.--.---..-.--.. ~--_..-.- 34 Meat Cuts - Use this poster in conjunction with Meat Cuts Identify Meat Cuts & locations from live Animal situation/task statement and/or Wholesale Cuts of Beef identification tags. Wholesale / RO>Eye Roll \ Cuts of Beef FoI'Tende"o1n .; -.. Rib Steak, - I Short Ribs Ground Beef Chuck Roll Shoulder Clod Roast lEARNING lABORATORY KIT BraisingSteak Rank Steak Assuring Animal Product Quality by Youth Producers This material is based uponwork supported by Extension Service, United States Department of Agriculture, under special project number 93-EFSQ-4096. Graphic used with the express permission of National Live Stock and Meat Board. Product distribution through the Ohio A,riculturaJ Educatioo Curriculum Materiala Service r"a ~_ __~ ......-.- Ethics are the moral philosophyand principles that identify actions as acceptable or unacceptable as generally observed by society.Throughout your participation in the beef project you are faced with many decisions. Some are easier than others. Sometime you may be tempted to cheat or "bend" the rules in order to place higher in a class. This decision becomes a question of ethics. What I Believe Sit.u«~iQn f~~a"obS-~oHlavored e';.Jo .:~.,..~:,;1,""" .~-" "".', weight .~; 's,temp'erament rQprove~im:"fifusclirig :.' '." .. ;1\'-" /_"~_'-A- ...",;-:::t:<* ,~: ';r ~sboYA' , ,- "-....:~, , '.", f::..-I~~ .-" .-:C ;.~_..,t~jl,!,? ~g;a?iY§JPr,nake , water '_" > .. ,':';'. .::,.~;... -t~ ;~' -'~ , .V '.1< Show Me the Beef What are the two main reasons for pulling up the leg hair? In what direction is the hair glued on the back legs?.front legs? Why do you brush the legs at home? Why does it matler how much adhesive you use? What options are there for fitling the tail? What options are there for grooming the body hair? Why are the legs clipped? Why is it important how the calf is standing when you are clipping? Why is the tail head clipped? Why do you clip your calf? . Where's the Beef How can you be creative when clipping your beef animal? Beef's Future What did you learn in this activity that will help you when you are fitling your animal? Acknowledgments: Adapted with permission from the Kansas 4-HBeef CurriculumNotebookand the Angus Journal by Josh Merrill,LarryTibbs and Jackie Buckley. ", Sf ump ~ the ''''''.' 1. View a video on cli~ping show anrma/s. 2. Attend a show and observe the clipping techniques used by others. Share what you learned with your beef group. Educator /Leader Guide Nutrients. Feeding. Feed Storage and the Importance qf Quality Water NUTRIENTS AND FEED LABELS Feeds mixed by a feed company must have a label that lists the ingredients in the feed. The actual amount of ingredients is not usually given, but the most prevalent ingredient in the item is usually listed first. Ingredients are feedstuffs such as corn, barley, or soybean meal. Ingredients may be listed as general types, such as "grain products" or "animal protein products." The label must also state the analysis of the feed. This part of the label explains what nutrients are in the feed. Nutrients are the building blocks contained in feeds for animals and foods for humans. Nutrients are chemical substances . required by animals in order to live, grow, have young, and make milk. Every living thing (human beings, animals, and plants) needs nutrients. Animals (and people) require these nutrients: · WATER carries other substances around in the body and helps "to regulate body temperature. · CARBOHYDRATES furnish energy for moving, working, growing, and generating heat. FATS are used to store energy. · PROTEINS are used to build parts of the animal's body, like muscle or skin. · MINERALS make the animal's skeleton strong and regulate movement of water in the body. · VITAMINSare only needed in very small amounts in the diet, but they are important because they "catalyze" or start necessary chemical reactions in the body. The label on an animal feed tells the ingredients and nutrients in the feed. The actual amount of nutrients (and feed) required depends on the type of animal, its age, how fast it is growing, and its environment. Finally, the label includes directions that explain how much of the product to feed and if there is a withdrawal time for the feed. Sometimes feed contains medicine to protect the animal from diseases or to make the animal grow more quickly,. It is important that these medicines are not present in your animal's meat when the animal goes to market. People who eat meat (or who consume other animal products) do not want to eat chemicals other than the normal substances found in the product. · View Critical Point #3 "What's in the Feed?" Ask the youths why food companies do not list exact formulations and briefly explain least cost and proprietary formulas. Write important points on a board or flip chart in front of the group. Ask the youths "What other animal characteristics might affect an animal's nutrient requirements?" Discuss the difference between nutrients and ingredients. Talk to the youths about chemicals. "We discussed the fact that nutrients are chemicals. Don't animals' bodies already contain chemicals?" Talk about normal chemicals versus added chemicals that we use to prevent disease or improve production. Unit 4, Levell PJUfe64 Educator /Leader Guide Nutrients. Feeding. Feed Storage and the Importance of Quality Water A withdrawal time is the time needed for the animal's body to get rid of any medicine or chemical contained in the feed. If your feed has a withdrawal time listed, you must stop using that feed for that amount of time before the animal goes to sale. Otherwise, "residue" (small amounts of the added medicine or chemical) may remain in the meat or milk. Simple feedstuffs, such as cereal grains, protein supplements, or roughages do not always have feed labels. Show classes for some 4-H and FFA animals have maximum weight limits. Choose an animal young enough so that it does not grow over the maximum weight limit when fed correctly. You should know about how many pounds per day you can expect your animal to gain. Choose an animal that will not grow over the maximum weight by the time it is shown. The amount of weight you can expect your animal to gain on average each day when fed properly is: Pigs: 1.6 pounds/day Cattle: 2.5 pounds/day Sheep: 0.5 pounds/day Have group participate in the activity entitled "Interpreting Feed Labels. " Example: It is May 20th and your show is September 3rd. You want a market hog that will weigh 220 lbs. How much should the pig you select weigh on May 20? May 20 to September 106 days x 1.6lbs/day 220 lbs (desired weight) 50.4 lbs 3 - = 106 days = 169.61bs gain in 106 days 169.6 lbs (gain /106 days) = Therefore the pig you select on May 20 should weigh about 50 pounds. FEED CHANGES, CONTAMINANTS Choosing FEED STORAGE, AND FEED feeds of high quality and storing these feeds properly is important in order to produce a , high quality product. Avoid feeds that are moldy or contain foreign material (pieces of wire, plastic, feces, or large amounts of weeds). Talk about what can happen if a steer eats a wire, nail, or a piece of glass. . Unit 4, Levell P82e 65 Educator /Leader Guide Nutrients. Feeding. Feed Storage and the Importance of Quality Water Store feeds properly. Keepdry feeds in a clean, dry place, protected from birds, rodents, and pets. Birds and small animals (even your pet dog or cat!) can spread diseases and parasites. Feeds that are allowed to get wet or are stored in a damp place can become moldy. Some molds produce toxic substances ("mycotoxins") that contaminate the feed and make it taste bad to your animal. Not only can this make your animal sick, but it can also affect the quality of meat produced from your animal. Many feeds cannot be stored for long periods of time. The fats and oils in the feed begin to spoil. Vitamins supplements can lose their effectiveness. Hay or silage can be stored for an e~tire winter, as long as it is protected from weather and animal pests (e.g., mice, rats, birds). Never feed grains that have been treated for use as seed. The chemicals used for treating seed grain are very dangerous to animals and to people. Feed contaminants can be dangerous to animals as well as a source of chemical residues in meat. Contaminants can be natural, resulting from plant metabolism or from molds in the feed. Accidental contamination by chemicals such as antibiotics or pesticides may occur during processing or storage. Cross contamination of feeds with antibiotics can take place on the farm if medicated feed is not kept separate from nonmedicated feed. If it is suspected that there is a problem with feed, ask fQ_rhelp from a 4-H leader, Vo-Ag teacher, or person who is knowledgeable in animal nutrition. A feed may need to be analyzed if animals do not eat or grow as you would normally expect. Laboratory analysis can tell if feed contains contaminants. Feeds can be analyzed for nutrient content. WATER AS A NUTRIENT Many people don't think of water as a nutrient. In fact, going without water will harm animals much sooner than going without food. What doeswater do in your animal's body? . Water is a delivery system. It carries other materials around in the body, and helps get rid of waste products Ask the youths if they know what hardware disease is. Explain that a sharp object penetrates the wall of the stomach, the animal can get very sick and experience a lot of pain. Write down important points on a board, overhead, or flip chart so the group can view them. Ask the students how they can recogniZe if a feed has been treated for seed. If possible bring a small amount of corn which has been treated and show its color. Group participation in the activity "Feed Contaminants" will familiarize the group with common ways that feeds are contaminated. Have group participate in the activity "Feed Storage" to teach the principles of proper feed storage. View the Critical Point # 2 "The Animal's Basic Needs." Unit 4, Level 1 Page 66 Educator /Leader Guide NutJients. Feeding. Feed Storage and the Importance qf Quality Water . Water dissolves other chemicals that are necessary for the body to work and allows chemical reactions to occur. . Water cushions and lubricates joints. Imagine how scratchy your eyes would feel if there were no tears in them, or how hard it would be to swallow without the saliva in your mouth. Water is especially important in regulating body temperature. Animals cool themselves by the evaporation of water from their skin (sweating) or by using their mouths and noses (panting). Animals should always have clean, good-tasting water to diink. An animal's need for water is greater during hot weather, during pregnancy, and when they are making mille Even young calves and lambs who are still drinking milk need to have clean, fresh water to drink. Animals' feed intake is closely related to their water intake. If young animals do not have access to water, they will not begin to eat solid food as quickly. If it isn't possible to have water available all of the time, animals should be given water at least twice each day. On average, a lOO-pound animal needs about one gallon of water per day. Place waterers so that they will not become dirty with feces or urine, but so animals can still reach them. Clean watering devices or buckets often and install heaters or break ice out of waterers in the winter. In some areas, water may contain dissolved substances, such as nitrates or sulfates. Water can also carry infectious disease organisms (bacteria). Although you can't see these substances, they can be unhealthy for you and your animals. Usually, water that has been declared safe by the State or County Public Health Department will be suitable for animals. The water at fairgrounds or shows may taste different and animals may not drink water that tastes strange if they are not used to that flavor. If this is a problem, begin to flavor your animal's water with molasses or lemon juice one or two weeks before the show or sale. Then you can add the same flavor to the water at the show to keep your animal drinking. . Ask the students what makes them thirsty. Do they drink more when it is hot or if they have been playing a sport? Do they feel thirsty after eating salty foods like potato chips or pizza? Write down important points on a board or flip charts that are in plain view of the group. Have the group participate in the activity "Water Quality" to illustrate the importance of quality water in the diet. Unit 4. Level 1 Page 67