THE KEY FACTORS AFFECTING UNCERTAINTIES OF SINKS AND STOCKS IN AN INVENTORY BASED FOREST CARBON BUDGET Mikko Peltoniemi1, 2, Taru Palosuo1, Suvi Monni3, Raisa Mäkipää2 Introduction Forest carbon model The uncertainty of regional carbon budgets of forests is currently an issue of special interest due to the requirements set for the greenhouse-gas reporting. In order to report the uncertainties of national forest C budgets to UNFCCC one has to prepare an uncertainty analysis for the results, and in order to improve system one has to identify its weakest parts. We performed these analyses for a carbon budget of Finnish forests using a simple inventory based carbon model. CO2 TREES VEG Ct Li · C% Vt (t, V1, V2, GI, Dt) · BEFi · BEFi · C% Dt · BEFi Lgv · BA · C% (t, A1, A2) At · BA · TRGV SOIL Ct-1/ At-1 · BEFTOT · C% SOIL Ct (T, Drought, soil model parameters) GROUND VEG. · C% Materials and Methods The carbon model combines aggregated forest inventory data, models of biomass and its turnover, and a dynamic soil carbon model, Yasso1. The estimated litter is given as input to the soil model starting from a steady state with the input and temperature of the first year. The time step for the system is one year, and the sinks are calculated as differences between two consecutive stocks. The uncertainties and key factors of this system were analysed with Monte Carlo simulations. ACt, · ∆At,t-1 The litter input (L) for the soil model is derived from growing stock (V), area (A), drain (D), and growth variation (GI), using model parameters like biomass expansion factors (BEF) or (BA), turnover rates (TR), and carbon density (C%). Results Approx. contribution to variance 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 * 0 * * * 1990 * 1992 1994 1996 Year 1998 2000 2002 Initialization of soil model lost its importance after some years had passed. Blue lines are from analysis including an uncertainty of 20% (95% conf. limits) for soil initial state, red dash lines are from analysis not assuming uncertainty for soil initial state. Bold lines represent the median, thin lines represent the 2.5% and 97.5% confidence limits. Uncertainty of forest C stock was dominated by soil model parameters, whereas these were less important for the forest C sink.The sink uncertainty was contributed mostly by the soil initial state, and inter-annually varying input variables or input variables that other-wise contributed to differences between consecutive stocks (*). The bars above the dash line represents the results when all variables of the system were taken into the analysis.The bars below the dash line represent the results when the soil model initial state and soil model parameters were fixed. Effect of soil model parameters on soil C sink and stock 0.2 Forest C sink 1990-1989 Forest C Stock 1990 0.0 Soil model initialization Soil model parametrization Others total Forest area estimates Growing stock estimates Turnover rate, ground veg. Temperature sums Growth indexes BEF, fine roots Drain estimates Carbon density Biomass, ground veg.(per area) Soil model temp. dependence Turnover rate, fine roots Turnover rate, foliage BEF, stand biomass BEF, foliage Others total Importance of soil model initialization Soil C sink (Tg) 5 10 15 Key factors affecting the uncertainty of forest C sink and stock 0 2 4 Conclusions Uncertainty of forest sink (vegetation + soil) was also affected by the variables that varied inter-annually. Their role will increase while the uncertainties in soil system are decreased. In order to provide reliable estimates of the annual forest sinks, the inter-annual variability of system parameters should be studied. Precision of modelled soil carbon sink estimates may be improved substantially using also data few years before the time the estimates are prepared for. 12 14 Precise modelling of soil 0.0020 0.0000 The large uncertainty in the results of soil carbon stock and sink, and the small role of vegetation parameters in these uncertainties, implies that more work should be focused into the improvement of methods to model soil on a national level. 6 8 10 Soil C sink 1990–1989 (Tg) Default uncertainties for soil parameters 500 1000 1500 2000 Soil C stock 1990 (Tg) 2500 3000 Given that soil processes could be modelled precisely (no uncertainties for the soil parameters), there would still be left some uncertainty in the estimates of soil sink and stock. This uncertainty is due to uncertainty in litter inputs, only. Acknowledgements The project Uncertainty Assessment of Forest Carbon Balance has been financed by the Finnish Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry References 1 Liski J, Palosuo T, Peltoniemi M, Sievänen R: Carbon and decomposition model Yasso for forest soils. Ecological Modelling, accepted Contact information: , +358 10 255 2506, Finnish Forest Research Institute, PL 18, Vantaa, Finland 1 European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34, Joensuu, Finland 2 Finnish Forest Research Institute, PL 18, Vantaa, Finland 3 VTT Technical Research Center of Finland, 02044, VTT, Finland /projects/uncertainty Metla/3399/SElo/03.2005