©fficial <Sa3ette OF T H E <5ovemment of Palestine PUBLISHED FORTNIGHTLY N o . 305 B Y AUTHORITY JERUSALEM ^ 46th A p r i l , 4932 CONTENTS I. ORDERS (a) lb)• (c) (d) II. if) {g) (h) (*) (j ) (k) (I) (m) T H EKING Awards) Awards) Awards) Awards) No. No. No. No. 1 2 3 4 IN Order, Order, Order, Order, COUNCIL 1931 1931 1931 1931 - - - - - - . _ - 278 279 281 282 NOTICES s , 283 284 284 284 285 286 - - - - - - - - 286 _ - ־ - - - ־ 288 288 289 289 _ - - - - ־ 290 NOTICES Posting of Schedules of Claims i n certain Villages ־ Exclusions from Schedules of Claims i n certain Villages Posting of Schedules of Rights i n certain Villages Notifications of commencement of settlement i n certain Villages Certain villages declared to be free from Animal Diseases Medical Licences . Veterinary Surgeon's Licence List of Graduate Nurses London Matriculation Examination Notices by the Postmaster-General W o r k i n g of Bir Ya'aqov and Ni'ana Railway Stations Emigration to Colombia Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts Registration of Companies, Cooperative Societies, Partnerships, Citation for Order of Administration Corrigenda f Sale of Unclaimed Goods Statement by the Palestine Currency Board Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 2 - 8 - _ 1 _ - _ - - > _ etc. _ 292 293 294 295 296 296 296 297 297 297 297 297 298 303 303 - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . - _ . - _ 307 - ־ _ - - - _ - - - ־ ־ ־ -_ - 303 .-.-----־ 305 306 - SUPPLEMENT Registration of Trade Marks P r i c e 50 M i l s . _ 287 RETURNS (a) (b) (e) V. (Foreign (Foreign (Foreign (Foreign Appointments, etc. Appointment of Member of District Motor Regulatory Board, Northern District Appointment of Member of Committee on Labour Legislation Appointment of United States Consul Authorisations under the A i r Navigation Order, 1927, to certain airoplanes to fly over Palestine Order under the Land'Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, appointing a Settlement Officer Order under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, regarding the Import of Flour, Semolina and Wheat into Palestine Order under the Local Councils Ordinance 1921, varying the Order constituting the Er Rama Local Council _ _ Order under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1921, abolishing Igzim and Tantura Local Councils Order under the Pensions (Ottoman Service) Ordinance, 1926, regarding Addition to Schedule Regulation under the Ports Ordinances, 1926-1930, ? egarding Anchorage Dues Notices under the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, declaring certain Villages to be Infected Areas Notices under the Customs Duties Exemption Ordinance, 1924, regading Additions to Schedule - DEPARTMENTAL la) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (I) (m) (n) (o) (p) IV. B Y HIS MAJESTY Arbitration Arbitration Arbitration Arbitration GOVERNMENT (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) III. The The The The Page - ־ - - - ־ - - ־ - ־ ־ ־ 278 OFFICIAL 46th A p r i l , 4932 GAZETTE (374) STATUTORY RULES A N D ORDERS, 4934 ARBITRATION T H E ARBITRATION (FOREIGN AWARDS) NO. 4 ORDER, 4934 A t the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 20th day of M a r c h , 4934 PRESENT, THE KING'S MOST E X C E L L E N T MAJESTY IN COUNCIL W H E R E A S a Convention on the Execution of A r b i t r a l Awards was, on the Twenty-sixth day of September, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-seven, signed at Geneva on behalf of His Majesty: AND WHEREAS by Sub-section ( i ) of Section 4 of the A r b i t r a t i o n (Foreign inwards) Act, 4930, i t is provided that Part I . of that A c t applies to any award made after the Twenty-eighth day of July, Nineteen hundred and twenty-four— (a) i n pursuance of an agreement for arbitration to w h i c h the protocol set out i n the Schedule to the A r b i t r a t i o n Clause (Protocol) A c t , 4924, applies; and (b) between persons of w h o m one is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some one of such Powers as His Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may by Order i n Council declare to be parties to the said Convention, and of w h o m the other is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some other of the Powers aforesaid; and (c) i n one of such territories as His Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may by Order i n Council declare to be territories to w h i c h :•the said Convention applies: AND WHEREAS His Majesty is satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made as aforesaid by the Foreign Powers set out i n the first c o l u m n of t h e Schedule to this Order and as respects the territories belonging to such Powers set out i n the second column of that Schedule: N o w , therefore, H i s Majesty, by and w i t h the advice of His Privy Council, i n pursuance of the powers conferred upon H i m by the said A c t and of a l l other powers enabling H i m i n that behalf, is pleased to declare, and i t is hereby declared, as follows : 1. T h e Powers set out i n the first column of the Schedule to this Order are parties to the said Convention. 2. T h e territories set out i n the second c o l u m n of the said Schedule are territories to w h i c h the said Convention applies. 3. This Order may be cited as the A r b i t r a t i o n (Foreign A w a r d s ) N o . 4 Order, 4934, and shall come into force on the 7 t h day of A p r i l , 4931. M. P . A. Hankey 16th 279 OFFICIAL GAZETTE A p r i l , 1932 SCHEDULE First Second Column Column Powers parties to the Convention Territories to which the Convention applies His Majesty T h e K i n g of Great B r i t a i n , I r e l a n d and the B r i t i s h Dominions beyond the Seas, E m p e r o r of I n d i a Newfoundland His Majesty the K i n g of Italy Italy T h e President of the Portuguese Republic Portugal (J/97/31) (375) STATUTORY RULES A N D ORDERS, 4931 ARBITRATION T H E ARBITRATION (FOREIGN AWARDS) N o . 2 ORDER, 4934 A t the Court of Buckingham Palace, the 23rd day of July, 1934 PRESENT, T H E KING'S MOST E X C E L L E N T MAJESTY LORD PRESIDENT M R . SECRETARY WEDGWOOD B E N N E A R L OF ATHLONE S I R MAURICE D E BUNSEN. W H E R E A S a Convention on the Execution of A r b i t r a l Awards was, on t h e T w e n t y - s i x t h day of September, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-seven, signed at Geneva on behalf of H i s Majesty: AND WHEREAS by Sub-section ( i ) of Section 4 of the A r b i t r a t i o n (Foreign Awards) A c t , 4930, i t is provided that Part I . of that A c t applies to any award made after the Twenty-eighth day of July, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-four— (a) i n pursuance of an agreement for arbitration to w h i c h the protocol set out i n the Schedule to the A r b i t r a t i o n Clauses (Protocol) A c t , 4924, applies; and (b) between persons of w h o m one is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some one of such Powers as H i s Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may b y Order i n Council declare to be parties to the said Convention, and of w h o m the other is subject to t h e j u r i s d i c t i o n of some other of the Powers aforesaid; and (c) i n one of such territories as H i s Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may by Order i n Council declare to be territories to w hich the said Convention applies; r OFFICIAL GAZETTE 280 46th A p r i l , 4932 AND WHEREAS His Majesty is satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made as aforesaid by the Foreign Power set out i n the first c o l u m n o Part I I . of the Schedule to this Order and respects the territories belonging to such Power set out i n the second column of that P a r t : r N o w , therefore, His Majesty, by and w i t h the advice of His P r i v y Council, i n pursuance of the power conferred upon H i m by the said A c t and of all other powers enabling H i m i n that behalf, is pleased to declare, and i t is hereby declared as f o l l o w s : — 1. The Powers set out i n the first column of the Schedule are parties to the said Convention. to this Order 2. The territories set out i n the second column of the said Schedule territories to w h i c h the said Convention applies. are 3. This Order may be cited as the A r b i t r a t i o n (Foreign A w a r d s ) No. 2 Order, 4934, and shall come into force on the 13th day of August, 1934. Colin Smith SCHEDULE First Second Column Territories to which the Convention applies Powers parties to the Convention , Pari His Majesty the K i n g of Great B r i t a i n , Ireland and the B r i t i s h Dominions beyond the Seas, E m p e r o r of India Part T h e President of the F r e n c h Republic. (J/97/31) Column I. Bahamas. B r i t i s h Guiana. British Honduras. Falkland Islands. Gibraltar. Gold Coast: (a) Colony. (b) Ashanti. (c) N o r t h e r n T e r r i t o r i e s . (d) Togoland under B r i t i s h Mandate. Jamaica ( i n c l u d i n g T u r k s and Caicos Islands and Cayman Islands). Kenya. Palestine, (excluding Trans-Jordan). Tanganyika T e r r i t o r y . Uganda Protectorate. W i n d w a r d Islands: Grenada. St. Lucia. St. Vincent. Zanzibar. IP France. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 46th A p r i l , 4932 284 (376) STATUTORY R U L E S A N D ORDERS, 4934 ARBITRATION T H E ARBITRATION (FOREIGN AWARDS) N O . 3 ORDER, 4934 A t the Court at B u c k i n g h a m Palace, the 7th day of October, 4934 PRESENT, THE KING'S MOST E X C E L L E N T MAJESTY IN COUNCIL W H E R E A S a Convention on the Execution of A r b i t r a l Awards was, on the Twenty-sixth day of September, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-seven, signed at Geneva on behalf of H i s Majesty: •AND WHEREAS by Sub-section ( i ) of Section 4 of the A r b i t r a t i o n ( F o r e i g n A w a r d s ) Act, 4930, i t is provided that Part I . of that A c t applies to any award made after the Twenty-eighth day of July, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-four— (a) i n pursuance of an agreement for arbitration to w h i c h the protocol set out i n the Schedule to the A r b i t r a t i o n Clauses (Protocol) A c t , 4924, applies; and (b) between persons of w h o m one is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some one of such Powers as His Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made may by Order i n Council declare to be parties to the said Convention and of w h o m the other is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some other of the Powers aforesaid; and (c) i n one of such territories as His Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may by Order i n Council declare to be territories to w h i c h the said Convention applies :• AND WHEREAS His Majesty is satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made as aforesaid by the Foreign Powers set out i n the first c o l u m n of Part I I . of the Schedule to this Order and as respects the territories belonging to such Powers set out i n the second c o l u m n of that P a r t : N o w , therefore, His Majesty, by and w i t h the advice of His Privy Council i n pursuance of the powers conferred upon H i m by the said A c t and of all other powers enabling H i m i n that behalf, is pleased to declare and i t is hereby declared as follows:— 4. The Powers set out i n the first column of the Schedule to this Order are parties to the said Convention. 2. The territories set out i n the second column of the said Schedule territories to w h i c h the said Convention applies. I are ׳ 3. This Order may be cited as the A r b i t r a t i o n (Foreign Awards) N o . 3 Order, 4934, and shall come into force on the 31st day of October, 4934. M. P. A. Hankey. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 282 16th A p r i l , 1932 SCHEDULE First Column Second Poivers parties to the Convention Territories to ivhich the Convention applies Part His Column I. Majesty the K i n g of Great B r i t a i n , I r e l a n d and the B r i t i s h Dominions beyond the Seas, E m p e r o r of I n d i a . Part N o r t h e r n Rhodesia Mauritius. IL Roumania. Siam. His Majesty the K i n g of Roumania. His Majesty the K i n g of Siam. (J/97/31) (377) STATUTORY RULES A N D ORDERS, 1931 ARBITRATION T H E ARBITRATION (FOREIGN AWARDS) NO. 4 ORDER, 1931 A t the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 17th day of December, 1931, PRESENT, T H E KING'S MOST E X C E L L E N T MAJESTY IN COUNCIL W H E R E A S a Convention on the Execution of A r b i t r a l Awards was, on the Twenty-sixth day of September, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-seven, signed at Geneva on behalf of His Majesty: AND WHEREAS by Sub-section ( i ) of Section 1 of the A r b i t r a t i o n ( F o r e i g n A w a r d s ) A c t , 1930, i t is provided that Part I . of that A c t applies to any award made after the Twenty-eighth day of July, Nineteen h u n d r e d and twenty-four— (a) i n pursuance of an agreement for arbitration to w h i c h the protocol set out i n the Schedule to the A r b i t r a t i o n Clauses (Protocol) A c t , 1924, applies; and (b) between persons of w h o m one is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some one of such Powers as His Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may by Order i n Council declare to be parties, to the said Convention and of w h o m the other is subject to the j u r i s d i c t i o n of some other of the Powers aforesaid; and (c) i n one of such territories as His Majesty, being satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made, may by Order i n Council declare to be territories to w h i c h the said Convention applies: 16th OFFICIAL GAZETTE A p r i l , 1932 283 AND WHEREAS His Majesty is satisfied that reciprocal provisions have been made as aforesaid by the Foreign Powers set out i n the first c o l u m n of the Schedule to this Order and as respects the territories belonging to such Powers set out i n the second column of that Schedule: N o w , therefore, His Majesty, by and w i t h the advice of His P r i v y Council, i n pursuance of the powers conferred upon H i m by the said A c t and of all other powers enabling H i m i n that behalf, is pleased to declare, and i t is hereby declared as follows:— 1. The Powers set out i n the first c o l u m n of the Schedule to this Order are parties to the said Convention. 2. The territories set out i n the second column territories to w h i c h the said Convention applies. of the said Schedule are 3. This Order may be cited as the A r b i t r a t i o n (Foreign Awards) N o . 4 Order, 1931, and shall come into force on the 18th day of ^December, 1931. M.P.A. Eankey SCHEDULE First Powers Column parties , Second to the Territories Convention Column to which Convention The President of the Czechoslovak Republic Czechoslovakia. The President of the F i n n i s h Republic Finland. Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands The the applies. Netherlands. (J/97/31) (378) " D " TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENTS U The A" APPOINTMENTS High Commissioner has appointed : — MR. N . G . HABESCH, Collector, Class 3, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade, to be Collector, Class 2, with effect from the 1st April, 1932. "B" The ALI ACTING APPOINTMENTS High Commissioner has appointed : — E F F . Z E I N E L ABDIN, Chief Clerk, Magistrates Court, Grade 111., Judicial Department, to act as Magistrate, with effect from the 1st July, 1931, and until further notice. "G" RESIGNATION The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that : AJAJ E F F . NUWEIHED, Assistant Inspector, Class 3, Sharia Courts, resigned his appointment with effect from the 1st April, 1932. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that: The appointment of M R . E . W . E V E R I S S , Quantity Surveyor, Department of Public Works, will terminate on the 4th June, 1932. "E" LEAVE The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers:— M R . E . W . EVERISS, Department of Public W o r k s , 5.3 32-4.6.32. MAJOR R . S. Y . B U L L E R , Trans-Jordan Frontier 0 B.E., Force, 14.3.32-27.4.32. HIS HONOUR JUDGE, Judicial Department, AZIZ DAOUDI, 16.3.32-30.3.32. M R . Y . ZUCKERMAN, Judicial Department, 27.3.32-26.4.32. H I S HONOUR JUDGE, Judicial Department, MAJED B E Y A B D U L HADI, 4.4.32-3.5.32. D R . IBRAHIM ITAYIM, Department of Health 4.4.32-3.5.32. KAID ABDUL RAHMAN BEK AREKAT, Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, 20.4.32-19.5.32. OFFICIAL 284 16th GAZETTE A p r i l , 1932 (379) NOTICE The H i g h Commissioner directs i t to be notified for general information that MR. P. W . E T K E S , D i s t r i c t Engineer, Public W o r k s Department, has been appointed to be a member of the District Motor Regulatory Board, N o r t h e r n District, of w h i c h the establishment was announced i n the Notice dated the 29th February, 1932, and published i n the Gazette of the 1st M a r c h , 1932. M. A . Y O U N G 4th April, 1932. Chief Secretary (Z/215/31) (380) NOTICE COMMITTEE ON LABOUR LEGISLATION T h e H i g h Commissioner has appointed the undermentioned officer to be an additional member of the Labour Legislation Committee of w h i c h the establishment was announced i n Notice N o . 958 dated the 11th December, 1921, published i n the Gazette of the 16th December, 1931. MR. W . J . JOHNSON, O . B . E . , Deputy Treasurer By His Excellency's Command, M. A . Y O U N G 6th April, 1932. Chief Secretary d/61/31) (381) APPOINTMENT OF CONSULS NOTICE I T IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the King's Exequatur empowering MR. C. L . F . T H I E L to act as Consul of the U n i t e d States at Jerusalem for Palestine and Trans-Jordan received His Majesty's signature on the 31st December, 1931. By His Excellency's Command, M. A . Y O U N G 5th April, 1932. (N/5/31) Chief Secretary OFFICIAL GAZETTE 4 6 t h A p r i l , 1932 285 (382) AIR NAVIGATION ORDER, 1927 AUTHORISATION By virtue of the powers vested i n me by A r t i c l e 27 ( 2 ) of the A i r Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated T e r r i t o r i e s ) Order, 1927, I hereby authorise M r . ROBERT F R E T Z , citizen of the Swiss Republic, to fly over and alight i n the t e r r i t o r y of Palestine i n Puss M o t h aeroplane No. C . H . 2 6 0 d u r i n g the month of A p r i l , 1932, provided that on arrival above Palestine t e r r i t o r y the aeroplane proceeds direct to the Gaza aerodrome and does not fly thence to any other aerodrome i n Palestine w i t h o u t my p r i o r approval. A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner 7th April, 1932. (D/72/34) (383) AIR N A V I G A T I O N O R D E R , 1927 AUTHORISATION I n v i r t u e of the powers conferred on the H i g h Comissioner by Section 27 (2) of the A i r Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated T e r r i t o r i e s ) Order, 1927, I hereby authorise MR. HANS GRUSE, a citizen of the Republic of Germany, to fly over the territories of Palestine and Trans-Jordan and to land therein d u r i n g the months of A p r i l and May i n an aeroplane D 2127, Modell K l e m m L/26 I I , i n the course of a flight between Germany and Africa, subject to the following conditions: (i) the said aeroplane shall alight at and remain i n such aerodromes other places only as the H i g h Commissioner shall approve; or (ii) the occupants of the aeroplane shall deposit w i t h the Local Police A u t h o r i t y all firearms i n their possession at the time of their first arrival in Palestine, to be held i n custody by the Police u n t i l the final departure of the aeroplane from Palestine. ( i i i ) d u r i n g such time as the aeroplane shall remain i n Palestine or TransJordan i t shall make no flights save w i t h the p r i o r approval of the H i g h Commissioner; (iv) permission to land at any aerodrome and landing g r o u n d controlled by the Royal A i r Force is given on the understanding that the occupants of the aeroplane w i l l observe any conditions w h i c h may be imposed by the Royal A i r Force Authorities i n regard to the carriage or use of cameras i n aircraft. The conditions i n force u n t i l further notice provide that no photographs shall be taken of any buildings, works or defences occupied by armed forces of His Majesty. 13th April, 1932. (D/ll/a2) High Commissioner A. G . W A U C H O P E for Palestine and Trans-Jordan OFFICIAL GAZETTE 286 16th A p r i l , 1932 (384) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDER A. ORDINANCES, BY T H E H I G H 1928-1930 COMMISSIONER G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 4 of the L a n d Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930, the H i g h Commissioner has appointed MR. FRANCIS GOLDWORTH LOWICK to be a Settlement Officer for the purpose of the Settlement i n the Settlement Area of the Ramie Sub-District d u r i n g the absence on leave of MR. ISAAC NEWTON CAMP. By His Excellency's Command, M. 14th April, 1932. A. YOUNG Chief Secretary (832/29) (385) CUSTOMS ORDINANCE, 1929 ORDER BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 44 of the Ordinance, 1929, the H i g h Commissioner has ordered as follows: Customs 1. The importation into Palestine of flour, semolina and wheat, other than the produce of Syria and Trans-Jordan, is subject, until further notice, to the following restrictions: (a) A n y person intending to i m p o r t flour, semolina or wheat shall notify to the Chairman of the Standing Committee for Commerce and I n d u s t r y , the Treasury, Jerusalem, on the prescribed form to be obtained from the local Customs Officer, the estimated requirements of flour, semolina and wheat w hich he desires to import d u r i n g the next quarter. A separate application shall be made i n respect of each place or port of i m p o r t a t i o n . T (b) The Standing Committee for Commerce and Industry shall notify to each applicant and to the Director of Customs, Excise and Trade the quantity of wheat, flour and semolina which may be i m p o r t e d w i t h i n such period by each applicant; and authorise the issue of a licence by the Customs Officer i n charge of the Customs Station at the place or port of importation i n respect of each consignment up to the amount authorised to such applicant. (c) A licence i n the prescribed form for the i m p o r t a t i o n shall be obtained from the Officer i n charge of the Customs Station at the place or p o r t of i m p o r t a t i o n . (d) The Customs Officer shall issue a licence for any consignments of flour, semolina and wheat actually i n transit to Palestine at the date of this Order upon production by the i m p o r t e r of satisfactory proof of the despatch of the consignment before the date hereof. 16th A p r i l , 4932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 287 2. I m p o r t a t i o n of Hour, wheat and semolina shall be regulated quarterly; and applications i n respect of each quarter shall be made at a date not later than the end of the second m o n t h of the preceding quarter. 3. The Standing Committee for Commerce and I n d u s t r y may at any t i m e i n their discretion allow a supplementary importation of flour, wheat and semolina and authorise the issue of additional licences accordingly. 4. The importation into Palestine of unrefined olive o i l and a l l acid and offal oils shall be p e r m i t t e d only under licence granted by the Chairman of the Standing Committee for Commerce and Industry. Provided that nothing i n this Order shall apply to the i m p o r t a t i o n into Palestine of unrefined olive o i l or acid or offal oil w h i c h is i m p o r t e d into Palestine from Syria and comes w i t h i n the terms of the Palestine-Syria Customs Agreement, 1929. 5. The Orders dated the 22nd July, 1930, the 27th October, 1930, and the 2 3 r d May, 1 9 3 1 / published i n the Gazette of the 22nd July, 1930, the 1st November, 1930, and the 1st June, 1931, are hereby cancelled. By His Excellency's Command, M. 7th April, 1932. (C/15/31) A. YOUNG Chief Secretary (386) LOCAL COUNCILS ORDINANCE, 1921 LOCAL COUNCIL OF E R RAMA ORDER BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER A. G. WAUCHOPE High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by the Local Councils Ordinance, 1921, and the Local Councils Ordinance, No. 1921,״2,the H i g h Commissioner has varied as follows the Order constituting the Local Council of E r Rama, dated the 23rd September, 1922, and published i n the Gazette of the 15th October, 1922:— Sub-section ( i ) of Section 6 of the Order is cancelled shall be substituted therefor:— (1) A rate for scavenging, l i g h t i n g and the following basis:— 360 mils per annum for a 1st and the following education to be collected on class house. 300 mils per annum for a 2 n d class house. 240 mils per annum for a 3 r d class house. 180 mils per annum for a 4th class house. 120 mils per annum for a 5th class house. 60 mils per annum for a 6th class house. By His Excellency's Command, M. 30th March, 1932. (G/19/32) A. YOUNG Chief Secretary 16th A p r i l , 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE (387) LOCAL COUNCILS ORDINANCE, 1921 ORDER BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner The H i g h Commissioner has ordered that the Local Councils i n the villages of Igzim and Tantura i n the Sub-Districts of Haifa i n the N o r t h e r n District shall be abolished. The Order dated the 27th M a r c h , 1922, and published i n the Gazette of the 15th May, 1922, constituting a Local Council at Igzim and the Order published on page 350 of the Gazette of the 15th October, 1923, constituting a Local Council i n Tantura, are hereby cancelled. Provided that nothing herein shall affect the liability of any amounts due to or by the Local Councils at the date of this Order. By His Excellency's Command, M. A . Y O U N G Chief Secretary 1st April, 1932. (G/29/32) (388) PENSIONS (OTTOMAN SERVICE) ORDINANCE, 1926 ORDER BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 7 of the Pensions (Ottoman Service) Ordinance, 1926, the H i g h Commissioner, w i t h the advice of the Executive Council, has ordered that the Schedule to the said Ordinance be revised by adding the following thereto:— No. Name Amount 563 A h m e d son of A m n e h widow of Osman A b d u l Nasir 513 mils per mensem. 564 Fatmeh daughter of A m n e h widow of Osman A b d u l Nasir. 513 mils per mensem. S. MOODY 1st April, 1932. (F/14/32) Clerk to the Executive Council 16th A p r i l , 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 289 (389) PORTS ORDINANCES, 1926-1930 REGULATION MADE BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER A. G . W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the and w i t h the advice varied as follows the i n the Gazette of the powers vested i n h i m by the Ports Ordinances, 1926-1930, of the Executive Council, the High Commissioner has Regulations dated the 29th October, 1931, and published 16th November, 1931: Paragraph 1 ( 3 ) of the said Regulations shall be cancelled and the following substituted therefor: " ( 3 ) The master of any vessel propelled only by means of sails may compound for the anchorage dues payable under paragraph (1) hereof by the payment i n advance of 50 mils for each ton of the vessel's registered tonnage for every half year or part thereof." S, MOODY Clerk to the Executive Council 28th March, 1932. (C/316/31) (390) DISEASES NOTICE OF ANIMALS BY T H E H I G H ORDINANCE, COMMISSIONER UNDER 1926 SECTION 16 A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 16 of the Diseases o f Animals Ordinance, 1926, the H i g h Commissioner has declared that the SubDistrict of A c r e and the undermentioned localities and the lands belonging thereto are infected areas for the purpose of the said Ordinance, on account of the existence of Rabies therein. Nablus Sub-District Nazareth Rafidya A l Iraq Tall Surra Beit Wazan Beit I b a Zawata Tiberias Sub-District Kafr Manda Uzeir Rummana Kaukab Kafr Kanna Sub-District Tur'an Lubya Ailabun Nimrin. By His Excellency's Command, M. A . Y O U N G 11th April, 1932. (A/28/31) Chief Secretary 16th OFFICIAL GAZETTE A p r i l , 1932 (391) DISEASES O F A N I M A L S O R D I N A N C E , 1926 NOTICE BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 16 A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 16 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the H i g h Commissioner has declared that the village of Yassud h a m Ma'ala and the lands belonging thereto are infected areas so far as poultry are concerned, on account of the existence of fowl typhoid therein. By His Excellency's Command, M. A. Y O U N G Chief Secretary 14th April, 1932. (A/46/31) (392) ־ CUSTOMS DUTIES EXEMPTION ORDINANCE, 1924 NOTICE A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 2 of the Customs Duties Exemption Ordinance, 1924, and w i t h the advice of the Executive Council, the H i g h Commissioner has made the following addition to the F i r s t Schedule to the Ordinance, as set out i n the Notice published i n the Gazette of the 1st September, 1929: Paper bags, not less than 63 centimetres by 40 centimetres. 2. I t e m ( i i i ) of the notice dated the 10th February, 1930, and published i n the Gazette of the 16th February, 1930, is hereby cancelled. S. 28th March, J932. MOODY Clerk to the Executive Council (C/35/32) (393) CUSTOMS DUTIES EXEMPTION ORDINANCE, 1924 NOTICE BY T H E H I G H COMMISSIONER A. G. W A U C H O P E High Commissioner IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n h i m by Section 2 of the Customs Duties E x e m p t i o n Ordinance, 1924, and w i t h the advice of the Executive Council, the H i g h Commissioner has ordered that the following addition shall be made to Schedule I . of the Ordinance as set out i n the Notice published i n the Gazette of the 1st September, 1929. 16th (a) 291 OFFICIAL GAZETTE A p r i l , 1932 Stores, equipment, materials and other things • whatsoever whether directly i m p o r t e d or consigned from a bonded installation i n Palestine w h i c h may be necessary for the w o r k of the undertaking of the I r a q Petroleum Company, L i m i t e d , and for its transportation purposes i n c l u d i n g all equipment for offices, houses, hospitals or other buildings b e i n g the property of the Company and used for its operations; the w o r d " u n d e r t a k i n g " herein having the same meaning as i t has i n the Convention between the H i g h Commissioner and the Company dated the 5 t h January, 1931. (b) Benzine and kerosene installation i n Palestine. consigned to the Company from a bonded Provided that i n either case an undertaking is given by the Company that the materials w i l l be used exclusively for the works of the undertaking of the Company or for its transportation purposes. The Notice N o . 742, dated the 9th September, 1931, and published i n the Gazette of the 16th September, 1931, is hereby cancelled. S. ׳30th March, 1932. MOODY Clerk to the Executive Council (G/339/31) (394) L A N D S E T T L E M E N T O R D I N A N C E S , 1928-1930 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Claims to land i n the village of En Nabi R u b i n i n the Ramie Settlement A r e a have been posted i n the Office of the Settlement Officer, Ramie Settlement Area, i n the village of En Nabi R u b i n and i n the District Office of the Ramie Sub-District, i n accordance w i t h Section 24 of the Principal Ordinance. Persons having any interest i n the lands of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights i n c l u d i n g mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or'servitudes, are examined by the Settlement Officer of the Ramie Settlement Area. A. A B R A M S O N Commissioner of Lands 26th March, 1932. (L/7/32) (395) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDINANCES, 1928-1930 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Claims to land i n the village of Jalil esh Shamaliya i n the Jaffa Settlement Area have been posted i n the Office of the Settlement Officer, Jaffa Settlement Area, i n the village of Jalil esh Shamaliya and i n the District Office of the Jaffa Sub-District, i n accordance w i t h Section 24 of the Principal Ordinance. Persons having any interest i n the lands of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that their rights including mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or servitudes, are examined by the Settlement Officer of the Jaffa Settlement Area. 31st March, 1932. ' (L/7/32) A. A B R A M S O N Commissioner of Lands 16th OFFICIAL GAZETTE 292 A p r i l , 1932 (396) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDINANCES, 1928-1930 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Claims to land Rafah i n the Gaza Settlement Area has been posted i n Settlement Officer, Gaza Settlement Area, i n the village ol District Office of the Gaza Sub-District, in accordance w i t h Principal Ordinance. i n the village of the office of the Rafah and i n the Section 24 of the Persons having any interest i n the lands of the said village should examine the Schedules and should take the necessary steps to ensure that t h e i r rights i n c l u d i n g mortgages, leases for a period of more than three years, or servitudes, are examined by the Settlement Officer of the Gaza Settlement Area. A. 6th April, 1932. ABRAMSON Commissioner of Lands (L/7/32) (397) LAND SETTLEMENT O R D I N A N C E S , 19284930 NOTICE IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n me by Section 7 (2) of the Land' Settlement ( A m e n d m e n t ) Ordinance, 1930, I hereby give notice that the sites of houses of small value and the buildings thereon i n the village of Jalil el Qibliya i n the Settlement A r e a of the Jaffa Sub-District shall be excluded from the Schedules of Claims for the said village. Maps of the area so excluded, signed by the Commissioner of Lands, are exhibited at the office of the Settlement Officer of the Jaffa Settlement Area, Jaffa, at the office of the District Officer of the Jaffa Sub-District and i n the aforementioned village of Jalil el Qibliya and are open for inspection by any member of the public at any of these places between the hours of 10 a.m. and noon. A. A B R A M S O N 8th April, 1932. Commissioner of Lands (L/13/32) (398) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDINANCES, 1928-1930 NOTICE IN EXERCISE of the powers vested i n me by Section 7 ( 2 ) of the L a n d ( A m e n d m e n t ) Ordinance, 1930, I hereby give notice that the sites of small value and the buildings thereon i n the village of Jalil esh in the Settlement Area of the Jaffa Sub-District shall be excluded Schedules of Claims for the said village. Settlement of houses Shamaliya from the•• OFFICIAL 46th A p r i l , 4932 293 GAZETTE Maps of the area so excluded, signed by the Commissioner of Lands, are exhibited at the office of the Settlement Officer of the Jaffa Settlement Area, Jaffa, at the office of the District Officer of the Jaffa Sub-District and i n the aforementioned village of Jalil esh Shamaliya and are open for inspection by any member of the public at any of these places between the hours of 40 a.m. and noon. A. ABRAMSON 8th April, 1932. Commissioner of Lands (L/13/32) (399) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDINANCES, 4928-4930 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Schedules of Rights to land i n the • and Settlement A r e a scheduled hereunder, and for the Registration mentioned, have been posted at the office of the Settlement concerned and at the District Office of the Sub-District i n w h i c h the is situated i n accordance w i t h Section 32 ( ! ) of the Ordinances:— Village Settlement Area Sub-District Jaffa Petah-Tiqva Office of Settlement Officer Jaffa Jaffa Nos. Registration Village Blocks Oificer Village of Blocks 4 , 4 , 8, 48, 52 and 55. A. A B R A M S O N Commissioner of Lands 31st March, 1932. (L/7/32) (400) L A N D S E T T L E M E N T O R D I N A N C E S , 4928-4930 NOTICE NOTICE I S HEREBY GIVEN that Schedules of Rights to Shares i n the Musha' lands of the Settlement Area scheduled hereunder, and for the locality mentioned, have been posted at the office of the Settlement Officer concerned and at the District Office of the Sub-District i n w h i c h the village is situated, i n accordance w i t h Section 32 ( ! ) of the L a n d Settlement Ordinances, 4928-4930. Village Sub-District Barqa Gaza 24th March, 1932. (L/7/32) Settlement Area Gaza Office of Settlement Officer Gaza localities A r R u b A l Wasta. A. A B R A M S O N Commissioner of Lands OFFICIAL GAZETTE 294 16th A p r i l , 1932* (401) LAND NOTIFICATION SETTLEMENT ORDINANCES, 1928-1930 OF COMMENCEMENT OF SETTLEMENT IN T H E V I L L A G E MUWANNIS IN T H E JAFFA SUB-DLSTRICT OF SHEIKH T H E PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the settlement of rights to land i n the• village of Sheikh Muwannis w i l l commence on or about the 19th A p r i l , 1932. A n y person claiming an interest i n the lands of the said village of Sheikh Muwannis or i n the lands of the villages abutting on the boundaries of the said village of Sheikh Muwannis should act i n the manner prescribed i n the L a n d Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930. The Notices issued under the Ordinances may be inspected at the following places:— Office of the Settlement Officer, A b u Khadra B u i l d i n g , A b u Khadra Street, Jaffa. Office of the District Commissioner, Southern District. Office of the Jaffa Sub-District. The village of Sheikh Muwannis. A. A B R A M S O N Commissioner of Lands 8th April, 1932. (L/13/32) (402) LAND SETTLEMENT ORDINANCES, 1928-1930 NOTIFICATION OF COMMENCEMENT OF SETTLEMENT IN T H E V I L L A G E OF KHAN YUNIS (EXCLUDING T H E MUNICIPAL A R E A ) IN T H E GAZA SUB-DISTRICT T H E PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the settlement of rights to land i n the village of K h a n Yunis (excluding the Municipal A r e a ) w i l l commence on or about the 7th A p r i l , 1932. A n y person claiming an interest i n the lands of the said village of K h a n Yunis (excluding the Municipal Area) or i n the lands of the villages abutting on the boundaries of the said village of K h a n Yunis (excluding the Municipal A r e a ) should act i n the manner prescribed i n the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930. The Notices issued under the Ordinances may be inspected at the following, places: — Office of the Settlement Officer, Gaza. Office of the District Commissioner, Southern District, Jaffa. Office of the Gaza Sub-District. The village of K h a n Yunis. 23rd March, 1932. (L/13/32) A. ABRAMSON Commissioner of Lands- 16th OFFICIAL A p r i l , 1932 GAZETTE 295 (403) DISEASES DECLARATION OF ANIMALS BY T H E C H I E F ORDINANCE, 1926 VETERINARY OFFICER I HEREBY DECLARE that the undermentioned localities and the lands belonging thereto, w h i c h were declared to be infected areas by Notices published i n the Gazette of the 16th February, 1932, are now free f r o m Rabies:— Haifa Sub-District Hebron Beit I m m a r Beit A u l a Muba Kharas E l Jab'a Sir'ir Surif Esh Shuyukh Beit J i b r i n Daweima Dura Idna E l Qubeiba Zeita Zikrin Deir Nakh-khas Tarqumiya. Haifa Municipal Area Ahuzat H e r b e r t Samuel Neve Shaanan Neuhardhof Tira Balad esh Sheikh Nahalat Ya'aqov Yajur Village Yajur Nesher Factory Meshek Yajur Daliyat el K a r m i l 'Arab esh Shuqeirat 'Arab Beni Chura E l Harithiya Kufritta 'Isfiya Mansi Acre Sub-District Sub-District 'Arab er R a m i Ramallah Sub-District Ajjul Jiljiliya Sinjil Tbwein 'Arura 'Attara U m m Safah Jibya Deir Nizam N e b i Saleh D e i r es Sudan ־£th April, 1932. * Chief J . M. S M I T H Veterinary Officer (A/28/31) (404) DISEASES OF ANIMALS ORDINANCE, 1926 DECLARATION BY T H E C H I E F VETERINARY O F F I C E R I hereby declare that the following localities and the lands belonging thereto w h i c h were declared to be infected areas by Notices published i n the OFFICIAL 296 Gazette of the Disease. -16th A p r i l , GAZETTE date shown i n each case, are now free Tiberias ׳Tiberias Tiberias Tiberias Tiberias Tiberias Tiberias ' A r a b Mawasi 'Arab Wuheib Mughai ' A r a b el Kharariiba A r a b et TalJawiya 'Arab W u h e i b (Ghweir) ' A r a b es Samiriya , Chief No. of Licence MEDICAL LICENCES Licences issued during January, February and March, 1932, to Doctors, Dentists, and Midwives to practise their profession in Palestine. No. Name 46 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 Chief Zivoni Klausner Sarah Elie S . Cohen Kevin John O'Day David Chatzkel Jacobson Joyce Mac Innes Pesia Katz Tel Aviv Sa fad Jerusalem Rehovot Jerusalem Petah Tiqva Benjamin Finkenthal Rishon-leTsiyon Midwives Yeghsapet Alizian M. 407 M. M. M. M. M. M. Amman (Trans­ Jordan) Tiberias Jamileh Said Khoury Haifa Alice Tannous Ateyeh Shahadanguise H . Tabrizi Nablus Haifa Wadea Habeeby Jerusalem Afifeh Najjar Es-Salt Angel G . Arabi Tajer (Trans­ Jordan) Henia Kaganowich Nun Petah Tiqva 413 414 415 416 417 418 M. 419 Tel Aviv J . M. S M I T H Veterinary Officer 28th March, 1932. (A/181/31) (407) Dentists D. 372 Address Mr. Michael Malkin Doctors DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. Mouth J . M. SMITH Veterinary Officer Address Name and 16.2.32 16.2.32 16.3.32 16.3.32 16.3.32 16.3.32 16.3.32 11th April, 1932. (A/71/32) (405) Foot Official Gazette dated Sub-District Localities Licence from 1932 LIST OF GRADUATE NURSES The undermentioned nurses have completed a three yeans' course of training and successfully passed the final examination in nursing prescribed by Government Regulations, and their names have been entered in the Government Register of Graduate Nurses on the dates shown against their names, in virtue whereof they are entitled to all the rights and privileges of graduate nurses in Palestine. Name of Nurse Date of Name of Training Government School Registration (M/19/31) lsgohi Stambolian Pauline Tokatlian (406) PROFESSIONAL LICENCES The undermentioned has been granted a licence to practise the profession of Veterinary Surgery and Medicine :— (M/19/31) C . M . S . Hospital, Gaza C . M . S . Hospital, Gaza 1st April, 1932. 1st A p r i l , 1932. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 16th A p r i l , 1932 (410) NÖTICE (408) LONDON MATRICULATION EXAMINATION The following candidates passed the University of London Matriculation Examination which was held in Jerusalem in January, 1932, under the supervision ot the Department Of Education. First Notice is hereby given that as from the 30th April, 1 9 3 2 , the station staff at B i r Ya'aqov and Ni'ana will be withdrawn. In consequence of this arrangement each station will be converted into a Halt for the trains advertised in the public time table to pick up and set down passengers. Division MR. ISAK SAMSON SCHIMEL Second Working of B i r Ya'aqov and Ni'ana Railway Stations. Division Goods in complete wagon load will Continue to be accepted for or from B i r Ya'açjov or Ni'ana. MR. YIRMIYAHU BEN-JACOB MR. HUGH WALKER. J. F A R R E L L Director of Education Acting 5th April, 1932. (E/12/31) Indents for wagons required for loading at these stations should be submitted to the Station Master, Lydda, for Bir Ya'aqov, and to the Station Master, E r Ramie, in the case of Ni'ana, (409) General NOTICES Manager, C.R. WEBB Palestine Railways 23rd March, 1932. (R/27/32) I. The undermentioned changes in postage rates will be brought into force as from 1st June, 1932. (411) NOTICE Other rates will remain unchanged: Present Revised Mils Mils Letters:— 1 8 13 15 U. K. First 20 grammes Other Countries Each I U. K. additional J 20 grammes Other Countries 5 9 8 Post Cards . I First 250 grammes 13 Commercial \ Papers } Each additional \ 50 grammes 3 Small ( ^ Packets ( Minimum charge o r e a c ^ ^ 15 3 7 9 25 30 grammes Emigration to Colombia It is notified for general information that Palestinian citizens desiring to emigrate to Colombia, South America, must first obtain the authority of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of that State before a visa for Colombia will be granted. During the year 1932 permission will be granted for the admission of 10 Palestinian citizens only Persons who have been established in Golombia for at least three years and have left that country temporarily and for a period not longer than one year, or are the parents, children, wives or husbands of persons established in Colombia, are exempt from the quota, but must nevertheless obtain a permit authorising their admission into that country. In such cases sufficient proof must be furnished to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Bogota, of their residence or relationship, as the case may be, supported by adequate documentary evidence. II. It is notified for information that the A i r Mail Service to Northern Persia hag been temporarily suspended. The Service to Southern Persia Gulf remains in force. and Persian 1st April, 1932. (1/113/32) (412) TENDERS W. HUDSON 6th April, 1932. (P/3/31) Postmaster-General Tenders are invited for running dry canteens and restaurants within the lines of the Trans* Jordan Frontier Force at (a) Zerqa and Ma'aii (b) Jisr Mejameh, Samakh, Beisan, Rosh Pinna OFFICIAL 298 and at such other places in Palestine and TransJordan as required by the Officer Commanding the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force, and for providing Hospital Diets for patients at places where called upon to do so, for a period of one year commencing from 1st July, 1932, to the 30th June, 1933. Tender Forms are obtainable on application to the Quartermaster, T . J . F . F . , Zerqa, and O . C . Jordan Area, T . J . F . F . , Jisr Mejameh. GAZETTE 4. The contract for laying of tile floors at the Isolation Hut, Mount Scopus Camp, Jerusalem, has been awarded to MR. Z. PRUSSAKE of Jerusalem, at 280 mil s per m* Period of contract is ten days (S/2/31) 5. The contract for the supply of summer uniforms for messengers in the Jerusalem Distiict has been awarded to MR. ZACHARIA SERAPHIM; Mamillah Road, Jerusalem, on the following scale:— Persons intending to submit tenders should apply for lull particulars to O . C , T . J . F . F . , Zerqa. Tenders to reach the Office of the Officer Commanding, T . J . F . F . at Zerqa by the 31st May, 1932, in sealed envelopes and marked outside the envelope "Tender for Canteens". The Officer Commanding, T . J . F . F . does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tender. (S/2/31) (443) ADJUDICATION O F CONTRACTS 46th A p r i l , 4932 Uniform (tunic and trousers) Kalpacks, grey each Sandals per pair Boots per pair 600 160 180 580 mils mils mils mils. The contractor is bound to execute orders within 14 days from the receipt of a written order Uniforms will be made to measure and Heads of Departments are requested to send their orderlies with a letter specifying their names to the contractor for the measurements to be taken and for the fitting of their boots or sandals. lS/74/31) (444) 1. The contract for supply and fixing glazed tiles at Municipal Hospital, Jaffa, has been awarded to MESSRS GEORGE KHALIM EL KAHWAGI and HANNA MANSUR of Jaffa at 470 mils per m . Period of contract is three weeks. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF A FOREIGN COMPANY UNDER T H E COMPANIES O R D I N A N C E , 1929 2. The contract for the manufacture of office furniture for the Government for the year 4932-1933 has been awarded as follows :— The particulars with the following 2 MUHAMMAD E F F . KERISH, Damascus Jerusalem. MR. A . ABOUDI, Mahne Yehuda, Jerusalem. i. s. 4. at LP.0.280 mils each at LP.0.085 mils each at LP.0.570 mils each. MR. A . LABY, Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem. at LP.1.200 mils each at L P . 0 . 0 8 0 mils each. A r m chairs Hat racks 1. 2. 3. 4. MR. H . SICRON, Betsalel Street, Jerusalem. File compartments, large File compartments, small Cupboards, large Cupboards, small MR. RAFFUL ISSA, The J . C . T . Nominees, Limited. 19.2.32. England. Mr. S. Hoofien, Jaffa, c/o Anglo Palestine Bank, L t d . , Jaffa. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES UNDER T H E C O M P A N I E S O R D I N A N C E , 1929 at L P . 1 . 5 0 0 mils each at LP.3.000 mils each at LP.2.600 mils each. Mufti, Old City, at LP.1.500 mils each MR. J . IBRAHIM E L TAHAN, Akbat el Mufti, Old City, Jerusalem. Tables, Typist Name of Company Place of Incorporation Date of Registration Names of persons authorised to accept notices and to act on behalf of the Company in Palestine. at L P . 2 . 2 5 0 mils each Akbat el Jerusalem. Tables, Chief Clerk correspond Gate, Senior Officers Desks at L P . 4 . 6 0 0 mils each. Office chairs Letter trays Tables office, small given below headings:— at L P . 1 . 4 0 0 mils each 3. The contract for erecting Isolation Hut at Mount Scopus has been awarded to MR. LP.1*26.872 mils. Period of month. wood work of the Camp, Jerusalem, A . MESHORER at contract is one The particulars given below with the following headings :— 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of Company. Date of Incorporation. Objects of Company. Share Capital. 1. 2. Beshan Company Limited. 19.2.32. correspond 16th 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. OFFICIAL GAZETTE A p r i l , 4932 To carry on business of producers, refiners, storers, suppliers, and distributors of petroleum and products or by products in all its branches or of any other products or merchandise whatsoever. The capital of the Company is divided into 1000 shares of L P . l each. Definitive Automatic Book Keeping, L t d . 12.1.32. To carry on business as Agents of the Definitive Kontroll Buchhaltung G . m . b . H . for the organisation of new systems of book-keeping. LP.1000 divided into 1000 ordinary shares of L P . l each. COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1929 NOTICES 299 company as Purchaser, and Hanun daughter of SULEIMAN ABOUKHADRA, widow of RAMADAN ABOUKHADRA and her children, Fouzr, MUSBAH, HUSNI, Z A K I E H , HUSSON, RA'AISSEH and AKFEH children of RAMADAN ABOUKHADRA as Vendors, and registered in the books of the Land Registry of Gaza on the 9th day of February, 1931, under Deed No. 55/31. AND WHEREAS the said Deed of Sale was apd was therein declared to be subject to a Deed of Mortgage executed by the aforesaid Vendors in favour of Mr. D. N . TADROS or his order and likewise registered on the same day under Deed ' No. 54/31. AND WHEREAS such Deeds were not registered with the Registrar of Companies within 21 days after the date on which the acquisition was completed as required by Section 127 (2) of the Companies Ordinance, 1929. AND WHEREAS after hearing the attorney of the above company and being satisfied that failure to register the aforesaid Deeds in time was due to inadvertance and that it is just and equitable to grant relief. Therefore by virtue of the powers, contained in Section 132 of tbe Companies Ordinance, 1929 I. Mannheimer Versicherungs-Gesellschaft Notice is hereby given that Mannheimer Versicherungs-Gesellschaft have appointed " T h e General Insurance Office" to be their lawful Attorneys and to act on their behalf in Palestine. II. ORDER AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:— 1. That a delay of 21 days as from the date of the publication of this Order in the Official Gazette be granted to the said Company within which to register the aforesaid Deeds. Such publication to be made in the first available issue of the Official Gazette appearing after this Order. 2. That the material parts of this Order be endorsed on the aforesaid Deeds. The Vereinigung Deutscher Pumpenfabriken Borsig-Hall, G . m . b . H . (United German Pumping Manufacturers Borsing-Hall, L t d . ) Notice is hereby given that M R . MAXIMILIAN FELDSCHREIBER has ceased to act on behalf of the above Company in Palestine and that M R . W A L T E R A . D E T E R has been authorised to accept notices and to act on behalf of the above Company in Palestine. • (J/27/31) (445) IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T WE OF JAFFA 3. That a copy of this Order be published in the Official Gazette of the Government of Palestine and one newspaper published and registered in Palestine, a copy of such newspaper with the publication therein to be filed in this Court. 4. That any member of the said Company who may desire to .show cause why extension should not have been granted, may petition the Jaffa District Court within ten days from the date of this publication. PROVIDED always that this Order is made without prejudice to the rights any party may have acquired during the per»od which has elapsed between the time of actual mortgage and the actual date of registration. Dated this 10th day of February, 1932. In re The New York Achooza Aleph I n c . , and A. Acting In re The Companies Ordinance, 1929 "WHEREAS a deed of sale in respect of certain ;immovable property was executed by the above (1/4/31) GUY SHERWELL President, District Court, Jaffa 16th OFFICIAL GAZETTE 300 April, ־4932 said NAHUM ISAAC MERKIN ceased to be from the said date my attorney or agent for any purpose whatsoever. (416) NOTICES Tel Aviv, 4th April, 1932. HILEL The following notices are published at the risk of the advertisers and their publication does not imply any certificate as to correctness or authority. I. The Cooperative Society and Public Bus Workers Hamkasher in Jerusalem and Sub-District, L t d . Notice is hereby given that from 9.2.32 the following three members of the Managing Committee are entitled to sign jointly on behalf of the abovementioned Society : — 1. JACOB LITVAK 2. ISAAC KAMER 3. PlNHAS BARZILAI. MERKIN IV. Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having claims or demands against the estate of S R U L W U L F F , a citizen of the the United States of America, deceased, whodied in Jerusalem on or about the 1st day of April, 1932, are hereby required to send on or before the 16th day of May, 1932, at the undermentioned address, particulars in writing of their claims or demands to me the undersigned, appointed by the Honourable the GonsulGeneral of the U . S . A . at Jerusalem under the powers in that behalf vested in him by the Regulations dated 15th November, 1922, made under Article 67 of the Palestine Order-inCouncil, 1922, after which date I will proceed to distribute the assets of the said S R U L W U L F F , deceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which I shall then have notice. Dated this 6th day of April, 1932. II. JACOB B . SIMON, Société Franco-Egyptienne registered as a foreign Company under the Companies Ordinance, 1921, and published in the Official Gazette of 1st October, 1922. Notice is hereby given that the gentlemen have been appointed by Company to be the Directors of the until further notice, instead of the whose names appeared in the Official 1st October, 1922. 1. G A B R I E L GUIST'HAU- President 2. 3. JOSEPH BLUMENFELD 5. GEORGE LÈGUES 6. following the above Company gentlemen Gazette of du Conseil Administrator. RENE CHARLES delegate. Box 249, Jerusalem. REGISTRATION OF SOCIETY The particulars with the following P I E R R E MARIE J U L E S ־D E B R E U I L DE SAINTGERMAIN Administrator. 4. JEAN BONVALLET ־Administrator P.O. ^ (S/23/32) given below headings:— correspond 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Name of Society. Address of Society. Head Office. Object of Society. Managers. 1. The Council of Trustees of the Hebrew Reali School. Haifa. Not yet fixed. To maintain, manage and develop the Hebrew Reali School at Haifa. Dr. J . L . Magnes, Jerusalem. Dr. T . Zlocisti, Physician, Tel Aviv. Dr. Hillel Yofe, Physician, Haifa. Mr. S. Nathanson, Manager of the Haifa Branch of the Anglo-Palestine Bank, L t d . Administrator. JOSEPH MARCASSIN Administrator. III. Withdrawal of Power of Attorney Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern that I , the undersigned H I L E L M E R K I N , of Tel Aviv, have withdrawn as from the 1st September, 1931, the power of attorney given by me to NAHUM ISAAC M E R K I N , of Tel Aviv, dated the 21st A p r i l , 1931, and executed before the Tel Aviv Notary Public, so that the 2. 3. 4. 5. (S/23/32) ־16th A p r i l , 1932 OFFICIAL NOTICES OF REGISTRATION OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES UNDER T H E C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E , 1920 with The 'particulars given below the following headings:— correspond 1. 2. 3. 4. Name of Society. Date of Registration. Objects of Society. Registered Office. 1. Palestine Industrial Bank Cooperative Society, Ltd. 19.2.32. To develop industrial undertakings in Palestine and to this effect carry on banking business in all its branches. Tel Aviv. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. GAZETTE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Misrad Kablani Shel Haovdim Haivrim BeTel Aviv, Limited (Misrad Kablani Tel Aviv Jewish Workmen's Cooperative Society, Ltd.) 11.3.32. To associate workers and undertake as contractors all kinds of public works, building and manufacture on Cooperative principles. The Registered Office of the Society shall be at Tel Aviv. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 301 Ben Tsiyon Kofman, Jerusalem. 'Azriel Yits-haq Grinberg, Jerusalem. Zissy Cantor, Jerusalem. Bet Kaffe Umis'ada "Merkaz". Mr. Ben Tsiyon Kofman only. 3.3.32 for an unlimited period. A coffee house and restaurant in Jerusalem. Tsevi Fidler, Jerusalem. Yehuda Leib Radomsky, Jerusalem. "Hasharon", Fidler et Radomsky, Jerusalem. Both partner5 jointly. 1.3.32 for an unlimited period. To manage and carry on business of a coffee house and restaurant. Miguel Ephtime Acra, Jerusalem. Costandi Ephtime Acra, Jerusalem. George Ephtime Acra, Jerusalem. M. Acra and Bros. A l l three partners severally. 1.3.32 for an unlimited period. Drapery and hosiery store. Moshe Yampolsky, Jerusalem. Leon Yampolsky, Jerusalem. Pharmacy Yampolsky Bros. (In Hebrew: Bet Merkahat Heachim Yampolsky). Any one of the partners. 10.3.32 for an unlimited period. Pharmacy. (J/3/31) C O O P E R A T I V E S O C I E T I E S O R D I N A N C E 1920 1. ORDER OF CANCELLATION OF SOCIETY In pursuance of Section 37 ( ) of the Cooperative Societies Ordinance 1920, I hereby cancel the Registration of "Talpioth Cooperative Society, L t d . " and order that the name of the Society be struck off the Register of Cooperative -Societies. l 2. 3. 4. 5. Isaac Lobitch, K'far Saba. Moshe Orlovitch, K'far Saba. Moshe Dana'i, K'far Saba. Mordekhai Dana'i, K'far Saba. David Dana'i, K'far Saba. Yalman Lev, K'far Saba. Kid'mah, K'vot'zath Moviley Massa Ba'sharon, Messrs. Moshe Dana'i and Zalman LeA jointly. 26.2.32 for an unlimited period. Transport of goods in Palestine and in the neighbouring countries. Dated this 8th day of March, 1932. Acting Registrar H. KANTROVITCH of Cooperative Societies 1. 2. 3. REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS 4. 5. The particulars given below -with the following headings :— 1. ׳2. S. 4. ־5. Sha'ol Chanah Kook, Tel Aviv. Efrayim S h . Offenburg, Tel Aviv. Abraham Friedman, Tel Aviv. S. C h . Kook & Co. Ordinary letters will be signed by any two of the three partners; a document embodying a financial undertaking shall be required to be signed by Mr. S h . C h . Kook and either of the remaining partners. 1.3.32-1.5.37. Commission agents, importers. correspond Names and addresses of partners. Firm name of partnership. Names of partners authorised to administer the partnership and to sign for it. Date of commencement and determination. Object. (J/6/31) 1. 2. 3. Pesah Bonstein, Haifa. Avraham Teicher, Haifa. David Biger, Haifa. Bonstein, Teicher and Co. Messrs. Pesah Bonstein and Avraham Teicher jointly. OFFICIAL GAZETTE 4. 5. 1.4.32-1.4.33. If upon the expiration of the partnership one month's notice will not to given by any partner of the partnership of his desire to dissolve same, the term of the partnership will be extended to another one year and so on. Trade in sheep and cattle and the meat thereof in wholesale and retail for the account of the partnership and the account for others. 16th Change in the term partnership:— or A p r i l , 1932: character of the Previous term (if any) but, if no definite term then the conditions under which the partnership was constituted :— From the 25th day of September, For an unlimited period. 1928 (J/37/31) THE PARTNERSHIP ORDINANCE, 1930 New term (if any) but if no definite term, then the conditions under which the partnership is now constituted : — The partnership has been dissolved from the 1st of A p r i l , 1932. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN T H E PARTICULARS OF T H E GENERAL PARTNERSHIP : "ROZENBERG E T CARMI״, REGISTERED IN T H E DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. The following statement of the changes specified below, which have occurred in this general partnership on the Fifteenth day of March, 1932, is made pursuant to Sections 8, 54 and 72 of the Partnership Ordinance, 1930. Change in the partners or in the name or sur­ name of any partner: MRS. SARA ROZENBERG ceased to be a partner in the partner­ ship and in her stead Mp,. MOSHE ROZENBERG has joined the partnership. Change of person or persons autho­ rised to sign on behalf of part­ nership. Both partners severally. jointly (J/6/31) STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN T H E PARTICULARS OF THE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP•: "K'VUT'ZATH PO'A'LIM ' N E T - Z A H ' R E G I S T E R E D • IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. The following statement of the changes specified below which have occurred in this general partnership on the Twentieth day of January, 1932, is made pursuant to Sections 8, 54 and 72 of the Partnership Ordinance, 1930. I. Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partner:— The following general partners have resigned their membership in the partnership:— 1. 2. 3. 4. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE GENERAL .PARTNERSHIP: MAKOLET. BEZOL, REGISTERED IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. The following statement of the changes specified below which have occurred in this general partnership on the Fifteenth day of March, 1932, is made pursuant to Sections 8, 54 and 72 of the Partnership Ordinance, 1930. Change in the partners or in the name or surname of any partners:— as 1. SHA'OL Z E E V KLIVITZKY, 2. MOSHE F I S H E R , 3. JACOB OLINKY. The fourth partner, namely M R . SH'LOMO FISHER has resigned his membership in the partnership. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE GENERAL PARTNERSHIP : "EZEKIEL AND JACOB YEHUDA GAREH", REGISTERED IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. The following statement of the changes specified below, which have occurred in this general partnership on the 1st day of April, 1932, is made pursuant to Sections 8, 54 and 72 of the Partnership Ordinance, 1930. II. ARBETMAN M E I R , PISMANANI ISAAC, KATZ E L I E Z E R , FISHER SHIM'ON. Change of person or persons authorised tosign on behalf of the partnership:— From now onwards MESSRS. JACOB KORN and ISAAC FEFFERKORN will be authorised to sign jointly and severally on behalf of the partnership. (J/3/31) NOTICE ABDALLAH E L SOURANI & SONS., a general partnership registered in the District Court of Jaffa, and particulars of which appeared: in Official Gazette, No. 233, dated the 16th of April, 1929. Notice is hereby given that E L SAYED ABDALLAH E L SOURANI, one of the partners in the aforesaid partnership and father of the remaining partners has died on the 31st day of March, 1932, and that HASHEM E L SOURANI, a brother of the remaining partners, has been taken on as a new partner in the aforesaid firm in the stead of the aforesaid E L SAY ED ABDALLAH E L SOURANI, and that the said HASHEM E L SOURANI is also T 16th April, 1932 OFFICIAL 303 GAZETTE authorised to sign severally on behalf of the aforesaid firm which will continue to trade under the same firm name, i . e . ABDALLAH E L (418) CORRIGENDA SOURANI & SONS. I. I J/6/31) Official Gazette, No. 303, of 16.2.32. Page 130, Proclamation under the Extradition Ordinance, 1926, line 1: for "Section S" read "Section 5". • (417) CITATION FOR ORDER OF ADMINISTRATION J/24/32) Page 231, Corrigenda, I ; the name "Khatchadourian" shall be placed in the column "•Old Name" instead of "New Name".. IN T H E D I S T R I C T C O U R T O F H A I F A In the matter of Dawod Nahoul, deceased. (1/30/31) In virtue of an Order of the District Court of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days as from the date of the publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an Order of Administration of all the miri property of Dawod Nahoul should not be granted unto John Asiour, Advocate of Haifa, as in default thereof the Court will !proceed to grant the same accordingly. II. Official Gazette, No. 304, of 1.4.32. Page 254, Order under the Intoxicating Liquors Ordinance, 1927, item (a): the words "other than Spirits" shall be inserted after the words "Intoxicating Liquors". (C/93/31) Page 263, Notice under the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1930; insert the words "Al Hamra Locality" beneath the last line. Dated this 1st day of April, 1932. Chief •(J/4/31; E. KHATTAR Clerk, District Court, _ _ (419) Haifa (L/13/32) .: : • • ! NOTICES I. T h e following unclaimed goods l y i n g houses Company, L t d . , Jaffa, w i l l be sold week from the date of this• notice. Name of Steamer, etc. Date of arrival Description i n the Stores of the Levant Bonded W a r e by p u b l i c auction i f not cleared w i t h i n one Consignee Bonded Appt. No. Date of Warehousing Whence 27.1.29 8 cases tennis shoes Order Address PD Jaffa 1/8 475 6.2.29 Marseilles 15.12.28 5 packages personal Order effects A.M. 591 11.2.29 Constantza 23.1.29 1 case lottery apparatus Pol. 15828/1516 L.S. Palestine L l o y d 624 14.2.29 Cairo 7.2.29 6 pieces sanitary articles L.G. Paul A b e r l e 661 22.2.29 Haifa •s s. Tinos 7.2.29 14 pieces sanitary articles N/M Paul A b e r l e 661 22.2.29 Haifa s.s. 7.2.29 1 crate advertising materials H . R . 6 Order 669 26.2.29 Liverpool 13.2.29 1 case (slate bed for b i l l i a r d table) 3940 M J Order 680 26.2.29 Liverpool •s.s. Gemma s.s. Alesia P>y Rail s.s. s:.s. Tinos Baron Renfrew Etrib 46th A p r i l , 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 304 II. T h e following unclaimed goods l y i n g i n the Customs Stores, Jaffa, w i l l be sold by p u b l i e auction i f not cleared w i t h i n one week from the date of this notice. Name of Steamer, etc. s.s. Celio' Bate of arrival Consignee Description 8.11.31 1 piece i r o n pipe PA/SSM Whence — Over manifest s.v. K h e i r i e h 12.11.31 1 bag onions — Over manifest s.v. Tawakalt Alallah 14.11.31 1 bag wheat — Over manifest s.v. 15.11.31 3 bags bran — Over manifest Moyassar III. T h e following unclaimed goods l y i n g i n the Customs Stores, Haifa, w i l l be by public auction i f not cleared w i t h i n one week from the date of this notice. Name of Steamer, etc. s.s. Ferdinand Colignon s.s. Taif Date of arrival Description Consignee 26.12.31 1 bale springs 1.12.31 1 bag SS HP flour sold Whence Over manifest Antwerp Over manifest Alexandria IV. T h e following unclaimed goods l y i n g i n the Stores of the Levant Bonded WarehousesCompany L t d . , Haifa, w i l l be sold by public auction i f not cleared w i t h i n one week from! the date of this notice. Name of Steamer, etc. s.s. Graz (C/13/31) Date of arrival 2.3.29 Description 1 package plants Consignee Add Lloyd Triestino Whence Beirut 16th 305 OFFICIAL GAZETTE A p r i l , 1932 .(420) PALESTINE CURRENCY BOARD STATEMENT OF COINS AND NOTES IN CIRCULATION AT END OP T H E MONTH OF MARCH, Coins in 1932 Circulation Number LP. Mils * SILVER COINS 100 Mils .. 50 Mils .. . .. .. .. *. 1,440,000 144,000 — 2,780,000 139,000 — 283,000 — Total Silver Coins N I C K E L COINS 20 Mils .. 760,000 15,200 — 10 Mils .. 1,760,000 17,600 — 5 Mils .. 2,440,000 12,200 — 45,000 — .. Total Nickel Coins I'RONZE COINS 2 Mils .. .. .. .. .. .. 536,000 1,072 1,424, — Total Bronze Coins 2,496 — TOTAL COINS 330,496 — 1 Mi! 1,424,000 Notes in Number NOTES Circulation LP. LP. 100 .. 95 9,500 LP. 50 .. 1,537 76,850 LP. 10 .. 24,471 244,710 LP. 5 .. 128,763 643,815 LP. 1 .. 985,514 985,514 LP. V. .. 235,558 117,779 1st April, 1932. (F/58/31) Mils Total Notes 2,078,168 — TOTAL COINS AND N O T E S 2,408,664 — S. S. D A V I S Currency Officer 46th A p r i l , 1932 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 306 (421) Quarantine a n d Infectious Diseases S u m m a r y For week ending midnight of 9.4.32. 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. No changes have occurred since 2.4.32. The following restrictions are at present in force Port Against Cholera 2. Arrivals from Bombay by air routes. W e e k l y R e p o r t of I n f e c t i o u s in P a l e s t i n e ־4. The following Notices and Advertise­ ments may be submitted for publication to the Chief Secretary, Government Offices, direct, but their publication in the Official Gazette will be at the risk of the advertisers and will not imply׳ any certificate as to correctness or authority: Date restrictions enforced 25.7.31 Diseases Nil. Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Directors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from Companies or Co-operative Societies. 5. Any Notice or Advertisement concerning a Company or Co-operative Society, unless pub­ lished by order of the Court or the Registrar, will not be inserted unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate that to the best of his knowledge the statement made in the Notice or Advertisement is true. 6. The following are the authorised pub­ lication rates for notices and advertisements in the Official Gazette: For every 1/4 of a column or in the type of the Gazette part thereof 500 mils Exceeding 1/4 and not exceeding 1/2 column £P. 1 Exceeding 1/2 and not exceeding 3/4 column £ P . 1.500 mils NOTICE Exceeding 3/4 and not exceeding 1 1. Notices of registration of Companies, Co­ operative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted unless submitted through the Registrar. column £P. 2 7. A l l Notices and Advertisements must prepaid. be T e r m s of S u b s c r i p t i o n for t h e Official Gazette 2. Orders with regard to the administration of the estate of a deceased person or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Companies Winding-up Ordinance or in accordance with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and any notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships will not be inserted unless passed for publication by the Court. Single copies sold locally, 50 mils. 3. I n the case of partnerships the following procedure will be observed: Palestine 250 mils. Abroad 400 mils. Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be accepted unless signed by the partners named therein or by their legal representative and the signature or representative character of a signatory must he verified by a declaration made by an advocate. Application with remittances (Cash, Postal or Money O r d e r s only) should b e m a d e to : S u p e r i n t e n d e n t P r i n t i n g and Stationery, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem. No: subscriptions w i l l be r e f u n d e d after p a y m e n t • A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by all the partners br their legal representatives must be accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pursuance of the terms of the partnership to which it relates. The Official Gazette is obtainable by the Trade from the Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem. It can be purchased by the Public at all Booksellers and Newsagents in Palestine. Post Free: Quarterly Half-yearly Annually 500 mils. £ P . l 600 mils. £ P . 1.200 mils. PRINTED BY THE GREEK CONVENT & AZRIEL PRINTING PRESSES, JERUSALEM. TRADE MARKS ADVERTISEMENTS ADVERTISEMENT OF TRADE MARKS 307 II. NOTICE The following applications for the registra­ tion of the Trade Marks referred to therein are hereby advertised in accordance with the provi­ sions of the Trade Marks Ordinances, 1921-1930. Any person may within six months from the date of advertisement of any application hereunder file with the Superintendent of Courts, Supreme Court, Jerusalem, a notice of opposition to the registration of any Trade Mark referred to in any such application. No. 2208 in Glass 2, in respect of a chemical substance used for agricultural and horticultural purposes, i n the name of Josepp Kanner of Rehovoth, Palestine, an horticulturist. No claim is made by the applicant to the exclusive use of the device of a tin container. Filed the 3rd day of August, 1931. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant, an opponent may he disallowed his costs. III. K. W . S T E A D Registrar of Trade Marks I. No. 2193 i n Glass 6, in respect of sewing and knitting machines and parts thereof in the name of State Industrial Trust for Manufacture and Sale of Sewing Machines and Parts Thereof G o s ־ Shveimashina' of 7, Petrowka, Moscow, Russia, manufacturers. a No claim is made by the applicants to the exclusive use of the device of a sewing machine and the Russian characters meaning 'Moscow'. No. 2223 i n Class 8, i n respect of batteries, radio receiving sets, radio speakers and radio parts and supplies-namely, radio power supply devices,-namely, A and B socket power, vacuum tubes, power transformers, fixed condensers, fixed resistors, variable resistors, radio frequency coils, switches, speaker field coils, filter condensers, loud speaker cones, fixed radio frequency chokes, pilot lamps, oscillators, tube shields, variable condensers, tuning scales, control grid clips, shielding lids, speaker cables and radio set wiring cables i n the name of the Philadelphia Storage Battery Co., a corporation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of Ontario and G Streets, Philadelphia, " Pennsylvania, U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 27th day of August, 1931. Filed the 7th day of July, 1931. The address for service i n Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2223 is c/o H . W . Stock, Patent Agent, P. 0 . Eox 49, Haifa IV. No. 2236 in Class 23, in respect of cotton thread in Class 23, in the name of Leningrad State Textile Trust "LENINGRATEXTILE" of 12, Perspective of October 25th, Leningrad, U.S.S.R., manufacturers. The address for service i n Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2193 is c/o S. Horowittz, Barrister-at-Law, P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. No claim is made by the applicants to exclusive use of the letters 'S. S. S. R.' and word 'Ober-garn', Filed the 9th day of September, 1931. SUPPLEMENT TO O F F I C I A L GAZETTE N o . 305 of the 16th A p r i l , 1932. the the 308 TRADE MARKS ADVERTISEMENTS VII. No. 2270 in Class 42 in respect of citrus fruit in the name of Arthur Roch of P. 0 . Box 97, Jaffa, a merchant and shipper. No claim is made by the applicant to the exclusive use of the words 'Jaffa Oranges' and of the device of camels loaded with cases of oranges. The address for service i n Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2236 is c/o A. E. Mulford, Patent Agent, P. 0 . Box 463, Haifa Filed the 25th day of January, 1932. V. No. 2249 i n Glass 42, i n respect of oranges, in the name of Hassan EfF. Essawi of Jaffa, orange merchant and shipper. No claim is made by the applicant to the exclusive use of the device of an orange and of the words 'Jaffa Oranges' and 'Specially packed for Best Class Trade'. Filed the 2nd day of November, 1931. THtErrtf HEIK B R A N D JAFFA - ORANGES VIII. SPECIALLY PACKED FOR BEST CLASS TRADE VI. No. 2276 i n Class 42, in respect of cereal food products and ingredients of food-including oat flakes, hominy grits, bran and wheat flakes (all goods included in Class 42) in the name of Three Minute Cereals Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Illinois, U.S.A., of City of Cedar Rapids, State of Iowa, U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 4th day of February, 1932. No. 2254 i n Class 1, i n respect of chemical substances used in manufuctures, photography, or philosophical research and anticorrosives, all included i n Class ׳1, in the name of The Reardon Company, a corporation of the State of Missouri of 2200, North Second Street, St. Louis, State of Missouri, U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 12th day of November, 1931. BDNDEX The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2254 is c/o H . W . Stock, Patent Agent, P. 0 . Box 49, Haifa. The address for service i n Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2276 is c/o H . W. Stock, Patent Agent, P.O. Box 49, Haifa SUPPLEMENT TO O F F I C I A L GAZETTE N O . 305 of the 46th A p r i l , 4932. TRADE MARKS ADVERTISEMENTS IX. P A T E N T S AND DESIGNS 1924-1930. No. 2281 i n Class 11, i n respect of surgical and hygienic rubber goods i n the name of "Vulkan" Gummiwarenfabrik Weiss and Baessler A. G. a limited liability Company organized under the laws of Germany of 26-32, Kaiserstrasse, Leipzig-Lindenau, Germany, manufacturers. Filed the 17th day of February, 1932 Amulette The address for service i n Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 2281 is c/o A. E. Mulford, Patent Agent P. 0 . Box 463, Haifa CORRIGENDUM Trade Mark Application No. 2190 i n Class 12, -advertised i n Official Gazette No. 294 of 1.11.31. The name of the applicants should read "RothBuchner G . m . b . H . " and not "Roth-Buchner .Aktiengesellschaft", as published. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the name of the proprietors of Trade Marks Nos. 98, 892, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1606, 1826 and 2054 i n Class 12 has ,been changed from ROTH-BUCHNER AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT to ROTH־BUCHNER 309 ORDINANCES, Notice is hereby given that persons interested in opposing the granting of patents on the applications referred to below may at any time within two months from the date of this Gazette give notice to the Registrar of Patents and Designs, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade, P . 0 . Box 541, Haifa, in the prescribed manner of such opposition. Patent No. 169 Joseph Tishler of 65, AchadHaam Street, Tel-Aviv. Title of Invention: " A n improved type of cement block for use i n the construction of cesspits with holes for the percolation of water. Filed the 16th day of February, 1931. Patent No. 200 Street, Tel-Aviv. Jacob Krizowski of 5 Barzilay Title of Invention: " A n improved garbage b i n " . Filed the 12th day of November, 1931. Patent No. 203 Zusman Lemelstreich Montefiore Settlement, Tel-Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improved vapour burner". Filed the 15th day of December, 1931. G.M.B.H. (C/24/32) (C/40/32) SUPPLEMENT TO O F F I C I A L GAZETTE N O . 305 of of the 16th A p r i l , 1932.