Consoling Eye November 2013

November 2013
02 Sharing of our lives
06 Solemnity of Christ the King
10 My Testimony of Faith
12 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
The Consolata Shrine Parish News Bulletin
Praying for Souls
(Commemoration of departed souls)
from the Parish Priest
Sharing of our lives
May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ and
the Consolation through our Mother, Mary
Consolata be with you all!
Hamjambo wote!
It is beautiful to write to you again, though once
more… it seems that the last time was just
yesterday! Time really flies!
Dear parishioners, we just finished the month
of October, a month that is very, very dear to
us. The Missionary Month! But I kindly urge that
as much as you don’t put down your guard on
the Marian and Eucharistic devotions, or in the
Sacraments and in the participation in the Holy
Mass itself, I appeal to you not to put down your
arms and energies on the missionary dimension.
You know that is the one that gives real joy in
our lives. The sharing of our lives, sharing with
others (not imposing on others) is what makes
us happy, what gives new meaning to our
lives… it empowers us in a special way.
The challenge comes in remembering that
“mission” is not something reserved for few or
something to do “here or there”, or “here and
there” but it is the consciousness that it is a way
of being. We don’t do mission or missionary
work, but… we are missionaries!
In union and in support of other specific
missionaries, still each one is a missionary in
what he or she does. How have you lived the
month of October as a missionary at home, in
your work-place, in the Church, as a citizen of
this beautiful country???
The month of November brings us many events,
but I would like just to underline three of them,
in the missionary perspective:
Solemnity of All Saints and memorial of all
the Faithful departed: God created us out of
love, in his own likeness and image, and holiness
was given to us through the Holy Spirit. Even if
total perfection will be attained in God and with
Holy Father’s Prayer Intentions for
November 2013
General Intention:
Suffering Priests. That priests who experience difficulties may
find comfort in their suffering, support in their doubts, and
confirmation in their fidelity.
Missionary Intention:
Latin American Churches. That as fruit of the continental mission,
Latin American Churches may send missionaries to other Churches.
2 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013
My Lord and My God
God, still the Holy Spirit sanctifies us to fulfill the
mission that God shared with us. On one side to
get back to God and to reign with Him forever,
but on the other side, to work and to be his
missionaries in letting the Kingdom of God be
installed in our midst day by day, little by little,
with the same patience with which God treats
us. All Saints is our Feast! And from there we
remember the faithful departed thanking them
for the life they have lived and entrusting them
to God, praying for them, but also entrusting
ourselves to their intercession.
Secondly On 23rd November we will have a
Free Medical Camp in Deep Sea. I take the
opportunity to thank many of you who have
offered your complete voluntary service for
the occasion. You will receive a packet of
graces from the Lord because you lived the
commandment of Jesus, “whatsoever you do
to the least of my brothers you have done unto
me”. You are welcome still to come forward and
give your service, your contribution, medicine,
medical equipments or whatever you are
able to; both for the medical camp and even
Finally on 24th November we will be celebrating
the Solemnity of Christ the King, feast which
will mark the end of the present liturgical
Year. That day children will get their First Holy
Communion with the King! I am sure that they
are so excited, though they need our prayers
and the commitment of their families to let
them live that excitement every Sunday and not
just only once. But the same is requested from
us. This year we will be finishing the Year of Faith,
many initiatives took place… but probably, one
thing that we have noticed is that we still have
a looooooooong way to go. And that shouldn’t
worry us; on the contrary, it just tells us… the
harvest is big, there is a lot of work, so… keep
moving! And keep moving, because there is
both need and thirst for God and for his graces
so as to use them in each one’s daily life.
And for us at Consolata Shrine, the end of a
liturgical year and beginning of another, means
to come to the end of a three year Pastoral
Plan. Together with the Pastoral Council we are
coming up with a new one. We will basically
remain with the aim of the last three years:
Consecrated to Jesus through Mary. That is, we are
all invited to deepen our baptismal consecration
through our marriage or consecrated life, and
still remembering that we belong to Him; aware
at the same time that Mary is the path from
whom Jesus, the true consolation came and
she is still the one through whom we receive so
many graces! As we already have the skeleton of
the new 3-year plan, we want to make a journey
together to move up also in our Christian life,
making a difference wherever we are, and
reaching out to others more and more. Get into
the boat and you will be excited!
And on this boat, this year we will get the
assistance of somebody whom many of you
know: Blessed Joseph Allamano. The Consolata
Missionaries have declared 7th October 2013 to
7th October 2014 the Year of the Founder. We
will definitely come closer to him and ask him
to intercede for us in a special way! He loved
Africa, he loved that everybody should come
to encounter Jesus, the one who promises us
eternal life but who wants us also to live a better
life here on earth.
May God bless you all, as together with Fr
Francis and Fr Lee, we thank you and call upon
God to bless you and your families, and to get
through Our Lady Consolata and Blessed Joseph
Allamano the graces that you need. CE
Fr. Daniel Bertea,
Parish Priest
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 3
All Souls Day
All Saints and all Souls Days
Nilikuwa nime funga safari kama hii mara
nyingi: Ni safari ambayo ilikuwa lazima nifunge.
Miaka kumi na nne ilikuwa imeshapita.
Nilisimama kwenye stage ya basi ya ambassador
nikingojea gari ili inipeleke Langata. City Hoppa
zilipangana huku kondacta wa kila gari akijaribu
kuwashawishi watu wapande gari lake. Nilitazama
ile ambayo ilikuwa na watu kisha nikaingia.
Gari lilikuwa na joto na ukimya. Akapanda
kijana mmoja aliyekuwa akiuza perembende za
tropical ‘tano kumi, tano kumi,tano kumi’ huku
akiweka pakiti usoni mwa watu. ‘Tano kumi,
chukua mamaaa promote kijanaaa’ Nilimtazama
na macho yenye alama za dukuduku, lakini
hakusonga aliweka pakiti usoni mwangu huku
akini hesabia, peremende kumi. Ilinibidi kununua
tu. Akasongea kwa abiria mwingine. Mara gari
lilipoguruma kuashiria kwamba lingependa
kuondoka alikimbia mlangoni na kushuka.
Mwaka jana nakumbuka nilipofunga safari hii
nilimsihi Mungu nisilie…nilihisi kama kwamba
sina nguvu tena. Kumbukumbu la kisa hospitalini
ilikuwa bado machoni mwangu. Nakumbuka
sura yake akipoteza uhai, kifo kilikuwa ghafla kwa
sababu hakuwa mgonjwa kwa muda mrefu, siku
tano tu…walisema ilikuwa ni homa tu… homa
tu…kwani homa inauwa? Maswali yalikuwa
mengi. Nilimsukuma yule daktari nikijaribu
kumlaumu… kwani umempa dawa isiyo? Mbona
hukufanya hili na lile,Na kumbuka nikimpiga
gumi kifuani huku nikipiga nduru, mayowe ‘…
leta kitu cha kutia pumzi tumpatie pumzi…
nikajaribu kupuliza pumzi kwenye mapua…
lakini hakupumua…nilimkumbatia kwenye
kifua nilimfinya nikamkatalia… wahudumu wa
hospitali walikuja wakanishika na kumchukua…
nilipiga nduru, na kumwita Mungu wangu… Ohh
Mungu wangu mbona haya? machozi yalitiririka
4 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013
kama chemichemi ya mfereji ulioharibika…
uchungu rohoni ulikuwa kama moto, nguvu
ziliisha, kichwa na mwili wote uliuma…Tulimzika.
Lakini machozi yaliendelea kutiririka huu ukiwa
mwaka wa kumi na nne… Mbona bado nalia???
Gari lilifika Langata nikashuka. Niliingia
makaburini: mwaka jana baada ya misa ulipofika
wakati wakubariki kaburi, kila mtu aliashiria
sehemu kaburi ya mpendwa wake ilipokuwa
ikabarikiwa: nilitafuta kaburi la mpendwa
wangu angalau lipate kubarikiwa lakini sikupata,
nikaangalia kote hata sehemu aliyo kuwa
amezikwa nisilione…
Wengi wetu tumepata wapendwa wetu
kufariki kwa sababu mbalimbali,ajali,saratani,
magonjwa ya ghafla: inatubidi kukubali msiba
uliyotendeka,kusikia uchungu na huzuni ni
kawaida hatuwezi kuepuka: ni sawa kulia hata
Bwana wetu Yesu Kristu aliposikia kuhusu kifo
chake Lazaro Yohane11:35 ‘Yesu akalia Machozi’.
Hivyo basi Yesu yuko karibu na sisi nyakati hizi na
anaelewa vyema maana ya uchungu wa moyo.
Hawa sio tu wampendwa ni rafiki, watu ambao
tulifanya mambo mengi pamoja. inabidi kukubali
yakuwa amefariki na kuangalia mambo mengine
katika maisha. Inatubidi kutafuta mahali pema
katika roho zetu kuwaweka.
Kitabu cha Sira 41: 1-13, Kinatufafanulia
kwa undani kuhusu kifo ‘[3-4] ‘Usiogope
maamuzi ya kifo, kumbuka waliokutangulia
na watakaokufuata. Hiyo ni kauli ya Bwana
kwa viumbe VYOTE. Kwa nini basi Kupinga
alichoamua Mungu Mkuu? Kuishi miaka kumi
au mia moja au elfu hiyo sio hoja huko ahera…’
[10 ] ‘Chochote kilichotoka mavumbini hurudi
My Lord and My God
Tufanye nini kwa mapendo makuu tunayosikia
au kuhisi kuhusu wapendwa wetu? Siyo lazima
tuwache kuwapenda. Tunahitaji nguvu kuendelea
na gurudumu la maisha. Ongea na Mungu,
Ongea na wengine Waroma 12: Furahini pamoja
na wenye kufurahi,lieni pamoja na wenye kulia’
Sisi ni watoto wa Mungu 1Yohane3:1-3 ‘Oneni,
basi jinsi Baba alivyotupenda mno hata tunaitwa
watoto wa Mungu! Na kweli ndivyo tulivyo…
Ndiyo maana ulimwengu haututambui sisi kwani
haumjui Mungu…’ Kama watoto wa Mungu
sisi niwa Mungu ndugu zetu sio mali yetu, rafiki
zetu sio mali yetu, watoto wetu sio mali yetu…
hatumiliki mtu yeyote kwani sisi sote ni mali ya
Mungu. Tukiwaza vile basi tutajiunganisha na
Yesu. Yohane 11:25-26 Yesu anatuuliza ‘Mimi
ndimi ufufuo na uhai. Anayeniamini mimi
hatakama anakufa,ataishi: na kila anayeishi na
kuniamini hatakufa kamwe. Je waamini hayo?
Ukitazama Richie Valens kwa wimbo wake
wakihispania ‘La Bamba’ huwa anapiga gita
‘Rrrraa-ja-jaa...’kisha anakunja uso kwa sauti
Para bailar la Bamba,
para bailar la Bamba,
se necesita una poca de gracia.
Una poca de gracia para mí, para ti,
ya arriba, ya arriba,
ya arriba, ya arriba,
por ti seré, por ti seré, por ti seré….
Bamba, bamba,
bamba, bamba,
bamba, bamba, bam
To dance the Bamba,
to dance the Bamba,
one needs a bit of grace.
bamba, bamba,
bamba, bamba, bam...
kucheza Bamba,
Kucheza Bamba,
inabidi kuwa na neema kidogo.
Neema kidogo kwa ajili yangu, kwa ajili yako,
haya twendex4
kwa sababu yako nitakuwax3
Bamba, bamba,
bamba, bamba,
bamba, bamba, bam...
Tukitaka kwenda mbinguni inabidi tuwe na
neema kama ya watakatifu. Neema ya kuwajali
wasio kuwa na mafanikio maishani kama sisi,
neema ya kutowadharau wengine ambao sio
wenye tabaka letu, kuwa heshimu wengine
wasio na vipaji na nafasi kama zetu. Katika Luka
12:13-21 Yesu anashutumu ulafi ulio katika
roho zetu. Je wakati mwingine wapendwa wetu
wanakuwa miungu yetu? Ili kucheza ‘la bamba’ ya
maisha yetu tunahitaji neema . Neema ya kuishi
na kuruhusu wengine waishi. Neema ya kuishi
kila siku tukijua ya kuwa wapendwa wetu wako
mahali pema peponi. Mwaka unakuja,Mwezi
unakuja, Wiki inakuja,Siku inakuja, Saa inakuja,
Dakika inakuja, sekunde inakuja ambayo
tutakufa…Je Mwaka ukifika,Mwezi ukifika,Wiki
ikifika, Siku ikifika, Saa ikifika,Dakika ikifika,
sekunde ikifika itatupata tuko tayari? Itatupata
tumejiachilia kabisa kwa Mungu? Itatupata
tuko uchi kabisa kasoro neema ? Kucheza La
Bamba,inabidi kuwa na neema kidogo.Neema
kidogo kwa ajili yangu, kwa ajili yako...haya
A bit of grace for me, for you,
now come on, come on,
now come on, come on,
for you I’ll be, for you I’ll be, for you I’ll be.
Bamba, bamba,
Lillian Indombera
Communications Committee
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 5
Christ the King
24th November Solemnity
of Christ the King
Holy Spirit wants to fashion in our souls? He
cannot be present in the pride that separates us
from God, nor in the lack of charity which cuts
us off from others. Christ cannot be there. In that
loveless state man is left alone. (Christ is Passing
By, 31)
Feast of the King of Hope, peace, Justice…
Why do we call Christ the King? To begin to
even remotely understand Christ as a King
we must not think about the kingdoms of
the world. Many of them, especially in the
current international political dispensation are
characterized by power struggles, a disregard for
the meek and poor and a sole purpose focused
on economic wealth.
Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ
Pope Pius XI instituted the feast of ’Our Lord
Jesus Christ the King’ in 1925. It was celebrated
on the last Sunday of October just before the
feast of all Saints. In 1969 Pope Paul VI gave the
feast a new title ‘Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
of the Universe’. He also gave it a new date as
the last Sunday of the liturgical year and gave it
the highest honour of a feast ‘solemnity’.
The feast of Christ the King is celebrated in the
Roman Catholic Church in honour of Christ
as Lord over all creation. The feast is intended
to proclaim in a striking and effective manner
Christ’s royalty over individuals, families, society,
governments, and nations.
Christ does not need your vote, for he seeks
not to be served, but to serve. His Kingdom is
one of hope, peace and justice. In the book of
Mathew, Christ identified the one way ticket to
his kingdom. And this ticket does not belong
to a political party or a philosophical school of
thought or even to a Christian denomination.
“He who does the will of my Father in heaven
will enter the Kingdom of heaven’’. Mathew 7:21
Saint Cyril of Jerusalem says: “We announce not
only the first coming of Christ, but also a second
which is much more beautiful than the first. The
first, in fact, was a manifestation of suffering, the
second brings the diadem of divine kingship…..
in the first, He was subject to the humiliation of
the Cross, in the second He is surrounded and
glorified by a host of angels”
Could it then be that above all Christ wants to
reign in the hearts of men? In your heart! Yes
you parishioner! Where is the Christ whom the
The kingdom that we celebrate is beyond
human imagination or understanding. It is a
celebration of various factors which is their very
6 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013
My Lord and My God
nature defines the hope, love and deeds that are
central to Christian belief. Christ himself in the
gospel of John told Pilate ‘My kingdom is not of
this world’.
Only through Service can we know and love
That word service! Makes many tremble.
Many want to be served, few want to serve! In
our human understanding we fail to see the
presence of God in every person. If Christ was to
appear at the Shrine today, we would all register
to do something for Him…prepare his meals,
give Him water to drink, say the rosary with
Him…. The Parish would be overwhelmed by
requests for service. Yet we fail to see God in our
friends, family and neighbors.
In a powerful message during a visit to a
homeless shelter, Pope Francis says “To love
God and neighbor is not something abstract,
but profoundly concrete: it means seeing in every
person and face of the Lord to be served, to serve
Him concretely. And you are, dear brothers and
sisters, in the face of Jesus.”
Escriva – it is to make the Kingdom of Christ a
reality. Eliminate hatred, cruelty and injustice
and instead spread love. ‘’Let us ask our king
today to make us collaborate, humbly and
fervently, in the divine task of mending what
is broken, of saving what is lost, of fixing what
man has put out of order, of bringing to his
destination whoever has gone off the right road,
of reconstructing the harmony of all created
things’’. (Christ is Passing By, 183)
Love and Humility in the Kingdom
The only crown that Christ had was of thorns.
Therein lays the example for each one of us.
Though Christ is a King, he called Himself a ‘the
good shepherd’. He brought a new direction
for humanity. The love of God is the guiding
principal for the kingdom that we celebrate on
24th of November. When the love of God takes
center stage in our lives, bringing peace, justice,
acts of charity are well within our grasp. The
greatest of them after all is love! CE
Muthoni Thang’wa – Communications
We are called to play a role in the Kingdom
What role should a Christian play in the
Kingdom? As simply put by Jose’ Maria
Solemnity of All Saints:
Let us raise our thoughts to the saints in order to honor them,
invoke them, and imitate them. Let us say with St. Augustine, “If
these people and others... why not me?” If these people, who lived
in the same conditions of life in which I now live, could sanctify
themselves, why shouldn’t I be able to do the same?
Blessed Father Joseph Allamano
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 7
Photo-work courtesy of Eric Fernandez
Bishop Rotich during his sermon introduced the family to a game,
ìBible Triviaî to help families get together and learn more about
the bible, the good book which we should read more often as it is
Godís word to us.
Celebrating Mission Sunday,
Bishop Rotich celebrated the 12 noon
mass, and is seen receiving one of the
candles symbolizing the continents,
the green candle for Africa.
Parishioners attending bible study that takes
place every Wednesday at 12.15pm, all are
welcome to attend and it’s a wonderful
way to learn the the bible.
The Church beautifully decorated for
Mission Sunday giving all the
Glory to God.
8 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013
The proclaimers animating one of the masses
during the month of October.
My Lord and My God
Childrens mass, the children animating
for the congregation.
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 9
Article on Faith
My Testimony of Faith
Jesse Kamunyu Ngugi, Age 20 years
Perhaps nothing handles close interactions with
those who God loves than faith. And this was
not apparent to me until I started experiencing
some strange kind of feelings, emotions, dreams
and life. I didn’t want to share it out with anyone,
I strongly believed that through slicing and
dicing my prayers and my seemingly close
coherence with God, I would soon find my way
out. But what was I experiencing?
Well, it all began at the start of June, 2013.
Anytime I retired to bed, shortly before I fell into
slumber, I had a feeling that my energy and
dreams were being sucked by the unknown.
This definitely prompted me to realize that I had
been having a strange kind of life of late. Strange
in the sense that just as mentioned, someone
was sucking away my energy and dreams and
this happened especially when I was asleep.
And anytime I slept, I could feel excessively tired
and my mind whirling in a strange world. And
once I wake up, I realize that something was not
okay and start pitying myself so much.
And since I knew that skeptics might deny the
existence of God the Father and debate the
validity of the scripture, I felt it wise to keep it to
myself since most of the people I knew were not
staunch Christians, let alone typical believers.
My struggles continued, my suffering persisted
which consequently led me in failing to carry
out day-to-day activities. And the little chores
that I did left me so engaged that I failed to
recognize the silent voice of God talking to me.
Although I knew that faith and prayers were my
only rescue, I equally and strongly felt that this
strangeness and uncertainty was so dominant in
my life than any other thing.
This did not end here. I was also convinced
that it was impossible for me to move from the
realm of my knowledge about God towards a
life-long relationship with him. My earlier way of
life in Christ was doomed, offering sacrifices in
form of tithes became hard, reading scriptures
was demanding, attending Sunday masses
became a daunting task, saying simple prayers
before and after sleep became a nightmare
and I was ready for anything that would give
me peace of mind and faith-even if it meant
being torn completely from Church and/ or
Christ. Although I knew that hope was not the
conviction that something will turn out well but
rather the certainty that something makes sense
regardless of how it turns out-I also knew that
neither faith nor hope could restore my earlier
way of life.
Luckily, this was not until I shared my store with
a close relative, who I believed, if not strongly
convinced, would affectionately share my
sentiments. It is through my uncle that I came
to learn we heal from our brokenness through
the mercies of Christ the Lord. As if that was not
enough, through the long conversation we had,
I learnt that the souls that strive for perfection
always adore the mercy of God. This was solely
because the abundance of graces that the Lord
grants to his people in parallel with his mercies.
This understanding was a positive
transformation to my life. I didn’t know what
10 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013 My Lord and My God
I felt but I was so moved. My long struggle
and ever-sucked energy and dreams were
now being refilled from where they had
been drawn. And just as asked by my uncle,
I began confessing, embracing continued
and frequented prayers alongside regular
mass attendance. And anytime I did this, I
felt my wounds and short-lived suffering and
uncertainty being healed by a great physician.
I couldn’t see it with my naked eyes but could
only experience it through an inner peace which
made me realized my whole brokenness was
under great control.
That was my testimony. And anytime I feel
threatened through faith, I remember Peter
“Master, we have worked all night along in vain,
but if you say so, I will let down the nets”-this
is a great testimony because I knew that we
only overcome our enemy by the word of our
testimony which also serves as an opening to
spiritual growth. CE
The Feast of the Presentation of
Mary (November 21St)
Many of the celebrations in honour of Mary are
based in historical fact.
The sacred scriptures tell of her acceptance of
Lord’s invitation to be the Mother of the Saviour
at the annunciation. We know of Her maternity
and of Her faithfulness to Her son, Jesus, even
standing at the side of his cross.
The scripture tells nothing of Mary’s hidden
life. The inspired word of God gives us no word
about Her Presentation in the Temple, the feast
which we celebrate each year on November
21st. However, we do have the testimonies of
tradition which are based on accounts which
came to us from apostolic times like the ones
found In the Apocrypha, principally in chapter
seven of the Protoevangelium of James, which
has been dated by historians prior to the year
200 AD. According to the legend, in the days
when the Virgin Mary walked on the earth, it
was the custom of Jewish parents to present
their children to God at the Temple before the
age of five. Mary was presented to the Temple
of Jerusalem at the age of three by Her parents,
Joachim and Anne.
The young child remained in the Temple to
be educated and trained in the service of the
sanctuary and its priests. Such a service involved
sewing vestments and ornaments and assisting
in the rituals or contributing to the worship
of God in various liturgical offices. Inspired by
the vision of the Temple priests, Saints Anne
and Joachim left the child Mary at the Temple
to serve God. Other sources contributing to
the back ground of this feast are the Gospel of
Pseudo Mathew and the Gospel of the Nativity
of Mary. It was not until 1472, that Pope sixtus
1V extended its celebrations to the universal
Church. Pope Paul V1 in the 1974 encyclical
Marialis Cultis, n.8, wrote of this feast that
“despite its Apocryphal content, it presents
lofty and exemplary values and carries on the
venerable traditions having their origins in the
Eastern Churches.” CE
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 11
Committees Corner
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
Perpetual Eacharistic
Adoroation [PEA]
What Happens in the Eucharist?
In accepting the passion, persecution and
death, Jesus changed it into an act of GIVING.
We too Change!
What Jesus gave to us in the intimacy of the
Upper Room we express openly, because the
love of Christ is not reserved for a few but is
destined for all. I stress that it is in the Eucharist
that the transformation of the gifts of this earth
takes place - the bread and wine - whose aim is
to transform our life and thereby to inaugurate
the transformation of the world.
Everything begins, one might say, from the heart
of Christ who, at the Last Supper, on the eve of
his passion, thanked and praised God and by so
doing, with the power of his love, transformed
the meaning of death which he was on his
way to encounter. The fact that the Sacrament
of the Altar acquired the name “Eucharist” “thanksgiving” - expresses precisely this: that
changing the substance of the bread and wine
into the Body and Blood of Christ is the fruit
of the gift that Christ made of himself, the gift
of a Love stronger than death, divine Love
which raised him from the dead. This is why the
Eucharist is the food of eternal life, the Bread
of Life. From Christ’s heart, from his “Eucharistic
prayer” on the eve of his passion flows that
dynamism which transforms reality in its cosmic,
human and historical dimensions. All things
proceed from God, from the omnipotence of
his Triune Love, incarnate in Jesus. Christ’s heart
is steeped in this Love; therefore he can thank
and praise God even in the face of betrayal and
violence, and in this way changes thing, people
and the world.
This transformation is possible thanks to
a communion stronger than division, the
communion of God himself. The word
“communion”, which we also use to designate
the Eucharist, in itself sums up the vertical and
horizontal dimensions of Christ’s gift.
The words “to receive communion”, referring to
the act of eating the Bread of the Eucharist, are
beautiful and very eloquent. In fact, when we do
this act we enter into communion with the very
life of Jesus, into the dynamism of this life which
is given to us and for us. From God, through
Jesus, to us: a unique communion is transmitted
through the Blessed Eucharist.
Listen to the words of the Apostle Paul to the
Christians of Corinth: “The cup of blessing which
we bless, is it not a participation in the blood
of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a
participation in the body of Christ? Because there
12 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013 My Lord and My God
is one bread, we who are many are one body, for
we all partake of the one bread” (1 Cor 10:16-17).
St Augustine helps us to understand the
dynamic of Eucharistic communion when he
mentions a sort of vision that he had, in which
Jesus said to him: “I am the food of strong men;
grow and you shall feed on me; nor shall you
change me, like the food of your flesh into
yourself, but you shall be changed into my
likeness” (Confessions, vii, 10, 18).
Therefore whereas food for the body is
assimilated by our organism and contributes
to nourishing it, in the case of the Eucharist it
is different Bread: it is not we who assimilate it
but it assimilates us in itself, so that we become
conformed to Jesus Christ, a member of his
Body, one with him. This passage is crucial.
In fact, precisely because it is Christ who, in
Eucharistic communion changes us into him,
our individuality, in this encounter, is opened,
liberated from its egocentrism and inserted into
the Person of Jesus who in his turn is immersed
in Trinitarian communion. The Eucharist,
therefore, while it unites us to Christ also opens
us to others, makes us members of one another:
we are no longer divided but one in him.
Eucharistic communion not only unites me to
the person I have beside me and with whom I
may not even be on good terms, but also to our
distant brethren in every part of the world.
Hence the profound sense of the Church’s
social presence derives from the Eucharist, as
is testified by the great social saints who were
always great Eucharistic souls. Those who
recognize Jesus in the sacred Host recognize
him in their suffering brother or sister, in those
who hunger and thirst, who are strangers,
naked, sick or in prison; and they are attentive to
every person, they work in practice for all who
are in need.
Therefore our special responsibility as Christians
for building a supportive, just and brotherly
society comes from the gift of Christ’s love.
Especially in our time, in which globalization
makes us more and more dependent on each
other, Christianity can and must ensure that this
unity is not built without God, that is, without
true Love, which would give way to confusion,
individualism and the tyranny of each one
seeking to oppress the others. The Gospel has
always aimed at the unity of the human family,
a unity that is neither imposed from the outside
nor by ideological or economic interests but on
the contrary is based on the sense of reciprocal
responsibility, so that we may recognize each
other as members of one and the same Body,
the Body of Christ, because from the Sacrament
of the Altar we have learned and are constantly
learning that sharing, love, is the path to true
Let us now return to Jesus’ action at the Last
Supper. What happened at that moment? When
he said: “this is my body which is given for you,
this is the cup of my blood which is poured out
for many, what happened? In this gesture Jesus
was anticipating the event of Calvary. Out of
love he accepted the whole passion, with its
anguish and its violence, even to death on the
cross. In accepting it in this manner he changed
it into an act of giving. This is the transformation
which the world needs most, to redeem it from
within, to open it to the dimensions of the
Kingdom of Heaven.
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 13
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
However, God always wishes to bring about this
renewal of the world on the same path followed
by Christ, that way which is indeed he himself.
There is nothing magic about Christianity. There
are no short-cuts; everything passes through
the humble and patient logic of the grain of
wheat that broke open to give life, the logic
of faith that moves mountains with the gentle
power of God. For this reason God wishes to
continue to renew humanity, history and the
cosmos through this chain of transformations, of
which the Eucharist is the sacrament. Through
the consecrated bread and wine, in which his
Body and his Blood are really present, Christ
transforms us, conforming us to him: he involves
us in his work of redemption, enabling us,
through the grace of the Holy Spirit, to live in
accordance with his own logic of self-giving, as
grains of wheat united to him and in him. Thus
are sown and continue to mature in the furrows
of history unity and peace, which are the end for
which we strive, in accordance with God’s plan.
Let us walk with no illusions, with no utopian
ideologies, on the highways of the world
bearing within us the Body of the Lord, like
the Virgin Mary in the mystery of the Visitation.
With the humility of knowing that we are
merely grains of wheat, let us preserve the
firm certainty that the love of God, incarnate in
Christ, is stronger than evil, violence and death.
We know that God prepares for all men and
women new heavens and a new earth, in which
peace and justice reign- and in faith we perceive
the new world which is our true homeland. CE
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
Feast of Blessed Antonia Sierna
The Chapel of Deep Sea had the privilege of hosting the Feast of
Mama Antonia, the founder of the Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate
Conception of Ivrea on 31st September 2013. Deep Sea fraternity was
deeply honoured to host his feast in honour of Mama Antonia Sierna.
The feast began with mass then followed by refreshments and entertainment. Attached is a photo of
one of the sisters explaining to the congregation about mother Antonia.
Other activities undertaken by the Sisters at Deep Sea includes; Catechesis of the Small Christian
Communities, Working with Apostolic groups, youth groups both senior and junior teams, Catholic
Men Association, Catholic Women Association, Rosary groups, the Choir and the Alter Severs.
Thank you Sisters for the work you do at Deep Sea.
Compiled by Miriam Ndirangu, Secretary, Deep Sea
14 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: November 2013 My Lord and My God
Sacrament of Matrimony in September and October 2013
Consolata Wairimu Waihenya and Charles Muriuki
Domiana Ndunge Makundi and Andrew Kariuki Mwangi
Elizabeth Nyambura Mwangi and Bazzakuketta Nganga
Jane Wanuna Karwigi and Jean-Rene Kouonang
Christine Nyamotai Matogo and Anthony Were Obel
There is a promise of marriage between:
Eunice Wairimu Mwangi and Antony Momanyi Kombo
Lydiah Wambui Nderitu and James Gichuhi Gitagia
Sheila Asubila Millimu and Kevin Odipo
Veralyn Chigoziem and Dominic Edwin Maina
Damarice Adhiambo Ogweno and Alex Louis Omondi
Irene Margaret Atieno Oduor and Paul Mutuku Makau
Rose Ngonyo Philip and Joachim Muteti Kasimbi
Note: If anyone knows of any particular reason why
the above ceremony cannot take place, please report
immediately to the Parish Priest.
Gabriel Ndungu of Salome Ndungu and Jacob Ogega
Rafael Shawn of Beatrice Nabwire Nyangweso and
Robert Callistus Nyariki
Wema Wanjiru of Pauline Mumbi Marima and Kennedy
Wainaina Macharia
Nia Guthera of Pauline Mumbi and Kennedy Wainaina
Samson Manuel Tsotsato of Mary N’kutawala Manene
and Isaiah Japheth Onsongo
Joseph Leighn of Salome Wambui Ndungu and Jacob
Ogega Gichane
Ethan Shikami of Saharon Akinyi Omondi and Achellius
Gabriella Syombua of Mary Mawia and Joel Nzyoki
Eann Mawira of Eric Bengi and Caroline Omaya
10. Natalie Nkirote of Ruth Karauri and Ronald Karauli
11. Anne Nyamangu of Estella Wambui and George Gichuri
12. Brian Mwaniki of Magdalene Naliaka and Jeremy
13. Viha Grover of Shella Grover and Rajeen Grover
Kyla Njoki of Teresia Shighadi and Robert Magana
Stephen Masiga of Margaret Wawira and Herbert
Gabriela Muthoni of Teresia Kagendo Kinyua and Patrick
Hellen Njeri of Wincate Mukami Njue and Stephen
Muchiri Irungu
Ryan Muiruri of Maryanne Wairimu and Isaac Muchina
Christine Ndela of Valentine Marende and Zablon
Michael Abraham Kiptoo of Cecilia Wanjiku and Peter
Kipngeno Rono
Isabella Mumbi of Josephine Munene and James Karoki
Joseph Mariano of Betty Njoki and Martin Muasya
Lenny James Kihanya of Anne Muthoni and Emilio Njiru
Noelle Wairimu of Eva Maranga and Christopher
Liam Munene of Rosemary Njeri Waithaka and Patrick
Njue Muriithi
Chanelle Nekesa of Rosemary Wambui Mwangi and
Stephen Khisa Simiyu
Leo Ndibaru Naikuru of Susan Ingasia and Jeremiah
Naikuru Ndurungo
Gift Ranisha Darma of Christine Murugi Njeru of Richard
Muasya Chibadu
Grace Ranellie Kasyoka of Christine Murugi and Richard
Muasya Shibadu
Stephen Njoroge of Catherine Wambui Kimui
Erik Muigai of Susan Bjerregaard Andsoren Bjerregaard
Ephraim Manyeki of Mary Muthoni Nganga and Elijah
Churu Manyeki
Michael Obonyo of Jean Lucy Alindi and Leonard Ogutu
Adam Mworiah of Joan Nyambura and Wilson Mworiah
Marcus Karanja Mwathi of Christine Wanja Nyambura
and Michael Kamau
Bella-Dina Atieno of Natalia F. Lyimo and Geofrey Oyier
Alicia Ilenji of Mercelyne Vihendo and Timothy Murunga
Franklin Theuri of Alice Mwihaki and Thomas Ndegwa
Aiden Mujicah Chibo of Meceline Atieno and Edward
Omondi Ochieng
Sheena Kalekye of Gladys Nyawira Wambugu and Paul
Nzioki Kavavu
Nathan Munyori of Mary Njino and George Githinji
My Lord and My God November 2013 :: Volume 13: Issue 11 :: 15
Missionary intention: Pray for the Churches of Latin America may send missionaries to other Churches as a
result of the continental mission.
FRI 1: Day of Obligation Solemnity of All Saints.
• Evening mass at 6.00 pm
HEART OF MARY. (Program starts at 9.00 pm with confessions and the Rosary; ends at 5.00 am with Holy Mass).
SAT 2: The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed
SUN 3: 31st Sunday Ordinary Time.
• Mass at Langata Cemetery at 3.00 pm
WED 6: Memorial of All Saints of Africa in Kenya
SAT 9: Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica
Sun 10: 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time
• Parents meeting of FHC children at 2.30 pm
SAT 16: Reception and Baptism of Adult Children at 2.30 pm
SUN 17: 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time
THU 21: Memorial of the Presentation of the B.V. Mary
• Candle lit Rosary procession in Church compound after evening mass in honour of the Presentation of the
blessed Virgin Mary after 5.30 pm Mass
SAT 23: Spiritual Preparation of the FHC children (8.30 am -12.00 noon)
SUN 24: Solemnity of Christ the King
• Closing of the “Year of Faith” (Proclaim Christ With Joy to the World)
• Children’s Mass at 9 am
• Pastoral Council AGM 10.30 am (New Hall)
• Confirmation candidates’ class ends 1st term with the Mass at 10.30 am (Hall)
• Celebration of the First Holy Communion at 3 pm
SAT 30: Feast of St. Andrew, apostle
• On Going Formation for Children that have received 1st Holy Communion from 10 am to 1 pm
• Baptism of Infants at 2.30 pm
Published by the Communications Committee • The Consolata Parish, Nairobi • Tel: 254 722 615 105 •