visions VOLUME 25, NUMBER 2 SUMMER 2015 today.yesterday.tomorrow SACRED HEART ACADEMY - CATHEDRAL BOYS - GRIFFIN - SACRED HEART-GRIFFIN Tradition of Excellence runs deep in the Class of 2015 T he Class of 2015 graduated on May 24, 2015 with the graduation ceremony and Mass held at Sangamon Auditorium. The graduates processed in to “Pomp and Circumstance,” Bridget McClain, salutatorian, began the ceremony with departing words for her classmates, and 186 students celebrated the Holy Eucharist for the last time together as a class. They followed in the exact footsteps of so many graduates that have gone before them. SHG’s graduation ceremony is unlike any other. The accomplishments of the students are recognized and celebrated, but there is also time set aside to praise God and give thanks for the joyful time in their lives. It is reverent and respectful of the hard work done to get to that special day. It’s no secret that Sacred Heart-Griffin has a long line of strong traditions. Cathedral Boys High School, Sacred Heart Academy and Griffin High School all had their unique traditions that ultimately became the life-blood of Sacred Heart-Griffin; especially that of “excellence.” You would be hard-pressed to go anywhere in Springfield and not find someone who has some kind of connection to SHG. Perhaps they recall being coached by Jim Belz, their child was in the spring musical, or maybe their grandparent was one of the last graduates of Cathedral Boys High School. 1 • Visions • Summer 2015 Photo courtesy: Justin L. Fowler/The State Journal-Register Tradition and excellence run deep in the Class of 2015. Seventy five of the graduates are the child of an alum, and of those, 11 students come from a family where both parents are alumni. Three students are the son or daughter of an inducted Hall of Fame member: Ben Eck, son of John Eck Jr. ‘84; Madeline Reavy, daughter of Michele (Brahler) Reavy ‘80; and Maria Palazzolo, daughter of Paul Palazzolo ‘84. Eleven students in the Class of 2015 are the son or daughter of an SHG employee: Ethan Bluhm, son of Josh, English teacher; Hunter Burg, son of Lisa Burg, Athletic Secretary; Cody Chrzanowski, son of Eric, Dean of Students; Brendon Harney, son of Brent Harney, Maintenance staff; Danielle Healey, daughter of Rachel, administrative assistant; Sebastian Huffman, son of Barbara, German teacher; Sean McDonald, son STORY CONTINUED PAGE 2 STUDENT SPOTLIGHT in this Class of 2015 is unique... a musician, an artist, an actor, a student, a sibling, a child. And encompassing all of those: a friend.” Athletics The girls softball team placed fourth in the Class 3A State Championship held in East Peoria the weekend of June 12, 2015. Fine Arts Congratulations to Sarah Canny, Victoria Londrigan, Madeline Reavy and Ariel Rhodes for receiving the Silver Cross award in voice. Extra-curricular SHG placed first in the Springfield Clinic High School Blood Challenge large school category, with 567 donors and a participation rate of over 105%. Adrian Pryor and Jonathan Yoswig were the top donors, with a gallon of blood donated prior to graduation. Scholar The Science Olympiad team placed 9th out of 23 teams in the division. Congratulations to the students who received medals: Louis Connelly, Sean Chapin, Cody Prosperini, Charlie Costa, Andrew Gonzalez, Olivia Doll, Nick Heisler and Peter Salvo. n Photo courtesy: Terry Farmer CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Michelle Norris, daughter of Eileen Norris, Library Assistant; Madeline Reavy, daughter of Michelle Reavy, Alumni Coordinator; Emily Valentine, daughter of Katie Seck, Theology teacher; and Justin Zanger, son of Eric, Science teacher. Seventy-six percent of the Class of 2015 came from local Catholic grade schools. “SHG has become a part of us. Later today, my class and I will be alumni. But Sacred Heart-Griffin remains a piece of our identities.” After 5,040 class periods, the Class of 2015 received their diplomas and officially became alumni of Sacred Heart-Griffin High School. Just as Cody said, SHG will remain a piece of their identities, and they will keep the tradition of excellence alive, as so many before them have. n In addition to keeping a legacy alive, the Class of 2015 has kept the tradition of excellence alive. The graduates received offers of 11.9 million dollars in first year and renewable merit-based scholarships. The members of this class completed 31,760 hours of community service in their four years at SHG. 95% of the class is college bound, with the remaining 5% entering the armed forces, or the work Photo courtesy: Terry Farmer force. A Fond Farewell recently as the cafeteria manager, for the last 30 years. “I’ve enjoyed every minute, and having the chance to watch the students grow.” Bosie plans to spend her retirement with family and friends and travelling. Griffin retired at the conclusion of the 20142015 school year. Karen Hewitt worked in the cafeteria for 9 years. “I’ve so enjoyed my time at SHG, especially the kids.” Hewitt plans to take camping trips and attend car shows with her husband. Four long-time employees of Sacred HeartVicki Bauer taught theology at SHG for the last 10 years. Bauer notes that her time at SHG has been “filled with support, encouragement, empowerment and excitement to be ‘on the cutting edge’ with new technology and educational advancements. It’s definitely a community of love and support, embracing diversity and differences.” 2 • Visions • Summer 2015 “Many of us come in to SHG expecting BMWs, Rolex watches, and a bunch of apelike football jocks. Actually, I can count on my hands the number of people that have BMWs and wear Rolex watches, and our football players are just as intelligent and successful in class as any of the rest of us.” Becky Bosie worked in the cafeteria, and most Frank Saputo worked as a science instructor for 34 years. Saputo says, “My 34 years at SHG have flown by because it has been such a great place to work. The students, faculty, staff and administration have made it a great experience.” Saputo plans to spend his winters in Florida and is looking forward to retirement. n First annual Spirit Sunday for scholarships The Alumni Activities committee hosted the Spirit Sunday Walk/Run on April 19, 2015. Spirit Sunday was held in place of the Scholarship Scramble this year. The event was originally planned as an outdoor walk/run, but was moved inside West Campus due to inclement weather. The rain did not dampen the SHG spirit though, and an astounding 4,253 laps were walked or ran throughout the day. Through the generosity of corporate sponsors, each lap helped raise money for scholarships and the operating budget. Prizes were awarded for the most laps walked or ran in each age category. The winners included: 56 & Over: Our very own Sr. Margaret Joanne Grueter, SHG Principal 36-55: Pete Edwards and Rod Hughes 19-35: Dan Schafer 18 & Under: Carter Etheridge & Blake Troyer, who walked/ran over 70 laps each. A huge thanks to our Alumni Activities committee, our 20-plus corporate sponsors, Green Family Stores, our premiere sponsor, and all those who walked the walk for scholarships! n Points of Pride: Alumni 1986 Karla Carwile-Ivankovich was recently featured in Springfield’s Own magazine for her work with OnePatient Global Health Initiative, a non-profit organization she founded with her husband, Dr. Daniel Ivankovich, in 2010. OnePatient has clinics and outreach programs in Chicago and Haiti. The mission of OnePatient is to provide healthcare, “without discrimination and regardless of ability to pay.” Karla says her time at Sacred Heart Academy “promoted service to others,” and was influential in her career today. 1987 Angie Keefner-Grieser opened “Keefner’s” this past April in Springfield. The restaurant boasts itself as, “Sandwiches, Suds, Stories.” Angie says the restaurant is in homage to her father, Paul Keefner, with old Springfield favorites like olive-nut loaf, hand dipped milkshakes, and Braunschweiger. 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Eight SHG alumnae and one Ursuline Academy alumna spear-headed the “TP the Town” fundraiser for St. Martin de Porres on June 17. St. Martin de Porres is a charity that assists families in the Springfield area. Government assistance programs do not cover the cost of toilet paper, so it’s an item that is in high demand at St. Martin de Porres. The fundraiser collected over 11,000 rolls of toilet paper, and raised $6,500 in donations. The committee included Amanda (Reavy) Simhauser ‘00, Lara (Stremsterfer) Donovan UA ‘01, Kate (Gildner) Large ‘01, Emily (Wisniewski) Anderson ‘02, Johanna (Borgsmiller) Hall ‘02, Kristin (Reavy) Roglis ‘02, Courtney (Klemm) Westlake ‘02, Melissa Reavy ‘03 and Julie (Broms) Sgro ‘03. 2010 Mariah Kaplan graduated from Indiana University in May 2015 with a Bachelor’s degree in vocal music and psychology. Mariah is spending her summer in Perigeux, France performing the role of Rosita in Offenbach’s operetta, “Un mari a la Porte.” n 3 • Visions • Summer 2015 Simon Cory and Paul John Staab II inducted into SHG Hall of Fame O n Sunday, May 24, 2015, at the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2015, the Sacred Heart-Griffin High School community inducted Simon R. Cory and Paul John (PJ) Staab II into the SHG Hall of Fame for the exemplary ways in which they have integrated the mission of SHG into their lives. Staab is involved in many activities throughout the Springfield area. He assisted in the construction of the Spaulding Veterans Memorial and the New Berlin Area Veterans Memorial and now serves on both of their boards. Having been a life-time member of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, he served on the executive committee for its restoration and helped with the campaign to fund this project. Staab has served on almost every committee and activity at Cathedral. Most recently, he worked with combat veterans to recreate the funeral hearse that carried President Lincoln to his final resting place at Oak Ridge Cemetery. Staab was instrumental in the historical weekend when Springfield re-enacted the funeral procession of President Lincoln in honor of the 150th Anniversary of Lincoln’s Death. Staab Funeral Home very generously participated in the SHG Internship program, sponsoring several interns at the funeral home which allowed students to gain experience in the work place while earning tuition assistance. Paul John Staab II has been married to Ruth for thirty years and they have six children, Elizabeth, Courtney, Paul John III, Lauren, Peter and Parker, who all attended SHG. Simon Richard Cory graduated from Griffin High School in 1966 and received his Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University Carbondale in 1971. Cory began his teaching career as a science teacher at Griffin High School immediately following graduation from SIU Carbondale. 4 • Visions • Summer 2015 The Nifty Fifty reunion was held on Friday, June 5, 2015. The annual event is held for individuals who graduated 50+ years ago from Sacred Heart Academy, Cathedral Boys High School and Griffin High School. This year we welcomed the Class of 1964! The alumni, their spouses, and several Ursuline Academy alumnae enjoyed lunch and conversation at The Sangamo Club in Springfield. n PJ Staab graduated from Griffin High School in 1976 and attended Southern Illinois University Carbondale where he received his associate degree in mortuary science. Having worked in nearly every position at Staab Funeral Home, including grounds and maintenance, PJ currently is president of Staab Funeral Home. He and his family are dedicated to providing funeral services for the underserved in the Springfield area. Numerous times each year, Staab Funeral Home buries or cremates those who have no family or friends. Annual Nifty Fifty reunion held Phil Gebben ‘51, Peggy (Weber) ‘59 & Dan Cadigan ‘57 and Eldon Eck ‘57 Susan (Biderbost) Klemm ‘64, Rita Nortrup ‘64 and Angela Schaiva ‘64 Charlie Gramlich ‘56 Kairos cross dedicated in memory of Simon Cory Kathleen Cory and PJ Staab accepting the Hall of Fame award Photo courtesy: Justin L. Fowler/The State Journal-Register During his tenure, Cory taught biology, health, theology, and later became the Dean of Students and Campus Minister. Cory was also active and instrumental in the Wilderness Adventure Club, SHG Works, JOSHUA (Journey of Service Helping Upper Appalachia) and the Kairos retreats. Cory was responsible for bringing the Kairos program to SHG. He served as a leader on 42 Kairos retreats, a retreat enabling the participants to know God, themselves and one another better. The Kairos program continues to be a highlight of students’ high school career at SHG. F riday, May 22, 2015, a Kairos cross dedication ceremony was held in memory of Mr. Simon Cory. The cross, hand-crafted by Joe Cimarossa, was donated by this year’s student council to be hung on the brick wall in the courtyard. Simon Cory graduated from Griffin High School in 1966, and later became a teacher at Griffin High School for 18 years. In 1988 when Griffin High School and Sacred Heart Academy merged to form Sacred Heart-Griffin High School, Cory became the Dean of Students until 2006 and worked in Campus Ministry until his retirement in 2012. Besides his involvement at SHG, he held many leadership roles at St. Joseph Parish in Springfield, St. Joseph’s Home, and the Habitat for Humanity. While at SHG, he was very active and instrumental in several programs, and was responsible for beginning the Kairos program, a four day retreat for students that is “God’s time.” Simon Cory passed away after a courageous battle with cancer on June 5, 2014. Simon and his wife, Kathleen, were married for 44 years and raised five children: Colleen, Patrick, Bridget, Megan and Tommy, who all attended Sacred Heart-Griffin. Simon Cory was known for hand crafting crosses for each Kaironian, and thousands of students received those crosses during their time at SHG. The Kairos cross in the courtyard will serve as a lasting tribute to Mr. Cory’s unconditional love he shared with all of those at SHG. n Simon Cory, circa 2004 His beloved wife Kathleen accepted this honor posthumously on Simon’s behalf. n Save the Date! 2nd Annual Adult Homecoming Celebration after the Home football game Reserve your seat for the 2015 football season! Membership to the Stadium Club will provide you with prime seating in a comfortable bleacher seat along with prime parking. Seats are filling up! Call 217-787-9732 for more information The hand-crafted Kairos cross 5 • Visions • Summer 2015 Bridget, Kathleen, Thomas and Melissa Norris Cory Friday, September 25, 2015 West Campus What’s Your News? alumni news We’d like to know the latest about you, your family, career and activities for the Alumni News section of Visions. Write to Visions, Sacred Heart-Griffin High School, 1200 West Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702-4794 or e-mail 2006 (continued) Elizabeth Smith was engaged to Nicholas Lucin on May 23, 2015, in Temecula, California. Elizabeth is a working actress in the Los Angeles area, and the couple plans to marry in Springfield in the summer of 2016. Christian William Ring, son of Margaret (Francis) ‘86 & Greg Ring 2007 Mary Kate McIntyre and Eric Larson were married on May 23, 2015, at Blessed Sacrament Church in Springfield. The Larsons reside in Springfield. Damien Kaplan ‘04 1958 Jack Flynn and Nancy (Zattich) Flynn celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on May 28, 2015. They have three children and six grandchildren. The Flynns reside in St. Louis, MO. 1972 Mike Mochel was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons by the Most Reverend Paul S. Loverde, Bishop of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, on January 17, 2015. Deacon Mike is assigned to St. Clare of Assisi Parish in Clifton, VA. Mike also serves as Minister of Religious Education, and leads the Adult Faith Formation program with his wife, Becky. 1986 Margaret (Francis) Ring and husband, Greg, welcomed Christian William, on January 17, 2015. Christian is little brother to Jacob. Margaret works as a grant writer for 1st Choice Advisors, a company serving nonprofits. The family reside in Raleigh, NC. 2004 Damien Kaplan is one of 213 finalists in the quarterfinals for the Music Educator Award presented by The Recording Academy and the GRAMMY Foundation. There were over 4,500 initial nominations. Damien is a music teacher at Springfield High School and was nominated by his students. Damien and his wife, Morgan (Fishburn) ‘05 reside in Springfield. Brody William, son of Brittany Dhabalt ‘06 6 • Visions • Summer 2015 Elizabeth Smith ‘06 and Nicholas Lucin Larry Luster ‘04 with Senator Harris and Coach Ken Leonard Elizabeth (Bivens) ‘06 and Tom Logan 2004 (continued) Larry Luster works on the communications staff for Illinois State Senator Napoleon Harris and the Illinois Senate Democrats. Recently, Luster organized a meeting between Senator Napoleon Harris (former linebacker for the Oakland Raiders, the Minnesota Vikings, and Kansas City Chiefs) and SHG Athletic Director Ken Leonard, to discuss concussion safety. 2005 Michael V. Santini earned his Doctorate in Pharmacy from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville School of Pharmacy in May 2015. He earned Dean’s List designation while completing his Doctorate and Undergraduate degrees. In addition, Michael was selected to present his Capstone Project on Vancomycin use and monitoring as a platform presentation at the Spring 2015 meeting of the Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists/Missouri Society of Health-System Pharmacists and earned the award for Best Platform Presentation. 2006 Elizabeth Bivens was married April 11, 2015, to Tom Logan in St. Louis, MO. Elizabeth is a voice instructor at Community Music School of Webster University, and the couple reside in St. Louis, MO. Brittany Dhabalt welcomed Brody William on March 31, 2015. Brody weighed 8 lbs., 13 oz. The family resides in Springfield. Eric and Mary Kate (McIntyre) Larson ‘07 Jordan Sestak ‘07 and her service dog in training, Abe Jordan Sestak graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine on May 16, 2015. Jordan was a founding member of a program called Illini Service Dogs at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and trained a service dog, Abe, while in medical school. Jordan will participate in one year of residency in medicine at SIU, and will begin her residency in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Carolinas Health in Charlotte, NC. Clare Zimmerman graduated from Southern Illinois University School of Medicine on May 16, 2015. Clare will begin her residency in Pediatrics at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, IL. 2008 John Zimmerman graduated from the Southern Illinois University School of Law on May 15, 2015. John plans to take the Bar exam this summer and hopes to practice health-related law in the future. 2010 Sara Brown welcomed Lane Michael on February 18, 2015. Lane weighed 8 lbs. 3 oz. The family resides in Ashland, IL. 2012 Ellen Curry recently finished her junior year of college at St. Louis University, where she studies Communication Sciences & Disorders and Global & Local Social Justice. This summer, Ellen will participate in the Border Servant Corps and will serve Jardin de los Ninos in New Mexico. Dr. Clare Zimmerman ‘07 John Zimmerman, JD ‘08 In Memoriam... May these souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. ALUMNI Catherine (McDonough) Kochman ‘33 Sr. Ann Catherine Radosevic, O.P. ‘36 Alfonso Greco ‘40 Kathleen (Green) Carlson, ‘42 Bernadette (Quinn) Costa ‘42 Thomas J. DiLello ‘45 Rev. Eugene J. Weitzel, CSV ‘45 Robert J. Londrigan ‘46 Ferne (Comstock) Kruger ‘47 John Kuznik ‘47 Mary Lynn (Lindsey) Porter ‘47 Barbara (Reynolds) Rockford ‘47 Ellyn (Mullaney) Call ‘48 Bernard M. Kulavic ‘48 John P. Flynn ‘49 Franklin T. Laswell ‘50 Eugene A. Bringaze, Jr, ‘51 John J. Hurley ‘51 Mary Eck ‘52 Judith M. Power ‘54 Sr. Mary Dominica Brennan, O.P. ‘55 Patricia (Howard) Scott, ‘56 Paul Huber ‘58 Robert W. Korba ‘61 William Augustitis ‘62 John Garvey ‘63 Carol (Vogelsang) Camp ‘65 Rebecca (Cole) Chandler ‘65 John P. Wright ‘68 Donald J. Kulek ‘69 Mark G. Magill ‘71 James Moffett ‘77 Robert Cellini ‘82 Robert Pipkin ‘82 Richard “Tuba” Young ‘82 Sarah Ely ‘07 Lane Michael, son of Sara Brown ‘10 Ellen Curry ‘12 7 • Visions • Summer 2015 ALUMNI Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PA I D reunions Springfield, Illinois SACRED HEART-GRIFFIN Permit No. 789 1200 West Washington Springfield, IL 62702-4794 Return Service Requested While we don’t have all the details, we do have some information. Contact your classmates for more details! To list your class reunion information, e-mail or call (217) 787-9732. 1955 SHA, CBHS, UA Friday, September 18, 2015 Island Bay Yacht Club More details to follow Contact: Yvonne (James) Butcher, 1964 SHA, UA & GHS “1st Anniversary of our 50th Reunion” August 29, 2015 SHG West Campus Contact: or John Klemm, 217-546-2437 1965 SHA, UA & GHS Friday, June 26, 2015 Engrained Brewery Saturday, June 27 Illini Country Club Contact: Katie Hughes Help Us Update Our Mailing List • If you know of alumni who did not receive this newsletter, or if you are receiving more than one copy, please indicate below and mail this form to us. • PARENTS: If your alumni son(s)/daughter(s) has a permanent address other than the one given above, please complete the form below giving the updated address and return the form to us. • Mail all alumni address information to Visions, c/o Sacred Heart-Griffin High School, 1200 West Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702-4794. Or e-mail us at: or call us at 217-787-9732. ATTENTION YOUNG ALUMS We’d love to keep in touch with you! Let us know where you’ve moved! Many of you are still listed at your parents’ address. Name __________________________________ SHA ___ CBHS/GHS ___ SHG ___ Year of Graduation_____________ Address________________________________________________________________ E-mail______________________ 1970 1975 SHA, UA & GHS SHA, UA & GHS Friday, August 28, 2015 Saturday, August 1, 2015 Home Football game and Longbridge Golf Course Saturday, August 29, RSVP to morning Campus Tour/Walk and evening dinner at Illini Country Club Contact: Nancy McGinnis Moll, 217-652-9432, Like us on Facebook! 1995 SHG Saturday, July 25, 2015 Springfield Hilton Contact: Ben Sowle Follow us on Twitter! Have your reunion at our newly renovated West Campus! E-mail for more information! 8 • Visions • Summer 2015