Simulation of Skin Aging and Wrinkles with Cosmetics Insight Laurence Boissieux*, Gergo Kiss*, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann*, Prem Kalra+ * MIRALab, CUI, University of Geneva 24, rue du General-Dufour, CH-1211, Geneva, Switzerland Email:{boissieux, kiss, thalmann} + Visiting from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India Email: Abstract This paper briefly reviews the existing approaches employed in computer animation for skin modeling, wrinkle formation and aging process and proposes our approach. Two models have been proposed, one is image-based for rapid prototyping and instant results and another is model based an extension to our earlier work. In the model-based technique skin is considered as a volumetric substance, as opposed to an elastic membrane, having layers of different materials and a finite element method is used for computing the deformation. The ultimate aim is to devise a practical system, which can enable modeling of skin of an individual person using empirically acquired biomechanical parameters such as Young Modulus. Further, the system is capable to simulate the visual effect of external treatment on the skin, e.g., use of the cosmetics, and exposure to the sun. An application software to this effect has been developed in collaboration with L’Oreal, a renowned cosmetic producer. Keywords: Skin aging, wrinkle simulation, skin deformation, facial cosmetics. 1 Introduction The skin is a continuous external sheet that covers the body. Due to its outside visibility and aesthetic value people tend to give a lot of attention to skin. It is a challenging task to accurately model skin appearance and its behavior with details. This has variety of applications from entertainment to cosmetics, to plastic surgery. Though the problematics of skin modeling and aging holds for the entire body, a particular attention is given to the facial skin as face being the most important body component. Facial features including skin form essential elements to recognize individuals, interpret facial expressions, and communicate with others. Furthermore appearance of wrinkles due to facial expressions and aging add realism to the modeling and the animation. This paper focuses on the skin simulation concentrating on both the visual and biomechanical aspects of the skin. First we give some background on the skin and wrinkle physiology, which we believe is necessary to study and analyze for devising an appropriate computational skin model. Next, we give the related work done in skin modeling and simulation of wrinkles in the domain of computer animation and simulation. Our approach towards skin and wrinkle simulation is given in Section 4. We address both image and model based methods employed to this effect. Finally, we conclude with future work. 2 Skin and Wrinkle Physiology Though our intention here is not to model and simulate the exact biological form and functions of human skin, it is, however, important to study and analyze skin’s physiology to determine the relevant properties that are necessary for realistic skin modeling and simulation. 2.1 Skin Composition The skin accounts for about 16% of the body weight1. It has surface area of typically 1.5 to 2.0 m2 in adults and its thickness from 0.2 mm (eye lids) to 6.0 mm (sole of foot). The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. It is observed that the general appearance of skin and the wrinkles and other lines are determined by the combined effect of the three layers. 2.2 Skin Surface Structure The outer skin surface consists of a geometrical structure that manifests the form of visible skin. A close-up of the skin surface depicts a common micro structure with a rather well defined geometrical form resembling a layered net-like pattern. On the other hand, the visible lines, wrinkles, creases and folds constitute a distinct macro structure that may be specific to one part or region of the body. 2.3 Mechanical Properties of Skin The important mechanical properties of the skin are extensibility, resistance to friction, and response to lateral compressive loading1. Skin properties vary with species, age, exposure, hydration, obesity, disease, site and orientation. The other material properties of skin are: non-linearity, anisotropy and visco-elasticity, incompressibility and plasticity2. 2.4 Wrinkle Physiology Skin changes with age, wrinkles emerge and become more pronounced. Wrinkles depend on nature of skin and muscle contraction. Wrinkles are most important macro structures. Two types of wrinkles are considered: expressive wrinkles (particularly relevant for the face) and wrinkles due to age. Expressive wrinkles also referred to as temporary wrinkles that appear on the face during expressions at all ages and may become permanently visible over time. In addition to their visual effects expressive wrinkles act as an important factor for understanding and interpreting facial expressions, and permanent visible wrinkles indicate the age of a person. 3 Related Work Though skin simulation is not restricted to the face, we consider face to be an important body part for its various role in identification, communication and beautification. We give some related work in the simulation of facial skin deformation. Varied models are used to simulate facial animation and skin deformation for different purposes3. These are geometric models, physically-based models and biomechanical models using either a particle system or a continuous system. Many geometrical models have been developed, such as parametric model,4 5 geometric operators6 and abstract muscle actions.7 There are also different kinds of physically-based models, such as the tension net model8 and the three layered deformable lattice structure model.9 10 The finite element method is also employed for more accurate calculation of skin deformation, especially for potential medical applications such as plastic surgery.11 12 13 Some work based on finite element method has also been reported on the internet,14 15 however, not much details are given. Many research efforts have been undertaken for generating textures for animal skin as well as human skin. Bump and color mapping techniques,16 texture synthesis language,17 face data recording18 and a micro geometrical model19 are used to simulate different skin patterns by texture. There is a few facial animation models with dynamic wrinkles. Viaud et al.20 have presented a geometric hybrid model for the formation of expressive and aged wrinkles, where bulges are modeled as spline segments and determined by age parameter. There are also physically-based facial animation models, where some wrinkles appear as the outcome of the skin deformation.9 21 4 Our Approach One can envisage two main categories of modeling skin with wrinkle formation and aging: image based method and model based method. In image based method, the image is transformed using image-warping and other image processing operations for changing luminance and coloration to give impression for the wrinkles and other aging artifacts. The evolution of such transformation would generate the effects of aging and formation of wrinkles on the image. This image can be texture mapped on a 3D model. In the second approach a 3D model is deformed using an appropriate technique –geometric or physically based. This method though computationally expensive can give more accurate results in terms of deformations to the geometry/structure of the skin. As follows we give our approach for skin simulation used in these two categories at MIRALab. 4.1 Image Based Method Here, some generic masks of pre-computed wrinkles are applied as textures on a 3D model of a face. The idea is to darken with a certain amount the color of initial skin texture to give the impression of wrinkle depth, i.e., the luminance of pixels is modified. The pixel intensity and color are associated with the aging parameters (age and cosmetics). The motivation here was to be able to visualize instantly the effect of the use of skin care products on the facial model of a particular person. This however, does not include the other morphological changes on the face as a consequence of aging. The method is based on image/texture fitting and mapping on the facial model. 4.1.1 Definition of Generic Masks The generic masks constitute different types of wrinkle sets to customize for a particular person with different features. After the analysis of the qualitative data from L’Oreal, 8 basic masks are generated corresponding to the following criteria: • gender (male or female) • shape of the face (round or long) • expression (often smiling or not) The gender determines wrinkles specific to a particular gender, for example, females have vertical wrinkles above the mouth region. The shape of the face also plays a role for wrinkle features: for a round face, the wrinkles are deeper, shorter, and less in number compared to a long face. Concerning expressions, a very smiley person will have more pronounced wrinkles around the eyes and the mouth than an expressionless face. The design of these 8 basic masks is done on the basis of the extreme case, i.e., they correspond to the maximum age (80 years) and without any anti-age cosmetic correction. Figure 1 shows the 8 masks. These masks have been generated using samples from the real photos of the aged people. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figure 1: The eight generic masks. 4.1.2 Data Correlation L’Oreal provided both the qualitative and quantitative data, which has been used in our simulation process. For example, the data consists of the relative change in the biomechanical parameters like Young modulus, and skin viscosity. In addition, the data is provided in terms of change in wrinkle intensity when a particular cosmetic product is employed. The qualitative data about the amount, shape and intensity of wrinkles with respect to the gender, facial shape and expression was used for the design of the eight generic masks described in the section above. Data was also provided for the depth of wrinkles with age,22 a least-square fitting is used for obtaining a linear relation. Thus, a simple relation as follows is derived between the age and the wrinkle depth. Wrinkle Depth = 2.74 * Age The wrinkle’s depth changes with the use of cosmetic products such as Mexoryl and Retinol. This data is also provided and used for the simulation process. 4.1.3 Aging The process of aging is simulated considering the linear relationship between the age and the wrinkle’s intensity as derived above. For relative measurements, at age 80, the extreme case with maximum intensity of wrinkles is conceived. Thus, if a face is to be generated which has the age of 55, it will be deduced by using the wrinkle parameters for the age of 55. Figure 2 (see color plates) shows faces of the age 25, 55 and 80. This is applicable to all the eight generic masks. Wrinkles seem to delineate with the use of cosmetic products. As mentioned above, a relationship between the wrinkle’s depth and a particular cosmetic product is established based on the data provided by L’Oreal. This can be visually simulated in a straightforward manner, a method of visual inspection can be employed to validate the simulation. Figure 3 (see color plates) shows the result of applying Mexoryl to the face of the age 55. 4.1.4 Customizing to a specific person (cloning and aging) One of the interesting applications of this approach is to apply the simulation process to a specific person. This requires first to obtain the model of the particular person using the pictures or otherwise. A method has been developed at MIRALab for virtual cloning of people using two orthogonal views (front and side) of the pictures.23 To apply the wrinkles on the specific model, we use local coordinate system defined on each triangle of the mesh, which gives the location of point within a triangle. As the triangle mesh has the same topology, getting the wrinkles on the modified face from the generic face is straight forward using the barycentric coordinates.24 Once it is identified to which generic class the particular face matches, the wrinkles are generated on the selected generic face. The process of cloning and texture fitting are then employed to obtain the wrinkles on the specific face. A convivial user interface is provided to perform these tasks. Figure 4 (see color plates) gives an example of aging on a cloned face. 4.1.5 Limitations The image-based approach has some inherent limitations. The perceptible geometrical and structural changes cannot be modeled using this approach. Thus, for certain applications this approach is not realistic. The current system simulates only the permanent wrinkles due to aging, however, extension to the temporary wrinkles is possible. The impact of biomechanical parameters cannot be incorporated directly in the simulation process. 4.2 Model Based Approach 4.2.1 Elastic Membrane Model In an earlier approach for facial animation, a three-layered structure is employed consisting of a skin layer, a connective tissue layer and a muscle layer25. The deformation of skin is activated by the simulated muscle layer, constrained by connective tissue layer and decided by a biomechanical model. The skin represented as a triangular mesh, follows a linear, isotropic, elastic behavior. During the process of a muscle contraction, for every predefined wrinkle, the system constantly measures the shrinking of the skin surface along each wrinkle line. Considering one wrinkle, the direction of measurement is locally perpendicular to its line at every point. Principal strains are not computed, instead, plain and shear strains are measured along a specific coordinate system for every triangle. This coordinate system is aligned with the connected muscle's contraction direction. Skin's incompressibility is not modeled explicitly, however, its effect is shown by increasing the amplitude of the nearby wrinkles. The wrinkle formation and rendering details are provided through color, bump or displacement texture mapping using a layered rendering process of RenderMan.26 The texture images consist of synthetic patterns as well as real photos. The dynamics of wrinkle simulation is computed using the strain measures of skin deformation of the 3D facial model. Figure 5 illustrates the results of the facial simulation and wrinkle generation. Figure 5: Facial animation with wrinkle generation. 4.2.2 Proposed Model The previous model is relatively simple and adequately fast to be used for a practical application. However, there are some limitations of the model, which may be relevant for realistic simulations. For example, in the previous model, skin has no real thickness, it is basically modeled as an elastic membrane. The incompressibility is treated in a 'loose' manner and the system relies on user inputs at many instances. The proposed model is devised taking into account some of these issues. In the proposed model, we consider different layers in skin with given thickness and their mechanical properties such as elastic modulus and Poisson ratio. The model is intended to provide the different characteristics of wrinkles --location, number, density, cross-sectional shape, and amplitude-- as a consequence of skin deformation caused by a muscle action. The previous approach required specification of wrinkle lines with their locations. However, for a realistic simulation, wrinkles arise with all of their properties contributing to the equilibrium state. Layered Structure Skin is considered as layers of different type of tissues having different properties as shown as a cross section in Figure 6. The multi-layer notion corresponds to the reality. For simplicity only two layers have been considered, where, the upper most layer modeling epidermis has more stiffness than the layer underneath. The layered structure give the notion of having substance to each layer and thus allows volume preservation. epidermis Thin and stiff (upper) surface layer dermis Thick and soft lower layer subcutaneous tissue fascia (a) (b) Figure 6: The structure of the proposed model The behavior of tissue is controlled by elastic deformation. For a 2D cross section, the triangle mesh is deformed using a similar mechanism as the surface membrane used in the previous model. That is, each layer here is considered as a linear, isotropic, elastic material. Wrinkle Simulation The model allows simulation of both the temporary and permanent wrinkles. As follows we provide the basic concept for the simulation of the two types. a) Temporary Wrinkles At present, simulations are performed on an abstract, simplified piece of skin. The process of deformation does not use explicit definition of a muscle in the current simulation. The positions of the two ends, which may be achieved as the consequence of a muscle action, act as input to the simulation. The upper surface layer responds to this compression with bulging out of its original line, whereas, the underlying layer regulates this deformation. In other words, where the surface bulges up, the underlying tissue stretches (extends vertically, shortens horizontally), and where the surface bulges down, the underlying tissue squeezes (shortens vertically, extends horizontally). These deformations appear in a periodic pattern, ending up with a sinusoid like line of the surface as illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7: The concept of temporary wrinkle generation Such a sinusoidal pattern shows not enough similarity with a wrinkle. The crosssectional curve of real wrinkles has similar hills, but sharp valleys in contrast to these smooth ones. We achieve this more realistic type of wrinkle cross-section by using a sinusoidal interface between the two layers (Figure 8). It is also observed in the real structure of skin that the interface between epidermis and dermis is not flat, rather it is close to a sinusoidal curve, see Figure 6(a). Figure 8: Simulation result using sinusoid interface between the two tissues b) Permanent Wrinkles Every triangle that the tissues consist of has a shape memory, i.e., its rest shape. We may introduce plastic effects in this model by constantly adjusting the rest shapes of the triangles based on the current deformations. This causes a slow adaptation to deformations. As a result, the overall shape of skin reflects its history. In addition, it is observed that the wrinkles formed, naturally guide the location of future wrinkles. Figure 9 illustrates the influence of the plastic factor. (a): Remnant wrinkles after contraction-decontraction when using a plastic factor (b): Recontracting the plastic skin piece Figure 9: Effect of plastic factor in the formation of wrinkles. Experimental Results Several simulations have been performed with different parameters. Figure 10 gives an overview of the effect of the different parameters. Three parameters are considered here: Young_surf, the Young modulus of the surface (upper) layer, Young_under, the Young modulus of the underlying layer, and thickness_surf, the thickness of the surface layer. The thickness of the underlying layer is given a constant value of 1.3 mm, and the Poission ratio of both layers is taken as 0.5. It was observed that change in the thickness of underying layer and the Poission ration do not give noticeable difference in the results. Smaller wrinkles emerge with lower values of the Young_surf. This is in accordance with the real-life experience: hydrating cosmetics, decrease the elastic modulus of epidermis and thus can lessen the wrinkles, whereas, skin having a higher Young_surf value (dry epidermis) wrinkles are more accentuated. Increasing the Young_under parameter flattens the wrinkles, while, its lower values give rise to wavy folds (ripple effect) on the skin. The thickness_surf parameter seems to influence the number and size of the wrinkles. A thinner surface layer produces denser and smaller wrinkles, because such a surface layer tends to bend more. In a thicker surface layer fewer folds appear owing to low bend-ability. Simulations verify that the model used is independent of the definition of the resolution and the total length of the skin. Figure 10: Experimental results with various parameters. 5 Conclusion In this paper we have presented our approach for skin simulation, wrinkle formulation, and aging on facial skin. Two methods have been presented: image based and model based. Image based method employs eight generic mask as templates, which characterize wrinkles. A process of cloning is involved to customize the template to a particular person. The image based method enables instantaneous display of simulation results. In the model-based technique first we consider skin as an elastic membrane. Further, we extend it and consider skin as a volumetric substance having layers of different materials and a finite element method is used for computing the deformation. The system allows simulating the visual effect of external treatment on the skin, e.g., use of the cosmetics, and exposure to the sun. For the proposed layered skin model, where the experiments have been performed on an abstract skin, extensions are being made to use the model the face. Computational limitations of the method suggest to using hybrid approach of generating wrinkles where, rendering can be enhanced with texture mapping techniques. Acknowledgements Authors would like to thank L’Oreal, Paris for furnishing the data, which has been used for the simulation. References 1 Lanir, Y (1987), “Skin Mechanics,” in Ed. Skalak, R. Handbook of Bioengineering, McGraw Hill Book Company. 2 Walter M, Wu Y, Magnenat Thalmann N and Thalmann D (1998), “Biomechanical Models for Soft Tissue Simulation”, Esprit Series, Springer Verlag. 3 Parke FI and Waters K(1996), “Computer Facial Animation”, AK Peters Ltd, Wellesly, Massachusetts, USA. 4 Parke FI (1974), “A Parametric Model for Human Faces,” Ph. 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