RETAIL DATA STUDY AVOCADO Retail Study 3-Years ending June 2012 Retail Sales Opportunity Analysis: Distribution and Sales of Greenskin and Hass Avocados Total U.S. Report with Regional Overviews Objective • Determine retail distribution and sales opportunities for Hass Avocados – Determine the sales and distribution impact of Greenskin Avocados on the entire avocado category – Compare the sales and distribution trends of Greenskin and Hass Avocados – Determine the market share of Greenskin and Hass Avocados by region 2 Methodology and Definitions Retail Data Source: SymphonyIRI Group / FreshLook Marketing - Analysis by Fusion Marketing • Geographies include all stores (reporting and non-reporting stores – i.e. independents) • Total U.S. (includes all regions): California, Great Lakes, Midsouth, Northeast, Plains, South Central, Southeast, West • Timeframe: 3 Years (July 2009 – June 2012) • 2010: July 2009 - June 2010 • 2011: July 2010 – June 2011 • 2012: July 2011 – June 2012 • Avocado Category • Includes all avocado varieties and sizes • Bagged or Bulk • Bagged: Any item with a UPC; Avocados that are prepacked into a bag or container • Note: UPC does not define variety • Bulk: Avocados sold loose; as an “each” - not prepackaged • Measures / Volume • Retail volume is stated in “units” • Bulk: A single avocado sold equals one unit • Bagged: The number of units sold in a single bag Example: A bag containing 4 Avocados equals 4 units ________________________________________ COLOR CODED NOTES FOR QUICKER READING: • The analysts’ conclusions - Read these to quickly understand the report Key Take-a-way: A broad overview of findings Key Highlight: A summation of the data/information contained in a specific portion of the report • • • • • Retail Dollars (Retail Sales) – Total sales dollars captured at the retail register Average Selling Price (ASP) – The average of all prices including coupons, promotional pricing, and club/loyalty discounts – Stated as ASP per Unit or ASP/Unit or $/Unit Average Per Store – A calculation that averages sales to a per store basis Distribution – The store count that carries a category or item – Often written as a percentage of total stores – In this study, distribution figures are “simple” distribution meaning that if an item was sold in a store during a week during the year, it is measured as a point of distribution Share of Total Category – A calculated percentage of how much a segment or item contributes to total category sales (dollars or volume) – Category Definitions: • Hass • Greenskin • All Other (Pinkerton, Cocktail and Seedless)* * All Other represents 0.39% of all avocado sales Key Insight: 3 IRI Regions and Store Count 2012 Store Count California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains South Central Southeast West Total U.S. 14,947 25,912 22,111 29,222 13,815 25,999 28,543 16,664 177,211 4 Executive Summary • Distribution – In 2012, Greenskin Avocados were sold in 56% of stores nationwide • • Share – In 2012, Greenskin Avocados accounted for less than 5% of category* dollars (sales) and volume (units) • • Over the past three years, contribution to the category has fluctuated less than 1 point Trends and Averages – Total category* trends from 2010 to 2012 grew +19% in retail dollars and +10% in retail volume • • – Greenskin and Hass Avocados’ retail dollar (sales) trends were in line, as both grew +19% Greenskin Avocados declined -8% in retail volume (units) while Hass Avocados grew +11% Per Store Per Week** retail dollar averages grew from 2010 to 2012, but Greenskin Avocados’ retail volume average declined • • • From 2010 to 2012 the rate of distribution grew +11% Greenskin Avocados’ retail dollar growth of +7% under performed that of the Hass Avocado growth of +19% Greenskin Avocados’ retail volume decline of -17% under performed that of the Hass Avocado growth of +11% Key Highlights and Take-a-ways – In 2012, Hass Avocados accounted for $1.4 billion dollars while Greenskin Avocados accounted for $69.9 million – With trends favoring Hass Avocados and its dominance throughout the nation, it does not appear that Greenskin Avocados will be more than a small contributor to the category* unless there are significant changes to its marketing resources, support and availability (crop) * Hass, Greenskin and All Other ** Store counts and distribution fluctuate from year-to-year 5 Total U.S. – Retail Avocado Dollars (sales) Hass Avocados represented over 94% of category dollars • Total category dollars grew +19% from 2010 to 2012 – – • Greenskin Avocados represented less than 5% of category dollars and grew +19% Hass Avocados represented over 94% of category dollars and grew +19% Key Highlight: In 2012, Greenskin Avocados were a small contributor to category sales, where the key driver of the category was Hass Avocados which represented $1.4 billion retail dollars Total U.S. - Retail Dollars by Variety Hass Hass 2010 Hass Greenskin Other Total Hass Share Greenskin Share Greenskin Other Hass Hass 2011 2012 2010 $ 1,167,106,473 $ 58,697,766 $ 148,710 $ 1,225,952,949 2011 $ 1,289,029,943 $ 57,797,299 $ 4,101,263 $ 1,350,928,506 2012 $ 1,386,990,053 $ 69,879,431 $ 6,117,877 $ 1,462,987,361 95.2% 4.8% 95.4% 4.3% 94.8% 4.8% 10v11 +10.4% -1.5% +2657.9% +10.2% 11v12 +7.6% +20.9% +49.2% +8.3% 10v12 +18.8% +19.0% +4014.0% +19.3% 6 Total U.S. – Retail Avocado Volume (units) Hass Avocados represented over 94% of category volume • The total avocado category volume grew +10% from 2010 to 2012 – – • Greenskin Avocados represented less than 6% of category volume and declined -8% Hass Avocados represented over 94% of category volume and grew +11% Key Highlight: In 2012, Greenskin Avocados were a small contributor to category volume, where the key driver of the category was Hass Avocados which represented 1.4 billion retail units Total U.S. - Retail Volume (units) by Variety Hass Greenskin Other Hass Hass Greenskin Other Total Hass Share Greenskin Share Hass Hass 2010 2011 2010 1,232,263,693 74,508,175 228,505 1,307,000,373 94.3% 5.7% 2011 1,237,054,870 56,838,337 6,314,413 1,300,207,620 95.1% 4.4% 2012 2012 1,366,411,398 68,533,663 8,437,958 1,443,383,019 94.7% 4.7% 10v11 +0.4% -23.7% +2663.4% -0.5% 11v12 +10.5% +20.6% +33.6% +11.0% 10v12 +10.9% -8.0% +3592.7% +10.4% 7 Total U.S. – Retail Sales & Volume by Quarter Quarter-over-quarter, Hass Avocados were the key driver of the category Retail Dollars Hass 2009-3 2009-4 2010-1 2010-2 2010-3 2010-4 Greenskin 2011-1 2011-2 2011-3 2011-4 2012-1 2012-2 Retail Volume (units) Hass 2009-3 2009-4 2010-1 2010-2 2010-3 2010-4 • Over the past three years, Greenskin Avocados have not gained momentum at retail Greenskin 2011-1 2011-2 2011-3 2011-4 2012-1 2012-2 • Hass Avocados were the major selling variety quarter-overquarter 8 Store Counts and Distribution Greenskin Avocado’s 2012 distribution grew from 2010 Total U.S. - Distribution 2010 2011 2012 176,794 175,555 177,211 • Total U.S. store counts have not fluctuated significantly in the past three years – 2012 Total U.S. store count for the Avocado category was 177,211 which was a slight increase of +0.2% from 2010 • Key Highlights: -0.7% +0.9% Store Count (Avocado Category) Total U.S. - Distribution 2010 2011 2012 99,863 89,630 -2.4% 87,466 – Greenskin Avocado distribution grew +5 points from 2010 • 2012 distribution = 56% • 2010 distribution = 51% – Hass Avocado 2012 distribution was 100% (see slide 17) • Key Insight: With all things being equal, if Greenskin distribution continues to grow at its most recent rate of +14%, they could “potentially” achieve100% distribution by 2017 +14.2% Store Count (Greenskin) 9 Total U.S. – Per Store Average Comparisons Year over year, Hass Avocados significantly outpaced Greenskin Avocado averages • From 2010 to 2012, Hass Avocado retail dollars grew +19% outpacing Greenskin Avocados’ trend of +7% – Hass Avocados’ 2012 average of $150.60 was more than 10 times greater than Greenskin Avocados’ $13.46 per store per week average • From 2010 to 2012, Hass Avocados retail volume grew +11% outpacing Greenskin Avocados’ trend of -17% – Hass Avocados’ 2012 average of 148.36 units was more than 10 times greater than Greenskin Avocados’ 13.20 per store per week average units • Key Highlight: Hass Avocados has greater distribution and stronger per store averages than Greenskin Avocados 10 Total U.S. – Average Selling Price per Unit In 2012, Hass and Greenskin pricing were in-line at $1.02/unit • Average pricing for over the last few years exhibited some differences – In 2010, Hass Avocados were +20% higher – In 2011, Hass Avocados were +3% higher – In 2012, Hass and Green Avocados were priced similarly • Key Insight: With similar average pricing, it does not appear that pricing is a significant sales factor (in competing against the Hass variety) 11 Total U.S. – Top 3 Selling PLUs 2012 Retail Totals for Hass versus Greenskin • The top selling Hass PLUs significantly outpaced the top Greenskin PLUs – Retail Dollars: Hass’ top three PLUs accounted for $1.3 billion versus Greenskin’s top three PLUs accounted for $58.5 million – Retail Units: Hass’ top three PLUs accounted for 1.1 billion units versus Greenskin’s top three PLUs accounted for 32.9 millions units 12 Regional Overviews 13 Greenskin Avocado Share by Region 2012 Retail Dollars and Volume • Of $69.9 million in sales, two regions(Southeast and Northeast) accounted for $52.3 million (75% of the nation’s total Greenskin Avocado retail dollars) • Of the 68.5 million units, three regions (California, Southeast and Northeast) accounted for 56.2 million units (82% of the nation’s total Greenskin Avocado retail volume) 14 Total U.S. by Region 2012 Per Store Per Week Retail Dollar Averages • California held the highest Hass Avocado and Greenskin Avocado averages • Key Highlight: Hass Avocado retail dollar averages significantly outpaced Greenskin retail dollar averages across every region 15 Total U.S. by Region 2012 Per Store Per Week Retail Volume (Unit) Averages • California held the highest Hass Avocado and Greenskin Avocado averages • Key Highlight: Hass Avocado retail dollar averages significantly outpaced Greenskin retail dollar averages across every region 16 Distribution by Region Greenskin versus Hass • Hass was sold in 100% of stores throughout every region of the U.S. • Greenskin distribution was highest in the Southeast at 95%, whereas the national average was 56% 17 California • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 1% – Retail Volume 6% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 13% – Down from 44% in 2010 • Key Highlights – While Greenskin Avocados per store trends increased, its distribution decreased – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends outpaced Hass Avocado trends, however their per store per week averages were -88% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -50% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 43 +163% 196 +148% Hass $ 374 +12% 396 +3% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insights – Hass Avocados has a larger distribution reach and higher per store averages which suggests this variety is preferred over Greenskin – While Greenskin Avocados exhibit strong trends from 2010, they are not yet close to the level that Hass Avocados hold 18 Great Lakes • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 2% – Retail Volume 2% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 43% – Up from 34% in 2010 • Key Highlights – While Greenskin Avocados per store trends increased and its distribution increased, its share of the Avocado category was very small (2%) – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends outpaced Hass Avocado trends, however their per store per week averages were -95% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -96% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 4 +34% 3 +20% Hass $ 90 +13% 90 +17% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – With almost 50% distribution and single digit per store averages, Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy 19 Midsouth • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 4% – Retail Volume 4% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 57% – Up from 49% in 2010 • Key Highlights – While Greenskin Avocados per store trends increased and its distribution increased, its share of the Avocado category was very small (4%) – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends were below the Hass Avocado trends, and their per store per week averages were -93% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 7 +8% 8 +59% Hass $ 103 +30% 111 +64% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – With more than 50% distribution and single digit per store averages, Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy 20 Northeast • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 11% – Retail Volume 9% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 86% – Up from 73% in 2010 • Key Highlights – Greenskin Avocados per store trends and distribution increased – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends were below the Hass Avocado trends, and their per store per week averages were -85% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -88% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 15 +16% 11 +4% Hass $ 102 +21% 92 +10% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – With a high level of distribution and sales trends that under perform the Hass Avocado averages, Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy 21 Plains • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 1% – Retail Volume 1% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 32% – Up from 24% in 2010 • Key Highlights – Greenskin Avocados per store trends declined while its distribution increased – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends were below the Hass Avocado trends, and their per store per week averages were -97% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -98% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 3 -33% 2 -45% Hass $ 101 +23% 82 +11% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – With single digit averages and declining sales trends, Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy 22 South Central • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 2% – Retail Volume 1% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 52% – Up from 38% in 2010 • Key Highlights – Greenskin Avocados per store trends declined while its distribution increased – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends were below the Hass Avocado trends, and their per store per week averages were -97% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -98% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 5 Hass $ 179 Retail Volume (Units) 2012 -8% +18% 10v12* 3 -18% 188 -3% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – With single digit averages and sales trends that under perform Hass Avocados, Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy 23 Southeast • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 22% – Retail Volume 20% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 95% – Leads the nation in distribution – Up from 59% in 2010 • Key Highlights – Greenskin Avocados per store trends and distribution increased – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends were below the Hass Avocado trends, and their per store per week averages were -97% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -98% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 23 +15% 16 +6% Hass $ 77 +29% 60 +30% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy • In a region that has almost 100% distribution, Greenskin Avocados hold 20-22% share of category totals, where their per store averages and trends are below that of Hass Avocados 24 West • Per Store Per Week Averages 2012 Greenskin Avocado Share of Total Category – Retail Dollars 1% – Retail Volume 1% • 2012 Greenskin Avocado Distribution = 24% – Up from 22% in 2010 • Key Highlights – Greenskin Avocados per store trends declined while distribution increased – Greenskin Avocado per store per week trends were below the Hass Avocado trends, and their per store per week averages were -98% lower than Hass Avocado retail dollars and -96% lower than Hass Avocado retail volume Retail Dollars 2012 10v12* Retail Volume (Units) 2012 10v12* Greenskin $ 7 -52% 12 -75% Hass $ 316 +21% 309 +13% * Shows change from 2010 average • Key Insight – With declining sales trends, Greenskin Avocados will require additional resources to reach the level that Hass Avocados enjoy 25 APPENDIX Retail Data Tables 26 Total U.S. and Regions Variety Share of Total Category AVOCADO CATEGORY TOTALS Retail Dollars Region California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains South Central Southeast West Total US Retail Volume (Units) 2010 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 Hass 98% 99% 98% 92% 94% 94% Greenskin 2% 1% 1% 8% 6% 6% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Hass 99% 99% 98% 99% 99% 98% Greenskin 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 2% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Hass 96% 97% 96% 97% 98% 95% Greenskin 4% 3% 4% 3% 2% 4% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% Hass 90% 89% 88% 91% 89% 88% Greenskin 10% 10% 11% 9% 9% 9% Other Varieties 0% 1% 1% 0% 2% 3% Hass 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% Greenskin 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Hass 99% 99% 98% 99% 99% 99% Greenskin 1% 1% 2% 1% 1% 1% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Hass 77% 79% 78% 78% 80% 80% Greenskin 23% 21% 22% 22% 20% 20% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Hass 99% 99% 99% 96% 97% 98% Greenskin 1% 1% 1% 4% 2% 1% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 1% Hass 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% Greenskin 5% 4% 5% 6% 4% 5% Other Varieties 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 27 Total U.S. and Regions Retail Sales Trends AVOCADO CATEGORY TOTALS Retail Dollars Region California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains Variety 10v11 Southeast West Total US 10v12 10v11 11v12 10v12 Hass +10% +3% +14% -4% +9% +4% Greenskin -37% +23% -22% -36% +16% -26% Hass +6% +8% +15% +6% +12% +19% Greenskin -3% +77% +71% -33% +129% +53% Hass +15% +16% +34% +47% +16% +70% Greenskin -16% +53% +29% -26% +158% +89% Hass +9% +12% +22% -6% +19% +11% Greenskin +12% +24% +38% -3% +28% +23% Hass +10% +11% +22% +4% +6% +10% -1% -10% -11% -27% +0% -27% Greenskin South Central Retail Volume (Units) 11v12 Hass +11% +6% +18% -12% +9% -3% Greenskin -15% +48% +26% -21% +43% +13% Hass +18% +7% +26% +9% +17% +27% Greenskin +6% +13% +21% -5% +17% +11% Hass +8% +7% +16% +3% +5% +8% Greenskin -42% -13% -49% -51% -46% -74% Hass +10% +8% +19% +0% +10% +11% -2% +21% +19% -24% +21% -8% Greenskin 28 Total U.S. and Regions Average Selling Pricing and Trends AVOCADO CATEGORY TOTALS Avg Selling Price/Unit Region California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains South Central Southeast West Total US ASP Variance 2010 2011 2012 10v11 11v12 Hass $0.87 $0.99 $0.94 +15% -5% 10v12 +9% Greenskin $0.21 $0.21 $0.22 -1% +7% +6% Category $0.81 $0.95 $0.90 +17% -5% +11% Hass $1.03 $1.04 $1.00 +1% -4% -3% Greenskin $1.15 $1.67 $1.29 +45% -23% +12% Category $1.04 $1.05 $1.01 +1% -4% -3% -21% Hass $1.18 $0.93 $0.93 -21% +0% Greenskin $1.39 $1.60 $0.95 +15% -41% -32% Category $1.19 $0.94 $0.93 -21% -1% -22% Hass $1.01 $1.17 $1.11 +16% -5% +10% Greenskin $1.20 $1.39 $1.34 +16% -3% +12% Category $1.03 $1.17 $1.11 +14% -5% +8% Hass $1.11 $1.17 $1.23 +6% +5% +11% Greenskin $1.29 $1.75 $1.57 +36% -10% +22% Category $1.11 $1.18 $1.23 +6% +5% +11% Hass $0.78 $0.98 $0.95 +26% -3% +22% Greenskin $1.47 $1.59 $1.65 +8% +3% +12% Category $0.78 $0.99 $0.96 +26% -3% +23% Hass $1.28 $1.39 $1.27 +9% -9% -0% Greenskin $1.36 $1.52 $1.48 +12% -3% +9% Category $1.29 $1.42 $1.31 +9% -7% +1% Hass $0.96 $1.01 $1.02 +5% +2% +7% Greenskin $0.31 $0.36 $0.59 +19% +62% +92% Category $0.93 $0.99 $1.01 +6% +2% +9% Hass $0.95 $1.04 $1.02 +10% -3% +7% Greenskin $0.79 $1.02 $1.02 +29% +0% +29% Category $0.94 $1.04 $1.01 +11% -2% +8% 29 Total U.S. and Regions Per Store, Per Week Averages PER STORE PER WEEK AVERAGES Retail Dollars Region California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains South Central Southeast West Total US 2010 Variety Retail Volume (Units) 2011 2012 2010 2011 2012 Hass $ 333 $ 368 $ 374 385 370 396 Greenskin $ 16 $ 32 $ 43 79 155 196 Category $ 341 $ 373 $ 381 420 392 422 90 Hass $ 80 $ 83 $ 90 77 80 Greenskin $ 3 $ 3 $ 4 3 2 3 Category $ 81 $ 84 $ 92 78 81 92 111 Hass $ 80 $ 95 $ 103 68 103 Greenskin $ 7 $ 6 $ 7 5 4 8 Category $ 83 $ 99 $ 108 70 105 116 92 Hass $ 85 $ 90 $ 102 84 77 Greenskin $ 13 $ 14 $ 15 11 10 11 Category $ 94 $ 102 $ 116 92 87 105 82 Hass $ 82 $ 90 $ 101 74 77 Greenskin $ 4 $ 4 $ 3 3 2 2 Category $ 83 $ 91 $ 102 75 77 82 188 Hass $ 152 $ 170 $ 179 195 173 Greenskin $ 6 $ 4 $ 5 4 3 3 Category $ 154 $ 172 $ 183 196 174 190 Hass $ 59 $ 72 $ 77 47 52 60 Greenskin $ 20 $ 22 $ 23 15 15 16 Category $ 77 $ 91 $ 98 60 64 75 309 Hass $ 262 $ 296 $ 316 274 294 Greenskin $ 15 $ 10 $ 7 48 28 12 Category $ 265 $ 299 $ 318 284 302 314 148 Hass $ 127 $ 141 $ 151 134 136 Greenskin $ 13 $ 13 $ 13 16 12 13 Category $ 133 $ 148 $ 159 142 142 157 30 Total U.S. and Regions Top 3 PLUs for Hass and Greenskin 2012 Retail Units Hass Greenskin Top PLUs California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains South Central Southeast West Total US 1 4225 4225 4225 4225 4225 4046 4225 4046 4225 2 4046 4046 4046 4046 4046 4225 4046 4225 4046 3 4770 4770 4770 94225 4770 4770 4770 94225 4770 1 4221 4223 4771 4771 4221 4771 4771 4223 4771 2 4771 4771 4223 4221 4223 4223 4223 4224 4223 3 4224 4221 4224 4223 4771 4221 4221 4221 4221 2012 Retail Dollars Top PLUs Hass Greenskin California Great Lakes Midsouth Northeast Plains South Central Southeast West Total US 1 4225 4225 4225 4225 4225 4225 4225 4046 4225 2 4046 4046 4046 4046 4046 4046 4046 4225 4046 3 4770 4770 4770 94225 4770 4770 4770 94225 4770 1 4221 4223 4771 4771 4221 4771 4771 4223 4771 2 4771 4771 4223 4221 4223 4223 4223 4224 4223 3 4224 4221 4224 4223 4771 4221 4221 4221 4221 31