The Glass Menagerie: Escapism Symbols Analysis

There are many symbols of escapism presented in the Glass Menagerie and each character has its own s
ymbols connected to it. The characters will, however, only ever be able to escape their '2 by 4' sit
uation for a brief moment. This essay will discuss the characters in the play and how they are linke
d to the symbols of escapism with reference to the play.
In the play Tom becomes highly pre-occupie
d with the magician and his ability to escape the coffin 'without removing a nail'. Tom's pre-occupa
tion is as a result of his desire to escape his '2 by 4' situation at home with Laura and Amanda; he
too would like to do so 'without removing a nail'. As illustrated in the end of the play, Tom is ab
le to escape his family physically. He will however always be bound to them spiritually, emotionally
and mentally.
Tom is also very close to the fire escape for most of the play and this also symboli
ses his need to escape Laura and Amanda's hold and dependency upon him. He often goes down the fire
escape to go to the movies. The movies are yet another symbol of escapism in the play in that Tom go
es there in order to escape Amanda's demands and to experience freedom and adventure. It is at the m
ovies that Tom is able to relax and think most clearly.
Laura finds solace in her glass menagerie o
f animals as she is physically impaired and she is socially retarded. Laura has been shy and withdra
wn since she was young and hence she has never known anything else. At one point in the play the rea
der believes that she may be able escape when Jim kisses her. The reader then realises that she will
only be thrown back into her withdrawal and her innocence has been shattered.
Laura's favourite an
imal is her unicorn because it is also very different and unique as she is.
When the unicorn'
s horn breaks after Laura and Jim bump into the table while they are dancing, it symbolises that she
will never be the same again and she will never escape her life trapped in the apartment with her m
other. Laura is imprisoned by her own shyness. If she had perhaps had more money she may have been a
ble to escape because she could possibly have had pretty clothes and better treatment. Furthermore A
manda would probably have been more calm and less complicated had the family had more money and Laur
a probably would have been less fussed about.
Amanda's obsession with the past is represented by th
e yellow jonquils and here yellow frock, these symbols of escapism refer to a time when Amanda was t
he happiest. The jonquils and the frock symbolise a life filled with gentleman callers, excitement a
nd happiness. They also symbolise a time when Amanda was with her husband. Amanda is restricted by h
er obsession with the past. It is because of her obsession that Amanda will never be able to escape
her situation. Unfortunately Amanda is incapable of letting go of the past and is imprisoned by it.
She will therefore be too pre-occupied with the past to escape the present.
The yearbook also symb
olises escape for Jim. The year book shows him as a glorious, popular and prosperous person. When Ji
m visits Laura, he uses her memory of him and the year book to escape how meaningless and unsuccessf
ul he has become. Jim does however seem the most likely to escape out of all the characters. The fat
her's photograph and the magician's coffin are the two symbols of true escape. Only the magician and
the father were able to escape their difficult situations 'without removing a nail' or without any
The candelabrum is yet another symbol of escape in the play. The candelabrum symbolises
a good life for Amanda. The exciting story behind the candelabrum takes Amanda back to the past to
a life of excitement. Through the candelabrum Amanda escapes back to the past as well as shows peopl
e that she once did lead a life of wonder and happiness.
The characters are able to escape the hars
h reality of their lives but their escape is only momentary. Tom, who attempted an escape from Laura
and Amanda, does manage to escape his family physically but he remained connected to them spiritual
ly, emotionally and mentally and never truly escapes his '2 by 4' situation. This can be seen when T
om says, "Oh, Laura, Laura, I tried to leave you behind me, but I am more faithful than I intended t
o be!" The only two characters in the play who managed to escape are the magician and the father. Th
e other characters will, however, remain imprisoned forever.
there many symbols escapism presente
d glass menagerie each character symbols connected characters will however only ever able escape the
ir situation brief moment this essay will discuss characters play they linked symbols escapism with
reference play play becomes highly occupied with magician ability escape coffin without removing nai
l occupation result desire escape situation home with laura amanda would like without removing nail
illustrated able family physically will however always bound them spiritually emotionally mentally a
lso very close fire most this also symbolises need laura amanda hold dependency upon often goes down
fire movies movies another symbol escapism that goes there order amanda demands experience freedom
adventure movies that able relax think most clearly laura finds solace glass menagerie animals physi
cally impaired socially retarded been withdrawn since young hence never known anything else point re
ader believes that when kisses reader then realises only thrown back into withdrawal innocence been
shattered favourite animal unicorn because also very different unique when unicorn horn breaks after
bump into table while they dancing symbolises never same again never life trapped apartment mother
imprisoned shyness perhaps more money have been because could possibly have pretty clothes better tr
eatment furthermore would probably have more calm less complicated family more money probably would
less fussed about obsession past represented yellow jonquils here yellow frock these refer time when
happiest jonquils frock symbolise life filled gentleman callers excitement happiness they symbolise
time husband restricted obsession past because obsession situation unfortunately incapable letting
past imprisoned therefore occupied present yearbook symbolises year book shows glorious popular pros
perous person visits uses memory year book meaningless unsuccessful become does however seem most li
kely characters father photograph magician coffin true only magician father were their difficult sit
uations without removing nail attachments candelabrum another symbol candelabrum good life exciting
story behind candelabrum takes back excitement through escapes back well shows people once lead wond
er happiness harsh reality their lives momentary attempted from does manage family physically remain
ed connected them spiritually emotionally mentally truly escapes this seen says tried leave behind f
aithful than intended managed father other remain imprisoned foreverEssay, essays, termpaper, term p
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