Application For ConnectOregon Program 2005-2006 To ensure you have current program information, e-mail to get on the electronic mailing list. PART A- Project Summary and Certification: Use this form or a replica. Print and sign one original. Attach additional text at the end as necessary identified with the corresponding question number. APPLICANT ORGANIZATION NAME PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE Regional Maritime Security Coalition Paul R. Dombrowski ADDRESS TELEPHONE 3556 NW Front Ave. #382 REVISED#079-06 3/3/06 503-525-8850 CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE FAX Portland, Oregon 503-525-8851 CO-APPLICANT / CO-SPONSOR ORGANIZATION NAME PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE ADDRESS TELEPHONE CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE FAX 3. PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION Integrated Intermodal Safety, Security and Efficiency Enhancement Project. Columbia River 4. SUMMARY OF PROJECT Expansion and enhancement of the communication and information sharing system (CSTS-Net) ,(see remainder of summary in addendum page 8 5. COST SUMMARY a) ConnectOregon Grant Amount $1,226,667. b) ConnectOregon Loan Amount $ c) Subtotal ConnectOregon Funds $ d) Match Amount $1,226,667. e) Other Fund Amount $ f) Project Total (c + d + e) $2,453,334. 6. CERTIFICATION I certify that (applicant organization) supports the proposed project, has the legal authority to pledge matching funds, and has the legal authority to apply for ConnectOregon funds. I further certify that matching funds are available or will be available for the proposed project. I understand that all State rules for contracting, auditing, underwriting (where applicable) and payment will apply to this project. 2/16/06 James R. Townley, Jr. APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE PRINTED NAME CO APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE PRINTED NAME 1 ConnectOregon Program Application PART B - Applicant Qualifications 1. CONTACT INFORMATION APPLICANT ORGANIZATION NAME PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE Regional Maritime Security Coalition (RMSC) Paul R. Dombrowski ADDRESS TELEPHONE 3556 NW Front Ave. #382 503-525-8850 CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE FAX Portland, Oregon 97210 503-525-8851 CO-APPLICANT / CO-SPONSOR ORGANIZATION NAME PRIMARY CONTACT PERSON AND TITLE ADDRESS TELEPHONE CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE FAX 2. IS / ARE THE APPLICANT(S) CURRENT ON ALL STATE AND LOCAL TAXES, FEES AND ASSESSMENTS? YES NO If NO, Explain: PART C - Project Description 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE: Summarize the project's description and purpose. Provide maps in 8 1/2 "X 11" format as hard copy only. This project uses the Connect Oregon funds to double the equipment, coverage, and connectivity currently being developed through an existing Transportation security Administration (TSA)-Regional Maritime Security Coalition (RMSC) Cooperative Agreement. The end goal of the Integrated Intermodal Safety, Security and Efficiency Enhancement Program (IISSEEP) is to provide safer, more reliable, and more efficient intermodal freight mobility over the region's surface, air and maritime infrastructure. Better mobility will benefit both metropolitan communities and the freight community, while also contributing to the strtegic goals of mitigating congestion, enhancing economic performance, and ensuring national security. Under the grant, the creation of a single integrated intermodal system will be advanced by applying the tecnology and lessons learned from RMSC operational tests. The hallmark of the program is linking information systems together to benefit the community at large. Linking information systems between the modes to provide an end-to-end information flow is expected to enhance and make more efficient the movement of freight and make the region more competitive. (Continued on page 8) 2 4. ConnectOregon (CO) Project Budget SOURCES OF FUNDS: Please identify the source and amount of moneys comprising your project budget in terms of grants, loans, match and other funds. SOURCES: Amount a. ConnectOregon Grant $1,226,667. b. ConnectOregon Loan $ c. Required Match (Grants -20% of d. Other Leveraged Funds (2) e. Other Leveraged Funds (2) f. Other Non-Leveraged Funds (Describe) g. Other Non-Leveraged Funds (Describe) Total Project) 1 TOTAL* $1,226,667. Percent of Total 50% % 50% $ % $ % $ % $ % $2,453,334. DATE AVAILABLE Cal Year Quarter 2006 1 2006 1 100% (1) Please describe the source and timing of the 20% match shown above. If applicable include the cost basis of property. $920,000. Federal TSA RDT&E money plus $306,667. private sector money and gift-in-kind available immediately (2) If your project leverages other funds beyond the ConnectOregon grants, loans and match required for your project, please describe the source, timing and basis for valuing the other funds. Leveraged funds must be shown in 1(d) and 1(e) above. USES OF FUNDS: Please identify the proposed uses and amount of moneys comprising the project budget. USES: Amount $550000.00 Percent of Total 22.4% $958,609. 39.1% 2006 1 Materials and Supplies $9,375. .004% 2006 1 Capital Outlay (Land) $ % Capital Outlay (Buildings) $ % Labor (Payroll) Contracted Services (If Known) DATE AVAILABLE Cal Year Quarter 2006 1 $795,000. 32.4% 2006 1 Other (Describe): _________________________ $40,000. .02% 2006 1 Other (Describe): _________________________ $40,150. .02% 2006 1 Other (Describe): _________________________ $60,200. .03% 2006 1 Capital Outlay (Equipment) Other (Describe): _________________________ $ % TOTAL* $2,453,334. 100% *Totals for Sources of Funds and Uses of Funds must be equal 3 5. REAL ESTATE EXACT ADDRESS OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PURCHASE PRICE a. IS PROPERTY OWNED BY APPLICANT(S)? YES NO b. IS PROPERTY TO BE PURCHASED? YES NO c. IS PROPERTY TO BE LEASED? YES NO YES NO PURCHASE PRICE DATE DATE d. DOES THE PROJECT INCLUDE EASEMENTS OR DONATED PROPERTY? Provide any additional details here: PART D - Project Considerations NOTE: The independent review consultant who will evaluate the project may consider other published or publicly available information when conducting this review. 6. TRANSPORTATION COST REDUCTION: Describe how the project reduces transportation costs for Oregon businesses. Better planning/scheduling of freight movement made possible by this network reduces delays, fuel consumption,and emmissions. Ships calling on Oregon ports can be loaded confidently to greater epths due to significantly improved and timely river and channel status information supplied directly to Oregon licensed maritime pilots, ship masters, and crews. Improved connectivity between a broader array of public and private trade and transportation professionals can be enabled to rapidly share information and identify and pusue a broader range of gowth and development alternatives and opportunities. (See page 8 for contiuation) 7. MODAL CONNECTIVITY: Describe how the project benefits or connects two or more modes of transportation. The project provides secure, real-time, web-based alerting, information and data transfer, and communications connectivity between all major air, surface, and maritime transportation stakeholders managing regional supply chains serving the Columbia-snake transportation corridor. Public and private professionals involved with domestic and global trade and transportation will be able to rapidly share data and information regarding surface and air transportation status, capacity, and near-term plans affecting the movement of oregon's commerce. The project builds on the world's largest WiFi network in Morrow county, Oregon where the integration of suh diverse technologies as wireless cameras at the UP Hinkle Rail yard, the IRIS Plume Dispersion Model that is part of the FEMA Chemical (See page 9 for continuation) 4 8. STATEWIDE OR REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION LINK: Describe how the project creates a critical link in a statewide or regional transportation system. The system enables visual monitering of key rail, highway and river locations via low-light pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras; seamless integration of multiple technologies and information sources using touch-screen technologies; rapid and secure sharing of surface and cargo and conveyance status, location, technical specification, and operationalinformation among supply chain stakeholders serving the Columbia-Snake transportation corridor; safer movement of ships and barges within Oregon's waterways; increased cargo loading capacity for ships calling on Columbia River ports; and secure web-based linkage of key Oregon businesses and public officials to air, surface, and maritime modal managers and operators, to customs brokers and freight forwarders, and to expanded regional, national, and global markets. Communication and information-sharing linkages between maritime, air, highway, and rail will be supported by a secure webbased platform from Lewistn, ID. to Astoria, OR. Under normal day-to-day operating circumstances CSTS-Net will provide enhanced communication and efficiency. In emergency situations it will allow improved response and recovery. 9. COST BORNE BY APPLICANT(S): Provide the amount by which the project will exceed, or. provide a match beyond ConnectOregon's minimum grant-match requirement of 20%. We propose a 50-50 match. $1,226,667. Connect Oregon dollars will be matched to$920,000. Federal dollars and $306,667. private sector dollars and gift-in-kind, for a total match of $1,226,667. 10. PERMANENT AND CONSTRUCTION JOBS CREATION/RETENTION: Describe how the project creates and retains permanent and construction jobs in Oregon. The Columbia-Snake River system provides cargomovements to and from deep draft facilities. Enhancing cargo efficiency and security will support our deep draft employment activities. Maintaining and expanding ship calls on the Columbia is necessary to support many of Oregon's family wage jobs. The Columbia River channel provides market access for many of Oregon's chief employers such as Nike, Columbia Sportsware, Simplot and others. Maritime market access is necessary for Oregon's continued competitiveness and employment including agricultural goods. (Continued on page 9) 11. ANTICIPATED CONSTRUCTION START DATE OR EQUIVALENT: Immediately 12. ANTICIPATED PROJECT COMPLETION DATE: November 30, 2006 5 13. CONSTRUCTION READINESS: Provide a project timeline and describe where the project is on this timeline in relation to planning, design and permitting issues. Our project is currently underway. The phase proposed for this joint initiative began on January 1, 2006 and is scheduled to end in the fall of 2006. The timeline is based on our Cooperative Agreement with TSA. An MOU with Oregon department of transportation, granting access to important cameralocations, power sources and communication linkages at key intermodal (i.e. rail and highway bridges, vessel anchorage areas, etc. locations is almost complete. We have been working with ODOT on this MOU since september 2005. ODOT is quite enthusiastic about this project. (See page 9 for continuation) 14. PROJECT OPERATIONS: How will the ongoing maintenance, operation and replacement of the project be financed? To date, the project has been financed Federally as a research, development, testing, and evaluation program that is expected to continue for several more years. Private sector funding has come from fees on cargos and ships in the Columbia River region. (Continued on page 9) 15. OTHER CONSIDERATIONS AND INFORMATION: Describe any other considerations and information you would like taken into account about the project. This project is supported by Oregon public ports on the Columbia River, the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association, the Columbia River Steamship Operators Association,the Columbia River Towboat Association, the Columbia River Pilots, the Oregon AFL&CIO, the Portland State University Hatfield School of Government, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, the Oregon Department of Transportation, Oregon Emergency Management, Morrow County Emergency Management, and others. This project not only enhances commerce in Orgon from an economic growth standpoint, but alo from a safety and security standpoint. What is significant is that by addressing all three points of view this project makes commerce in the Columbia River transportation Corridor more competitive relative to other areas of the U.S.,Canada, and Mexico. in addition to the economic benefit, this project increases the safety and security of people, conveyances, and cargo. The Columbia River Transportation Corridor will be ahead of other port and shipping areas who will then have to play an expensive game of catch-up. It is only a matter of time before new regulations or standards are put in place to address growing concerns about security and safety. If history is any indication, little, if any thought will be given to the economic consequences of new standards established to address security matters. (Continued on page 10) 6 PART E - Supporting Materials: Provide a list here of supporting materials that will be provided as part of your hard copy submission. We have enclosed one copy of the TSA-RMSC Phase II Cooperative Agreement entitled "CIAC Project Final Report", and three copies of the Electronic Digital Executive Summary DVD with the original hard copy Connect Oregon submittal. We have enclosed one copy of the two-page Executive Summary of the TSA-RMSC Phase II Cooperative Agreement entitled "CIAC Project Final Report" with each of the required 24 copies of the Connect Oregon submittal. We have also enclosed the TSA RMSC Phase III approved Modification 7 to the Cooperative Agreement that describes the planned expansion of the CSTS-Net air, surface, and maritime supply chain and technology connectivity during the next 6 months. Please note the proprietary nature of these materials during your evaluation process. Your discretion in the handling of this enclosure is appreciated. 7 ADDENDUM PAGE 8: Attach additional text here as necessary, identifying the corresponding application question number you are completing. 4. SUMMARY OF PROJECT: throughout the Columbia-Snake transportation corridor and doubling the impact of the Phase III TSA-RMSC partnership. (Continued from page 2, Block 3) We believe that sharing information through systems linked by the Columbia-Snake Transportation Security Network (CSTS-Net) developed during Phase II of the Cooperative Agreement can facillitate movements of intermodal freight by identifying and by-passing transportation bottlenecks at ports and on highways and eliminating stops for vehicle and cargo documentation that increase operating costs and contribute to congestion. A consistent message has been that a transportation system's physical infrstructure must effectively be complemented by a data communications and information shaing infrastructure if the system is to operate at its highest potential. The proposed project builds on an existing program now entering its fourth year. In a formal Cooperative Agreement between Oregon's public and private sector trade and transportation stakeholders (Regional Maritime Security Coalition), and the Department of Homeland Security's TSA, more than $4,000,000. in Federal dollars and approximately $1,000,000. in private sector matching dollars and gift-in-kind have already been used to build infrastructure that is improving the safety and competitiveness of Oregon's ports and businesses. The Connect Oregon initiative will build on this existing program, greatly accelerating and expanding its safety and economic competitiveness features. Further, for every "one" Connect dollar contributed, oregon could receive "three" Federal dollars in future years to be used building communications and connectivity infrastructure that makes Oregon's trade and transportation systems safer, more secure, and globally competitive. To establish this capabillity, we propose an initial 50-50 match comprised of $920,000. federal dollars and $307,667. private sector dollars and gift-in-kind (for a total of $1,226,667.) to$1,226,667. Connect Oregon dollars. Bydoubling the impact of Phase III, we improve our ability to leverage the estimated $1,800,000. Phase IV Federal funding package. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Continued from page 4, Block 6) Surface transportation disruptions resulting from natural or accidental causes can be communicated instantly and securely to a broader, more diverse, and better connected base of trade and transportation stakeholders thereby minimizing adverse cost impacts. The existince of this system allows public and private professionals to market Oregon's trade and transportation corridor, drawing more commerce into the state and reducing costs by amortizing expense over larger cargo and conveyance volumes. Law enforcement and emergency responders can be seamlessly and securly linked with other public and private sector professionals to develop transportation diversion alternatives that minimize costs of disruptions and that maximize transportation effectiveness in supporting law enforcement and/or emergency response efforts. 8 ADDENDUM PAGE 9: Attach additional text here as necessary, identifying the corresponding application question number you are completing. (Continued from page 4, Block 7) Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP), wireless cameras on board towing vessels and barges and at locks and dams, ODOT highway cameras, Hermiston's secure law enforcement wireless network, port security cameras purchased under DHS Port security Grants, data-fax transmissions from private sector companies, voice over internet protocol (VOIP), and data feeds from the Vessel Traffic information System (VTIS) being deployed by the Columbia River pilots has been successfully demonstrated. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Continued from page 5, Block 10) The importance of achieving significantly enhanced connectivity takes on a a special urgency when viewed in terms of oregon's current competitive situation. Oregon's ports have experianced steadily declining jobs and revenues over the decade. The ILWU alone has experianced a steady decline of approximately 25% in tonnege moved, hours worked, and revenues collected during this period. This decrease has occurred during a period of steadily increasing west coast jobs and trade generated revenues. Bottom line: while the west coast trade was growing, Oregon ports were losing market share and jobs. This proposed joint project will help restore Oregon's competitive edge, drawing in more cargo, revenues, and tax generating business. It will also save current jobs and offer a significant potential to regain many of the jobs and wage generating revenues that have been lost to competing port systems over the past decade. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Continued from page 6, Block 13) We have contract sub-recipient arrangements in place with morrow County Emergency Management. MCEM worked with RMSC and YSA during the last phase of the Cooperative Agreement in using their WiFi platform to link highway, rail, and maritime stakeholders and a wide variety of communications, information sharing, and current-off-the-shelf technologies together from Lewiston, ID to Astoria, OR. This arrangement will continue in the next phase. Contractual arrangements are in place with Hummingbird Defense Systems (who will provide the IR and PTZ Cameras, the touch-screen communication control center platforms, hardware, software, installation and deployment) and with EZ Wireless (who will provide the WiFi, WiMAX, and secure web-based communications platform capabilities for the project). Negotiations are being concluded with Freight Desk Technologies Inc. (who will provide integrated, intermodal information system software, design, and licensing services), and C&H Patriot security LLC (who will provide independent evaluation and review services for the project). _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (Continued from page 6, Block 14) It is expected that a combination of funds from the Federal government and from private sector fees on cargos and conveyances will be used to support the ongoing maintenance, operation, and replacement of project components in the future. 9 ADDENDUM PAGE 10: Attach additional text here as necessary, identifying the corresponding application question number you are completing. (Continued from page 6, Block 15) The Regional MaritimeSecurity Coalition (RMSC) has been working with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) through an existing Cooperative Agreement in developing alternative approaches that enhance security while simultaneously improving operational productivity abd efficiency. this has been accomplished through design of transportation and communication/information-sharing prototypes that link public and private stakeholders(and their resources and technologies) throughout the region. These prototypes are now being "transitioned" into actual operating systems throughout the Columbia-Snake River system. The success of these efforts continues to draw Federal attention, money and support to Oregon. This on-going project combined with funds from Connect Oregon will put Oregon more firmly in the "drivers seat", in setting standards for others to meet! this clearly places the Columbia River and Oregon out in front of other regions with whom we compete. The project is already underway. It has a track record of success that cotiues to draw public and private stakeholders regionally and nationally into the planning for future phases. The current phase will immediately expand the connectivity and information sharing capability of key intermodal surface and air, public and private stakeholders who are responsible for the safe, reliable, and effcient movement of Oregon's commerce. Oregon can take credit for the success of this phase of the projectby the end of this calender year. 10 ADDENDUM PAGE 11: Attach additional text here as necessary, identifying the corresponding application question number you are completing. 11 ADDENDUM PAGE 12: Attach additional text here as necessary, identifying the corresponding application question number you are completing. 12