CURRICULUM VITAE April 2010 V.S. Saravana KUMAR PERSONAL INFORMATION International Centre for Allied Health Evidence, School of Health Sciences, City East Campus, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA 5000 CONTACT DETAILS Phone: +61 8 83022085; Fax: +61 8 83022766; Email: CURRENT POSITION Senior Research Fellow and Deputy Director, International Centre for Allied Health Evidence, School of Health Sciences, City East Campus, University of South Australia Honorary faculty member, Nova Southern University, Florida, United States of America ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS 1999 2001 2005 Bachelor of Applied Science (Physiotherapy), University of South Australia Master of Physiotherapy (Manipulative and Sports), University of South Australia Doctor of Philosophy, University of South Australia AWARDS & DISTINCTIONS 2008 2008 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2001 2001 2000 1998 1997 NHMRC NICS MAC Fellowship ResearchSA Fellowship UniSA Early Career Researcher Development Program Quality Teaching Award, University of South Australia Ruth Grant Prize, University of South Australia and Australian Physiotherapy Association Supported Researcher (ongoing) Research Degree Colloquium Award Research Student of the year Hospital Contribution Fund Foundation Scholarship Presidents Scholarship The Queen Elizabeth Hospital Summer Research Scholarship Deans Merit list for Academic Excellence Deans Merit list for Academic Excellence CAREER SUMMARY OF ACADEMIC & CLINICAL EMPLOYMENT 2006-8 2005-7 2000-1 2000-5 Course Co-ordinator, Evidence Based Practice in Health Care, University of South Australia Deputy Director and Research Fellow, Centre for Allied Health Evidence Clinical educator, University of South Australia Consultant Manipulative and Sports Physiotherapist, Roberts Physiotherapy, South Australian Sports Medicine Centre, Adelaide and Matrics Netball Club, South Australia RESEARCH LEADERSHIP 2010 2006 2007 2007 2007 2006 The Global Community of Practice for Rehabilitation (current) Member (representing research), External Reference Committee, Charles Sturt University undergraduate and post graduate programs (current) Consultant to NH&MRC evaluating construction and quality of clinical guideline development (two years) Reference Group member, A chronic condition self-management curriculum framework for Australian undergraduate or entry level medical, nursing and allied health professional education Team member, Quality Use of Medicines in OsteoPorosis, Osteoarthritis & Rheumatoid Arthritis Project Member, Editorial Board The Philippine Journal of Allied Health Science CURRENT PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Physiotherapists Board of South Australia REFERRED JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Impact factors are from JCR2008; Median Impact Factors for categories: Health Care Sciences & Services 1.490; Rehabilitation 1.421; Multidisciplinary Sciences 0.754; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health 1.787 1) Kumar S, Grimmer-Somers K and Hughes B (2010): The Ethics of Evidence Implementation in Health Care. Physiotherapy Research International. Accepted for publication (23rd March 2010). ERA - C. CURRICULUM VITAE April 2010 2) Perraton L, Machotka Z and Kumar S (2010): Whole body vibration for low back pain: Fact or fad? Physiotherapy Canada. Accepted for publication (25th February 2010). Impact factor: 1.41. ERA - C. 3) Lizarondo L, Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2010): Online Journal clubs: An innovative approach to achieving evidence-based practice. Journal of Allied Health 39(1):17-22. ERA - C. 4) Deenadayalan Y, Perraton L, Kumar S and Machotka Z (2010): Day therapy programs for adolescents with mental health problems. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice 8(1). ERA - C. 5) Perraton L, Kumar S and Machotka Z (2009): Exercise parameters in the treatment of clinical depression: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. Accepted for publication (26th January 2009). Impact factor: 1.843. ERA - C. 6) Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2009): What can evidence implementation learn from Obama’s campaign? Physiotherapy Canada 61(4): 181-184. Impact factor: 1.41. ERA - C. 7) Perraton L, Machotka Z, Kumar S (2009): Components of effective randomized controlled trials of hydrotherapy programs for fibromyalgia syndrome: A systematic review. Journal of Pain Research 2: 165-173. 8) Stead K, Kumar S et al (2009): Teams communicating through STEPPS. Medical Journal of Australia. 190 (11 Suppl): S128-32. Impact factor: 3.320. ERA – A. 9) Machotka Z, Kumar S and Perraton L (2009): A systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of exercise therapy for Groin Pain in Athletes. Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation, Therapy & Technology 1(1): 5. 10) Grimmer-Somers K, Kumar S, Vipond N, and Hall G (2009): A review and critique of assessment instruments for patients with persistent pain. Journal of Pain Research. 2:21-47. 11) Grimmer-Somers K, Vipond N, Kumar S, and Hall G (2009): Primary care assessment instruments for patients at risk of, or with, persistent pain: opportunistic findings from a systematic literature review. International Journal of General Medicine. 2: 121-128. 12) Kumar S, Young G and James D (2009): Communication outcomes of children with permanent hearing loss developing speaking and signing concurrently: A review. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. April; 11(2): 135146. ERA - A. 13) Lizarando L, Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2009): Supporting Allied Health Practitioners in Evidence Based Practice: A Case Study on Development and Evaluation of an Innovative Model of Journal Club. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation 16(4): 226-236. ERA - C. 14) Turnbull C, Grimmer-Somers K, Kumar S, May E, Law D and Ashworth E (2009): Allied, Scientific and Complementary Health Professionals: A new model for Australian 'allied health'. Australian Health Review 33(1): 27-37. Impact factor: 2.54. ERA - C. 15) Deenadayalan Y, Grimmer-Somers K, Prior M and Kumar S (2008): How to run an effective journal club: a systematic review. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 14(5): 898-911. Impact factor:1.843. ERA - C. 16) Leach M and Kumar S (2008): The clinical effectiveness of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in adults with osteoarthritis: Systematic Review. International Journal of Evidence Based Health Care: 6(3): 311-320. 17) Leach M and Kumar S (2008): Cinnamon for diabetes mellitus. (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD007170. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007170. Impact factor: 5.182. ERA – A*. 18) Lekkas P, Larsen T, Kumar S, Grimmer K, Nyland L, Chipchase L, Jull G, Buttrum P, Carr L and Finch J (2007): No model of clinical education for Physiotherapy students is superior to another: A systematic review. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, 53: 19-28. Impact factor: 1.948. 11 cites. ERA - B. 19) Larsen T, Kumar S, Grimmer K, Potter A, Farquharson T, Sharpe P (2007): Guidelines for the prevention of heat illness in sports participants and officials. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 10(1): 11-26. Impact factor: 1.913.3 cites. ERA - A. 20) Smith C, Kumar S, Causby, R (2007): The effectiveness of non-surgical interventions in the treatment of Charcot’s foot: Systematic Review. International Journal of Evidence Based Health Care. International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare 2007; 5: 437–449. 21) Grimmer-Somers K, Lekkas P, Nyland L, Young A and Kumar S (2007): Perspectives on research evidence and clinical practice: a survey of Australian physiotherapists. Physiotherapy Research International. 12(3): 147-161. ERA - C. 22) Kumar S and Grimmer K (2007): A synthesis of the secondary literature on effectiveness of hospital avoidance and discharge programs. Australian Health Review, 31(1): 34-49. Impact factor: 2.54. 2 cites. ERA - C. 23) Kumar S and Grimmer K (2005): Non-Steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Physiotherapy management of musculoskeletal conditions: a professional minefield. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management 1(1): 69-76. ERA - C. 24) Grimmer K and Kumar S (2005): Allied Health Task-related Evidence Journal of Social Work Research and Evaluation 6(2):143-154. ERA - C. 25) Kumar S (2005): Usual physiotherapy is more effective than brief physiotherapy for neck pain – commentary. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 51(1): 55. Impact factor: 1.948. ERA - B. CURRICULUM VITAE April 2010 26) Grimmer K, Bialocerkowski A, Kumar S and Milanese S (2004): Implementing evidence in clinical practice: the 'therapies' dilemma'. Physiotherapy 90(4): 189-194. 10 cites. ERA - C. 27) Bialocerkowski A, Grimmer KA, Milanese S and Kumar S (2004): Application of current research evidence to clinical physiotherapy practice. Journal of Allied Health 33(4): 230-207. 4 cites. ERA - C. 28) Katrak P, Bialocerkowski A, Massy-Westropp N, Kumar S, Grimmer K (2004): A systematic review of the content of critical appraisal tools BMC Medical Research Methodology 4: 22. 32 cites. ERA - C. 29) Grimmer K, Kumar S, Gilbert A and Milanese S (2002): Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS): physiotherapists’ use, knowledge and attitudes. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy 48(2): 82-92. Impact factor: 1.948.1 cite. ERA - B. BOOKS 1) Grimmer-Somers K, Kumar S, Worley A, Young A (2009): Practical Tips in Finding the Evidence: An Allied Health Primer. Pub UST Publishing House, Manila, Philippines. ISBN 978-971-506-494-1. KEYNOTE & INVITED PRESENTATIONS (only first authored from 2007 onwards are listed) 1) Kumar S (2010): Key note speaker at the upcoming Joint International Evidence Based Healthcare Conference to be held in October, Adelaide, Australia. 2) Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2010): Invited to present on Implementing change in health care and practicalities in collecting data at “Developing Leads” held in February, Adelaide, Australia. 3) Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2010): Invited to present on current best evidence, derived from a systematic review of the literature, for assessing patients with persistent pain at Australia Pain Society and New Zealand Pain Society combined annual scientific meeting held in March, Gold Coast, Australia. 4) Kumar S and Lizarando L (2010): Invited to present on critical appraisal of occupational therapy evidence and implementing evidence based practice in the workplace for “Education Xtra’s” held by Occupational Therapy South Australia, in February, Adelaide, Australia. 5) Kumar S and Lizarando L (2009): Invited to present on Evidence Based Practice at “Country Allied Health Forum” held in April, Adelaide, Australia. 6) Kumar S (2008): Invited to present on Evidence Based Practice in Prosthetics and Orthotics at “Towards Evidence Based Practice in Prosthetics and Orthotics” conference November, Adelaide, Australia. 7) Kumar S (2008): Invited to present on Best practice in the management of Whiplash Associated Disorders at the Here’s Health, Health Research at UniSA program organised by University of South Australia. 8) Kumar S (2008): Invited to present on Early Intervention Services for children with hearing loss for Department of Education and Children’s Services, Department of Health, Government of South Australia. 9) Kumar S (2008): Invited to present on Evidence Based Practice at the clinical educators meeting organised by Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia. 10) Kumar S (2007): Invited to present on CAHE Journal Club at Mental Health Social Worker's Conference, Central Northern Adelaide Health Service, Adelaide, Australia. 11) Kumar S (2007): Systematic review of literature for early intervention in children with hearing loss. 4th Australasian Newborn Hearing Screening Conference. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 12) Kumar S (2007): Keynote address: Quality in Allied Health Care: Hong Kong Hospital Authority, Hong Kong. 13) Kumar S (2007): Evidence Based Practice: Is it a necessary evil? Key note address. Evidence Based Practice: Not as hard as you think! Conference, Queensland, Australia. REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (only first authored from 2007 onwards are listed) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2010): Assessing for the potential to develop persistent pain. Accepted for presentation at Impact of Pain, APS/NZPS Combined Conference, 28th – 31st of March in Gold Coast, Australia. Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2009): Implementing research evidence in clinical practice: an evidence-based approach to improving the management of Whiplash Associated Disorders (WAD) by chiropractors and physiotherapists. COCA’s 8th Biennial Conference, 20-22nd November in Sydney, Australia. Kumar S and Hamilton B (2009): Composing indicators and outcomes that will sing for you: theoretical and practical perspectives. Accepted for presentation at 6th Health Services and Policy Research Conference, 25-27th November in Brisbane, Australia. Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2009): Implementing change in health care: a south Australian experience of guideline implementation for whiplash associated disorders. Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference Week, 1-5th October, Sydney, Australia. Kumar S and Grimmer-Somers K (2009): Implementation central: a dedicated web resource for stakeholders of evidence implementation and knowledge transfer. Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference Week, 1-5th October, Sydney, Australia. CURRICULUM VITAE April 2010 6) Kumar S (2009): Improving physiotherapy & chiropractic management of whiplash associated disorders (WAD). 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) National Australian Conference on Evidence-based Clinical Leadership in Adelaide, Australia. Kumar S (2009): Integrating evidence into early intervention for children with permanent hearing loss: A systematic review of the literature. 5th Australasian Newborn Hearing Screening Conference in Adelaide, Australia. Kumar S (2008): Implementing clinical guidelines for Physiotherapy and Chiropractic management of patients with Whiplash Associated Disorders: Processes and outcomes from a South Australian perspective. Better Choices Better Health Conference, Adelaide, Australia. Kumar S, Young, G and James, D (2008): Evidence Based Practice in the Management of Children with Permanent Hearing Loss: A systematic review of the literature. Reflecting Connections conference, Auckland, New Zealand. Kumar S and Sutton M (2008): Overcoming the Evidence Based Practice barriers - The Allied Health Journal Club. 2008 World Congress of Health Professions - THE FUTURE NOW: Challenges and Opportunities in Health, Perth, Australia. Kumar S, Nyland L and Prior P (2007): Support Workers in Community Rehabilitation. Evidence from a Systematic Review of the Literature. National Allied Health Conference, Hobart, Australia. Kumar S, Prior M and Nyland L (2007): An Innovative Tool in Measuring Health Care Outcomes. National Allied Health Conference, Hobart, Australia. CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS (2007 onwards are listed) 1) Kumar S and Johnston K (2010): Building research capacity. Queensland Health, 22nd March, Brisbane, Australia. 2) Redfern J and Kumar S (2009): Implementing scientific evidence into clinical practice. Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference Week, 1-5th October, Sydney, Australia. 3) Cheok F and Kumar S (2008): From evidence to practice: a multi-faceted approach to implementing evidence includes case study approach. GP and PHC Research Conference, Hobart, Australia. 4) Kumar S, Young G and James D (2008): A systematic review of the literature on early intervention for children with a permanent hearing loss. Literature review workshop undertaken for Queensland Health, Brisbane, Australia. 5) Kumar S, Nyland L and Prior M (2007): Implementing Evidence in Allied Health (AH): Is it easier said than done? National Allied Health Conference, Hobart, Australia. 6) Kumar S (2007): You have completed your review - What next? Workshop. Evidence Based Practice: Not as hard as you think! Conference, Queensland, Australia. 7) Kumar S (2007): How to write an article for publication: Issues for consideration. Workshop. Evidence Based Practice: Not as hard as you think! Conference, Queensland, Australia. JOURNAL REFEREEING Australian Health Review, Australian Journal of Physiotherapy, Physiotherapy Canada, Physiotherapy Research International, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences, International Journal of Evidence Based Health Care, The Philippines Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences, European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, Health Research Policy and Systems. GRANT REVIEWER Physiotherapy Research Foundation Grant, Motor Accident Authority (MAA), NHMRC NICS Fellowships, Honours Scholarships, Division of Health Sciences, University of South Australia THESIS ASSESSOR 2008 Master of Science (Physiotherapy) [Development & Validation of an outcome measure in orthopaedic trauma inpatients] SUPERVISION OF RESEARCH STUDENTS PhD Hon Lucylynn Lizarondo, Valentin Dones, Janine Dizon, Michelle Guerin (all current) Norman Stomski (2006)