CSS Tutorial Booklet - The Catholic University of America

Introduction to
Cascading Style Sheets
Tutorial Booklet for
LSC 610 – Catholic University
Ran Hock
Copyright © 2007 by Randolph Hock, Ph.D.
Ran Hock
9919 Corsica Street
Vienna, VA 22181 USA
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO CASCADING STYLE SHEETS .............................................................................................................1
WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES .........................................................................................................................................................1
LEVELS AT WHICH STYLES CAN BE APPLIED...................................................................................................................4
PREPARING YOUR HTML PAGES ...........................................................................................................................................5
THE FORMAT OF STYLES .........................................................................................................................................................6
SELECTORS ...................................................................................................................................................................................7
INHERITANCE AND PRECEDENCE.......................................................................................................................................10
COMMON, MOST USEFUL, STYLES ......................................................................................................................................13
FONTS AND TEXT ......................................................................................................................................................................14
POSITION .....................................................................................................................................................................................21
DYNAMIC EFFECTS ..................................................................................................................................................................23
COMMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................24
INDEX ............................................................................................................................................................................................26
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Just as anyone involved in any way with Web site design and management profits by knowing the
basics of HTML, the same is now true of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Effective utilization of
CSS can make the difference between an amateurish-looking site and a truly professional-looking
site, gives far superior control of layout, makes it possible to change every page of your site in just
seconds, and does things HTML just cannot do. This booklet will cover the basic structure of CSS
styles and style sheets and how and where to apply them. A basic knowledge of HTML will be
Booklet Objectives
This booklet will help students:
Know what CSS is all about and why it is useful
Be able to construct styles
Be able to apply styles at the inline, page and style sheet levels
Be acquainted with the most common and useful specific styles
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
What is CSS?
Cascading Style Sheets
“Style Sheets” are a concept that goes way back
Editorial Styles – MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.
The styles you define cascade down, allowing you to apply a style at a top level (e.g., a style sheet
for your whole site) and have it automatically cascade down throughout your entire site, or at a page
level and have it cascade down, etc.
Developed and defined by the W3C – World Wide Web Consortium
W3C - CSS Level 1 – Dec 1996
CSS Level 2 – May 1998
CSS Level 3 – Under Construction
Styles – What they look like
background-color: #FFFFFF;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
Style Sheets – What they look like
CSS works best with well-structured, compliant, XHTML pages
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
What Can CSS Do For You?
More and easier control
Change an entire site in a matter of seconds
Precise locations of elements
More options for individual tags
More options (properties)
For example:
HTML Borders
CSS Borders
style (none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge,
inset, outset, inherit)
apply these values to each specific side of the border
color (maybe)
Can easily separate content from format
Leaves content to HTML – CSS determines the “appearance”
Makes universal changes possible
Allows for designing for different formats
(Web, print, mobile, etc.)
Greater consistency with the latest version of HTML
For example, deprecation of the <font> tag
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Levels at Which Styles Can Be Applied
1. Style Sheet (External Style Sheets)
In an “external” Cascading Style Sheet file
Can apply to an entire site
Style Element (Internal Style Sheets)
In the heading of a specific webpage.
<style type=text/css>
h1 {color: blue;}
p {font-family: arial;}
Style Attribute (In-line Styles)
Style as an attribute of an HTML tag
<p style=”text-align: center”>The meaning of Life”</p>
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Preparing Your HTML Pages
For best results, use XHTML
Major differences between XHTML and HTML
(really easy)
Don’t leave out any <html> <head> <body> tags or <doctype . . . >
Don’t capitalize the tags - <h1> not <H1>
Put all attribute values in quotation marks - (border=”2”) not (border=2)
Always have a closing tag. For every <p>, have a </p> <br /> not <br>
All attributes must have an explicitly stated value noshade=”noshade”
not noshade
Structure the content of your page to identify portions to which you may want to apply
Most of this you can do after-the-fact, but it’s often easier to do it when you create the page,
particularly creating divisions
<div id=” ”> for major sections of the page
e.g., <div id=”menu”>
In the CSS, you will often refer to the id “names” you establish.
“id”s refer to a unique element, can only occur once. No two elements can have the same id.
Whereas only one element, for example, a division, can have the name “menu” you can apply a class
over and over.
If throughout your pages you may often want to have something in red italics, identify those sections
as a class, whenever you get the urge.
<p class=”fancy”>
<h2 class=”fancy”>
“Inline” spans are used to identify small sections of a page, particularly text.
<span class=”quotations”> Wagner's music is better than it
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
The Format
Format of Styles
Constructing Style Rules: Selectors, Properties and Values
{color: blue;}
{Property: Value;}
The selector identifies the HTML element(s) to which the rule will apply.
The declaration identifies what is to be done to that element(s).
The property is the feature you want to change.
The value is how you want that to appear.
Spacing is flexible, but the above is what you will usually see, for clarity.
The semicolon is not actually required in this instance, but is used if another declaration is to
be added. For example:
h1 {color: blue; font-style: italic;}
Most people put it in every time anyway, lest they forget it when they need it.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Tag Selector
Applies to an HTML tag
h1 {color: blue;}
Multiple selectors (Groups of Selectors)
Applying the same rule to multiple selectors
h1, p
{color: blue;}
ID Selector
Applies to the particular, single, part of the page to which you have applied an “id” attribute.
A pound sign indicates the id.
Example of the corresponding HTML code:
<div id=”main”>
#main {color: blue;}
Class Selector
Applies to all elements to which a specific class has been assigned, using the HTML “class” attribute
A period indicates a class.
Example of the corresponding HTML code:
<p class=”citation”>
.citation {color: blue;}
Selectors by Context
Applies to elements within another specific element.
For paragraphs within the “main” div, the following would make text in each paragraph red.
#main p {color: red;}
Pseudo-Class Selector
Applies to elements that can’t be marked manually, such as the status of a link
a:visited {color:red;}
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Cascading Style Sheets
Construct them using a text editor, such as Notepad.
Often, but not necessarily, begins with an identifying comment
Rules are then listed.
For clarity:
Usually, the selector, and perhaps the opening brace, { , are on one line.
Followed by each declaration
Followed by the end brace, then, on a new line, the next selector
For example:
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Link Your Pages To Your Style Sheet
For each page to which you want the stylesheet to apply:
In the head of the HTML page, add the “link” tag
with an href that will lead to the stylesheet:
plus a “rel” attribute indicating the relationship:
and a “type” attribute indicating the type of content or media: type="text/css"
For example:
<link href="cua.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Viewing Other People’s Style Sheets – CSS Voyeurism
A good way to explore the possibilities.
For example, for www.infotoday.com,
In your browser, View > Source
Then go to the URL indicated by the location of
the style sheet, e.g., www.infotoday.com/default.css
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Inheritance and Precedence
Styles can happen to an element automatically because of inheritance
When rules bump into each other, there are orders of precedence
For “nested” elements, rules usually are applied automatically because of “inheritance”.
(They “Cascade”)
Determines what happens if no specific style is applied to a particular element.
<body> is a parent of <div>
The <div> is a “child” of <body>
<p> is a child” of <div>
<div> and <p> are both “descendants” of <body>
Unless another rule intervenes:
Styles applied to the parent are usually inherited by the child and by other descendants
If a style rule makes the body text Arial, the text in div and p will also be Arial.
Determined by Specificity and Location
The more specific rule wins.
Take an example where the following rules exist:
(inherited rules)
body {color: red}
.names {color: green}
h1.names (color:purple}
#menu {color: teal
These are listed in increasing order of specificity:
- (Inherited rules are over-ruled by any specific rule.)
- For text in the body, but not with a “names” class, text will be red.
- Text in an element with the class “names” will be green,
since class is more specific than body.
- h1’s within something with a class of “names” is more specific than just being
in the class, so in those instances, purple will win.
- IDs are considered most specific, since they are unique in a document.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
If two rules have equal specificity, the one that is stated later wins:
Rules in a style sheet
are overruled by
Rules in the head of a webpage (Internal style sheet)
are overruled by
Local (inline) rules
In other words: The rule closest to where it is being used will be the one that wins.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
CSS Color Options
Colors in CSS can be specified in the following ways:
The sixteen predefined HTML colors,
black silver gray white maroon red purple fuchsia green lime olive yellow navy
blue teal aqua
{color: navy;}
Probably will work by name:
The 147 Scalable Vector Graphics Color Names
{color: cornflowerblue;}
See: SGV Named Color Codes at www.december.com/html/spec/colorsvg.html
Six –Decimal Hexadecimal - #RRGGBB
{color: #F8C473;}
RGB using decimals (0-255)
{color: rgb(176,48,96)}
RGB using percents of RGB
{color: rgb(50%,70%,90%)}
And Other Ways
See Color Definitions Chart at www.december.com/html/spec/colordef.html
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Common, Most Useful,
Useful, Styles
Font and Text
And Several More Along the Way
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Fonts and Text
Family, size, weight, style, line height, text align and indent
Can apply to paragraphs, headings, tables, etc.
The HTML font tag is now deprecated!
p {font-family: Arial;}
Allowing for alternate font faces:
p {font-family: “Arial Black”;}
p {font-family: “Arial Black”, Verdana, sans-serif;}
p {font-size: 180%;}
p {font-size: 28px ;}
p {font-size: x-small;}
Can be expressed in the following ways
pixel, %
keywords –
xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large
point, pica (use only in style sheets for print output)
em (bolded. e.g., 1.5em)
p {font-weight: bolder;}
Values – normal, 100-900, bold, bolder, lighter
p {font-style: italic;}
Values: italic, oblique, normal
(italic and oblique are almost the same thing, the former created by a font designer, the latter
created by the computer by slanting the text.)
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
line height
amount of space between each line in a paragraph
p {line-height: 170%;}
p {line height: 32;}
Values – %, absolute value in pixels, etc.
p {text-align: center;}
Values – left, right, center, justify
p {text-indent: 20px;}
p {text-indent: 1.5em;}
Values – pixels or em’s (“em” is a “multiplier” of the text’s normal size.)
Values – none, underline, overline, line-through, blink, inherit
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
This is one of the most useful features that CSS provides in a far more powerful way than does plain
Apply it to the body, paragraphs, divs. etc.
body {margin: 20px;}
body {margin: 15%;}
body {margin-top: 15px:}
body {margin-bottom: 15px:}
body {margin-left: 15px:}
body {margin-right: 15px:}
body {margin-top: 15px:}
Values: pixels or percent of parent element
margin: with one value, i.e. the first example above, applies to all four sides. With two
values, they apply to top/bottom and left/right. With three values, they apply to top,
right/left, and bottom. With four values, they apply to top, right, bottom, left..
Padding is space around the contents of an element (comparable to cellpadding in HTML).
{padding: 20px;)
Different amounts around each side can be done by specifying numbers for top, right,
bottom, left:
{padding: 20px 10px 20ps 40px;)
td {padding:10px 5px 10ps 0px;)
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
As with margins, CSS provides border features that HTML cannot.
Can apply to any HTML tag.
Can specify border style, color, width
{border-style: dotted;}
Values: none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset.
{border-width: 5px;}
{border-color: red;}
These can all be dealt with at once by use of border: followed by values for style, width and
color (not necessarily in that order and not necessarily all three).
{border 10px outset green;}
The above examples will apply to all four borders.
To apply rules to the four sides individually, use:
border-left, border-right, border-top, and border-bottom
{border-left: 3px outset blue;}
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Styles can be applied to links, based on the status
- for links not yet visited
- for links that have been visited
- for links that have been highlighted (by tabbing)
- for links while the mouse is over them
- for links as they are clicked
The above are referred to as “pseudo-classes” since they cannot be marked in your code, but
instead have a variable status.
a:link {color: red;}
a:hover {color: orange;}
a:hover {color: red; font-size: 180%;}
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
In CSS, “background” refers to the background for a specific element (not for the overall page).
h3 {background-color: yellow;}
Values: a color, transparent, or inherit
transparent lets the parent element’s background show through
.hilights {background: yellow;}
The HTML: This line has a span assigned a class which gives
<span class="hilights">these words </span> a yellow background.
background-image: url{clouds.jpg}
Background-repeat: repeat
repeat - tiles the image both horizontally and vertically (default)
repeat-x – tiles the image horizontally
repeat-y – tiles the image vertically
no-repeat – does not tile at all
background-attachment: fixed
fixed – prevents the background image from scrolling
scroll – allows the image to scroll with the contents of the page
background-position: left top
Values: percentage or absolute distance
x: left, center, right
y: top, center, bottom
background: yellow url(europe5.jpg) center top repeat-y fixed;
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Hover Used for Background Color
a:hover {background-color:#ff3300}
Consider the following style:
#menu a
padding:0.2em 0.6em;
border-right:1px solid white;
#menu a:hover
With the above styles, the background (of a td in this case) changes color when hovered over.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
A more powerful way than tables for laying out pages.
Three kinds of CSS Positioning:
1. Relative - relative to (offset from) the element’s position in the “natural flow” of the page. (Any
element has a “natural” position based on where it is in the code.)
2. Absolute - exact position relative to the body or to the nearest ancestor that has been positioned.
3. Fixed – The element is fixed with regard to the browser window. This makes an element (such
as a background image) “fixed” in the browser window, i.e., it stays in place as the rest of the page
content is scrolled.
Relative Positioning
p {position:relative; top: -10px;}
The above would move paragraphs up 10 pixels from where they would normally
Values; After the “position: relative;” you can specify top, bottom, right, left, with a
distance value for each. Distances can be in pixels, em’s, percentages, etc.
Absolute Positioning
#menu {position: absolute; top: 10px; left: 15px;}
Values; After the “position: relative;” you can specify top, bottom, right, left,
with a distance value for each. Distances can be in pixels, em’s etc.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
With positioning, you can even have elements overlap:
HTML for the above:
<div id="photo1">
<img src="strasbourg1.jpg" alt="Strasbourg" />
<div id="photo2">
<img src="strasbourg2.jpg" alt="Strasbourg" />
CSS for the above:
{position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 15px;}
{position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 275px;}
You can determine which is on top by using the z-index property:
#photo1 {position: absolute; top: 20px; left: 15px; z-index: 0;}
#photo2 {position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 275px; z-index: 1;}
The higher the z number, the higher it is in the stack.
Fixed Positioning
Using the fixed positioning, you can have a stationary menu without having to resort
to frames.
#mainmenu {position: fixed; left: 15px;}
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Dynamic Effects
CSS provides opportunities for a variety of dynamic effects, including:
Drop-down menus
One Example:
The following CSS formats the menu (in the HTML, just a series of links) and
causes a rollover effect for menu items
{position: fixed; left: 15px;}
a {
display: block;
padding: 4px;
text-decoration: none;
width: 5em;
margin: 2px;
color: #8D4F10;
font-family: Arial;}
a:link, a:visited {
background: #FFCC66;
border: 2px outset #AAA670;
color: black;
a:focus, a:hover {
background: #FF6633;
border: 2px outset #DAA670;
color: black;
font-size: 100%;}
a:active {
background: #BB8E60;
border: 2px outset #BB8E60;
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Another Example:
When the cursor is held over one of the links in the text, a pop-up window appears:
For this and many more copiable examples of dynamic effects with CSS, see Dynamic Drive
CSS Library: www.dynamicdrive.com/style
Comments can be inserted in style sheets by the use of a preceeding /* and */ at the end:
For example:
This is a comment
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
W3Schools CSS Tutorial - w3schools.com/css/
EchoEcho.com CSS Tutorial - www.echoecho.com/css.htm
Dynamic Drive CSS Library - www.dynamicdrive.com/style
Highly Recommended Book:
Castro, Elizabeth. HTML, XHTML & CSS 6th ed. Peachpit Press. Berkeley, CA. 2007.
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
hover · 18, 20
HTML · 5
absolute positioning · 21
attributes · 4
id · 7
inherit (property) · 15
inheritance · 10
in-line styles · 4
internal style sheets · 4
backgrounds · 19
blink · 15
border-color · 17
borders · 3, 17
border-style · 17
border-width · 17
justify · 15
center · 15
classes · 5, 7
Colors · 12
Comments · 24
Context · 7
left · 15
line height · 15
line-through · 15
link (to style sheet)· 9
links · 18
location · 11
declarations · 6
decoration · 15
divisions · 5
drop-down menus · 23
Dynamic Drive CSS Library - www.dynamicdrive.com/style · 25
dynamic effects · 23
margins · 16
menus · 23
Notepad · 8
EchoEcho.com CSS Tutorial · 25
editorial styles · 2
external style sheets · 4
overline · 15
fixed positioning · 22
font-family · 14
fonts · 14
font-size · 14
font-style · 14
font-weight · 14
format · 6
padding · 16
pixels · 15
pop-ups · 23
position · 21
precedence · 10
properties · 6
pseudo-Classes · 7
hexadecimal · 12
relative positioning · 21
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
resources · 25
RGB · 12
right · 15
rollovers · 23
selectors · 6, 7
spacing · 6
spans · 5
specificity · 10
style elements · 4
style rules · 6
style sheets · 4, 8
values · 6
viewing other people’s style sheets · 9
underline · 15
W3C · 2
W3Schools CSS Tutorial · 25
workshop objectives · 1
World Wide Web Consortium · 2
text · 14-15
text-align · 15
text-decoration · 15
text-indent · 15
XHTML · 2, 5