Lara Giddings, MP PREMIER Dear Premier In accordance with the requirements of Section 36(1) of the State Service Act 2000 and Section 27 of the Financial Management and Audit Act 1990, I enclose for presentation to Parliament the 2010-11 Annual Report of the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Yours sincerely Rhys Edwards Secretary 24 October 2011 Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 1 The Department of Premier and Cabinet is a central agency of the Tasmanian State Government. The Ministers to whom the Department is responsible are the Premier, Hon Lara Giddings MP; the Minister for Local Government, Hon Bryan Green MP; the Minister for Climate Change, the Minister for Community Development and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Hon Cassy O'Connor MP; Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Hon Scott Bacon MP; and the Minister for Children, Hon Michelle O'Byrne MP. The Department also supports two Parliamentary Secretaries to the Premier: Rebecca White MP (Small Business and Cost of Living) and Brenton Best MP (Economic Development for the North-West). The Department provides a broad range of services to Cabinet, other members of Parliament, government agencies and the community. The Department works closely with the public sector, the community, local government, the Australian Government and other state and territory governments. The Department also provides administrative support to the State Service Commissioner, the Tasmania Together Progress Board and the Electricity Supply Industry Review Panel. These bodies are separately accountable and report directly to Parliament. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 2 Contents Secretary’s report ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Departmental overview.................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Financial and human resource summary ................................................................................................................................... 8 Governance ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Output Group structure .................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Organisation chart ............................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Strategic Plan summary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Output Group 1 Support for Executive Decision-Making ..................................................................................................... 24 Output 1.1 Strategic policy and advice ................................................................................................................................... 25 Output 1.2 Climate change............................................................................................................................................................ 28 Output 1.3 Social Inclusion............................................................................................................................................................. 32 Output Group 2 Government Processes and Services ........................................................................................................... 36 Output 2.1 Management of Executive Government processes .............................................................................. 37 Output 2.2 Principal and subordinate legislation............................................................................................................... 47 Output 2.3 Tasmanian Government courier....................................................................................................................... 49 Output 2.4 Corporate support to Ministerial and Parliamentary offices and the Office of the Governor .................................................................................................................................................. 50 Output 2.5 Administration of Electricity Supply Industry Review Panel ............................................................. 51 Output Group 3 Electronic Services for Government Agencies and the Community ........................................ 52 Output 3.1 ICT policy development and implementation .......................................................................................... 53 Output 3.2 Management and ongoing development of Service Tasmania....................................................... 56 Output 3.3 Management of TASINET and Networking Tasmania; and............................................................. 59 Output 3.4 Information systems management ................................................................................................................... 59 Output Group 4 State Service Management ................................................................................................................................. 63 Output 4.1 State Service employment and management ........................................................................................... 64 Output 4.2 Support for the State Service Commissioner........................................................................................... 68 Output Group 5 Support for the Tasmania Together Progress Board ........................................................................... 69 Output 5.1 Support for the Tasmania Together Progress Board ............................................................................. 70 Output Group 6 Community Development.................................................................................................................................. 73 Output 6.1 Community development – policy advice and ongoing community development........... 74 Output Group 7 Development of Local Government ............................................................................................................ 82 Output 7.1 Development of Local Government ............................................................................................................. 83 All Output Groups Corporate Services ............................................................................................................................................ 87 Corporate Services.............................................................................................................................................................................. 88 Supporting whole-of-government initiatives ................................................................................................................................... 90 Contribution to Tasmania Together benchmarks .............................................................................................................. 91 Carbon Emission Reduction Plan............................................................................................................................................. 103 Disability Action Plan ...................................................................................................................................................................... 105 Departmental information ...................................................................................................................................................................... 107 Right to Information (RTI) ........................................................................................................................................................... 108 Legislation administered ................................................................................................................................................................ 110 Departmental publications........................................................................................................................................................... 114 Our people and policies ........................................................................................................................................................................... 119 Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 3 Staffing information........................................................................................................................................................................... 120 Public access to agency decision-making............................................................................................................................. 131 Asset Management, Pricing and Risk Management Policies ..................................................................................... 132 Contributions and grants .............................................................................................................................................................. 134 Government procurement .......................................................................................................................................................... 169 Financial statements ......................................................................................................................................................................... 174 Contacting the Department .................................................................................................................................................................. 248 Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 4 Secretary’s report This financial year has proven to be a busy and productive one yet again for the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPAC). We have experienced many changes to the Cabinet line-up, including the resignation of Premier David Bartlett and the swearing-in of Lara Giddings MP as the new Premier and Tasmania’s first female Premier, on 24 January 2011. The immediate priority for the new Premier of Tasmania was the formation of the 2011-12 Budget and related reforms to the State Service. The Public Sector Management Office (PSMO) has undertaken an incredible amount of work over the second half of 2010-11 with regard to Tasmanian State Service Reform. To support the budget the Government asked for a range of employment-related matters to be examined. PSMO developed a number of strategies in order to achieve a more efficient and effective State Service and to assist agencies to achieve budget savings by decreasing operating expenses. The work of the PSMO included two Bills to amend the current State Service Act 2000 with regard to performance management and redeployment. The Office of eGovernment has had a busy year with the establishment of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy Board, which I am very pleased to be chairing. Other members of the board include Secretaries from other agencies. Together we are working on a whole-of-government strategy for the future of ICT within the Tasmanian Government. The three year Voice Strategy Project, which commenced in May 2010, is now well underway with TMD now working on the procurement phase. The project is required because the current Spectrum telephone system will be discontinued within the next three years. A newer voice technology called Voice Over IP (VOIP) enables integration between telephones and other IT applications. TMD has already trialled several VOIP services. TMD has also been working on email consolidation; the establishment of one-technology platform across government that will enable staff from any agency to securely access centrally-delivered services. The Corporate Services Improvement (CSI) project was commissioned in 2009 to improve the level of service provided by Corporate Services. Significant improvements have already been made since the commencement of the project. The outcomes this year have included: greater collaboration between Corporate Services and other divisions a review of the Budget Development Process implementation of a Corporate Services Customer Service Charter consolidation of accommodation across the Department. Office alterations have been a feature of the year at 15 Murray Street, Hobart. The alterations were part of a move that has seen the Local Government Division move into the building, and Information Systems Branch and the Office of eGovernment relocated to level six. A key driver has been our desire to reduce overall accommodation costs. These office alterations will result in savings by reducing rental costs and greater sharing of resources between business units. During the year, the Community Development Division (CDD) undertook a series of internal workshops and consultations to determine its role in contributing to the priorities of Government and broader goals of DPAC. There was broad agreement to realign CDD from independent units based on community sectors to a more centralised model, focused around its core functions (policy, grants, programs and services) and community engagement. It is anticipated that the realignment will give the division the capacity to focus on better responding to social and demographic change by improving community engagement and making better use of existing resources. The contract for the printing of the Tasmanian Government Gazettes and Legislation, as well as papers for Parliament, is due to expire in 2011-12. The Executive Division managed a tender process on behalf of the Office of Parliamentary Counsel and Clerks of the Houses of Parliament. The Tasmanian Climate Change Office (TCCO) has delivered significant outcomes in the past financial year. The office has been coordinating the Government’s response to the Tasmanian Wedges Report with the Inter-Departmental Committee on Climate Change. The TCCO’s Adaptation Unit was established during the Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 5 year and is playing a leadership role in a number of areas, including forming a partnership with the Tasmanian Institute for Agricultural Research and Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment (DPIPWE). This partnership aims to enable key agricultural sectors to take advantage of the opportunities climate change will present and better manage any associated risks. The key driver of the Social Inclusion Unit’s work for the year was the expansion of the scope of A Social Inclusion Strategy for Tasmania to give priority to the development of the Cost of Living Strategy. The report provided advice to Parliament on a proposed electricity concession in the context of a broader cost of living strategy. In addition, it suggested that the State Government increase the range of information and support available to help increase Tasmanians' knowledge and choice in managing cost of living pressures, in particular to focus on improving energy efficiency. During the year, the Government established an independent Electricity Supply Industry Expert Panel to conduct an assessment of Tasmania’s electricity industry. As a result, a small secretariat was established within DPAC to support the panel. The panel and secretariat have been developing recommendations for actions that will shape a new Energy Policy for Tasmania. As part of an integrated approach to performance measurement across DPAC, significant work within the Policy Division has been undertaken to develop and test new performance indicators for the development of policy advice and delivery of policy services. A performance measurement framework has been designed and a set of quality standards developed as a tool to measure the quality of specific policy outputs prepared by DPAC business units. It is hoped recommendations on appropriate performance indicators will be included in future iterations of DPAC’s strategic plan. The Policy Division has also produced a paper, Collaboration: A Tasmanian Government Approach. This paper outlines a strategy to encourage Tasmanian Government agencies to work more collaboratively in the development and implementation of policy initiatives. The paper outlines six critical factors for successful collaboration including: leadership; shared aims and benefits; trust; membership; information sharing; and accountability. It provides guidance on the types of situations where a collaborative approach would be beneficial to addressing policy problems. The Local Government Division has been involved in the Valuation and Local Government Rating Review. The report recommended a number of ways that Tasmania’s rating and valuation models could be improved. In addition to broader reforms proposed, and at councils’ request, the Local Government Division has been working on additional rating tools for the 2011-12 rating year to assist in managing “price shocks” for ratepayers arising from shifts in the property market. I am extremely pleased with DPAC’s performance this year and look forward to the year ahead. Rhys Edwards Secretary Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 6 Departmental overview Vision A respected and valued agency that leads an accountable, professional and collaborative public service. Purpose The Department supports the Premier and Cabinet in achieving the Government’s vision of Tasmania. We do this by providing strategic policy advice; leading whole-of-government initiatives; and supporting the machinery of government. Values Professional We aim for excellence and act with integrity and impartiality. Accountable We are focussed on achievement, open to questioning and responsible for our actions. Collaborative We respect and value the expertise of others and seek to work in partnership. Forward looking We plan so we can be responsive to future needs. Connected to the community We seek to understand and engage with the community and communities of interest. Supportive We seek to provide a family-friendly and flexible workplace that fosters mutual respect and open communication. Goals Goal 1 To lead the development of policy advice, direction and whole-of-government coordination. Goal 2 To provide comprehensive, timely and accurate services that support the machinery of government. Goal 3 To deliver ICT services that enhance whole-of-government capability. Goal 4 To have efficient and effective processes that underpin a supportive and challenging workplace. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 7 Financial and human resource summary Financial summary In 2010-11, the Outputs of the Department of Premier and Cabinet and Ministerial and Parliamentary Support expended on an accrual basis the following: Department of Premier and Cabinet $'000 Output Group 1. Support for Executive Decision-Making 2. Government Processes and Services 3. Electronic Services for Government Agencies and the Community 4. State Service Management 5. Support for the Tasmania Together Progress Board 6. Community Development 7. Development of Local Government Other items Capital Investment Program Infrastructure Fund Administered - Tasmanian Community Fund Sub-total 10 648 15 526 40 718 4 978 1 230 7 351 2 348 250 724 5 617 89 390 Ministerial and Parliamentary Support Ministerial and Parliamentary support 22 685 Total 112 075 People Summary The number of full time equivalents employed in DPAC and Ministerial and Parliamentary support offices, as at 30 June 2011 is shown in the graph below. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 8 Governance Ministers As at 30 June 2011, the Department of Premier and Cabinet reports to the following: Premier, Lara Giddings MP Minister for Local Government, Bryan Green MP Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Community Development and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Cassy O’Connor MP Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Scott Bacon MP Minister for Children, Michelle O’Byrne MP. The Department also supports the Parliamentary Secretaries to the Premier, Rebecca White MP (Small Business and Cost of Living) and Brenton Best MP (Economic Development for the North-West). It also provides direct support to all other members of Government. The Department The Department’s organisation structure is shown on page 11. The Department is led by the Executive, comprising the Secretary, Deputy Secretaries and Director, Executive Division. The DPAC Leadership Group (DLG) is chaired by the Secretary and is attended by the directors or managers of each division. DLG meetings are held each month, and provide an opportunity to communicate and review agency issues, policies and procedures. During 2010-11, the Government established an independent Electricity Supply Industry Expert Panel to conduct an assessment of Tasmania’s electricity industry. To support the panel, a small secretariat was established within DPAC. As a result, the Department currently supports three independent bodies; the Tasmania Together Progress Board, the Office of the State Service Commissioner and the Electricity Supply Industry Review Panel. Related trusts and boards Any information noted in this report for Output 2.5 Electricity Supply Industry Review Panel, Output 4.2 Support for the State Service Commissioner or Output 5.1 Support for the Tasmania Together Progress Board is for administrative purposes only as all of these bodies report independently to Parliament. Matters pertaining to the Local Government Board are reported by the Local Government Division in the section entitled Activity 2010-11, under Output 7.1. Various sections within this report covering financial or human resources include information from ministerial and Parliamentary offices. Unless noted otherwise, all other information pertains only to the Department of Premier and Cabinet. Appended to this annual report is the annual report of the Jim Bacon Foundation pursuant to the provisions of the Jim Bacon Foundation Act 2004. Supporting local business DPAC ensures that Tasmanian businesses are given every opportunity to compete for agency business, and supports Tasmanian businesses whenever they offer best value for money for the Government. The tables on page 169 summarise the level of participation by local businesses for contracts, tenders and/or quotations with a value of $50 000 or over. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 9 Output Group structure Output Group/Output Responsible Minister 1. Support for Executive Decision-Making 1.1 Strategic policy and advice 1.2 Climate change 1.3 Lara Giddings MP, Premier Cassy O’Connor MP, Minister for Climate Change Lara Giddings MP, Premier Social inclusion 2. Government Processes and Services 2.1 Management of Executive Government processes 2.2 Principal and subordinate legislation 2.3 Tasmanian Government courier 2.4 Corporate support to Ministerial and Parliamentary offices and Office of the Governor 2.5 Administration of Electricity Supply Industry Review Panel 3. Electronic Services for Government Agencies and the Community 3.1 Information and Communications Technology (ICT) policy development and implementation 3.2 Management and ongoing development of Service Tasmania 3.3 Management of TASINET and Networking Tasmania 3.4 Information systems management 4. State Service Management 4.1 State Service employment and management 4.2 Support for the State Service Commissioner 5. Tasmania Together Progress Board 5.1 Support for Tasmania Together Progress Board Lara Giddings MP, Premier Lara Giddings MP, Premier Lara Giddings MP, Premier Parliament of Tasmania Parliament of Tasmania 6. Community Development 6.1 Community development – policy advice and ongoing community development Cassy O’Connor MP, Minister for Community Development and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Scott Bacon MP, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Michelle O’Byrne MP, Minister for Children 7. Development of Local Government 7.1 Development of local government Bryan Green MP, Minister for Local Government Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 10 Organisation chart Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 11 Strategic Plan summary This report outlines the progress made against the initiatives and priorities in the DPAC Strategic Plan 2010-13. Overall, substantial progress has been made against most of the priorities. Goal 1 – To lead the development of policy advice, direction and whole-of-government coordination Status STRATEGY 1.1.1 Lead the development of Tasmania’s wholeSuccessfully and effectively participated in COAG and of-government position on matters of national COAG Senior Officials’ meetings and other multiand state significance in order to participate jurisdictional forums. effectively in COAG and other multijurisdictional forums. STRATEGY 1.1.2 Foster intra and inter-government collaboration to maximise the benefits to local communities arising from social infrastructure initiatives, including Child and Family Centres. STRATEGY 1.1.3 Work with the Tasmanian Planning Commission to develop a COAG Capital City Plan for Hobart. The Integrated Service Delivery Interdepartmental Committee (IDC) and working group are examining opportunities for service integration across government, including Child and Family Centres, Community Service Hubs, and links to Australian Government programs. The IDC has agreed an approach to IT delivery in the West Coast Hub and an overarching paper on integration. The working group is currently examining frameworks for governance and accountability in the Hubs. The West Coast Hub will open October 2011. It is anticipated that the West Coast Hub will provide guidance for the George Town Hub, which has not yet commenced. All major tasks identified for the project have been completed, including: STRATEGY 1.1.4 Investigate and implement an appropriate mechanism to prohibit canal estate developments in Tasmania. convening and supporting the Capital Cities Planning IDC; coordinating Government input into two reports to the COAG Reform Council; and participating in the continuous improvement and best practice teleconferences and workshop series. Undertook research and prepared a Cabinet Minute outlining options to prohibit canal estate developments. Cabinet approved the development of legislation for this purpose. Legislation was developed and passed in the House of Assembly in June 2011 but was defeated in the Legislative Council on 7 July 2011. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 12 Status STRATEGY 1.1.5 Co-ordinate the preparation and execution of an integrated implementation of the Sullivan’s Cove Master Plan. STRATEGY 1.1.6 Support the implementation of the National Health and Hospital Reform process in Tasmania. STRATEGY 1.1.7 Lead the promotion and implementation of the Tasmanian Government’s approach to collaboration across agencies. STRATEGY 1.2.1 Establish the Adaptation Unit to coordinate work across government to identify opportunities to maximise the benefits and minimise the risks resulting from a changing climate. STRATEGY 1.2.2 Prepare a new Climate Change Framework that responds to the findings of the analysis of emission reduction opportunities for the Tasmanian economy. STRATEGY 1.2.3 Undertake research into the role of Tasmania’s forests in emitting and sequestering carbon, and the associated opportunities in emerging carbon markets. STRATEGY 1.2.4 Finalise and implement the State Framework for mitigating the impacts of natural hazards, including the changes associated with climate change. An IDC was established to ensure a coordinated whole-ofgovernment approach to implementation of the Sullivans Cove Master Plan and a part-time project manager was appointed. The IDC developed a Consultation Draft Implementation Strategy, which was provided to Hobart City Council, Tasports and the Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority for comment. Comments were received and incorporated into the draft plan. Substantial progress has been made in multilateral negotiations with the Australian Government on a new National Health Reform Agreement to reflect COAG’s February 2011 decision. This work is proceeding towards finalisation in early 201112. Collaboration: A Tasmanian Government Approach was officially launched in October 2010 by the former Premier. Promotional material was developed for the launch and distributed across government. A number of presentations highlighting the importance of the approach have been delivered. A further work program has been developed, including further implementation activities across government. The TCCO’s Adaptation Unit was established in July 2010 and is playing a key role in assisting local government adapt to climate change and address coastal vulnerability, and assisting the agricultural sector to maximize the benefits of a changing climate. The unit is also continuing to communicate and extend the results of the Climate Futures for Tasmania project. The Government’s response to the analysis, Tasmania’s Action Plan to Reduce Emissions, has been developed, taking into account advice from the Tasmanian Climate Action Council and State Government agencies. The Action Plan was released in July 2011. A Steering Committee was established to manage delivery of the Forest Carbon Study and the scope has been finalised. The request for tender closed in August 2011. A draft framework has been developed and endorsed and reference groups for the development of hazard specific statements under the framework have been convened. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 13 Status STRATEGY 1.3.1 Implement A Social Inclusion Strategy For Tasmania: Preliminary Response, with particular focus on: developing the Cost of Living Strategy developing a Tasmanian Food Security Strategy administering the Tasmanian Food Security Fund establishing the Community Development Finance Fund (CDFF). STRATEGY 1.4.1 Improve access to State Government programs and services for Tasmania’s culturally diverse communities. A Cost of Living in Tasmania: Interim Report was released in February 2011. A final Cost of Living Strategy will be presented in early 2011-12. Work on a Framework for the Tasmanian Food Security Strategy is in progress. $730 000 from the Tasmanian Food Security Fund has been administered across a range of innovative coalitions to address food supply and access in Tasmania. Completed. The CDFF programs began in July 2010 and will operate for a minimum of three years. Phase One is underway. A State Government Inter-Agency Working Group has been established to examine and analyse agency data. Consultations with humanitarian entrant communities and service providers will occur over next two to three months. The final report is due to the Minister for Community Development in December 2011. STRATEGY 1.4.2 Coordinate and provide support to the highlevel interdepartmental taskforce responsible for the development of a whole-ofgovernment’s Children and Youth Agenda. This project was successfully completed and launched in July 2011. It was delivered in partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). STRATEGY 1.4.3 Coordinate and support a review of the whole-of-government policy on eligibility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-specific programs and services delivered by the Tasmanian Government. STRATEGY 1.4.4 Progress whole-of-government disability policy, incorporating the review of the Disability Framework for Action. STRATEGY 1.4.5 Review the Positive Ageing Plan. The former Minister for Aboriginal Affairs commenced consultations with key Aboriginal organisations and members of the Aboriginal community to determine the review process. Once determined, the review process will be considered by the Aboriginal Affairs Committee of Cabinet. Review of the Disability Framework for Action is underway with Cabinet noting its commencement. A discussion paper will be released in August 2011 for public and agency comment. A Seniors Future Directions Working Group has been established and is tasked with developing a three year plan, which prioritises policy development relating to older Tasmanians, with representation from the community, government, the Council on the Ageing (Tas), the Local Government Association of Tasmania and the University of Tasmania. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 14 Status STRATEGY 1.4.6 Assist and acknowledge the full participation of Tasmanian women in their communities by: development and implementation of a Women on Boards strategic plan supporting the centenary of International Women’s Day. STRATEGY 1.5.1 Finalise the state Recovery Plan and revised plan for Influenza Pandemic. A Tasmanian Strategy to Increase Women’s Representation on Boards and Decision-making Bodies is under development. Comment has been received from the Tasmanian Women’s Council. CDD supported a range of celebrations to recognise the centenary of International Women’s Day. A Draft Recovery Plan was circulated to stakeholders for comment in May 2011. Final agency endorsement will occur by November 2011. Review of Influenza Pandemic Plan commenced in June 2011. Final agency endorsement will occur by April 2012. STRATEGY 1.5.2 Finalise options for a state-wide resilient webservice for communicating with the public during an emergency. Project delayed but progressing well. A supplier for the identification of options for the delivery of the state-wide resilient web service was appointed in October 2010 after a competitive quote process. The project commenced in November 2010, with workshops conducted with stakeholders throughout December 2010 and January 2011. A final report on options was delivered in July 2011. A proposed way forward will be submitted to the Security and Emergency Management Advisory Group for whole-of-government consideration in September 2011. STRATEGY 1.5.3 Facilitate development of spatially-enabled common operating picture to support the ability of emergency services to respond to emergencies. STRATEGY 1.5.4 Work will commence in the near future on the development of an emergency services common operating picture. Finalise the review of construction and development control in bushfire-prone areas. Consultation with stakeholders on proposal to introduce new controls for construction and development in bushfireprone areas has commenced. Cabinet agreement on the introduction of new controls for construction and development in bushfire-prone areas in April 2011. A Bill was tabled in Parliament in June 2011 and a draft planning directive was released for public consultation by the Tasmanian Planning Commission. It is anticipated that the recommendations of the review will be implemented by the end of 2011. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 15 Status STRATEGY 1.6.1 Develop and undertake a Service Tasmania Customer Satisfaction Survey. Survey was completed during May-June 2011. There were 1 093 respondents with 94 per cent indicating that they were ‘satisfied’ or ‘very satisfied’ with Service Tasmania. STRATEGY 1.6.2 Manage the ongoing development and enhancement of whole-of-government service delivery: implement a new Procedural Information Management System (PIMS) for customer service staff and accessible by the public through Service Tasmania Online review the Tasmanian Government Personal Information Card and develop a business requirements specification for new card application management system (software) implement the Client Update Service prototype The project was deferred by the Service Tasmania Board in August 2010 to enable investigation of issues which threatened the viability of the project. Amongst these were the high costs of licensing the SharePoint product, the inability to use a whole-of-government Active Directory to manage user authentication, and the capacity to access an affordable hosting solution. Completed. The Client Update Service prototype was implemented in Service Tasmania Shops. develop a Channel Management Strategy for Service Tasmania. STRATEGY 1.6.3 Project will be revisited as part of 2011-12 business planning due to lack of resource availability in 2010-11. Maximise the delivery of government information and services through Service Tasmania Shops, telephone and internet by executing the business development strategy with local government councils. STRATEGY 1.7.1 Lead whole-of-government ICT policy to: Over last 12 months, Service Tasmania staff has met and established relationships with each of the 29 Councils. establish the ICT Policy Board The ICT Policy Board was established in mid-2010 and has met four times. through the ICT Policy Board, lead the development of an ICT strategy for the Tasmanian Government. The ICT Policy Board has led the development of the vision, objectives and principles for the ICT Strategy for the Tasmanian Government. Develop ICT performance measures and benchmarks leading to the development of an ICT investment policy. The ICT Policy Board is leading the development of: an ICT investment and decision-making framework, which will guide alignment of agency ICT investment plans to directly support the ICT Strategy and government policy; an ICT Roadmap, which will assist and guide in agency ICT planning and implementations, in particular for those ICT services that are common to two or more agencies; Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 16 Status a survey to understand each agency’s future ICT investment intentions; and a benchmarking exercise to examine each agency’s past expenditure on ICT. STRATEGY 1.7.2 Develop a trial Client Update Service prototype Completed – a Client Update Service prototype was developed and trialled in a limited capacity through Service Tasmania Shops. STRATEGY 1.7.3 Support key ICT projects: IT Transformation Program The Office of eGovernment (OeG) provided assistance to TMD to support the IT Transformation Program (see Strategy 3.1). Ministerial network Completed – OeG provided project management support and coordination for the migration of all Ministerial Offices onto the DPAC network. develop an identity management platform Integrated into the planning of the Email Consolidation Project (being undertaken by TMD, see Strategy 3.1.1) develop a business case for future investment in spatial information. The business case was developed, however the project was not funded through the 2011-12 budget process. STRATEGY 1.8.1 Substantially implement long-term financial and asset management and planning for local government. A State Local Government Asset Policy has been developed and approved by the Minister for Local Government. The Local Government Division (LGD) will continue to work with the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) on the development of asset and financial plan templates for local government. STRATEGY 1.8.2 Finalise and begin implementation of the valuation and local government rating review. Delayed but progressing well: Interim changes have been made to the Local Government Act 1993. Government is considering terms for drafting amendments to address uncertainties associated with the authority of Council to collect rates revenue. Modelling is being finalised for inclusion in final review report. STRATEGY 1.8.3 Establish sustainability objectives and indicators for Tasmanian councils and collect relevant data through a revised consolidated data collection. Delayed but progressing well. Final indicators agreed inprinciple and the final consultation report is due to be released in August 2011. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 17 Status STRATEGY 1.8.4 Continue to develop partnership agreements and improve relationships between local government and State Government and have five agreements signed. LGD continued to promote the shift away from broad bilateral partnership agreement to regional, state-wide or issues based agreements. STRATEGY 1.8.5 Implement amendments to the Dog Control Act 2000. STRATEGY 1.9.1 Implement the Wages Agreement including negotiating expiring agreements and undertaking key disputes. Changes to the Dog Control Act 2000 reflecting the Government’s commitment to improve public safety came into effect on 1 July 2010. Negotiations commenced for the Tasmanian State Service Award (TSSA) and the Health and Human Service Award (HaHSA). Other Agreements were finalised (Police, Fire Fighters, Nurses and Legal Practitioners). STRATEGY 1.9.2 Review the governance arrangements for the Tasmanian State Service. During 2010-11 the Government announced that an independent review would be undertaken, with a revised completion date of December 2011. STRATEGY 1.9.3 Undertake workforce planning and development through profiling, networking and training. STRATEGY 1.9.4 Completed the State Service Workforce Profile 2011 and facilitated the Workforce Planning Network. Examine options for the development of HR strategic IT systems. A pilot of a HR strategic IT system is being undertaken in the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources STRATEGY 1.9.5 Implement People Directions: develop and implement the HR Capability Program and extend HR Capability to include advocacy and Award interpretation. HR Capability program commenced with 20 participants in April 2011. develop and implement Tasmanian State Service Capability profile. Draft Capability profile developed. implement Tasmanian State Service attributes. Draft attributes developed. establish and implement Leadership Capability. STRATEGY 1.9.6 Draft Leadership Capabilities developed. Promote diversity programs graduate disability program implement work placement (migrants). In consultation with agencies and community groups, PSMO has developed a graduate program for people with disabilities. The 2010 Work Placement Program featured a longer (three week) placement period involving 20 placements. The program is structured to give participants experience in Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 18 Status an Australian workplace, as well as experience with job application and interview skills through workshops facilitated by the PSMO and Multicultural Tasmania. STRATEGY 1.9.7 Coordinate the Public Sector Management Program and leadership development programs including ANZSOG. Applications for the 2011-12 ANZSOG programs have been requested (Executive Masters of Public Administration, Executive Fellows Program and Towards Strategic Leadership Program). STRATEGY 1.9.8 Develop the Tasmanian State Service Reform package to increase effectiveness and productivities in short and medium-terms to address budget imperatives. STRATEGY 1.10.1 Developed and commenced implementation of a suite of State Service Reform strategies to increase effectiveness and productivities in the short and medium-term. Implement components of the Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan: implement the Professional Development Program A professional development program was conducted to increase the knowledge and ability of 19 key agency and authority staff to implement workplace health programs. implement the Mental Health Providers Panel implement Health and Wellbeing Grants Program for government agencies. The Mental Health Providers Panel was implemented and provided mental health and wellbeing training which was attended by more than 500 participants. A grants program has been established and agencies submit grant applications in line with their Health and Wellbeing plans. Goal 2 – To provide comprehensive, timely and accurate services that support the machinery of government Status STRATEGY 2.1.1 Review Portfolio Services arrangements and Cabinet processes to support current Ministerial/Cabinet secretary appointments. The arrangements were reviewed but another review is required due to change in ministerial arrangements in January 2011. New ministerial letters to the Tasmania Greens Ministers were issued by the Premier. Protocols have been developed for the two Parliamentary Secretaries to the Premier. Portfolio Services support arrangements with relevant ministerial offices have been reviewed to reflect new portfolios and working arrangements. STRATEGY 2.1.2 Manage the review of Parliamentary numbers and implement recommendations. The report by the independent appointee Prof Emeritus Peter Boyce was tabled in March 2011. STRATEGY 2.1.3 Manage, with Tasmania Police, Tasmania’s participation in national multi-jurisdictional counter-terrorism exercise. Tasmania successfully participated in Mercury 10, a national multi-jurisdictional counter-terrorism exercise. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 19 Status STRATEGY 2.1.4 Provide comprehensive timely and accurate services that support the machinery of government to agreed performance standards. STRATEGY 2.2.1 Manage critical issues that are highly sensitive and may impact on the successful implementation of the Government’s overall administrative framework. STRATEGY 2.3.1 Implement the Right to Information Act (RTI), including the routine disclosure framework, within DPAC. STRATEGY 2.3.2 Finalise the review of the Tasmanian Government Communications Policy and implement the review recommendations. STRATEGY 2.3.3 Establish the next panel of communications/marketing service providers. STRATEGY 2.3.4 Expand the implementation of website accessibility for people with disability to sites beyond the DPAC internet (e.g. Earn Your Stars, iPac) and develop accessibility resources for whole-of-government use. STRATEGY 2.3.5 Manage the tender process for new contracts for printing of Bills, Gazette and Parliamentary papers, including consideration of online Gazette. STRATEGY 2.3.6 Review current arrangements for the Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize Trip and arrange for the 2011 trip. Services to the satisfaction of the key users were provided to support machinery of government processes, including 27 meetings of the Executive Council, 46 meetings of Cabinet, 12 official visits, 11 official functions and the arrangement of two State funerals. A number of key issues were managed throughout the year. DPAC RTI Act: Information Disclosure Policy and Procedures was approved and released January 2011. DPAC’s RTI web site for routine and active disclosure went live January 2011. There was a substantial increase in external requests (approximately double previous year) for information under the RTI Act. The revised policy was approved in September 2010 and the changes have been implemented across government, with presentations of the new policy as well as collateral to assist with implementation within agencies. As a result of the revised policy the Tasmanian Style Guide and Logo Policy was also reviewed with a new edition distributed to all agencies. Following a detailed tender process, a panel of preferred providers of marketing services was appointed for DPAC (and the Department of Health and Human Services) in May 2011. A number of web tools were implemented to improve the accessibility of key DPAC websites. DPAC partnered with Vision Australia to provide training across government to key communication and web staff on improving the accessibility of websites in March 2011. DPAC managed a tender process to select new contractors to undertake the printing of the Tasmanian Government Gazette, legislation, and Parliamentary material. The tender was conducted on behalf of the Parliament as well as the Government. Evaluation was completed by 30 June 2011. Contract negotiations to be finalised in 2011-12. A new itinerary was settled for 2011 Frank MacDonald Memorial Prize trip. The trip went in reverse to previous years, starting with the Western Front followed by Gallipoli. The trip was managed successfully to the satisfaction of all travellers with ANZAC Day observed in Villers-Bretonneux rather than Gallipoli. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 20 Goal 3 – To deliver ICT services to advance whole-of-government needs Status STRATEGY 3.1.1 Commence transition to a single email platform across core government agencies, with the first agency completed by December 2010. Four agencies to be transitioned prior to the end of 2010-11. STRATEGY 3.1.2 Re-structure and re-align TMD into a service delivery business that can support a whole-of-government delivery approach. STRATEGY 3.1.3 Develop an IT strategy capability within TMD that will represent whole-ofgovernment needs and translate them into business cases for technology initiatives that build on the email and identity management projects. STRATEGY 3.1.4 Develop a new approach to implementing voice technology for whole-of-government in the form of a Voice Strategy that will lead into a tender process to replace current fixed line technology. Stage One of the program is now heading into its second year. By the end of the 2010-11 financial year, four innerbudget agencies have been transitioned to the central service. TMD’s new Service Management Centre went live in June 2011 and now offers a single point of contact, extended operating hours and a new web site allowing 24 hour logging of issues. TMD also completed the recruitment of a number of key positions identified as necessary for the re-focused strategic direction of TMD. TMD has established a strategic investment pipeline process. The establishment of the process which will build business cases for whole-of-government needs was established ahead of the scheduled due date. The three-year Voice Strategy Project commenced May 2010. The initial strategy phase was completed earlier this year. The procurement phase which will include a major request for tender runs from January 2011 to February 2012. The final transition planning phase will run from October 2011 to June 2012. Goal 4 – To have efficient and effective processes that underpin a supportive and challenging workplace Status STRATEGY 4.1.1 Refine and implement an integrated planning, budget and reporting cycle, including a review of base funding. A planning and budget development cycle has been developed, and key dates set for the development of the 2011-12 Budget. The process includes: overhead redistribution establishment review review of base funding. STRATEGY 4.1.2 Measure our performance by: trialling the effectiveness of performance measures developed for the DPAC Strategic Plan develop a suite of performance measures at the business unit level. Indicators have been developed for measuring quality policy advice. These are being trialled and, depending on the results, will be rolled out across relevant areas in DPAC. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 21 Status STRATEGY 4.2.1 Develop a strategic approach to managing departmental accommodation, consolidating our accommodation footprint, reducing our lease liability and providing effective and productive physical work environments. STRATEGY 4.2.2 Revise and monitor the Department’s performance management and development (PMD) system. STRATEGY 4.2.3 Develop a strategic framework for the management of information in DPAC. A number of strategic accommodation initiatives have been implemented or are progressing, including the consolidation of offices onto levels five and six in the Executive Building. Some research and consultation has been undertaken to assist in developing a strategic framework for office accommodation. Following an agency-wide review of the PMD process, revised guidelines have been drafted. Further consultation is planned prior to implementation. A paper has been prepared on information management, which discusses future directions in information management and options for DPAC. A governance structure has been developed and will be implemented in 2011-12. STRATEGY 4.2.4 Through the Corporate Services Improvement (CSI) project, improve the level of collaboration and support in the delivery of corporate activities which underpin Departmental business needs. STRATEGY 4.3.1 Review the Pulse Check Survey and undertake the survey for 2010. The benefits of the CSI project are evidenced by improved flow of information between Corporate Services and divisions. Improvements to date have focused on: budget and reporting, including reviewing establishment data building a strong management team improving the quality of information provided to divisions/executive. The Pulse Check Survey was undertaken in October 2010, with results released in November 2010, and divisional results released in January 2011. STRATEGY 4.3.2 Implement strategies to promote DPAC’s values, including: finalise and implement annual values communication initiative incorporating a ‘Values of the Month’ program ‘Values of the Month’ commenced in October 2010, and three values have now been promoted. A program for future work around values has been presented to DLG. incorporate values into the recruitment, PMD and business planning processes Values have been incorporated into the business planning template, into the draft PMD process, and included in all Statement of Duties. progress study on best practice to connect with the community This initiative has been deferred. build values into policies as they are developed/reviewed. The corporate policy template includes a section specifically relating to the values. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 22 Status STRATEGY 4.3.3 Develop a DPAC communications strategy that reflects and contributes to the strategic direction of the Department and meets the requirements of the Cabinet Communications Committee. STRATEGY 4.3.4 Redevelop the DPAC intranet site. STRATEGY 4.4.1 Implement phase two of the DPAC Leadership Development Program – Leadership Styles. STRATEGY 4.4.2 Continue leadership forums on issues of strategic importance to DPAC. STRATEGY 4.5.1 Transfer Ministerial IT infrastructure to the DPAC network and implement some common applications such as OCS, TRIM and ESS. Discussions around development of the strategy have been undertaken. The strategy structure is currently being developed. A new home page for the DPAC intranet site was launched in August 2010 with improved structure and an improved search function, making it quicker and easier to find information and commonly used resources. Leadership Styles training was delivered to DLG in October 2010 and February 2011. The overall feedback from the program was positive and is being used to inform the development of a leadership program for 2011-12. A leadership forum on social inclusion was held in mid-2010. Future forums are being incorporated into a leadership program 2011-12. All Ministerial Offices were transferred to DPAC IT infrastructure by November 2010. This included the deployment of OCS, TRIM and ESS. DPAC assumed responsibility for the non-salary related office expenses for all Ministerial Offices from 1 July 2011. Department of Premier and Cabinet - Annual Report 2010-11 23