Launch your business • Mµ Eindhoven Mµ is an accelerator specially developed to provide housing and services to small and medium enterprises with activities focused on research and development in the field of Lifetech and New Energy. Mµ is located at the High Tech Campus Eindhoven, next to the highways A2-A67. All facilities and knowledge in the area of innovation and research & development are nearby. This business centre offers office spaces, high quality laboratories, ICT facilities, broadband connections and a high quality server space. Combined with the open innovation climate on the campus, it offers companies the opportunity to develop their innovative power. "Mμ offers ideal laboratory facilities and possibilities for expansion for our future production plans." (Boyd Mustafa, Montes Jura Technologies) • High-quality ICT and broadband network • Parking facilities (HTCE) • Central meeting places for entrepreneurs More than just premises • Entrepreneurial network internally and on the High Tech 2 Campus Eindhoven • Office spaces from 23 m2 to 350 m “De flexibiliteit in bedrijvencentrum Carré was voor ons van groot belang om de • Flexible rental terms: Easy in, Easy Out • Electrical, physical and (bio) medical laboratories investeringskosten in de startfase laag te houden. Bovendien was het bedrijfsadvies • Specialized business consulting from 23 m2 to 250 m2 van Brainport Development daadkrachtig en heeft het ons enorm geholpen om te • Units can also be rented in combination overleven en vervolgens te groeien naar een middelgroot bedrijf.” • Virtual reception Target group • Central incoming and outgoing mail Ronald Horvers CEO Blue Medical Devices BV • Various meeting rooms and conference facilities Research & Development in the field of Lifetech and New Energy Offices Laboratories General areas 108 109 107 110 106 105 111 104 103 112 102 101 119 113 120 114 115 118 117 116 208 209 207 206 210 205 211 204 203 212 202 201 220 221 213 222 214 215 Our business consultants are there for you • • • • • 219 218 Strategy and vision development Independent soundboard Network Funding advice Business advice 217 216 308 Goede ligging en bereikbaarheid 309 307 306 305 De bedrijvencentra van Brainport Development zijn gevestigd op verschillende locaties 304 in de regio Eindhoven (Nuenen, Valkenswaard, Helmond en Eindhoven). Scan the QR code for a virtual tour: 303 302 Precies die locaties waar u als ondernemer graag wilt zitten. Langs doorgaande wegen, midden in het centrum of op een bedrijventerrein met andere bedrijven of instellingen. Alle bedrijvencentra zijn goed bereikbaar met snelle ontsluitingen naar de snelwegen rondom Eindhoven. Ze bieden stuk voor stuk voldoende parkeergelegenheid. Niet alleen voor u en uw werknemers maar ook voor uw klanten. Zoals u mag verwachten zijn de gebouwen modern, goed onderhouden en representatief. Echt een visitekaartje voor uw bedrijf. 301 314 313 315 312 310 Brainport Development Brainport Development is a new-style development company, working with representatives from industry, knowledge institutions and government to strengthen the Brainport top technology region. Brainport is an important High Tech Campus Eindhoven cornerstone of the Dutch economy, with High Tech Systems & Materials, Food & Technology, Automotive & Smart Mobility and Lifetec & Health as focal sectors. High Tech Campus Eindhoven is a R&D ecosystem of more than 125 companies and institutes, and some 10,000 researchers, developers and entrepreneurs, who together are working on developing the technologies and products of tomorrow. The preferred work approach at the Campus is Open Innovation. This means that Campus companies share knowledge, skills and R&D facilities (such as labs, cleanrooms and equipment) in order to achieve faster, better and more customer-oriented innovation. High Tech Campus Eindhoven is considered by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs as ‘campus of national significance’. Brainport Development encourages and develops regional and (inter) national projects and programs, promotes Brainport in the Netherlands and abroad and facilitates the regional business including business advice and funding, starters facilities and business centers. Twice Brainport Development manages the business centres of Twice Eindhoven BV (Twinning Center, Bèta, Mµ and Catalyst), a public-private alliance that enables the The companies on the Campus focus on such fields of technology as High Tech Systems, Microsystems, Embedded Systems, Med Tech and Infotainment. Taking these domains as their starting point, they create global innovations, most notably in the application fields Health, Experience and Energy. The international community of High Tech Campus Eindhoven shares a common drive for creating innovative solutions that make human life healthier, more pleasant, easier, more interesting and which contributes to a sustainable world. With this, the Campus is a place where entrepreneurial spirit, high-end research and creativity can flourish and lead to successful new products for global business. Located at the heart of Brainport, Campus companies are responsible for nearly 50% of all Dutch patent applications. realisation and continuance of the business centres More information Brainport Development N.V. mentioned here. Disclaimer The information in this documentation has been compiled with the greatest care. No rights may be attached to this publication. Address Mµ High Tech Campus 10, PO Box 775, 5600 AT Eindhoven The Netherlands Emmasingel 11, PO box 2181, 5600 CD Eindhoven The Netherlands If you want more information, a tour or a personal conversation, please contact Brainport Development, phone: 040-7512424 or e-mail: © Brainport Development, 2014 Mµ Technology & Business Accelerator Eindhoven is made possible by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, City of Eindhoven and Philips Netherlands.