Clinical Lab Science/ Phlebotomy Bookshelf

Clinical Lab Science/
Phlebotomy Bookshelf
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local sales representative.
Phlebotomy Essentials, Fifth Edition
Ruth E. McCall MT(ASCP); Cathee M. Tankersley MT(ASCP)
February 2010/ 624 pp. / 235 illus. / 250 tables/ 978-1-60547-637-7
Instructor Resources
Lesson Plans
Critical Thinking Questions
Brownstone Test Generator
Image Collection
PowerPoint Slides with
Images and Tables
WebCT- /Blackboard-ready
Signature Papers
Log Examples
Lab Skills Evaluation
NEW! Updated information and procedures incorporate the latest CLSI
standards and guidelines. Added new “global harmonization” (worldwide
uniformity) terms which CLSI recently adopted to align the use of
terminology with that of the International Standards Organization (ISO).
NEW! Additional caution, key point, & fyi statements in many chapters
NEW! Larger trim size provides a more user-friendly reader experience.
NEW! Icons throughout the text refer readers to the McCall workbook and
exam review texts.
NEW! A media menu at the end of each chapter points out online student
resources available for that chapter.
Color photos throughout, including NEW Additional photos
Procedure boxes provide step-by-step directions and explanations
Two tube stopper guides serve as a quick reference for determining the
appropriate type of tube for blood collection for common tests.
Student Resources (online):
NEW! Interactive games
Audio flash cards
NEW! Flash card generator
NEW! Audio glossary
Fully searchable full text online
Videos and animations
Phlebotomy Essentials Workbook, Fifth
Ruth E. McCall MT(ASCP)
Cathee M. Tankersley MT(ASCP)
February 2010/ 304 pp. /123 illus. / 0 tables/ 978-1-60831-119-4
Order/organization of workbook chapters corresponds to the companion
textbook, Phlebotomy Essentials, 5th edition.
NEW! Larger trim size provides a more user-friendly reader experience.
NEW! Main text (Phlebotomy Essentials, 5e) includes icons referencing
the workbook for further opportunities to enrich student learning and
which more closely links the two books.
NEW! Number of activities has increased since 4e. All chapters now
consistently have all the above elements.).
All chapters include the following exercises:
• Key Terms Matching
• Labeling Exercises
• Knowledge Drills (including Scrambled Words)
• Skills Drills (including Word Building, Requisition activities)
• NEW! Chapter Crossword Puzzles
• Case Studies
• Chapter Review Questions
• Unit Crossword Puzzles
Phlebotomy Exam Review, Fourth
Ruth E. McCall MT(ASCP)
Cathee M. Tankersley MT(ASCP)
February 2011/ 480 pp. /170 illus./ 978-1-60831-120-0
NEW! Improved and updated questions to meet CLSI guidelines and
new material covered in the text.
NEW! Addition of second color enhances and elucidates content.
NEW! Larger trim size provides a more user-friendly reader experience.
NEW! Exam Review text includes icons referencing the main text
(Phlebotomy Essentials, 5e) for further opportunities to enrich student
learning. The main text includes icons referencing the exam review text.
Current information on the various exams, including names and contact
information for organizations that offer phlebotomy certification exams.
A pretest and analysis to help you evaluate your knowledge and
application of current phlebotomy theory.
A process for creating your very own study plan and way to track your
study hours.
A section on study and test-taking skills to help ensure success on the
exam .
Overview and study tips pertinent to each chapter.
Preparation tips for test-taking for ESL students.
1,435 multiple choice questions with correct answers. Each answer has
a detailed explanation of why it is correct. In addition, a sample exam
with 100 questions is included.
Phlebotomy Best Practices: A Case
Study Approach
Carol Itatani PhD, MS, MT(ASCP)
Norma Shipp MS, MT(ASCP), CLS
October 2006 / 118 pp./ 37 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-7731-5
• 38 case studies that introduce the challenges
encountered in everyday clinical practice
Accompanying each case are:
• Questions to test comprehension of the case
• Case discussions answer the questions
• Key word lists review important terminology
• Quizzes at the end of each chapter include multiple
choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, short-answer and
essay questions
Instructor Resources:
• Instructor’s Manual
• Teaching tips
• Best practices in the classroom
Applied Phlebotomy
Dennis J. Ernst MT (ASCP)
May 2005 / 283 pp./ 85 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-5055-4
Step-by-step format covers terminology, equipment, and other
aspects of blood collection
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (formerly NCCLS) and
OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) guidelines
Sidebars explain the importance of procedures and theories
Procedure Boxes encapsulate blood collection procedures briefly
and step-by-step
It Could Happen To You case studies are actual Phlebotomyrelated injuries
Tips From the Trenches offer phlebotomy pointers
In the Lab describes what happens to blood once it is sent to the
Multiple-choice review questions at the end of each chapter
Color tube chart on the inside cover of the book
Lengthy discussion on the patient’s perspective
Handbook of Phlebotomy and Patient
Service Techniques, Fourth Edition
Garland Pendergraph PhD, SM(ASCP)
Cynthia Barfield MT(ASCP)
July 1998 / 175 pp./ 978-0-683-30556-2
Level of detail is perfect for phlebotomy students
Provides information on ""multi-skill"" training
Techniques are discussed step-by-step
Covers canine and feline phlebotomy
Laboratory Diagnosis of Infectious
Disease: Essentials of Diagnostic
Paul G. Engelkirk PhD, MT(ASCP), SM(AAM)
Janet Duben-Engelkirk EdD, MT(ASCP), CLS(NCA)
2007 / 754 pp./ 450 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-9701-6
• Effective chapter organization, grouping chapters by
• Clinical case studies and/or self-assessment questions at the end
of each chapter show how to incorporate the information from
the text into everyday practice.
• Approaches the role of the microbiology laboratory in today's
world by discussing topics such as bioterrorism, emerging
infections, and healthcare epidemiology.
• Essentials boxes, chapter outlines and reviews, learning
objectives, study aids, key terms, and chapter summaries are
provided throughout the text to help you focus on and retain
crucial topics.
• An exceptional art program including over 400 illustrations and
visual information displays.
Koneman’s Color Atlas and Textbook of
Diagnostic Microbiology, Sixth Edition
Washington C. Winn Jr., MD, MBA
William M. Janda PhD, D(ABMM)
Paul C. Schreckenberger PhD, D(ABMM)
Gail L. Woods MD
Stephen D. Allen MD
lmer W. Koneman MD
Gary W. Procop MD, MS
2005 / 1736 pp./ 1270 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-3014-3
• Practical guidelines provide guidance for evaluation of clinical
specimens, including extent of workup and abbreviated
identification schemes
• Principles of biochemical tests are explained and illustrated to
bridge the gap between theory and practice
• Line drawings, photographs, and tables enhance the
understanding of more complex concepts
• Clinical correlations link microorganisms to specific disease states
• Tests expressed according to the Clinical and Laboratory
Standards Institute (formerly NCCLS) formation for easy adoption
into laboratory procedure manuals
• Organized by microorganism
• Easy-to-read charts outline theory, procedure, and interpretation
of tests
• Display boxes highlight essential information on microbes
• Various techniques and procedure charts at the back of the
Schaechter’s Mechanisms of Microbial
Disease, Fourth Edition
N. Cary Engleberg MD
Terry Dermody PhD
Victor DiRita PhD
2006 / 784 pp./ 455 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-5342-5
Student Resources:
• Animations
• USMLE-style questions
• All schematic illustrations
and photographs from the
• Gives a thorough understanding of microbial agents and the
pathophysiology of microbial diseases
• Facilitates learning and recall by emphasizing unifying principles
and paradigms, rather than memorization of isolated facts by
• Case studies with problem-solving questions give insight into
clinical applications of microbiology
• Each chapter ends with review and USMLE-style questions
• All schematic illustrations have been re-rendered in full color
and new illustrations have been added
Clinical Chemistry: Techniques,
Principles, and Correlations, Sixth Edition
Michael L. Bishop MS, MT(ASCP), CLS(NCA)
Edward P. Fody MD
Larry E. Schoeff MS, MT(ASCP)
April 2009/ 832 pp./ 344 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-9045-1
Instructor Resources:
• Case Studies with
Questions and Answers
• Chapter Review Questions
and Answers
• Chapter Objectives,
Outlines, and Summaries
• PowerPoint Slides
• Image Bank
• Test Generator
• Learning aids include:
− Chapter outlines and objectives
− Chapter summaries
− Practice questions and exercises
− Expanded case studies
• Clinical Applications correlate the details of the topic into a
practical use
• Additional case studies and questions, with more challenging
and application-based exercises
• Instrument manuals and kit package references for detailed
instructions on current analytic procedures
Student Resources:
• Case Studies
• Quiz Bank
• Flashcards
Clinical Hematology: Theory and
Procedures, Fifth Edition
Mary Louise Turgeon EdD, MT(ASCP), CLS(NCA)
February 2011/ 656pps/ 310illus/ 978-1-60831-076-0
• NEW: Fully updated to include the latest CLSI standards
and guidelines. All content areas have been updated to
encompass recent significant findings, including the
leukemias, sickle cell anemia, and medical
• NEW: New full-color art program engages the reader
• Learning objectives provide a quick overview of content
to be covered.
• Case studies reinforce concepts with real-world
• Procedure boxes provide step-by-step information for key
• Review questions reinforce the student's understanding of
key concepts and aid in test preparation.-Chapter
highlights enable a quick review of material learned in
each chapter.
Immunohematology: Principles and
Practice, Third Edition
Eva D. Quinley MS, MT(ASCP)SBB, CLS(NCA)
February 2010 / 512 pp./ 978-0-7817-8204-3
• NEW! Chapter on information technology
Student Resources:
• Online study guide for
students: Includes basic
to advanced case studies
and questions that are
organized to be used as
supplements to each
• Fully searchable full text
• NEW! Chapter on principles of project management
• NEW! Chapter on process management has been expanded to
include information about Six Sigma and Lean Principles.
• Color plates section
• Chapter objectives
• Chapter review questions and answers
• Boxes highlighting important concepts Key Words list
• References
Anderson’s Atlas of Hematology
Shauna C. Anderson PhD
Keila B. Poulsen MT(ASCP)SH, CLS(NCA)
2003 / 424 pp./ 450 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-2662-7
•Well known authors that are known in the field
•Follows the CLS Body of Knowledge (CLS curriculum
authored by Shauna Anderson for MTs & MLTs
•Format allows for bench-top access to the materials
provided on CD-ROM
•Side-by-side comparisons
•Coverage of both normal and abnormal cells
Anderson’s Electronic Atlas of
Hematology, Version 2.0
Shauna C. Anderson PhD
Keila B. Poulsen MT(ASCP)SH, CLS(NCA)
2002 / 978-0-7817-2661-0
•Over 900 high-quality images
•Side-by-side viewing for comparison of cells
•On/off labeling function
•Additional morphology evaluation questions, now 125 in
total, complete with instant feedback and rationales
Electronic Atlas of Hematologic
Shauna C. Anderson PhD
Keila B. Poulsen MT(ASCP)SH, CLS(NCA)
2003 / 978-0-7817-2645-0
•A diagnostic scheme provides an outline which will
characterize the disorder
•Each disorder is followed by various morphologic
illustrations, giving the user the opportunity to use
interpretive and evaluative skills.
•Case studies for each disorder summarize the
description and allow for better understanding
•Concept applications are also included with case
Direct Smear Atlas
Linda M. Marler MS, MT(ASCP)SM
Jean A. Siders MS, MT(ASCP)
Stephen D. Allen MD
2001 / 320 pp./ 269 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-2663-4
•Full-color, spiral-bound manual of Gram-stained direct
smears for medical technologist and laboratory technician
students and practitioners, microbiologists, pathologists,
infectious disease specialists, and anyone who interprets
Gram-stained specimens
•Over 250 clear photomicrographs taken from actual
patient specimens
•Brief legends accompany each image
•Three introductory chapters cover Gram-stain procedures,
quality control, evaluation, and more
A Color Atlas and Instruction Manual of
Peripheral Blood Cell Morphology
Barbara H. O'Connor MS, SH, (ASCP)
1984 / 316 pp./ 978-0-683-06624-1
•Essential guide helps identify blood type cells, which are
difficult to categorize, and explains the morphologic
characteristics of peripheral blood cells in detail
•Some of the book's features include:
−Color photographs that depict each stage of cell
maturation in the exact sequence of development
−Comparative photographs of difficult-to-identify
cells from different cell lines with adjacent diagrams
and instructions in chart form
−An explanation of the entire differential procedure,
with mathematical guidelines
Graff’s Handbook of Urinalysis and Body
Fluids, Second Edition
Lillian Mundt
February 2010 / 400 pp./ 978-1-58255-875-2
Instructor Resources:
•PowerPoint Slides
•Image Bank
•Test Generator
Student Resources:
•Additional Case Studies
•Full-Text Online
•Practical handbook contains everything its user needs to know
when performing routine urinalyses
•Comprehensive in scope, the book discusses the formation of
urine, its constituents and properties in both health and disease,
the origin of these constituents, and the principles of urinalysis
• NEW! Textbook tools such as chapter objectives, study questions,
and a glossary frame each chapter and make the text more userfriendly for instructors and students.
• NEW! Case studies help connect the content to real-life clinical
• NEW! Chapter objectives, study questions, glossary, case studies.
• The Urinalysis images, which have been the main selling feature,
have been retained, but there are more full-color images added
to this edition.
Handbook of Diagnostic Tests, Third
2003 / 832 pp./ 100 illustrations/ 978-1-58255-203-3
•Two-part organization:
−Part I: Alphabetical listing of more than 500 disorders with their
key test results
−Part II: 16 chapters of laboratory tests and diagnostic
procedures grouped by type
•Clear, standard, chronological format for test entries in Part II:
−Patient preparation
−Procedure steps and posttest care
−Normal findings/Reference values
−Abnormal findings and the disorders they confirm or suggest
−Interfering factors and their effects on the test
•Clinical alert icon for important clinical points concerning test
administration, special posttest considerations, and results requiring
immediate action
•Appendices include Normal laboratory values, Normal and
abnormal serum drug levels, and Illustrated guide to patient selftesting
•Thirty new diagnostic tests
•Thorough updating of existing tests
•Addition of SI units to all laboratory tests
A Concise Review of Clinical Laboratory
Science, Second Edition
Joel Hubbard PhD, MT(ASCP)
February 2009 / 432 pp./ 135 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-8202-9
Instructor and Student
•Image Bank
•Quiz Bank
•Case Studies
•Full-Text Online
•Tables summarize important facts for quick reference
•Figures and illustrations help students understand how to
perform procedures and analyze results.
•Boxes highlight calculations, formulas, and other important
information and examples.
•Online menus at the end of each chapter point students to
supplementary web-based materials.
•A concise summary of the most important facts/concepts in
each subject area is presented in an outline format and is
followed by study questions representing all taxonomic levels.
•New chapter on Molecular Pathology is included that focuses
on molecular laboratory methods and an overview on the
testing of genetic diseases.
•An expanded chapter dealing with Laboratory Operations is
included that addresses topics such as management and
organizational theory, professionalism, quality assurance,
laboratory regulations, and delivery of an educational unit.
•A chapter with case study examples is provided at the end of
the book for practice in applied knowledge.
•A complete practice exam (comparable to national
certification exams) is provided at the end of the book.
NCA Review for the Clinical Laboratory
Sciences, Fourth Edition
Susan J. Beck PhD, CLS (NCA)
May 2002 / 320 pp./ 25 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-3190-4
•Includes chapter review questions and practice tests—
complete with answers and explanations— for both CLT
and CLS
•Written by practicing clinical laboratory scientists who are
experts in their disciplines and are familiar with NCA Exam
•Provides an overall assessment of performance in all major
areas of the clinical laboratory sciences
•Explains the examination content, format and scoring
•Reviews test taking strategies
•Includes charts, graphs, and current references for further
•Questions and answers reflecting the most recent NCA
exams, NCA job analyses, and current entry level practice
•Accompanying CD-ROM with an additional 500 questions,
allows users to generate CLT and CLS practice exams
Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, Eight
Jacques Wallach, MD
2006 / 1200 pp./ 109 illustrations/ 978-0-7817-3055-6
•Quick, clear answers to What tests do I order, and what do
the results mean?
•Summarizes available tests for most diseases, explains what
results mean, and discusses differential diagnoses
•Arranged by organ system
•Readers can search for information in the way that best
suits their needs—by index, table of contents, test results, or
specific disease
•Includes extensive tables of normal and panic values,
tables comparing test results in similar diseases, and an
appendix of conversion factors between conventional and
SI units
•Eighth Edition highlights include:
−Additional tests based on molecular biology
−New data on the use of genetic tests
−Many new diagnostic laboratory tests in chemistry
−Imaging tests included where they play a key role in
−Expanded section on chemical and microbiological
A Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic
Tests, Eighth Edition
Frances Fischbach, RN, BSN, MSN
Marshall B. Dunning, III, BS, MS, PhD
2008/ 1344 pp./ 22 illus./ 978-0-7817-7194-8
• Full-color design now more enhanced, with a better
design to showcase
• Covers a broad range of laboratory and diagnostic
tests and studies that are delivered to varied patient
populations in varied settings
• Chapters organized by type of study, then into
subgroups by type of test so that the student does
not need to know the exact name of the test
• Each test organized by specific heads, ensuring
consistency and thoroughness of coverage
• Headings are organized by Test Name, Normal
Values, Background, Explanation of Test, Procedure,
Clinical Implications, Interfering Factors, Patient
Preparation, and Patient Aftercare
• Clinical Alerts highlight critical safety information
• Notes within the text provide helpful tips
• Both conventional and SI units included
• Addition of new lab tests
The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the
Health Professions
Thomas H. McConnell MD, FCAP
2006/ 739 pp./ 551 illus./978-0-7817-8203-6
Instructor Resources:
•Test generator
•PowerPoint slides
•Lecture notes
•Answers to in-text exercises
•Image bank
•Lesson Plan Guide
Student Resources:
•247-question interactive quiz bank
−Acute Inflammation
−Wound Healing
−Neuromuscular Transmission
•Back to Basics provide an overview of normal anatomy and
•Major Determinants of Disease lists offer overview of key
determinants of development of disease
•Case studies center on the details of a real patient's illness
•The Road Not Taken scenarios imagine how the course of
disease might have been different, with a better outcome, if
certain factors were altered
•Test questions reinforce principles and hone skills
•Opening quotes introduce each chapter with entertainment
•Chapter overviews
•Chapter outlines
•Learning objectives and answers
•Key terms and concepts
•Feature boxes:
−Key Points
−The Clinical Side
−Lab Tools
−Basics in Brief
−History of Medicine
Pathophysiology: A Clinical Approach
Second Edition
Carie A. Braun; Cindy M. Anderson
Textbook: January 2011/ 608pps/ 370 illus/ 978-1-60547-304-8
Study Guide: February 2011/ 176pps/ 21 illus/ 978-1-60831-187-3
Instructor Resources:
•Test generator
•Image bank
•PowerPoint slides
•Answers to exercises in the text
•Additional case studies
Pathophysiology animations
•Additional learning activities with
•Lesson plans
Student Resources:
•Pathophysiology animations
•Quiz bank
•Interactive case studies
•For sale companion study guide
• NEW! Fully revised chapters are now broken into modules, breaking
complex information into smaller pieces and providing a building-block
approach to the material.
• NEW! Each chapter closes with Clinical Models, which apply the
conceptual understanding of altered human function to specific
conditions, and demonstrating the practical clinical application of the
knowledge gained throughout the chapter.
• Conceptual approach and organization facilitate application and
retention of key information.
Sophisticated full-color art program engages students and includes
detailed illustrations of the human body in health and disease.
• An application exercise in the last chapter requires students to apply the
complex pathophysiologic concepts that they have learned to diabetes
mellitus, emphasizing the practical nature of the material through
• From The Lab: provides additional content on relevant laboratory and
diagnostic information, including unique aspects of the lab test and lab
results for students to consider.
• Research: highlights new findings and demonstrates how research can be
incorporated into clinical practice.
Recommended Review: briefly reviews related concepts covered earlier in
the text or from prior anatomy and physiology coursework.
100 Case Studies in Pathophysiology
Harold J. Bruyere, Jr., PhD
October 2008/ 480pp./ 978-0-7817-6145-1
Instructor Resources:
• Answers to the questions
found in the Disease Summary
and Patient Case sections
• Image bank containing
figures and tables
Student Resources:
• Over 150 color photographs
and illustrations online & on CDROM
• Disease Summary for each
case study online & on CD-ROM
Organ systems approach to categorize human diseases
and other health conditions
Patient Cases incorporate new medical terms and
Case studies are divided into a Disease Summary of a
specific health condition and a relevant Patient case
Disease Summaries, on the CD-ROM, assess the student’s
understanding or require the student to conduct more
extensive research of the medical literature
Patient Cases, in the printed workbook, present detailed
information that stimulates real-life patients
Critical thinking and problem solving questions
Handbook of Pathophysiology,
Fourth Edition
Elizabeth J. Corwin PhD, MSN, FNP
October 2010 / 736 pp./ 136 illustrations/ 978-1-60547-725-1
•Easy reference in the classroom or clinical environment
•Presents a summary of physiology concepts for each
body system, followed by an overview of important
pathophysiology concepts related to 'alterations' in that
body system
•These pathophysiology concepts provide the necessary
foundation for understanding the disease or injury states
that are presented next in the chapter
•Includes new illustrations, completely updated
references, and new and updated content on genetics,
neuroendocrinology, immunology, hemodynamic
monitoring, cardiovascular compensatory mechanisms of
shock, and more
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the
Health Professions and Nursing,
Seventh Edition
2011/ 2512 pp./ 1000 illus./ 978-1-60831-692-2
Ancillary Assets:
• More than 40,000
pronunciations online
• 5,600 illustrations
available online
Over 56,000 terms
Nearly 65 valuable appendices
1,000 illustrations
Anatomical insert by Anatomical Chart Company
Written pronunciations for every term
British alternative spellings
Precision-cut thumb tabs
A to Z organization for easier look up
Over 70 leading consultants from the fastest growing
nursing and health professions contributed to the
enhancements of this latest edition
• FREE One year subscription to Stedman’s Online
• FREE version of Stedman’s PLUS Medical/Pharmaceutical
Spellchecker ($99 value)
LWW’s Student Success for Health
Professions Made Incredibly Easy,
Second Edtiion
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
February 2011/ 326 pp./ 173 illustrations/ 978-1-60913-784-7
Instructor Resources:
•Test Bank
•Syllabi for 8-week, 10-week, and
16-week courses
•PowerPoint presentations
•Strategies for effective teaching
•Chapter-specific teaching tips
•WebCT/BB/Angel course
Student Resources:
•Learning styles assessment
•Self-Paced Online Course
•“Playing for Real” narratives
•Printable planner pages
•Sample cover letters and
•Career resource links
• Revised and updated with a more user-friendly organization
and design, but retains the health professions focus, the
concise and approachable narrative, and the fun features
and art.
• The first and only student success text designed specifically
for health professions students and programs!
•Self-Paced Online Course with activities and a final exam
• Winning Strategy Lists set forth the objectives for the chapter
• Playing for Real Scenarios: show students how content is
applied to real-life situations in the classroom and in clinical
• Tips from the Pros offer expert advice and proven strategies
for overcoming study and test-taking problems
• The Finish Line Summaries highlight the key concepts and
skills that students need to master
• Keeping Score Questions and Activities challenge students
to consider how they will apply the content
Communication Skills for the Health
Laurie Kelly McCorry, PhD
Jeff Mason
February 2011/ 256 pp./ 50 illus./ 978-1-58255-814-1
• Presents the fundamentals of communication skills geared
specifically for students in the allied health professions
• Includes a clear, concise presentation of the principles of
communication theory as well as verbal and nonverbal
• Instructs the health care professional on communicating with
patients whose ability may be impacted by anxiety, cultural
differences, language differences and other situations.
• Organized into three main sections outlining basic communication
principles and their uses in clinical and administrative settings
• Chapters on cultural sensitivity, adapting communication to adjust
to a patient’s ability to understand, and dealing with other roadblocks
provide students with techniques to handle many situations that they
will encounter as a healthcare professional.
• Role Play boxes interspersed throughout the chapters teach students
how to work through various scenarios that they may encounter in
• Clinical applications, included in each chapter, offer more complex
scenarios to aid the students in developing the critical thinking skills
they will need to apply in practice.