Inter-U University y Coopera ation Agreement Betw ween the University y of Pisa ((Italy) and the Unive ersity of M Malaga (Sp pain) for Is ssuing a D Double Ma aster’s De egree Málaga a XX dde XXXX de d 2014 Art. 1 - Objectiv ve of the agreementt The Un niversity off Pisa and the Unive rsity of Ma alaga agree to start a double Master’s M Degree e program. Students s that will comply with the req quirementss specified d in this agreem ment will receive r bo oth the Ma aster’s Degree in Computer C S Science frrom the Universsity of Pisa (“Laurea a Magistra ale in Inforrmatica”) and a the Maaster’s De egree in Compu uter Sciencce from the e Universitty of Malag ga (“Master Universittario en Ing genieria Informá ática”). Art. 2 - Organisation of th he double degree program c to cooperate c ccessful im mplementaation of the e double 1. Both parties commit for the suc gree progra am. deg 2. The e students selected for f the dou uble degre ee program m will havee to partic cipate in the teaching activities offered o byy the University of Pisa P (Anneex A) and by the Univversity of Malaga (A Annex B) iin order to o satisfy all the requuirements needed (Annex C) to receive r the e double de egree. 3. Both parties commit c to facilitate f th he mobility of studentts through their intern national officces. Art. 3 - Students s participa ating in th he double degree prrogram 1. Only studentss enrolled either in the “Laurrea Magisttrale in Innformatica”” of the Univversity of Pisa P or in the “Maste er Universitario en In ngenieria Innformática a” of the Univversity of Malaga can c apply to particip pate in the double degree program. App plications must m conta ain the listt of course es (with marks) m alreeady taken n by the app plicant, as well as a plan of sstudy that satisfies the t constrraints spec cified in App pendix C. 2. The e applicatio ons of stud dents enrol led at the University of Pisa wi ll be evalu uated by a C Committee appointed d by the T Teaching Committee C of the Maaster’s De egree in Com mputer Science of the Universsity of Pis sa (“Consig glio Aggreegato dei Corsi C di Stud dio in Informatica”). The appliccations of students enrolled e att the Unive ersity of Malaga will be b evaluate ed by a C Committee appointed d by the C Computer Science S Sch hool of the University of Malaga a (“Comisió ón Académ mica del Mááster Unive ersitario en IIngeniería Informática”). 3. Eacch Committtee will se elect at mo ost five app plicants. The T criteriaa that will be b used for the selectiion will be based so olely on ac cademic ex xcellence aand knowledge of the English language. 4. The e studentss enrolled in the “L Laurea Ma agistrale in n Informattica” will pay p the requ uired tuitio on fees att the Univversity of Pisa for the t whole duration of their Masster’s studies. The sttudents en nrolled in th he “Masterr Universitaario en Ing geniería Info ormática” will w pay the e required tuition fee es at the University U of Malaga a for the who ole duration n of their Master’s M stu udies. Art. 4 - Other ge eneral con nditions 1. The e present agreement will be e effective as a soon as s it will bee signed by b both partties. 2. The e agreeme ent will hav ve a dura ation of fou ur years, and a it will be autom matically rene ewed for other o four years unle ess one off the two parties p willl express –by the end d of the thirrd year of the t agreem ment period d- its writte en intentionn not to ren new the agre eement. 3. The e two partties can agree a to modify ea ach year the numbber of adm missible app plications (a art. 3.3) as s well as th he requirem ments that the studennts must sa atisfy to get the doublle degree (Annex C C). Such modification m ns must bee signed by both partties, and th hey will bec come effecctive from the following academ mic year. 4. The e resolution of poss sible contro oversies arising a from m the inteerpretation or the imp plementatio on of the present agrreement wiill be deleg gated to ann arbitration board com mposed byy one mem mber desig gnated by the Unive ersity of P Pisa, one member m dessignated byy the Univ versity of Malaga, and a one member m deesignated by b both partties. UNIVERSITY OF F MALAGA A RSITY OF PISA UNIVER Dª. Ade elaida de la a Calle Ma artín Rectora a. Dº. Mas ssimo Mariio Augello Rettore. - ANNEXEES to th he Inter‐Univversity Coop peration Agrreement Betwe een the Univversity of Pissa (Italy) and d the Universsity of Malagga (Spain) for Issuing a Double M Master’s Degrree CONTTENTS ANNEEX A ‐ STRUC CTURE AND C CONTENTS O OF THE “LAUR REA MAGIST TRALE IN INFO ORMATICA” AT THE UNIV VERSITY OF PISA ............................................................................................................................... ii ANNEEX B ‐ STRUC CTURE AND C CONTENTS O OF THE “MASSTER UNIVERSITARIO EN INGENIERIA INFORMÁTICA” A AT THE UNIVE ERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA ............................................................................ ix TO OBTAIN T HE DOUBLE DEGREE ......................................................... xiv ANNEEX C ‐ REQUIREMENTS T i ANNEEX A ‐ STRU UCTURE AND CONTENTTS OF THE “LAUREA MAGISTRALE M IN INFORM MATICA” AT THE UNIV VERSITY OF P PISA RALL STRUCTTURE OVER FIRSST YEAR Advanced d Algorithms Advanced Programmingg Prin nciples of proggramming langguages Num merical Metho ods and Optim mization Advanced d Databases Computing Models SECON ND YEAR Distributted Systems Subsidia ary courses “Free cho oice” courses Masteer's thesis 57 9 9 9 12 9 9 63 9 18 12 24 STRU UCTURE AND D CONTENTS OF THE FIRSST YEAR AT T THE UNIVERS SITY OF PISA A Courrse Title Advaanced Algorith hms Advaanced program mming Aims aand Contentss Cred d. In thi s course we will study, design and aanalyze 9 ms and data structures ffor the advannced algorithm efficieent solution of combinatorial prooblems involvving all basicc data types,, such as inttegers, stringss, (geometricc) points, tree es and graphhs. This coursee deepens and d extends the algorithmic nnotions of stuudents. The syyllabus is stru uctured to higghlight the aapplicative sccenarios in which the sstudied algoritthms and datta structures can be succeessfully applieed. The leve el of detail with whichh each argum ment will be dealt with ca an change yeear‐by‐ year, and will be decided acccording to reequests cominng from other courses and/or specific issues arisingg in, possibly n novel, applica ative scenarioss. The oobjectives of this course are: a to providde the 9 studennts with a deep understa anding of how w high level programmingg concepts an nd metaphorrs map into eexecutable sysstems and which are thei r costs and llimitations to o acquaint the studentss with mode rn principles, techniques, a and best practtices of ware constru uction to intrroduce sophissticated softw the sstudents to techniques t of o programm ming at articular geneerative higherr abstraction levels, in pa prograamming, com mponent prog gramming an d web compuuting to pressent state‐of‐the‐art frameeworks incorpporating these e techniques.This course ffocuses on thee quality issu ues pertaining g to detailed design and coding, such h as reliability, perform mance, o larger system adapt ability and inttegrability into ms. Sem. 1 1 ii Princciples of programming languages Num merical methods and optim mization Advaanced databases Com mputing Models The oobjective of the course e is to intrroduce principples and techniques for the e implementaation of prograamming langguages. We introduce ttheory, principples and techniques to gen nerate efficiennt tools that m map programss into executa able code. W We then analysse different laanguage parad digms, by illusstrating exampples of seman ntics‐based techiques that can be exploiited in the imp plementations of languagess. The a im of the cou urse is to intrroduce some of the odologies foor the main techniques and metho ms. These meethods solutioon of numerical problem often require the joint exploita ation of the typical techniiques of numerical analysis annd of optim mization algorrithms. We show s some of the main situations in which optimization methoods are umerical analysis problem s, and, applieed to solve nu vice vversa, some of o the main situations in which nume rical analysis techniques are essential too solve mization prob blems. We also discusss the optim ese methods to some sspecific appliccation of the probleems chosen e.g. in the e following areas: regresssion and parameter estim mation in staatistics, approoximation and d data fitting, machine leaarning, data mining, imaage and signal reconstr uction, econoomic equilibra and finance. The ccourse first describes some advancedd data mode ls. The notion of semi‐‐structured ddata is er with some data models tto deal presennted, togethe with tthis kind of daata. Specific atttention is deddicated d XPath Data Model, and to the to thee XQuery and XQuerry language. The RDF lang guage and th e OWL logic are presente ed as a notable examplee of a es. Then, the course formaalism to descrribe ontologie presennts the main apprroaches to o the implem mentation off centralized relational daatabase system ms. Particularr attention will w be paid to the funda mental concepts about relational daatabase ms architectu ure, the ma ain structurees and system algoritthms to implement the modules foor the managgement of permanent mem mory, the bufffer, the storagge structures, the acce ess methodss, the transaactions and recovery, the e concurrenccy, the cost‐bbased query o optimization. T The final partt of the coursee is dedicated to the app proaches to pphysical datab ase design and tuning g to ensurre the mance desired d. appliccation perform We introduce the principle es of opera rational nciples of deno otational sem mantics, semanntics, the prin and thhe techniquess to relate one e to the otherr for an imperrative languaage and forr a higher order functi onal language e. Operationa al and observa vational semanntics of two process description langguages (CCS aand pi‐calculu us) is also pre esented. Finaally, we considder operation nal nondeterm ministic modeels with 9 1&2 12 1&2 9 2 9 2 iii discreete probabilitiies, and we present them m from probabilistic a automata. the peerspective of p STRU UCTURE AND D CONTENTS OF THE SECO OND YEAR A AT THE UNIV VERSITY OF PPISA Courrse Title Distrributed System ms Subssidiary courses “Free choice” cou urses Master’s Thesis Aims aand Contentss Cre ed. Sem. The coourse covers tthe programm ming models aand the parad igms used with distrib buted and parallel ms, for both the applicatio on and suppoort tool system softwaare. Takingg into acccount struuctured prograamming mo odels (algorithmical skeeletons, paralleel design pattterns) as we ell as those models based on compone ents and servicces, all the prroblems relate d to the functional (expressive power, d non funnctional modu larity and reuse) and (perfoormance, fault tolerance, adaptivity) cooncerns will bbe considere ed. In the last part prootocols, featurres and issue es related to wireless, tol erance, adapt ivity) concern ns will be con nsidered. In tthe last eatures and issues relaated to part protocols, fe wireleess, multimedia and peer‐to‐peer archittectures will bbe introduce ed along witth the impliications relate d to th heir usage to impplement d applications.. paralleel/distributed Stude nts must su ubmit a plan n of study (to be M Degree Council), C wherre they approoved by the MS diary courses they would like to indica te the subsid take. nt subsidiary courses are offered Every year differen ubsidiary courrse that by thee MS In the CSS. The list of su will bee offered by tthe MS in CS in a.y. 2014//2015 is reportted below. e inclusion of of other Stude nts can also propose the d such as the coursees offered byy other MS degrees, other three MS degrees offered d by the Depaartment Computer C SScience of (http:/// or byy other Deparrtments. Stude nts must subm mit a plan of sstudy (to be appproved MS Degree Cou uncil), where tthey indicate tthe “free the M ey would like tto take. choicee” courses the 9 1 18 1&2 12 1&2 24 2 Cred d. Sem. List off subsidiary courses that w will be offeredd by the MS in n CS during a.y y. 2014/20155 Courrse Title Aims aand Contentss Intro oduction to 3D D computer grap phics Basic principles an nd technique es of 3D Com mputer 6 he principles a and commonlly used Graphhics. ‐ learn th techniiques of computer graphiccs, e.g., the grraphics pipelinne. ‐ develo op a facility with the reelevant matheematics, e.g., 3D rotationss using both vector 1 iv Mob bile ad hoc nettworks and wireeless sensor neetworks Foun ndations of M Machine Learniing Peerr to Peer Systeems Signal and image processing algebrra ‐ gain introductory proficienciess with OpenG GL, the most m widely used plaatform‐ indepeendent API. The coourse aims att providing kn nowledge on mobile ad hooc, mesh, and d sensor netw works, by desscribing their organizationss models and d architecturees, and main design a and implemenntation by preesenting the m issuess. The course presents the e main issues at the MAC, network, transport, and application layyers. In emphasis to th he issues in roouting, partic ular it gives e ent, topology control, andd data energyy manageme managgement. It also presen nts some sspecific appliccations for wiireless sensorr networks, ssuch as localizzation and tracking, t and d the probleem of integrration of wire eless sensor networks n in ccontext awaree systems or in other ne etworks. Fina lly the coursee presents so ome standards, such as 8002.11X, 802.155.x, Bluetootth and Zigbee, and gives s some exampples of com mmercial platfforms for w wireless senso r networks. We inntroduce the p principles and d the critical aanalysis of thee main paradigms for learning from daata and their applications. The conceptts are progreessively er approachess up to introdduced startingg from simple the state‐of‐the‐aart models in the ggeneral work of moderrn machine leaarning. conceeptual framew es on the crittical analysis of the The ccourse focuse n and use oof the characcteristics forr the design algoritthms for leaarning functio ons from exaamples and for the exxperimental modelizationn and evaluaation. The CCourse introduces a set of o formal toools and techniiques for the e project and d the realizattion of Peer tto Peer System ms. The first p part of the coourse is relateed to the pre esentation off the structurred (in partic ular Distributed Hash Tables) and T formalissm of unstruuctured P2P overlays. The Markoov chains is introduced to allow a riggorous analyssis of the sttructured ove erlays. Furtheermore some real case studies are e presented (Kad, mo). The peerr to peer syste ems are laso sstudied Dynam from the point off view of the e complex neetwork analyssis (small worlds and scale free networkks). The gossipp approach is presented an nd finally, in tthe last part oof the course, content distributed netwoorks are presennted with refference to a set of case sstudies (Bittorrrent, Spottify). Some highly sccalable simulaators for P2P ssystem will also be presentted. The oobjective of the t course iss to describee basic methoods of signal processing, in n both the tim me and the freequency dom main, and of im mage processsing. At the ennd of the cou urse, studentss should be aable to apply these method ds to various contexts for vvarious practi cal and theoretical purposses. The anallysis of 6 2 6 1 6 1 6 1 v Design patterns Natu ural language processing Algo orithms for bio oinformatics Statiic analysis tecchniques Semantics and typ pe theory Inforrmation retrieeval one‐d imensional signals will be centered oon the hile, with reggard to Discreete Fourier Transform, wh imagees, morphologgical methodss and segmenntation methoods will be described in addition to those basedd on the two‐d dimensional Fo ourier Transfoorm. The deesign patternss defines a pro oject techniquue that exploiits the re‐usse of well Known and vverified mas. The cou urse presentss the fundam schem mental principples of obje ect oriented programminng and presennts in detail the Design Patterns à lla GoF (compposite, strategy, decorator, abstract fa factory, comm mand, etc. ) showing motiva ations, structuure and implem pects. mentation asp Underrstanding th he field of natural lannguage processsing, the main techniques, the algorithm ms and softwaare architecttures used in i its appliccations. Abilityy to design, implement i an nd evaluate nnatural languaage processing systems. The course focuses both on theoreticaal and combiinatorial aspects of algorithmical prooblems that raaise from app plications in m molecular bioloogy, as well aas on practicaal issues such as whole geenomes sequeencing and the t conseque ent assemblyy task, sequeences alignme ents, the infe erence of reppeated patterrns and of lon ng approximated repetitionns, and severaal biologicallly relevant problems foor the managgement and in nvestigation o of genomic daata. The ggoal of this course c is to communicatte how static analysis techniques can be aapplied oftware lifecycle to increaase the througghout the so effect iveness of so oftware engin neers. Studennts can betterr understand how to reason about proograms and t he benefits and a limitation ns of variouss static es. The coursse will coverr static analyssis technique analyssis technique es that can be b used acrooss the softwaare lifecycle. Topics includ de not just aanalysis for coorrectness, but also analy ysis techniquues for qualityy attributes such as security, s reliiability, perforrmance (inclu uding realtime), memory usage, and evvolvability. Sttudents will become familiaar with severaal analysis to ools developed in academ mia and industtry, both thrrough readings in the reesearch literatture and practtical experience trying out one or more tools. Some basic properties of models of compuutation mantics, are stuudied, like operational and abstract sem typingg, higher orrder, concurrrency, interraction. Algeb raic semantics and ele ementary caategory oyed, but no o prerequisitees are theoryy are emplo requirred except forr some eleme entary knowleedge of logic aand algebra. [shareed from the MS in Com mputer Sciencce and Netwoorking] In thi s course we will study, design and aanalyze 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 vi Dataa mining: foun ndations Paraallel and distributed algorith hms ITC rrisk analysis Softw ware servicess (theorretically and e experimentally y) software toools for IR‐appplications de ealing with unstructuredd (raw data), structured (DB‐centric) or semi‐struuctured ML). We will mainly conceentrate data ((i.e. HTML, XM on thee basic components of a modern Web m search enginee, by examining in deta ail the algorrithmic solutioons currently adopted to implement itss main softwaare moduless. We will also discusss their perforrmance and/o or computational limitatioons, as well aas introduce measures for evaluatingg their efficieency and efficcacy. Finally, w we will surveyy some algoritthmic techn niques which are freqquently adoptted in the de esign of IR‐to ools managingg large dataseets. [shareed from the M MS in Business Informatics] Recennt tremendous techniccal advancees in processsing powe er, storage e capacity, and interc onnectivity are creatin ng unpreceddented quanttities of digitaal data. Data mining, the sscience of ext racting useful knowledge ffrom such hugge data e as an interdisci plinary reposiitories, has emerged field iin computer science. Data a mining techhniques have been widely applied to prroblems in inddustry, ernment, andd it is sciencce, engineering and gove believved that data m mining will ha ave profound impact on ouur society. Th he objective of o this coursee is to providde an introdu uction to the e basic conceepts of data m mining and th he knowledge e discovery p rocess, and asssociated analytical modelss and algorithm ms; [shareed from the MS in Com mputer Sciencce and Netwoorking] The ggoal of the course c is to introduce thee main algoritthmic techniq ques in the fra amework of pparallel and d istributed mo odels of comp puting; to defiine the c pa arameters annd the most significant complexity compuutational limits of parallelism and concuurrency. Finallly computatio onal tools to design el and distributed algorithm and a nalyze paralle ms are given.. [shareed from the MS in Com mputer Sciencce and Netwoorking] The ccourse introd duces the main m conceptts and methoodologies to analyze an ICT system ffrom a securiity perspectivve and to increase the seecurity offereed by the syystem. A sysstemic approoach is adoptted where se ecurity is see en as an em mergent propeerties starting from the OS layer. [shareed from the MS in Com mputer Sciencce and Netwoorking] The ooverall objectiive of the cou urse is to intrroduce some of the main aspects of the design, annalysis, and developmentt of software services. After of Web servicces, the introdducing the corre standards o coursee focuses on sservice compo osition as onee of the 6 1 1 6 2 6 1 vii key asspects of serrvice‐oriented d architecturees, and the uuse of workfflow languag ges supportinng the speciffication and the execu ution of buusiness processses is illustraated. The role of business pprocess analyssis is discusssed, and some exampples of mode lling and anaalyses of business processses are dvantages off enhanced sservice illustraated. The ad descriiptions including policiess and behavvioural maton, and th he role of servvice agreemennts are inform also discussed. Finally, some of the cuurrently ogies ‐ in parrticular RESTfful and emergging technolo cloud‐‐based service es‐ are introdu uced. viii ANNEEX B ‐ STTRUCTURE AND CONTTENTS OF THE “MAS STER UNIVEERSITARIO EN INGENIIERIA INFORMÁTICA” A AT THE UNIV VERSIDAD DEE MÁLAGA RALL STRUCTTURE OVER FIRST Y YEAR R Research, Innovation and T Technology M anagement Integrated Maanagement fo or Software Deevelopment D Deployment of Software De evelopment M Methodology Qualitativee and Quantita ative Softwaree Quality Systems Arcchitecture Logicc based System ms and Servicces Information Systeem and Technology Strateggy Management Secu urity in Inform mation System ms High Perform mance and Em mbedded Archhitectures Uncertain nty Handling in n Intelligent SSystems Graphics and Multtimedia System ms SECOND D YEAR Optative ccourses Master's thesis 60 4,5 6 6 4,5 6 3 7,5 4,5 6 6 6 30 18 12 UCTURE AND D CONTENTS OF THE FIRSST YEAR AT T THE UNIVERS SIDAD DE M MÁLAGA STRU Coursse Title Aims andd Contents Cred. Sem. Reseaarch, Innovatio on and Techn nology Managgement This courrse focuses on n the knowledge and skills nological aimed at training the rrelevant techn e for the management and knowledgge responsible leadershiip of innovatio on projects, defining standaards managing relationships withh for the coompany and m other ageencies and businesses. General pprinciples (pattterns traceab bility, infrastrucctures for a So oftware Factory) and tools (managem ment of busin ness goals, req quirements, riisks, etc..). Impplementation, integration a and interoperrability of tech hnology solutions. Project planning.. Managers tasks, incidents and bugs. Estimatioon tools. Plann ning techniques. Monitorinng and contrrol of develop pment: code repositories, software versioning, te esting, integra ation and mization. automatiion, analysis aand code optim The cyclee of life and de evelopment m methodologiess: cases of ssuccess and faailure. Approp priateness of tthe methodoologies to the problem (environment, sizee, etc). Metthodologies an nd orthogonal use in softwaare developm ment: develop pment and casscading spiral,, unified prrocess; iteratiive and increm mental developm ment; agile me ethodologies; lean Developm ment, etc. Pro ocess models. This courrse focuses on n various quan ntitative and qualitativve aspects of ssoftware quality. From a 4,5 1 6,0 1 6,0 1 4,5 1 Integrrated Manageement for Softw ware Developm ment Deplo oyment of Softtware Development Meth hodology Qualittative and Quantitative Softw ware Quality ix qualitativve point of vie ew: theoretica al frameworkss; current qquality modelss for both the software prodduct ware developm ment process;; mission and and softw mechanissms of certificcation. From a a quantitative point of vview: use of m measures for e estimating thee effort reqquired in softw ware developm ment; softwarre testing annd techniquess and tools forr automatic generatioon of test case es. 6,0 System ms Architectu ure This courrse provides sttudents with a an in depth knowledgge of the distrributed infrasttructure. In particularr, aspects of d design, evaluation, configuraation, deploym ment and man nagement of distributeed architecturres will be disccussed, includding servers, sstorage, networking and software system m to meet dessign requirements. The aim is to train thee student inn the knowled dge and skills of a systems architect.. Logic based System ms and Service es This courrse will provide students with an in depthh 3,0 damentals and d the main loggic knowledgge of the fund based tecchniques currently employe ed for the developm ment of appliccations and inttelligent systeems and know wledge‐based systems. All this will be implemennted in the exxposure of rea al examples off applicatioons and systems, however, the emphasiss is not placeed on these, but the underly ying conceptss and techniquees. 1 1 Coursse Title Aims andd Contents Cred. Studentss will acquire sskills for making long‐term 7,5 Inform mation System m and Techn nology Strateggy Manageme ent technoloogical decision ns. Especially important is too equip stuudents with to ools to decide e between diffferent productss that constitu ute major software acquisittions for a largge company and mark its sttrategy, the dependeencies betwee en them, priorritization, etc. Securrity in Informaation Systems The courrse aims to inttroduce stude ents to the woorld of 4,5 computeer security: po olicies, regulattions and existting security ccertifications area. In addittion the studeents will spec ialize in those e security tech hnologies thatt are considerred more advaanced, paying special attenttion n and verification of securityy to the annalysis, design protocol s, but withoutt neglecting aspects such a s ork of the privacy aand anonymityy. Also the wo computeer expert and the most com mmon forensicc techniquue and the wo ork of the conssultant or audditor security w will be presen nted. 6,0 High P Performance and Embedde ed This courrse consists off two main pa arts. In the firsst Archittectures part, thee course provides the student with a thorrough knowled ge of the desiign and evalua ation of High‐‐ Performaance architecttures and the systematic developm ment of appliccations for the ese architectuures. The charracteristics of the systems a and High Performaance computing techniques for exploitattion Sem 2 2 2 x will be diiscussed. The second part w will cover the design off embedded aand ubiquitous architecturees, with empphasis on disttributed systems. Also, metthods and toolss for developing application ns in these sysstems are studiied. Uncerrtainty Handling in Intellige ent This courrse will provid de students with an in deptth 6,0 System ms knowled ge of the fund damentals and key statisticcs and employed for tthe probabiliistic techniques currently e developm ment of appliccations and in ntelligent systeems and know wledge‐based d systems. Rea al examples off applicati ons and syste ems will be used b to illustraate pts and techniques. the undeerlying concep Graph hics and Multiimedia System ms The courrse provides th he student with a thoroughh 6,0 knowled ge of the desiign and evalua ation of compputer methods and toools graphics architecturess, as well as m of graphics ap pplications. Thhey for the ddevelopment o es for the design of virtual also disc uss technique ments. Also th he management and distribbution environm of multim media contentt is illustrated. In addition, the requirem ments imposed d by these mu ultimedia applicati ons and syste ems in hardwa are (especiallyy, Storage aand Networking), are studied. 2 2 STRU UCTURE AND D CONTENTS OF THE SECO OND YEAR A AT THE UNIV VERSIDAD DEE MÁLAGA Courrse Title Subssidiary courses Master’s Thesis Aims aand Contentss Cre ed. Every year differen nt subsidiary courses are offered 18 ones providedd in the by thee MS In the CSS among the o list repported below. 12 Sem. 1&2 1&2 List off possible sub bsidiary coursses that may bbe offered by the MS in CS at UMA Coursse Title Aims annd Contents Big Daata Analysis 4,5 In this ccourse the pro oblems of Big Data and its applicattion to data analysis enviro onment of hig h perform mance computing are addre essed. This couurse studies o open data and standards fo r for 4,5 publicattion. The conccept of Linked d Data, the staandard RDF andd the SPARQLL language will be covered. Finally, semanttic integration n techniques fo or open data will be studiedd. The couurse will focuss on presentin ng the studentt with 4,5 the variious phases th hat can divide e a computer intrusioon and the diffferent types o of attacks deppending on the oobjectives and d the methods used. Special emphasis will be placed on n approachingg and inventoory techniquess, focusing on locating attacck targets based on the eir level of protection, netw work The W Web of Data Techn niques and Meethodologies of Intrussion and Defense of Infformation Sysstems Cred d. Sem. TBD TBD TBD xi High P Performance SSoftware Design Archittecture and Programming ffor Mobille Devices. Cloud d Computing Softw ware for mobile networks Smartt Cities topologgies as well as other valuable informationn on the targget victim. It aalso will emph hasize softwarre attacks and particulaarly the tools tto exploit d. vulneraabilities will w be presented This couurse provides students with h an in depth knowle dge of the sofftware for dessigning and parallelism avaailable optimizzing the different levels of p on moddern architectures based on n multi‐core processsors. Differentt types of para allelism availaable at the archhitectural leve el as well as programming ttools best kn own to exploit such paralle elism at the applicattion level will be analyzed. Also, the mosst importaant tools for p performance a analysis and debuggging of parallel programs wiill be studied. This couurse addresse es the architeccture of the processsors that incorrporate mobile devices (sm mart‐ phoness, tablets, etc.)) as well as it enables studeents to mance of applications on thhese optimizze the perform architecctures and alggorithms. The contents covver: Archite ctures for low w power devices; Limitationns due mption; Programming of low w to low ppower consum consum mption; Tools aand software developmentt environnments for mo obile processo ors, profilers, compileers, debuggers, libraries; Co onsiderations operati ng system levvel This couurse is aimed at introducing g the fundam entals and tecchnologies enaabling the exp ploitation of w what is called CCloud Computting (Cloud Co omputing). Thee three levels oof developmen nt are distingu uished: IaaS (Infrast ructure as a SService), PaaS (Platform as aa oftware as a se ervice). For eaach Service)) and SaaS (so case, thhe most relevaant aspects will be detailedd, from virtualizzation issues tto cloud services offer, incl uding the devvelopment of applications in the cloud. LLegal issues aassociated witth this scenario as well as thhe various existing busin ness models w will also be discusseed. The couurse offers a sspecialization in software protocools and techno ologies for the e different eleements of the m mobile networks. It will covver mobile nettwork architecctures, such aas LTE, ongoing extensions ((such as use i n critical services or direct communicati on betweeen mobile devvices). It also covers technollogies for the design, imple ementation an nd testing of k access and thhe core softwarre elements of the network networrk, as well as the use of the APIs to accesss m mobile devices. networrk settings from This couurse will intro oduce the fund damentals as well as the com mmunication ttechnologies tthat enable thhe creationn and manage ement of intelligent servicees in the citiees of the future (Smart Citie es). For it, firsstly will be provvided a comprrehensive stud dy of the city ffrom the poinnt of view of IICT, focusing o on existing technollogical solutio ons as well as in the descripption of 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD xii the devvelopment opportunities fo or computing engineeering in the ne ear future. Comp putational Inteelligence in Biomeedicine The goaal of this course is to provid de specific tra ining in the fieldd of applicatio on of intelligent analysis annd data mining of clinical and d bioinformatics systems naature. e different staages in The conntent of this fiield covers the the proocess of knowlledge discovery (KDD ) withh nt problems in n biomedicinee. It applicattion to curren begins w with the prep paration phase e of the data, ie cleaningg, filtering and organizing d data for propeer applicattion of miningg techniques a and modeling . It continuues with the co onstruction of predictive m models appliedd in decision ‐m making in clinical practice tto eases. Later identifyy risk factors ffor certain dise statisticcal techniquess that allow m modeling and computtational problems are studied: survival aanalysis, and thee potential of ultra ‐ sequen ncing technoloogies in personaalized medicin ne are discusssed. It concluddes with thee study of app propriate signal processing and biomeddical imaging aand its integra ation in decisioon supportting clinical diagnostics. Currentt web is charaacterized by th he generation and manageement of large e volumes of data on transaactions and item ms offered. Th his large volum me of data reqquires AI technniques to provvide users witth personalizeed, safe and adaapted servicess. The main ob bjective of thiis course is to address tthe design and implementaation of pable of retrie eving informattion web ap plications cap mending itemss tailored to thhe intelligeently, recomm prefereences of each user, identifying suspiciouss transacctions, etc. This couurse presents a global view w and an applieed approacch not only to o study autono omous robotss but the alsoo the technolo ogy used in this area. This aarea of study iss emerging strrongly in a varriety of fields ssuch as self‐gui ded vehicles, the driver asssistance, roboots entertaainment, robotic tele‐presence, etc. This couurse introduce es the fundam mentals and technollogies that enable the explo oitation of whhat is called m mixed reality. Mixed Reality y covers a speectrum of interraction paradigms ranging ffrom virtual reeality (which immerses the e user in a virtual world) to the augmennted reality (that enhances the real worlld with virtual eelements). Bo oth paradigmss will be studieed: their teechnologies, syystems archite ectures and applicattions will be sstudied. Speciffic issues relatted to these teechnologies, h human factorss and design aand evaluattion methodologies will also o be discussedd. Intelligent Techniques for the W Web Auton nomous Robotic Systems Virtuaal and Augmented Reality System ms 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD 4,5 TBD xiii ANNEEX C ‐ REQU UIREMENTS T TO OBTAIN TTHE DOUBLEE DEGREE To get the double d degree, stude ents must folloow one of the e following study plan tem plates. Each sstudy plan mu ust be oved by the tw wo Universitie es. appro FIRST YEA AR AT UNIPI Advanced Algorithms Advanced P Programming Princciples of progrramming languages Numeerical Method ds and Optimization Advanced Databases Computin ng Models SECOND YEEAR AT UMA Research, Innnovation and d Technology M Management Integrated M Management ffor Software D Development Deployment of Software D Development Methodologyy Systems A Architecture Optativee courses Infformation Sys tem and Tech hnology Strate egy Managem ment Master'ss thesis (1) 57 9 9 9 12 9 9 63 4,5 6 6 6 9 7,5 24 FIRST YEAR R AT UMA Research, Inn R ovation and TTechnology Management Integrated Ma I anagement fo or Software De evelopment Deployment o D of Software De evelopment M Methodology Qualitativee and Quantitaative Software e Quality Systems Arcchitecture Logicc based System ms and Servicces Informatioon System and d Technology Strategy Manage ement Secuurity in Inform mation System ms High Perform mance and Em mbedded Arch hitectures Uncertainnty Handling in Intelligent S Systems Grapphics and Multtimedia Systems SECOND YEA AR AT UPI 18 ECTS from m the followin ng list: ‐ Ad vanced algoriithms ‐ Ad vanced programming ogramming lan nguages ‐ Pri nciples of pro bases ‐ Ad vanced datab dels ‐ Co mputing mod of subsidiary ccourses and 6 ECTS ffrom the set o or 12 ECTS of N Numerical Me ethods and Op ptimization and 12 ECTSS from the set of subsidiary courses “Free choice”” courses (2) Master's tthesis (1) 60 4,5 6 6 4,5 6 3 7,5 4,5 6 6 6 60 24 12 24 (1) Each thesis willl be co‐tutore ed by one su pervisor from m the Universsity of Pisa annd one superrvisor from th he Univeersity of Malagga. (2) Thee University off Pisa can reco ognize these 112 credits to sstudents who acquired a 4‐‐year BS Degre ee in Computer Sciencce, in Computter Engineerin ng, in Softwaree Engineeringg, or similar. xiv