2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS 5 July 2010 1- GENERAL FRAMEWORK This call for projects1 is jointly launched by the French Embassy in Singapore, the three Singaporean universities National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological university (NTU) and Singapore Management University (SMU) along with A*STAR, the Temasek Life Sciences Laboratory (TLL) and the Singapore Eye Research Institute (SERI)2. This program is based on the following principles: • Transparency: open and clear procedures for the call for projects and candidates • Scientific evaluation of the proposals by experts in their respective fields • Flexibility • Visibility of the joint cooperative activities between the French and Singaporean parties • Co-funding between the French and Singaporean partners 1 Merlion is part of the PHC program (Partenariat Hubert Curien). It is a form of cooperative joint program in science supported by the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and local institutions. 2 The Singapore Ministry of Education described, in 2007, the Merlion initiative as one “that facilitates international collaboration for researchers in Singaporean universities and research institutes (…) and that will broaden the training of PhD students through overseas attachments.” Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 1/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS This call and the subsequent support for the selected projects aim to create and/or strengthen existing scientific co-operation between France and Singapore. The aim of this fifth Call For Proposals is two-fold: - To provide support for joint scientific and technological projects; To encourage the creation of research laboratories jointly run by France and Singapore, such as IPAL3, SONDRA4 or CINTRA5… and the creation of startups and technology transfer etc… Projects submitted must be a collaborative research project involving both a French and a Singaporean partner. Projects will be evaluated and selected by the relevant Singaporean institutions and the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Please note that the two calls, namely “Merlion” and “Merlion PhD” are now considered one and the same; Both will be described in greater details in the following pages. 2- FINANCIAL SUPPORT PROVIDED TO THE PROJECTS a. Merlion program The amount provided by the French Embassy is €7,500 per annum per project, for a period of 2 years. The actual given support may vary depending on the type and importance of activities. As a co-funded program, the financial support from the Singaporean side has to be at least as significant as the French financial support. The program is funded by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAEE) and not the Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR). This means that the support given is not intended for the research work itself but will instead be used in the implementation of international cooperation. Therefore, the support is mainly for logistical purposes. Other sources of funding can be sought from foundations, institutions supports or companies… to complement this budget. The participation of an industrial partner bringing an additional financial support is particularly encouraged. The financial support can take three forms: - Missions to Singapore for France-based scientists Missions to France for Singapore-based scientists 3 Image & Pervasive Access Lab, a joint laboratory between CNRS, University Joseph Fourier, NUS and A*STAR, based in Singapore 4 Joint research laboratory involving ONERA, SUPELEC, NUS and DSTA, based in France 5 A joint laboratory between CNRS, NTU and the French company Thalès around nanotechnologies for electronics, photonics and their applications. Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 2/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS Doctoral or Post-doctoral scholarships for France-based and Singaporebased students As part of a mission of a Singapore-based scientist to France, the French Embassy in Singapore will finance all the expenses: transportation from Singapore to France and daily allowances (per-diems) up to 10 days, except for projects with A* Star. 6 - As part of a mission of a France-based scientist to Singapore, the Singaporean partner will finance all the expenses: transportation from France to Singapore and daily allowances (per-diems), except for projects with A* Star. 6 If either a Singaporean or French company is involved in a project, the French Embassy will only finance the transportation and daily allowance for its PhD students and post-docs, within the budget set for the project. A Franco-Singaporean project can also take the form of a workshop involving researchers, PhD students, post-docs., etc. This event can take place either in France or in Singapore. The support given to a selected project is subject to the selection terms and conditions as stipulated for joint projects. The workshop has to be co-financed by France and Singapore. The funding from the French Embassy will not exceed €15,000 based on quotations. The objective of the workshop is to strengthen bilateral research ties through the development of new partnerships between the two countries. To summarise, the funding scheme is as follows: Missions for Francebased scientists visiting Singapore6 Missions for Singapore-based scientists visiting France6 Doctoral and Postdoctoral scholarships French Embassy Singaporean partner 0 Transportation + per-diems Transportation7 + per-diems (up to 10 days) 0 Monthly allowance to Singapore-based junior scientists while in France8. (1 month min. /3 months max.) Monthly allowance to France-based junior scientists while in Singapore (1 month min. /6 months max.) 6 For the joint projects with A*Star, French Embassy will fund transportation and per-diems for France-based scientists visiting Singapore and A*Star will fund transportation and per diems for Singapore-based scientists visiting France. 7 The air ticket needs to be purchased by the French Embassy. 8 It is applicable to all junior scientists attached to the Singaporean institution in the framework of the Merlion project. Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 3/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS The funding will not exceed €30,000, with a balanced funding between the French Embassy and the Singaporean partner.9 The grant for junior scientists from Singapore while in France will include: Workshops • • • A monthly allowance. The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs fixes each year several scholarship rates according to the scientist’s level. 10 Social security and civil liability coverage; Accommodation can be provided upon request. However, this will be paid from the per-diems allotted for the duration of stay in France. Please note that this scholarship does not cover any travel expenses related to the scientist, his/her family or friends. Important: Projects are funded on an annual basis. The continuation of funding for the second year will be subject to: The submission of a progress report for the year just ended; The submission of an estimation of the number of trips to be undertaken for the coming year; An equitable use of the funding and an equal number of travels by each partner. b. Merlion PhD programme The candidates have to be involved, for their PhD studies, in a FrancoSingaporean research project of which the subject area is in accordance with the scientific priorities of both partners. The research project must be jointly defined and agreed upon by both French and Singaporean partners, along with the student. The two PhD supervisors (one based in France and the other in Singapore) must be clearly identified, and the periods of stay in France and Singapore for the research project detailed precisely. The co-funding of the research project from other sources, if it exists, will also be considered and is highly recommended. Singaporean candidates who possess a grant or a scholarship from any Singaporean institution are eligible to apply to the Merlion program and may accumulate several funding sources. 9 This is a one-time grant from the French Embassy. According to the French MFA, PhD scholarships in 2010 are expected to cost around €1,500 gross per month and scholarships for a post-doc are around €2,450 gross per month. These amounts are indicative and may be different at the launch of the mission. 10 Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 4/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS The length of stay in France supported by the Embassy is 18 months over a 3-year period, up to 6 months per year. If certain compulsory courses are required to be taken by the PhD student in Singapore, the possibility of replacing some of these with an attendance at doctoral seminars in France may be discussed and agreed to by both Singaporean and French supervisors. Important: The proposal should be a joint submission by the French and Singaporean supervisors. Applications made by individual candidates will not be accepted. Only students about to start their first year of doctoral studies are eligible to apply. Specific attention will be paid to the source(s) of funding for the project. Flexibility: if the student stays less than 6 months during his first or second year, it may be possible to defer the remaining period to the following year. Each situation will be considered on a case by case basis. 3- SELECTION CRITERIA REGARDING THE PROPOSALS The criteria for submission are as follows: • • • • • strict adherence to the deadline research project must be a joint collaboration between the Singaporean and French institutions all universities (private or public), laboratories and organizations are eligible to submit a project both partners must agree to co-finance the project a credible post-MERLION co-operation and funding plan must be drawn up The encouraged criteria are as follows: • • • projects that have not already received funding under MERLION program participation of an industrial partner. In this case, the partnership must be a trilateral collaboration involving a French or Singaporean industrial partner, a French and a Singaporean research/academic organization. workshop projects whose aim is to create new collaborations will be encouraged Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 5/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS • a financial commitment from the French and Singaporean research/academic organizations • a balanced number of missions to Singapore and to France Each project will be evaluated by the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education according to the following criteria, although not restricted to the following: • • • • • quality, originality and methodology of the project, relevant expertise of both the French and Singaporean teams involved in the project, interest and level of co-operation in the chosen field of research. Please note that while the partners may have differing fields of specialization, the research work of the team has to be complementary, extent of the involvement of junior Principal Investigators (PIs), researchers and/or post-docs, scientific and economic impact and applications. The projects eventually selected will be funded for a maximum of 2 years. The Merlion PhD projects eventually selected will be funded for a maximum of 3 years. An annual progress report and a final report will have to be submitted. 4- SCIENTIFIC TOPICS AND HOSTING LABORATORY Applications are open to all research areas of: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mathematics Physics Earth Sciences and Astronomy Chemistry Biology, Medicine and Health Human and Social Sciences 7. Economics and Business 8. Engineering 9. Information and Communication Technologies 10. Agronomy, Animal and Plant Production, Food The research may be conducted in and led by, either public or private research institutes (e.g. universities, EPIC, EPST) or the private company-partner, or more than one party. 5- APPLICATION PROCEDURE Application forms are available on the website of the French Embassy in Singapore: www.ambafrance-sg.org/sciencetech-platform/merlion/ Scientists from both countries are invited to submit their proposals online (and not by any other means) to facilitate downloading the proposals for evaluation. Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 6/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS In case of difficulty, please inform the Science Section of the French Embassy in Singapore and/or the contact person in your organization. 6- SCHEDULE The deadline for the call for proposals is fixed and must be strictly adhered to. Date of the call launch: 05 July 2010 Deadline for submission: 31 August 2010, 5 pm French time (The complete files must be sent before this date). An email of acknowledgement will be sent to project leaders by both the French Embassy in Singapore and the Singaporean institution involved. Evaluation: The scientific evaluation of the proposals will be done between 1st September 2010 and 30th November 2010. Results diffusion: Results will be known in December 2010. A letter informing each project leader of the outcome will be sent by the French Embassy. The call results may also be obtained online (http://www.ambafrance-sg.org/sciencetechplatform/merlion/) Funding start: The funding for the selected projects will begin in January 2011. NB: SUBMISSION OF INCOMPLETE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED For further information, please contact: Christelle GERVASONI, Deputy Attaché for Science and Technology Tel: +65 68 80 78 51 E-mail: christelle.gervasoni@diplomatie.gouv.fr French Embassy in Singapore Science & Education Section Department of Science, Education and Culture 101-103 Cluny Park Road 259595 Singapore - Or your Singaporean institution contact person: A*STAR (BMRC) Dr. FOO Ngee Chih 20, Biopolis Way, #08-01 Centros Singapore 138668 A*STAR (SERC) Mr. CHAN Andy Fusionopolis Way, #18-01 Connexis Singapore 138632 Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 7/8 2010 « MERLION » PROGRAM CALL FOR JOINT FRANCO-SINGAPOREAN RESEARCH PROJECTS Fax: (65) 6478 9581 E-mail: foo_ngee_chih@a-star.edu.sg Fax: (65) 6779 8061 E-mail: andy_chan@a-star.edu.sg NTU NUS Prof. K.A Khor Associate Provost (Research) President’s Office 76 Nanyang Avenue, Block N2.1, B4-03 Singapore 637331 Tel: (65) 6592 1816 E-mail: AssocProvost-R@ntu.edu.sg Prof. Andrew YC. Nee Office of Research University Hall, Lee Kong Chian Wing UHL #05-02S, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Singapore 119077 Fax: (65) 6774 5867 E-mail: mpeneeyc@nus.edu.sg SERI SMU Ms Sharmila Kannan Asst Director, Corp Affairs & Research Admin 11 Third Hospital Avenue #05-00 SNEC building Singapore 168751 Fax: (65) 6323 1903 Email: sharmila.kannan@seri.com.sg Prof. Winston Koh Director, Research Administration SMU, 81 Victoria Street Singapore 188065 Fax: (65) 6828 0810 E-mail: winstonkoh@smu.edu.sg TLL Dr. Peter Chia Chief Operating Officer NUS, 1 Research Link Singapore 117604 Fax: (65) 6872 7013 E-mail: peter@tll.org.sg If you are from Singaporean research institutions not listed above, please contact Ms Christelle GERVASONI before submitting your proposals. Call for proposals 2010 – Program « Merlion » - Date: 05/07/2010 8/8