The OCR carbon from Australia: procedure Wilinyjibari Rockshelter, southeast Kimberley, Western Australia Rodney ~ a r r i s o n 'and Douglas S. rink' This paper presents the results of the application of the newly developed absolute dating technique, the OCR carbon dating procedure, to a sequence of soil samples from a pre- and post-contact Aboriginal rockshelter site in the southeast Kimberley, Western Australia. This represents the first published set of OCR dates on Australasian soil samples from archaeological site contexts. The sequence of OCR dates has been paired with several ['C dates as an initial trial of the technique under Australian conditions. The OCR procedure measures the site-specific rate of biodegradation of organic carbon in soils, which under most circumstances will closely approximate the age of artefacts and cultural features contained within them. Close agreement between paired OCR and I4C determinations from Wilinyjibari suggest that with further research, the OCR carbon dating procedure may have potential applications to both pre- and post-contact archaeological sites in Australia, particularly sites with little organic carbon from which to derive radiometric carbon dates. The paper provides a contribution to the growing literature on alternate chronometric methodologies in Australian archaeology. Absolute dating in Australian archaeology The general absence of formal stone artefact types (or type fossiles) in the Australian archaeological record has resulted in Australian archaeologists being mostly reliant on absolute dating methods for establishing cultural chronologies at archaeological sites pre-dating the European settlement of Australia. The prevalence of charcoal and other organic or burnt materials in many pre-contact archaeological sites has meant that dating has predominantly been undertaken using radiometric carbon dating procedures (see Smith and Sharp 1993 for a list of Pleistocene radiocarbon determinations by way of example). The radiocarbon dating procedure 'revolutionised' Australian archaeology by demonstrating a Pleistocene Indigenous presence on the Australian continent. It has also provided a cheap and accessible method using ubiquitous archaeological materials to produce a relative chronology for archaeological sites across Australia. The reliance on radiocarbon dating methods, however, has produced problems in situations where preservation of charcoal and other organic materials is poor, or in contexts where such materials would not be part of the material residues of human behaviours. It has also been noted that unless there is a series of radiocarbon dates available, there is an effective minimum level of precision for an individual radiocarbon determination of k 100 years (Frankel l993:26). Recently, thermal and optically stimulated luminescence dating has been used increasingly at Australian archaeological sites in the absence of organic materials necessary for obtaining radiocarbon determinations (eg. 1 2 New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service, P.O. Box 1967, Hurstville, NSW 2220, Australia OCR Carbon Dating Inc., and Archaeology Consu!ting Team, Ir?r 57 River Road, Suite 1020, Essex Junction, VT, USA 05452 Roberts et al. 1993, 1994; Fullagar et al. 1996). There is some uncertainty as to the calibration between conventional radiocarbon and luminescence determinations (eg. Bowdler 1990, 1991; Chippendale 1993:7; Hiscock 1990; but see Downey and Frankel 1992 and Roberts et al. 1996). This, coupled with occasional age overestimates produced in multiple-grain optical or thermal luminescence dating of sediments as a result of some grains receiving insufficient exposure to sunlight prior to burial (eg. Roberts et al. 1998), has meant that the procedure has been treated with caution by at least some Australian archaeologists. However, as demonstrated by Gillespie et al. (1992), inconsistent chronological results have also been confirmed for radiometric analyses due to variation in pre-treatment procedures. This suggests the utility of developing chronometric techniques that may act as a crosscheck or compliment to existing dating methods, and that allow archaeological sites with few organic carbon remains to be independently dated. Australian historical archaeologists, on the other hand, have tended to establish cultural chronologies based on artefact typologies. The Suess and Libby effects as well as changes in solar magnetic intensity in the 17th century render problematic radiocarbon dating methods on samples that are younger than 300 years BP (1950) (see Taylor 1997:69). Although historical archaeologists have also been able to establish chronological frameworks based on historical documents, recently researchers have noted the potential application of radiometric techniques other than radiocarbon, such as 2 ' T b dating, to historical archaeological sites in Australia (Connah 19985). Although the technique appears to offer a potential alternative to radiocarbon dating for sites that meet specific criteria, it is yet to be widely applied to Australian sites (for an exception see Gale et al. 1995). Archaeologists examining the period of contact between Indigenous and settler Australians have sought alternate dating methods such as amino acid racemisation on shell to overcome difficulties in interpreting the results of radiocarbon dated sites dating from the last 200 years (see Murray-Wallace 1993; Murray- Wallace and Colley 1997; Colley 1997). The application of this technique in Australian historical archaeology has thus far been limited to marine shell samples, although the potential for dating land snail shell from this period has also been noted (Goodfriend 1992; Murray-Wallace 1993). Although the technique may be of use at some historic sites such as post-contact middens, Murray-Wallace and Colley (1997) note that its successful application requires calibration by an independent dating technique along with samples from deposits that have been well buried and not heated by camp fires. The OCR carbon dating procedure Recent research into the site specific rate of biodegredation of organic carbon has suggested that charcoal and soil humic material, once thought to be inert, are biologically recycled at a slow but measurable rate (Frink 1992). The OCR carbon .-iustralian Archrreologj*.Number 5 1. 2000 Harrison and Frink dating procedure3 measures the site-specific rate of biodegradation of organic carbon, either as soil humic material or as charcoal. The biological recycling of organic carbon is hndarnental to nearly all biological systems on this planet. While some forms of organic carbon, such as fresh organic matter, are quickly recycled, other more resistant forms, such as humus and charcoal, are recycled at a much slower rate. This recycling follows a linear progression though time when considered within the site specific context, and includes the factors that influence biochemical degradation of organic carbon (Frink 1992, 1994). The effect of the biochemical degradation of charcoal and soil humic material is measured by a ratio of the total organic carbon to the readily oxidisable carbon in the soil sample. In general, the ratio of total organic carbon to readily oxidisable organic carbon increases as the total amount of organic carbon decreases through time due to recycling (Frink 1994, 1995). This ratio is the Oxidisable Carbon Ratio, or OCR. The rate of biochemical degradation will vary within the specific physical and environmental contexts of the sample. An age estimate of the organic carbon is determined through a systems formula that accounts for the biological influences of oxygen, moisture, temperature, carbon concentration, and the soil reactivity. Residual influences on this system are included through a statistically derived constant f (Frink 1994). The formula for calculating the OCRomEof a given sample is as follows (Frink 1994): OC%,,= (OCR X DEPTH X MEAN TEMPERATURE X MEAN RAINFALL) (MEAN TEXTURE X$H x ~?/LARBON xF 14.4883) Soil samples are air-dried to arrest biochemical action immediately after excavation. Soil texture is determined by dry screening, with the mean texture calculated as the percentage by weight of each fraction according to USDA standard mesh screen sizes. Soil pH is determined from a I :1 , soil:water paste. Total organic carbon is determined by the Ball loss on ignition procedure (Ball 1964), and the readily oxidisable carbon is determined by the Walkley and Black wet combustion procedure (Walkley 1935; Walkley and Black 1934). Mean annual temperature and moisture are based on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NO AA) Narrative Summaries for the period of 1941 to 1975 (Ruffner 1978), or outside the U.S.A., other available long term averages. For these Australian samples we have based our estimates on data from the Bureau of Meteorology climatic survey (Bureau of Meteorology 1996). Although long-term fluctuations in mean annual temperatures and rainfall are common throughout the Holocene, their deviation from the modem mean is slight. The late Pleistocene, however, is characterised by several dramatic deviations from the modem mean (Mayewski et al. 1993; Taylor et al. 1993). The potential effect on the OCRoATE estimates caused by climatic fluctuations during the Holocene are not expected to exceed the standard error (3%) of the estimate, and thus the modern mean annual temperature and moisture data are used without adjustments. For samples obtained from late Pleistocene contexts, however, the variables of mean annual temperature and rainfall need to be adjusted. These adjustments take the form of an estimated average temperature and rainfall based on local and/or global (e.g. ice core data) environmental reconstruction studies (Frink 1995). 3 For a complete list of published material and additional information on the OCR Carbon Dating Procedure, the reader is referred to .htm Australian Archaeology, Number 5 1 , 2000 The OCR procedure differs epistemologically from radiometric carbon dating procedures. Radiometric carbon dating procedures measure the decay of unstable carbon isotopes, following a classical physics model of entropy. The OCR carbon dating procedure does not directly measure an intrinsic characteristic of the soil organic carbon. Rather, it models the dynamic and nonlinear soil system, and the relative reactivity of the soil's organic carbon within that system. Dynamic systems resist entropy by organising and maintaining themselves at a distance far from equilibrium. The OCR procedure describes an evolving pedogenic system, that is, the archaeological feature or the physical context of the artefact assemblages described as a site (see Frink 1999). As the OCR procedure is extremely context-sensitive, it may be used to describe and interpret complex soil features including multiple stacked paleosols and cultural or natural turbational features. As we look at a complex soil column composed of multiple stacked paleosols, or reorganised deposits due to cultural or natural turbations, we see a sequence of soil pedons that were once pedogenically alive, but have been buried and suffocated by overlying new sediments. Immediately following the event of sediment deposition a new soil body is conceived and growth begins at the soil a'tmosphere interface. Using the OCR and the variables from which the OCRDATEis calculated, the extent and duration of this new soil body's growth can be determined. Biochemical pedogenesis, or soil growth, in the upper portions of a soil body will extend into the upper regions of the concurrently developing Bt-horizon. The OCRDATE estimates obtained from this horizon will reflect the maximum depth of biochemical degradation. The pedogenic formation of the Bthorizon creates a barrier to oxygen permeation, and effectively sets a lower limit of aerobic biodegradation. Former pedogenically active soils, sutfocated by the overburden, record the duration of pedogenic processes prior to overburden sediment deposition. In addition to providing temporal information critical in establishing a context for cultural studies, the close interval sampling of complex soil bodies provide insights into the process of soil genetics. Dokuchaev's (1 898) and Jenny's (1941) models of soil genesis suggest that soils are the passive result of the interdependent dynamics of climate, relief, time, parent material, and biota. The equation used to calculate the OCRnAT, estimate describes a similar dynamic system. However, as a complex system, soils exhibit self-organisation and self-definition. The soil body is not created by the five factors of soil formation as traditionally presented. Instead, the soil body creates itself through its interaction as an autopoetic system with these factors4.The OCR carbon dating procedure models this dynamic system providing a geometric description, or topology, of the process of pedogenesis. Analysis of multiple stratigraphic samples through a soil profile, either as a perceived natural formation or as a cultural or turbational feature, provides both a morphological description of the profile, and a physiological map of this living soil system. Previous applications of the OCR carbon dating procedure The OCR carbon dating procedure was developed as an independent method for dating archaeological carbon samples, to provide a crosscheck on the radiocarbon data from sites in northeastern North America. In earlier studies, OCR samples 4 For a more complete treatment and descript~on of autopoetic systems, see Maturana and Varela ( 1 980) The OCR carbon datingprocedure in Australia were taken from 58 radiocarbon and documented historic event dated sites in Connecticut, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire (Frink 1994). A regression line plotted to compare the OCRDm with radiocarbon data found a high degree of agreement between the two sets of dates (r2=0.95), and a very low standard error (0.03) (Frink 1994, see also Frink 1995, 1997). This suggested that the OCR dates were a very good estimate of radiocarbon dates in this region. The technique has been applied to a range of different archaeological sites in many regions throughout the world. The OCR database represents a wide range of climatic settings, from semi-arid to sub-arctic and a variety of landforms, including rockshelters, stratified riverbanks, open-air surfaces and sub-plowzone sites. The samples cover a time span ranging from one to 35,000 years ago (for recent reports of late Pleistocene OCR determinations see Cantley et al. 1997:796- Wilinyjibari I m * Kilometres Figure 1 Map of Kimberley region showing location of Wilinyjibari 801; Steen et al. nd.). The technique has potential advantages over radiocarbon dating in that it has been found to be reliable in dating soils with as little as 1% organic carbon content, and the cost of processing a single sample is around one fifth of the cost of conventional radiocarbon dating techniques. This means that multiple samples from sites can be dated cheaply, and in the absence of large quantities of cultural charcoal, the age of the landforms in which artefacts are found (i.e. the context) can be easily dated. The relative precision of the OCRDNE estimate is statistically linear. The estimated error for the OCRoAnis 3%. For example, the expected precision of the OCRDAn estimate from a 100 year old fire is 5 three years, whereas the precision for a sample 10,000 years old is *300 years. The error is not calculated as the cumulative combination of the errors of each of the eight variables used in the equation, as this is a dynamic system. Dynamic systems either compound errors through positive feedback, or buffer errors through negative feedback. The dynamic system described by the OCR formula is a buffering negative feedback system where the errors of the parts are mollified by their interactions (Killick et al. 1999; Frink 1999). The 3% error has thus been calculated based on correlations with "C dates and historical data (Frink 1999:35). The precision of the OCR procedure with recent samples suggests that it would be more appropriate than radiocarbon dating for use on late pre-contact and post-contact or historical sites in Australia. The OCR carbon dating technique also has the potential to provide a cost effective alternative to radiocarbon dating at older sites where preservation of cultural charcoal is poor, or as an alternative or corroborative technique to traditional radiometric carbon and luminescence dating. Wiliny'ibari Rockshelter wdnyjibari Rockshelter is a low granite overhang located approximately 90 km to the southeast of Halls Creek in the southeastern Kimberley region of Western Australia (Figs 1 and 2). This region incorporates areas of the Hall and Fitzgerald botanical districts, and is characterised by vegetation ranging from tree steppe to tall grass savannah woodland, with some treeless tall grass savannah in the south of the area (Beard 1979). Climate is typical of the arid to '* semi-arid north of Australia, with a long dry season of 8 months, and summer rainfall of between 350 and 600mm per annum. Halls Creek, the largest town in the southeast Kimberley, receives on average 521mm of rain each year (Bureau of Meteorology 1996). The site occurs in a floodplain upland -- -. -. . -. , -.L .W- -&.- - #c - - .- - a . *A Figure 2 Wilinyjibari Rockshelter characterised by and granitic sandstone boulder Australian Archaeology, Number 5 1 , 2000 Harrison and Frink formations, and is bounded by small, seasonally active watercourses to the north and south. palaeoSeveral channels of these creek tributaries are evident to the north of the shelter, pointing to a complex history of river and f l o o d p l a i n development in the Spinifex area. grasses (Triodia and Plectrachne spp.) the dominate vegetation in the immediate vicinity of Wilinyjibari Rockshelter, with some scattered patches of Acacia SPP. woodland vegetation present Figure 3 Jack Ryder, a senior Jaru nearby. Pecked and Wilinyjibari abraded engravings are common on rock surfaces surrounding the shelter, with rarer ochre and wax rock art also present (Fig. 3). Engravings form two broad types, which appear to be differentiated chronologically on the basis of analysis of superpositioning of motifs. Stratigraphically lowest in the sequence are numerous sets of pecked and abraded cup marks commonly known as 'cupules' in the Australian literature on rock art (Tagon et al. 1997; Flood 1997). Superimposed over these cupules occur an equally numerous and diverse range of geometric and simple figurative motifs. The site is of significance to Jaru custodians as it forms part of a Dreaming track of the local creator-snake as it travelled through the landscape, leaving traces of its activity in the granite boulders, as well as on a prominent limestone ridge that tops a hill nearby (Stan Brumby, Jack Ryder and Doris Ryder p m . comm. 1998). Use of the site for camping and ceremonial activities has been carried out within living memory of informants. A one metre square excavation was carried out within the shelter over June-July of 1998 (Fig. 4). Due to a lack of easily observed stratigraphic changes throughout the profile, excavation units of between 2 and 4cm were removed by 50cm2 quartile. All material was sieved through 5mm and 3mm wire mesh, and the residues were collected for analysis in the laboratory. Excavation was halted at a maximum depth of 0.75m below surface level due to the presence of large rocks making fbrther excavation impractical. Bedrock was not reached in any part of the excavation, and stone artefacts and small quantities of charcoal continued until the bottom of the last excavation unit, giving the impression that cultural deposits continue below the level reached during this excavation. Stratigraphy Five main sedimentary units were recognised during the excavation (Fig. 5). SUl consists of loose, grey sandy topsoil (pH 8.5, Munsell colour lOYR 5/3), which included some Australian Archaeology, Number 5 1, 2000 custodian, points to pecked and abraded rock engravings at humus and leaf litter. SU2 is a grey sandy sediment, more compact than SU1 with less leaf litter and humus (pH 8.5 grading to 7, Munsell colour lOYR 513). Small ashy features were common in SU2, and two hearths were recognised during excavation. SU3 is composed of compacted red-brown sediment (pH 6.5-5, Munsell colour 7.5YR 414). The lowest unit excavated, SU4, is an indurated red-brown sediment with some clay and silt and few organic remains (pH 6.5-4.5, Munsell colour 5YR 514). This layer contained rubble and large rocks, which were interpreted to be the result of a single or multiple rockfall episodes. SUS remains unexcavated and is composed of boulders and rubble. Sediments consist of colluvium and alluvium, composed of partly consolidated silts, sands and gravels. A silt and clay component from sheet wash also appears to be present. Cultural material The excavation uncovered an assemblage of approximately 7000 stone artefacts, dominated by unretouched pieces of between 5 and 3mm in maximum length. The few retouched stone artefacts include bifacially worked stone point tips and butts, scrapers, horsehoof cores, and tula adze slugs. A range of raw material types is represented, including locally available quartz, quartzite and dolerite, and chert, some of which can be sourced to a quany located approximately 45km to the north of the site. Detailed analysis of the stone artefacts from Wilinyjibari is currently underway. Soil pH below SU 2 was low, and finds of organic materials were few. Analysis of fauna1 remains is incomplete and much of the material is unidentifiable because it is small and in poor condition, but some broken and burnt macropod and small mammal bone was noted during sorting and excavation. Chronology Charcoal and OCR soil samples were collected for dating and mapped in situ during excavation. Four charcoal samples The OCR carbon dating procedure in Australia charcoal samples as well as Wilinyjibari showing 1998 excavation 'background' samples throughout the excavations. These samples were collected as thin (12cm) lenses of soil, approximately 20cm in diameter and l OOg in dried weight. For paired samples, the OCR soil sample was collected from around the centre of a concentration of charcoal that was collected and mapped as an in situ carbon sample. There were no charcoal features on which to focus OCR soil sampling in the lower parts of the deposit, so scattered charcoal samples 1998 excavation and 'background' OCR soil samples O m 1 2 3 4 only were collected Scale Wilinyjibari profile for the last four excavation units (spits 18-21). For Figure 4 Plan of Wilinyjibari showing location of excavation these levels, were later chosen for radiocarbon dating. The details of these background OCR samples were mapped in situ but their samples, their depth below surface and the date returned are collection was not associated with particular charcoal features. shown in Table 1. Three conventional radiocarbon dates were obtained on A sequence of 28 OCR soil samples was also submitted for samples that had a direct OCR paired sample (Wk6644, analysis. The OCR dates were calculated 'blind' without Wk6645 and Wk7464). One further radiocarbon reference to the radiocarbon determinations, which were determination was obtained on the lowest charcoal sample that returned to Harrison after the OCR dates had been calculated. was large enough to allow dating using conventional OCR samples were collected both as paired samples with in radiocarbon analysis (Wk6646). This sample was a 0.9g sample of small, scattered pieces of charcoal from the top of excavation unit 20. This sample falls stratigraphically in sequence between the second and third lowest (below surface level) background OCR soil samples (samples 3629 and 3630). Of these four radiocarbon dates, one (Wk7464, 'modem') is out of sequence. This either suggests contamination of the material or material that is out of succession. We are unable to situ Lab Code Unit Depth 6'3C below Result Cal Cal (YBP 1950) BP' BP' max min surface Wk 6644 0 Figure 5 50 hearth topsoil $3 sediment unit lOOcm 0rock North section of Wilinyjibari showing sedimentary units Wk 7464 Wk 6645 Wk 6646 Table 1 3 6 17 20 7.25cm -25.5 4-0.2 12.0cm -26.0 4-0.2 4 8 . M -24.2 4-0.2 61.5~11 -24.0 4-0.2 Radiocarbon Rockshelter. 230*80 470 -10 Modem 300 0 2100~140 2400 1700 24202170 2850 2000 determinations for Wilinyjibari * age ranges calculated from 20 probability distributions using Oxcal v3.3 (Bronk Ramsey 1994, 1995 and 1998), based on the Intca198 calibration curve (Stuiver et al. 1998; Stuiver and Reimer 1993). Australian Archaeology, Number 5 1 , 2000 Harrison and Frink distinguish between these two possibilities, but favour the former interpretation, as an overlying hearth effectively caps the sample on which the date was obtained. No discontinuities in the hearth layer were observed during excavation that would indicate the reworking and redeposition of stratigraphically younger materials in this part of the site. OCR and 14Cdating at Wilinyjibari Rockshelter All radiocarbon determinations were calibrated with the Oxcal v3.3 radiocarbon calibration program (Bronk Ramsey 1994, 1995, 1998) using the Intcal98 calibration curve (Stuiver et al. 1998, Stuiver and Reimer 1993). The OCR dates are calculated and expressed as a statement of temporal probability in calendrical years before present (1950). Leaving aside Wk7464, it is clear that the other two paired samples provide OCR dates that are well within the quoted laboratory errors on each radiocarbon date (Table 2). The 28 OCR dates also form a consistent depth-age sequence, with the exception of OCR sample 3626 which appears to fall slightly out of sequence when the dates are plotted against depth. However, this is easily understood as this is a part of the site in which there are several hearths that may represent a number of spatially Sample ID Unit 1B 28 38 3A-1 3A-2 2C 3C 4A 48 Depth below surface OCR Date (YBP 1950) 1cm 3.25cm 4.25cm 5cm %m 5.25cm 7.25~~1 7.5cm 4A 7.75cm 5A 5B 10.5cm 12cm 6B 6A 7A 8C 1lC 12A 148 13.5cm 14cm 16.5~~1 22cm 30.25cm 33cm 14C 40.5~1 41.75cm 15D pair cal BP age span 470-10 3004 35cm 15A 43cm 178 46.75cm 178-D 48.5cm 51cm 18B 19B 56.5cm Table 2 1% 20A-B 64.M 21 69cm 2400-1700 2850-2000 OCR determinations and paired "C samples for Wilinyjibari Rockshelter. ..lustraliun .-IrchueoIug~~, Number 5 1, 2000 separate individual episodes of use over the period 200-300 years before present, as indicated by the multiple OCR determinations at around this level, and may indicate cultural date, turbation of the soils during occupation. The lowest 'T Wk6646, which was from a scattered charcoal sample predominantly originating from the top of unit 20 (depth 61.5cm), falls into sequence when calibrated and compared with the OCR samples above and below it (samples 3629 and 3630). The OCR dates form a sequence that is consistent with the conventional radiocarbon dates from Wilinyjibari. A graph showing both I4C and OCR dates plotted against depth indicates that the date span on the lowest charcoal sample (Wk 6646), although in sequence with the OCR dates above and below it, falls slightly outside of the trend of the curve of the OCR dates (Fig. 6). Given the small size of the scattered charcoal pieces dated, this may represent some slight downward movement of charcoal through the soil profile. When comparing radiocarbon and OCR data, it is important to keep in mind that each measures different kinds of variables. The I4Csamples are from individual pieces of carbon, extracted from the soil and cleaned of matric soil organic carbon. The OCR is measuring the matric soil organic carbon and some unknown portion of the charcoal pieces in the soil. Given the rate of soil deposition and slow rate of pedogenesis (particularly due to low rainfall), it is reasonable to expect that the age of carbonised wood within a cultural feature will approximate the age of the soil organic matter or humus. However, with the lower proportion of organic carbon in the lowest OCR samples, the OCR date is less likely to be measuring the influence of the cultural charcoal, and more likely to be an estimate of the age of the soil matrix, and by extension the landform. In this case, it appears that there is close agreement between the dates obtained from cultural charcoal and the time of development and growth of the soils in which that cultural material was contained, although this need not always be the case. In circumstances where very slow rates of pedogenesis and soil deposition exist, the link between the age of cultural materials and the soils in which they are found may be less straightforward (see http:!!!dsfrink!ocr~stuff.htm for further discussion of applicability and limitations of the technique). It should be noted here that the OCR carbon dating procedure can only be useful in circumstances where particular environmental conditions can be met. The principal assumption behind the OCR procedure is that the phenomenon being measured is an oxygen dependent biochemical process in the soil that causes a change in the relative oxidisability of the charcoal (Frink 1994). Deep riverine soils which undergo multiple episodes of reduction and oxidation due to fluctuating water table levels have been shown to severely affect the OCR procedure. Environmental barriers to oxygen difision in the soil, such as large capping stones or pavement, and barriers to solar radiation and rainfall, will also effect the rate of biochemical change on the charcoal (Frink 1992). The final four 'background' OCR samples measure the biodegradation of background humus rather than cultural charcoal as is the case in the upper samples, so the OCR dates above and below Wk 6646 simply provide an estimate of the period of potential cultural use. Hence the final soil unit dated here (excavation unit 21, OCR sample 363 1) was in place and growing at about 3990 cal BP, and was buried sometime around 3561 cal BP (OCR sample 3630). Similarly, the soil unit in which the charcoal for Wk6646 was found was in place and growing at 3561 cal BP (OCR sample 3630) and buried by The OCR carbon dating procedure in Australia 4000 - m OCR nC14 cal BP 2 sigma I A o C14 cal BP 1 sigma Depth below surface (cm) 2797 cal BP (OCRsample 3629). This demonstrates the value of obtaining series of OCR dates in interpreting the results of the dating method at archaeological sites. Despite the fact that Wk 6646 appears to be slightly out of trend when plotted against the OCR dates by depth, the OCR dates form a consistent sequence with the paired "C dates obtained from the site. a OCR, site formation processes and patterning in the cultural use of the site Having established that the OCR carbon dating procedure appears to reliably estimate the age of various soil units throughout the excavation, the data allow further interpretation of soil accumulation and development and the patterns of cultural use of the site in the past than is available from 7 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Depth below surface (cm) I Figure 7 Graph showing sediment accumulation rate and number of stone artefacts deposited per 5cm depth unit at Wilinyjibari Australian Archaeology, Number 5 1, 2000 radiocarbon data alone. As has alread) been noted. the OCR carbon dating procedure is x r y accurate for dating recent archaeological events. and in this case it has produced an accurate record of the shelter's use until afier approximatel>1 13 > ears before present ( 1950). ie. after the I8JOs. This is consistent with the few finds of European material in the esca\,ations. ~vhichare limited to the top three excavation units and comprise \,eQ. small pressure flakes of olive green glass. most likelq, deriving from late 19th and earl. 20th century beer bottles. This also confirms informants' observations of frequently camping and undertaking ceremonial activities in the area immediately around the outside of the shelter. but rarely camping within the shelter itself. until recent times (Stan Brumby and Jack Ryder pers. comm. 1998). This trend towards decreased use of the shelter in the historic period is the result of a trajectory that appears on the basis of artefact discard rates to have begun at around 500 cal BP. Given the overall emphasis in the project on the nature of post-contact changes within the southeast Kimberley region (Harrison in prep.), precise chronological control on the most recent period of use of the site is of great importance. Indeed, the OCR carbon dating procedure may provide a more widely applicable method of establishing a chronology for the contact period in Australia than other methods suggested elsewhere (eg. h'lurray- Wallace and Colley 1997; Colley 1997). The sequence of OCR dates also provides insight into archaeological site formation processes at Wilinyijibari. The main source of sediments at Wilinyjibari is alluvium and colluvium. Given the colluvium is composed of sediments broken down from parent rock around the shelter itself, it could reasonably be expected that there would be a correlation between intensity of use and increased sedimentation rates in the deposits (Hughes 1978, 1983; Hughes and Lampert 1977). Similarly, the alluvial component of the soil is formed during periods of flooding. From ethnographic accounts, it appears that the wet season would have been when rock shelters in this region would have received most use for shelter from heavy rain (Kaberry 1939; see discussion in Head and Fullagar 1997). The detailed series of dates allows calculation of the amount of time it took for each 5cm depth block of deposit to accumulate. A graph of this data is shown in Fig. 7. From the graph it is obvious that sediment accumulation at Wilinyjibari was not uniform. but was quite variable through time (note that low values equate with faster sedimentation rates). There is a general trend for the sedimentation rate to increase over time, but within this trend there are several disconformities that bear further consideration. Included on Fig. 7 is the total number of artefacts that were deposited per 5cm depth unit corresponding with the deposition rate data. From this line it is obvious that the highest artefact discard does indeed occur during the periods of fastest sediment accumulation, and that there is a close correlation between artefact discard and speed of sediment accun~ulationeven where these data deviate from the overall trend of the curves. The overall trend in both data sets is quite different. for the sediment accumulation rate there is an overall increase over time, while for the artefacts the trend is for an increase peaking in the top 1/3 of the deposit, then decreasing again. Despite the different overall trends, note that a period of relatively rapid soil accumulation almost always has higher numbers of artefacts discarded (Fig. 7). A regression analysis shows a negative correlation between the two datasets (i.e. when time taken for sediments to accumulate is low, the numbers of artefacts discarded is high, r=0.23) despite :lustrtrlilr~. Irchclrolog~~, Number 5 1 , 2000 differences in the trends on the t ~ cun,es. o This correlation suggests that deposits at \\.ilin>jibari formed predorninatelj. during periods of flooding ~vhensediments would be deposited in discharge of seasonal \\.atercourses onto the floodplain. It also suggests an association bet~seen periods of increased tlooding and human use of the site. Further it suggests that the deposits formed partiallj as a result of periods of increased human use of the shelter. Xnalj sis of pedogenesis phases throughout the deposit maj. allow a reconstruction of El \ifio-La Sifia ekPentsin the past. A comparison of periods of soil deposition and periods of soil grov,-th may suggest periods of heavy flood activitj. Flooding in the region today is largelj a result of monsoonal activitj.. itself strongly linked to El Niilo and La rc'iiia cycles. A reconstruction of flooding events and inferred El-NiiloSouthern-Oscillation occurrences, as well as an examination of the effects of these c1,cles on deposition of artefacts at the site, will be discussed elsewhere (Harrison and Frink in prep.). Conclusions Conventional radiocarbon dates from Wilinjjibari Rockshelter show a high degree of agreement with OCR dates. With further confirmation of the agreement between OCR and conventional radiocarbon dating in the Australasian region. the OCR carbon dating procedure may provide an independent means of estimating the age of soils and cultural features in archaeological contexts that meet particular environmental conditions. The technique has potential applications in Australia in historical archaeology where such dating has traditionally been unavailable, and as an independent assessment of the validity of radiocarbon or other dating methods at Aboriginal archaeological sites. The OCR carbon dating procedure may also provide an alternative to conventional radiometric carbon dating procedures at archaeological sites where there is little preservation of cultural carbon. Finally, OCR dating has the potential to provide additional information about the site specific processes of accumulation of deposits at archaeological sites. The examination of deposition rates, site formation processes and artefact discard at Wilinyjibari provides an example of how the OCR dating procedure can provide information about archaeological sites that it would not be possible to gain from radiocarbon dating alone. Acknowledgments The fieldwork and dating for this project was funded by research grants from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Tones Strait Islander Studies and the Centre for Archaeolog at the Universitj of m'estern Australia. For generous assistance in the field thanks to the Kimberley Land Council, Kimberleq Language Resource Centre, and blalls Creek Art Centre, particularlj Kate Golson, Clare Johnson, Daniel C'achon. Joe Blythe, Anna hlardling and hlar) Anne Taj lor. Thanks to the Lamboo Mob and hlardi~vahLoop, Nyunj U N i rri and Yadgee communities, particularlj that old man Jmgcrlcr (deceased), Stan Brumby, Jack and Doris Rjder. Pattercake Imbelong. Barbara Imbelong, Charlie and Winnie Y'eeda, Jerry Woodhouse, Josey Farrer, Doris Fletcher and RH'S fearless field team of Lathrqn Prqwolnik, Danny Tan, G e n e v i e ~ eClune. SteL4art htorton and Ashley Johnson. 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