PHY 260 Earth Science I GEOL 144 Geology elective PHY 262 General Astronomy ASTR 108 Introduction to Astronomy PHY 263 Geology GEOL 110 Introduction to Geology: Physical & Historical Geology PHY 264 Atmospheric Science GEOG/ENVS 220 Introduction to Atmospheric Sciences PHY 299 Special Studies PHYS 144 Physics elective ELEC 144 General elective PRACT NURS (PNC) ALL COURSES POLITICAL SCI (PSC) PSC 103 American Government POSC 215 State and Local Government PSC 105 Functions and Policies of American Government POSC 111 American National Government Page:9 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 PSC 150 International Relations POSC 292~ International Relations PSC 201 British Politics and Society POSC 144 Political Science elective PSY 101 General Psychology PSYC 101 General Psychology PSY 201 Child Growth & Development PSYC 391 LL Child Psychology PSY 205 Human Lifespan Development PSYC 330 LL Lifespan Developmental Psychology PSY 210 Introduction to Social Psychology PSYC/SOCI 360 LL Social Psychology PSY 221 Psychology of Personality Adjustment PSYC 304 LL Personality Theory PSY 240 Experimental Psychology PSYC 326 LL Experimental Psychology PSYC 144 Psychology elective ELEC 144 General elective PSYCHOLOGY (PSY) REMAINING COURSES LIFE SKILLS (SKL) ALL COURSES SOCIOLOGY (SOC) SOC 101 Sociology SOCI 111~ General Sociology SOC 150 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems CJAD 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice Administration SOC 160 Introduction to Juvenile Justice Systems SOCI 331 LL Juvenile Delinquency SOC 170 Introduction to Corrections, Probation and Parole CJAD 350 LL Corrections and Penology SOC 205 Social Problems SOCI 216 American Social Problems SOC 211 Sociology of the Family SOCI 214~ Family Page:10 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08 REMAINING COURSES SOCI 144 Sociology elective SPCH/DRAMA (SPK) SPK 101 Public Speaking I COMM 110 Introduction to Speech SPK 210 Oral Interpretation COMM 360 LL Oral Interpretation and Literature COMM 144 Communication elective ELEC 144 General elective REMAINING COURSES WELD AND METALS TECHNOLOGY (WLD) ALL COURSES Page:11 . ~ Will meet World and Eastern Culture requirement. Columbia College course number, 144 / 444 represent general departmental electives. 11/17/08